i """", . . , TtfE WOULD; FRrDKrfeVENlNGtilJalSy ?fe'kM itiftil THIRL FOB ARSON. DID HE LQE TWO WIDOWS?' SO PLICE FOB LEAYCRAFT. BROOKLYN BENEFITS, OASPERFE-L- & CO., Mt'CdKl SOUS Tf ji5 sum mams Sisor ' "m Charged with Firing His Firm's Startling Allegations Against tho "Willis Mon Claim tp Havo De- CASPERFELD CLEVEMD, By Every Suggestion for Its Good Piano Faotory. Late Dr. Sweeney, feated His Appointment Made by Its Citizens. BOW'ERY ..... L. 144 144 ' Nii.'Jf -t. TO-MORRO- mi'st hum: or stkhp.t. mtAMi i:i.i:vati:ii station. W Evidence or the Firemen, Who Sirs. Kiito Sweeney Dcolnrcs That Moth Republican Kivctlont Id Ilrook- will offer (SATURDAY) of Charges nro wo found Slsni Incemllurlim. the Slnndcraus. lyn Clulm IJIrltett. For the Best Improvement Idea Thcxo nro tho wutohoM ninko :i specialty of: ' There Is $20 in Gold. COLD IHlXrt.Ntl WATflllFS HTI'.Vt COt.lt ntt.VRR HUNTI.VI WATCHKFI, GKX. Beautify! WIMIr'lt, AMI IttCA.S MOV I MKNf. LLlllS O nine Amcrli in moteuirul, Llgm or Wettl.atn, 400 Spring Overcoats. The trial of John 1. Huner, of 1314 Harden Mrs. Kate Henry Sweeney, widow ot tbe lllrkett, according to the Ull VVVLTIISM. I'ASM I HASI.l) AND 1..N- - leiii.Mlmler, 'J. 1 Ex.senator James UHAVI.il. Ui:.MLl.Mi:.'.1. 12 ptrcet, Hoboken, on n charge ot arson, Was lato l)i. James Svvccncv, a n latest phase ot tbc local Republican squabble fOI.ll ittt.vnit I.ADV'.S watch, STEM T ADII'S'ROt.IIHlOI.DIUJ.VIINtl WVTtHIUS. J. "InileraiiiS litter. torl Iwijuq toloro Justice Ingrnhain In phvslclan of llllamsburg nnd a member ot In l'rooklyii, is now claimed as an ally by J breillfiiltjri.bAPi..taniii.tirraved,eleH.i.liiiler) Hour Pick for S9.5D Can't Be Matched for Less than SIS. Oyei anaiennlnor. tho UrooMyn Hoard of Eduiatlon, was very both Nathan and Willis Slany Kxccllent Suggestions Ilnvo kUIn t.r allium morcmonl, U. A Ml.tl COIN . MIATIl IIOV'.I WATCH, tbe faction. Mlnd" ni indignant ir AIIII'S' SOLID (iOI.il ll ,"""""' "m Top-Coat- 9 Mr. Huner li the iinnaser for Huner $ Co., at tho published reports A new element ot uncertainty has Just been Already Been llccelved. Fompry Cais'.mcro i, i59.fl1. 1J lluntlnff.rese vatchre, beautlrull ebaeeil aud ihrlTi'"''' ljj WB ruanutneturera of pianos at .'OS, ."07 and nou that her late husband was bigamist. At Introduced Into tho controversy by the an- . nitraenil, i0. Nlt.VFIl (HINT'S 1IUMIV0 CABr. 125 Lotielou Covert Cloth Cuat, box stylo, 9.o0. c . bcr home. 11 de- We3l'lhlrtMlxtu street, tuU It.:. At a a. 'lioutman street, she said to an nouncement Secretary Foster has I V Watch. winder C. Tmi-Cunt- 'B that ASOI.ll) H.CAftAT (lOl.t). It.t.ED VVAtCIl, tm andaelier, for I&O Drcts suvcrnl slintlos, i'XM. )t;jH m Mt.rcu 1U, lsuo, u llio occurred In tlio UvrttiMi Wom.D reporter: cided not to appoint rt Warden Lea). elltlor I.Uhl nr Wattliaiu : .'I.jearuuiranloe! A FOt.tD OOLII f.AIJV'rt 100 Cns3lniora nil Dr. llrooklynltcs aro certainly Intt rested In nun winder ami cller, with a WATCH. IIIUHTI. Nonvnlk Suits, fb.vlos. 913. Usually solil for 418. iuctery dnlnj dninnijo to tlio amount of "'Ihebtorj that Swccner bad a wlfo i ran to tlio vacant Assistant AppraUcrsblp ftorelH iV. Inlly rhjind an 1 cniiiarrii, kteut winder au 1 They uro responding In n prorer 175 HiuiiHoiiio All. Wool Cheviot nuil Cassliuero Stilts, all 1D. Otben, , (J.UH4. 1 ot thlnK'-inn- tin; llvlnx when he married mo Is a Ho rrom be- - In tLo custom-llous- e. their city. color,. he condition pe A POI.UK.OM VITH MIX. ""'"' '.l!''.4."!. 'jH 1 to Tun Kvkmno Wuku.'s lequest frr HOMO ( nro solllug sluillar Stilts for iC 5). culiar en r.iclcr (f the tire cxciud tho isusrl-clo- n gtunlng to end. know tbo doctor sent Iro Naval oniccr Willis and Klcctlon Commls. spirit nto cirraorah. hea. j caeee. rr A HHV JIEVV It AUAT OOMI 'AaH Im- A Lajf I ax. Watcli, I suggestions maybcnelll tbem l lllieu.orrment, an accurate llnicr, eOJ.OO. IV tluntlnv luiul.oml Wo enn tlio Kuitv we or I'lre Mnrsuiil Mitchell, with tlio life. have hU complete blstorr In type- -' sloncr Worth letl Washington last week that rliasel and e'lerareit. ttem winder an.l letter, wtth rocointnctiil tlio Overcoats nnd because made thom. W $M that .in indictment won fitind nirattist wilt ten manuscript, nnd I know tbat bo hippy with tbo promise of appointment, proving tbo iltynnd adding to lis beautlis. A (IKMIINi: i:. IIOWAftl) A () . WATCH, the aenulno vVellham Match Lomuanr caae anal only mlvcrtiso vvlmt wo can fulQll lo tbo letter Honest goods at lionest prices it ou the many .li. Willi ll.carat eolld aold caee, tor 4.S.t)J. taoveuient, for iil, Wood-fcr- has said byonecinlrlbutortbat I JlaniKcr Huner. llu wai arretted un June never lived with an) vrnmai until ho tuarrlul blnco then Mr. Nathan, Gen. fclovvarl I. d it been motto, lleing big iiinmifncturors. we claim tint wo ran sell hotter ClothlnJ for leu 4H ot tbo suggested improvements bavo really ua o. unci iclcased In S,000 tall. inc. ami others' havo been hustling, nnd It is Wc give n written guaranteo with every watch tor six years ; if money tlian any Heaily-Mnil- o Clotlilug Store tu Xow l'orlc City. Bring tbls adyer-- ' 3 I been provided tor bylaw, but the law is a H laivjcr Nllllnin I'. Ilono appeared lor don't know on) thing about these pcoplo saldbave finally succeeded In thwarting tbe tiBcinent with jou. Wotncrtn busiuevs. 