Governme~t o(



P~INT£0 AT THE l'tAJAMUORANALAYA, PHALTAN 01/hJtMI,/r jYOnt SuJ~erHIIcndmt, Government /'d~rting and Stationery, Pha/lan Price Rs. Three t?~n C.No. of 1945 -19 46

DEWAN OFFICE, PH: LTAN, Dated, 30th July From, THE DEWAN OF PH.ALTAN, PHALTAN. To, The Editor, Dnyanaprakash,

:foona No. 4

Subject:-Report on the General Adm·in·£st.rat£on ot the Phaltw~ &ate Sir, · I hnve the honour to forwnrcl herewith a copy of the Report on the Genernl Administration of the Phalta.n State for the year 19-1~ -1943 and to rrquest the favour of an ncknowledgement. ' ' I hn.Ye the honour to. be, Sir, Your .1\Iost Obcllicnt Serrnnt,

~.{,;.,____ .._ (\.. t '-._ ( .• ( .:7r1Dewau, Phalb.u

ll. P. P. IIOQ.4.9S. ] Government of Phaltan



PRINTED AT THE RA)AMUORANALAYA, PHALTAN O&taiw:~ble from _superintendent, Government Printing and Stationery, Phaltan

Price Rs. Three No. ..3314 of 1944- 45 DE'RAN OFFICE Phaltan, the 29th March 1945




Subject :-Report on the General Administration of the Phaltan State for 1942..:43

Shrimant Raja Saheb,

I have the honour to submit herewith the Report on the General Administration of the Phal tan State for the year 1942- 43 with Appendices ana. Annexes as usual.

I have the honour to be Shrimant Raja Saheb Your Most Obedient Servant

Dewan, Phal tan State CONTENTS


GE~ERAL INFOR::\IATIO~ PAGE A -Area, Population and Revenue .. 1 B -Brief History 2 C -Shrirnant Raja Saheb a.TJ.d his Farriily 2 D -Important Events 2 E -Donations ; . 4 F -Social and P_ersonal 5 / G-Obituary .. 5



A -Constitution and Powers 6 B -Political Relations 6 C-The Administration 6 D -High Officials 1


AD~!INISTRATION OF THE LAND A -Land Revenue 7 B-Land Records 10



A -Legislation ' .. 10 B -1/lilitary Force 11 C-Police 11 D-Village Police . . , 11· E -Administration of Justice 12 F -Extradition 13 G-Prisons 13 H -Registration .. ' 14



A-The Phaltan Municipality 14 B -The Phaltan State Local Board .. 16 C-Village J?anchayats 18



A-VIeather and Crops .. 18 B -Vfar,J9S and Labour: Prices of Food-grains 18 C-Forests 19 D-Trade 2nd lAanufacture 19 E -Public Wcrks 21 F -Post Offices 22 G-IIlint 23 H -General Cor.dition of the State and the People 23 CHAPTER SEVEN

REVENUE AND FINANCE PAGE A -Finance Department 25 · B :.._Receipts and Disbursements .. 25 C -Income-tax Revenue .. 26 D -Financial Position 27



A -Dispensaries 28 B -Sanitation .. 29 C-Vaccination 30 D -Vital Statistics 30 E -Epidemic Diseases 30


EDUCATION A -General Progress 31 B -Secondary and Primary Education 31


CO-OPERATIVE l\lOVEMENT A -General Progress 34 B -Financial Position 34 C -The Central Bank 35


MISCELLANEOUS A-The State Records .. 36 B ~The Phaltan State Soldiers' Committee 36 C-Printing Presses and Periodicals 37 D -Libraries .. 37 E -Clubs .. 37 F -Women's Associations 38 G-The Revised Sugar Excise Arrangements of 1940 .. 39 H -Concluding Remarks .. 39


APPENDICEs (I to XXV) 1-39 A~~ExEs (I to IV) 40-42 INDEX TO PARAGRAPHS 1- 3 Report on the General Administration of the 'Government of Phahan State !942'"'43


