Joseph Parry, formerly of No. 24, Liqnorpond-street, John Madle, late of Willingall Spain, near Chipping1, , and now of No. 1, Northumberland terrace, Essex, General-shop Keeper.—In the Debtors, Prison Bagnigge Wells-road, at same time -for about a month for London and . renting premises and canning on business at No. 56, Jacob Horton, late of Cowbridge, Glamorgan, Inn Keeper. Leather-lane, Holborn, all in Middlesex, Cheesemonger —In the Gaol of Cardiff. and General Dealer in Provisions. Richard William Cousens, late of No. 20, Wind-street, Edward Matthew Duplan (known and sued as Edward Swansea, Glamorgan, Watch and Clock Maker and Jew- Duplan), of No. 22, Warwick-street, , Middlesex, eller.—In the Gaol of Cardiff. Grocer, Licensed to S^ll Tea and British Wines, and Thomas Knowles the younger, late of Hudson-street, Pres- occasionally letting lodgings. ton, Lancaster, Reporter.—In the Gaol of Lancaster. Edward Hewer, formerly of No. 6, Britannia-row, , James Waring, late of Haulgh, near Bolton-le-Moors, Lan- part of the time Chemist and Druggist, and afterwards caster, out of business.—In the Gaol of Lancaster. Surgeon, then of No. 8, Brudenell-place, New North- Benjamin Hill, late of Lime Kiln-lane, Liverpool, Lancas- road, Hoxton, then of No. 38, Brudenell-place aforesaid, ter, out of business.—In the Gaol of Lancaster. Surgeon, then in lodgings at No. 39, Buckland-street, Jeremiah Clare, late of Hollinwood, near Manchester, Lan- New North-road, Hoxton, out of business or employ, cashire, Grocer's Assistant.—In the Gaol of Lancaster. then of No. 36, Bookham-street, Iloxton, all in Middlesex, John Cooper, late of Hazlehurst, near Ashton-under-Lyne, out of business or employ, and now of No. 84, Norfolk- Lancaster, Manager of a Cotton Mill.—In the Gaol of street, Sheffield, York, Assistant to a Surgeon. Lancaster. James Edward Morgan (known as J. E. Morgan, and sued Edward Holmes, late of No. 140, Stock-street, Cheetham, as James £. Morgan), of No. 12, London-road, South- Manchester, Lancaster, Fish Curer and Fruiterer.—In wark, Surrey, Furniture Dealer and 1/icenred Appra'ser. the Gaol of Lancaster. Francis Bathurst, formerly of No. 3, York-street, Kings- Thomas Gillatt, late of Saint James'-row, Sheffield, York, land-road, Middlesex, Carpenter and Undertaker, and Bone, Haft and Scale Cutter.—In the Gaol of Sheffield. now of No. 42, Buckland-street. Saint John's-road, Ralph Idle, late of Raven's Wharf, near Dewsbury, York, Hoxton, Middlesex, Carpenter and Undertaker. Journeyman Woollen Spinner.—In the Gaol of York. John Sellers, late of Foundry-street, Halifax, York, out of N.B.— 1. Any creditor may attend and give business.—In the Gaol of York evidence and produce witnesses. Opposition can Samuel Holt, late of Fairy-lane, Higher Broughton, Man- only be made by the Creditor in person, or by chester, Lancaster, out of business.—In the Gaol of Lan- caster. Counsel appearing for him. Charles Oldham, late of Levenshulme, Manchester, Lan- 4 caster, out of business.—In the Gaol of Lancaster. 2. The petition and schedule, and nil books, John Greenwood, late of Popplewell, near Halifax, York, papers, and writings tiled, will bo produced by the Cattle Jobber.—In the Gaol of York. proper Officer for inspection and ex ami no. lion iinti! Jonathan Shaw, late of George-street, Huddersfield, York, two clear days befory the hearing. Whitesmith, Plumber and Gas Fitter.—In the Gaol of York. Richard Anderson, late of Southtown, Exmoutb, Devon, out 3. Creditors' assignee may be chosen according of business.—In the Gaol of Devon. to the Statute. William Jaques, late of Knackersknowle, Saint Burdeaux, near Plymouth, Devon, Toll-gate Keeper.