Application address - 67 Lauriston Farm Road EH4 5EX Application Ref. No - 18/10471/FUL

Review Ref No - 19/00079/REVREF

Review Lodged Date 03.06.2019

Mike Clarke Development Direct Scotland Ltd. 3 Flat 1F2 51 Dalry Road Gardens Edinburgh Edinburgh United Kingdom Scotland EH11 2BX EH3 5PU

Date: 5 March 2019,

Your ref:



Erect 2 (two) one and a half storey steading type semi-detached dwelling houses within the grounds of 67 Lauriston Farm Road, Edinburgh.

At 67 Lauriston Farm Road Edinburgh EH4 5EX

Application No: 18/10471/FUL


With reference to your application for Planning Permission registered on 7 January 2019, this has been decided by Local Delegated Decision. The Council in exercise of its powers under the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Acts and regulations, now determines the application as Refused in accordance with the particulars given in the application.

Any condition(s) attached to this consent, with reasons for imposing them, or reasons for refusal, are shown below;



1. The proposal does not involve development for agriculture, woodland and forestry, horticulture or countryside recreation. The proposal does not involve an intensification of the existing use, the replacement of an existing building with a new building in the same use, or a change of use of an existing building. The proposal is contrary to policy Env 10 of the Edinburgh Local Development Plan (LDP) and the Council's Guidance for Development in the Countryside and Green Belt; and is not acceptable in principle.

The proposal would have a significant adverse impact on the special character of the Special Landscape Area and would not have a positive impact on its surroundings, including the character of the wider townscape and landscape and is therefore contrary to policies Env11, Des1 and Des4 of the Edinburgh Local Development Plan.

The proposals would not provide a satisfactory level of amenity for the future occupiers of the dwellings or satisfactorily safeguard the amenity of the occupiers of the dwelling to the north of the site. The proposal is therefore contrary to policy Des5 of the Edinburgh Local Development Plan.

Please see the guidance notes on our decision page for further information, including how to appeal or review your decision.

Drawings 01A-05A, represent the determined scheme. Full details of the application can be found on the Planning and Building Standards Online Services

The reason why the Council made this decision is as follows:

The proposal does not involve development for agriculture, woodland and forestry, horticulture or countryside recreation. The proposal does not involve an intensification of the existing use, the replacement of an existing building with a new building in the same use, or a change of use of an existing building. The proposal is contrary to policy Env 10 of the Edinburgh Local Development Plan (LDP) and the Council's Guidance for Development in the Countryside and Green Belt; and is not acceptable in principle.

The proposal would have a significant adverse impact on the special character of the Special Landscape Area and would not have a positive impact on its surroundings, including the character of the wider townscape and landscape and is therefore contrary to policies Env11, Des1 and Des4 of the Edinburgh Local Development Plan.

The proposals would not provide a satisfactory level of amenity for the future occupiers of the dwellings or satisfactorily safeguard the amenity of the occupiers of the dwelling to the north of the site. The proposal is therefore contrary to policy Des5 of the Edinburgh Local Development Plan.

This determination does not carry with it any necessary consent or approval for the proposed development under other statutory enactments.

Should you have a specific enquiry regarding this decision please contact Astrid Walker directly on 0131 529 3620.

David R. Leslie Chief Planning Officer PLACE The City of Edinburgh Council


1. If the applicant is aggrieved by the decision to refuse permission for or approval required by a condition in respect of the proposed development, or to grant permission or approval subject to conditions, the applicant may require the planning authority to review the case under section 43A of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 within three months beginning with the date of this notice. The Notice of Review can be made online at or forms can be downloaded from that website. Paper forms should be addressed to the City of Edinburgh Planning Local Review Body, G.2, Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh, EH8 8BG. For enquiries about the Local Review Body, please email [email protected].

2. If permission to develop land is refused or granted subject to conditions and the owner of the land claims that the land has become incapable of reasonably beneficial use in its existing state and cannot be rendered capable of reasonably beneficial use by carrying out of any development which has been or would be permitted, the owner of the land may serve on the planning authority a purchase notice requiring the purchase of the owner of the land's interest in the land accordance with Part 5 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

Report of Handling

Application for Planning Permission 18/10471/FUL At 67 Lauriston Farm Road, Edinburgh, EH4 5EX Erect 2 (two) one and a half storey steading type semi-detached dwelling houses within the grounds of 67 Lauriston Farm Road, Edinburgh.

Item Local Delegated Decision Application number 18/10471/FUL Wards B01 - Almond


The proposal does not involve development for agriculture, woodland and forestry, horticulture or countryside recreation. The proposal does not involve an intensification of the existing use, the replacement of an existing building with a new building in the same use, or a change of use of an existing building. The proposal is contrary to policy Env 10 of the Edinburgh Local Development Plan (LDP) and the Council's Guidance for Development in the Countryside and Green Belt; and is not acceptable in principle.

The proposal would have a significant adverse impact on the special character of the Special Landscape Area and would not have a positive impact on its surroundings, including the character of the wider townscape and landscape and is therefore contrary to policies Env11, Des1 and Des4 of the Edinburgh Local Development Plan.

The proposals would not provide a satisfactory level of amenity for the future occupiers of the dwellings or satisfactorily safeguard the amenity of the occupiers of the dwelling to the north of the site. The proposal is therefore contrary to policy Des5 of the Edinburgh Local Development Plan.


Policies and guidance for LDPP, LDES01, LDES04, LDES05, LEN10, LEN11, this application LEN15, LEN16, LTRA02, LTRA03, NSG, NSGCGB, NSGD02, NSHOU,

Report of handling


1.1 It is recommended that this application be Refused for the reasons below..


2.1 Site description

The application site historically formed part of a farm complex, which included the farm house, outbuildings, steadings and garden area. The farm use has ceased some time ago and the application site now forms the garden to the farmhouse, located to the north of the site. A restaurant (Class 3) sits to the east of the site and to the west.

The application site sits lower than the farmhouse and is largely grassed. There are a number of mature trees to the western and southern boundaries with overgrown bushes between. There is an existing access off Lauriston Farm Road. This adjoins a private access road which is currently being constructed, that runs to the south of the Toby Carvery and leads into the site and will serve the existing farmhouse.

The site falls under the Local Nature Conservation Site, Special Landscape Area: Southern Forth Coast and is within the Green Belt.

2.2 Site History

06.01.2017 - Planning permission granted for Alter, refurbish and extend existing dwelling house and form new access road with associated landscaping works (as amended)-(15/03373/FUL).

Main report 3.1 Description Of The Proposal

Planning permission is sought to erect two, one and a half storey steading type semi -detached dwelling houses within the grounds of 67 Lauriston Farm Road.

3.2 Determining Issues

Section 25 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 states - Where, in making any determination under the planning Acts, regard is to be had to the development plan, the determination shall be made in accordance with the plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

Do the proposals comply with the development plan?

If the proposals do comply with the development plan, are there any compelling reasons for not approving them?

If the proposals do not comply with the development plan, are there any compelling reasons for approving them?

3.3 Assessment

To address these determining issues, it needs to be considered whether:

a) The proposal is acceptable in principle b) The proposal would have a detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the Special Landscape Area and surrounding area c) The proposal would have a detrimental impact on neighbouring amenity and provide suitable amenity for the future occupiers d) The proposal raises any issues in respect of highway safety and parking provision e) The proposal raises any issues in respect of landscaping and biodiversity f) The proposal raises any issues in respect of archaeology

g) Any issues raised in representations have been addressed, and h) The proposal raises any issues in respect of equalities and human rights

a) The proposal is acceptable in principle

The site is designated as being within the Green Belt in the Edinburgh Local Development Plan (LDP). Policy ENV 10 of the LPD states that within the green belt and countryside shown on the proposals map, development will only be permitted where it meets one of the following applicable criteria and would not detract from the landscape quality and/or rural character of the area:

-For the purposes of agriculture, woodland and forestry, horticulture or countryside recreation, or where a countryside location is essential and provided any buildings, structures or hard standing areas are of a scale and quality of design appropriate to the use.

- For the change of use of an existing building, providing the building is of architectural merit or a valuable element in the landscape and is worthy of retention.

- For development relating to an existing use or building (s) such as an extension to a site or building, ancillary development or intensification of the use, provided the proposal is appropriate in type in terms of the existing use, of an appropriate scale, of high quality design and acceptable in terms of traffic impact.

- For the replacement of an existing building with a new building in the same use provided:

1) The existing building is not listed or of architectural/historic merit;

2) The existing building is of poor quality design and structural condition,

3) The existing building is of domestic scale, has a lawful use and is not a temporary structure; and

4) The new building is of a similar size to the existing one, lies within the cartilage of the existing building and is of high design quality.

The proposal does not involve development for agriculture, woodland and forestry, horticulture or countryside recreation purposes. It is not for the change of use of an existing building, ancillary development or intensification.

The application site forms part of the garden area to the former Lauriston farmhouse, now a private residential dwelling, located to the north of the site. The earlier planning application on the former farmhouse (reference: 15/03373/FUL) shows the application site as a landscaped private garden. The proposal does not result in an intensification of an existing use. The farm house is not included in the application boundary and is intended as a separate residence. The proposal is to erect two additional dwellings as standalone planning units which would not be ancillary to the dwelling to the north. Notwithstanding this, a dwelling house with no link to a countryside use is not considered acceptable.

In addition to the criteria set out in policy ENV 10 above, the Council's Guidance for Development in the Countryside and Greenbelt outlines that new houses not associated with a countryside use will not be acceptable unless there are exceptional planning reasons for approving them. These reasons include the re-use of brownfield land and gap sites within existing clusters of dwellings.

The LDP glossary provides a definition of brownfield land as:

Land which has previously been developed. The term may cover vacant or derelict land or land occupied by redundant or unused buildings.

There are no unused or redundant buildings on the site. Historically the site formed part of a farm complex and would have been considered agricultural land. It is not therefore considered that the site constitutes brownfield land. The site is set to the north of , separated from the existing housing to the south by Lauriston Farm Road and a substantial triangular piece of land. The prevailing character to each side of the site, with the exception of the Toby Carvery, immediately to the east is large swaths of green open space. To the west is a substantial tree belt and Lauriston Castle and grounds beyond. There is a clear demarcation between the existing housing to the south and the application site. The application site does not constitute a gap site within existing clusters of dwellings.

The proposal is therefore unacceptable in principle as it is contrary to Policy ENV10 of the Edinburgh Local Development Plan and the Council's Guidance for Development in the Countryside and Greenbelt.

b) The proposal would have a detrimental impact on the character of the Special Landscape Area and appearance of the surrounding area

Policy ENV 11 of the LDP states that planning permission will not be granted for development which would have a significant adverse impact on the special character or qualities of the Special Landscape Areas shown on the Proposals Map. The application site is set within large swathes of green open space. With the exception of the existing farm house, the Toby Carvery to the east and Silverknowes golf course much further to the east, there is no development to the north side of this part of Lauriston Farm Road. On the approach to the site from the south west and along Lauriston Farm Road, the view to the north is green and open, with glimpses of the Firth of Forth beyond. The introduction of two houses to the front of the exiting farmhouse would form a discordant and incongruous feature at odds with the existing built form and to the detriment of the Special Landscape Area. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policy Env 11 of the Edinburgh Local Plan.

Policy Des1 states that planning permission will not be granted for poor quality or inappropriate design or for proposals that would be damaging to the appearance of the area around it.

Policy Des 4 states that planning permission will be granted where it is demonstrated that it will have a positive impact on its surroundings, including the character of the wider townscape and landscape, and impact on existing views, having regard to: a) height and form b) scale and proportions, including the spaces between buildings c) position of buildings and other features on the site d) materials and detailing.

The existing farmhouse is a substantial stone built house sited within a large plot. The property has a large south facing garden that sits to the front of the house between the dwelling and the existing farm track. This forms part of the character of the farmhouse and contributes positively to the green character of the area. The layout and position of the dwellings is awkward and contrived in order to fit two dwellings on the site. The spacing between the existing farm house and proposed

dwellings is insufficient and results in a poor relationship both between each of the proposed dwellings and the farmhouse. The proposal allows for two parking spaces to the front of each dwelling. The Edinburgh Design Guide notes that this is a poor design and results in cars dominating the streetscene or a property's frontage.

The proposal is therefore contrary to policy Des 1 as the introduction of two dwellings to the front of this dwelling would be at odds with the built form and landscape character of the area and would therefore be damaging to the appearance of the area around it. The proposal is also contrary to policy Des4 as the proposal would not have a positive impact on its surroundings, including the character of the wider landscape and would impact negatively on existing views, given the proposed position of the buildings on the site and also the relationship with and spacing between the existing farmhouse.

C) The proposal would have a detrimental impact on neighbouring amenity and provide suitable amenity for the future occupiers

Given the proximity of the proposed to the existing, there are concerns about the loss of amenity by way of mutual overlooking with the buildings being approximately 11.5 metres apart (at their closest).

The proposed private amenity space is linear and angular, wrapping around the side of the house, and does not provide an appropriate area of useable space.

These issues could potentially be resolved through negotiation, but given that the application is unacceptable in principle it is not appropriate to seek these amendments.

d) The proposal raises any issues in respect of highway safety and parking provision

The site will be accessed via an existing access off Lauriston Farm Road, which adjoins a private access road which serves the farm house to the north. The access was approved under application reference: 15/03373/FUL and is currently being constructed.

The site is identified as being within parking standards zone 3 in the Edinburgh Design Guidance (EDG). Two car parking spaces are proposed to serve each dwelling. Whilst not indicated on the submitted drawings it is considered that these spaces could be achieved. Waste proposals are also not indicated, but again it is considered that an appropriate solution could be secured.

Secure cycle parking is not indicated but it is considered that the minimum of 6 secure spaces, as required by policy Tra3 could be secured.

The proposal does not raise any issues in respect of parking provision or road safety and complies with LDP Policy Tra2.

e) The proposal raises any issues in respect of landscaping and biodiversity

The site falls within a Special Landscape Area (Southern Forth Coast). There are a number of mature trees on the site which add to the pleasant green and open character of the area although none are the subject of a Tree Preservation Order (TPO). Three are proposed for removal as part of this application. A tree survey has not however been submitted, and as such the Tree Officer has not been able to assess whether the proposals would have a harmful impact on the landscape character of the area.

A bat survey was carried out as a condition of Planning Permission 15/03373/FUL, for the extension to the farmhouse to the north. This concluded that there were no bats present on the site. However, sufficient time has passed that this survey is now out of date and a new survey is required. This could be addressed but it is not appropriate to seek this information given that the application is not acceptable in principle.

f) The proposal raises any issues in respect of archaeology

The site forms part of the historic Lauriston Estate centre, Lauriston House, the core of which dates to the 16th century. Based on the historical and archaeological evidence the site has been identified as occurring within an area of potential archaeological significance. An AOC has been submitted with the application but relates to the earlier application on the farmhouse (15/03373/FUL) which does not

form part of this application site. As such an updated Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) is required. This could be addressed but it is not appropriate to seek this information given that the application is not acceptable in principle.

g) Any issues raised in representations have been addressed

No representations have been received.

h) The proposal raises any issues in respect of equalities and human rights

The application has been assessed and has no impact in terms of equalities or human rights.


The proposal does not involve development for agriculture, woodland and forestry, horticulture or countryside recreation. The proposal does not involve an intensification of the existing use, the replacement of an existing building with a new building in the same use, or a change of use of an existing building. The proposal is contrary to policy Env 10 of the Edinburgh Local Development Plan (LDP) and the Council's Guidance for Development in the Countryside and Green Belt; and is not acceptable in principle.

The proposal would have a significant adverse impact on the special character of the Special Landscape Area and would not have a positive impact on its surroundings, including the character of the wider townscape and landscape and is therefore contrary to policies Env11, Des1 and Des4 of the Edinburgh Local Development Plan.

The proposals would not provide a satisfactory level of amenity for the future occupiers of the dwellings or satisfactorily safeguard the amenity of the occupiers of the dwelling to the north of the site. The proposal is therefore contrary to policy Des5 of the Edinburgh Local Development Plan.

It is recommended that this application be Refused for the reasons below.

3.4 Conditions/reasons/informatives

Risk, Policy, compliance and governance impact

4.1 Provided planning applications are determined in accordance with statutory legislation, the level of risk is low.

Equalities impact

5.1 The equalities impact has been assessed as follows:

The application has been assessed and has no impact in terms of equalities or human rights.

Consultation and engagement

6.1 Pre-Application Process

There is no pre-application process history.

6.2 Publicity summary of representations and Community Council comments

No representations have been received.

Background reading / external references

 To view details of the application go to  Planning and Building Standards online services

David R. Leslie Statutory Development Plan Provision Edinburgh Local Development Plan and all relevant non statutory guidance.

Date registered 7 January 2019

Drawing numbers/Scheme 01A-05A

Scheme 1

Acting Head of Planning and Building Standards

Contact: Astrid Walker, Planning Officer E-mail:[email protected] Tel:0131 529 3620

Links - Policies

Relevant Policies:

Relevant policies of the Local Development Plan.

LDP Policy Des 1 (Design Quality and Context) sets general criteria for assessing design quality and requires an overall design concept to be demonstrated.

LDP Policy Des 4 (Development Design - Impact on Setting) sets criteria for assessing the impact of development design against its setting.

LDP Policy Des 5 (Development Design - Amenity) sets criteria for assessing amenity.

LDP Policy Env 10 (Development in the Green Belt and Countryside) identifies the types of development that will be permitted in the Green Belt and Countryside.

LDP Policy Env 11 (Special Landscape Areas) establishes a presumption against development that would adversely affect Special Landscape Areas.

LDP Policy Env 15 (Sites of Local Importance) identifies the circumstances in which development likely to affect Sites of Local Importance will be permitted.

LDP Policy Env 16 (Species Protection) sets out species protection requirements for new development.

LDP Policy Tra 2 (Private Car Parking) requires private car parking provision to comply with the parking levels set out in Council guidance, and sets criteria for assessing lower provision.

LDP Policy Tra 3 (Private Cycle Parking) requires cycle parking provision in accordance with standards set out in Council guidance.

Relevant Non-Statutory Guidelines

Non-statutory guidelines DEVELOPMENT IN THE COUNTRYSIDE AND GREEN BELT, provide guidance on development in the Green Belt and Countryside in support of relevant local plan policies.

