Mudhol Taluk

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Mudhol Taluk Mudhol Taluk Sl. No. Level Name TOT_P TOT_M TOT_F P_SC M_SC F_SC P_ST M_ST F_ST P_LIT M_LIT F_LIT P_ILL M_ILL F_ILL 1 SUB-DISTRICT Mudhol 285915 142961 142954 54324 26338 27986 12639 6213 6426 158395 90219 68176 127520 52742 74778 2 SUB-DISTRICT Mudhol 233716 116896 116820 45340 21940 23400 12003 5895 6108 123019 71078 51941 110697 45818 64879 3 SUB-DISTRICT Mudhol 52199 26065 26134 8984 4398 4586 636 318 318 35376 19141 16235 16823 6924 9899 4 VILLAGE Saidapur 7713 3955 3758 1646 819 827 74 38 36 5037 2906 2131 2676 1049 1627 5 VILLAGE Madhabhavi 3306 1633 1673 463 233 230 14 6 8 1730 1028 702 1576 605 971 6 VILLAGE Bisanal 2967 1499 1468 468 234 234 0 0 0 1610 944 666 1357 555 802 7 VILLAGE Kesrakoppa 4604 2304 2300 617 285 332 28 13 15 2257 1303 954 2347 1001 1346 8 VILLAGE Budni(P.D) 1304 668 636 98 48 50 0 0 0 669 405 264 635 263 372 9 VILLAGE Mahalingapur(Rural) 259 122 137 35 18 17 0 0 0 120 65 55 139 57 82 10 VILLAGE Belagali 17460 8795 8665 3842 1845 1997 329 153 176 8603 4960 3643 8857 3835 5022 11 VILLAGE Mugalkhod 8642 4371 4271 1023 493 530 13 5 8 4141 2411 1730 4501 1960 2541 12 VILLAGE Kulali 6646 3324 3322 2332 1146 1186 55 29 26 3194 1871 1323 3452 1453 1999 13 VILLAGE Shirol 12171 6058 6113 2080 993 1087 37 17 20 6032 3446 2586 6139 2612 3527 14 VILLAGE Malapur 3082 1540 1542 509 239 270 4 3 1 1739 980 759 1343 560 783 15 VILLAGE Soragoan 3317 1624 1693 709 327 382 0 0 0 1835 1030 805 1482 594 888 16 VILLAGE Malali 5760 2897 2863 1982 987 995 117 61 56 2821 1634 1187 2939 1263 1676 17 VILLAGE Nagaral 6122 3075 3047 1366 669 697 16 12 4 2828 1673 1155 3294 1402 1892 18 VILLAGE Akkimaradi 2634 1302 1332 586 285 301 26 10 16 1199 695 504 1435 607 828 19 VILLAGE Nandagoan 2729 1360 1369 828 415 413 104 50 54 1467 825 642 1262 535 727 20 VILLAGE Sanganatti 2301 1123 1178 672 308 364 0 0 0 1059 633 426 1242 490 752 21 VILLAGE Marapur 3147 1568 1579 636 304 332 63 30 33 1576 929 647 1571 639 932 22 VILLAGE Dhavaleshwar 7392 3730 3662 949 445 504 5 4 1 3703 2162 1541 3689 1568 2121 23 VILLAGE Mallapur(P.J) 828 401 427 2 0 2 89 45 44 430 258 172 398 143 255 24 VILLAGE Mirji 2490 1284 1206 501 255 246 32 20 12 1413 841 572 1077 443 634 25 VILLAGE Vantigodi 2593 1304 1289 547 269 278 0 0 0 1333 773 560 1260 531 729 26 VILLAGE Channal 1614 825 789 381 187 194 52 23 29 922 547 375 692 278 414 27 VILLAGE Ranjanagi 2775 1402 1373 765 351 414 2 1 1 1499 875 624 1276 527 749 28 VILLAGE Uttur 4341 2161 2180 979 480 499 8 5 3 2407 1371 1036 1934 790 1144 29 VILLAGE Jaliber 1446 727 719 250 112 138 2 1 1 822 487 335 624 240 384 30 VILLAGE Rugi 2467 1229 1238 712 327 385 1 1 0 1135 643 492 1332 586 746 31 VILLAGE Zunjarakopp 1695 793 902 467 217 250 151 63 88 1036 530 506 659 263 396 32 VILLAGE Mudhol(Rural) 2104 1085 1019 134 74 60 13 7 6 1162 676 486 942 409 533 33 VILLAGE Budni(P.M) 3349 1709 1640 737 363 374 53 27 26 1722 994 728 1627 715 912 34 VILLAGE Mantur 7681 3849 3832 1596 766 830 814 404 410 3936 2274 1662 3745 1575 2170 35 VILLAGE Kishori 635 324 311 198 101 97 199 100 99 322 191 131 313 133 180 36 VILLAGE Melligeri 2922 1448 1474 806 375 431 376 171 205 1490 889 601 1432 559 873 37 VILLAGE Halagali 