A. Area, Population and Revenue

1. Phaltan was fou...'1ded as an independent principality in 1284 A. D. It is ruled by t1e House of Naik-NimbiL"

5. Phaltcm, ti-le capital to'lm of L~e State, lies in latitude 17° 59' N. and Capital Town longitude 74° 26' E. and i3 situated at the centre of the State on the Uahad-Pandharpur road which connects it with the M. & S.M. P.ail'rray s:ation of Lonand, a distance of 17 miles. It lies 66 miles south-east from Poona and 46 miles sout~-vrest from Satara. This ·capital town was founded in 133') A. D, by l1-Je Euler !ri!:lbraj n ( 1327 to 1349 ). It is well kn6wn for its dfy and r-~ealLhy cli::::.~te. It has good vrater-supply, electric lighting and other amenities of a n:sdere1 to-.·m and the cost of living is comparatively very cheap. Besides f:1e nu:nerous s!:o::·s in the to·trn, a weekly ba.zar, for grain, vegetables and cattle is h~ld on S·.:r~days. 6. The revenue excl·c1ding the debt heads for t.1e year under report Gron Revenue arr"ounted to Rs. 17,53,449. The arerage reven11e (exclusive of the balance in hand, alienations of land revenue, debt and deposit receipt:> and advances) based on the past fire years is Rs.15,99,571, 2 7. An annual tributa of Rs. 9,600 in lieu of a contingent of horses is t:aid to Tribute the Government of India.

B. Brief History 8. The History of the • Naik·N~ family • is given in the administratic:. lrief Hi$tory ·report for the lear 1939-40. 7~·~ C. Shrimant Raja Saheb and his ,&miJv 9. Major Raja Shrimant Sir Malojirao oli4S Nana Saheb Naik-Nimbalkar is the 25th Ruler• of the State. He was born on the 11th September Ra:ss:!:~Jy~d 1896 ( Bh;d,apad S. 4, 1818} at Nimbhore, a village in the Phaltan State and was adopted by the late Ruler on 28-12-1899. He was educated at the Sardar's School, Kolhapur. and the Rajkumar College. Rajkot He obtained the Diploma of the Rajkumar College in 1916. He was invested with ruling powers on November 15, 1917. The title of RAJA as a hereditary distinction was conferred on him on January 1, 1936. He was also awarded cH:. c. 1. E. L-1 His ~jesty's Brith day Honours list in 1942. Shrimant S. Lady Laxtnidevi, Rani Saheb (Born: 17·11-1901. Ka~tik S. 6, H2J at Mcilegaon Bdk., Dist. Poona} is the daughter of the late Shrimant Raje Shambhusinhrao Amarsinhrao Jadhavrao, First Class Sardar and Sat1111j~md~r or Mategaon .• in the Baramati Taluka of the Poona District, a descendant of Dhanaji Jadhav. the famous Maratha General under Chhattapati Shri Rajaram Maharaj of Satara. She was m~ed to Shrimant Raja Saheb on 18-12-1913 at Phaltan. Shrimant Raja Saheb and Shrimant S. Rani Saheb have one daughter and four sons. Their names, birth­ dates and birth-places are given be1ow:- Name ' Birth-date Birth·-place Sbrimant Sarojinidevi •. 2-6--1920 (Jyeshtlaa r. 1, 1842) .. Phaltan IIlias Akkasaheb- [married Mr. M. V. Namjoshi on 30-1-193~ l Sbrimant Pralapsinha .. 13-7-1923 ( ]yesltlha V. 30, 18./5) .. Poona Bapusaheb, r IIVtltaj [married Miss Sarofjll. daughter of Mr. Parasbram Tr:irnbak Gupte, on 5-1-1943] Shrimant Vijaya.sinha olw Shivajiraje .. a&-5-1925 (]yesluha s. 3, lS.Ji) .. Poona Shrimaiit Udayasinhraje •• 7-12-1927 (M;.,gasllirsll S. J.l, JSJ9) •• Bombay Shrimant Vikramsinhraje .• 13-12-1933 ( M;;,gasllirsl• r. 11. 1855) •• Phaltan Shrimant Raja Saheb and the Members or his Family enjoyed good healtt during the year under report. 10. Sb.rimant Yuvaraj Pratapsinha Bapusaheb was studying in the Inter Arts Class in the Fergusson College, Poona. Shr:imant Rajk."Uma:: Rajkumus' educmon Shivajiraje passed the F. Y. Science Examination from the Fergussor: College, Poona in March 1943. Shrimant Rajkumar Udayasinhraje was studying in the English Standard VI and Sbrimant Rajkutriar Vlkramsinhraje wa::: stul;iying in the Vernacular IV Std. in the Maharasbtra Education Society's Scho:::!,' Deccan Gymkhana, Poena. They were also receiving instruction at home by experienced tutors. and their progress during the year was sati..<:factory. S. ~ Saheb continued to reside at Poona for the edUcation of the Rajlcur::~rs. Shrimant Raja Saheb made occasional visits to Poona. , v