Non-Statutory guidelines Edinburgh Design Guidance supports development of the highest design quality and that integrates well with the existing city. It sets out the Council's expectations for the design of new development, including buildings, parking, streets and landscape, in Edinburgh.

Non-statutory guidelines 'GUIDANCE FOR HOUSEHOLDERS' provides guidance for proposals to alter or extend houses or flats.

Appendix 1


Natural Herritage


Our guidance seeks a tree survey and report and tree protection plan to be submitted where trees are lost or affected - the Design Guidance, pg 99 sets this out.


Policy Context

Edinburgh City Local Plan

Des 3 Development Design

Env 16 Species Protection

Edinburgh Design Guidance Chapter 3

Edinburgh Biodiversity Action Plan 2016-18

British Standard 42020 Biodiversity - Code of Practice for Planning and Development


Development Direct Ltd, Lauriston Farm House City of Edinburgh, Surveys for use by Bat Species, Alphaecology, Final v1.0, 16th June 2016.


The bat survey which supports this application is now out of date. An updated survey is required.

Prior to any consent being issues we are required to determine if a European protected species is likely to be affected by the development. Therefore the potential of any trees or buildings, which will be impacted on as a result of development, to support bats should be determined. This is in accordance with policy Env16 Species Protection and Chapter 3 of the Edinburgh Design Guidance.

Surveys should be carried out prior to any consent being issued and in accordance Bat Conservation Trust, Bat Survey: Good Practice Guidelines, 3nd edition, Collins, J (2016).



The application should be continued.


1. The applicant should provide layout of the proposed 4 parking spaces and the proposed access.

2. The Council's parking standards requires a minimum of 6 secure cycle parking for the proposed development.

3. Applicant should demonstrate how refuse collection will be done.


The proposed 4 parking spaces complies with the Council's 2017 parking standards which allows a maximum of 4 parking spaces for the proposed development in Zone 3.

Flood Prevention

Whilst the applicant has not provided any specific drainage information Flood Prevention have no concerns about this proposed development due to the scale of the development (two semi-detached dwellings) and as there is no flood risk identified within the property boundary. As a result we are happy for this to proceed to determination with no further comment from flood prevention.

Waste Management Services

Waste and cleansing services takes no stance either for or against the proposed development but as a consultee would make the following comments:

Waste and Fleet Services would expect to be the service provider for the collection of waste as this appears to be a residential development.

It is imperative that adequate provision is made for the storage of waste off street, and that cognisance is taken of the need to provide adequate space for the storage of segregated waste streams in line with the Waste (Scotland) Regulations which require the source separation of dry recyclable materials, glass, food, etc.

Adequate provision should also be made for the effective segregation of materials within the building not just at the point of collection. Adequate access must also be provided to allow uplift of waste safely from the collection point taking into consideration the traffic flows at this busy location and I feel we would require to look at the bin storage areas for this development more closely.

In view of these factors the developer must contact Waste Services on 0131 608 1100 or contact the officer for the area Hema Herkes directly [email protected] at the earliest point for advice relating to their options so that all aspects of the waste & recycling service are considered i.e. access for vehicles, health & safety, presentation points for kerbside bins and/or boxes and size of storage areas required in residential gardens for all bins & boxes etc. It would be beneficial to go through the site plans and swept path analysis/vehicle tracking to show how the vehicle will manoeuvre.

Environmental Protection

The applicant proposes erecting a two-dwelling house in the garden area of a residential property which was formerly a farm house. To the west of the site are trees with residential beyond to the west the Toby Carvery restaurant is located. There is open land to the north.

Ground conditions relating to potential contaminants in, on or under the soil as affecting the site will require investigation and evaluation, in line with current technical guidance such that the site is (or can be made) suitable for its intended new use/s. Any remediation requirements require to be approved by the Planning & Building Standards service. The investigation, characterisation and remediation of land can normally be addressed through attachment of appropriate conditions to a planning consent (except where it is inappropriate to do so, for example where remediation of severe contamination might not be achievable).

Due to the proximity of the restaurant and it car park it is recommended that an acoustic barrier is erected between the proposed residential units and the restaurant and car parking area. Environmental Protection recommend that a 2m close boarded timber fence with no gaps below is erected.

Therefore, Environmental Protection offer no objections subject to the following condition being attached. Environmnetal Protection recommend that an informative is attached to any consent regarding the acoustic barrier.


i) Prior to the commencement of construction works on site:

a) A site survey (including intrusive investigation where necessary) must be carried out to establish, either that the level of risk posed to human health and the wider environment by contaminants in, on or under the land is acceptable, or that remedial and/or protective measures could be undertaken to bring the risks to an acceptable level in relation to the development; and

b) Where necessary, a detailed schedule of any required remedial and/or protective measures, including their programming, must be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority.

ii) Any required remedial and/or protective measures shall be implemented in accordance with the approved schedule and documentary evidence to certify those works shall be provided for the approval of the Planning Authority.


Where close boarded timber fences are used as noise barrier, the facing material should have a minimum surface density of 12 kg/m2 and be constructed continuously ensuring there are no air gaps, either between the boards or at the barrier base.


Business Centre G.2 Waverley Court 4 East Market Street Edinburgh EH8 8BG Tel: 0131 529 3550 Fax: 0131 529 6206 Email: [email protected]

Applications cannot be validated until all the necessary documentation has been submitted and the required fee has been paid.

Thank you for completing this application form:

ONLINE REFERENCE 100166893-001

The online reference is the unique reference for your online form only. The Planning Authority will allocate an Application Number when your form is validated. Please quote this reference if you need to contact the planning Authority about this application.

Applicant or Agent Details

Are you an applicant or an agent? * (An agent is an architect, consultant or someone else acting on behalf of the applicant in connection with this application)  Applicant Agent Agent Details

Please enter Agent details


Ref. Number: You must enter a Building Name or Number, or both: *

Michael First Name: * Building Name:

Clarke 3 Last Name: * Building Number:

Address 1 Flat 1F2 Telephone Number: * (Street): *

Inverleith Gardens Extension Number: Address 2:

Edinburgh Mobile Number: Town/City: *

Scotland Fax Number: Country: *

EH3 5PU Postcode: *

Email Address: *

Is the applicant an individual or an organisation/corporate entity? *

 Individual  Organisation/Corporate entity

Page 1 of 5 Applicant Details

Please enter Applicant details

Other Title: You must enter a Building Name or Number, or both: *

Other Title: Building Name:

51 First Name: * Building Number:

Address 1 Dalry Road Last Name: * (Street): *

Development Direct (Scotland) Ltd Company/Organisation Address 2:

Edinburgh Telephone Number: * Town/City: *

Midlothian Extension Number: Country: *

EH11 2BX Mobile Number: Postcode: *

Fax Number:

Email Address: *

Site Address Details

Planning Authority: City of Edinburgh Council

Full postal address of the site (including postcode where available):


Address 2:

Address 3:

Address 4:

Address 5:

Town/City/Settlement: EDINBURGH

EH4 5EX Post Code:

Please identify/describe the location of the site or sites

676109 320473 Northing Easting

Page 2 of 5 Description of Proposal

Please provide a description of your proposal to which your review relates. The description should be the same as given in the application form, or as amended with the agreement of the planning authority: * (Max 500 characters)

This is an application for a Notice of Review by the City of Edinburgh Council Local Review Body with regard to the refusal decision by the City of Edinburgh Council in respect of Planning Application 18/10471/FUL.

Type of Application

What type of application did you submit to the planning authority? *

 Application for planning permission (including householder application but excluding application to work minerals).  Application for planning permission in principle.  Further application.  Application for approval of matters specified in conditions.

What does your review relate to? *

 Refusal Notice.  Grant of permission with Conditions imposed.  No decision reached within the prescribed period (two months after validation date or any agreed extension) – deemed refusal.

Statement of reasons for seeking review

You must state in full, why you are a seeking a review of the planning authority’s decision (or failure to make a decision). Your statement must set out all matters you consider require to be taken into account in determining your review. If necessary this can be provided as a separate document in the ‘Supporting Documents’ section: * (Max 500 characters)

Note: you are unlikely to have a further opportunity to add to your statement of appeal at a later date, so it is essential that you produce all of the information you want the decision-maker to take into account.

You should not however raise any new matter which was not before the planning authority at the time it decided your application (or at the time expiry of the period of determination), unless you can demonstrate that the new matter could not have been raised before that time or that it not being raised before that time is a consequence of exceptional circumstances.

Please refer to the Statement of Appeal which has been appended as a separate document within the 'Supporting Documents' section of this application for Notice of Review.

Have you raised any matters which were not before the appointed officer at the time the  Yes  No Determination on your application was made? *

If yes, you should explain in the box below, why you are raising the new matter, why it was not raised with the appointed officer before your application was determined and why you consider it should be considered in your review: * (Max 500 characters)

Page 3 of 5 Please provide a list of all supporting documents, materials and evidence which you wish to submit with your notice of review and intend to rely on in support of your review. You can attach these documents electronically later in the process: * (Max 500 characters)

All supporting documents will be attached electronically.

Application Details

Please provide details of the application and decision.

What is the application reference number? * 18/10471/FUL

What date was the application submitted to the planning authority? * 07/01/2019

What date was the decision issued by the planning authority? * 05/03/2019

Review Procedure

The Local Review Body will decide on the procedure to be used to determine your review and may at any time during the review process require that further information or representations be made to enable them to determine the review. Further information may be required by one or a combination of procedures, such as: written submissions; the holding of one or more hearing sessions and/or inspecting the land which is the subject of the review case.

Can this review continue to a conclusion, in your opinion, based on a review of the relevant information provided by yourself and other parties only, without any further procedures? For example, written submission, hearing session, site inspection. *  Yes  No

In the event that the Local Review Body appointed to consider your application decides to inspect the site, in your opinion:

Can the site be clearly seen from a road or public land? *  Yes  No Is it possible for the site to be accessed safely and without barriers to entry? *  Yes  No

Checklist – Application for Notice of Review

Please complete the following checklist to make sure you have provided all the necessary information in support of your appeal. Failure to submit all this information may result in your appeal being deemed invalid.

Have you provided the name and address of the applicant?. *  Yes  No Have you provided the date and reference number of the application which is the subject of this  Yes  No review? *

If you are the agent, acting on behalf of the applicant, have you provided details of your name  Yes  No  N/A and address and indicated whether any notice or correspondence required in connection with the review should be sent to you or the applicant? * Have you provided a statement setting out your reasons for requiring a review and by what  Yes  No procedure (or combination of procedures) you wish the review to be conducted? *

Note: You must state, in full, why you are seeking a review on your application. Your statement must set out all matters you consider require to be taken into account in determining your review. You may not have a further opportunity to add to your statement of review at a later date. It is therefore essential that you submit with your notice of review, all necessary information and evidence that you rely on and wish the Local Review Body to consider as part of your review. Please attach a copy of all documents, material and evidence which you intend to rely on  Yes  No (e.g. plans and Drawings) which are now the subject of this review *

Note: Where the review relates to a further application e.g. renewal of planning permission or modification, variation or removal of a planning condition or where it relates to an application for approval of matters specified in conditions, it is advisable to provide the application reference number, approved plans and decision notice (if any) from the earlier consent.

Page 4 of 5 Declare – Notice of Review

I/We the applicant/agent certify that this is an application for review on the grounds stated.

Declaration Name: Mr Michael Clarke

Declaration Date: 03/06/2019

Page 5 of 5 Proposal Details Proposal Name 100166893 Proposal Description This application for Notice of Review relates to the refusal of Planning Application 18/10471/FUL by City of Edinburgh Council. Address 67 LAURISTON FARM ROAD, EDINBURGH, EH4 5EX Local Authority City of Edinburgh Council Application Online Reference 100166893-001

Application Status Form complete Main Details complete Checklist complete Declaration complete Supporting Documentation complete Email Notification complete

Attachment Details Notice of Review System A4 GF and 1F Layouts and Roof Plan Attached A1 Drawing No 1 East and West Elevations Drawing No Attached A1 2 North and South Elevations and Attached A1 Sectional Elevations North and South Drawing No 3 1 200 Scale Block Location Plan Attached A1 Drawing No 4 Lauriston Housing Supporting Attached A4 Statement Revised 20 01 19 Site Location Plan Attached A4 Archaeological Report Attached A4 Supporting Statement relating to Attached A4 Notice of Review Application Notice_of_Review-2.pdf Attached A0 Application_Summary.pdf Attached A0 Notice of Review-001.xml Attached A0 Supporting Statement

To be read in conjunction with

The Notice of Review Application


The City of Edinburgh Council Local Review Body

In respect of the Refusal Decision

In terms of

Planning Application 18/10471/FUL


The Erection of 2No semi-detached steading style dwellinghouses


67 Lauriston Farm Road, Edinburgh, EH4 5EX


Development Direct Scotland Ltd.

Prepared by Mr M Clarke On behalf of Development Direct Scotland Ltd.

May 2019


Table of Contents

1. Site Location Plan...... Page 3

2. Aerial Photograph of Application site and environs...... Page 4

3. Description of Site...... Pages 5-6

4. Examination of Policies determined as Reasons for Refusal...... Pages 7-12

5. Conclusion...... Page 13


Site Location Plan


Aerial Photograph of Application Site and Environs

4 Description of Site

The application site is a parcel of land situated to the South of the premises forming the dwellinghouse at 67 Lauriston Farm Road, Edinburgh, EH4 5EX - please refer to the site location plan and aerial photograph above.

The said dwellinghouse was formerly the farmhouse associated with the former Lauriston Mains Farm.

The farm ceased as an agricultural enterprise at an indeterminate point in the distant past with the farmhouse being retained as a dwellinghouse with an ancillary garden area to the south of same being the application site.

The steading buildings, barns and ancillary outhouses associated with the farm operation were incorporated, via demolition or integration within the formation of the Toby Restaurant, being situated to the East of the application site. It is probable that the steading buildings were effectively removed during the formation of the restaurant as the architecture of the said restaurant is not synonymous with that which early 19th c. steading / outbuildings would comprise.

The application site is most likely to have been a garden area associated with the former farmhouse. This assumption is reinforced by reference to an extract from the first edition Ordnance Survey c.1860 being Fig.3 of the accompanying Archaeological Report; forming part of the supporting documents submission to this appeal. The extract indicates the layout of the then Lauriston Mains Farm, the associated Farmhouse including the farm buildings inclusive of steadings, barns etc. and further that portion of land being the application site to the South of the former farmhouse.

It can be determined therefore, that the agricultural use of the site ceased a considerable period of time ago, with the site of the former Lauriston Mains Farm being given over to both residential and commercial usage thereafter. The overall site, it is contended by the applicant, occupies a unique position within the Green Belt designation contained within current Local Development Plan, in that use classes currently present are not attributable to agricultural nor other uses one would associate with a countryside setting.

5 This unique setting is further illustrated by the juxtaposition of the application site to the adjacent commercial enterprise and to the longstanding adjoining Silverknowes residential estate; both to the East of the application site.

In order to rationalise the access provision to the former farmhouse an Application for Planning Permission was submitted and subsequently approved which included the formation of a 3.5m wide access roadway. The roadway in question transverses the application site on a North- South axis and occupies an East-West position within agricultural land to the East of the application site, entered from Lauriston Farm Road- please refer to Drawing No 4 of the supporting submission documents. The aforementioned access roadway would be utilised in providing vehicular access to the proposed dwellinghouses thereby negating the requirement of the formation of additional roadways.

The application site is currently bounded by stands of mature trees being a mixture of deciduous and coniferous species with banks of overgrown bushes and hedging between same. These are located primarily to the East and Western boundaries of the site with a mature deciduous specimen to the mid Southern boundary. From research it has been established that none of the trees occupying the site are subject of Tree Preservation Orders. It is noted however that the application site does occupy a position within an area of special character within a Special Landscape Area as prescribed within the Local Development Plan.

The application site is not a designated garden area as prescribed within the Gardens and Designated landscapes contained within the Gardens and Designated Landscapes of the Historic Environment Scotland online portal.

6 Examination of applicable policies determined as Reasons for Refusal

The Planning Application, the subject of this appeal, was assessed and subsequently refused as it was deemed not to satisfy the requirements of the following policies of the Edinburgh Local Development Plan (LDP).

Those applicable policies are:- Env10, Env11,Des1, Des4, Des5 and the Council’s Guidance for Development in the countryside and Green Belt.

This section will examine each of the above policies in turn.

Development in the Green Belt and Countryside

Policy Env10

Whilst it is accepted that the application site falls within a designated Green Belt zone as prescribed within the Edinburgh Local Development Plan, it is the contention of the appellant that the proposal site occupies a unique position within the Green Belt.

Unlike the development of the restaurant premises to the East of the application site where little acknowledgement of the semi-rural setting would appear to have been adopted, particularly in the formation of the expansive car parking facility into what was formerly agricultural land; the development proposal, the subject of this appeal will not extend into adjoining agricultural land but rather occupy land which was once a garden area associated with the former Lauriston Mains Farmhouse.

Following the cessation of the agricultural use associated with the demise of the Lauriston Mains Farm the site at no point thereafter was associated with agriculture, woodland, forestry, horticulture nor uses one would associate directly with countryside activities.

Whilst it is firmly acknowledged that the application site is located within the Edinburgh Green Belt as prescribed by the Edinburgh LDP; it does occupy a position on the fringe of the designated area and one which the applicant considers as a unique position and one which is not instantly associated with a countryside setting given the close proximity of the site to a major, long established residential estate of Silverknowes.

7 Currently and as described above, the overall site of the former Lauriston Mains Farm is now given over to a mixed class use being residential ( The former farmhouse ) and commercial being the adjacent Toby Carvery Restaurant, whose footprint occupies the site of the former outbuildings, barns etc associated with the former Lauriston Mains Farm.

