How Scam Artists Are Ripping Off America
PONZIMONIUM HOW SCAM ARTISTS ARE RIPPING OFF AMERICA COMMISSIONER BART CHILTON COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING COMMISSION PONZIMONIUM HOW SCAM ARTISTS ARE RIPPING OFF AMERICA COMMISSIONER BART CHILTON COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING COMMISSION Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Three Lafayette Centre 1155 21st Street, NW Washington, DC 10581 Phone: 202-418-5000 It is easy for folks to get frustrated by their government and and aggressive prosecution of the cases described in the people who work in government. I get it, and am also Ponzimonium and for their support in writing this book: frustrated and disappointed with how things are done. That Kathleen Banar, James Deacon, John Dunfee, Rick Glaser, said, public servants, in general, get a bad rap. Our frustra- Susan Gradman, James Holl, Daniel Jordan, Luke Marsh, tion with one employee at a division of motor vehicles Kenneth McCracken, Diane Romaniuk, and Anne Termine. shouldn’t color our view of government employees at large. I also thank Steve Obie, who served as the Acting Director I’ve had the honor to work with thousands of dedicated of the Division of Enforcement in 2009. These employees public servants who sacrifice much in order to do tough are superlative public servants, and American taxpayers and jobs, often times on a salary much less than they could consumers owe them a debt of gratitude. command in the private sector. For each of those folks we I also thank Elizabeth Ritter, Laura Gardy, Katie Hoard, read about who enter the revolving door from govern- Clay Pederson, Stacy Yochum and Jonathon Urban for their ment to the private sector to get a “pay day” by touting work.
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