
The Possible, the Plausible, and the Desirable: Event-Based Modality Detection for Language Processing Valentina Pyatkin∗ Shoval Sadde∗ Aynat Rubinstein Bar Ilan University Bar Ilan University Hebrew University of Jerusalem [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Paul Portner Reut Tsarfaty Georgetown University Bar Ilan University [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract (1) a. We presented a paper at ACL’19. Modality is the linguistic ability to describe b. We did not present a paper at ACL’20. events with added such as how de- sirable, plausible, or feasible they are. Modal- The propositional content p =“present a paper at ity is important for many NLP downstream ACL’X” can be easily verified for sentences (1a)- tasks such as the detection of hedging, uncer- (1b) by looking up the proceedings of the confer- tainty, speculation, and more. Previous studies ence to (dis)prove the existence of the relevant pub- that address modality detection in NLP often p restrict modal expressions to a closed syntac- lication. The same is still referred to tic class, and the modal sense labels are vastly in sentences (2a)–(2d), but now in each one, p is different across different studies, lacking an ac- described from a different perspective: cepted standard. Furthermore, these senses are often analyzed independently of the events that (2) a. We aim to present a paper at ACL’21. they modify. This work builds on the theoreti- b. We want to present a paper at ACL’21. cal foundations of the Georgetown Gradable Modal Expressions (GME) work by Rubin- c. We ought to present a paper at ACL’21. stein et al.(2013) to propose an event-based d. We are likely to present a paper at modality detection task where modal expres- ACL’21. sions can be of any syntactic class and sense labels are drawn from a comprehensive These sentences cannot be verified or falsified taxonomy which harmonizes the modal con- simply by examining whether p actually came or cepts contributed by the different studies. We will come to pass, and in fact, such verification is present experiments on the GME corpus aim- ing to detect and classify fine-grained modal not the goal of this way of reporting. Rather, speak- concepts and associate them with their modi- ers describe such events in order to indicate PLANS fied events. We show that detecting and clas- (2a), DESIRES (2b), NORMS (2c), or the assessed sifying modal expressions is not only feasi- PLAUSIBILITY (2d) of the associated propositional ble, but also improves the detection of modal content p. Investigating how to classify these per- events in their own right. spectives on events has been the of exten- 1 Introduction sive research on modality in theoretical (Kratzer, 1981; Palmer, 1986; Portner, 2009). Modality refers to the linguistic ability to describe 1 In terms of NLP technology, modal concepts as

