Seamen's Church Institute of New York

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Seamen's Church Institute of New York July, 1950 Images and/or text cannot De Qisp\ayeo Que to copyright restrictions SEAMEN'S CHURCH INSTITUTE OF NEW YORK "unrtuUfY For all Thy ministries- For dimpled laughter of summer seas; For morning mist, and gently falling dew; For latticed splendor of the sea-borne mo The Lookout For summer rains, for winter ice and snow; For gleaming sands, and granite-fronted at: For whispering wind and purifying storm; For flying spume, and waves that wh ip the\l~ For the reft clouds that show the tender blue; For rushing gale, and for the great g la d <: Ill\ ;i. XLI July, 1950 No.7 For the forked flash and long tumultuous roll; For Might so mighty, and for Love so true a III For mighty rains that wash the dim earth clean; With equal mind ' Forthe sweet promise ofthe sevenfold bow; We thank Thee, Lord ! For the soft sunshine, and the still calm night; - John O~en At 2S South Street These are SOME of the wa ys in which the Institute is h elping unemployed seamen to stretch their savings while hunting for jobs. Coffee is still five cents a cup! (40 pounds served DAILY. ) · Snacks are fifteen cents. " Special m eals are thirty cents. Dormitory beds are reduced to forty cents. Other ways : Credit Loan Bureau extends non-interest loans. Recreation - in Auditorium, Game Rooms and Janet Roper Club VOL. XLI, J U LY 1950 - helps to keep the men 's minds off their worries about dwindling Copyright, 1950, by the Seamen's funds and the shipping situation. Church Institute of New York · Sam ple -'Snack" 15 rents : Gri ll ed pi('ed ham and fried ef!;g sandwi (' h. PUBLISHED MONTHLY Snacks are served on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings after the movi es by the in the Auditorium. SEAMEN'S CHURCH •• am ple 30 cent perial meals: Salisbury teak, mashed po tatoes and gravy, green \'e/!etaul e, bread and butter. oup, sauerkraut, frankfurts, mashed potato s, bread INSTITUTE OF NEW YORK and hutter and coffee. CLARENCE G. MICHAUS President THOMAS ROBERTS Secretary and Treasurer REV. RAYMOND S. HALL, D.D. Director MARJORIE DENT CAN DEE, Editor $1.00 per year lOc per copy Gifts of $5.00 per year and over include a year's subscrip· tion to "THE LOOKOUT". Enteyed ... ,eco"d class mattey J"ly 8, 1925, at Ne", York, N. Y ., ""der the act of Maych 3, 1879. Atldye.. fill communicatio .... to SEAMEN'S CHURCH INSTITUTE OF NEW YORK 25 SOUTH ST., NEW YORK 4, N. Y. Telephone BOwlinr Green 9-2710 This Month's Cover, "Lookout Going Aloft." From a photograph taken by Mr. Brooks Atkinson (dramatic critic of the New York Times I some years ago while he was a passenger on board the S. S. Aquifania. The Long Wait for Jobs LLoYD BERTRA lD, 3rd Prize Win. Winners in Seamen's Art Contest* became interested in art after per,d'ptT Somerset M aug h am ' "Th e rea I ". " B . L . Moon and SIxpence.. orn 111 OUIS- OM MUSSER was 1st prize win­ 1948 he won first prize in a Contest fo . r . a when he was sIxteen he began Tner (by unanimous vote of the hIs water color of a freighter. The ,an. 'n" to . ea; sailed all during the jury) for hi pen and ink and wa h jury incl uded Gordon Grant, Charles gOI t" was licensed a Third Mate in drawing of a Moran tug. The jury in­ Robert Patter on, both famou mao wa r · 19.1-7. He has never studied at an art cl uded Gordon Grant, marine artist, rine artists; also artist Bertram school. has been painting for about Arthur Guptill, editor "American Goodman and Edmond James Fitz_ a year in his spare time. He is mar­ Artist" and John oble, marine litho­ gerald. The Institute gave Tom a one_ ried and makes Baltimore his home. graph artist. man show of about 35 of his paintings. Drawing by L:loyd Bertrand He like to sit in the cemetery to plan A native of Indiana, Tom went to Five were sold to the United Fruit his more serious pictures. AMERICAN TRAMP SHIPPING sea during the war and in between Company, and his current prize-win_ SEEN DOOMED ner, reproduced here, wa reprinted voyages tramps the docks, painting JOE MICHAELS, 2nd prize winner, The American tramp hipping industry and sketching freighters, longshore­ in "TowLINE," official publication of for his drawing of Japanese steve­ is almost on the rocks after flourishing for men. tugboats. He became interested the Moran Towing & Transportation three years after the war. Unle. the gov· dores unloading coal, is a radio opera· ernment comes to it aid oon, all Amer­ in