Congressional Record—House H3189

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Congressional Record—House H3189 April 10, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3189 but it does show you that there were dents who pay $12,000 per person, the they can’t answer questions, and so Members then and I believe people now highest per capita federal taxes in the they make personal attacks. who recognize the unfairness of the un- country, to support the United States Then our Attorney General makes a equal status of D.C. residents I have of America; in the name of millions speech yesterday in which, because he discussed today and earlier this week. ever since 1801, when the District of Co- was busy helping, perhaps, terrorists or It became more difficult to make lumbia became the Capital, who have Marc Rich or things like that he didn’t progress as the years went by, because died in our wars without seeing the notice, because I am sure he wouldn’t most of my service in the Congress has benefits of voting representation in the be untruthful or tell a lie, but he been in the minority. Yet we are mak- House and Senate and without the full doesn’t even know how bad it gets in ing progress. and equal rights of other Americans Washington if you are a conservative, We were able to get the first statue who died alongside them, I ask this if you are George W. Bush, if you are representing the District of Columbia House to grant the residents of their John Ashcroft, if you are Alberto in the Capitol last year. The reason Nation’s Capital statehood. And if you Gonzales. that is important is that a statue, like fall short of statehood, at the very It got pretty brutal here, a lot worse those of the states, was denied us be- least, our residents are entitled to than anything our current Attorney cause we are not yet a State. We have equal representation and to equal rec- General has seen, and that is even now been able to break through that ognition, to equality under law with without having to go back and recall with what is surely a symbol of state- every other American citizen. the treatment that John Mitchell got. hood. f I would say, deservedly so, John Mitch- And at the ceremony with majority ell got the treatment he got. But for and minority leadership, unveiling the WAR ON BRATS any Attorney General to be so ignorant Douglass statue, Majority Leader REID (Mr. PETRI asked and was given per- of what has happened in very recent used the occasion, with great enthu- mission to address the House for 1 years of the maltreatment and siasm, to indicate that he was cospon- minute and to revise and extend his re- malignment and basically slander of soring the D.C. statehood bill. marks.) Republicans and a Republican Presi- The reason that is important, Mr. Mr. PETRI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today dent and Republican Attorneys General Speaker, is that the Majority Leader, to express my concern that protec- is a bit breathtaking. like the Speaker of this House, cospon- tionism could one day lead to a ‘‘war There is a Web site that is Boycott sors very few bills. It says something on brats.’’ Liberalism. It has a lot of quotes from about the importance of correcting un- Bratwursts are delicious. They are people. Senator HARRY REID said: fairness to the District of Columbia enjoyed around the world. In Wis- President Bush is a liar. that Majority Leader REID not only has consin, we take our brats seriously. I don’t recall anyone saying that at become a cosponsor of our D.C. state- But nowhere more so than in the Sixth our hearings with our current Attorney hood bill, one of 17 Senators, but that District, which includes the Bratwurst General. he did so with great enthusiasm and in Capital of the World, Sheboygan, Wis- The Speaker of the U.S. House of a prominent public announcement. consin. Representatives, NANCY PELOSI, said: I am pleased that virtually the entire In 1970, the city of Sheboygan battled Bush is an incompetent leader. In fact, he’s Democratic Senate leadership has Bucyrus, Ohio, for the title and won. not a leader. sponsored our statehood bill. The battle was ended on August 14, I don’t recall anyone saying anything Mr. Speaker, Congress continues to 1970, when Judge John Bolgert issued of that magnitude of our current At- deny the American citizens who live in an official decision bestowing the title torney General or President, not in any its Nation’s Capital their most basic upon Sheboygan and barring all other of our hearings. rights. Today we have discussed how claimants from using it. Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of that is a violation of every American Unfortunately, this title could soon State and U.S. Senator, said: principle, and that it is even a viola- be under attack. There is growing con- We have a culture of corruption. We have tion of international law. cern that the European Union could cronyism. We have incompetence. Congress has failed to give D.C. resi- consider more geographic name restric- This actually raises a question about dents even some of the rights associ- tions on products including ‘‘kielbasa’’ pots and kettles calling each other ated with statehood, rights that they and Wisconsin’s own ‘‘bratwurst.’’ names. could give today or tomorrow even if This is, frankly, getting ridiculous. If Other quotes. John Edwards, a they were not prepared to grant us anything, we should be trademarking former U.S. Senator and Democratic statehood, the right to control our own the name ‘‘bratwurst,’’ not them. Vice Presidential nominee: local funds, funds we raise, funds we I am currently circulating a letter I would say if you live in the United States then turn over, at a cost of $12,000 per urging the U.S. trade representatives of America and you vote for George Bush, person, to support the government of to reject any attempt to include these you’ve lost your mind. the United States. provisions in further trade negotia- Senator AL FRANKEN said: Congress tyrannically overturns lo- tions. I strongly urge my colleagues to I think the President highjacked 9/11 and cally passed laws and keeps our local consider signing this letter. used it to go to war with Iraq in a way that laws from going into existence until f was very divisive. they have had an opportunity to look The late Ted Kennedy, as Senator, WAR ON CONSERVATIVES at them, except they don’t. They just said: leave this costly, delay-ridden require- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under No President in American history has done ment in place. the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- more damage to our country and our secu- Congress continues to command our uary 3, 2013, the gentleman from Texas rity than George W. Bush. taxes to support the national govern- (Mr. GOHMERT) is recognized for 60 min- Amazingly, I am not aware of any ment at a higher per capita rate than utes as the designee of the majority U.S. President in one party reaching the rate paid by any other Americans leader. out more to a Senator in the other while denying D.C. residents voting Mr. GOHMERT. It is amazing some of party than did George W. Bush with representation when Congress passes the efforts made to rewrite history and Senator Ted Kennedy, and these are laws concerning those taxes or con- cast things in a light that doesn’t the kind of comments he got in re- cerning any other matter affecting our exist. So as some people in the admin- sponse. country. istration step up the continued Senator Hillary Clinton, former Sec- Therefore, Mr. Speaker, in the name trashing of conservatives in America— retary of State, said: of those who have died in the Nation’s we have already seen the assault on I predict to you that this administration wars; in the name of the living vet- conservative groups by the IRS, that will go down in history as one of the worst erans of our wars who are among the does need a special prosecutor, clear- that has ever governed our country. 650,000 residents of the District of Co- ly—the assault on people with whom We are just talking about there has lumbia today; in the name of D.C. resi- some in the administration disagree, never been an Attorney General or VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:31 Apr 11, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.048 H10APPT1 tjames on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H3190 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 10, 2014 President treated as have been the cur- tice Department to terrorists, con- People were coerced into selling rent ones. victed terrorists. weapons to people that should not have Senator Hillary Clinton, former Sec- People who financed terrorism, which had them, morally or legally, because retary of State, said: made them a part of the terrorist act, the Justice Department wanted to get There has never been an administration, I convicted of over 100 counts, they were them to drug cartels in Mexico, where don’t believe, in our history more intent on given, their lawyers were given thou- they did, and we know, we have heard consolidating and abusing power to further sands and thousands and thousands of that at least a couple of hundred or so their own agenda. pages of documents. Lawyers were Mexicans, each one of them a life She also said: given 9,600 or so transcripts or sum- worth saving, those lives were taken by I have been absolutely amazed, even maries of transcripts.
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