arXiv:2106.08037v1 [cs.CL] 15 Jun 2021 alternative ways the world could be. Modal ex- expressed in (2) are relevant to many downstream pressions aim to identify wishes, rules, beliefs, tasks, such as the automatic detection of hedging or norms in texts (Kratzer, 1981; Portner, 2009), and speculation (Vincze et al., 2008; Malhotra et al., which is a crucial part of Natural Language Under- 2013), uncertainty (Vincze et al., 2008; Miwa et al., standing (NLU) (Morante and Sporleder, 2012). 2012; Zerva et al., 2017; Prieto et al., 2020), opin- Concretely, events in natural language are often ion (Wiebe et al., 2005; Rubin, 2010; Miwa et al., reported in a manner that emphasizes non-actual 2012), and factuality (Saurí and Pustejovsky, 2009; perspectives on them, rather than their actual propo- Rudinger et al., 2018). Although these tasks rely on sitional content. Consider examples (1a)–(1b): modality features, so far there is no accepted stan- ∗ Equal contribution dard for modal concepts and labels, which aligns 1In formal , these alternatives are referred to as possible worlds or situations (Kripke, 1959; Lewis, 1973; with the semantic space of modal senses that lin- Barwise and Perry, 1981; Kratzer, 2010). guists identify. Consequently, modality features are either treated idiosyncratically or are absent from The former is uninformative, because the modal semantic frameworks (Donatelli et al., 2018, §4.6). trigger is not explicitly associated with the event In support of such downstream tasks, a different being modified. Ghia et al.(2016) take a step in the type of NLP investigations targets modality anno- right direction, offering to annotate modal sense tation and detection in its own right (Ruppenhofer constructions. and Rehbein(2012); Baker et al.(2012); Zhou The current work proposes to address all of the et al.(2015); Marasovi c´ and Frank(2016); Hen- aforementioned deficiencies as follows. We define drickx et al.(2012); Nissim et al.(2013); Ghia et al. a prediction task that we term event-based modality (2016); Mendes et al.(2016); Lavid et al.(2016), detection, where, given a as input, we aim and others). However, each of these studies creates to return all of its modal triggers, their associated its own scheme, and none of these schemes has modal senses, and, for each trigger, the respective been picked up as an accepted standard by the com- event being modified. Crucially, the modal triggers munity. Moreover, different endeavors suffer from can be from any syntactic class. The modal senses one (or more) of the following types of deficiencies are drawn from a single taxonomy that we motivate with respect to their expressivity and coverage. based on linguistic research and which harmonizes First, many studies limit the modal triggers, i.e., the different modal concepts contributed in previ- the expressions that trigger the modal meaning, to ous studies (§3). Finally, we propose to view modal a closed class of auxiliary (e.g., can, might, triggers as semantic modifiers of eventive heads should, must in English (Ruppenhofer and Rehbein, in event-based (a.k.a., Neo-Davidsonian; Parsons 2012; Marasovic´ et al., 2016; Quaresma et al., (1990)) semantics. This is motivated by practical 2014)). However, as acknowledged by linguists concerns – when extracting events from texts to (Kratzer, 1981) and NLP researchers (Rubin, 2010; benefit downstream tasks, one would want easy ac- Baker et al., 2012; Nissim et al., 2013), words cess to the features that indicate the perspective on of any Part-of-Speech (POS) can trigger modal- each event, above and beyond its participants. ity. Consider, for instance, the following triggers: The accompanying annotation standard we as- We should remain calm (AUX); We have a plan to sume for the task is based on the Georgetown Grad- reduce the costs (NOUN); Our agency prefers this able Modal Expressions (GME) framework (Rubin- equipment (); Marx is probably patriotic stein et al., 2013), with two simplifications that are (ADV); Devaluation has been necessary (ADJ). designed to allow for more consistent annotations Second, the modal senses, i.e., the labels that and increased ease-of-use by non-experts. First, we indicate the modal perspectives, differ from one change the modal sense labels to be intuitive and study to another, with no accepted standard. Some self-explanatory. Second, instead of the event span studies focus only on a particular sense, such as (a.k.a., prejacent) in the GME, we mark the head (Rubin, 2010; Ghia et al., 2016). of the event being modified. Others use labels that mix modal senses with or- To assess the feasibility of the proposed task, we thogonal notions (e.g., force, distinguishing permis- use the GME corpus (Rubinstein et al., 2013) to sion from requirement as in Baker et al.(2012)), train and test the automatic detection of modal trig- thereby making their deployment into existing an- gers, their senses, and associated events. Our exper- notations and tasks less transparent. In general, iments show that while identifying a closed set of there is no single annotation standard that covers auxiliary verbs as modal triggers is straightforward, the full spectrum of modal senses attested in the expanding the set of triggers to any syntactic class data and confirmed by the latest linguistic theories, indeed makes it a harder task. Notwithstanding as portrayed by Portner(2009). this difficulty, we show that a model based on large Finally, modality detection in NLP has often pre-trained contextualized embeddings (Liu et al., been cast as a -sense disambiguation (WSD) 2019) obtains substantial improvements over our task (Ruppenhofer and Rehbein, 2012) or as a baseline on the full task. Moreover, we show that sentence-classification task (Marasovic´ and Frank, detecting modalized events in fact improves with 2016). Both perspectives are insufficient for any the availability of information about the modal trig- practical use. The latter is too coarse-grained, as gers. All in all, we contribute a new task, a new a sentence may contain multiple events, each of standard and a set of strong baselines for the event- which potentially carries a different modal sense. based modality task we defined. 