505 West Northern Lights Blvd., Ste. 205; Anchorage, AK 99503 (907) 222-7714; (907) 222-7715 (fax) Spring 2013 Newsletter

Protecting Future Generations: Assessing and Preventing Exposures to Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals on St. Lawrence Island By Vi Waghiyi, Environmental Health and Justice Program Director

The St. Lawrence Island communities fully support the “Protecting Future Gen- of Gambell and Savoonga are participating erations” project and are working closely in a five-year research partnership with with ACAT because it is important for our ACAT to assess and prevent exposures to communities to understand and minimize endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). our exposures to potentially harmful con- The project is supported by a grant from taminants. This research project is also a the National Institute of Health Sciences collaboration with the University of (NIEHS). Over the next several months, Anchorage (Drs. Frank von Hippel and the research team will sample household Loren Buck) and University at Albany dust, traditional foods and surface water School of Public Health’s Institute for The communities of Gambell and Savoonga are participating in a five-year research partnership for the presence of EDCs. Health and the Environment (Dr. David with ACAT to assess and prevent exposures to The leadership of Savoonga and Gambell Carpenter). Continued on page 2 endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs).

Reflections on science and democracy Inside: By Pamela K. Miller, Executive Director

The legislative session is in full swing in Juneau and I have to Protecting Future Genera- Pg 1-2 tions project say, “it ain’t pretty.” The week of February 18, the Senate voted to weaken wastewater discharge standards for cruise ships, an action Green Clean Team Pg 3 that reverses the will of the people as expressed through the suc- ACAT staff changes Pg 3 cessful 2006 Alaska citizens’ initiative. The Senate’s action repre- sents a vote against clean coastal waters, the health of our salmon The law that polluted the Pg 4-5 world fisheries, subsistence resources, and food security. Despite testimony from fishermen, Native leaders, scientists, and other Alaska citizens who were overwhelmingly opposed FAQs: Flame retardant Pg 5 chemicals to the weakening of discharge standards, the cruise ship wastewater bill (HB 80), passed both the House and Senate of the legislature. The bill is likely to be signed by Governor Donlin Gold Mine: “the other Pg 6 Parnell since it originated from his office and passed with no amendments. Members of Pebble” the Senate who stood up for Alaskans and clean water in opposing HB 80 were Senators Double your donation to Pg 7 ACAT! Johnny Ellis, , Berta Gardner, Donny Olson, and Bill Wielechowski. We should thank them for their efforts and for offering constructive amendments that were ultimately defeated by the majority. If your Senator is not among those listed here, please ask them why they voted to allow the cruise ship industry to violate Alaska clean Prefer Email? Contact water standards. [email protected] to receive Earlier in February, the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) future newsletters by email only. issued final regulations that eliminate the right of Alaskans to participate in decisions

Continued on page 6 “Protecting Future Generations,” continued from page 1

The St. Lawrence Island Work Group pets, use of household chemicals including “Protecting Future Generations” was established to help guide this commu- cleaning products and pesticides, types/use Project nity-based research and includes represen- of personal care products, and use of air tatives of the leadership of both communi- filtration systems. One woman and one The National Institute of Environ- ties, elders, and youth. Together, we are man between the ages of 18 and 35 from mental Health Sciences (NIEHS) planning the research components and will each participating household will also be awarded Alaska Community Action on soon begin the household dust and blood included in the human bio-monitoring Toxics (ACAT) with a five-year grant serum collection. ACAT and the St. Law- component of this study to assess any links to continue our community-based re- rence Island leadership and communities between indoor exposures and the levels of search partnership with our communities are pleased that the Alaska Area Institu- contaminants found in their blood. on St. Lawrence Island, Alaska to: tional Review Board (IRB) recently ap- The SLI research team will collect tradi- • Conduct research related to endo- proved these biomonitoring aspects of our tional food samples during the upcoming crine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs); community-based study. spring hunt. The marine mammals col- • Assess exposures from surface wa- Household dust accumulates chemicals lected will be tested for endocrine disrupt- ters, household dust and traditional that leach from consumer products as well ing chemicals, including perfluorinated foods; as contamination tracked in on our shoes chemicals (PFCs) (used in stain resistant • Provide training programs and em- from outdoors. People can be exposed to cookware and fabrics) and polybrominated ployment opportunities that these chemicals through inhalation of and diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) (used in furniture strengthen the communities of St. contact with dust. We chose winter for the and electronics). These EDCs end up in the Lawrence Island (SLI); and dust collection since our homes are more Arctic and are building up on our lands, in • Provide information and ownership of closed in during the winter months. St. our neqepik (traditional foods) and in our data for the people of SLI so they can Lawrence Island researchers will collect bodies, where they disproportionately af- participate in and implement public household dust samples from 48 homes, fect the health and well-being of our Yupik health actions to reduce environ- 32% of the households on SLI (24 in Gam- people. Finally, in the summer, the team mental health risks. bell, 24 in Savoonga). Children are more will collect and test surface waters through vulnerable to exposures from household the collection of stickleback fish that serve policy reform at the international, national dust, so we will select households with as an indicator species. and state-wide levels to eliminate sources children under the age of 12. The research The SLI research team will report the of local and global contaminants in order team has designed questionnaires and will results of this community-based participa- to protect the health and well-being of our conduct interviews with the heads of tory research to the leadership and commu- Yupik people, children, and future genera- households to obtain information on poten- nities so that they can make their own in- tions. tial sources of exposure including the formed decisions with the data. Our SLI types/age of electronics, furniture and car- leaders work pro-actively on chemical Igamsiqaayugviikamsi! (Thank you)

