
21178 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 9, 1999 In collaboration with her husband, Alan, 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE John Seminary in Brighton, Massachusetts Marilyn won Oscars in 1968, 1973 and 1984 DANVILLE, ILLINOIS CHAMBER and the North American College in Rome, Italy for the songs, ‘‘The Windmills of Your Mind,’’ OF COMMERCE before being ordained a priest on December ‘‘,’’ and for the score for 20, 1952 in Rome. Archbishop Cronin later re- Yentl. Since their first Oscar nomination in HON. THOMAS W. EWING ceived a Licentiate and a Doctorate in Sacred Theology from the Gregorian University also in 1968, they have been nominated sixteen OF ILLINOIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Rome. times—for such songs as ‘‘It Might Be You’’ The Archbishop has also served as Attache from , ‘‘How Do You Keep The Music Thursday, September 9, 1999 to the Apostolic Internunciature in Ethiopia and Playing?’’ from Best , ‘‘Papa, Can You Mr. EWING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in to the Secretariat of State in Vatican City in Hear Me?’’ and ‘‘The Way He Makes Me recognition of the 100th Anniversary of the 1957 and 1961 respectively. In 1962, he was Feel’’ from Yentl and ‘‘What Are You Doing Danville, Illinois Chamber of Commerce. named Papal Chamberlain and given the title the Rest of Your Life?’’ from The Happy End- As a former director of the Chamber of of Monsignor. By 1968, Archbishop Cronin ing. In 1996 they were nominated for both a Commerce in Pontiac, Illinois, I have a per- had returned to the United States and was Golden Globe and an Academy Award for sonal connection to the great contribution that named Titular Bishop of Egnatia and Auxiliary their song ‘‘Moonlight,’’ performed by , Chambers’ of Commerce make in commu- Bishop of Boston. On September 12, 1968, he from film, Sabrina. nities of all sizes throughout our country. As was consecrated Bishop at the Holy Cross the elected representative for Vermilion coun- Cathedral in Boston, Massachusetts. ‘‘The Windmills of Your Mind’’ and ‘‘The ty, I have personally worked with and wit- On October 30, 1970, the Archbishop was Way We Were’’ also received Golden Globe nessed the Danville Chamber’s commitment to named the fifth Bishop of the Fall River Dio- awards and ‘‘The Way We Were’’ earned two the community, both through civic involvement cese in Massachusetts. Shortly thereafter, Grammys. The three Emmys are for ‘‘Sybil,’’ and the cultivation of business opportunities. Archbishop Cronin was installed at St. Mary of ‘‘Queen of the Stardust Ballroom’’ and ‘‘Ordi- The Danville Area Chamber of Commerce the Assumption Cathedral, also in Fall River. nary Miracles.’’ Among their principal collabo- was founded on March 22, 1899 and has In 1991, 23 years after first being consecrated rators are , , been the cornerstone of the greater Danville a Bishop, he was named the eleventh Bishop , , , business community ever since—and their and the third Archbishop of the Hartford Arch- diocese in Connecticut. In 1992, he received , and James New- work is clearly evident. During this past recess period I was in Danville, and I witnessed first the Pallium from Pope John Paul II at St. Pe- ton Howard. hand the recent improvements in the down- ter’s Basilica in Vatican City. Marilyn was inducted into the Songwriters town area. New small businesses are opening Mr. Speaker, Archbishop Daniel Cronin epit- Hall of Fame in 1980, and was a recipient of and there is a new sense of hope and oppor- omizes the dedication and moral example we the Crystal Award from Women in Film in tunity as the downtown area undergoes a revi- all strive to emulate. He has been a source of 1986. In 1995 she received a National Acad- talization. This is, in large part, a result of the strength to individuals and communities emy of Songwriters Lifetime Achievement work undertaken by the Danville Area Cham- throughout his life in religious service. He is a Award. In 1996 Marilyn received the first ber of Commerce. beacon for us all as we go forward into the challenges of the future. Fiorello Lifetime Achievement Award from But Mr. Speaker, their efforts go far beyond cultivating new businesses. The Danville Area On behalf of the Fifth Congressional District New York’s LaGuardia High School of Music Chamber of Commerce is building a sturdy and the United States House of Representa- and Art and Performing Arts. In 1997, the foundation for the next century. Through their tives, I express deep appreciation to Arch- honored Marilyn ‘‘Leadership Danville’’ initiative, the Chamber bishop Daniel A. Cronin for his dedication and with their Award. successfully nutures and equips today’s busi- steadfast service to all those he has touched Marilyn is a member of the Executive Com- ness employees to become tomorrow’s area throughout his vocation, and wish him many mittee of the Music Branch of the Academy of leaders. more years of exemplary service and leader- Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, a member So on the occasion of their 100th Anniver- ship. of the National Academy of Songwriters and sary, I offer my sincerest thanks and apprecia- f tion to the Danville Area Chamber of Com- the Nashville Songwriters Association. Marilyn merce. And as we enter the next millennium, PRIME ACT was the only creator to serve on the Advisory I also offer my best wishes for their continued Council to the National Information Infrastruc- success and good deeds as they enter their HON. BILL McCOLLUM ture (NII). She is a founder of the Hollywood second century of service to Central Illinois. OF FLORIDA Women’s Political Committee and serves on f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Board of Directors of the Streisand Foun- Thursday, September 9, 1999 dation. TRIBUTE TO HARTFORD ARCHBISHOP DANIEL A. CRONIN Mr. