Thomas Schnell, Ph.D. Captain Jim “MAX” Gross Chair in Engineering 3131 Seamans Center
[email protected] University of Iowa 319 631 4445 Iowa City, Iowa 52242 EDUCATION Institution Dates Attended Major Degree Date Awarded Ohio University 6/94 – 6/98 IE Ph.D. 6/98 Ohio University 8/92 – 6/94 IE M.S. 6/94 Univ. of Applied Sciences 8/87 – 4/92 EE B.S. Dipl. 4/92 Bern, Switzerland ACADEMIC POSITIONS HELD University Position Dates Main Courses Taught USAF Test Pilot School Human Systems Lecturer 2019-Present Human Systems Integration University of Iowa Captain Jim “MAX” Gross 07/18-Present Chair in Engineering Center for Computer Associate Director 09/18- Present Aided Design Center for Computer Director of Program 10/06- 2018 Aided Design Development The University of Iowa Professor, IE, EE, Neurology 05/16-present see below The University of Iowa Associate Professor 4/04 – 05/16 Ergonomics, Senior Design Projects, Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Airborne Design of Experiments, Human Factors in Aviation The University of Iowa Assistant Professor 8/98 - 4/04 Ergonomics, Senior Design Projects, Airborne Design of Experiments, Human Factors in Aviation Ohio University Research Engineer 2/94 - 1/99 Human Factors Ohio University Research Assoc. 8/92 - 2/94 Human Factors Asst. Univ. of Applied Sciences Lecturer 12/97 - 12/97 Human Factors Bern, Switzerland 12/96 - 12/96 Human Factors 1 Thomas Schnell Curriculum Vitae January 2019 INDUSTRIAL POSITIONS HELD Company Position Dates Rockwell Collins Consultant 6/01 - present APP Informatik AG Software Engineer 1/90 - 8/92 Ascom Bern Software Engineer 6/88 - 1/90 Ascom Bern Electronics Designer 4/87 - 6/88 Ascom Bern Electronics Apprentice 4/83 - 4/87 SCIENTIFIC AND PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES 1.