painting when a friend who was Company. tor and served through the war. Last ican flag ships in tramp service will prob· studying at the Art Institute in Chi· ably be in ship boneyards by next year year he won Honorable fention in and more than 4,000 American seafarers cago told him there was merit in his * * * * the Institute's Oil Painting Contest, will be on the beach. ship sketches. Arriving in ew York and on the strength of this, \ e ob­ This is the prediction of the Committee on a tanker, Tom joined the Insti­ ' Sponsol'rd by the Artists & Writers Clllb f or t he for Promotion of Tramp Shipping under Mcrc/ra"t A-Iarillc, S t!am c,,'s Chu,.ch llistitute of tained a cholar hip for him at ew the American Flag in Foreign Commerce, tute's Artists and Writers Club. In .\' ow l'a rk. York University. He has been study· formed under the chairmanship of F. Riker Clark, President of American Foreign ing art with Howard Simon and been Steamship Corp., to present the industry's making great progress. Robert Coates, plight to the attention of the nation. Art critic of "The ew Yorker," The disappearance of American flag tramp ships will mean that mo t of the in commenting on Joe' oils, wrote; nation's irregular foreign trade and trans· "he has imaginative verve and dar· portation of low va lue bulk cargoes will go to foreign ships employing cheap man­ ing and is an unusually original and power. promising arti t." We have scheduled The first post· war years saw the greatest a one·man show of Joe's oils, draw. resurgence of American flag tramp ship· ping since the clipper ships carried the ings and water·colors in our Janet nation's Aag into ports all over the globe, Roper Room GalleJ;'Y during the while foreign nations devoted their first month of September.' post.war years to rebuilding cargo liner ~ervic~s. But our nation's liberal policy of selling American surplus merchant marine ton­ CAPTAIN ANDERSON JOINS nage to enable foreign countries to reo place their war losses and vessels, gave QUARTER CENTURY CLUB foreign tramp competitors an opportunity Captain John W. Anderson, master of to catch up quickly. In June, 1947, there ~he liner America, was inducted recently were almo t 1,500 American tramp ships . ~ IfIto the United States Lines' Quarter Cen· in operation employing 60,000 American tUry . CluiJ at a luncheon aboard the ship seafarers. This has now shrunk to under - ast PIer 61, Hudson River and ineteenth 100 sh ips manned by 4,000 Americans. trret. A United States Maritime Commission t .A veteran of thirty·five years at sea, Cap· tramp shipping committee recently recom· aln Anderson began his ea career in 1915 mended a tramp shipping subsidy for a i.'. radet officer aboard the t. Louis, owned fleet of 200 shillS after a two year study (} . the American Line, a predece sor of of the problem. Legislation, H. R. 6719, to h nlted States Lines. During the fir t war authorize such subsidies was introduced by I ~ \~as second officer aboard the l sthm ian Representative Schuyler Otis Bland, Demo­ h,II1P s Vanw and the Army tran port IP est· crat of Virginia, a one of his last official Drawing by Tom Musser, 2nd Mate. flnJ{lLOII. acts before his death in February. 2 3 ~ J.J'L 8lJU/OA ' . bottle overboard wh.en it. mi ght thiS Il!j ~ ("on tain a message which might be Editor's Tote: Our co ntributors joined in ~o ,'8"1) t were it eventuall y recovered. It wholeheartedly to make our pring "?Ie . Mary Martin, Star of "South of intt'rdSto me that it would be a fi ne idea sage·in·a·bottle" benefit a succes. The In· oc("ur~e an account of the sinkin g of the Pacific," has written the follow. to ":lr/lte whi ch mystery was still fresh in stitute enli~ t ed the aid of Captain in tOg· inp; m essap;e which was put in PIIUI ac ing the bottles overboard when reaching memor~ . d bottle O. 228, and p;iven to Cap. JTl) went into t.he wnttng roo~ an wrote a tb e sprcified lor·utiong. f message tn French, wll1 ch language I tain Anthony Gallo of the S.S. rle h w fairly well , to the effect - . Drawi1l0 by Norma .. Maffej Pioneer GlLlf, U. S. Lines. The kne " It's night - sea is rOl!lfh. W ~ are s~nk. ing, have b.een in colltSlOn wuh an l: on NOTE: Want to send a me.sage to Ant· Captain will cast this bottle, arctica? Bottles, with meswges, will be along with others designated by sailing ShiP, name unknown, whIch, cast into the Antarctic Ocean by the /lIter the collision, slipped away into .kipper of a whaler.
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