Further, the application site is transversed by a newly constructed access roadway through what was a garden area associated with the original farmhouse. The site is occupied by various deciduous and coniferous species of trees, being primarily located on the fringes of the Eastern, Western and Southern boundaries of the application site. The majority of the existing trees will not be disturbed by the housing proposal, those that require removal are located on the Western and Southern boundaries. As described within the supporting statement to the Planning Application, the subject of this appeal, a stand of new trees is proposed between the proposed development and the existing dwellinghouse to the proposed Northern boundary line and additionally to the Southern boundary where the new stand of trees will form an effective screen enabling the proposed housing to occupy a congruous position on the site. Such new planting would be to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority with cognizance given to the requirements of the Edinburgh Council Arborologist. The footprint of the proposed housing development will occupy approximately one fifth of the current site thereby avoiding a dominant presence on same.

Given that the proposal will not encroach into any part of the adjoining grazing pasture land which envelops the overall site, the edicts of the Special Landscape Area will not be compromised by the proposal. It is envisaged that as an essential part of the husbandry and rationalisation of the site with regard to the overgrown nature of a large percentage of the hedging and tree species thereon, allied with the proposed planting of new species that the Special Landscape Area designation will be enhanced by the said proposals. Please refer to the aerial photograph on Page 4 of this document which illustrates the actual setting of the application site to the surrounding landscape.

Access to the proposed development will be by way of the access road way currently under construction providing alternative access to the dwellinghouse, being the former farmhouse discussed above thereby negating the requirement for additional infrastructure roadway operations which further reduces the impact on the SLA.


It is the appellants contention that the Green Belt designation in terms of Scottish Planning Policy 21 (SPP 21) is a designation which is not rigid, but one, when taking into account the edicts of SPP 15 where a recognition of the lessening of the need for agricultural land is noted, which takes note of changing demands particularly in respect of housing requirements as expressed within SPP 3 where recognition of the Scottish Government’s goal of raising the rate of new housebuilding by mid next decade is detailed. The application of the Green Belt designation therefore, it is contended requires to be applied with a degree of flexibility to permit such aspirations to be achieved.

Whilst not being remotely comparable to the scale of developments which SPP 3, 15 and 21 seek to manage the relatively small scale development the subject of this appeal, nevertheless was designed taking note of all applicable Policies of the Edinburgh Local Development Plan. The application site is not within an isolated rural setting as one would associate with a Countryside/Green Belt designation but is one which would provide direct access both to established transport networks, public transport links, footpaths and cycle pathways.

The topography of the existing landscape within the application site will not be adversely affected by the development proposals but rather be enhanced by same as discussed above.

The natural and historical heritage of the site will not be compromised by the proposals due to the planting of new stands of trees which will enhance the Special Landscape Area designation and that the proposed dwellings will form a cohesive grouping in that the architectural style proposed is one which is immediately recognised as being synonymous with an agricultural use thereby creating a complimentary addition to the landscape and its setting and not detracting from it.

The appellant would like to draw the attention of the Local Review Body to the fact that no letters of representation were received from adjoining proprietors against the proposals. This fact is being viewed as a positive, in that the proposal would be welcomed by those in the locale. The Planning Application Supporting Statement examines the recent history of the site and the appearance of the former farmhouse within the Buildings at Risk register in more expanded detail.


Design principles for new development

Policy Des 1

The design principles applied to the one and a half storey steading style development the subject of this appeal drew direct inspiration from the architectural styles found within the immediate locale (outbuildings within the grounds of Lauriston Castle) and from those associated with Scottish Rural Architectural styles associated within historic farm settings.

All materials proposed in the construction of the premises would be traditional in nature ie natural slate roof coverings, natural stone gables, high specification timber window frames and doors, with the front yard to the dwellings being of a material associated with the hardstanding serving farm buildings. The configuration of the development, being semidetached in nature overall alludes to a typical steading building which one would associate with a rural setting.

With those design principles in mind, the dwellinghouses would it is contended, enhance the quality and character of the immediate and wider environment and thereby protect that which the SLA designation seeks to protect.

Policy Des 4

In order that the proposals would have no negative impact upon its surroundings great emphasis was brought to bear on the architectural design principles of the proposal.

The height of the proposed dwellings was , in order to take cognizance of traditional storey heights associated with buildings within rural settings restricted to a one a half storey proposal.

The scale and proportions of the proposal were restricted to that associated with a typical steading building. The development proposal occupies a footprint of approximately 20% (285 sq.m.) of the application site ( 1380 sq.m.) and as such, it is argued, does not dominate the area in terms of massing or overdevelopment.

10 In order to retain amenity particularly that enjoyed by the occupants of the former farm house a 2m high boundary ranch style fence is proposed between the property and the northern most of the semi detached dwellinghouse. In addition to the 11.4m distance between the gable of the proposed northernmost dwelling and that of the south façade of the dwelling being the former farmhouse a stand of deciduous tree planting is proposed thereby negating any perceived overlooking issues. All materials proposed in the construction of the dwellings have been chosen to reflect existing architectural styles and materials found within the immediate and wider locale. The architectural design principles utilised in the design of the proposal were adopted to ensure that the proposal would not be incongruous within the surrounding landscape but that it would be an enhancement of same.

Policy Des 5

In designing the layout of the semi detached dwellinghouse proposal within the application site various orientations were examined. The layout proposed and as submitted was recognised as providing the optimum that the site could provide in terms of daylight provision and in providing as large a garden space as possible attributable to each dwelling.

Allied with the rationalisation of the overgrown nature of the site via the creation of lawned garden spaces and with the planting of new hedging , new stands of deciduous trees and the erection of suitable boundary fencing between the properties all would positively add to the creation of a pleasing outlook and surroundings thereby ensuring amenity and privacy for those residing within the new dwellings and for those residing within the existing dwelling to the North of the site. A well proportioned wrap around garden comprising lawned areas and a natural stone patio to the northernmost boundary of the site will ensure that the level of amenity enjoyed by those residing at the former farmhouse will not be impaired. Whilst access to the proposal site would be by way of a single access roadway this is unavoidable given the constraints imposed by the existing buildings located at the overall site. That said and as discussed above, the utilisation of the existing access roadway serving the former farmhouse entering from Lauriston Farm Road will negate the requirement of any major additional infrastructure provision.

11 Design principles of Development in the Countryside and Green Belt

In preparing the design of the proposals and as discussed above and previously in the original supporting statement which accompanied the application for Planning Permission ref No 18/10471/FUL respect was given to the rural character of the area with particular regard given to the setting of the proposal to the existing landscape.

The use of hedging is intended to delineate boundary lines between adjoining properties with street lighting for example utilised to an non intrusive extent. Likewise the introduction of new tree planting and landscaping will also have the effect sympathetically blending the proposal harmoniously within its setting.

The choice of traditional building materials synonymous with a rural setting in collaboration with the design principle of the proposal will lead to the construction of premises sympathetic to their surroundings which will occupy an unobstrusive position within the landscape. The layout of the proposal has been so designed and orientated to reflect a steading style building complete with dormer window constructions alluding to loft storage and timber inclusions again being reflective of an agricultural building architecture.



The appellant would respectfully ask those members of the Local Review Body to re-examine the Refusal decision reached in terms of Planning Application Ref No 18/10471/FUL based upon the above observations and supporting documentation to this Notice of Review application.

It is acknowledged that the application site is designated as forming part of the Edinburgh Green Belt and as such proposals relating to developments other than those directly related to agricultural / countryside use will be resisted unless exceptional circumstances are demonstrated.

However, given the unique position of the application site being a) on the fringe of the Edinburgh Green Belt designation zone and b) that no infringement is proposed into existing adjoining agricultural land, that the application site be accepted as a viable compliant location for the proposed housing development.

The appellant is of the considered opinion that the proposals contained within Planning Application Ref No 18/10471/FUL are of merit in that they will not be an incongruous addition to the SLA but provide a coherent addition to the setting of this enclave within the green belt designated zone and would therefore ask that the Refusal decision determined on 5th March 2019 be respectfully rescinded.

13 Supporting Statement

Relating to

The Application for Planning Permission


The erection of 2No semi-detached steading type dwelling houses


67 Lauriston Farm Road. Edinburgh. EH4 5EX


Development Direct Scotland Ltd.

Prepared by Mr M Clarke On behalf of Development Direct Scotland Ltd.

December 2018

1 Table of Contents

1. Site Location Plan………………………………………………. page 3

2. Description of Site………………………………………………. page 4

3. Description of the Proposal…………………………………….. page 5-7

4. Examination of Policies contained within the Local Development Plan………………………………………. page 8-12

5. Summary………………………………………………………… page 13


Site Location Plan

3 Description of Site

The site is located to the south of a detached stone built former farm house in a secluded location to the west of the Toby Carvery restaurant. The site is accessed from an access roadway entered from Lauriston Farm Road.

The development site is determined to be a former garden area which once was ancillary to the former farm house, now a private dwelling. The site is screened from public view from the east and west sides by the Toby Carvery restaurant and Lauriston Castle estate respectively. There are however open views of the site from the south and the corner of the car park of the said restaurant.

The application site is located within the Edinburgh Green Belt.

The Planning Application seeks permission to erect 2No one and a half storey terraced dwellings in a steading style and be of materials synonymous with those found in the architecture of premises within the immediate locale.

There is no relevant planning history for the site, the subject of this application , however the former farm house was the subject of Planning Permission Ref No 15/03373/FUL for the alteration, refurbishment and extension of the said premises.

The former farm house was initially entered into the Buildings at Risk Register for Scotland on the 19th May 2010 and subsequently noted as, at risk, on the 21st May 2015. The premises following acquisition by the applicant was noted within the Register as being renovation in progress and thereby no longer at risk; primarily due to the approval of Building Warrant Ref No. 17/ 02946/WARR, on the 8th November 2018.

4 Description of the Proposal

As noted above the application for Planning Permission seeks to erect 2No one and a half storey semi detached dwellings in a steading style.

The materials proposed in the construction of the dwellinghouses will be synonymous with those found in the immediate locale taking inspiration from the outbuildings found in the grounds of the neighbouring Lauriston Castle estate, the original former Lauriston Farm House itself and of the architecture associated with buildings associated with a rural farm setting. Original stone, reclaimed from the demolition of derelict, single storey buildings associated with the former farm house will be reused in the proposed construction of the dewllinghouses. This will provide a clearly read continuity with the existing former farm house.

It is proposed that the roof materials will be natural slates with zinc ridge pieces, watergates, valleys, dormer fascias and dormer cheeks, with code 5 lead flashings where required ie at chimney breasts. All rainwater goods will be black painted cast iron.

Conservation model Velux roof window units will be installed within the natural slate roof plane.

The primary external wall constructions will be timber framed with external leafs of natural stone and concrete blockwork finished with a cementitious render. The north and south elevations will be constructed from an external leaf of natural stone, in an ashlar coursing to match that of the former farm house. Additionally, quoin stones will be provided to the corners of the north and south elevations as indicated on the application drawings.

All sash and casement windows and sliding door units will be of high performance specification hardwood construction and be fitted with double glazed units.

A vertical larch cladding will be provided below the line of the window cills to the east, west and as indicated on the north and south sectional elevations. This feature is a design acknowledgement to the former steading buildings, now presumably demolished and in whose place the Tobey Carvery now stands. Additionally this feature also alludes to the larch cladding of the first floor extension at the adjoining former farm house to the north. The proposal to erect a steading style development has been arrived at as this form will sit comfortably with the adjacent existing former farm house and in no small way redresses the architectural and historical balance lost during the construction of the Toby Carvery restaurant whose footprint occupies the site of the former steading and outbuilding complex once associated with the farm house.

5 Access to the site will be by way of a 3.5m wide private access roadway from the Toby Carvery access road from Lauriston Farm Road to the east, which will run to the south of the Toby Carvery Restaurant and will then follow an approximate north to south orientation when entering the application site. The said access road was subject of Planning Permission Ref No 15/03373/FUL and Building Warrant approval and is in the process, at the date of writing this document, of being constructed.

A 3.5m wide junction will be formed from the private access road described above which will permit access to the dwellings the subject of this supporting statement. It is proposed that two car parking spaces serving each dwelling will be provided with each facility served by a car turning facility. The access roadway serving the proposed dwellings will be of the same construction of that serving the former farm house.

In order to retain views of the former farm house from the south the proposal has been orientated on a north south axis adjacent to the western boundary of the site. Additionally the former farm house occupies an elevated position to that of the application site. The land upon which it sits is approximately 1200mm above the level of the application site.

Currently the site is occupied by stands of mature trees being a mixture of deciduous and coniferous species with banks of overgrown bushes between same. These are found primarily to the east and western boundaries with a deciduous tree to the mid southern boundary. From research it was established that none of the mature trees on site are subject of Tree Preservation Orders. It is noted however that the application site does occupy a position within an area of special character within the Special Landscape Area as prescribed within the Local Development Plan.

The application site is not a designated garden area as prescribed in the Gardens and Designed landscapes contained within the Gardens and Designed Landscapes of the Historic Environment Scotland on-line portal.

In order to facilitate the positioning of the proposed dwellings certain trees within the application site will require to be removed, those being; two coniferous trees to the western boundary and a deciduous tree to the mid southern boundary. As a counteraction to the removal of the said trees and as part of the Application for Planning Permission it is proposed to plant a stand of trees adjacent to both the northern and southern boundaries and as indicated on the 1:200 scale site layout plan forming part of the Planning Permission application drawing package i.e. DRG No 4. The said trees and particular species of same will be to the satisfaction of the City of Edinburgh Council Tree Officer and Planning Department Case Officer. It is anticipated that the trees will provide habitat for various wildlife species, add to the Special Landscape quality of the area and with the edicts of The Local Nature Conservation Site within which the application site is situated and additionally provide a degree of natural screening between the existing and proposed properties, thereby retaining neighbouring residential amenity.

6 A programme of shrub planting and landscaping is also proposed to the garden areas of the dwelling houses particularly in the planting of shrubbery to the western boundary and to the line of boundary between the properties. These operations will also be to the satisfaction of the Planning Department Case Officer. The landscaping will include the creation of lawn areas to the front, rear and side garden areas of the dwellings with natural stone access pathways to the side of the dwellings and patio areas of natural stone paviors being created to the rear of the properties as part of the overall scheme.

Given that access to the dwelling houses will be by way of a private access road which in turn is taken from an existing internal road it is anticipated that there will be no road safety implications by way of the proposal as access to the public highway will remain unaltered.

Prior to the redevelopment of the former farm house property and as it lay in a derelict condition a bat survey was requested to be carried out as a condition of Planning Permission Ref No 15/03373/FUL. A bat survey was duly carried out which determined that there was no presence of bats. . A copy of the said bat survey will form part of the Planning Application documentation relating to this application.

As the site had been identified as an area of archaeological interest a condition was attached to Planning Permission Ref No 15/03373/FUL, relating to the refurbishment of the existing farmhouse, wherein a Historic Building Survey & Archaeological Evaluation Written Scheme of Investigation was requested and duly conducted by AOC Archaeology Group being published on the 4Th October 2017. The said analysis included three substantial trenches being dug diagonally across the application site, the subject of this Supporting Statement, in a SE to NW orientation. Therefore, it is anticipated that by including the application site within the said AOC report that the Archaeological interest in the site may be satisfactorily addressed. A copy of the said AOC document will form part of the Planning Application documentation relating to this application.

7 Examination of Policies contained within the Local Development Plan

In the compilation of the Application for Planning Permission examination of the City of Edinburgh Local Development Plan (LDP) was undertaken.

The process of examination identified the following policies contained within the LDP which are pertinent to the application site;-

Des 1-13, Env 7-9, Env 10, Env 11, Env 12, Env 16, Env 18, Rs 6.

Each of these policies will be expanded upon individually as they effect the proposals contained within the Application for Planning Permission.

Des 1-13

The proposal seeks to erect 2No dwelling houses of one and a half storey design in a steading type configuration.

The overarching design principle of the proposed dwelling houses took inspiration from the architecture of buildings existent within the locale. Particular reference was given to the existing former farm house adjacent to the site where the ashlar stone coursing of the external wall construction was taken as a primary driver for the construction of the external walls of the north and south elevations of the proposals. It is proposed that the external leaf of these elevations will be constructed from ashlar stone coursing with quoin stones to the east and west corners of the elevations. Therefore, the view from the south will primarily be of a traditional stone façade which will blend with collection of traditionally constructed buildings currently adjacent to the application site

Design inspiration was further derived from the outbuildings located within the grounds of Lauriston Castle to the west of the application site.

The facades of the east and west elevations and those of the internal faces of the proposed kitchen/utility outshoots are proposed to be of a more contemporary design. It is proposed that the said facades be of a cementitious render applied to an external leaf of blockwork forming the outer leaf of a timber framed construction.

The roof plane covering of all proposed pitched roofs forming the proposals will be natural slates. All ridge coverings, valleys and Watergates will be of zinc construction. The 4No dormers will be of single ply sarnafil roof membrane, the dormer cheeks and fascias to the dormers will also be of zinc.

All rainwater goods ie gutters and downpipes will be black painted cast iron with all flashings to chimneys being of code 5 lead.

8 All windows and doors will be of high performance hardwood framed triple glazed construction and painted grey on their external surfaces. It is proposed to introduce vertical larch cladding below the cill level of the windows to the east and west elevations which alludes to the larch cladding found on the external face of the first storey extension of the former farm house adjacent to the application site. This feature is also an acknowledgement of the stabling of horses one would associate with a traditional steading building which alludes to the history of the site. Heritage model conservation style roof windows will be introduced to the roof plane.

The juxtaposition of traditional and contemporary materials forming the proposals will it is anticipated create a pleasing blend which takes note of the existing architectural styles found within the immediate locale and allude to a style of building synonymous with the previous farm use of the site as a whole.

The scale of the proposals is such that it will occupy a third of the application site with open spaces retained albeit in the creation of access roadways and garden areas. Views from the south to the former farm house will not be detrimentally obscured by the proposals. The planting of trees to replace those removed by the proposals will retain the quality of the Special Landscape Area.

The design of the proposal has taken serious inspiration of the architecture and use of buildings found within the locale which is very much at variance to that of the adjacent restaurant premises. There is little if any recognition of the historical or architectural heritage of the area displayed within the design and scale of the said premises. The proposals the subject of this supporting statement will, it is envisaged, be a compliment not a detriment to the Special Landscape Area within which the application site is situated.