Photo by Colleen Keane Photo by Samarys Seguinot-Medina Photo by Samarys Seguinot-Medina

Gambell in winter. The St. Lawrence Island During the spring hunt, the research team will In summer, the research team will test surface research team will begin by collecting household collect traditional food samples to test for endo- waters through collection of stickleback fish that dust samples from 48 homes in Savoonga and crine disrupting chemicals. Pictured here is serve as indicator species. Gambell to test for contaminants. mungtak (bowhead whale).

www.akaction.org Page 2

Call on our Green Clean Team for spring cleaning!

Our green cleaning service is growing! We use research-verified non-toxic cleaning products to decrease your exposure to harmful chemicals. Call (907) 222-7714 or email [email protected] for more information or to sign up for a free estimate for your Anchorage home or office.

Testimonial: Our office was blown away by how professional, friendly and thorough the staff (and Antonio) of ACAT is with cleaning our office. Antonio was quick to respond with an inquiry of their services and when they came in person to view the office, they ex- plained in detail the services ACAT provides. It leaves us with peace of mind knowing that the cleaning products they use are all natural which is beneficial in an office setting when people are visiting the office and may have unknown allergens – such as chemicals from cleaning supplies. ACAT has the friendliest staff and they really do a great job. We are definitely satisfied with the

ACAT’s Green Clean Team (from left to work they do. Thank you ACAT! right): Antonio Huaiquivil, Matthew Eidem -Renewable Resources, Anchorage, Alaska and Yussuf Hassan Arte.

ACAT Staff changes

Maricarmen Cruz-Guilloty, Environmental Health & Justice Policy Coordinator Maricarmen is a bilingual Puerto Rican whose love for Alaska wild salmon and interest in supporting environmental justice for Alaska Native Peoples first brought her to Alaska and then to ACAT’s garden wish list ACAT. Maricarmen earned a Juris Doctor and a Masters of Environ- Help support our work to encourage local, mental Law and Policy degree from Vermont Law School in 2012. Welcome, Mari- organic food! ACAT is looking for green- carmen! houses, cold-frames, and sunny garden spaces to grow organic starts for the Anchor- age Farmer’s Market and our garden at the Karla Hart, Legislative Organizer “C” Street Community Gardens. Do you ACAT is pleased to welcome Karla to work with us during the 2013 have extra gardening space? Please con- Legislative Session. Karla is a lifelong Alaskan from Juneau. She has tact ACAT to talk with us about how we worked for the as an aide, researcher, and floor might share space in your greenhouse, cold- staff and has also served as a legislative reporter in Juneau. frame, or yard. Also on our wish list is a donated truck! Email: [email protected] Samantha Englishoe We offer our fond and very best wishes to Samantha Englishoe, Envi- CHE-AK Call, March 6, 9:00 am ronmental Health and Justice Policy Coordinator, who is leaving to Environmental Exposures & Autism teach in Nepal and will then pursue graduate studies. Samantha helped Free one-hour teleconference with Martha lead our efforts in support of state and federal chemicals policy re- Herbert MD, PhD, of Harvard Medical form, organized lecture series and many other public educational School and Maureen Swanson of the Learn- ing Disabilities Association of America workshops and events. We all feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with (LDA). Learn more and sign-up at Samantha and impressed with her eloquence, grace, humor, and organizing skills. http://bit.ly/March6Call Thank you, Samantha!