1 DnWft Lcsy-rra- Ho much desirable that not as represented money will be refunded. ujtf. nn.l Dlstilct.Anornev who claim that Dr. Sweeney has another pjrposes .f tho Willis people, to whom tt dead letter., moie TH f i .10 people. A j tn obluliiid lu a Lo suggested iai wlaow living, but 1 suppose tbe woman is would prove nn Invaluable ally. tbo Improvements should I mviiKirttimc. order tbo I4-Car- at 'not, W.i uji 1 ot Krijlnc Com any soins adventuress. Kr.Scnator will, is de- nnd rcsuggested In that Solid Cold Cor Turquoiso, Seal and at, lllrkett it cxpc'.ed, may tieil eJlliat oiithe nuirilPiio. "M.trcli in ho "1 am sntliiied to let the case go to tbo clare hlrnselt shoitlj.and blsjvnnounccment leth irglo condition or the administration Initial Rings. Also Solid Cold Woddlng Rings, 14 y Vrt3 tJili-- in a tin- - .it llum-- i h piano aroused to laclon. ccurU. It rrools tnu be bbown tbat my hus- is awaited b Ibo factions vv Ith much Interest. be disturbed and tbo aulhoiltles 'ilifd-Ai- wc i la unit witratiio ttlta somcthlug tor tbo and 18 carats, a spocialty. Also an ologant assort- EMPIRE CL0THIJl COMPANY, 1 reeel tMtuac-c- . band bad another wlfo 1 shall satlsrted, Interesting of tho necessity ot doing be but ' A most outcome tbc primary - fou-- d are. Even-- I ment of Ladies' and Cents' .Solid Cold Chains. un riuuiltn; in- n lire In the nnice on ilia" I am prove. Twcntj-evcnt- h people whose servants they The 1 stue tber will not be able to election in tbe new Ward, Mile I ildlnir, was ex- ' troucat ui the which " My lawyer, Mr. (Julgle), of ttrccnpolnt, Is wbcro hey jailed to name delegates to tbe imi World will present a (loin Dorian Evolk Open HVKXIMis mull B.nrti STt!ltl)AVS mull 10 HP. tinguished, and l.ell.uu sinned tipMnlrs to person t.uggovllon tu second 'i lie aror. or In Albany, and when ho return.! 1 will placo Clcnerat Committee, Is that both tactions to tho who makes tbe best 'M llui. luuii, would nro 176 AND t7G , nt oen, Hud liaMGp; called tor help, lie m) casn In his hands When tbo truth Is claim tho victory. Moieover, each gives In this regard. All suggestions Hmltid to ' raiseJ ibedopr. no tumid in.it u piano oaso UOOuordi and must bo addressed to Urook-lv- n on proven the promoters ot this slander may be plausible reasons to substantiate tboaigu-men- t. in brief.1 Between Spring and Broome Sts, Opposite Delancay Si. j Bad e'ojj tliedocr. tor what they have done." birROvrviENT Euitor, The Evenimi jfVlann The room was lull or rmoke. and the wit- serr) SIlYk" Brothers. Mir. Sweeney dltd at his home on North o New York. i ness sturud for the icllui, whcie he found war Is ou. Would, Hex !!,334, Mxih strict heb. is. ills lunernl was one or Tbo still . srr.tNO our ttto pl'esoi lumber nbl.ip, and etlngiilsLcd These arc someot the suggestions received i coon fine ovf.rcoatr. thelirj.st ever been In the EaMtrn District. Sidney Lowell, lawyer and member r.t lue OOiOUi tbalirc. Ibeie was ii sin e about icet 'I ttniinooDs. odds.sues 33 to tlia bo board of hdtuatlon bad Just compleied Fac o! tbo local branch of from tbc lumber l ltib, with i.o c.ldeuce ot a lnndiouiely prepared of condo ciitlye ccniiulttce Notable Occurrences in tho City 10 lOR.MCltl.V HOLD AT eiS nsolutions Antt-Hll- T.lbrnry nnd Art lire in it. li'i.ie to be sent to tho doctor's widow when ' tho l League, baa resigned in a huff. tlallrrtl AND 819. lleturnlng to tbe oftlce. he lound two boles 1 bo movement, was originally c. II. v. A publlo library nnd art gallery tliebtnteinentsut u Lanslngburg merchant, which started of Churches. - tlio floor, thought Con- frir nn riNK LNni.tsit TOP OVKU- thrown wlil.li be Hero i nines S. Mobnes, caused them to with- to protest ngalnst tbe Midwinter would help tho City ot churches wonderfully. "fAHEYEP".! A RIDLEYS' burned. nujiulty oi material sruuLid vention and was locally dubbed tbo VlJlUUl COATS, TAN. DRAD, flROWK. badly i hold the resolutions. Mr. Mobnes, It Is said, later Mra.fa. tut not Uuma mi alleges Dr. Sweeney was " Countr Democracr,' was substantially .S;irfn.t li.. KKlthLV.s, IION'KST TKlMMfct). corrob-cta- u that married in 'llmothy j.S6iu, another fireman, twenty-liv- e aided Mr. Ivvell. Tho leason lor bH Jfnb and Mat Wo might have tho streets Stamped on a Sha3 Wm , Albany some cars ago. br n OOfl RCHNAllhL'S MNF.RT KERSEY d LfOnaru'n teiilnionj 1 Is given out as a quarrel I'nrrtgrrtptu That Photograph fin one clibd sain to have been tho fruit of hasty withdraw al sprinkled onco In a while to keep tbo dust PjCU.UUi OVMtCUAT.S, IX ALL bllADEfl, I'litMp Voorneeb, of the Hie Patrol, tcstliled Dr. betweon himself and Henry Yonge, another belongs. , N, Y. be to that mnirlai;e, and Sweeney having lelt where It Dav' Illctory. Al means Standard of Merit. that wni sent natch the utuMins atiout tills vvlttf shortly after the marriage tbe child, naive, member, 'ibe caue. It is further . 9 u'cloelc on the moirilnp t it antl-11- 1 I.Vrrtrir Strre' l.iijMUm. iV theme. uglrl, was adopted by Mr. Mobnes, and has slated, vvns Mr. Yongo's pronounced PQ MENU FINE ODD SUITS, BIZFS tmilinieshjil b. en out of 11 ns In a 11R00XI.TMTE Wo would suggest a better Jlfl cut tbe grow n to womanhood under bis care. It Is in scntlmenn. expressed card vPOiUUi 33 TO 13. HOODH USUALLY SOLD Hwt and that tbehilcs wue not burned. tbe Interests of child Mr. Mobnes printed tor public distribution and bearing way ot lighting tho streets ot our largo and MEM'S FURNISHINGS. an this tbat : Cntisht a Stable Buratlar. AT 815 TO :0. inu witness mido examination of the Ilrooklyn. the tollowing legend city. W by not by electricity ' carro to beuutltul ISO nrook- - Men's Calf H-toi- cellar, and found two barrels hale tilled Willi report PEMOCBATR, Louis fcchrleber, of , MrN'8 FtNE CASS1- - l ehulu-- , Another lias It tbat, while a student ENROttl Jlapitl nnd srirrra. CIO nn straw and between tLc two piles of at the Albany Medical College, Dr. Sweeney If roa ere oppoeod to IllllUm I transit lyn, vras arrested on butter avonuo at 4 OIUiUU. MERE SUITS YOUIl CHOICE OF doz. (m lumber bad on von terllTt McMancb, Maujcr I think 200 Fine Imported Half that been Me. 