2 Linguistic Background in the non-epistemic case, distinguishing between requirements, permissions, wants, and intentions, Modal expressions allow language users to discuss but not all of these in fact track distinct modal alternative . For example, the sentence She senses. For example, their “require” modality con- can reach the ceiling is modal because it describes flates both rule-based obligations and goal-oriented the event of her reaching the ceiling as feasible, preferences. but potentially non-actual. Similarly, She hopefully Most importantly, the discussion of modality will reach the ceiling is modal because it describes in NLP often resorts to linguistic regimes that are such an event as desirable, and likewise potentially not understandable by non-linguists and non-expert non-actual. A sentence like She was reported to practitioners, making the output of these systems reach the ceiling describes the event of her reaching essentially unusable for NLP engineers and design- the ceiling as potentially actual, according to one’s ers of downstream tasks. This paper aims to bridge state of knowledge, yet implying that in it this gap, offering a single task and annotation stan- could have been otherwise. dard that cover the rich space of concepts, while Over the last 40 years linguists have achieved an being intuitively understandable and easy-to-use. increasingly refined understanding of how to clas- sify modal senses. The most traditional and fun- A Note on Modality vs. Factuality. A related damental distinction is between epistemic modals but different line of work in NLP investigates the and non-epistemic modals (also called root modals). automatic identification and classification of the Epistemic modals have to do with knowledge and factual status of events (Saurí and Pustejovsky, plausibility of the event actually happening. Non- 2009; Rudinger et al., 2018). That is, the factuality epistemic modals have to do with actions and classification task has to do with automatically de- motivations underlying the events.2 tecting whether, in actuality, a reported event has Epistemic modality is not a unified class. Some happened or has not happened.3 modals express a perspective on the event that It is important to note that factuality and modal- is based on knowledge, while others express a ity are distinct and completely orthogonal notions perspective related to the objective chance of the (see, e.g., Ghia et al. 2016). For example, the sen- event happening (a.k.a., circumstantial modality tences The WSJ announced that she reached the in Kratzer(1981)). Furthermore, linguists posit shore and She was able to reach the shore share two types of non-epistemic modal senses: one the propositional content of p = ‘she reached the which focuses on the objective abilities and dy- shore’ and its implied factuality status (happened), namic unfolding of events (Palmer, 1986), and but differ in the manner of reporting the event p. another which focuses on subjective reasons to The former is based on knowledge, while the latter prioritise one event over another (Portner, 2009). puts emphasis on the ability of the agent in p. It is Within the latter subtype there are further subdivi- precisely this change of perspective that is missing sions according to whether the event is prioritised in the realm of NLU and related downstream tasks. in terms of norms (deontic), desires/preferences The upshot of Rudinger et al.’s (2018) work is (bouletic), or goals/plans (teleological)(Kratzer, the claim that factuality is determined at event level, 1981; Portner, 2009; Rubinstein, 2012; Matthew- and that expressions contributing to factuality may son and Truckenbrodt, 2018). be of any syntactic class. We likewise propose to The traditional three-way classification of modal relate modal triggers to an event being modified, senses into deontic, epistemic, and dynamic, which and we similarly adopt an inclusive view of the has been used in previous NLP work (e.g., Ruppen- syntactic classes that express modality. In hofer and Rehbein(2012); Marasovi c´ et al.(2016)), to event-based factuality detection, as proposed by did not attend to these subdivisions, which are Rudinger et al.(2018) and others, which classifies nonetheless expected to be important for reason- which events came to pass, event-based modality ing and other tasks that require deep understanding. detection as proposed here classifies an orthogonal Baker et al.(2012) make finer-grained distinctions dimension of meaning related to semantic proper- 2The same split is motivated also on syntactic grounds: ties of events that may be non-actual, providing epistemic modals appear in high positions in the syntactic information about why they are portrayed as such. structure, in particular above tense and aspect, while root modals appear lower in the structure, closer to the verb phrase 3Rudinger et al.(2018) define factuality status on a scale (see Hacquard(2010) for an overview). of {+3,-3}. 0 indicates an event with unclear factuality status. 3 Event-Based Modality Detection: Priority the ballot which must be Norms and Rules Proposed Task Definition held by the end of March we do support certain Desires and Wishes We propose an event-based modality detection task limitations on the villains that rests upon three assumptions: (i) the set of a necessity emerged to Plans and Goals possible modal triggers is open-ended, and may be enter the Pilgrim’s House of any POS tag, (ii) the associated modal senses Plausibility The ship is believed to are fine-grained and form an hierarchical taxonomy, State of Knowledge carry illegal immigrants and (iii) each trigger is associated with an event. The disease can be contr- State of the World Consider, for instance, the following examples: acted if a person is bitten They are able to do State of the Agent whatever they want (3) a. He was reportedi to bei in custody.