Page 3 The law that polluted the world: Why you should care about California’s flammability rule

If you’ve purchased home furniture or Flame retardant chemicals migrate out baby products, you’ve probably seen the of furniture and other products into dust label pictured at right. California Techni- and are ingested by humans, pets and cal Bulletin 117 (TB 117), adopted back in wildlife. The chemicals are widespread in the mid 1970s, mandates that foam used in the environment and are accumulating in furniture cushions must withstand a 12- the Arctic. Women of child-bearing age in second exposure to a small, open flame. the Yukon-Kuskokwim region of Alaska Because California is such a large market have the highest levels of flame retardant for furniture, TB 117 has become the de chemicals of any human population in the facto fire safety standard for manufactur- circumpolar Arctic. ers throughout the United States and in the An update to California’s flammability global market. Joe Digangi, Science Advi- standard called TB 117-2013 was released sor to the International POPs Elimination on February 8, 2013 under the direction of Network (IPEN), called TB 117 “the law California Governor Jerry Brown and that polluted the world.” takes a commonsense approach to protect- To comply with California’s flammabil- ing public health and safety by addressing advocacy, supporting legislative measures ity rule, furniture manufacturers have been how and where fires start. The updated in Alaska and working to reform national adding high levels of toxic or untested rule will eliminate the open-flame test and and international chemicals policy. brominated or chlorinated chemicals to the instead require a smolder test on fabric Today, we are asking you to voice foam. These chemicals do not prevent that reflects real-life fire scenarios. Manu- strong support for TB 117-2013, Cali- fires as promised; they just slow the facturers could meet this standard without fornia’s proposal to update the flamma- spread of flames. In addition to their ques- flame retardants while still preventing bility standard for increased fire safety tionable fire-safety benefits, exposure to fires. without relying on toxic chemicals. A flame retardant chemicals has been linked Alaska Community Action on Toxics change in California state law can lead the to serious health effects including neuro- has been a leader in the campaign for ef- nation in the right direction. After all, logical impairment, infertility, hormone fective fire safety without harmful flame California’s flammability rule led to in- disruption and cancer. retardant chemicals, through education, creased and widespread use of flame retar-

The major flame retardant chemicals used in foam to meet TB 117 have Continued on page 5 been associated with adverse health effects:

• PentaBDE has been linked to decreased fertility, hormone disruption, lowered “Scientific studies have long recognized IQ and hyperactivity in humans. In animal studies, this chemical causes repro- that our current safety standard has been ductive, thyroid, hormonal, developmental and neurological disorders. It is one of ineffective at preventing fires. Meanwhile, 21 chemicals globally banned by the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Or- the chemicals used to meet the standard ganic Pollutants, signed by 177 countries make their way into household dust, our • Chlorinated Tris or TDCPP was voluntarily removed from children’s sleep- food supply, soil, rivers and oceans, pos- wear in the 1970s because it changed DNA. It was listed as a carcinogen under ing harm to children, pregnant mothers, California’s Proposition 65 in 2011. families, firefighters and even pets and • Firemaster 550 contains four flame retardant ingredients which are known to be wildlife. I am pleased to support the Ad- toxic or lack adequate toxicity information. A pilot study links low level expo- ministration’s efforts to adopt an updated sures to obesity and anxiety in animals. standard that ensures fire safety while • Halogen-free replacements for banned flame retardants are also not proven safe. reducing these threats to human health Some halogen-free alternatives show neurotoxicity and ecotoxicity while others and our environment.” have little information available. -California State Senator Mark Leno

www.akaction.org Page 4 Continued from page 4 dant chemicals in the first place. Now we have a chance to turn that around. This is an important step to improve fire safety and protect our children, homes, work- places, and communities from toxic flame retardant chemicals! You do not have to be a California resident to make a difference—this affects all of us! View a draft letter at bit.ly/AKaction . Submit your comments

of support for the updated law by email to Seguinot-Medina Samarys Photo by [email protected] by March Children in Alaska are particularly vulnerable to exposure to flame retardants, 26, 2013 . You can read the full proposed especially families who eat traditional foods. Pictured here are Vi Waghiyi's regulation at: granddaughter Tasha Cox (3 yrs) and Vi’s great nieces and nephew Brisais http://www.bhfti.ca.gov/about/laws/propr Madsen (3 yrs), Siberia Madsen (2yrs) and Alyssa Madsen (9 yrs). egs.shtml OOO FAQs: Flame Retardant Chemicals