D. Important Events , 11. The World War which began in September 1939 continued du."in::: World war the Y~ under report. Shrimant Raja Saheb and his Governn:.ei~ 1939 whole-heartedly co-operated with the British Government a::.:: their Allies, in their noble fight for freedom and democracy. 12. Besides the monthly contribution of Rs. l,CXXl to H. E. the \·iceroy·s r,•:a: War Efforts Purposes Fund, the State Government have st:bs.::ri.bed r>..t;:::ee:: three lacs to the 3 per cent Defence Bonds :94€ a.":d Rs. one la: to the three years interest-free Defence Bonds.

• The ::la::Iles or the Rulers from the Ni:-...braj I. are gi..-en b .=...:-..:J.ex: 1. 3

The Durbar have donated Rs. 11,000 by- a special contribution to H. J;:. the Viceroy's War Pur'poses Fund for purchasing an Armoured Carrier in the name of the Government of Phaltan and Rs. 1,000 for the China-Day contribution. The Durbar have also spent Rs. 2573 (from August J.940 ending 31-3-43) }or war publicity. They have donated an amount of Rs. 250 to the local Red Cros$ Fund at Kolhapur, Rs. 200 to the Indian General Hospital, Kirkee, Rs. 150 for Red Cross and War Purposes Prize Fund, Kolhapur" and Rs. 200 for warm woollen knitted comforts for Indian troops overseas. Slirimant S. Ranisaheb has also contri- . buted Rs. 100 to Kolhapur Red Cross Society Fund and one large size silver Dinner Plate towards the Silver Trinket Fund. Rs. 2,500 have also been contributed to the Belgaum Rupee Prize fund. By Huzur Order No. 32 dated the lOth June 1941, Shrimant Raja Saheb made an announcement that an extra allowance at thE;) rate of Rs. 2 per head would be paid to all military personnel from this State while on active service. Besides ~is, a compensation of Rs. 100 in cash or its equivalent in Ia:rid was declared by the same Huzur Order, to wounded soldiE?rS and to dependents of military personnel from this State, killed in active war service. Since the beginning of the pre~ent World War, 208 recruits have enrolled themselves in the Indian Army upto the end of the year under report. Out of these, have secured Viceroy's Commissions in the army. On the 5th January 1942, His Excellency the Governor of Bombay, convened a meeting of the leading members . of the Maratha Community to formulate a Committee to help the recruitment of Maratha youths to commissioned ranJ