'llio contents lormcd tbe acquaintance of a joung girl If ereottiiosed to tile McKlnlfr TnoMis .street. 'o'clock charged having HU.NDltKD SUITS. THE o, the barrels vere paitiall) burned. ' If joa ero oiipoeed to the free coinaceof ellter I a tbH morning with HVh whom be was forced to marry by girl's Brooklyn needs improved rapid transit nnd j Hose, comprising Mode and Shoes. '1 be otovo wa. full oi coal which ho was the Yoa ehoulu be repreventel et the Deiaocretle burgtailzidtbe Slnble of .lobn H. Ott. fi'."J IltST VALUE WE HAVE YET felt father, after w bleb be was show n tbc door. ConveDtlon et IStlJ. belter sewer si stem than It has. certain had not becnra tire. '1 be tnds ot the Hfreouee Mer3l. I'.astern Parkway, und stolen a sot otlurnees. OI I Kit 1. 1. Lisle, Un- Alter tbe war. In vvbleli bo served, Dr. llceduartttre. 44 Court etreet. Open from 8.30 .1 Qnartrt itf Siingetivn, Ho possession when Tan. Cotton and biles ot lumber Mere foui tier, he thought. A M. 10 M. Cell or eeod for had the harness lu bis ' TIII1 IS THE KIIOE for FIT nt Sweeney bettlcdln Williamsburg, and In 1R00 tu r. enrollment I CIK MEN'S HOMESPUN SUITS. j stote-plp- e sug- On i fieui tbo stove, and tbe tan In it was Miss Henry, blenk. II. W. DENZLhR, 3U.i fcackctt btlcet urrestcd. vpiUiUUf Fancy Stripe's and VI'..ll. TACKI.K8.-- nn.l PERFfOTI.T 'lB m married to Kate at the riir.uKn, MtxruREs. ihauo. bleached, direction aw.tr in ilr lumber, lie round ( htircb ot tbo Visitation, Iter. Father McCabo Hero Is what Mr. Lowell had to say tbls gest 1st, a tew water-tone- which wo ueid HMOIITII 1NSIDK. THIS IS NOT A t3H only piano-case- s In the building. Smith Doivtl. NALH. HROADWAY ASKS 10. J'VM lour ofllelatln. morning: very yd, do away with that nuisance Court Crier Novelties in Black and HACIIINi:, but a IIANII.NEWIiD WELT lib) tesitmony was onsbaken or or ' much; William V. bmllb, Court Crier of tbo United suits, " Without tbo consent knowledge ot tho tr ,l,n mtttll!. tl, rrpnm nf tnrtor wnrLsnn On nn w'R mxkst thicot 5iioi;. Kxccutlve committee Mr. Yonge Issued that Slulcs Circuit Court, died nt his home, UM 0UUU. ALSO IN WORMTF.DS. White, . Aislitam Klro Marshal Frank testified : I j SPIRITUALIST CARROLL ILL. no;, u near ; also c!o:o up tbo r'H card. HlllUm Is ns some people think, Ninth street the canal a. U3 BO, vlaltnl miner's piano lactory Sunday mom-ln- De Knlb avenup, Hrookls n, ot pneunip-nl- WE FIT ALL WlAl'FS, TO STOUT, MEN'S CALF HAND- - uUnellko burglary. I am oppoied to tbat canal : 3d, collect ashes nt night Instead of M.il ch 10, 1 bill), nud made a tliorrugh line about HUllsm." Mr. smith bas been connected vvllh the SL'M, t.ONO AND SHOUT examination of the memoes. 1 no Was Near DomnterlHl'zn.tlon in daytlmo: ith, let tno Park commits! iners IIOVV LO.NU PANTS iour.il Here, alto, is what Mr. Lowell said to an make anew entrance to Prospect P.ukat clcrk'sofnea or tbo I nlled btatis DUtrlct SUITS. nOYS' SHORT SEWED WELT OnMicd planes In the bjlldlug.and only thiee Kv i ago tor tvv i nt live ) i PANTS NOVELTfES IN KILTS 19c. reporter a tew daj s court ais. AND pair, Ppook Priot3H3 fctryker'o Homo. kmno out Ninth street and Mstn avenue, which would bUlK StST or tour cases." the movement In wblcu bo was tbo very JERSEYS LXTP.A PANTS. WITH BOY'S Marshal Gccrgo D. very HI Improve tbat bectln much. IS Mitchell Carroll, who has been l'lre testltlel tbat bo ventral figure: ' Stenllnp; n Wagon, BUtT NOVEL! tUS.1 HATH TlbUed tbe bulldlnc tbe Mon lay tollon log tbe by u l.aih. Accused of ItOlb' AND FUR. with heart trouble superinduced by a severe "Is tbe Democracy against Hill and bis lhete.lrc was tor Jury NISHINCS. 6 pair for SI.OO; fire and made a map ot tbe premises. Tbe domination, is wbat our movement means. S. I suggest moro intelligent men to bold Michael Mahon held the Urand RUAI, 6U of 11 cold nt the house ot Medium Tannte B. Stri- VAI.UIi. C'K.TS PAIR. cist of tbe remainder testimony was In order to tbrottlo tbe party and all opposi-- I ; In tbo Ilutlcr Street Court, Ilrooklyn, tbls a blrtj-secon- onice than wo bavo now fewer liquor saloons iMtnsiiNT nor tun intended to show that tho tire could not ker, 340 West 1 d street, Is better Hon, bo called convention. We to Erritv hao that notorious to our no joung girls parading' morning cbaracd with having stolen n wagon TOMKIl. caui(bl irom tbc store. though be Is still confined to bis room have at heart, and will preserve, the inter--' ruin joutb; 7."i 11. Donobue, fill 1 be ts on. valued at from Charles LADIES' SHOES, HOYS' SHOES. MKN'S Ridley & cate still To In spiritualistic phrase, he came ests of the Democratic party. A man'3 party, our streets at nlgbt ; clean streets and less bcabilDg bticeu Edward Sons, stato It religion, should Natu- SHOES. , like his elevato him. rtcklcss driving ; no bad literature corrupt- POET WHITMAN'S WILL. very near being euiaterlallzed. rally tbo name ot Cleveland comes to our or ing the minds young men and bojs. treat- with to N. Y. Mr. Carroll wtll bo remembered as tho onco lips. He did every thing for bis party. Olve Chnreed V?aijU L 309. 