Env 7-9

As the site had been identified as an area of archaeological interest a condition was attached to Planning Permission Ref No 15/03373/FUL, relating to the refurbishment of the existing farmhouse, wherein a Historic Building Survey & Archaeological Evaluation Written Scheme of Investigation was requested and duly conducted by AOC Archaeology Group and published on the 4Th October 2017.

The said analysis included three substantial exploratory trenches being dug diagonally across the application site in a SE to NW orientation. Therefore, it is anticipated that by including the application site within the said report that the Archaeological interest in the site may be satisfactorily addressed. A copy of the said AOC document will form part of the Planning Permission Application documentation relating to this application.

9 Env 10

The application site is designated as being within the Edinburgh Green Belt as prescribed in the Edinburgh Local Development Plan albeit that the site is situated very near to the designation boundary between it and an existing urban development.

The Green Belt designation as prescribed in the LDP seeks to retain the landscape quality of the area and or rural character of the area.

The application site was part of a farm complex in the past comprising farm house, outbuildings and steadings with an ancillary garden area being the application site. The farm usage ended some considerable time ago with the farm house remaining and overtime time falling into disrepair and eventual dereliction so much so that it was entered into the Buildings at Risk register as previously discussed above.

The land upon which the ancillary steading and other outbuildings stood allied with a substantial portion of the attendant farmland was sold to new owners who undertook major operations to create a restaurant and car park immediately to the east of the application site. It is not known how much of the original structures remain or were incorporated into the formation of the restaurant but upon examination it would appear very little if any survived the redevelopment process.

The derelict farm house, inclusive of the application site, was acquired by the applicant who is now currently undertaking a major restoration and refurbishment programme; with the former farm house building no longer deemed at risk.

Therefore, what was once a longstanding operational farm is no longer existing, with the area in question now being a mix of commercial and domestic usage. As discussed above, the application site is deemed to be a garden associated with the farm house which is now overgrown with the stands of trees, present on site, in a similar untended state.

Given that the rural usage, that the application site was once part of, is no longer prevailing, this aspect that the Green Belt designation seeks to retain can be successfully argued as being no longer applicable. That said it is the contention of the applicant that the special quality of the remaining landscape, being the application site, will be enhanced by the proposals in that additional tree planting and a rationalisation of the grounds will be undertaken both to the satisfaction of the Edinburgh Council Tree Officer and Planning Case officer.

The proposed dwellings will be of high quality design and materials which compliment those architectural styles found within the immediate and wider locale. The design of the proposal sought inspiration from those architectural styles found within the locale, particularly the outbuildings found in the adjoining Lauriston Castle estate and that of the existing farm house building

10 itself. The storey and a half configuration as proposed alludes to a style of building associated with a rural setting particularly those associated with a farm building setting. Therefore, it is anticipated that the proposal will sit comfortably within the green belt setting being a complimentary addition to it.

It should be noted that Planning Permission Ref No 15/03373/FUL provided consent for the formation of an access roadway which transverses the site on a north-south axis located to the eastern boundary of the application site serving the former farm house. The proposed dwellings will be accessed via a spur junction from the original roadway. The said access roadways will be constructed from pervious materials which will permit the unhindered infiltration of surface water for effective dissipation to the land strata below.


The application site, in terms of the LDP, is determined as being within a wider Special Landscape Area. The application seeks to retain the special landscape nature of the site. For instance, the views currently enjoyed of the site and surrounding areas in general will not be compromised by the proposals, allied to the retention of existing trees within the application site additional tree planting is proposed, which will have the effect of retaining the Special Landscape quality of the area.

The views of the surrounding farmland, grazing pastures, Lauriston Castle estate and further to the river Forth to the north, will be unaffected by the proposals.

The proposed dwelling houses given their design and materials of construction will occupy an unobtrusive position and it is contended will further enhance the Special Landscape Area designation.

Env 12

The removal of certain existing trees, as discussed above, is required to facilitate the siting of the proposed dwellings adjacent to the western boundary of the site. The trees in question are two coniferous examples on the western boundary and a deciduous example to the southern boundary of the site.

Upon examination of the Edinburgh Planning Portal it has been established that none of the trees existent upon the application site are subject of tree preservation orders. It is recognised however that the existence of trees within any given location adds considerably to landscape biodiversity, amenity and character of the area in question.

With these facts in mind the proposal seeks to introduce new stands of trees both at the northern boundary and to the southern boundary of the application site. The particular species of the new trees will compliment those existing on the site and will be to the satisfaction of the Edinburgh Council Tree Officer and to the Planning Department case officer.


Env 16

No species as indentified within the European Protected Species legislation have been identified as being present within the application site. However, in terms of Planning Permission Ref No 15/03373/FUL and given the fact that the then derelict farm house may have been a likely site for bats to take up residence a condition of the approval required that a bat survey be undertaken. This was duly conducted with no presence of bats being identified. A copy of this survey report will form part of the supporting documentation of the Planning Permission Application to which this Supporting Statement relates.

Env 18

The application site is deemed to have once been a garden area associated with the former farm house adjacent to the application site. Currently it is an area of land containing overgrown shrubbery and trees. Planning Permission, Ref No 15/03373/FUL. was approved for the formation of an access roadway which transverses the site on a north south axis to the eastern element of the site.

The proposed dwelling houses will occupy approximately a third of the overall area of the site and will be positioned on a north south axis towards the western boundary of the site. The dwelling house proposal will not dominate the site the remaining land will be given over to garden areas inclusive of stands of newly planted and existing trees and shrubbery thereby retaining a degree of open space surrounding the proposed dwellings providing habitat for flora and fauna.

Additionally, the application site is effectively bounded by agricultural land given over primarily to grazing pasture and as such will not impact upon the open space provision that this policy seeks to protect.

Rs 6

The new dwelling houses will be linked to existing utility supply lines and sewerage systems which are adjacent to the application site.

Currently the main sewerage line serving the former farm house is located within the car parking area associated with the adjacent Toby Carvery restaurant. It is proposed that all surface water and waste drainage lines serving the proposed dwelling houses will be linked to this system.

12 Summary

In summary, it is the contention and aspiration of the applicant that the application for Planning Permission for the erection of 2No semi-detached steading type dwelling houses be supported and approved.

It is firmly acknowledged that the application site forms part of an area of sensitivity being within a Special Landscape Area, located within the Edinburgh Green Belt and being subject to policies contained within the Edinburgh Local Development Plan which seek to retain protected views, ensure the protection of flora and fauna amongst many important others.

In compiling the Application for Planning Permission, particularly during the design process all of the applicable policies, as detailed in the preceding paragraphs, forming this supporting statement, were closely examined.

An examination of the historical record of the site particularly that of the former Lauriston Farm was undertaken. This process identified the existence of a range of steading and other outbuildings associated with the farm operation now resigned to history as the area upon which they once stood is now occupied by a somewhat incongruous commercial premises.

The former Lauriston farm house, following the cessation of the agricultural operation allied with it, fell into dereliction, becoming a target for serious anti social behaviour and destructive vandalism being a detriment to the amenity of the near and wider community.

The applicant has effectively rescued the former Lauriston farm house from further, possibly catastrophic damage following his acquisition of the premises and is currently nearing the completion of a comprehensive renovation and refurbishment programme, returning the premises once more to a viable dwelling house; consequently and effectively removing the premises from the Buildings at Risk Register. This can only be viewed as a positive reintroduction of what was once formally categorised as building nearing complete dereliction, to a premises that will be a more than welcome addition to the local community and to the City of Edinburgh at large.

As part of the continuing rejuvenation of the site and with a particular emphasis on the historical record of same, the application for Planning Permission seeks to introduce a building of a style synonymous with the previous agricultural use which will sit comfortably and unobtrusively within its setting and be architecturally complimentary to the former farm house. Public views of the site, particularly those from the south, will not be impaired but enhanced given the architectural style of the proposal and be further enhanced following the introduction of tree planting and landscaping operations. These proposals will simply contribute to the Special Landscape Area and will be a continued addition to the revitalisation of what had, not too distantly, become a lost, forgotten and abandoned part of Edinburgh’s rich Heritage.

13 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999






P R E M I S E S A T 67 L A U R I S T O N F A R M R O A D















B G B BB BB N E X I S T I N G C O N I F E R O U S T R E E T I N R E M O V E D L A P E E X I S T I N G D E C I D U O U S T R E E R E R E M O V E D T W E 1 20.01.19 Applicant details revised N NORTH

E K No. Date Revisions / Submissions N C L I A Y R R T A D M AAApAppppplllliiiiccccaaaannnntttt N R O U A B F Development Direct Scotland Ltd

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Scale bar 1:200 Scale PPPrPrrroooojjjjeeeecccctttt AAAdAdddddrrrreeeessssss 1:200 Scale BLOCK SITE LAYOUT PLAN 67 Lauriston Farm Road Edinburgh A D J O I N I N G F A R M L A N D EH4 5EX

DDDrDrrraaaawwwwiiiinnnngggg TTTiTiiittttlllleeee Planning Application proposal 1; 200 scale block plan

AAA PPPrPrrroooojjjjeeeecccctttt Proposal to erect 2 No Steading type AAA semi-detached dwellinghouses. Scale 1:200 @ A1 DDDrDrrraaaawwwwiiiinnnngggg NNNoNooo....

DateDDDaDaaatttteeee November 2018 Drawing No 4

111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 67 Lauriston Farm Road, Edinburgh Historic Building Survey & Archaeological Watching Brief Written Scheme of Investigation

AOC Project No: 23946 Planning Ref No. 15/03373/FUL th 4 October 2017

© AOC Archaeology Group 2017

67 Lauriston Farm Road, Edinburgh: Historic Building Survey & Archaeological Watching Brief Written Scheme of Investigation

On Behalf of: Mr. Mike Clarke, 1F2, 3 Inverleith Gardens, Edinburgh EH11 2BX

National Grid Reference (NGR): NT 20475 76105 (centre)

AOC Project No: 23946

Prepared by: Lindsay Dunbar

This document has been prepared in accordance with AOC standard operating procedures.

Author: Lindsay Dunbar Date: 4th October 2017

th Approved by: Martin Cook Date: 4 October 2017

Draft/Final Report Stage: Final Date: 4th October 2017

Enquiries to: AOC Archaeology Group Edgefield Industrial Estate Edgefield Road Loanhead EH20 9SY

Tel. 0131 440 3593 Fax. 0131 440 3422 e-mail. [email protected] 67 Lauriston Farm Road, Edinburgh: Historic Building Survey & Archaeological Watching Brief Written Scheme of Investigation


1.1 Project Background 1.1.1 A programme of archaeological works is required by Mr. Mike Clarke ahead of the redevelopment of a 19th century farmhouse at 67 Lauriston Farm Road, Edinburgh. The archaeological works are to include a Historic Building Recording survey of the existing building together with a 10% evaluation of the overall redevelopment area. The need for, and scope of, the archaeological works has been determined by City of Edinburgh Council (CEC) who are advised on archaeological matters by the City of Edinburgh Council Archaeology Service (CECAS).

1.1.2 The programme of archaeological works is in keeping with the policies outlined in Scottish Planning Policy (2014) and PAN 2/2011 Planning and Archaeology (2011) in order to record the extent and significance of any archaeological remains which may be present within the development area.

1.1.3 This Written Scheme of Investigation details how the requirements of the archaeological works will be met. The first part is site specific, detailing the requirements of the trial trenching (Stage 1), as well as any appropriate archaeological mitigation measures (Stage 2), which may consist of further fieldwork (eg, excavation) or provision by the development proposals which would allow preservation in situ of any buried archaeological material. It also details the requirements of any suitable post- excavation analysis and publication of discovered archaeological remains (Stage 3), if appropriate. The Appendices detail AOC Archaeology Group’s operating procedures and standards.

1.2 Site location 1.2.1 The development area is centred on NT 20475 76105 (Figure 1 & 2) and presently consists of a farmhouse with garden which lies to the northwest of Lauriston Farm Road immediately east of the Toby Carvery Restaurant and carpark. To the north and south of the development area there is open farmland whilst to the west lies the Lauriston House and its grounds.

1.3 Archaeological background 1.3.1 The development site forms part of the historic Lauriston Estate which is centred upon Lauriston House (HES No. NT27NW 1) which lies immediately to the west. The core of Lauriston House dates from the 1600’s and the building is A-Listed (Listed Building No. 28019). The history of Lauriston may date from 13th century and there are indications that the medieval centre of the state lay to the east of Lauriston House. The mid 18th century Roy’s map also shows buildings to the east of Lauriston House which may of may lie close to or withn the development area.

1.3.2 The farmhouse building that is to be redeveloped dates from the early 19th century (HES No. NT27NW 607) is described as a stone built two storey building formerly called Lauriston Mains. The mid 19th century First Edition Ordnance Survey map, (Figure 3), clearly shows the building and its relationship to Lauriston House (marked as Lauriston Castle).


2.1 The objectives of the historic building recording are to create a ‘preservation by record’ of the barn structure that will be subject to development through written, drawn and photographic record, also with a view to also establishing any evidence of the former chapel in or around, or set within the construction of, the 17th century chapel.

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Figure 3: Extract from 1st Edition Ordnance Survey

2.2 The objectives of the archaeological works are to determine and assess the character, extent, condition, quality, date and significance of any buried archaeological remains within the proposed development area through evaluation trenching. Another objective is to advise and implement an appropriate form of mitigation, formulated with the approval of CECAS, such as excavation (Stage 2), post-excavation analyses and publication (Stage 3), given the infeasibility of preserving the archaeological material in situ, should significant archaeological remains be encountered..


3.1 Level 1 Building Recording 3.1.1 A programme of Historic Building Recording (Level 1) is required on the single storey, unroofed building which forms part of Bridgend Farm.

3.1.2 This will comprise a comprehensive photographic and written descriptive record of the building accompanied by a scaled floor plan. General and detailed photographs of the building will be made in black and white print and colour digital using a 35mm SLR and digital SLR respectively. A 1m or 2m ranging pole will be placed in all shots where access and health and safety allows and a running register of photographs will be made on site to accompany the report. The photographic survey will be complemented by a written description of the barn using AOC pro-forma recording sheets with comment on condition, construction, architectural features, doors, openings, evidence for phasing and function and anything else pertinent to the historic record. A drawn site plan is also required of the building and this will take the form of annotated architects’ site plans.

3.2 Evaluation 3.2.1 The details of the archaeological evaluation, laid out below, are designed to meet the requirements of the City of Edinburgh Council as advised by CECAS.

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3.2.2 The development areas measures 1500 m2 in total. The Council as advised by CECAS requires that an 10% evaluation is undertaken across the entire site. Therefore trenching totalling some 150 m2 will be opened across the development area (Figure 2). The evaluation will be achieved through excavation using a mechanical excavator equipped with a smooth-bladed ditching bucket. Where live services are present suitable buffer zones where no trenching will be able to take place will be imposed.

3.2.3 Excavation will be in shallow units/spits until the first significant archaeological horizon or natural drift geology is reached. Trenching will be stepped where localised ground conditions necessitate. All trial trenching will be undertaken according to AOC Archaeology Group’s standard operating procedures (Appendix 7, 7.1 to 7.29). All machine excavation will be supervised by an experienced field archaeologist.

3.2.4 All significant archaeological features revealed will be cleaned and fully defined. Trial trenches will be extended around specific archaeological features to determine their lateral extent (while remaining within the development area). A sufficient number of significant features will be excavated, sampled and recorded to determine their character, function, nature, date and significance.

3.2.5 Should human remains be unearthed, then these will be left in situ, covered and protected. The local police will be informed. If removal is considered necessary by CECAS this will only take place with police approval, and in compliance with Historic Scotland's Operational Policy Paper 'The Treatment of Human Remains in Archaeology'.

3.2.6 The palaeo-environmental strategy will comprise the removal of two basic sample types for every hand-excavated context. As such, every archaeological context will be sampled by this impartial and non-judgmental approach.

i) Routine Soil Samples; a representative 500g sample from every excavated soil context on site. This sample is used in the characterisation of the sediment, potentially through pollen analysis, particle size analysis, pH analysis, phosphate analysis and loss-on-ignition.

ii) Standard Bulk Samples; a representative 10 litre sample from every excavated soil context on site. This sample is used, through floatation sieving, to recover a sub- sample of charred macroplant material, faunal remains and artefacts.

3.2.7 No specialised re-instatement will be undertaken. Trenches will be backfilled with spoil and then compacted by driving over using the mechanical excavator. The backfilling of trenches will not be individually supervised other than in areas with identified archaeology.

3.3 Reporting 3.3.1 Within one month of the completion of all on-site work, the results will be presented in the form of a written report. This report will synthesize the results of the fieldwork, both Evaluation and Historic Building Recording, and determine the significance and extent of any archaeological features identified.

3.3.2 The report will be prepared in accordance with current standard Historic Scotland procedural requirements and AOC Archaeology standard procedures. Specifically it will contain the following:

• the location and National Grid Reference of the site;

© AOC Archaeology 2017 | PAGE 3 OF 20 | 67 Lauriston Farm Road, Edinburgh: Historic Building Survey & Archaeological Watching Brief Written Scheme of Investigation

• a site plan showing the extent of the excavations • a non technical summary describing briefly the work undertaken and a brief outline of the phasing and history of the site; • copies of all historic maps referenced in the text; • an architectural appraisal of the building; • a full list detailing features encountered and an interopretation of their date and function; • appropriate lists and diagrams summarising the contexts and artefacts recovered and the records made of them • plans and elevations at an appropriate scale showing watching brief area and features located • digital photographs used as plates to further illustrate the text; • a discussion on the results bringing together the historical background and the architectural appraisal; • analysis of the results of the works, including appropriate post-excavation appraisals • fully referenced bibliography; • photographic register as an Appendix; • ‘Discovery and Excavation in Scotland’ (DES) Entry as an Appendix;

3.3.3 In addition a Summary Report on the works will be submitted to the OASIS online archaeological reporting facility.

3.3.4 A digital copy of the report will be forwarded to the client in the first instance for comments after which it will be forwarded to CECAS for approval. Once approved by CECAS a hard copy of the report will be forwarded to CECAS for inclusion within the Historic Environment Record (HER) together with a selection of digital images of the results of the works.

3.3.5 The catalogued archive from these works will be prepared for deposition in the National Monuments Record of Scotland within 6 months of the completion of all fieldwork. Digital copies of a selection of photographs and plans will be deposited separately for inclusion in the City of Edinburgh SMR.