b. It is believedj that the glass will makej Table 1: Modal-Sense Examples it possiblek to seek the satellite at night.

In these examples, the words in bold indicate the In contrast, the PRIORITY branch marks a per- modal expression, which we call a trigger. The spective where events are prioritized, or considered co-indexed items in italics mark the head of the “good” by the speaker (or more generally, by a rele- event for which the modal perspective is ascribed. vant attitude holder) (Portner, 2009). Events can be In (3a), ‘reported’ triggers a modal perspective on preferred because they are normatively obliged or the event of ‘being (in custody)’. In (3b), ‘believed’ commendable (“You shouldi n’t drink and drivei), triggers a modal perspective on the ‘making’ event, because they realize a goal ("The plani to reducei and ‘possible’ indicates a modal perspective on the costs in Q2"), or because they are otherwise desir- ‘seeing (the satellite)’ event. able, as a matter of personal taste or preference (“I Clearly, the modal perspectives on these events, will preferablyi meeti them over lunch”). i.e., the modal senses, are of different types. How To make these notions accessible, we assign in- should we label these fine-grained modal senses? tuitive labels to these fine-grained concepts. On the PLAUSIBILITY side, we distinguish plausibility A Hierarchical Taxonomy of Modal Senses based on the state of KNOWLEDGE (previously, Having established that a given expression serves epistemic), plausibility based on a state of the as a modal trigger, we are interested in classifying WORLD (circumstantial), and plausibility based on the particular sense, or perspective, that it assigns the objective abilities of the AGENT (dynamic). On to the modal event. Figure1 presents the complete the PRIORITY side, we distinguish priorities based taxonomy that we propose for modal sense classifi- on RULESANDNORMS (deontic), priorities based cation in NLP. It is based on the modal senses pro- on DESIRESANDWISHES (bouletic), and priorities posed and justified by Rubinstein et al.(2013), with based on PLANSANDGOALS (teleological). As a few simplifications that make it intuitive and easy- illustrated in Table2, modal triggers on both sides 4 to-use by NLP practitioners and non-linguists. of the sense hierarchy may be of any POS tag. The highest level of the hierarchy tracks the dis- The proposed taxonomy unifies and harmonizes tinction between events whose PLAUSIBILITY is the different modal senses offered by previous stud- being assessed, and events whose PRIORITY is ies. Importantly, we enrich the epistemic-deontic- stated. More specifically, plausibility has to do with dynamic classification used in previous NLP re- events that are expected to happen or not happen, search (Ruppenhofer and Rehbein, 2012; Maraso- given a relevant set of assumptions which are made vic´ and Frank, 2016) with the finer-grained no- explicit. Plausibility can be assessed based on our tions introduced by Rubinstein et al.(2013) and state of knowledge (“I heardi she got marriedi"), refer to the various labels in work by Baker et al. based on what is objectively probable due to facts (2012); Mendes et al.(2016). More concretely, about the world (“The ice cream will definitelyi in GME and in our taxonomy, what in previous melti in the sun"), or based on inherent (physical) annotations was a monolithic deontic class (Rup- abilities of an agent (“I cani easily swimi 10 km"). penhofer and Rehbein, 2012; Marasovic´ and Frank, 4Cf. Manning’s Law, item 5 https://en. 2016) now corresponds to the PRIORITY node, with wikipedia.org/wiki/Manning’s_Law three linguistically-motivated sub-classes (Portner, Modality

