TP - Using CESGA’s facilities ING3 – IMSI – Use of Supercomputing Resources Academic year 2017–2018 Connecting to Finis Terrae II As explained in the course slides, you can connect to Finis Terrae II at CESGA using a ssh client in the command line (only from the EISTI) or using Gate ONE on a browser from eve- rywhere ( . Use the credentials given by your instructor to connect to:
[email protected] You can transfer files between your laptop and the supercomputer login nodes using the scp com- mand. That goes without saying, if you have any questions about its usage, check man scp. To edit a file in a login node, you have several editors available, such as nano, emacs and vim. If you want to keep several terminals open over the same SSH connection, use the screen com- mand 1. Note that you are granted access to a CESGA account that will be reused in the future, so make sure to make backups of your codes as often as possible, since the accounts will be emptied at the end of the semester. 1 Running programs in Interactive Mode on FTII In order to get used to the environment at CESGA, let us start by compiling and running some programs in interactive mode. 1. EISTI – Juan Angel Lorenzo –
[email protected] 1/4 TP - Using CESGA’s facilities 1 Download the Sysbench benchmark from Send it to your account on the FTII. ² Log on FTII and go to a compute node.