15. The Finance Department Resolution No. 174 dated 19-3-41 of the · Government of Bombay was made applicable to the State mutatis Dearness Allowance d mutatzdis by th~ Durbar Resolution No. 121, dated 20-2-42 an the low-paid Government Servants of the State were paid dearness allowance at the flat rate of Rs. 2 per month from the 1st January 1942. But LTJ. view of the exorbitant rise in the prices of foodstuffs and other necessaries of life, this allowance was increased to Rs. 4 per month in the case of servants whose emoluments were Rs. 75 or less with effect from 1-11-42 until further orders. 16. The Birthday of His Majesty the King-Emperor George VI was observed King.Emperor's on Thursday, the 11th June 1942. Birthday 17. The forty-seventh birthday of Shrimant Raja Saheb which fell on Ganesh Raja Saheb's Chaturthi day ( 14-9-42) was observed as a public holiday on the Birthday following day. • 18. The twenty-fifth anniversary of the Accession Day of Shrimant Raja Saheb's Raja Saheb was observed on 9-11-1942. All people greeted Accession Day him on the occasion. 19. The twenty-third anniversary of the Armistice Day was observed by Armistice Day a complete silence for two minutes at 11 A.lll. on November 11, 1942. E. Donations 20. During the year under report the Durbar gave the following don§.tions Donations amounting toRs. 22,614. (1) For War E.ffort Amount Rs. H. E. the Viceroy's War Purposes F:und .. 12,000 (2) Reconsjsuction of Historical llfomnnetzts For reconstructing the Samadhi of Shri Jijamata, mother of Shivaji the great, at Pachad at the foot of Rayagad fort . . . . 2,675 (3) For educatio11al and cultural purposes Kosha Mandai, Poona 1,000 Deccan Maratha Education Society 120 Yearly amount of Prof. D. K. Karve's pension 600 Mr. S. R. Shende for his research work concerning the cultural heritage of Maharashtra ...... 250 Mr. N. G. Chaphekar, B. A., LL. B., for work in connection with the Dharmanirnaya Mandal . \ ...... 50 For instituting a Gold Medal in the name of Mr. N. C. Kelkar 1,000 School and Home for the Blind, Poona .. 25 (4) Patronage to Authors Mr. Mahadeoshastri Diwekar for his book "Nava Hindudharma" 150 Vyayam Dnyankosha, Baroda ·...... 60 Man~ger, Chitrashala Press, for publishing life of Shankaracharya m verse by Das Ganu ...... 25 Prof. R. S. Joag, M.A., for his treatise on Saundaryashodha and Anandbodha ( ~n Aesthetics) as r.ecornmended by Dakshin t' Maharashtra Sah1tya Puraskar Sammlttce, Sangli . . . . 500 Mr. Agraval for his book "Miraj Sansthan Parichaya " 20 General Nanasaheb Shinde for publishing his writings 50 Sayd Amin, Sangli for his book " Gazi Kamal Pasha " 50 Oth~;:r Donations (5) Palro11age to Pt~blic Institutions Mudhoji Club, Phaltan ( i) Annual Grant . . . . 300 (ii) For fitting stone flooring 262 Ladies Club, Phaltan .. 200 Victoria Diamond Jubilee Library, Phaltan 250 Maternity Home, Phaltan . . . . 500 Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute Poona ( i) Annual Grant .. .. '.. 500 {it) For celebrating its Silver Jubilee . . . . 100 Balikashram for re-building the first hut of the Ashram at Hmgne .. 1,000 5