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Ms. Bergman served two terms (1994– to emphasize my support for funding for the 1998) in a leadership capacity on behalf of HON. JAMES H. MALONEY Program for Investment in Microentrepreneurs, songwriters on the world stage as President of OF CONNECTICUT the PRIME Act, H.R. 413, and my hope that CISAC, the International Confederation of Per- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES funding will be made available for this worthy forming Right Societies. In 1996 she received bill. The PRIME Act provides money for train- Thursday, September 9, 1999 France’s highest cultural honor, Commander ing and technical assistance for low-income of the Order of Arts and Letters medal. In Mr. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, I bring to the entrepreneurs, complementing the Small Busi- June of this year, she received a cultural attention of the American public and the ness Administrations’ Microloan program, Medal of Honor from SGAE, the Spanish per- United States House of Representatives an which provides loan capital and assistance in upcoming celebration in Connecticut’s Fifth accessing capital. forming rights organization. Congressional District that commemorates the This spring the Banking Committee held Ms. Bergman was a music major at New 31st anniversary of the consecration as a hearings on the PRIME Act and heard first York’s High School of Music and Art, going on Bishop of now Hartford Archbishop Daniel A. hand from microentrepreneurs, microenter- to study Psychology and English at New York Cronin. This celebration will be held during prise researchers, and representatives of com- University. She has received Honorary Doc- Sunday mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Church munity based microenterprise organizations. torate Degrees from in Waterbury, Connecticut on Sunday Sep- Their message was clear. Microenterprise de- in Boston Trinity College in Hartford, Conn. tember 12, 1999. velopment is an effective tool for economic de- Archbishop Cronin was born in Newton, velopment and poverty alleviation. Training is Massachusetts on November 14, 1927. Since absolutely critical to the sustainability and suc- that time, he has dedicated his life to religious cess of microenterprises owned and operated service around the World. He attended the St. by very low-income entrepreneurs. Better yet,

VerDate May 04 2004 10:13 May 17, 2004 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR99\E09SE9.001 E09SE9 September 9, 1999 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 21179 providing motivated individuals with business of natural beauty to his community and won- The Financial Freedom Act offers meaning- training is akin to teaching someone how to der to the lives of generations of children. ful tax relief for every taxpayer by lowering in- fish, instead of giving them fish. With a little f come tax rates across-the board. It also re- education and training, very low-income micro- duces the Marriage Tax Penalty, repeals the entrepreneurs can build and sustain their busi- TRIBUTE TO DR. DOROTHY N. Death-Tax, cuts the capital gains tax rate, ex- nesses, and in doing so, contribute to the eco- FRANK pands Education Savings Accounts and in- nomic life of a family, community, and ulti- creases private pension coverage. Addition- mately our nation as a whole. HON. DAVE CAMP ally, the legislation expands access to afford- I am convinced that microenterprise devel- OF MICHIGAN able health care by increasing consumer opment has an important role to play in the di- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES choice and allows families without employer- versification of our economic base as well as Thursday, September 9, 1999 paid coverage to deduct 100% of health insur- in the advancement of our working-poor popu- ance and long-term care premiums. Finally, lation. But I also recognize that microenter- Mr. CAMP. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay the Financial Freedom Act leaves more than prise development requires a modest public tribute to Dr. Dorothy N. Frank, who is retiring $2 trillion for Social Security and Debt Reduc- investment—particularly in the area of training after nine years of dedicated service as presi- tion. dent of Kirtland Community College in and technical assistance for low-income entre- Mr. Speaker, I trust the American people to Roscommon, MI. preneurs. I believe it is a prudent and wise in- spend their own hard-earned dollars as they Dr. Frank began her distinguished career at vestment. see fit. The President doesn’t think families Kirtland Community College in 1990 after The PRIME Act, H.R. 413 has passed can make the right spending decisions for serving as vice president for instructional serv- through both the Banking Committee and the themselves and their children. I disagree. The ices at Victor Valley Community College in Small Business Committee with enormous truth is, it is not Washington’s money to spend California. Her impressive credentials include support, and was able to garner 110 cospon- in the first place. The President should help a master’s and a bachelor’s degree in biology, sors before passing out of Committee. Clearly, give it back by signing the Financial Freedom and a Ph.D. in