311, 311K 321 Grand St., ing gambling, low Ideas, causlngtben parents avenue, MEN'S PANTS prtsperous stntloner to fashionables In Union us another Cleveland. We don't want Hill. borrow and disrespect; a decent ivalltug-ioo- Lorcnz Horn, of y0 cilcnmorc It Gives H:s Estate to Relatives and We will not be locked In a box and delivered Is u disgrace to ourcltj to Htookljn, bas caused the nrrcst of Jacob fc.quare, ot tbo firm of Dempsey Carroll. He over by at tbn bildcc. It Karnes Lltomrp him." havo foreigners and strangers thluk that we nn chargu of having stolen (ISO OlJlOUi MEN'S FINE OARSIMF.RE PANTS. r mm Exocutors. became a spiritualist and Mrs. strykcr was e Host tbo would buvo hinli rooms. from tbe money-drawe- r Hi tho complainant's i.rrr.Af TO Tw" FYrvivi .i-n tils lav orlte medium, she married tbo spirit Siolil thn ftnbtittth, store. In I,.CE, nUTTON and CONGRESS vSSsl Caxdex, N. J., April R Ibo will ot tbo lato BROOKLYN GOaSIP. t(ff cDiUUl MEN'S FANCY STRIPED rANTS. csbrnH of bis dead son, Clifford Cntroll, to another E. 11. The great i st law-boo-k In the world Whitman b'as Ar-al- Wait been offered for probate spirit whom she calltd " Bright Kycs," end . Supt. Cnmobell on Duty VKN'S FINE DERBY HATS, Mil, Thomas P. Atkinson is n policeman, Is tbo lllble. Let therefore Ilrooklyn, tbo CO Kn In the Surrogate's onico of Camden County. Inter she announced tho Urtn ot u spirit but I'ollco HupU Patrick Campbell rcturnolto OtlOUi LEU, DUNLAP OU KNOX Hay-de- city of churches, abide by Its laws. I think ordering all bis Just debts and babe to this ethereal couple. may not be long. Police Commissioner n bis desk Ilro. klyn Police Headquarters Alter luncral a very way to Improve Ilrooklyn would bo at MIAI'ES. expenses to bo tho stater bequeaths (irandpa Carroll looted tbo bills for will interrogate Mr. Atkinson on next the host looking well nnd happy. He has CAUTION. We have raid ti mateilal "spiritual" wedding party at Mrs. Let only druggists this inrmlng lN'Oa- tluy regard to to honor tbe bnbbuth. Old Comfort, Vn. Hnmplm of Clolblnc and Mraeare l.OQO to his bister, Mrs. Mary Van - stryker's bouse, at d celebrated tbo birth of trial In tho lattcr's absenco '1 been recuperating at l'olnt ' keep their stores open on Sunday. nut Is t any no branch stores. sis- bis granddaughter bj a christening from drill yesterday. Mr. Atkinson a ntaitke mailed addrree. 9 Hand, ot Greenport, K. Y.; 1,000 to his - spirit bas had tho only necessary business which need bo Derbys, anil I Many. $3.uu $4.00 Heydc, party. varied and checkered career as a bluecoau carried on on day. It Brooklyn, vvjlch One Mortcapo Too Open Every Hrmlng O "9 ter, Mrs. Hannah Loulaa of Iiurllnx-- tbat Till o'Clork. M60 .Mrs. Carroll Is condncd in an asylum for tho so richly deserves name. Cllj of John Drowcr, of 1N0 Kllzatoth street, Open Silk Hats, and . tbe "Tbc hatnrilajii llnlll 11. ton, Vc; to Mrs. (ieoico Stafford, of insane. Mr. Carroll went out of tbo Union In ISHo bo was appointed to tbe force. Two $5.00 $6.00 Camden County, and $1,000 to Mary o. Churches." would observe this law, our city Ilrooklyn, was to-'J- held in Tlghe's i year ago n ho On Justice 1 Davis, of Camden. Square firm, and a took position as weeks later " resigned." New Year's would bo moro peacclul. customs 'inspector. Ho uas llvoi with bis Day, 1887, ho was reappointed only to be dls. court for tbo Grand Jury on the charge ol i.Tno portraits or his father and mother and priestess for or ears. trim the Trre. borrowing :mo from L. U. Schram, giving aa ClilETEIgl I a targe mahogany are to spliltual three lour j 5V3ann J. table glen bis mls3cd for drunkenness a year later. His A. Lcdwici, 1KU Hnlsey Urcct. Ono nf the secui Ity inoi tgnged propiny. 'i ho inongage Brothers, L - Oeorge W. Whitman. A larKO arm- - brother, 'and appointment was on 11US B1UCU Ul'UU paid oil. cbnlr, presented to tbo testator by the cbll-- third Inst mado most necessary improvements In our city DENIES CHARGES. record-breake- of Donaldson, bequeathes to O'BRIEiVJ Monday last, lie is a r. ap- 314 to 320 Grand Street. d.en Thomas bo would be lo bavo thu proper authorities Mayflower Mlnslon. A venue, cor. 'j bomos Donaldson; his gold watch to Ilany point number of men to trim trees in nobbed tho Sixth 12th St.;. I htafford, of Marlton, N. J.; blsslHerwalcli a tbc Midnight thieves plundered the Mayflower vH I Ho Was Drunk and Violent at the notb Associate Judges ot tho b'c33lons, John and give a healthy nnd unl- - I to bis friend Peter Doyle, and an old arm-- I the streets tbem Mission, n branch of 11) mouth Church, at chair to J. II. Johnston, a Jeweller, ot Iew Hospital, Says Dr. Proctor. ('. .Matthews, or Flatlands, and James F. torm appeatancc. 