3.3.6 Finds of objects will be subject to the Scots Laws of Treasure Trove and Bona Vacantia and reported by the archaeological contractor to the Secretariat of the Treasure Trove Panel for disposal to an appropriate museum. This process is a standard AOC procedure.


4.1 Monitoring 4.1.1 AOC Archaeology will liaise with CECAS at all times to ensure they are aware of fieldwork dates and so be able to schedule in advance any monitoring visits. A mobile phone will be present on site at all times to allow easy contact.

4.2 Health & Safety 4.2.1 AOC Archaeology has always maintained high standards on-site and a copy of our Health & Safety policy is available on request. A full Risk Assessment Method Statement will be prepared prior to the on site being undertaken. All AOC staff will adhere to the Risk Assessment and be inducted prior to the works starting.

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4.2.2 All AOC staff are CSCS qualified and have a First Aid at Work qualification.

4.3 Project team 4.3.1 The project will be managed and undertaken by Martin Cook MCIfA, Project Manager.

4.4 Timetable 4.4.1 The works will be undertaken in October and November 2017


5.1 Bibliographical references

Scottish Government 2014 Scottish Planning Policy, April 2014.

Scottish Government 2011 PAN 42 Planning And Archaeology 2/2011.

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315000 320000 325000 330000 335000 ¹ 680000 675000 670000

Contains OS data (C) Crown Copyright and database right 2017 0 1:20,000 @ A4 1,000m

319000 320000 321000 322000 677000

Development Area 676000 675000

Service Layer Credits: © OpenStreetMap (and) contributors, CC-BY-SA

Figure 1: Site location plan 01/23946/WSI/01/01

© AOC Archaeology 2017 | 67 Lauriston Farm Road, Edinburgh: Historic Building Survey & Archaeological Watching Brief Written Scheme of Investigation

320450 320500 320550 676150 676100 676050


Development Area

Proposed evalua�on trench 676000

0 1:750 @ A4 30m Service Layer Credits: © OpenStreetMap (and) contributors, CC-BY-SA ¹ Figure 2: Site Location showing evaluation trenches 01/23946/WSI/02/01

© AOC Archaeology 2017 | 67 Lauriston Farm Road, Edinburgh: Historic Building Survey & Archaeological Watching Brief Written Scheme of Investigation

APPENDIX 1 Desk-top assessment

1.1 The sources consulted as part of the desk-top study will depend on the type and level of data required and the material that is available to provide that information. Sources used may include, where available, all or some of the following listed below:

i) Walkover survey (Appendix 5). ii) The relevant Local Sites and Monuments Record(s) and the National Monuments Record. iii) British Geological Survey maps. iv) Ordnance Survey maps of the site and its locality. v) Tithe, Apportionment and Parish maps. vi) Historic (pre-Ordnance Survey) and Estate maps of the area. vii) Appropriate archaeological and historical journals and books. viii) Historical documents held in local museums, libraries, record offices and other archives. This may be a selective survey given the scope of potential historic documentation for some sites. ix) Unpublished material held by local professional and amateur archaeological organisations and museums. x) Aerial photographs held by local authorities, Sites and Monuments Record, the National Library of Aerial Photographs, Cambridge University Collection of Aerial Photographs and other local parties. xi) Scheduled Ancient Monuments Lists; listed building lists; registers of parks and gardens and battlefields; any local authority constraint designations (eg conservation Areas). xii) All available borehole, trial pit and geotechnical data from the site and its immediate environs. xiii) Plans of services locations held by statutory undertakers. xiv) Fire insurance maps. xv) Old and New Statistical Accounts (in Scotland). xvi) Building Control Records. xvii) Standing Building Assessment (Appendix 10).

APPENDIX 2 Geophysical survey

2.1 All geophysical survey work will be sub-contracted to an appropriate professional organisation but directly managed by AOC Archaeology. 2.2 Selection of techniques will be made in consultation with the survey organisation taking into account land use, geology, complicating factors (eg metal pipes and fences), known and/or suspected archaeology. 2.3 The report will contain background information on the site (as above) and a description of any anomalies located. An interpretation of the anomalies will also be given. 2.4 At least one plot of the data will be included, normally of dot density or grey scale type. Any enhancement of the image will be explicitly stated and the likely affect of the processing described. 2.5 Clear interpretative plans will be provided in a form that a non-technical reader can understand. 2.6 Plots and interpretative diagrams will be reproduced at a scale from which exact measurements can be taken. These will normally be 1:1000 for detailed survey and 1:2500 for other plans. 2.7 The basic computerised data will form part of the site archive.


Surface collection survey (fieldwalking)

3.1 This type of survey will only be carried out in suitable ground visibility conditions. This effectively restricts the technique to arable land which has been ploughed, harrowed and left to weather for several weeks in autumn to early spring. 3.2 The collection grid will align with the Ordnance Survey grid unless surveying for a linear scheme when the transects will be parallel to the centre of the scheme. The grid will be established using measured survey techniques. 3.3 The spacing of transects and length of collection units will be as specified in the main part of the Written Scheme of Investigation. Each transect will be 2m wide. Collection units will be logged using a numeric 12 figure National Grid Reference which will identify the southern end of the unit. 3.4 Transects will be measured cumulatively on the ground using fixed-length strings to avoid variation in individual pace. Sighting poles will be placed at opposite ends of the land parcel to mark transects. 3.5 All material considered to be man-made or not local to the area will be collected and recorded by the individual collection unit. The exception to this is where dense concentrations of building material are present when a representative sample is retained per collection unit. 3.6 Stone scatters, areas of soil discolouration and outcrops of natural substrata will be recorded and plotted by stint. 3.7 Pro-forma sheets will be used to record details of walker, soil/crop conditions, slope/topography, and lighting/weather conditions for each transect and presence/absence of finds for each collection unit. 3.8 Finds will be washed and sorted into groups in order to facilitate identification. Finds will be bagged according to artefact class within each collection unit. 3.9 Finds will be identified, quantified and recorded directly on to computer. The results will be plotted using a CAD graphics programme. 3.10 All significant artefact distributions will be plotted by field, group of fields or appropriate length for a linear scheme, at 1:2500, with separate plans for each period or relevant subdivision, indicating the numbers of artefacts per stint. 3.11 The pottery and other relevant artefacts will be scanned to assess the date range of the assemblage.

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3.12 All finds and samples will be treated in a proper manner and to standards agreed in advance with the recipient museum or other body. These will be cleaned, conserved, bagged and boxed in accordance with the guidelines set out in UKIC's "Conservation Guidelines No 2".


Earthwork surveys

4.1 Base points will be established using a Total Station. 4.2 Hachured plans will normally be prepared at 1:1250 or 1:2500 for most classes of earthwork. In certain cases more detailed survey by contouring will be carried out. 4.3 Appropriately experienced personnel will undertake the survey work. 4.4 All prepared plans will be presented with an accompanying descriptive text.


Walkover Survey

5.1 The proposed study area will be walked over in a systematic manner. Approximately 30m wide transects will be used, although this can be reduced where conditions demand. 5.2 All features identified (including modern features) will be given a unique number. The location of each feature will be marked on a 1:10,000 map. A photographic and written record will be compiled APPENDIX 6

Test pits

6.1 Spacing and size of test pits will vary according to local topography, geology, and known or potential archaeology. Spacing and size will be as specified in the Written Scheme of Investigation. 6.2 Test pits will be laid out in relation to the Ordnance Survey national grid. 6.3 The most appropriate tools will be used taking into account the prevailing conditions at the time of the work. 6.4 A specified volume of topsoil from each test pit will be sieved through a 10mm mesh. 6.5 Conditions, contexts and artefact totals will be recorded on pro-forma sheets. 6.6 Subdivisions within the excavated material will be based on soil stratigraphy and spits of 100mm within each stratigraphical unit. 6.7 All artefact totals will be recorded by class. 6.8 Finds will be washed and sorted into groups in order to facilitate identification. Finds will be bagged according to artefact class within each collection unit. 6.9 Finds will be identified, quantified and recorded directly onto computer where appropriate. The results will be plotted using a CAD graphics programme when appropriate. 6.10 All significant artefact distributions will be plotted by field, group of fields or appropriate length for a linear scheme at 1:2500, with separate plans for each period or relevant subdivision, indicating the numbers of artefacts per test pit. 6.11 The pottery and other relevant artefacts will be scanned to assess the date range of the assemblage. 6.12 All finds and samples will be treated in a proper manner and to standards agreed in advance with the recipient museum or other body. These will be cleaned, conserved, bagged and boxed in accordance with the guidelines set out in UKIC's "Conservation Guidelines No 2".

APPENDIX 7 Machine excavated trenches

Excavation 7.1 The entire site will be visually inspected before the commencement of any machine excavation. This will include the examination of any available exposures (eg recently cut ditches and geo-technical test pits). 7.2 Normally trench positions will be accurately surveyed prior to excavation and related to the National Grid. It may be necessary to survey the positions after excavation in some instances. 7.3 All machining will be carried out by plant of an appropriate size. Normally, this will be a JCB 3CX (or similar) or 360o tracked excavator with a 1.4 or 1.8m wide toothless bucket. Where access or working space is restricted a mini excavator such as a Kubota KH 90 will be used. 7.4 All machining will be carried out under direct control of an experienced archaeologist. 7.5 Undifferentiated topsoil or overburden of recent origin will be removed in successive level spits (approximately <0.5m) down to the first significant archaeological horizon. 7.6 Excavated material will be examined in order to retrieve artefacts to assist in the analysis of the spatial distribution of artefacts. 7.7 On completion of machine excavation, all faces of the trench that require examination or recording will be cleaned using appropriate hand tools. 7.8 All investigation of archaeological horizons will be by hand, with cleaning, inspection, and recording both in plan and section. 7.9 Within each significant archaeological horizon a minimum number of features required to meet the aims of the project will be hand excavated. Pits and postholes normally will be sampled by half-sectioning although some features may require complete excavation. Linear features will be sectioned as appropriate. Features not suited to excavation within the confines of narrow trenches will not be sampled. No deposits will be entirely removed unless this is unavoidable. As the objective is to define remains it will not necessarily be the intention to fully excavated all trenches to natural stratigraphy.

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However, the full depth of archaeological deposits across the entire site will be assessed. Even in the case where no remains have been located the stratigraphy of all evaluation trenches will be recorded. 7.10 Any excavation, whether by machine or by hand, will be undertaken with a view to avoiding damage to any archaeological features or deposits which appear to be demonstrably worthy of preservation in situ. 7.11 For palaeoenvironmental research different sampling strategies will be employed according to established research targets and the perceived importance of the strata under investigation. AOC Archaeology conventionally recovers three main categories of sample;

i) Routine Soil Samples; a representative 500g sample from every excavated soil context on site. This sample is used in the characterisation of the sediment, potentially through pollen analysis, particle size analysis, pH analysis, phosphate analysis and loss-on-ignition; ii) Standard Bulk Samples; a representative 20 litre sample from every excavated soil context on site. This sample is used, through floatation sieving, to recover a sub-sample of charred macroplant material, faunal remains and artefacts; iii) Purposive or Special Samples; a sample from a sediment which is determined, in field, to either have the potential for dating (wood charcoal for radiocarbon dating or in situ hearths for magnetic susceptibility dating) or for the recovery of enhanced palaeoenvironmental information (waterlogged sediments, peat columns, etc).

7.12 Any finds of human remains will be left in situ, covered and protected. In Scotland the local police will be informed. If removal is essential this will only take place with police approval, and in compliance with Historic Scotland's Operational Policy Paper 'The Treatment of Human Remains in Archaeology'. In England and Wales the coroner's office will be informed. If removal is essential it will only take place under the relevant Home Office licence and local authority environmental health regulations. 7.13 All finds of gold and silver will be moved to a safe place. Where removal cannot be effected on the same working day as the discovery, suitable security measures will be taken to protect the artefacts from theft or damage. In Scotland the recovery of such material, along with all other finds, will be reported to the Queen's and Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer. In England and Wales the recovery of such material will be reported to the coroner's office according to the procedures relating to Treasure Trove. 7.14 After recording, the trenches will be backfilled with excavated material.

Recording 7.15 For each trench, a block of numbers in a continuous sequence will be allocated. 7.16 Written descriptions, comprising both factual data and interpretative elements, will be recorded on standardised sheets. 7.17 Where stratified deposits are encountered a 'Harris'-type matrix will be compiled during the course of the excavation. 7.18 The site grid will be accurately tied into the National Grid and located on the 1:2500 or 1:1250 map of the area. 7.19 Plans will normally be drawn at a scale of 1:100, but on urban or deeply stratified sites a scale of 1:50 or 1:20 will be used. Burials will be drawn at 1:10. Other detailed plans will be drawn at an appropriate scale. 7.20 Long sections of trenches showing layers and any cut features will be drawn at 1:50. Sections of features or short lengths of trenches will be drawn at 1:20. 7.21 Generally all sections will be accurately related to Ordnance Datum. There may, occasionally, be instances where this is unnecessary when it will be agreed with the local authority's archaeological representative in advance. 7.22 Registers of sections and plans will be kept. 7.23 A full colour print and colour transparency photographic record will be maintained. This will illustrate the principal features and finds both in detail and in a general context. The photographic record will also include working shots to represent more generally the nature of the fieldwork. 7.24 A register of all photographs taken will be kept on standardised forms. 7.25 All recording will be in accordance with the standards and requirements of the Archaeological Field Manual (Museum of London Archaeology Service 3rd edition 1994).

Finds 7.26 All identified finds and artefacts will be collected and retained. Certain classes of material, ie post-medieval pottery and building material, may on occasion be discarded after recording if a representative sample is kept. No finds will be discarded without the prior approval of the archaeological representative of the local authority and the receiving museum. 7.27 Finds will be scanned to assess the date range of the assemblage with particular reference to pottery. In addition the artefacts will be used to characterise the site, and to establish the potential for all categories of finds should further archaeological work be necessary. 7.28 All finds and samples will be treated in a proper manner and to standards agreed in advance with the recipient museum. Finds will be exposed, lifted, cleaned, conserved, marked, bagged and boxed in accordance with the guidelines set out in United Kingdom Institute for Conservation's Conservation Guidelines No. 2. 7.29 In England and Wales, at the beginning of the project (prior to commencement of fieldwork) the landowner and the relevant museum will be contacted regarding the preparation, ownership and deposition of the archive and finds. In Scotland all archaeological material recovered belongs to the Crown and its disposal is administered by the Queen's and Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer.


Evaluation reports

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8.1 The style and format of the evaluation report will be determined by AOC Archaeology, but will be compliant with Historic Scotland’s issued guidance on Data Structure Reports. The report will include as a minimum the following;

i) A location plan of the site. ii) A location plan of the trenches and/or other type of fieldwork strategy employed. iii) Plans and sections of features and/or extent of archaeology located. These will be at an appropriate scale. iv) A summary statement of the results. v) A table summarising per trench the deposits, features, classes and numbers of artefacts encountered and spot dating of significant finds. vi) Consideration to the methodology will be given along with a confidence rating for the results.

8.2 When an evaluation is followed by an excavation the procedures defined in English Heritage's Management of Archaeological Projects 2nd edition 1991 will be followed for immediate post-field archive preparation and initial assessment. It will then be agreed with the local authority's archaeological advisor which aspects will need to be taken forward to the report stage.


Area excavation

9.1 Prior to the stripping of any area excavation, all appropriate surveys (eg geophysical, earthwork, contour) or sampling strategies (eg for topsoil artefact densities, metal detecting, phosphate analysis) will be undertaken. 9.2 In most cases sites will be mechanically stripped of topsoil and other overburden. An appropriate machine will always be used. This will normally be a 360o tracked excavator with a between 1.4 and 2.4m wide toothless bucket. In other cases a JCB 3CX (or similar), or for work with restricted access or working room a mini-excavator such as a Kubota KH 90 will be used. Suitably sized dumpers or lorries will be employed to remove spoil. No plant will be allowed to cross stripped areas. 9.3 All machining will be undertaken under the direct control of experienced archaeologists. 9.4 All undifferentiated topsoil or overburden will be removed down to the first significant archaeological horizon in level spits. The archaeological horizon to which the material will be cleared will have first been established by an evaluation or by the digging of test pits. 9.5 Depending on the aims of the project, the excavated spoil may be monitored in order to recover artefacts. Where their findspots are plotted this will usually be on a 2m grid. 9.6 The surface exposed by the stripping will be cleaned using appropriate hand tools. 9.7 Should the site grid not have already been established it will be done at the cleaning stage. The grid will normally be based on a 10m spacing and related to the National Grid. A temporary bench mark related to Ordnance Datum will be founded 9.8 After the cleaning and planning of the excavation area the sampling strategy will be finalised. This will take into account the project aims (which may need modifying at this stage) and the type, quality and quantity of remains revealed. The sampling strategy will normally seek to maintain at least the following levels;

i) all structures and all zones of specialised activity (eg funerary, ceremonial, industrial, agricultural processing) will be fully excavated and all relationships recorded; ii) ditches and gullies will have all relationships defined, investigated and recorded. All terminals will be excavated. Sufficient lengths of the feature will be excavated to determine the character of the feature over its entire course; the possibility of re-cuts of parts of the feature, and not the whole, will be considered. This will be achieved by a minimum 10% sample of each feature (usually a 1m section every 10m). iii) Sufficient artefact assemblages will be recovered (where possible) to assist in dating the stratigraphic sequence and for obtaining ample ceramic groups for comparison with other sites; iv) all pits, as a minimum, will be half-sectioned. Usually at least 50% (by number) of the pits will be fully excavated. Decisions as to which pits will be fully excavated will be taken in the light of information gained in the half-sectioning taking into consideration, amongst other things; pit function, artefact content and location; v) for post and stake holes where they are clearly not forming part of a structure (see above) 100% (by number) will be half-sectioned ensuring that all relationships are investigated. Where deemed necessary, by artefact content, a number may demand full excavation; vi) for other types of feature such as working hollows, quarry pits, etc the basic requirement will be that all relationships are ascertained. Further investigation will be a matter of on-site judgement, but will seek to establish as a minimum their extent, date and function; vii) for layers, an on-site decision will be made as to the limits of their excavation. The factors governing the judgement will include the possibility that they mask earlier remains, the need to understand function and depositional processes, and the necessity to recover sufficient artefacts to date the deposit and to meet the project aims.