educational policy studies from there is a strong desire within Congress to see Act into law. H.R. 413 made into law this year. As a mem- Vanderbilt University. ber of the Banking Committee, and a cospon- While at Kirtland, Dr. Frank was instru- f sor, I will work to see that this happens, and mental in the creation of community programs I encourage my colleagues to join me in this that helped enrich the lives of children of all TRIBUTE TO GEORGE AND IRENE effort. ages. These programs included cultural BAUER f events, a volunteer center, a summer camp for fourth grade MEAP passers, technical A TRIBUTE TO HERB FISCHER, training for high school students, and a sum- HON. DAVID D. PHELPS GARDENER TO GENERATIONS mer creative writing institute. Her dedication to community colleges and OF ILLINOIS HON. JERRY LEWIS her own community is evident in her work. In IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES addition to her Kirtland duties, Dr. Frank was OF CALIFORNIA Thursday, September 9, 1999 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES president of the Michigan Community College Association for the 1996–1997 academic year. Thursday, September 9, 1999 Mr. PHELPS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to She also serves on several local boards and pay tribute to George and Irene Bauer, who Mr. LEWIS of California. Mr. Speaker, I committees. will be celebrating their fiftieth wedding anni- would like to bring to your attention today the I would like to commend Dr. Frank for her versary on September 11, of this year. George fine work and outstanding public service of service to her students and congratulate her and Irene are formerly of Chicago, IL, but now Herbert L. Fischer, who celebrated his 80th on her retirement on September 30, 1999. reside in Scottsdale, AZ. George is the son of birthday today—still working every day as the Dr. Frank’s contribution to education and the Jerry (deceased) and Wallis Bauer, who at 94 well-respected owner of Flowerland Nursery in community makes her an outstanding role years of age, lives in Phoenix, AZ. Irene is the San Bernardino and as a volunteer in a myr- model and a respected professional in her daughter of Michael and Tecla Wazecha (de- iad of community organizations. field. On behalf of the residents of the 4th ceased). George and Irene have two wonder- Herb opened Flowerland in 1947 with his Congressional District of Michigan, I am hon- ful children; their son Mark lives in Scottsdale wife, Mary L. Fischer, and has been at the ored to recognize Dr. Frank and her profes- and the daughter Christine, resides in Eldo- store every day except Thanksgiving, Christ- sional accomplishments. I wish her good for- rado, IL, my hometown. mas and New Year’s Day. Sought out by three tune for the future. George served his country valiantly during generations of gardeners for his sage advice, f Herb says he can’t take a day off because his World War II in the U.S. Navy and helped to customers are all his friends, as well. He’s PRESIDENT SHOULD SIGN build the first naval hospital in Guam. When recognized as one of the longest-serving li- FINANCIAL FREEDOM ACT he returned home from the war he met his fu- censed landscape architects still practicing in ture wife Irene, who was working for Peabody California. HON. RON PACKARD Coal Company. Since retiring from Martlett Im- He and Mary both served as state presi- porters of Canada, George had been keeping OF CALIFORNIA himself busy. Keeping in tradition with his life dents of the California Association of Nursery- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES men, and his community involvement includes long affinity for sports, which in his younger serving as president of the National Orange Thursday, September 9, 1999 days led to him being drafted by two major Show, and lifelong involvement in the Future Mr. PACKARD. Mr. Speaker, I would like to league baseball teams, he now play on a soft- Farmers of America, Boy Scouts, San emphatically urge President Clinton to sign the ball team, coaches, and he has won World Bernardino Chamber of Commerce, Calvary Financial Freedom Act into law when it Series rings. Irene enjoys aerobics and going Baptist Church, and many school programs. reaches his desk. After hearing from my con- bowling. During his 52 years of business, Herb has stituents over the August recess. I am con- Mr. Speaker, the marriage of George and hosted thousands of school children in field vinced that America’s hard working taxpayers Irene Bauer is a truly wonderful example of trips to Flowerland, and has given out thou- do want tax relief. America’s families today the strong family values reflected through an sands of tree seedlings to youngsters to cele- face staggering levels of taxation. Over the enduring commitment to each other that helps brate Arbor Day. His son, Herb Fischer Jr., is next 10 years, the average family will pay ensure the tradition in this country of strong, San Bernardino County Superintendent of $5,307 more in taxes than the government loving and dedicated families. Again, I would Schools. needs to operate. The Financial Freedom Act like to take this opportunity to wish George Mr. Speaker, I ask you and our colleagues of 1999 will shift money, power and resources and Irene a wonderful fiftieth anniversary, wish to join me in recognizing the tremendous con- out of Washington and back to America’s fam- them God’s speed, and encourage all my col- tributions of a man who has brought decades ilies. leagues to join me in doing so.

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