1 hts Is dono In all cities of 601 BROADWAY, near Houston. York. Kelly, or bavo been In Europe, Is certainly a great necessity in Jay and High streets, llrooklju, ot a piano I Terence O'llrlen, a pressmen at IS" Worth I'laibusb, successful and v i Dr. K. M. Buck, ot London, Ontario, Canada, our All suirgestluus I havo seen, so cover nnd a aluablo clock. I to- the Justiceship contests In their respective illy. tho 1359 BROADWAY, near 36th. I '1 nomas V. Iloraca 'lroubel, street, and who is in r.cw York Hospital far, aro already prescribed by law. All they I a.d llamcdatd towns, local offieo 1 I or Camden, are named us literary executors, day, claims that he was roughly bandied by hach has held that for ueid Is to bo can lid out, but my suggestion Walked Into East River. NATHAN'S posses- - I who shall have ubsolute charge and tho doctors In Chambeis Street Hospital,, several terms. In Flatbusb Justlco Kelly is not a law, but should be. James Leah) , of lou , Brook- Children's I tlon ot all his literary works and use tbo had a walkover, nnd w as elected by a Demo- A I property as in their judgment tbey may deem wbcro ho went for treatment for a badly Vrotrcttre Lrnuitc, lyn, walktd Into tbo Kaal ltlvcr at tho loot of LADIES' SPRING TIES. , ,M I proper, with tbe restriction tbat tbey pay crushed band last Tuesday. cratic majority or SOD votes; bis opponent, Hraiside I suggest a pcoplo's protective Washington street early tbls morning. Hn vv Spring bysut-scrlptlo- Suits. any Vt 7U by crew over from time to time to bis executrix Ho declares tbat tbo doctors wanted to am- m. F. ritepbens, receiving a total of but leaguo and headquarters supported as rescued the ot the tlreboathctu prodts from the publication ot any ot bis a Ilrooklyn Low aud was held on a charge ot being drunk. works. Tbe residua ot bis estate, Including putate tbo Injured member, and that vvbtn votes. Justlco Matthews is Republican, from tho pcoplo of uudcr was 4'.'. Is management Cut from plaid cassimeres, his house at 'Jan Mb Mo street, cumdeu. be bo objected they knocked bis bead against an and bis majority Flatlands about tbo ot delegates representing all Gaylor Cnaa Postponod. bequeaths to his bi other. Edward I. Whit- post, and bruising him. He evenly divided politically. Ills opponent of householders every Assault P: vk 82.50.; ,?M Iron hurting then classes citizens and Wllllums-bui- g bluo tricots, cheviots and fancy man, -- lUs-plt- i Ibecaso'ot James l.aylor, tho lie appoints Mrs. Loula o. Whitman, letl nnd was taken in nt tbo New York vvus ltlchard K. ltcmsen, who Is nn assistant trade, Industry und tnei can tile pursuit (to net wile of u. W. Whitman, bis executrix. lu conjunction with tho prist) to beai com- tea merchant, wbo was arrested lor worsteds, to fit boys to 10 - Dr. J. W. I'roctor, superlntondont of Cham- - I clerk to tbo Hoard of supervisors. plaints and tnko such action us necessurj for attempted assault on Mary Finn, a tenant 4 hers Street Hospital, biild "O'lHleii the exposing und eitppiesslon of all uv Us con- girl In tbo employ ot Mr. at 1131 years old mado up plain or CHOATE RETORTS ON WORK. waixruzy drunk when bo wns brought here The striking personality of Iteglstrar ot nected with the government of tbe city, and Mouth Second streul,camu up In thu in the umbulancc, and rctused to penult us to Arrears John C. Mcllulre has undcrgono a to further tho ouiorcemcnt of all constitu- lA.'0Aveuuo I'ollco ruurt. An ndjourument braided and trimmed in many China and Japan Mattings. " No Doubt that You and Ward De- niter blin any telle! whatever, 'i wo or his change. Ever since Mr. Mcllulre has been tional nets that may benefit tbo populace. was taken, uvvlng to the absence ot Mrs. lingers were partly amputated by tbe ma- C'frall Oi'f fif, t fillrrf. Yiaiuaus, one ot tbe wltncsws. tasteful ways our children's 141b and 15th SU. Gen. Grant," Bays Ho. chinery wbero bo works, and a reampiitatlou known to politics bo had cultivated u beauti- 6th Ate., between I ceived TAxr-AYE- 1 gnat-es- assortment was unnecessary. Wo did not mean to ampu- ful pair ct flowing whiskers, which would suggestthat tbo t Tho largest in a 'Jfl auburn , Mon. vest suits and plaited jacket Col. K. C James's suit against J. Henry Ilrooklyn to Elghtoenth Ward Cleveland tate further. has been tbo envy of bis friends and tbo ad- nuisance has endure is tbo Cleveland Democrats ot tho Eighteenth most bewildering nrrny of color- - Work to recover iUOO.ooo was tcsumed this o'llrlen was so violent tbat be broke nway Uowanus CanaL Tho stench from It bus suits catch a mother's eye. m from the uurso and dashed through a screen, miration ot tho ladles, tor he Is a bachelor. Hy Ward, Ilrooklyn, have established bcndtiuar-- . ings, at prices less than cost of f morning before Justlco 1'atterson In tho driven hundreds ot citizens away from wbut is bow he got bis bruised faced, tor wo a strange coincidence Mr. McQulrc s whiskers Ua-- 1 from Supreme court. Grant & Ward's bookkeeper 'that ters at mill Hates nventic. 1 hi lr organ Prices run $3 to $10, in any quantity, at only used forco suniclent to restrain him from disappeared with tho ot March was tbo finest part ot the city. This stench tlon was ertcctetl by the chotco of Herman (l. importation, was again a witness and tbo were Ho should becu locked advent Jurors Injuring himself. have lives, Is so great tbat tbo rosldon ts of tbo Tenth und Locw as President, James H. Connill Sec- and include special bargains at fig- up intoxication." oph) rf. Tho Iteglstrar at tbo Hotel bt. V, conducted tnrougb another labyrinth of for Twenty-secon- d retary, and 'i nomas rendlctcn 'treasurer. . was a of Wards havo to keep their ures. (leorge and there flutter excitement Koru-tw- o names were enrolled at a meeting $4 and $5. windowB closed during the wnrm evenings of i Joseph I!. Choato, counsel for Co!. James, about that hostelry when tbe truth became last nlgbt, at which sptccbes were mado by objected to somo ot Mr. Work's questions to NEW SPARROW POLICEMEN known. Ills lady friends on April 1 presented tho Summer. Tho best