the Satanist Priest Apostle of the

As a law student at the University of Bartolo Longo found himself under the influence of the latest anticlerical patriotic ideas, imbued with apostasy and freemasonry. Slowly he withdrew from the sacraments and found himself experimenting with witchcraft and magic. Being an all-or-nothing kind of person, he threw himself into spiritualism. Still not satisfied he consecrated himself to Satan as ‘priest’. Following this pact with the devil, his life disintegrated in multiple ways. Bartolo was sad but not in a usual way, it was an ever-present oppressive sadness. He became confused, his ‘spirit companions’, whom he called ‘angels’, gave inconsistent contradictory answers to questions that were important to him.

Bartolo’s physical and mental health deteriorated, his appearance was wild and haunting, unrecognizable by those who had known him before. His failing health and anxiety did not escape the notice of a ‘good angel’, one of his old professors, one of the few remaining loyal Catholics, who without Bartolo’s knowledge, waged a spiritual war on his behalf. On the evening of May 27th 1865 Bartolo went to confession to Father Radente, a Dominican priest renowned for his spiritual counsels. After three days of fasting, corporal works of mercy, and recourse to the prayers of contemplative nuns, absolution was granted him. He did his ‘first holy communion’ the following month, on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

During a trip in the nearby valley of Pompeii, Bartolo was shocked by the physical, intellectual and spiritual misery of the local peasants. Empty churches and quick recourse to the local witch for any problem. “What to do?” While on a countryside walk one evening in October, he felt a heavy weight of sadness, the demonic influences of his past assailing him with vengeance. Overcome with anguish, he heard ringing in a distance the bells of the Angelus. He turned to the Virgin Mary in this ‘valley of tears’, he turned to the Rosary. It was then that the advice of Father Radente came to mind: “If you are looking for salvation, propagate the Rosary”. He was true to his word. In his propagation of the Rosary and his great love for the Virgin Mary, he accomplished several missions. The most notable and well known is the construction of the of the Blessed Virgin of the Rosary of Pompeii. Here he placed an old image of the Mary Queen of the Rosary which soon became the source of miraculous healings.

Pope John Paul II beatified him in 1980, and in his Letter on the importance of ‘The Rosary’ called Bartolo the ‘Apostle of the Rosary’. Last Sunday, first Sunday in October, the supplication to the Virgin Mary of Pompeii was recited against all dangers of body and soul. Last Monday, 5th October, it was Bartolo Longo’s Feast Day. Last Thursday, 7th October, the Feast of . “What to do?” Pray the Rosary!

Father Ivano