9.9.1 For palaeoenvironmental research different sampling strategies will be employed according to established research targets and the perceived importance of the strata under investigation. AOC Archaeology conventionally recovers three main categories of sample;

i) Routine Soil Samples; a representative 500g sample from every excavated soil context on site. This sample is used in the characterisation of the sediment, potentially through pollen analysis, particle size analysis, pH analysis, phosphate analysis and loss-on-ignition;

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ii) Standard Bulk Samples; a representative 10 litre sample from every excavated soil context on site. This sample is used, through floatation sieving, to recover a sub-sample of charred macroplant material, faunal remains and artefacts; iii) Purposive or Special Samples; a sample from a sediment which is determined, in field, to either have the potential for dating (wood charcoal for radiocarbon dating or in situ hearths for magnetic susceptibility dating) or for the recovery of enhanced palaeoenvironmental information (waterlogged sediments, peat columns, etc).

9.10 Any finds of human remains will be left in situ, covered and protected. In Scotland the local police will be informed. If removal is essential this will only take place with police approval, and in compliance with Historic Scotland's Operational Policy Paper 'The Treatment of Human Remains in Archaeology'. In England and Wales the coroner's office will be informed. If removal is essential it will only take place under the relevant Home Office licence and local authority environmental health regulations. 9.11 All finds of gold and silver will be moved to a safe place. Where removal cannot be effected on the same working day as the discovery, suitable security measures will be taken to protect the artefacts from theft or damage. In Scotland the recovery of such material, along with all other finds, will be reported to the Queen's and Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer. In England and Wales the recovery of such material will be reported to the coroner's office according to the procedures relating to Treasure Trove.

Recording 9.12 All on-site recording will be undertaken in accordance with the standards and requirements of the Archaeological Site Manual (Museum of London 1994). 9.13 A continuous unique numbering system will be employed. 9.14 Written descriptions, comprising both factual data and interpretative elements, will be recorded on standardised sheets. 9.15 Where stratified deposits are encountered a 'Harris'-type matrix will be compiled during the course of the excavation. 9.16 The site grid will be accurately tied into the National Grid and located on the 1:2500 or 1:1250 map of the area. 9.17 Plans will normally be drawn at a scale of 1:100, but on urban or deeply stratified sites a scale of 1:50 or 1:20 will be used. Burials will be drawn at 1:10. Other detailed plans will be drawn at an appropriate scale. 9.18 Long sections of trench edges or internal baulks showing layers and any cut features will be drawn at 1:50 or 1:20 depending on amount of detail contained. Sections of features will be drawn at 1:20. 9.19 All sections will be accurately related to Ordnance Datum. 9.20 Registers of sections and plans will be kept. 9.21 A full colour print and colour transparency photographic record will be maintained. This will illustrate the principal features and finds both in detail and in a general context. The photographic record will also include working shots to represent more generally the nature of the fieldwork. 9.22 A register of all photographs taken will be kept on standardised forms.

Finds 9.23 All identified finds and artefacts will be collected and retained. Certain classes of material, ie post-medieval pottery and building material may on occasion be discarded after recording if a representative sample is kept. No finds will be discarded without the prior approval of the archaeological representative of the local authority and the receiving museum. 9.24 All finds and samples will be treated in a proper manner and to standards agreed in advance with the recipient museum. Finds will be exposed, lifted, cleaned, conserved, marked, bagged and boxed in accordance with the guidelines set out in United Kingdom Institute for Conservation's Conservation Guidelines No. 2. 9.25 In England and Wales, at the beginning of the project (prior to commencement of fieldwork) the landowner and the relevant museum will be contacted regarding the preparation, ownership and deposition of the archive and finds. In Scotland all archaeological material recovered belongs to the Crown and its disposal is administered by the Queen's and Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer.

Archiving, post-excavation and publication 9.26 Following completion of each stage or the full extent of the fieldwork (as appropriate) the site archive will be prepared in the format agreed with the receiving institution. 9.27 On completion of the archive a summary report will be prepared. This will include;

i) an illustrated summary of the results to-date indicating to what extent the project aims were fulfilled; ii) a summary of the quantities and potential for analysis of the information recovered for each category of site, artefact, dating and palaeoenvironmental data; iv) proposals for analysis and publication.

9.28 The proposals for analysis and publication will include;

i) a list of the revised project aims arising from the fieldwork and post-excavation assessment; ii) a method statement which will make clear how the methods advocated are those best suited to ensuring that the data-collection will fulfil the stated aims of the project; iii) a list of all tasks involved in meeting the stated methods to achieve the aims and produce a report and research archive in the stated format; iv) details of the research team and their projected work programmes in relation to the tasks. Allowance will be made for general project-related tasks such as project meetings, management, editorial and revision time; v) a publication synopsis indicating publisher, report format and content shown by chapters, section and subheadings with the anticipated length of text sections and proposed number of illustrations.

9.29 The summary report embracing the analysis and publication proposals will be submitted to the client and the local authority's archaeological representative for approval.

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9.30 Any significant variation in the project design, including timetables, proposed after the agreement of the proposals must be acceptable to the local authority's archaeological representative. 9.31 The results of the project will be published in an appropriate archaeological journal or monograph. The suitable level of publication will be dependent on the significance of the project results, but as a minimum the basic requirements of Appendix 7.1 of Management of Archaeological Projects (English Heritage 1991) will be met.


Standing Building Assessment

10.1 A standing building assessment will normally take place in concordance with a Conservation Plan, but may also form part of a Desk-Based Assessment if required. 10.2 A visual inspection will be made of both the interior and exterior of the building(s) with a view to establishing the extent of the architecturally important elements that should be included in a later phase of historic building recording work. 10.3 A brief written record will be made in addition to digital photography of areas of interest to support recommendations and outline architectural features within the building(s).


Historic Building Recording: The Written Record (Levels 0-6)

11.1 Pro forma building recording sheets will be used for the basic written record of the building(s) including comments on the condition, construction techniques, materials, fixtures and fittings and interpretation of function. A competent analysis will be made of all building phases and any relationship between buildings. Day Book records will also be kept for any levels of recording above Level 1.

11.2 At Level 4, the written record will encompass a thorough context description of each broad phase of construction and alteration with a view to formulating a stratigraphic matrix of the site.

APPENDIX 12 Historic Building Recording: Photography (Levels 1-5)

12.1 Photography will take place at all levels of building recording, and will be undertaken with a single lens reflex camera with through-the-lens (TTL) light metering. A standard 28-90mm lens will be used at all times except where wider or shorter angle lenses are required for longer elevation photography and detailed photography. 12.2 The camera will be placed at mid-height to the subject with due care and attention to lighting situations. Two shots will be taken of each feature, undertaken by a light-meter reading of a two-step change in aperture. This change up or down will depend on light conditions. 12.3 Interior photography will be undertaken with appropriate lighting conditions and the use of a tripod. Where light access is still quite minimal, an automatic flash will be used. 12.4 All photography will be taken on colour slide and black & white negative film, such as Kodak PLUS-X or Ilford FP4, or approved equivalent. It should be exposed and processed to an archival standard, i.e., fix and wash in accordance with the manufacturers specifications. 12.5 The use of a digital camera may be used as a reference to survey and drawn elevations and ground plans on-site.

APPENDIX 13 Historic Building Recording: Rectified Photography and Photogrammetry (Level 3)

13.1 An external contractor will carry out rectified photography and photogrammetry in compliance with the following guidelines:

i) All photography will be carried out with an approved type of camera. Details of the camera used may be supplied on completion of the project.

ii) The smallest permissible photographic negative scale will normally be defined as follows: for 1:50 scale plotting, negative scale should be no more than 1:200 and for 1:20 scale plotting, negative scale should be no more than 1:200.

iii) All rectified photography will be taken on black & white negative film, such as Kodak PLUS-X or Ilford FP4, or approved equivalent. It should be exposed and processed to an archival standard, i.e., fix and wash in accordance with the manufacturers specifications.


Historic Building Recording: Elevation Recording (Level 2)

14.1 All elevations drawn or surveyed will be a ‘preservation by record’ of the current state of the building. The following categories will be recorded:

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i) All architectural features with associated decorative detail including windows, doors, quoin stones, string courses, roof lines and other structural stonework and jointing.

ii) Fixtures and fittings such as drainpipes and guttering, signs, brackets and vents.

iii) Later modifications and/or damage to the building such as structural cracks, areas of erosion, patches of rendering, blocked doorways, windows and other openings.

14.2 Large or small repetitive features such as windows, capitals, mouldings, etc. sampling will be undertaken as appropriate. 14.3 Where the façade is of stone construction each individual stone may be recorded. However, in most instances, a representative area, usually 1m², will be sufficient, although windows, corner stones and other architectural details will always be fully recorded. The degree of recording for ashlar will be depend upon the scale with which the elevation is to be produced and will be determined in advance of the start of works. When drawings are carried out at 1:50, a single line between the joints of the stone will normally be considered satisfactory. However, if there is a considerable gap between the stones, both sides of the stone will be shown. At a scale of 1:20 or larger, then all joints will normally be shown except where the stone is very fine ashlar. 14.4 Elevation recording by hand will normally take place if it is inappropriate to do so by survey. The size and complexity of an elevation will determine what on-site scale will be required. In general, a scale of 1:50 will be deemed appropriate with a larger scale adopted if portions of this elevation are more complex. For highly detailed architectural detail a scale of 1:1 may be appropriate. 14.5 All hand-drawn measured elevations and detail will be drawn using water-resistant paper with a hard 4H – 6H pencil. A levelled datum line will be taken through the centre of the elevation with offset measurements. All datum points will be accurately positioned within the site either by hand or by survey.

APPENDIX 15 Historic Building Recording: Elevation Recording – By Survey (Levels 2-4)

15.1 Where appropriate, elevations may be recorded by radiation survey using a reflectorless Trimble robotic Station. This method of survey allows the accurate capture of data of upper floor levels. If more than one elevation is to be recorded, then a traverse will be created around each building or group of buildings. Extra stations may be set up in places where there is limited access.

15.2 The recording of an elevation will not be carried out by survey equipment if: i) There are too many obstructions; ii) The surface of the building is too dark or mossy; iii) There is too much curved architectural detail; iv) The distance required to set up the survey equipment in front of the elevation is too large (i.e., more than 25m) or too short to capture data from the upper levels of the elevation.

15.3 Where appropriate, elevations carried out by survey will be supplemented by detail measured by hand.


Historic Building Recording: Interior Recording (Levels 2-4)

16.1 The recording of the interior(s) of the building(s) will consist of a written record and, where appropriate, measured sketch plans of the ground plan and the roof elevations based on the following guidelines: i) Critical analysis of the interior condition, construction, materials, fixtures and fittings will be made using pro forma recording sheets. ii) Measured interior ground plans of each room of the interior will be carried out using tapes and a Leica Disto™ Classic electronic distance measurer. iii) All measured plans will contain: notes on the size of structural members, and finishes; floor levels, change in levels, and ceiling heights; direction of stair rises in plan with each riser numbered; the positions of service entry points, plant and machinery and sanitary fittings; below-ground drainage; soil and vent stacks and rainwater pipes where appropriate.

APPENDIX 17 Historic Building Recording: Standard Report Illustrations (Level 6)

17.1 All final illustrations for archive will be produced digitally on the Computer-Aided Drawing package, AutoCAD 2000i/2000LT and/or Adobe Illustrator v9/v10. A standard methodology will be used with all drawings adhering to the following guidelines: 17.2 Line Weight. The appropriate line weight will depend on anticipated plot scale and may need editing if the output scale is to change. The degree of detail used will affect the line weight utilised in the finished drawing. All fine architectural detail (stonework, moulded stonework, brickwork, etc.) will be produced at a line weight of 0.05mm. More general architectural features (outlines of doors and windows, etc.) will be produced at a line weight of 0.09mm. A much heavier line will indicate the changing of plane in complex elevations. 17.3 Text. Text will be made clear and informative, with orientation, position, size and letter spacing remaining appropriate to the layout of the plotted sheets. 17.4 Scale. No archaeological or historic building survey will be carried out without a particular scale or range of scales in mind.

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17.5 Layers. The layering system in Computer Aided Drawing packages allows the separation of data into specified criteria. To achieve this, there is an AOC standard layering system. This system is largely based on the coding system inherent in the use of the reflectorless EDM Leica TCR705. 17.6 Digital Archiving. All drawings are produced at a 1:1 scale for easy scaling in .dxf or .dwg format. At the end of a project, all data is stored on CD-ROM.


Historic Building Recording: Dendrochronological Analysis (Level 3)

18.1 Dendrochronological analysis of timbers from standing building is primarily undertaken to provide accurate dates for its construction. Where appropriate, samples may be taken for analysis to provide information on the source and quality of the timber, thus informing on the social and economic context of the building.

18.2 Samples for analysis will take place under the following conditions:

i) That the timber sample taken is from a species where date chronologies already exist, namely oak and pine. ii) A minimum of eight timbers per phase or building are required to cross-match results. iii) The ring patterns inherent in a timber sample must be over a certain length, usually seventy rings.

18.3 The method of the removal of samples of timber will be to use a corer attached to a power-driven drill, removing a core leaving a hole in the timber 10mm in diameter. The core will be taken so that a maximum radius from pith to bark is taken, thus ensuring the maximum numbers of growth rings for analysis. Timbers will be selected which have retained a full ring sequence as possible (i.e., those where the outermost rings have not been trimmed off or destroyed by woodworm).

18.4 Where it is impossible to use this intrusive method of sample, for example, in the case of painted ceilings and carved panels, the ring sequence can be measured in situ using a hand lens. Silicone rubber casts can also be taken where the end grain is exposed

APPENDIX 19 Historic Building Recording: Paint and Wallpaper Analysis (Level 3)

19.1 Paint and/or wallpaper analysis will usually only take place where layers that have been applied over the years have not been removed. Where appropriate, paint analysis can take place by methods of scraped samples or thin section analysis. Cross-sections may also be obtained from samples of paint to reveal a stratigraphy of paint layers.

APPENDIX 20 Historic Building Recording: Reporting (Levels 0-6)

20.1 The style and format of the final report on historic building recording works will be determined by AOC Archaeology, but will be compliant with Historic Scotland’s issued guidance on Data Structure Reports. The content of this report will depend greatly in the level of works that have taken place but at minimum will include:

i) A location plan of the site showing the areas under investigation numbered and cross-referenced in the text; ii) A summary statement of the results; iii) An introduction, methodology and results of the works; iv) Photographic plates to illustrate the text.

20.2 Where a programme of historic building recording has taken place at Level 2 or above, the Data Structure Report will contain a number of illustrations, the format of which is outlined in more detail in Appendix 17.

APPENDIX 21 Watching Briefs

21.1 Where the archaeologist (Watching Brief Officer) has no remit over the working methodology of the site (specification of machine or depth of excavation). The Watching Brief Officer will simply observe the works and record their nature and form. Where the Watching Brief Officer specifies the site methodology, ie type of machine and depth of excavation. AOC Archaeology’s preferred approach is to consider the Watching Brief Area as a large evaluation trench and follows in general, Appendix 7. 21.1 It is important to stress that the client determines the area affected and unless instructed by a curator the Watching Brief Officer has no power to extend the area unless it is to fully excavate a human body that otherwise would have been truncated by the works. 21.2 In addition to the general principles outlines in Appendix 7 the following approaches will be undertaken: 21.3 i) a record will be made of all site attendances; ii) in general a written and photographic record will be kept of the excavated sediments; iii) where archaeological features are identified and they can be dealt with in less than two hours this work will be undertaken by the Watching Brief Officer. Recording and excavation protocols will follow Appendices 7.9 –7.11;

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iv) where archaeological remains requiring more than two hours of excavation and recording, the Watching Brief Officer will stop the works and both the curator and the client will be contacted to devise a mitigation strategy. All delays will be kept to a minimum. Any resultant excavation and recording work will be in keeping with the methods outlined in Appendix 9; v) the extent of the watching brief area will not be recorded unless specifically required by either the client or the curator. Where such recording is required the area will be accurately recorded by total station and linked into the Ordnance Datum; vi) Reporting of Watching Briefs will follow methods specified in Appendix 8.



22.1 The requirements of the Brief will be met in full where reasonably practicable. 22.2 Any significant variations to the proposed methodology will be discussed and agreed with the local authority's archaeological representative in advance of implementation. 22.3 The scope of fieldwork detailed in the main part of the Written Scheme of Investigation is aimed at meeting the aims of the project in a cost-effective manner. AOC Archaeology Group attempts to foresee all possible site-specific problems and make allowances for these. However there may on occasions be unusual circumstances which have not been included in the programme and costing. These can include;

i) unavoidable delays due to extreme weather, vandalism, etc; ii) trenches requiring shoring or stepping, ground contamination, unknown services, poor ground conditions; iii) extensions to specified trenches or feature excavation sample sizes requested by the local authority's archaeological advisor; iv) complex structures or objects, including those in waterlogged conditions, requiring specialist removal.

Health and Safety 22.4 All relevant health and safety legislation, regulations and codes of practice will be respected.

22.5 With the introduction of the Construction, Design and Management Regulations 1994, AOC Archaeology works with Clients, Main Contractors, and Planning Supervisors to create a Health and Safety Plan. Where CDM regulations apply, each project will have its own unique plan.

Insurances 22.6 AOC Archaeology holds Employers Liability Insurance, Public Liability Insurance and Professional Indemnity Insurance. Details can be supplied on request.

22.7 AOC Archaeology will not be liable to indemnify the client against any compensation or damages for or with respect to;

i) damage to crops being on the Area or Areas of Work (save in so far as possession has not been given to the Archaeological Contractor); ii) the use or occupation of land (which has been provided by the Client) by the Project or for the purposes of completing the Project (including consequent loss of crops) or interference whether temporary or permanent with any right of way light air or other easement or quasi easement which are the unavoidable result of the Project in accordance with the Agreement; iii) any other damage which is the unavoidable result of the Project in accordance with the Agreement; iv) injuries or damage to persons or property resulting from any act or neglect or breach of statutory duty done or committed by the client or his agents servants or their contractors (not being employed by AOC Archaeology) or for or in respect of any claims demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses in respect thereof or in relation thereto.