Priority Plausibility

by Rules by Desires by Plans by State of by State of by State of and Norms and Wishes and Goals Knowledge the World the Agent (deontic) (bouletic) (teleological) (epistemic) (circumstantial) (dynamic)

Figure 1: The Proposed Hierarchical Taxonomy of Modal Senses

Priority Plausibility Aux We should remain calm there is little I can do Verb Our agency seriously needs equipment powers that enable him to defend the rights Noun a plan to reduce carbon-dioxide emissions their incapacity to put crime under control Adverb Marx is sufficiently patriotic President Mugabe easily won Zimbabwe’s election devaluation was necessary this complex decision was not easy for him

Table 2: Modal Triggers with Diverse Parts-of-Speech Tags: Sentence Excerpts from the GME corpus.

2009): a RULES-AND-NORMS class, a DESIRES- 4 Experimental Setup AND-WISHES class, and PLANS-AND-GOALS. Among modal events that do not involve prior- Goal We set out to assess the feasibility of our ities or norms, the sub-class which concerns the proposed event-based modality task. Concretely, state of an AGENT corresponds to dynamic modal- we would like to gauge how well we can learn to de- ity in previous studies (Ruppenhofer and Rehbein, tect and classify the different levels of modal senses 2012; Marasovic´ et al., 2016). The two other sub- afforded by our taxonomy (§3) and to identify the classes of plausibility modality, state of WORLD events modified by the triggers. and state of KNOWLEDGE taken together, corre- Data Our experiments use the Georgetown Grad- spond to epistemic in these previous works. able Modal Expressions Corpus (GME; Rubinstein To justify our fine-grained distinction, consider et al.(2013)), a corpus obtained by expert annota- how the latter two senses, state of the WORLD and tions of the MPQA Opinion Corpus (Wiebe et al., the state of KNOWLEDGE, correspond to interest- 2005). The MPQA corpus is a 301,090-token cor- ing applications in the BioNLP , where pus of news articles, which, following Ruppenhofer it is vital to distinguish fact from analysis (Miwa and Rehbein(2012), has become a benchmark for et al., 2012). The difference is seen in the interpre- the annotation of modality. tations of may in the following examples from the The GME corpus annotates various properties of BioScope corpus (Vincze et al., 2008): modal expressions, including their sense in context, (4) a. Symptoms may include fever, cough or the proposition they apply to, the polarity of their itches. environment, and whether or not they are qualified b. The presence of urothelial thickening by a degree expression.5 Rubinstein et al.(2013) and mild dilatation of the left ureter sug- claim inter-annotator scores as follows: gest that the may have continued Krippendorf’s α = 0.89 for a 2-way distinction vesicoureteral reflux. corresponding to Priority versus Plausibility, α = 0.49 for their finest-grained sense classification, In (4a), we classify may to the plausibility branch and α = 0.65 for prejacent span detection. with a state of the WORLD sub-class. In Miwa et al.’s terms this would be referred to as fact. In We processed the corpus by extracting the (4b), we classify may to the plausibility branch modal triggers and their corresponding proposi- with a state of KNOWLEDGE sub-class. In Miwa 5See Rubinstein et al.(2013) for details about the annota- et al.’s terms this would be referred to as analysis. tion process and the full scheme of annotated features. tional spans (propositional in GME) into 1. MODAL SENSE CLASSIFICATION. Here we a CoNLL-formatted file. Using spaCy (Honnibal aim to classify the modal sense of a trigger, assum- et al., 2020), we obtained the lemmas, POS tags, ing a modal trigger is already known. Specifically, and dependencies. The topmost head of the propo- we examine the contribution of the context to the sitional span is considered the head of the event lemma. We perform sense classification with the being modified. We transformed the spans of modal following variations: (i) Vote: a majority vote, (ii) into BIO-tags, as shown in Table3. Token: out of context token-based classification We shuffled and split the data into 90% training where the trigger token is encoded using GloVe and validation sets, and a 10% test set. The training (Pennington et al., 2014)), (iii) Context: Token- and validation set was then split into 5 folds, and in-context classification, given the whole sentence in each fold, 20% of the sentences were randomly encoded with RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019) as input, assigned to validation, 80% to training. As op- with a marked trigger position, (iv) Masked: given posed to Marasovic´ and Frank(2016), who trained the sentence encoded with RoBERTa but with the and evaluated only on sentences already known to trigger masked, (v) Trigger+Head: only the trig- contain modal triggers, we use the entire dataset, ger word and event head are given, encoded with including sentences with no modality.6 RoBERTa, and finally, (vi) Full+Head: the full sentence is encoded using RoBERTa with both the Corpus Statistics The GME corpus, containing trigger and the event head marked. 11K sentences, shows that modality is a pervasive phenomenon (modal triggers were found in 96% 2. MODALITY DETECTIONAND CLASSIFICA- of the documents and in 48% of the sentences). TION. This is a realistic scenario, where we do We find in the corpus 8318 modal triggers which not assume the trigger is known. We aim to both correspond to 1502 unique types. identify the trigger and label its sense. We model Aside from verbs, nouns (e.g., rights, possibil- this as a tagging task. Every token in the corpus ity) and (e.g., fair, important) are among is assigned a BIOSE tag if it belongs to a modal the most frequently used modal expressions, with trigger, which is appended with a suffix indicating verbs making up 37% of the modals in the corpus, its modal sense. We additionally perform varia- adjectives 30%, and nouns 20%. The remaining tions of this task by including the head of the event modals are either adverbials, auxiliaries, or parti- as a (with either gold or predicted heads). cles. While most verbal triggers are modal verbs Table3 shows an example of the BIOSE tagging of (e.g., could, must, should; MV henceforth), 38% modal triggers, with and without the event. have other POS tags. 736 triggers appear only once 3. MODAL-EVENT DETECTION. Detecting and 7 in the entire corpus with