(6) For enco11raging Sport Mr: Omkar Keshav Mahajan for exhibiting his skill in archery SO Mr. M. N. Nanivadekar for imparting instructions in Lathi 85 Mr. V. P. Bhonsale, All-India Cycle tourist · 25 (7) .Miscellaneous All India Cattle Show, Delhi .. 100 Savnur Cattle Show, Savnur 25 Gandharva Natak Mandali 500 Deval Circus 100 , (8) Other Donations .. 42 Total Donations.. 22,614 F. Socia] and Personal 21. (1} Shrimant Raja Saheb and Shrimant S. Rani Saheb had interviews with Social and Personal His Excellency the Governor of Bombay and Lady Lumley at Ganeshkhind on 5th September 1942. (2) Shrimant Raja Saheb and Shrimant ~. Rani Sqheb with Rao Bahadur K. V. Godbole, De"ran and Mr. S.M. Upalekar, Private Secretary attended the Investiture of Shrimant Raja Saheb held at the Viceroy's House, New Delhi, on Tuesday, the 23rd February 1943, at 10 A. ~r. The Raja Saheb and S. Rani Saheb had the honour of being invited to luncheon at 12-50 P, M. in the Viceroy's House. On the following day Shrimant Raja Saheb and S. Rani Saheb lunc;.hed with the Hon. Sir Henry Craike, Bart. G. C,I. E., K. C. S. I., Political Adviser to H. E. the Crown Representative, New Delhi at 1-15 P. llr. . (3) Shrimant Ra}a Saheb visited Sir Ke;neth Fitz; K. C. 1. E. Se.cretary to H. E. the Crown Representative, Political Department, at his office on Wednesday, the 24th February 1943 at 12 noon. Shrimant S. RaniSaheb declared open on the lOth February 1943 a dispensary and maternity home at Sakharwadi, which was newly built by the Phaltan Sugar Works for the use of their labourers and staff. Shrimant Raja Saheb had g.raced the occassion by accepting the chair. • -r · G. Obituary 2~. The year under report has witnessed the sad and lamentable demise of Shrimant Shambhu- Shrimant Shambhusinha Amarsinha Jadhavrao, Jahagirdar of sinha Amarsi~ha Malegaon Bdk. the father-in-law of Shrimant Raja Saheb which Jad havrao,jahag1rdar ' · . . . : of Malegaon Bdk. took place on the 21st September 1942 at his Jahagrr VIllage of Malegaon Bdk. He was a great personality of the old order and was held in high esteem for his noble heart. He had taken great pains in raising the status of his jahagir and took promin,ent part in making co-operative movement a success. He had helped Sir M. Vishweshwaraya in introducing the block system on the Nira Left Bank Canal. He was Adviser to Shrimant S. Rani Saheb of Phaltan when Shrimant Raja Saheb was away to London in 1933. His death has ·removed a great personality which was reminiscent of the old Maratha family. . ' . . The Durbar also feel grieved to record the deaths of the following · distinguished persons during the year under report. Name Date of death · 1 Shrimant Rajkumar Pratapsinha, second son of Shrimant Rajesaheb of Sangli in an aircrash . . . . . • 22- 8-42 2 His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent iri an aircrash 2$- 8-42 3 Shrimant Ganapatrao Madhavrao alias Bapusaheb Patwardhan, Chief of Kurundwad, (Jr.) State .. 9-11:-42 4 Shrimant T~rabaisaheb Bhonsal~, the dowager Ranisaheb of Akalkot ...... · .. 15-11-42 5 His Highness Shrimant Sir Gangasingaji Bahadur, Maha· rajadhiraj of Bikaner 2-·2-43 6 Mr. Balkrishna Govind Phatak, Ex-President of the Phaltan Legislative Council • , 19- 3-43 All the offices and schools were closed as a mark of respect and the Legislativp Council of the State passed resolutions recording' its grief.


A. Constitution and Powers 23. The administration of the State is carried on bJ Sbrimant Raja Saheb and Constitution his Executive Council accordin~ to 1b.e Constitution laid down ·Powers ;:he Ruler in the Government of Phaltan State Act, 1929 (No. 1 of 1929 ). But with the object of granting further Constitutional reforms as announced in the Proclamation of the 12th November 1939 a new Constitution Act called "The­ ·Government of Phaltan Act, 1942" was promulgated on the 14th September 1942 which happend to be the 47th birthday of Shrimant Raja Saheb. By this Act the people of the State were granted rights which are considered to be the nearest approach to full responsible Government. The Act is to come into force on such date as the Raja Saheb may appoint in this behalf by notification in the Gazette. According to the new Act all the departments concerning the internal administration of the State are ordinarily entrusted to the ~ters selected from the elected members of the Legislative Council. Shrimant R