Flame retardants in Alaska: Where are they found? • Naptime Nightmares? Toxic Flame Flame retardant chemicals can be found in furniture foam, automobiles, electron- Retardants found in Day Care Nap ics, home drapes, nursing pillows, sleep positioners for babies, nap mats, tents, Mats in Anchorage & Nationwide Christmas lights and other products. Because they are widespread in the environ- bit.ly/NapMats ment, these chemicals are also in our air, water, soils, and foods. • Listen to the podcast of our CHE-AK How are we exposed? call with Heather Stapleton, PhD about Flame retardant chemicals migrate out of products into dust. Exposure is primarily the Duke University couch study that through ingestion of contaminated household dust. Children receive higher expo- tested couches across the U.S., includ- sure than adults. A mother can pass these chemicals on to her child in the womb ing in Alaska, and found that the vast and during infancy through breast milk. (Please note - health benefits do make majority contained potentially toxic or breastfeeding a healthier choice than formula). Babies and toddlers are particularly untested flame retardants. vulnerable to exposure because of their frequent hand to mouth behavior. bit.ly/Feb13Call Why is exposure harmful? Mounting scientific evidence points to an array of potential health effects linked to exposure including neurological impairment, infertility, hormone disruption and

cancer (see box on page 4 for more on health effects). How can I protect myself from exposure? • Wash hands frequently • Clean with a damp cloth and use a vacuum with a HEPA filter to avoid stirring

up dust What else can I do? • Support California’s updated flammability standard TB 117-2013 (see article on page 4). • From left to right: Katie Huffling of Alliance of Support legislation in Alaska to phase out the use of toxic flame retardants in Nurses for Healthy Environments, Samantha household products. bit.ly/AKaction Englishoe of ACAT, and Andy Igrejas and Liz • Support the Safe Chemicals Act to update the nation’s outdated chemicals pol- Hitchcock of Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families after meeting with Senator Lisa Murkowski in icy to require that chemicals used in products are tested for safety before they January to ask for her support of the Safe are put on the market. bit.ly/AKaction Chemicals Act.

Page 5 Reflections, continued from page 1 about the spraying of pesticides and herbi- ACAT took the lead for several organi- cides go through a very rigorous process.” cides on our public lands. The regulations zations in preparing detailed comments on These statements are not supported by the will allow the application of these harmful the draft pesticide regulations facts: chemicals without proper notification and (bit.ly/ACATnews ). An ADEC spokesper- • According to the 2010 Report of the without giving citizens an opportunity to son told me that the regulations were based President’s Cancer Panel: “Registered pes- provide information about the necessity to on “sound science” and she was quoted in ticides contain nearly 900 active ingredi- protect our drinking water sources and an Anchorage Press article stating: “I want ents, many of which are toxic. Many of the salmon streams. people to focus on the fact that these pesti- inert ingredients in pesticides also are Continued on page 7 Donlin Gold Mine: “the other Pebble” By Heidi Zimmer, Environmental Health and Justice Coordinator

Unfortunately, Pebble Mine is not the addition to the 25 square miles of mine used, but if a leak or spill were to occur it only massive open-pit mine poised to dev- operations, the plan calls for a 313-mile would wipe out aquatic life for miles astate our rich stocks of wild salmon, and natural gas pipeline from Cook Inlet to the downstream. Mercury co-occurs with gold, threaten ways of life in rural Alaska. Two mine, and 30 miles of road from the mine and comes to the surface as part of the ore. foreign mining companies, Barrick Gold to a barge landing to be built on the Kus- The thermal processing that separates gold and NovaGold have joined forces for the kokwim River. Daily barges up the Kus- from rock releases gaseous mercury into proposed Donlin gold mine in Southwest kokwim would bring fuel and supplies to the atmosphere. Donlin would be subject Alaska. The proposed mine is along the mine, and export tons of ore concen- to recent (2010) EPA limits on mercury Donlin Creek, a tributary of the Kuskok- trate and waste mercury. emissions, so some mercury would be re- wim River that enters the Kuskokwim Health concerns of Donlin include con- captured for disposal, but 30-60 tons of about 120 miles upstream from Bethel. tamination from acid mine drainage mercury could still legally be released each While smaller than the Pebble mine plan, (AMD), cyanide (used to separate gold year. the proposed Donlin gold project shares from rock), mercury, arsenic and other many of the same environmental concerns heavy metals. Acid mine drainage occurs Concerned yet? Act now! including mercury and cyanide contamina- when sulfur-containing rocks react with The website www.donlingoldeis.com has tion, acid mine drainage, and disruption of oxygen and water to make sulfuric acid, information on the permitting process and subsistence resources. which causes erosion that exposes more a schedule of public meetings. Scoping The main features of the project are an sulphur, which produces more acid. Once comments will be accepted on the website open pit 2.2 miles long by one mile wide, a AMD starts, the mine requires expensive until March 29, 2013 . Now is our chance tailings pond restrained by a 475 foot tall mitigation and water treatment “in perpetu- to tell the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dam, and 2 billion tons of waste rock. In ity.” Erosion also leaches arsenic, sele- what issues and concerns should be ad- nium, antimony, lead, dressed in the preliminary studies. Stay cadmium, and mercury tuned for ACAT action alerts! out of the tailings and ACAT is a member of Alaskans for Re- waste rock piles and sponsible Mining (ARM), a coalition of into downstream fish conservation groups, Tribal organizations, and wildlife habitat. and communities working to address con- Cyanide is added to cerns about mining in Alaska. The primary the ore during heap goal of ARM is to promote environmental leaching to help sepa- justice by minimizing negative environ- rate out the gold from mental and social impacts of mining in the rock. Cyanide is Alaska. You can learn more at: acutely toxic; a small www.akmininginfo.org OOO drop kills. Cyanide is recaptured and re-