5450 2685 2765 499 221 278 2898 1436 1462 2518 1460 1058 2932 1225 1707 38 VILLAGE Metgud 3993 2009 1984 533 279 254 2 1 1 2014 1196 818 1979 813 1166 39 VILLAGE Gulgal Jambagi 2140 1102 1038 422 203 219 36 21 15 1201 699 502 939 403 536 40 VILLAGE Chinchakhandi(B.K) 2771 1403 1368 303 151 152 8 6 2 1337 790 547 1434 613 821 41 VILLAGE Chinchakhandi(K.D) 1627 808 819 383 184 199 232 114 118 890 496 394 737 312 425 42 VILLAGE Jeeragal 1736 868 868 358 168 190 37 20 17 922 529 393 814 339 475 43 VILLAGE Ingalagi 3954 1961 1993 441 206 235 9 3 6 2065 1183 882 1889 778 1111 44 VILLAGE Yadahalli 2586 1259 1327 326 158 168 556 266 290 1328 759 569 1258 500 758 45 VILLAGE Baragi 3121 1540 1581 494 219 275 1 1 0 1676 984 692 1445 556 889 46 VILLAGE Marikatti 882 436 446 203 94 109 0 0 0 450 268 182 432 168 264 47 VILLAGE Vajjaramatti 2639 1283 1356 533 257 276 98 56 42 1531 857 674 1108 426 682 48 VILLAGE Alagundi(B.K) 2921 1473 1448 350 180 170 140 63 77 1549 885 664 1372 588 784 49 VILLAGE Budni (B.K.) 1054 520 534 145 60 85 0 0 0 550 322 228 504 198 306 50 VILLAGE Machaknur 2918 1459 1459 501 241 260 598 277 321 1558 882 676 1360 577 783 51 VILLAGE Budni Khurd 1120 550 570 270 134 136 189 92 97 728 396 332 392 154 238 52 VILLAGE Bidri 1701 857 844 179 92 87 237 117 120 925 547 378 776 310 466 53 VILLAGE Antapur 1577 796 781 130 64 66 43 21 22 879 539 340 698 257 441 54 VILLAGE Jambgi(K.D) 1169 570 599 137 71 66 11 6 5 634 359 275 535 211 324 55 VILLAGE Kasba Jambgi(B.K) 3001 1517 1484 410 198 212 16 7 9 1646 943 703 1355 574 781 56 VILLAGE Muddapur 2318 1162 1156 360 180 180 258 136 122 1140 648 492 1178 514 664 57 VILLAGE Petlur 2506 1261 1245 1302 653 649 0 0 0 1083 679 404 1423 582 841 58 VILLAGE Ningapur 2160 1083 1077 258 133 125 179 91 88 1086 655 431 1074 428 646 59 VILLAGE Halaki 1651 813 838 238 115 123 9 5 4 851 486 365 800 327 473 60 VILLAGE Bommanbudni 481 232 249 25 11 14 6 4 2 249 143 106 232 89 143 61 VILLAGE Timmapur 1042 493 549 285 133 152 96 44 52 610 333 277 432 160 272 62 VILLAGE Hebbal 2911 1343 1568 611 261 350 17 3 14 1623 834 789 1288 509 779 63 VILLAGE Chitrabanukoti 1459 730 729 87 41 46 633 324 309 680 416 264 779 314 465 64 VILLAGE Chikkur 2501 1204 1297 945 462 483 431 219 212 1168 684 484 1333 520 813 65 VILLAGE Bhantnur 2638 1323 1315 623 325 298 679 327 352 1468 854 614 1170 469 701 66 VILLAGE Junnur 1025 496 529 58 29 29 213 109 104 609 333 276 416 163 253 67 VILLAGE Badnur 1238 618 620 348 174 174 114 58 56 628 373 255 610 245 365 68 VILLAGE Chawadapur 1164 587 577 524 270 254 44 24 20 543 315 228 621 272 349 69 VILLAGE Naganapur 1102 539 563 292 129 163 0 0 0 655 382 273 447 157 290 70 VILLAGE Kanasageri 656 336 320 124 64 60 1 0 1 331 204 127 325 132 193 71 VILLAGE Dadanatti 2313 1228 1085 203 104 99 23 17 6 1330 841 489 983 387 596 72 VILLAGE Hosakoti 1364 656 708 328 136 192 15 7 8 792 466 326 572 190 382 73 VILLAGE Mallapur(P.L) 809 417 392 128 65 63 0 0 0 494 306 188 315 111 204 74 VILLAGE Laxanatti 1550 797 753 129 66 63 47 21 26 915 536 379 635 261 374 75 VILLAGE Lokapur 12790 6410 6380 1834 900 934 873 409 464 7930 4440 3490 4860 1970 2890 76 VILLAGE Jalikatti(B.K) 912 442 470 215 102 113 52 26 26 578 308 270 334 134 200 77 VILLAGE Jadar-Aralikatti 