Detailed Syllabus
SEMESTER 1 15XW11 CALCULUS AND ITS APPLICATIONS 3 2 0 4 BASIC CONCEPTS: Functions – Graphs, limit, continuity, jump discontinuity, piecewise continuity, periodic, differentiable, integrable, absolutely integrable functions. Fundamental theorem of calculus (statement only). Sequences – increasing, decreasing, bounded, function limit properties (No Proof). Series – convergence and divergence – alternating series test, absolute convergence – ratio test, power series. (7+5) FOURIER SERIES : Periodic waveforms, even and odd functions, orthogonality relations, Fourier series - Dirchlet’s conditions, statement of Fourier Theorem, Fourier Co-effecients – change of scale , Half range series, Parseval’s theorem – average power of a signal, RMS value, applications – frequency response of a linear system. (8+5) FUNCTIONS OF TWO VARIABLES: Introduction- partial derivative and its geometrical interpretation. Taylor series about a point - Maxima, minima - Constrained maxima and minima – Lagrange multiplier method. (7+5) INTEGRAL CALCULUS: Evaluation of multiple integrals - Change the order of integration - Application of multiple integrals to find area and volume - Beta and Gamma Integrals - Evaluation of definite integrals in terms of Beta and Gamma functions. (8+5) ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF FIRST ORDER: Modeling- Geometrical meaning- Exact differential equations, Integrating factors- linear differential equations, Bernouli equations - Applications to linear systems. (7+5) LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF SECOND AND HIGHER ORDER: Homogeneous linear equations of second order and higher order equations with constant coefficients. Euler-Cauchy equation, Non-homogeneous equations, Solution by variation of parameter - Applications to linear systems. (8+5) Total L:45+T:30 = 75 TEXT BOOKS : 1. Erwin Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, John Wiley, 2014. 2. Maurice D. Weir, Joel Hass, Frank R. Giordano, “Thomas’ Calculus”, Pearson, 2013.
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