Winagami Lake Water Quality Monitoring Report Provincial Parks Lake Monitoring Program Winagami Lake Water Quality Monitoring Report - Provincial Parks Lake Monitoring Program Prepared by: Heidi Swanson, M.Sc. & Ron Zurawell, Ph.D., P.Biol. Limnologist/Water Quality Specialist Monitoring and Evaluation Branch Environmental Assurance Division Alberta Environment February, 2006 W0624 ISBN: 0-7785-5315-9 (Printed Edition) ISBN: 0-7785-5316-7 (On-line Edition) Web Site: Any comments, questions or suggestions regarding the content of this document may be directed to: Environmental Monitoring and Evaluation Branch Environmental Assurance Division Alberta Environment 12 th Floor, Oxbridge Place 9820 – 106 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2J6 Fax: (780) 422-8606 Additional copies of this document may be obtained by contacting: Information Centre Alberta Environment Main Floor, Oxbridge Place 9820 – 106 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2J6 Phone: (780) 427-2700 Fax: (780) 422-4086 Email:
[email protected] Preface Provincial Parks Lake Monitoring Program The purpose of the Provincial Parks Lake Monitoring Program is to routinely collect information that describes the current status of water quality within a suite of recreational lakes and reservoirs (Appendix I, Table A1). These waterbodies vary considerably in terms of their physical (e.g. size, shape and mean depth), chemical (e.g. salinity, pH, alkalinity) and biological (e.g. algae and fish populations) characteristics and represent the spectrum of water quality found within other typical lakes and reservoirs in Alberta. The program, which is a collaborative effort between the departments of Environment and Tourism, Parks, Recreation and Culture, is one of the largest interdepartmental monitoring efforts in Alberta and a key component of the Provincial Lake Monitoring Network.