22.8 Where excavation has taken place evaluation trenches will be backfilled with excavated material but will otherwise not be reinstated unless other arrangements have previously been agreed. Open area excavations normally will not be backfilled but left in a secure manner unless otherwise agreed.

Copyright and confidentiality 22.9 AOC Archaeology will retain full copyright of any commissioned reports, tender documents or other project documents under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 with all rights reserved; excepting that it will provide an exclusive licence to the Client in all matters directly relating to the project as described in the Written Scheme of Investigation.

22.10 AOC Archaeology will assign copyright to the client upon written request but retains the right to be identified as the author of all project documentation and reports as defined in the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

22.11 AOC Archaeology will advise the Client of any such materials supplied in the course of projects which are not AOC Archaeology's copyright.

22.12 AOC Archaeology undertake to respect all requirements for confidentiality about the Client's proposals provided that these are clearly stated. In addition AOC Archaeology further undertakes to keep confidential any conclusions about the likely implications of such proposals for the historic environment. It is expected that Clients respect AOC Archaeology's and the

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Institute of Field Archaeologists' general ethical obligations not to suppress significant archaeological data for an unreasonable period.

Standards 22.13 AOC Archaeology conforms to the standards of professional conduct outlined in the Institute of Field Archaeologists' Code of Conduct, the IFA Code of Approved Practice for the Regulation of Contractual Arrangements in Field Archaeology, the IFA Standards and Guidance for Desk Based Assessments, Field Evaluations etc., and the British Archaeologists and Developers Liaison Group Code of Practice.

22.14 Project Directors normally will be recognised in an appropriate Area of Competence by the Institute of Field Archaeologists.

22.15 Where practicable AOC Archaeology will liaise with local archaeological bodies (both professional and amateur) in order that information about particular sites is disseminated both ways (subject to client confidentiality).


Specialist staff

The following specialist staff may be used on this project depending on the type of artefacts and soil samples recovered during the course of the fieldwork.

AOC Archaeology Staff: Dr. Anne Crone Dendrochronology, charcoal and timber analysis Dr. Ciara Clarke Pollen analysis Mr. Rob Engl Lithics & coarse stone Ms. Melissa Melikian Human bone Mr Alan Duffy Charcoal identification

Sub-contractors Dr. Clare Ellis Soils and sediments analysis Mr. Bob Clark Industrial archaeology & coal-mining Ms Marta McGlynn Historic designed landscapes Dr. Ruby Ceron-Carasco Marine shell and fish bone Dr. Ann MacSween Prehistoric pottery Ms. Naomi Crowley Building material, medieval and post-medieval pottery



24.1 Sample Flotation Sample flotation is a water recovery technique designed to separate organic remains from the soil matrix. A Siraf style system of flotation and wet-sieving will be operated by the archaeological contractor. This system comprises an enclosed area of water into which the soil samples are deposited and agitated. Due to the difference in densities of organic and inorganic remains the light fractions will float, the heavy fractions will sink and the silt fraction will be washed away. The resulting floating material (flot) is collected in sieves of 0.3mm and 1mm, the non-floating residue (retent) is wet-sieved through a 1 mm mesh.

All flots and retents are air dried, bagged and labelled accordingly. Throughout this process all equipment is kept clean to prevent contamination of the samples. For each sample, a Sieving Assessment sheet is completed. This gives basic information about the sample, retent and flot. Prior to flotation and wet-sieving, the volume of each sample is measured by means of a graduated bucket.

If in a sample a high concentration of clay can be observed and therefore separation of the different fractions of the soil is difficult, an aqueous solution of defloculant ‘Calgon’ is added and the sample is left to soak overnight, before processing by flotation and wet-sieving.

Sample flotation will be carried out on site and/or at the premises of the archaeological contractor.

24.2 Sample Wet sieving Sample wet sieving, also a water recovery technique, is carried out in laboratory conditions and is designed to recover waterlogged material. For the recovery of waterlogged botanical material, small soil samples (0.5 to 1.0 litre) are processed through a 0.3 mm sieve. The sediment is placed in a bucket with water and agitated before being washed through the 0.3 mm sieve. This process is repeated until the sample is totally disaggregated. The resulting material is stored in water or ethanol depending on the length of the storage period. Sample wet sieving can also be used to recover larger waterlogged material such as leather and wood in which case larger volumes of soil are processed.

24.3 Sample Dry sieving Sample dry sieving is carried out to retrieve smaller artefacts that might be missed during normal excavation procedure, eg. small sherds of pottery and bone. Done in laboratory conditions, all samples are air dried in the first instance. Done in the

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field, the samples are processed with the sample in a field-moist state. In both cases the sample is passed through a 4 mm mesh and any items of interest are recovered and recorded.

24.4 Residue sorting All residue (retent) sorting is carried out in laboratory conditions, and is designed to recover not only material that might be missed during normal excavation procedure (see dry sample sieving), but also material that would be impossible to recover during normal excavation procedure eg. charred and uncharred plant remains, insect remains and small fragments of charcoal.

The volume of the residue is recorded and then passed through a set of sieves (mesh sizes 8 mm, 4 mm, 2 mm and 1 mm). Each fraction is spread out onto a separate tray, is scanned with the naked eye and all items of interest are recovered. Under normal circumstances all identifiable material from all fractions is recovered. The only exception to this is burnt wood (charcoal) which is only retrieved from the > 4 mm fractions. All material recovered is bagged individually by material type and the material types and weights recorded on the Retent Sorting Sheet. Also recorded on this sheet are the project number, context number, area, sample number, the sorters initials, date, sample volume, retent volume and percent of the retent sorted. Under normal circumstances 100 % of all fractions are sorted. In those instances where this is not the case, this will be recorded. Where no material is recovered from a retent, the Retent Sorting Sheet will be filled out as usual, with the word sterile written across it.

24.5 Flot sorting All flot sorting is carried out in laboratory conditions. The volume of each flot is measured. The flots are sorted by means of a low powered binocular microscope. The macro plant remains and other archaeological or ecological material are extracted from the flots and put into gelatine capsules or glass tubes. An estimate of the number of items recovered and the species represented are recorded. The charcoal larger than 4mm is extracted from the flots and weighed. All extracted items are bagged and labelled accordingly.

24.6 Routine Soils Analysis All the samples taken on-site will have a routine partner. Four standard routine soil tests will be carried out by the archaeological contractor. These are pH analysis, Loss on Ignition, Calcium Carbonate content and Easily available phosphate content.

The pH value is the measure of the acidity (H+) or alkalinity (OH+) of the sample. Dissolving a portion of the soil in distilled water, then measuring the sample using pH meter carries this out. This is to allow us to estimate the potential for preservation within the sediment.

Loss on Ignition is the measure organic content of the sample. This is measured by burning a small amount of the sediment in a furnace at 4000C for four hours. By measuring the weight before and after burning the organic content can be calculated. The organic content allows us to examine whether manuring or treatment of the natural soil has taken place.

Calcium Carbonate content can be measured by dissolving a few grains of the sample using Hydrochloric acid. If calcium

carbonate is present then a small amount of Carbon Dioxide is given off, the greater the amount of CO2 released the greater the amount of CaCO2. The Calcium Carbonate content shows us if there is any natural calcium carbonate within the sediment, or if not, any mortar or shell has been included artificially.

The amount of phosphate within a sample is examined at the same time as CaCO2. After the CO2 has been released Ascorbic acid is applied, if Phosphate is present a colour change will occur. The phosphate content may show the presence of animals or to a lesser degree indicate where animals were kept.

24.7 Soil Micromorphological Analysis Micromorphology is the study of undisturbed soils and loose sediments and other materials at a microscopic scale. A 25-30 micron thick slice of soil or sediment is mounted on glass and studied using a petrographic microscope. The samples are prepared for thin section analyses at the Department of Environmental Science, University of Stirling using the methods outlined by Murphy (1986). The samples are analysed using the descriptive terminology of Bullock et al (1985) and FitzPatrick (1993).

Bullock, P., Fedoroff, N., Jongerius, A., Stoops, G., Tursina, T. & Babel, U.1985 Handbook for soil thin section description. Wolverhampton: Waine research Publications.

FitzPatrick, E.A.1993. Soil microscopy and micromorphology. Chichester: James Wiley & Sons.

Murphy, C. P. 1986. Thin section preparation of soils and sediments. Berkhamsted: AB Academic Press.

24.8 Charcoal ID Only charcoal retrieved from the 4mm sieve (see Sieving and Sorting procedures) is used for species identification, mainly because fragments below that threshold are too small to identify. If there is no charcoal larger than 4mm present then attempts will be made to identify the largest fragments present for the purpose of C14 samples.

Surfaces are prepared for identification by using a surgical blade to prise off flakes of charcoal revealing fresh surfaces on which diagnostic features can be identified. The charcoal fragment is bedded in sand for examination under a reflected-light microscope.

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On average, up to 10 fragments of charcoal are identified per bulk sample. If a single species is present then identification can stop at 5 fragments. However, if a great variety of species is present, ie more than four, then identification should continue until the analyst is happy that a representative sample has been examined. Unusual or exotic species should be bagged and labelled separately within the bulk sample. Other variables, such as whether the fragment is young roundwood, with sub-bark surfaces intact, whether it has come from a large piece of wood and whether it is fast or slow grown, should be noted. Species identification is undertaken with reference to Schweingruber’s (1982)

24.9 Wood ID Waterlogged wood; Surfaces on waterlogged wood are prepared for identification by using a cut-throat razor or a double- sided razor blade to pare off thin-sections which are cell-thick and transparent so that diagnostic features can be identified. It is consequently difficult to identify fragments of waterlogged wood smaller than 10 mm2. The thin-sections are temporarily mounted in water on slides for examination under a transmitted-light microscope.

Sampling for identification is carried out on the same basis as that for charcoal. Species identification is undertaken with reference to Schweingruber’s (1982) Microscopic Wood Anatomy and the in-house reference collection of the archaeological contractor.

24.10 Non-charcoal charred plant macrofossil analysis and Waterlogged plant analysis Analysis of the charred plant macrofossils and waterlogged plants involves identification, quantification and interpretation. Identification of the macro plant remains is done using a low power binocular microscope with x10 and x40 magnifications. The modern reference collection of the archaeological contractor and various seed atlases (Beijerinck 1947, Berggren 1969 & 1981 and Anderberg 1994) will be used to ease identification. The botanical nomenclature follows Flora Europaea (Tutin et al 1964-1981). A standardised counting method is used for quantification. Habitat information for the plant species will be taken from Hanf (1983).

24.11 Dendrochronological analysis Sample size and species type; Three conditions are necessary to ensure the successful dating of a building or archaeological site. The timber must be a species for which there are already dated chronologies which in the UK usually means oak. Cross-matching is a statistical process, and therefore a number of timbers are required, usually at least 8 per building or phase. Finally, and for the same reasons the ring-patterns must be over a certain length, usually 70 rings. With these conditions observed it can be relatively straightforward to obtain a date for a building.

On-site sampling; In situ timbers in a standing building are usually sampled using a corer, which is attached to a power- driven drill and removes a core leaving a hole in the timber 10 mm in diameter. The core must be taken so that the maximum radius from pith to bark is sampled, thus ensuring the maximum number of growth-rings for analysis. It is also important to select those timbers which have retained as full a ring sequence as possible, ie those where the outermost rings have not been trimmed off or destroyed by woodworm.

Coring is an intrusive method of sampling and it is occasionally impossible to use this method, as in the case of painting ceilings and carved panels. If the end-grain is exposed the ring sequence can be measured in situ using a hand lens. Silicone rubber casts can also be taken.

If structural timbers have been removed during the renovation of a building then slices, approximately 50 mm thick can be sampled by saw, usually a chainsaw, from a point along the timber where the maximum radius survives.

Timbers only survive below ground in waterlogged conditions. Waterlogged timbers are sampled as above, by the removal of a 50 mm slice by sawing.

Sample preparation; Cores are mounted in angle moulding and then the surface is prepared by paring with a Stanley knife followed by fine sanding with Wet & Dry sandpaper until the ring-pattern is clear and measurable. Slices (dry); The surface of the slice is sanded, usually with a power sander, using progressively finer sandpaper until the ring-pattern is clear and measurable. It is often necessary to finish off the surface with W&D sandpaper. Slices (wet); The slice is usually frozen for 24 hours and then the surface is planed flat using a Surform plane. This often achieves the necessary clarity of ring-pattern but where the wood is particularly hard it will be necessary to use a razor blade to pare the surface to achieve a clear ring-pattern. Silicone rubber casts; These are fixed to battens of wood using silicone rubber, for ease of measurement.

Measurement and analysis; The samples are measured on a custom-made measuring table and the data logged onto the computer using DENDRO (Tyers 2000). Data graphing and statistical analysis are also carried out using the same package.



25.1 Conservation principles

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The principles, ethical codes and techniques of conservation are under constant review by both practitioners and professional bodies. The archaeological contractor's approach to conservation will reflect current theory and practice, as recommended by the United Kingdom Institute for Conservation, the Scottish Museums Council, Resources for Museums and Galleries, the International Council on Museums and the International Institute for Conservation.

25.2 Security The archaeological contractor will take all reasonable precautions to ensure the security of items brought in for conservation. The building will be protected by intruder detector systems; all conservation items will be kept in a secure locked store when not being worked on, and will not be left unattended. Particularly valuable items will be stored in a safe where required. A heat and smoke detection system will also be in operation 24 hours a day.

25.3 Insurance Artefacts for conservation will not covered by the contents insurance of the archaeological contractor. Insurance cover can be arranged for individual items and collections, but this is expensive. Clients are normally advised that the cheapest option is to extend their own insurance for these items for a fixed period. If required, the archaeological contractor could arrange additional insurance, and these costs would be passed on. The archaeological contractor will have full professional indemnity cover for all its staff.

25.4 Health and safety All relevant Health and Safety legislation, Regulations, Guidelines and Codes of Practice will be respected; Health and Safety plans will be compiled where Construction, Design and Management Regulations 1994 apply.

25.5 Conservators and allied specialist services Professionalism: The conservators of the archaeological contractor will be graduates of approved conservation courses, and will have a thorough knowledge of current conservation practices in their particular specialist fields. The conservators will have been actively encouraged to broaden their skills and experience, and to obtain professional accreditation through the United Kingdom Institute for Conservation or PACR.

25.6 Specialist post-excavation analyses Other services which the archaeological contractor will be able to offer are:

wood identification and woodworking analysis tree ring dating pollen analysis building materials analysis metal artefacts metalworking and glass working debris materials analysis textile analysis insects fish and shells bird bones plant remains bone identification soils specialist/geologist artefact specialist fibre identification leather identification

25.7 Documentation Conservation complements the work of other professionals by preventing the deterioration of the artefact, and by ensuring that the wider community benefits from the additional information recovered about an artefact in the course of conservation work. Conservation reports are normally supplied as a hard copy, but can also be supplied on disc in a variety of formats, according to the client's requirements. Reports are normally printed on paper with a guaranteed life expectancy of 150 years; photographic materials are processed to professional industry standards such as Q-Lab.

25.8 Archival considerations The archaeological contractor will endeavour to ensure that the materials used to document artefacts undergoing treatment have a reasonable life span. Paper used will have an estimated lifetime of 150 years (HMSO specification), and all photographic films will be processed to industry standards by a processing company that specialises in high quality work for professional photographers. Radiography films and chemicals will be fresh and well within their expiry dates. All labelling of boxes etc. will be carried out with archival quality inks; labels will generally be duplicated for safety's sake.

Wherever possible, the archaeological contractor will consider the archiving requirements for the site, and may consult the receiving museum or archive about their requirements; the archaeological contractor will follow guidelines proposed by the Association of Museum Archaeologists. The archaeological contractor will abide by current guidelines on the care and disposal of artefacts and human remains, as set out in:

The Disposal and Allocation of Finds Publication and Archiving of Archaeological Projects

© AOC Archaeology 2017 | PAGE 18 OF 20 | 67 Lauriston Farm Road, Edinburgh: Historic Building Survey & Archaeological Watching Brief Written Scheme of Investigation

Treatment of Human Remains in Archaeology Archaeological Project Design, Implementation and Archiving

25.9 Museum of London Guidelines Museum of London requirements for conservation, recording, documentation, packing and archiving will be applied where these are a pre-condition.

25.10 Assessment and estimating The assessment determines the condition of the artefact and the best means to ensure its survival. Radiography (x-raying) of the object is normally carried out at an early stage, and is compulsory for iron objects, which have poor survival prospects, and for some copper alloy artefacts. The estimate for the work normally applies for six months; it may be necessary to review it thereafter. Conservation rates are agreed by negotiation.

25.11 Recording Text and image records (paper, digital and/or film as appropriate) will be made of all artefacts before conservation commences. Any information recovered during cleaning and conservation (eg associated material, residues, corrosion products, manufacturing techniques) will be carefully recorded, with samples taken where necessary. Soil removed from an artefact during the process will normally be retained and returned with the object, unless the excavator and/or client decides that it is not required. Where necessary, experts will be consulted on the nature of any material discovered during cleaning or conservation of artefacts. All samples and slides will become part of the site archive and remain with the artefact. The conservation report will also include recommendations for the care and curation of the assemblage; special finds with particular packing requirements will have clear handling and lifting instructions on the outside of any packaging.

25.12 Conservation Record The conservation assessment sets out the proposed treatments for each type of artefact or material: these treatments can be discussed with the client, and with the museum, to take into account any priorities and display requirements. (See Section 9, Assessment)

25.13 Radiography The archaeological contractor will x-ray all excavated iron objects, as well as some of the copper alloy, and any other items as requested by the excavator: information from the x-rays are incorporated into the conservation report. All metal artefacts can be x-rayed if required; only film and chemicals within their expiry date are used, washing periods are the optimum to maximise film preservation. X-rays normally become part of the archive, and are returned to the client, with full details of exposure time and voltages used.