www.akaction.org Page 6 Reflections, continued from page 6 toxic, but are not required to be tested for Lawrence Island and our work in Seward causing chronic diseases such as cancer.” to train people in a citizen air monitoring The report also states that “Approximately program to understand the effects of coal 40 chemicals classified by the International dust on public health are examples of our Agency for Research on Cancer as known, science and environmental justice leader- probable, or possible human carcinogens, ship. ACAT offers monthly teleconference are used in EPA-registered pesticides now seminars as part of the Alaska Collabora- on the market.” tive on Health and the Environment (CHE- • According to Schettler et. al in Alaska) featuring eminent scientists and

“Generations At Risk”: “Toxicity testing Photo by Tom Mascardo policy makers. We offer workshops on for many pesticides that have been in use alternatives to the use of harmful chemi- for many years is inadequate. One source their decisions in the name of “sound sci- cals in our homes and organic gardening. estimates that complete toxicological data ence,” but their decisions are not supported We are also making progress in advancing are available for only about 100 of the six by evidence from the peer-reviewed scien- chemical policies to protect our health and hundred active pesticide ingredients. Re- tific literature. The Center for Media and environment. productive and developmental toxicity data Democracy notes that “sound science is a We need to pay attention and take action are often particularly deficient.” phrase often used by corporate public rela- to protect our rights to clean air, clean wa- tions and government agency spokesmen ter, and toxic- free food. I think about the We need to pay attention and take to describe the scientific research used to lines from a Graham Nash song, Man in action to protect our rights to clean air, clean water, and toxic-free food. justify a claim or position… Lack of the Mirror: “Make sure that the things you ‘sound science’ is a common critique used do keep us alive.” Let’s work on this to- The cruise ship wastewater bill and pesti- against public health and consumer activ- gether! Please engage with us in actions cide regulations are just two examples of ists in an attempt to discredit their con- that support the health of our communities. how the Parnell Administration and the cerns about public safety and environ- I hope you’ll sign up to receive our action legislature are attempting to diminish our mental risk.” alerts, notices about workshops, and public rights, acting in the interest of corporations In the meantime, Alaska Community lecture series. Thank you for your encour- rather than the people of Alaska. These Action on Toxics is working hard to sup- agement and support! actions threaten public health. Legislators port good science and a strong democracy. and administrative officials are justifying Our community- based research on St.

Double your dollars when you donate to ACAT! Right now your donation to ACAT will go twice as far. Groundswell’s Catalyst Fund will match your tax deductible contribution dollar- for-dollar. Donate online at www.akaction.org . Your donation in any amount is eligible for the match. Donate $35.00 or more to be- come a supporting member. Counting you as a member makes our voice that much stronger . Thank you!

Yes! I want to support Alaska Community Action on Toxics (ACAT)

Name: ______Please make your check payable to ACAT and send to: Organization/ Business: ______505 West Northern Lights Blvd. Ste. 205; Address: ______Anchorage, AK 99503 City/ State/ Zip: ______Email Address: ______Donate online via our secure website: www.akaction.org Enclosed is my gift of: □ $500 □ $250 □ $100 □ $50 □ $35 □ $25 $______Other

Alaska Community Action on Toxics is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and all contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Page 7

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Sign up at at up Sign bit.ly/Donate2ACAT

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505 West Northern Lights Blvd., Ste. 205 Anchorage, AK 99503