a modal meaning. classifying modal triggers in isolation is insuffi- About 25% of modal triggers are ambiguous in cient for applications, as it is crucial to detect the terms of their modal sense (Plausibility vs. Prior- event being modified. Here we predict a modal ity), posing an additional classification challenge event and aim to relate it to its trigger and modal on top of the varied distribution of trigger POS tags. sense. We model this as sequence labeling, with Modal triggers can also be multi-word expressions, the different tagging schemes to indicate the event with about 200 such instances in the corpus (e.g., being modified. First, we aim to detect only the have to). event. In (i), we predict BIO tags for the proposi- The modal-triggers’ sense-labels are rather bal- tional spans. In (ii), we predict a HEAD label for anced: 48% of the triggers in the corpus belong to the event head. Next, we aim to jointly predict the ‘Plausibility’ and 52% to ‘Priority’. For the finer- modal triggers and their modified events. To this grained senses, the most common and least com- end, in (iii) we predict BIOSE-{E|T} for the event mon classes make up 33% and 7% of the corpus, span, concatenating the related modal trigger. That respectively. is, within a single event span marked with BIO, The Proposed Tasks We experiment with three E marks the propositional content and T marks tasks, with an increasing level of complexity: the trigger. We experiment with and without the modal sense appended to the trigger. Finally, in (iv) 6 The processed data is available at https://github. we predict BIOSE-{sense} tags that indicate the com/OnlpLab/Modality-Corpus. 7Words like can and right have non-modal meanings in modal trigger along with a HEAD tag for the event addition to modal meanings. head. Text BIOSE Event Head Event Span Baseline RoBERTa Japan O O O MV ALL MV ALL has O O O Modal/Not 99.04 68.24 99.9 73.2 taken O O O Coarse-Grained 93.29 63.94 93.3 68.9 a O O O Fine-Grained 73.48 55.23 78.5 58.14 leading O O O role O O O Table 5: The Diversity of Modal Triggers: F1 of MV triggers in O O O vs. All triggers, Majority Vote Baseline vs. RoBERTa the O O O international O O O drive S-GOALS S-GOALS B-T in the test set is tagged with its most frequent label to O O I-E rebuild O H I-E in the training set. For detecting modal triggers Afghanistan O O I-E as well as for event detection, we experiment by ... O O O fine-tuning a ROBERTA-based classifier (Liu et al., 2019).8 The encoded sequence is fed through a lin- Table 3: Representing Event-Based Modality Using a BIO Tagging Scheme. On the left, the BIOSE-label tags are used ear layer with a softmax function predicting the to label the modal triggers. In the middle column BIO tags appropriate tag for a given token. For the shorter track the modal triggers, and H indicates the event head. On the right, the BIO tags track the event span, with the T and E spans (modal triggers) we predict the tag for ev- labeling the trigger and event span respectively. ery token-in-context. For the longer spans (events spans or events+trigger spans) we perform CRF Vote Token Mask Context Head Head . The models we used are AllenNLP +Trigger (Gardner et al., 2018) implementations. Whenever Coarse 89.1 88.7 78.0 90.7 90.5 90.1 Fine 72.0 72.4 58.3 76.4 76.2 75.1 we use the trigger or the event as features to the model, we add special tokens to the input, marking Table 4: Modal Sense Classification with Oracle Triggers. their respective spans in the sentence. The hyper- parameters of the models are as follows: we use ROBERTA and fine-tune it for 6 epochs with The labels that indicate modal sense are drawn BASE a batch-size of 8, a learning rate of 1e−5 and the from the proposed hierarchy, and we experiment adam optimizer.9 with multiple levels of granularity: Modal/Not Modal: a binary distinction, indicating if the to- 5 Results ken is a modal trigger or not. Coarse-grained: a 3-way distinction, indicating if the token is a modal Setting the Stage Before evaluating our models trigger, and if so, what coarse-grained sense it has on the proposed tasks, we first assess the empirical (Plausibility vs. Priority). Fine-Grained: indicating challenge of our event-based modality detection if the token is a modal trigger, and if so, which one task relative to the modal sense sentence classifi- of the senses at the lowest level of the hierarchy it cation (SC) setup of Marasovic´ and Frank(2016). has. We conflated Desires/Wishes and Plans/Goals Their work focuses on 6 modal auxiliary verbs (can, into a single type called Intentions, since both these could, may, must, should, and shall) and modal senses are under-represented in our corpus. See ap- senses from a restricted set of three labels (deon- pendixA for the complete label distribution in our tic, dynamic, epistemic). Note that their proposed data. setup is not designed to separate modal sentences from non-modal ones, as the Marasovic´ and Frank Evaluation Metrics We report for all experi- (2016) dataset contains only modal sentences. Sec- ments BIOSE-chunk Precision, Recall, and (Macro) ond, it cannot directly indicate that a sentence con- F1, calculated with the official ConllEval script tains multiple modal triggers with different senses. (Sang and Buchholz, 2000). When evaluating span tagging for event-based modality we report labeled 8We also experimented with a PyTorch-based se- and unlabeled scores. When we report unlabeled quence tagging model (NCRF++ by Yang and Zhang (2018)) with GoogleNews-vectors-negative300 embeddings F1 for trigger classification, we check whether the (https://code.google.com/archive/p/word2vec/), but this set- token has been correctly identified as modal vs. ting did not outperform our majority vote baseline (and cer- not-modal, regardless of its sense. tainly under-performed the model based on contextualized representations), and we didn’t pursue this direction further. 9The code for data processing, configuration files and train- Models Our baseline for modal trigger detection ing are available at https://github.com/OnlpLab/ is a simple majority vote baseline where each token Modality. Modal/Not Modal Coarse-Grained Fine-Grained P R F1 P R F1 P R F1 Baseline 75.81 62.07 68.24 75.81 62.07 68.24 75.81 62.07 68.24 Unlabeled RoBERTa 70.05 76.68 73.2 72.07 76.17 74.04 74.01 74.41 74.2 Baseline NA NA NA 71.36 57.92 63.94 58.68 45.56 51.29 Labeled RoBERTa NA NA NA 67.03 70.89 68.89 57.98 58.32 58.14