remedy that could bo K. M. hhepntd and N. I". Htbenck. Meetings gySm' suggest ei tor tbe health ot the city would bu will be beidevcr 'ihuisday nlgbt. M tbe witness about Grant & Ward accounts. favorite with a massive frosted cake, HACKETT. Bros. offwflleedwere beeeldga Ilrwctneach Jttr. Work said be wanted to show tbat lbs tbilr toclosolt up from Hamilton avenue and run "Urai" accounts were straight. Seventeen Temporaries Added to which, upon discretion, was found to be ivrullroad tlircugh the street tu transfer lbs Many Prisoners low in 4 ''JB Sentenced. & V riMf coal, brick and lumber, which Is nil the anal CARHART CO., lleceuse thfj o to yoa flret bend, utIdc all mid. "Ohl" retorted Mr. Choatc, "that Mr. the Force In Prospect Park. stuffed wlth.cotton. or Judgo Moore, lu tbo Ilrooklyn Coui t ot Ses- Bill 'li(H Ward, your assistance, Mr. Work, was is ued tor: vise lei tboilty dredifo It out dlemen'e proflle. with Seventeen now "sparrow policemen " wcro and dean it, so that the ptople will nut have sions this morning, pased bentenco on the Broadway and Canal Street. 4 able to deceive Gen. Grant and his partners Mayor Boodr. Gen.. John D. Woodward, 22-2- f coneeltl lu Ten aad) I QS'f there Is no doubt whatever." added to tbo Prospect Park forco this morn- to endure the smell. 'I ku city would then bo following prisoners: (Jus Lobtnnu, grand 0 14th St.,1 DCDDVC Clentnt 'iiVB V. Hooper no per more healthy, ekeletonnnieb, al.i'lewST . ' ' general Franklin and Park Commissioner cent with tbe march Hob-e- ii)-2- UCilDId lUrown. Well, that's a pretty statement," ing. Tbelr appointment Is to tho temporary Improvement our why larceny, four years In tbo penitentiary; rl .j st..rt:,a8,' JBJ replied Mr. Work. Ilrower will make an inspection ot tho prop- of great lu midst, grand larceny, In lath n Verr nneet D.rbj. ehepad to bai lasting untU September, at should a dirty, disease-spreadin- g stream be hvcret, ten yeiira Mug 11 nn ,'3Bl Mr. and Mr. Work , gratic, tbe service diuUcomeelIeorUeridcoodlUoneo(BMeCs Choato repeated It erty adjoining Prospect Park known as tbo allowed to run through of ouo or blng j Cbai Its Mois, grand larceny, two yi nrs n ..$ smiled. a salary ot per day. Commissioner ' tbe centre aud months In iilng blng; cast side lands. Tbe object Is tbe selection llncst cities lu tho United blatesr hx Jobn Dupllcetee of the two qutlltlee are neuelly retail ; Then Davis, Mr. Work's counsel, Ilrower selected tbo following names from Kvans, grand larceny, two years aud atld that coL James bad charged his client ot an eligible slto for the now home of the h mouths In blng King; M. Kellj, MAYOR BOODY'S NEW BILL tt3.00tot.OO. SJ tho o eligible list-Joh- PATTON'S DERBYS ''''vSJ with fraud and with representing that Urant Ilrooklyn Institute and Library. burglary, ouo yearlu iwnltentlary: Kiancls You'll wouder et the eerlnc on enj bat ran MlMk & they were not. C. Lnss, John ltoacb. Edwin S. I'ca. years .Ba Ward were solvent when Henry l'epner. 1'. GOT MARRIED ON THE SLY. Duvinr, burglary, two In penitentiary: Therefore bo should bo allowed to get In such cock. Thomas F. Gorman, Joseph Cav lllii. In It Will TrovlCo for nn Economical D. Donnelly, T. P. Mciiratb, 1). McOowan, tho name ot a stylish bay 1. Maltz and assault EXCEPTIONAL VALUES. testimony. Frank F. is little degree, tvventj-tdnodajs- Axellijir-llng- , James Mcfarland. T. 11. Jnuvrln, 11. 1". Uee-ha- n, Jail; Columbian Colobrmlon. Justice Patterson said tbat In view ot tho gelding tbat may be seen speeding down tbe Vose'n Daughter " Con- earning concealed weapons, tweuij-ulnudajs- Hugh MUHonalro y peculiar of tho cuso ho would James A. Peacock, P. J. llyrnc, Ma or lloody declared that tbe Joint 8 1. OO; WORTH SS.OO. circumstances i Joseph Porter, llogers, John A. Molpby, Wm. A. chambers Ocean Doulcvard almost any tine afternoon. fessed" Two Months Later and Jail; assault in allow Mr. Work to ask alt the questions be sicoud degree, ono year In penitentiary. coiumllan-Jlcmorl- al Arch celebration was WORTH Q4.00. wanted to on this point. and W. S. chapman. Frederick Lemmcrman, bis owner, holds tbe Was Forgiven. $2.90; I1 Tbe And urges him on to lightning speed. by no means dead. Vtlitlo Mr. Uood admits cabo Is still on. reins CKANK-Vn-K.-Tnej- fiO ST. dar. Jan. 6. 1B9S, faj Cho'iod to Death by Gas. corporation Counsel Jculs's bill will not CUUUCII Mr. Lemmerman owns a largo Btablo ot Dr. Ileo. H. lloiik'lilou. Mahaii tbat To Fight for $3,000. iter. Amlua vn Tnr i says bo Is busy ovolvlng : I THEW1D0W GOT AWAY W1THHIM. thoroughbreds, but, Frank F. Is his pet and VOIX to ItlCUAMl tiOUTUWOUIlI UlUNL. lerrriAi rrrvtin wrmin be xent to Alban), bo IrTAMOriATFPPnFM New Hociieiik, April H. Nathan Harris, a new and less expensive (dan than the ouo 0- - prlze-tlg- a Mcncik, Ind., April A for pride. The animal bos a record ot S.iu, and 1 BiH ' Dainty Amy Voso and young Mr. ltlchard colored, n coachman for it. Carienter, was 01 Iglnally suggested. OlEleciric of has been arranged between recently completed a tour ot tbo Grand Cir- I Be Married Hor for Her Money, but putso r:,000 gouthworth found dead In bed this morning, having been programme RUPTURE CURED. Oeree acute, ehroale and Daniel out of races and cap- Crano kept it to themselves for The new will probably include SmW wlthoui wikm, .?!!."B Klder Pitts, colored, of Peru, cuit, winning live ten by gas a puj-- 1 x I Got It. asphyxiated from a burner which was a grand parade, school celebration