Gynaecology Healthcare Atlas 2015–2017 Helseatlas Hospital referral areas and adjustment SKDE

The following fact sheets use the terms ‘hospital referral area’ and ‘adjusted for age’. These terms are explai- ned below.

Aver. Hospital referral areas Inhabitants age Akershus 67% 201,911 47.2 The regional health authorities have a responsibility to provide satis- Vestre Viken 64% 196,644 48.6 Bergen 67% 178,531 46.7 factory specialist health services to the population in their catchment Innlandet 59% 166,569 50.3 area. In practice, it is the individual health trusts and private provi- Stavanger 70% 140,197 45.6 St. Olavs 66% 127,895 46.9 ders under a contract with a regional health authority that provide and Sørlandet 64% 120,307 47.8 Østfold 62% 119,927 49.2 perform the health services. Each has a hospital referral OUS 72% 109,435 45.0 area that includes specific municipalities and city districts. Different Møre og Romsdal 61% 104,957 49.0 Vestfold 61% 95,564 49.3 disciplines can have different hospital referral areas, and for some ser- UNN 63% 77,413 48.2 Telemark 60% 71,665 49.8 vices, functions are divided between different health trusts and/or pri- Fonna 63% 70,749 48.2 vate providers. The Gynaecology Healthcare Atlas uses the hospital Hospital referral area Lovisenberg 84% 62,639 38.6 Diakonhjemmet 67% 59,811 46.3 referral areas for specialist health services for medical emergency ca- 61% 56,144 49.0 Nord-Trøndelag 61% 55,459 49.3 re. Førde 60% 43,540 49.4 Helgeland 60% 56+ years 31,821 49.7 In the period 2015–2017, there were, on average, about 2.12 million 64% 16-55 years 30,108 47.8 women aged 16 years or older in . As shown in the figure, 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 the size of the population of the health trusts’ hospital referral areas Number Source: SSB varied considerably. The average age of the female population also varied between hospital referral areas. Number of women aged 16 years or older living in Norway, broken down by hospital referral area and age group. Average for the period 2015–2017. The table below shows the health trusts or hospitals for which hospital referral areas have been defined and the short versions of the names Adjustment for age used in the fact sheets and report. In order to compare the number of events in different hospital referral areas, the actual numbers have been standardised by age. The standar- disation was based on the direct method, using the female population Health trust/hospital Short name of Norway in the relevant age range in 2016 as the reference popula- Northern Norway Regional Health Authority tion. The age groups are defined in such a way that there are about the Finnmark same number of events in each age group. The age group division will University Hospital of Northern Norway Trust UNN Nordland consequently vary between different samples. The analysis shows the Helgeland number of events per 10,000 women that the hospital referral areas would have had if the age composition of their female population we- Central Norway Regional Health Authority re identical to that of the country as a whole in 2016. Helse Nord-Trøndelag health trust Nord-Trøndelag St. Olavs Hospital Trust St. Olavs The standardised number of events per 10,000 women in hospital re- Helse Møre og Romsdal health trust Møre og Romsdal ferral area j is calculated as follows:

Western Norway Regional Health Authority Helse Førde health trust Førde K Helse Bergen health trust Bergen X nij rj = 10, 000 × × ai Helse Fonna health trust Fonna Nij Helse Stavanger health trust Stavanger i=1

South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority with nij being the actual number of events in hospital referral area j Østfold Hospital Trust Østfold and age group i, Nij being the population of hospital referral area j Akershus University Hospital Trust Akershus in age group i, ai the national proportion that age group i makes up Trust OUS of the female population of Norway in 2016 and K being the number Lovisenberg Diaconal Hospital Lovisenberg Diakonhjemmet Hospital Diakonhjemmet of age groups. Innlandet Proportions standardised for age are presented in some analyses. In Vestre Viken Hospital Trust Vestre Viken Vestforld Hospital Trust Vestfold these cases, age-standardised numbers per 10,000 women are used in Telemark both the numerator and denominator. Sørlandet Hospital Trust Sørlandet

For a complete list of the municipalities and city districts that make up the different hospital referral areas, see the appendix tothe report. With some exceptions, the hospital referral areas are defined in the same way as in the annual SAMDATA reports.

For more information see the report or