Table 6: Precision, Recall, and F1 for Baseline and RoBERTa. In labeled the model tagged each token for modal/not modal and classified the identified modal tokens. In unlabeled the labels are given, but not counted beyond the modal/not-modal distinction.

Dataset - Triggers Sentence Sense Accuracy and shows that the environment has non-negligible Marasovic` - MV 79 contribution to sense disambiguation. Finally, the GME - MV 73 sense classification is surprisingly effective also GME - ALL 69 in cases where different modal events in the same Table 7: Replicating the Setup of Marasovic´ and Frank sentence are intertwined. An interesting example is (2016) on the GME Data. Results drop for GME when using the following sentence, with modal triggers in bold only sentences with modal verbs (MV), and even further when (sense in brackets): "How can(Plausibility), under using all of GME’s sentences (namely with all modal triggers). such circumstances, America allow(Priority) itself to express an opinion(Plausibility) over the issue We trained and tested a CNN compatible to of human rights(Priority) in other countries." Even theirs10 on their data as well as our data (GME), when masking the triggers, the fine-tuned language using their proposed settings. We mapped our Pri- model was able to correctly identify this alternating ority, Agent, and Knowledge to their deontic, dy- pattern of Plausibility and Priority. namic, and epistemic, respectively, and ignored our State of the World (circumstantial). Here, we report Modal Triggers Detection Table5 shows the the same sentence-based accuracy metrics as they modal trigger detection results when applied only do. Table7 shows the results on the two datasets, to the six modal verbs (MVs), as opposed to modal theirs and GME. We see that accuracy on the SC triggers of unrestricted POS tags (ALL). We see task drops when switching from their data to ours, that when targeting only MVs, detecting modal el- and that it drops further when moving from a closed ements is almost trivial for both the baseline and set of POS (Modal Verbs) to all targets. All in all, RoBERTa. Both models are also quite proficient sentence classification is not sufficient to reflect (F1=93) at separating the different high-level modal the richness of event-based modality annotation, senses (Priority vs. Plausibility) of the modal types and we conjecture that the SC setup would be too that we defined. Once we switch to ‘All triggers’, restrictive for real-world applications. results substantially drop. Also, when switching to finer-grained categories we observe an expected Modal Sense Classification Next we report re- drop for both the baseline and RoBERTa, with sults for the first task we define, labeling the modal RoBERTa performing significantly better. sense of an oracle trigger, as shown in Table4. Table6 presents the breakdown of the scores, The majority vote baseline is high, which is partly labeled and unlabeled, for the different levels of due to the trigger lemma overlap between train granularity by the different models. In all cases and dev/test (between 73%-79% depending on the RoBERTa shows at least 5 absolute points consis- split). Additionally we found only 25% of the tent increase in F1 scores over the baseline, for all trigger lemmas in the corpus to be ambiguous be- levels of granularity. Furthermore, our unlabeled tween Plausibility and Priority. Exposing the con- scores demonstrate that predicting the fine-grained text, either by means of the full sentence or only categories by RoBERTa actually helps to determine the event head, improves results, and the improve- the modal/non-modal decision boundary, with an ment is more substantial for the fine-grained distinc- F1 improvement of about 1 absolute point at all tions. Removing the lemma and using only context levels. For the labeled accuracy, we observe an (Masked) harms the results, but it is still impressive expected drop in the F1 scores when taking into account fine-grained labels. Yet, the performance 10Some dependencies in the Marasovic´ and Frank(2016) code are deprecated, so we use a simple off-the-shelf CNN is better than a majority vote baseline and is far model of AllenNLP (Gardner et al., 2018). better than chance for these nuanced distinctions. F1 No-Head Head Head Joint F1 No Trigger Trigger Joint Gold Predict Trigger Gold Predict Joint Modal / Not-Modal 73.2 87.6 69.4 73.3 Modal / Not 51.1 71.13 53.55 50.05 Coarse-Grained 68.9 79.8 63.2 67.3 Span Coarse-Grained 51.1 70.91 53.56 49.85 Fine-Grained 58.14 66.7 52.1 56.0 Fine-Grained 51.1 70.38 53.09 48.24 Modal / Not 56.3 72.3 55.8 56.9 Table 8: Modal Trigger Tagging Results, F1 on Detected Head Coarse-Grained 56.3 71.6 56.0 60.7 Spans, with and without Event Head Information. Fine-Grained 56.3 70.9 55.2 55.3