and I Didn't contest to como on three whole mouths, lor tbelr respective inei-Aten- teodioforeeeJedWneUeleanaa liallirr, ot this city, tbo turing second money in three of tbo others, turned on. It Is not known whether be com- He meeting, which somo prominent states- The imprmmi eteetlc true, le the nnlj linn lMam!B H al I comfort I Jacob Lotz was a widower a short time ago, within ten days. will trot tor a 1,000 purse at the Memphis fathers, MUHonalro CoL lttcbard Yose, of mitted sulcldo or not. lie was only twenty man will deliver au cratlon. the! wurii with eb.olute ultlit ?JH lie years endder. ee It retein. the rupture uo.ierthaherd.it ....gMPtMjtfc-'-SWffl, i andbtDillwwe.'tStKorwtgtea, ar turn , I and Dora solamonsky n widow. a tew Hook Mountain, l'risldent ot tho National old. m fere e.t etretn end will effect e penile BJ Driving Park in weeks. eierclenr exe of They mot, Jacob was the ready victim - and ltlchard Voso Car Spring companj, of n.ot end ei.eedr jure wlltiunt r.if.rd tu the I and DEATHS IN BROOKLYN- NUISANCE. hieuilnellun free. Lady lu etteua - of Mrs. alleged Newark and 11.'i Ilroadway, and Lawjcr Princeton Man Dead in Italy. th.pelient RsEui2PSifi n nn bbo2 ,1 solomonsky's charms and her John Walker, Jr., a son of ence lor le.lie. h.nd lur naroptltot 19 'M - Hoyal ot ilroadway, wbo Is not a j rterrTAT to rvTHixa lUi'iiovi.ii hIam'iu muss co . 'ioointho bank and 4,000 moie inoinen- following is the onicial list containing stenog- a Crane, 00 titf wovai corner I .New ' The Walker, was' yesterday appointed a ' I'ltthCETOM, X. J., 8. Xewsbas been Don. Klncr Wrllos Letters Imploring 8M end 821 llruedwer, fib el., lork. Urlly expected from Itussla. every person llrooklju over millionaire, opposod It on prudential grounds Arrll I tbonnno ot In rapher to the coroners at a salary of 1,500. I received here of tbo death from brain rover for It? Suppression. 'ilrlIjblanX4"" WHteltaM UMMS. 'KM 1 '' bey took up housekeeping with family w was reported to tbo and becauso ot disparity ot fortunes. ' mailed nea. 1 tbe ten ) cars old hoso death Young Waiver nils tbe vacancy caused by K. or 'HELP'mHfFDFEKALE. A aeFiefDr.a.Owea'ialeeuleVrorld 7j9J ' of In Home, Italv, or W. DureU, ono the Health Commissioner II. C. drlflln, of Davto Wallnsky nt 81 Division street. Department ot Health jckterday: ' H. Hut tber hod loved each other tor three In - tho recent death o! Edmund Llnchan, an most prominent athletes Princeton Drookljn. received a loiter tbls morning from II A re.pecteble etrl fur enerel home. .Jacob wusbuppy, "xtept when he reinem- M. No years, and Lovo led them tu llev. Dr. Hough- College, lie was tbo nun of Iter. K. II. Durell, VANTI ferenpe 1 Dered was pobsessedot tbo RAniiiK. Ilnows. JMboutnSait. old and respected newspaper man. The (icn. v. asking Mm to use wutk, cook, we.h end iron, good city r. RzAL ESTATE. JM that ho not et liuuHCAi.wrtl.7T. Home tur tbe Amd. Little ton, w ho made tbem husband and wire at the ot Woodbury. Horatio Klug, bli required 'ell TbU Je3erou ere., ueer retehen, "0o. He suggested quleily but llrmly that of Uborer. Hoard ot Supervisors contlrraed tho appoint- ' bblere the l'iori IfospltAlj corner on 5 Influence to suppress tbe conductors' whistle Ilrookljn, WU biie put him In ihirgo ot thu funds and was 1 urn CnouAt, 19, llrooklrn ftimper. ment meeting. Llttlo Church Around tbo Jan. ! w ere no Haii.1I DavH. IV. No. li! Perk eve. at yesterday's nulsanco on the llrookl) n surface cars. LISTEN TO REASON mortitlcd to learn that there funds. UOt) last. M ' Then he got angry and ubused her, and last Mollis jr. Cioaeicii, i3, fto. St. Jeinee letter, stated that Alderman Ileaney Voso got a long 'the , nigbt she hired a und cet about to rc-- Thomas Kenna, who was ad- When Papa belter, After KATIE IS NOT A VAGRANT. IS IT HOT finTTFfl to py ee rnueh a roonfi 9M team PL'ATHiniXE P. GmrriKO, 70, No. 358 Cllntou bad nHo boon requested to endeavor to get per ee much or more eere move Her husband popular Judge on local sickness, bis pretty daughter made u tcariul buy e home then to - ';"i1B the household effects. mittedly tbe most tbe Common Council to pass a resolution e eell comfort- , hod or Ko 388 North 3d Shoes. tbo monlhto.lmp)rrnl"ueJ cea a v'jH her arretted on tbe charge then. "unoiE ItAMltTON, 31, it. Ilencb, bas developed luxurious tastes since confession. Col. Voso Is a sensible million- Men's prohibiting bo use of whistles audcomiiel-lin- g Hor Mothor Sousrht to Frovo Hor tihrueonJer.cjr(liriIelhteo tbyee term c&B Tbo huxband and wira and Wallniky an- - AtnriiT K. PtlNO, ill. No. lfJMnhtUate. i uiarrlago to the conductors to use bells In signalling Wlte for clreul.r. HrlntedlUt melted frea m beared Mar- - rerpenter. bis elevation to the Itoglstershlp. One ot tbo aire, aud he scut a notice of tbo Do It. COHPANK IvSmmiiHB oeforo Judgo Kllbretn at Essex 8(1. No. et. for starting and stopping can. Ono, but Failed to liilMd.NS 4 K. ket court morning, all thrco swoio- KttES. IIAMIXIX. 