949 480 469 217 110 107 155 75 80 644 365 279 305 115 190 78 VILLAGE Varchagal 1644 816 828 256 128 128 157 79 78 949 544 405 695 272 423 79 VILLAGE Palkimanya 637 318 319 154 74 80 180 92 88 371 218 153 266 100 166 80 VILLAGE Byadar-Aralikatti 137 74 63 0 0 0 25 14 11 95 58 37 42 16 26 81 VILLAGE Jalikatti(K.D) 903 453 450 263 125 138 8 5 3 547 314 233 356 139 217 82 TOWN Mudhol (TMC) 52199 26065 26134 8984 4398 4586 636 318 318 35376 19141 16235 16823 6924 9899 83 WARD Mudhol (TMC) WARD NO.-0001 1537 764 773 0 0 0 0 0 0 1141 615 526 396 149 247 84 WARD Mudhol (TMC) WARD NO.-0002 1644 800 844 14 3 11 0 0 0 1347 681 666 297 119 178 85 WARD Mudhol (TMC) WARD NO.-0003 1398 694 704 57 25 32 13 7 6 981 518 463 417 176 241 86 WARD Mudhol (TMC) WARD NO.-0004 1768 885 883 683 345 338 4 3 1 1150 652 498 618 233 385 87 WARD Mudhol (TMC) WARD NO.-0005 1985 968 1017 74 40 34 25 15 10 1612 816 796 373 152 221 88 WARD Mudhol (TMC) WARD NO.-0006 1471 724 747 15 9 6 21 8 13 1063 569 494 408 155 253 89 WARD Mudhol (TMC) WARD NO.-0007 2635 1308 1327 384 186 198 60 29 31 1850 1012 838 785 296 489 90 WARD Mudhol (TMC) WARD NO.-0008 4097 2051 2046 994 489 505 20 11 9 2777 1498 1279 1320 553 767 91 WARD Mudhol (TMC) WARD NO.-0009 1631 843 788 767 379 388 6 3 3 1003 591 412 628 252 376 92 WARD Mudhol (TMC) WARD NO.-0010 2150 1056 1094 1034 495 539 47 31 16 1067 620 447 1083 436 647 93 WARD Mudhol (TMC) WARD NO.-0011 1711 854 857 254 125 129 24 9 15 1297 675 622 414 179 235 94 WARD Mudhol (TMC) WARD NO.-0012 2011 1018 993 161 86 75 32 16 16 1552 827 725 459 191 268 95 WARD Mudhol (TMC) WARD NO.-0013 1996 992 1004 86 46 40 11 5 6 1389 739 650 607 253 354 96 WARD Mudhol (TMC) WARD NO.-0014 2336 1151 1185 412 203 209 1 0 1 1708 894 814 628 257 371 97 WARD Mudhol (TMC) WARD NO.-0015 2121 1076 1045 249 140 109 7 4 3 1471 810 661 650 266 384 98 WARD Mudhol (TMC) WARD NO.-0016 2760 1392 1368 810 375 435 112 54 58 1820 990 830 940 402 538 99 WARD Mudhol (TMC) WARD NO.-0017 1986 1018 968 95 47 48 5 2 3 1552 836 716 434 182 252 100 WARD Mudhol (TMC) WARD NO.-0018 1341 623 718 1137 520 617 0 0 0 843 451 392 498 172 326 101 WARD Mudhol (TMC) WARD NO.-0019 2991 1453 1538 327 146 181 58 29 29 1642 853 789 1349 600 749 102 WARD Mudhol (TMC) WARD NO.-0020 2609 1323 1286 301 154 147 90 40 50 1485 837 648 1124 486 638 103 WARD Mudhol (TMC) WARD NO.-0021 1196 618 578 29 15 14 0 0 0 795 441 354 401 177 224 104 WARD Mudhol (TMC) WARD NO.-0022 1579 807 772 453 220 233 22 12 10 863 505 358 716 302 414 105 WARD Mudhol (TMC) WARD NO.-0023 1489 746 743 20 12 8 0 0 0 1041 578 463 448 168 280 106 WARD Mudhol (TMC) WARD NO.-0024 1346 666 680 546 292 254 6 2 4 904 483 421 442 183 259 107 WARD Mudhol (TMC) WARD NO.-0025 1882 962 920 78 44 34 64 35 29 1185 651 534 697 311 386 108 WARD Mudhol (TMC) WARD NO.-0026 1041 539 502 1 1 0 5 2 3 789 431 358 252 108 144 109 WARD Mudhol (TMC) WARD NO.-0027 1488 734 754 3 1 2 3 1 2 1049 568 481 439 166 273 110 TOWN Mahalingpur (TMC) 36055 18208 17847 5951 2937 3014 322 178 144 23812 13179 10633 12243 5029 7214 111 WARD Mahalingpur (TMC) WARD NO.-0001 1292 649 643 119 63 56 0 0 0 850 461 389 442 188 254 112 WARD Mahalingpur (TMC) WARD NO.-0002 1630
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