Table 9: Event Detection Results, F1 on Detected Spans, with and without Modal Trigger Information. In the Fine-Grained Labeled RoBERTa setting the breakdown of the F1 performance by label is: agent: 72.7, world: 54.7, rules/norms: 60.4, knowl- head prediction shows better results than span pre- edge: 59.3, intentional: 46.1. These scores do diction, partly due to the F1 score on spans being a not correlate with the frequency of each sense in restrictive metric in cases of partial overlap. the training data, e.g. agent is the least frequent Error Analysis To qualitatively assess the us- sense, but the model performed best at tagging it. ability of RoBERTa’s output, two trained human Looking at ambiguous lemmas, i.e., lemmas that experts manually inspected the errors in 112 modal can have different modal senses depending on con- triggers in the dev set. Out of 36 false negatives text, one can see that agent and rules/norms are (FN), 6 (16% of the FN) are in fact correct (incor- the least ambiguous senses, which explains their rectly tagged by the annotators as modal), and out higher performance scores. Breaking down the per- of 27 false positives, 21 (78% of the FP) are in fact formance by coarse grained POS tag shows that correct (modals missed by the annotators). This VERBS are easiest to tag (66.5), followed by AD- leads to the conclusion that the gold annotation VERBS (59.7), then ADJECTIVES (55.9) and lastly, by the experts, while being precise, has incom- NOUNS, which, with a score of 43.8, seem to be the plete coverage and lower recall. It implies that hardest to tag. Interestingly, ADJECTIVES are more RoBERTa’s precision is in actuality higher, with a ambiguous than NOUNS; we thus do not have a sat- larger share of its predictions being correct. isfying explanation for why it is harder to classify the modality of NOUN triggers. 6 Conclusion Table8 shows the effect of event heads on modal event-based modality detection trigger identification and classification, consider- We propose an task ing whether to model them separately or jointly in which is based on solid theoretical foundations yet realistic scenarios, where the trigger is not known is adapted to fit the needs of NLP practitioners. in advance. Gold event information as a feature for The task has three facets: modal triggers can be of modal trigger tagging is helpful, but when this in- any syntactic type, sense labels are drawn from a formation is predicted, propagated errors decrease unified taxonomy we propose, and modal triggers performance. Jointly predicting both triggers and are associated with their modified events. We pro- event heads only very slightly decreases perfor- pose this task and standard as a potential mance for the more fine-grained sense categories, for standard semantic representations (AMR, SDG, making it a viable option for classification. UCCA, etc.) towards easy incorporation of modal events as features in downstream tasks. Event Detection Based on Modal Triggers Ta- Acknowledgements ble9 shows that event-span detection is a harder task than merely locating the triggers (cf. Table6). We thank Yoav Goldberg, Ido Dagan, Noah Smith, Interestingly, predicting the span given information Graham Katz, Elena Herburger, and members of about the trigger (Trigger as Feature) works better the BIU-NLP Seminar for thoughtful feedback and than predicting the span with no such information fruitful discussion. We also thank 3 anonymous re- (No-trigger). This holds both when the triggering viewers for their insightful remarks. This research event is provided by an Oracle (‘Gold’), or whether is supported by an ERC-StG grant of the Euro- it is predicted by RoBERTa (‘Predict’). Improving pean Research Council (no. 677352), the Israel modal trigger prediction is thus expected to further Science Foundation (grant no. 1739/26 and grant contribute to the accurate identification of events, no. 2299/19), and the National Science Foundation and to event-span boundary detection. In general, (BCS-1053038), for which we are grateful. Julia Lavid, Marta Carretrero, and Juan Rafael Zamorano-Mansilla. 2016. A linguistically- Kathryn Baker, Michael Bloodgood, Bonnie J. Dorr, motivated annotation model of modality in English Chris Callison-Burch, Nathaniel W. Filardo, Chris- and Spanish: Insights from MULTINOT. In Lin- tine Piatko, Lori Levin, and Scott Miller. 2012. guistic Issues in Language Technology, Volume 14, Use of modality and in semantically- 2016 - Modality: Logic, Semantics, Annotation, and informed syntactic MT. Computational Linguistics, Machine Learning. CSLI Publications. 38(2):411–438. David Lewis. 1973. Counterfactuals. Harvard Univer- Jon Barwise and John Perry. 1981. Situations and atti- sity Press, Cambridge, Mass. tudes. The Journal of , 78(11):668–691.

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2-way 3-way Type Quantity ambiguity Rules & 2316 Norms 537 Desires & 142 Wishes 210 Plans & 1077 Goals Knowledge 1527 557 World 1303 202 Agent 447

Table 10: Label Counts in the GME Data

A.2 Data Pre-processing We parsed the data using spaCy, and obtained the lemma, POS, and dependency information for all tokens in our corpus. We split the data into 5 folds, where each fold had a different split of training and validation set, but the test set is the same for all folds. Train and validation sets are of 9894 sen- tences (validation 1975 and training 7919), while the test set has 1096 sentences. The train and vali- dation sets have 7160 modal triggers, while the test set has 819.

B Additional Materials

Please refer to the following github repositories for code and data:

Code Code and models and evaluation scripts used in our experiments https://github.com/OnlpLab/Modality

Data A processed version of the GME corpus, in- cluding all annotation layers and meta-information. https://github.com/OnlpLab/ Modality-Corpus P/R/F1 Labels F1 Labeled Unlabeled 75.81 75.81 Modal vs. 62.07 62.07 Not-Modal 68.24 68.24 71.36 75.81 Priority Plausibility Priority vs. 57.92 62.07 Plausibility 55.46 72.51 63.94 68.24 58.68 75.81 Rules Intentions* Knowledge World Agent Fine-Grained 45.56 62.07 50.94 39.11 50.95 52.58 67.39 51.29 68.24

Table 11: Classifying Modal Events: Baseline Results ( not shown). We unified wishes and goals into intentions for reasons of data sparsity.

P/R/F1 Labeled F1 Labeled Unlabeled NA 70.05 Modal vs. NA 76.68 Not-Modal NA 73.2 67.03 72.07 Priority Plausibility Priority vs. 70.89 76.17 Plausibility 62.98 75.52 68.89 74.04 57.98 74.01 Rules Intentions* Knowledge World Agent Fine-Grained 58.32 74.41 60.42 46.1 59.27 54.64 72.72 58.14 74.2

Table 12: Classifying Modal Events: RoBERTa Results (ambiguities not shown). We unified wishes and goals into intentions for reasons of data sparsity.