25.14 Record photography All artefacts selected for conservation will be photographed (on colour slide film) at least once; usually before and after conservation, with a label and scale in the frame. Unusual artefacts, noteworthy features or modified conservation treatments will be photographed whenever appropriate. All images will be recorded in the conservation report, and each slide labelled with the context and find number. The archaeological contractor will use Professional grade film, and a professional developing service to ensure maximum film stability. The slides form part of the conservation archive, and will remain with the artefact.

25.15 On-site conservation and conservation on call A conservator can be available on site if required, and the conservators of the archaeological contractor can provide immediate advice over the phone at any time (specific arrangements must be made for out of hours working). Advice on packing, lifting and transporting artefacts may be given in the early stages of a project.

25.16 Conservation treatments The requirements of each artefact will be considered individually, and any remedial treatments carried out will use only recognised conservation treatments and approved materials. The archaeological contractor will be committed to CPD, which ensures that its conservation staff are fully cognisant with new developments in the field.

25.17 Post-excavation storage It is recognised that budgetary arrangements may mean considerable time can elapse between excavation and conservation or Finds Disposal. All finds will be examined by a conservator on receipt; packing and storage materials will be renewed as necessary, and the archaeological contractor will ensure that all finds will be kept in a secure, stable environment until conservation treatments begin. Any finds that require immediate treatment will undergo conservation as o o soon as the conservators have consulted the Project Field Officer. Large volume storage at 1 C and -20 C; and storage for waterlogged material will be available in-house.

25.18 Packing All artefacts will be packed in suitable inert materials, with silica gel if required. Fragile objects will be supported by Ethafoam, or similar, and lifting and handling instructions on the container. Especial care will be taken for artefacts, which will be going into long term storage. All containers will be carefully labelled, and box lists supplied.


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Archiving and finds disposal

26.1 Finds disposal All artefacts and ecofacts recovered during an excavation sponsored by Historic Scotland (HS) are reported directly to HS via their own collections registrar. If all material has been fully analysed at this point, it is in most cases, transferred to an HS store. HS's Finds Disposal Panel (FDP) with permission of the Queen and Lord Treasurers Remembrencer (Q<R) then allocates the material to the appropriate museum for long term storage and possible display. Artefacts and ecofacts recovered from excavations sponsored by other funding bodies are reported to the Crown via the Treasure Trove Advisory Panel (TTAP). The TTAP with permission of the Q<R then allocates the material to the appropriate museum for long term storage and possible display. Once the material has been allocated, it is then the museum's responsibility to arrange collection from the archaeological contractor.

26.2 Archiving All archiving will be undertaken according to standards and guidelines set out by the National Monuments Record of Scotland (NMRS), located at the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS). The archives of all archaeological works will be deposited to the NMRS.



27.1 General All publications by the archaeological contractor will be clear, correct and concise accounts of what was done and will reach standards acceptable to the archaeological profession. Final reports will be published within five years of the end of fieldwork. Publications should be published in popular archaeological, general and specialist formats to inform a wide readership of what work was done and must be made available to both lay and professional audiences for the foreseeable future. Publications must also provide good value for money in terms of the content and style of the publications. In DES entries and journal publications the role of the client will be fully acknowledged. In the popular publications and monographs suggested below the role of the client will be more fully promoted, with the display of the client's logo on the cover and a foreword by their representative. The over-riding aim of the procedures outlined in this section is to ensure that, during the duration of the project, a continuous stream of information about the archaeological works is made available for peer review and public consumption. The following stages and publication vehicles are envisaged.

27.2 DES entries After the completion of each piece of on-site work, whether it be a watching brief, evaluation, set-piece excavation or building recording exercise a Data Structure Report (DSR) will be produced (see Fieldwork procedures). These are not reports intended for publication but they usually include a short summary which will be submitted for publication in Discovery and Excavation Scotland (DES), an annual summary of fieldwork published by the Council for Scottish Archaeology. It is proposed that an individual entry for each piece of on-site work will not be submitted; rather a single entry summarising all the works carried out in any one year will be compiled by the Project Manager. The DES summary is a standard requirement of planning authority archaeologists and ensures that notice of ground-breaking works is disseminated throughout the archaeological community.

27.3 Journal publications Reports on the results of excavations are normally published either as an article in an academic journal or as a monograph in an appropriate series, depending on the scale of the results. The results of the set-piece excavations will be published as journal articles with reference to other on-site works such as watching briefs and building recording, where appropriate. The publication of these articles will follow on timeously from the completion of post-excavation works.

27.4 Monograph publications The results of all the on-site works will be drawn together in a single volume, a monograph designed primarily for academic consumption. This will be published within 5 years of the completion of on-site works.

27.5 Popular publications The results of all the on-site works will also be drawn together in ‘popular’ publications that augment the academic publications in making the results available to a wider public. This is a method of providing ‘community gain’ to the local and national community in return for its consent, through the planning process, to alter or demolish elements of the archaeological heritage. Popular publications may include, as deemed appropriate by the client, Internet reports within the web site of the archaeological contractor, printed colour booklets, leaflets, on-site interpretative panels and exhibitions.

27.6 Editorial procedures The archaeological contractor will apply their in-house editorial policy and procedures, through which any projects nominated for publication are normally submitted.

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AOC Archaeology Group, Edgefield Industrial Estate, Edgefield Road, Loanhead EH20 9SY tel: 0131 440 3593 | fax: 0131 440 3422 | e-mail: [email protected]

GGG FFF EEE DDD CCC BBB AAA G F E D C B A 111 111 1 1 F F R A M T A R C K boundary fence. Existing post and wire B O U N D A R Y L I N E 222 222 2 2 P P E R M S I E S T A 67 A L U I R S O T N F R A

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ccct nnng iiio nnn nnns NNNO aaar 67 Lauriston Farm Road ttti g ggg o ooo ssst OOOT r rrr iiio d a tttr TTTE Scale Scale DDDr D p ooon dddo aaar rrru EEES rrra pppa n nnn oooo rrre uuuc S SSS aaaw aaar M ooor eeea ccct A wwwi rrrk MMMa r rrr aaas ttti AAAN iiin Edinburgh 999 999 9 9 kkki aaat u sss iiio NNND nnng EH4 5EX iiin ttte uuun ooon D DDD g ggg nnng eeer nnni nnn S Drawing No 2 N g ggg rrri iiit SSSP NNNo a iiia ttts PPPE ooo. 1:100 @ A1 aaar aaal sss EEEC ... rrre llls CCCI eeea s sss IIIF aaa S FFFI SSSp IIIC pppe CCCA eeec AAAT behest of behest ccci TTTI iiif IIIO fffi OOON iiic NNNS on added on ccca SSS aaat ttti iiio ooon nnn GGG FFF EEE DDD CCC BBB AAA G F E D C B A 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999


PPPrPrrrooooppppoooosssseeeedddd CCCoCooonnnnssssttttrrrruuuuccccttttiiiioooonnnn MMMaMaaatttteeeerrrriiiiaaaallllssss SSSpSpppeeeecccciiiiffffiiiiccccaaaattttiiiioooonnnn

RRRoRoooooffff CCCoCooonnnnssssttttrrrruuuuccccttttiiiioooonnnn

GGG It is proposed that the roof plane will be of GGG natural slates.

The ridge pieces, watergates, valleys, dormer fascias and dormer cheeks will be of zinc. NNNoNooorrrrtttthhhh SSSoSooouuuutttthhhh E IN Code 5 lead flashings will be used at the L SEPARATING WALL Y R junction of the roof plane and proposed DA N OU B chimneys.

The flat roof sections of the dormer windows will be of a single ply 'Sarnafil' membrane.

All rainwater goods ie gutters and downpipes will be black painted cast iron. D R E S S I N G R O O M C O O M B E L I N E C O O M B E L I N E D R E S S I N G R O O M E N S U I T E B A T H R O O M B A T H R O O M E N S U I T E B E D R O O M 3 B E D R O O M 3 Conservatiom model 'Velux' roof window units to be installed within the natural slate roof

H A L L H A L L plane. FFF R I D G E L I N E R I D G E L I N E FFF EEExExxxtttteeeerrrrnnnnaaaallll wwwawaaallllll cccocooonnnnssssttttrrrruuuuccccttttiiiioooonnnn M A S T E R B E D R O O M 5 M A S T E R B E D R O O M 5 L A W G B E D R O O M 4 IN B E D R O O M 4 T The external wall constructions will be timber RA A EP S framed construction with external leafs of C O O M B E L I N E C O O M B E L I N E natural stonework and concrete blockwork finished with a cementitious render of an off white colour to the staisfaction of the Planning Department.

E The North and South elevations will be IN L Y R constructed from an external leaf of natural DA N OU B stone, in an ashlar coursing. E IN L Y R DA N Quoin stones will be provided to the corners of OU B the North and South elevations.

WWWiWiiinnnnddddoooowwww aaanannndddd ssslsllliiiiddddiiiinnnngggg dddodooooorrrr uuununnniiiittttssss

All sash and casement windows and sliding door EEE units will be of high performance specification EEE hardwood construction and be fitted with double and triple glazed window units.

A vertical tounged and grooved larch cladding is proposed below the line of the window cills to the East and West elevations and as indicated on the North and South sectional elevations.

NNNoNooorrrrtttthhhh SSSoSooouuuutttthhhh AAAcAccccceeeessssss dddrdrrriiiivvvveeeewwwwaaaayyyy////ccccaaaarrrr pppapaaarrrrkkkkiiiinnnngggg aaararrreeeeaaaa

The proposed access driveway serving the FFFIFIIIRRRRSSSSTTTT FFFLFLLLOOOOOORRRR LLLALAAAYYYYOOOOUUUUTTTT PPPLPLLLAAAANNNN 111:1:::1111000000 ssscscccaaaalllleeee dwellinghouses will be 3.5 m wide and will ne formed in compliancce with current SuDs requirements in that it will be of a permeable 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 constructiom. The materials used will match that Scale bar 1:100 Scale pf the existing driveway associated with the former farmhouse. DDD A B PPPaPaaatttthhhhwwwwaaaayyyyssss aaanannndddd PPPaPaaattttiiiioooo aaararrreeeeaaaassss DDD E IN L Y R All pathways and patio areas associated with DA N OU the proposals will be of natural stone paviors. B the entrance platt to the premises will also be of natural stone paviors.

NNNoNooorrrrtttthhhh SSSoSooouuuutttthhhh BBBoBooouuuunnnnddddaaaarrrryyyy fffefeeennnncccciiiinnnngggg E IN L Y R DA N OU The boundary between the former farmhouse and B the that of the proposals will be delineated by a 2m high timber fence,the design of the fence will be to the satisfaction of the Planning Department.

L O U N G E A 2m high timber boundary fence is proposed L O U N G E B A T H R O O M B A T H R O O M between the properties at the rear garden area, B E D R O O M 2 B E D R O O M 2 to the front of the proposals to delineate the car parking area and to provide a barrier to any loss of privacy between the dwellings. CCC H A L L H A L L . CCC

The existing post and wire fencing to the Western L A W G and Southern boundaries will be retained and IN T RA A overhauled and repaired where neccessary. EP S RRROROOOOOFFFF////DDDDRRRRIIIIVVVVEEEEWWWWAAAAYYYY LLLALAAAYYYYOOOOUUUUTTTT PPPLPLLLAAAANNNN 111:1:::1111000000 ssscscccaaaalllleeee The existing stone wall to the Eastern boundary will remain unaffected by the proposals. D I N I N G D I N I N G up up 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

B E D R O O M 1 B E D R O O M 1 Scale bar 1:100 Scale



2 20.01.19 Applicant details revised BBB 1 01.01.19 Construction material specification added BBB to application drawings at behest of Planning Department UVHC UVHC No. Date Revisions / Submissions U T I L I T Y U T I L I T Y AAApAppppplllliiiiccccaaaannnntttt

Development Direct Scotland Ltd

PPPrPrrroooojjjjeeeecccctttt AAAdAdddddrrrreeeessssss NNNoNooorrrrtttthhhh SSSoSooouuuutttthhhh 67 Lauriston Farm Road Edinburgh GGGRGRRROOOOUUUUNNNNDDDD FFFLFLLLOOOOOORRRR LLLALAAAYYYYOOOOUUUUTTTT PPPLPLLLAAAANNNN 111:1:::1111000000 ssscscccaaaalllleeee EH4 5EX

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DDDrDrrraaaawwwwiiiinnnngggg TTTiTiiittttlllleeee Planning Proposal GF & 1F Scale bar 1:100 Scale Layouts and Roof Plan

AAA PPPrPrrroooojjjjeeeecccctttt Proposal to erect 2 No Steading type AAA semi-detached dwellinghouses. Scale 1:100 @ A1 DDDrDrrraaaawwwwiiiinnnngggg NNNoNooo....

DDDaDateDaaatttteeee November 2018 Drawing No 1

111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999


PPPrPrrrooooppppoooosssseeeedddd CCCoCooonnnnssssttttrrrruuuuccccttttiiiioooonnnn MMMaMaaatttteeeerrrriiiiaaaallllssss SSSpSpppeeeecccciiiiffffiiiiccccaaaattttiiiioooonnnn

RRRoRoooooffff CCCoCooonnnnssssttttrrrruuuuccccttttiiiioooonnnn GGG It is proposed that the roof plane will be of GGG natural slates.

The ridge pieces, watergates, valleys, dormer fascias and dormer cheeks will be of zinc.

Code 5 lead flashings will be used at the junction of the roof plane and proposed chimneys.

The flat roof sections of the dormer windows will be of a single ply 'Sarnafil' membrane.

All rainwater goods ie gutters and downpipes will be black painted cast iron.

Conservatiom model 'Velux' roof window units to be installed within the natural slate roof plane.

FFF EEExExxxtttteeeerrrrnnnnaaaallll wwwawaaallllll cccocooonnnnssssttttrrrruuuuccccttttiiiioooonnnn FFF

The external wall constructions will be timber framed construction with external leafs of natural stonework and concrete blockwork finished with a cementitious render of an off white colour to the staisfaction of the Planning Department.

The North and South elevations will be

E constructed from an external leaf of natural E IN IN L L Y Y R stone, in an ashlar coursing. R DA DA N N OU OU B B Quoin stones will be provided to the corners of the North and South elevations.

A D J O I N I N G F A R M L A N D A D J O I N I N G F A R M L A N D GFL GFL Garden Level Garden Level GFL GFL Grd Level Grd Level WWWiWiiinnnnddddoooowwww aaanannndddd ssslsllliiiiddddiiiinnnngggg dddodooooorrrr uuununnniiiittttssss Existing post and wire Existing post and wire boundary fence. boundary fence. NNNONOOORRRRTTTTHHHH EEELELLLEEEEVVVVAAAATTTTIIIIOOOONNNN 111:1:::1111000000 ssscscccaaaalllleeee SSSOSOOOUUUUTTTTHHHH EEELELLLEEEEVVVVAAAATTTTIIIIOOOONNNN 111:1:::1111000000 ssscscccaaaalllleeee All sash and casement windows and sliding door EEE units will be of high performance specification EEE hardwood construction and be fitted with double 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and triple glazed window units.

Scale bar 1:100 Scale Scale bar 1:100 Scale A vertical tounged and grooved larch cladding is proposed below the line of the window cills to the East and West elevations and as indicated on the North and South sectional elevations.

AAAcAccccceeeessssss dddrdrrriiiivvvveeeewwwwaaaayyyy////ccccaaaarrrr pppapaaarrrrkkkkiiiinnnngggg aaararrreeeeaaaa

The proposed access driveway serving the dwellinghouses will be 3.5 m wide and will ne formed in compliancce with current SuDs requirements in that it will be of a permeable constructiom. The materials used will match that pf the existing driveway associated with the former farmhouse. DDD PPPaPaaatttthhhhwwwwaaaayyyyssss aaanannndddd PPPaPaaattttiiiioooo aaararrreeeeaaaassss DDD All pathways and patio areas associated with the proposals will be of natural stone paviors. the entrance platt to the premises will also be of natural stone paviors.

BBBoBooouuuunnnnddddaaaarrrryyyy fffefeeennnncccciiiinnnngggg

The boundary between the former farmhouse and 8992 the that of the proposals will be delineated by a 2m high timber fence,the design of the fence will be to the satisfaction of the Planning Department.

A 2m high timber boundary fence is proposed between the properties at the rear garden area, 6233 to the front of the proposals to delineate the car parking area and to provide a barrier to any loss of privacy between the dwellings. CCC . CCC The existing post and wire fencing to the Western and Southern boundaries will be retained and overhauled and repaired where neccessary.

The existing stone wall to the Eastern boundary will remain unaffected by the proposals.

4928 E E N

N 4928 I I L L Y Y R R A DA D N N U OU O B B

GFL GFL Garden Level A D J O I N I N G F A R M L A N D A D J O I N I N G F A R M L A N D Garden Level GFL GFL GL

Existing post and wire Existing post and wire boundary fence. boundary fence. SSSESEEECCCCTTTTIIIIOOOONNNNAAAALLLL EEELELLLEEEEVVVVAAAATTTTIIIIOOOONNNN NNNONOOORRRRTTTTHHHH 111:1:::1111000000 ssscscccaaaalllleeee

SSSESEEECCCCTTTTIIIIOOOONNNNAAAALLLL EEELELLLEEEEVVVVAAAATTTTIIIIOOOONNNN SSSOSOOOUUUUTTTTHHHH 111:1:::1111000000 ssscscccaaaalllleeee 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 20.01.19 Applicant details revised

BBB Scale bar 1:100 Scale 1 01.01.19 Construction material specification added BBB 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 to application drawings at behest of Scale bar 1:100 Scale Planning Department No. Date Revisions / Submissions AAApAppppplllliiiiccccaaaannnntttt Development Direct Scotland Ltd

PPPrPrrroooojjjjeeeecccctttt AAAdAdddddrrrreeeessssss

67 Lauriston Farm Road Edinburgh EH4 5EX

DDDrDrrraaaawwwwiiiinnnngggg TTTiTiiittttlllleeee Planning Application proposal North & South Elevation drawings and Sectional Elevations North & South

AAA PPPrPrrroooojjjjeeeecccctttt Proposal to erect 2 No Steading type AAA semi-detached dwellinghouses. Scale 1:100 @ A1 DDDrDrrraaaawwwwiiiinnnngggg NNNoNooo....

DDDaDateDaaatttteeee November 2018 Drawing No 3

111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999