—In the Gaol 4. Persons indebted to the said Insolvent of Devon. Debtors respectively, or having any of their < fleets, John Jaques, late of Knackersknowle, Saint Burdeaux, near are to pay and deliver the same to the Official Plymouth, Devon, Toll-gate Collector.—la the Gaol of Devon. Assignee being the Provisional Assignee of the John Henry Beardsmore, late of the Railway Arcade Hotel, Court, at the said Court and to no other person. in Neville-street and Westgate-street, Newcastle-upon- Tyne, Licensed Victualler.—In the Gaol of Newcabtle- upon-Tynp. COURT FOR RELIEF OF George Walkt-r, late of Mirfield, York, out of business.— In the Gaol ot York. D Eli TO US. George Clayton, late of Shipley, near Bradford, York, out of business.—In the Gaol of York. Saturday the 27th day of September, 18,56. Alfred Barlow, late of Farm-street, Birmingham, Warwick, Gun Furniture and Hair Trigger Maker.—In the Gaol of AN ASSIGNEE has been appointed in the fol- Warwick. lowing Case. Further particulars may be William Harris, late of No. , -grove, Vauxhall- learned at the Office, in Portugal- Street, road, Birmingham, Warwick, out of business.—In the Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, on giving the number of Gaol of Warwick. Henry Harrison, late of No. 83, Carver-street, Birmingham, the Case. Warwick, Engraver and Printer.—In the Gaol of War- Henrv Durham Stevenson, late of Cn>w Tree-terrace, wick. Bishop Wearmouth, Durham, Dealer in lams, Insolvent, Thomas Croft, late of Hunt End, Feckenham, Worcester, No. 83,124 C.; George LougMon, Assignee. Needle Manufacturer.—In the Gaol of Warwick. Francis Benoni, Smith, late of Saint Vincent-street, Bir- mingham, Warwick, Accountant.—In the Gaol of War- wick. COURT FOR RELIEF OF INSOLVENT Edmund CraLb, late of No. 2, Orchard-lane, Southampton, DEBTORS. Pickle and Sauce Manufacturer.—In the Gaol of South- ampton. Saturday the 27th day of September, 1856. Stephen Fromow, late of Timber-hill-street, Norwich, Cattle Dealer and Salesman.—In the Gaol of Norwich. ORDERS have been made, vesting in the Pro- Augustine Podeste, late of Cheapside, Burnley, Lancaster, visional Assignee the Estates and Effects of the Licensed Hawker.—In the Gaol of Lancaster. following Persons : John Nicholson, late of Bentley, near Beverley, York, out of business.— In the Gaol of York. On their own Petitions. Frederick Armstrong, late of Framilode, Gloucester, out of business.—In the Gaol of Gloucester. Andrew Ross, late of No. 10, Philpot-lane, Tower-street, city of London, Ship Broker.—In the Debtors' Prison for London and Middlesex. Jeremiah Sankey, late of No. 90, Frederick-street, Cale- COURT FOR RELIEF OF INSOLVENT donian-road, , Middlesex, Timber Dealer.—In DEBTORS. tue Debtors' Prison for London and Middlesex. Francis George Lovell, late of No. 5, Weymouth-terraee, See Notice at the End. Hackney-road, Middlesex, Commission Agent.—In the 4 The following PRISONERS, whose Estates and Debtors Prison for London and Middlesex. William Henry Phillips, late of , , Surrey, Effects have been vested in the Provisional Eng'u eer. —In the Debtors' Prison for London and Mid- Assignee by Order of the Court for Relief of dlese:. Insolvent Debtors, and whose Petitions and Will am S aw, late of No. 2, Bird's-cottages, Old Ford, Schedules, duly filed, have been severally re- M'.d lesex, Pig Dealer.—In the Debtors' Prison for L-m on and Middlesex. ferred and transmitted to the County Courts Tlioin: s Lowis, late of No. 3, Winter-terrace, Horsetnonger- hereinafter mentioned, pursuant to the Statute lan', Surrey, Engineer.—In the Queen's Prison. in that behalf, are ordered to be brought up