85 Sude weighty with which a committee of tbo newspapers, informed Mr. Crane, sr., ot Wo will plnco on snlc (K.tebtlebed 18ttl. this and Huza V, KAttEr, it. No 10S Cllutpn et. matters IheC.encral thinks tbo almost continuous McCkbe, iwelvo yearn of vas CoiuiiijiiIpiw Jereey City. Ji'B to the was dismissed. high-keye- Katlo asc 490 ee., ownership. The case I'ATUICX Keauss, el. No. elb Uoluiutill it. i Supervisors will wrestlo Is the furnishing of the affair, and bundled Mistress barah Amelia tit our suvcral stores, tho largest shrkkor tbo d whistle Is unbear- 'JiB , but Mrs. uoiomonsky-Llo- u fccforo In llie Hu' Icr street i'ollco has thu turnuure on to youthful husband with a paternal able aud should bo suppressed. , Judfc Tlslie possession new quarters, IB CTillilcx Jims KEltT, 31, No. 353 Kienklla bis onico in the Hall of Itccords. Tbo lttglster her nnd most complete line of morning a - '"..ntr at her , blessing. court, Ilrooklyn. tills to anaiver GIVEN AWAY f , bas made tbe modest request for a leatber LOTS sB ""iilouiiK. fJocxwoOD, 6J. No. ICO WllioaeUI The couple have 6et up housekeeping at DR Brooklyn. iccanlcal cUarite of aTancy rrf''""td bJ .' leather-covere- Events Anead in lounge, a dozen d chairs, a court street, ilrooklyn, which is close bj tho lblp.tiul.der. The of (tie Regiment e her mother, Mrs. Anclo StcCate, of a:H Van MiTCJirtt, 17, No. 73 leather-covere- Coin- - & eentet Twent'thlrJ 'M SWELL BOSTON. IILKiilLTTA. Mabu d chair, a and a omceol tbo llllo Guarantee and Trust $4.00 35.00 111 QUARTET FROM table young $3.00, At.ncietion will Lebeld Ibe eruorbelur. street. SlonAonAS, or Ilrooklyn, wbero tbe husband diy eTenluv next i llrunt fURtllTUKi. t ""aii'oe 18. No. 05 North oth el. cabinet desk. Ho will get tbem. cmployod. by aunt, Catli. Maky AN Mik)HE. as. No. 40 lllow lilece. shoes in the city. They have be- llerr En.il Tlioin.e and the Arabrrx Theetre ' Katlo was accompanied tier 4lH Byrnes Has T:cm In Custody, klAROAlltT McUt m, CO. M. Mer'i lloepltel. romlin, tif ew York, will give eu entctuin erlue JicCaue, nlio tola tbo Court tliatsbo IflTlIAT'Sf.V A KAMKf $ ;5mmi jl wf Aetoci- - 83M (Jrriuen A WILLIAM OcmtTBUS, bj, No. bummlt come recognized lur llie beneat Itie tA.llee' o S V FA.'jn'. Charsrod xvltli Bobbery. J. the standard inrnl nail cliar.-- ol the little glrlever einco tho 0 IK I'l.Ol'l.i: wbea a Diamond t. i ieildler. Sold a Policy Slip to a Policeman. Upholstery Firm Falla. ellou la (tie Are4ein7 of Mueio tale e.eulni;. liatl Uut do ioj went toper the iM 18, Cop.umpttte Home, among well 1 to $3 endfrC'.rpte for leieiaoae x'f'M John 1'. Winston, years old ; John CUBleTIAM ItncuiUT, Drown, of 138 East Houston street, Zlnk, llorgmanu & Co., upholsterers and dressed men, Dr Merrill Edweldi (liU., Pir.l lent of Amherit , child wr.s six weeks old, nhcti her mother rojc.n Lu; Furniture MU ' sixteen George will e ) on Uuee.ll eny other Ho la JVew .orket ''ilSmmml 31) Cutleee. reed er "Jeraee claimtd tho then je Kahonoj, Ambroso Walsh, TATiIiul"i noecvrlT, 47, No. Ctepel et. charged having sold a policy slip to decorators at H8H Amsterdam avenuo, mado saved oh rtich pair. lMwell" befoie boclvty. lisd de3crteil her. The aunt that .11. tovintcent 17 with ibe lbs leleni llutonuet proierriU by It. & rtClUtAU.KI, V fMM , Suakb. 47, No. Uroedeeyl to-d- end elrvete, cm Moucler eren chargo of a?riincy aa tho tlgbtecn, McOlnnls, seveutten, CuaielorutB EfTenberger, o! tbo Pre- an assignment to MUtou Hopkins I'lrrrepotit el nlon , NI-'A- I07TII HT, hjf and William Officer Fourteenth line. April II. mother out of Biilte. 1058 3 AVE 4 J U ''patmck 19, 8U Merj'eUoeplUliporlrr. was held in tho Essex Market Court wit bout preferences. cnEPirtiiVEWiyDBniitEP. jH Cnely dressed and balling front Iloston, fixllll. cinct, NiSlone, Tlithe illsuitsscd tho charge, and sM &HifHM i 51 Kmniett et.llAbprer. & nierewlllbeem'jiinte.tdrlllotTmopA, Juazn . " x 3.v.rB. to--m It. No. French Hall Co., ( ee 1 Koel tho custody of tho P ". rein wiitea at Jerferson Market court llAitiiET NUTrniN, 74. No. ? Rewmd plei. (luerl. unler eonimend Cher tho child should remain in wltbool peiro.nl I l0 ot Irom V. 11 upJxr tbe Ibo Itldlne eud Drliln Club ' JP'imSITUnK J"IJvtVTM !,.' ""nil the arrival otllccrs that IIabouVeH. lALMAiri 88. No l'etllloet. For the Driveway Repeal. bu.pice( aunt. . 11XI worth. l.5l wkHtiOO. I H:y'.where It is suspectod they robbed tbo Ni 80 et. ol llrookl) n, et Itial'lub'l LuU.llng Aplll 1, .1 ew .lupendoue open, eeenlece. l.bMrjn,Pka JIaboa Poy 82ft Done. A meeting committee for .Makers. I f . JJJ'elry utre oi T. Morrison. y7 con-- VViLtlAMTriiAh. IS. M. Merr'e lluipltel. and ot ibo Executive The monthly meelinf uf tbe Ueuiorfet end Eieeu. elil . M:hel et. I A. K . will be betd In I tie Or. t'hmunrry .11. Ilepmr pu renilrrrd MeutecUrereA;eet.i0dee8U.t. yiv. if t II1? 'reot, 0( a Jargo quantity ot diamonds JAMEi VaiaU.4J.No. 3aoulll3d Mrs. Agramonte reported to the Ilrooklyn tbe repeal of tbe Central Purk Driveway act, D'way near CortlanJ, tlTeOnmiDitleeof Uwcl. o M ia 157 Oiinmonl.'oonellCbeuiber. SelUfiler ulftlt. lien. a drrleieu In lhr ruulrei. " Ive AKTaTEN8IOJABlJW. eet, j" Bm-- ) watches' hotel-- k morning her nephew, llupert headquarters, o.i I ! O olf b 'jTmNWESICE, 3.Ko. 135 MwhatUn e. ( police this that was held at the committee 367 I'ulton St., urooktyn, Itoreoe t'oiter will preeent end will bit Hccrlvr It will bo publlehed t H '' hv jouths bare bcn having a b'gh lliio cacel. thTrteen Tatn 'oio, ran awr ironr Wall street, at 1 o'clock and atepa vtewe ee to the retime vt faude lot lb Crest mlrle" WmIiI." .,' r No. 5fQmeit. 738 Chestnut St., PhlU. moauiaeaW la Saturde.j' "UtcbUb (.-- IS.'?'" .city forSovcral dara. 'Ihejr have VwisiaVToutviak. it. home yesterday wph 3o vt her money. were taken to further the repeal movemuBU moncjr and n ell clothes. ISixieS VVoon, IC, 130 Concord et. .Ujtfr' St' '. .tlnmmmsV 1 rfryT4gffl.fMfYiJir,'ftjl-"rJ.-.A.-