8/6/2020 Historic district for Munjoy Hill - Google Groups Google Groups Historic district for Munjoy Hill Deborah Cole <
[email protected]> Aug 5, 2020 2:38 PM Posted in group: Planning Board To: Portland Planning board From: Deborah Cole Munjoy Hill homeowner since 1980 Date: August 5, 2020 Dear Planning board, I am strongly in favor of your passing this initiative. The benefits have been outlined and reviewed and support for this initiative is broad-based and well articulated. These benefits include: Stable neighborhood infrastructure Tax benefits to home owners Historical preservation Quality of design and street scape integrity To name a few. Please add my name to those in favor of your “yes” Vote and without further adieu pass this historic district designation for Munjoy Hill and we can all breathe a sigh of relief that our wonderful city is in sensible hands. Thank you, Deborah Cole 71 Walnut St Portland 04101 Sent from my iPhone https://groups.google.com/a/portlandmaine.gov/forum/print/msg/planningboard/1hwTkGTQQ08/ATn14FElAwAJ?ctz=5573935_72_76_104100_72_44… 1/1 8/6/2020 Munjoy Hill historic district - Google Groups Google Groups Munjoy Hill historic district Denise Preisser <
[email protected]> Aug 5, 2020 9:35 PM Posted in group: Planning Board To whom it may concern: I am informing you that as a resident on Munjoy Hill I am in favor or the Munjoy Hill Historic Désignation As was outlined on the card I received in the mail. I feel this designation will help preserve the history and charm for future generations. Best Regards, Denise Preisser 25 Fore Street #2 Get Outlook for iOS https://groups.google.com/a/portlandmaine.gov/forum/print/msg/planningboard/CamuuQQI3a8/gPu0NzLKBAAJ?ctz=5573918_72_76_104100_72_44… 1/1 8/6/2020 Munjoy Hill preservation - Google Groups Google Groups Munjoy Hill preservation Derek Campbell <
[email protected]> Aug 5, 2020 12:30 PM Posted in group: Planning Board I am a resident of Munjoy Hill.