B. Political Relations 24. The polipcal relations of the Durbar with the British Government are Political Relations governed by the Agreement, dated the 22nd April 1820, entered into by Janoji n, with the East India Company. Since April I I 1933, ·this State, which was formerly in Political relation with the Government of Bombay, was placed, along with the other Deccan States,·in direct political relation with the Government of India through the Deccan States Agency in the charge of the Resident of Kolhapur and the Deccan States. The Durbar's relations with the Government of India During the year continued to be very cordial as usual:,. 25. The following were the Residency Officials during the year undeneport:- Residenc.y Offidals Lt-Col. P. Gaisford, C. L E. ~ident • . . . 1- !-!2 to 2.3-10-42 -.for Deccan States at Lt-Col. C. G. N. Edwards, Resident .. 24-10-!2 to 31- 3-!3 Kolhapur Captain J. E. A. Bazalgette, Secretary to the Rmtlettt .• · .. 1- 4-42 to !.!V- 243 Mr. B. M. Becon, I. c. E., SeaetaTy to the Resident •. 21- 2-!3 to 31- 3-43

C. The Administration 26. During the year· under report, Rao Saheb K. V. Godbole, was made . •Rao Bahadur in the new year Honour's list and he continued to 'Ourbar Exea.mve b th D & H . . Coundl e e ewan orne Member, and the ex-offiCio Presrdent of the Executive Council Mr. B. L. :;:Jkhite, lr.A., LL.B., conti.'l'-led to­ be the Finance Member and the Vice-President of the Executive Council, and Mr. S. R. Bhonsale, B. A., u. B., continued to be the Law Member. Being one 'Of the elected members of the Legislative Council he ·:;as appointed a member • of the Exe<(Utive Council from 1-10-1940 according to the Huzur Procl8..1."!lation -of November 12, 1939. The Executive Council held 28 meetings during the year and passed 138 resolutions, as against 25 meetings and 152 resolutions in the previous year. 2:7. During the year under report, several meetings of the representatives Problems or of the Deccan States were held to discuss the problems of .Common Concern ~ • to Deccan Scates common concern. 28. The Phaltan State Legislative Council consists of 15 members of whom 1() i. e. two-thirds are elected and 5 including 2 Executive Phalun State Co ill · le&isbtive Council unc ors are nolll.lnated in accordance with the proclamation dated November 12, 1939. One elected me~ber of the Leoi.slative Council is the third Executive Councillor. v 7

The 10 elected members returned from the respective constituencies are . -as follows:- 1 General ( 1) Northern Rural 3 ( 2 ) Southern Rural 3 ( 3 ) Phaltan Urban 2 2 Special ( 1 ) Education 1 ( 2 ) Local Self-Government Institutions I ) Total 10 The elections of the Legislative Council took place in June 1940 and the first .. session was held on "September 30, 1940. During the year under report the ...... present Legislative Council held its fourth session on the 29th March 1942. The work done by the Council is given in Chapter IV.

D. High Officials 29. The names of high officials showing changes in the personnel during the High Officials year under report are given in Appendix I.


A. Land Revenue

30. Mr. B. L. Likhite, M.A., LL.B., Finance Member, continued to be in charge of the Revenue portfolio during the year Mr. M. V. Revenue Officers Joshi, B.A., continued to be the Collector and Mr. S. V. Ambiye, continued to be the Mamlatdar upto 31-1-1943 and on account of his transfer as Personal Assistant to the Dewan with effect from 1-2-1943, Mr. H. A. Shaikh, Mahalkari was acting as Mamlatdar till the end of the year. Mr. N. V. Patki, Head Karkun was acting as Mahalkari Vice Mr: H. A. Shaikh. · 31. The number of the Government and alienated 'villages is 60" and 13 Government a11d · respectively. The following are alienated villages:- Alienated Villages I sajat .. Nimblak, Asu, Padegaon and Hoi. .. · Deva~than .• Vidni,Sonavadi (Kd.), Dudhebavi, Tirakwadi, Saskal-&Nirgudi. Sharakat .. Raodi (Kd.) and Bhilkati. Inam •• Wathar. 32. The second Revision Survey settlement made in 1924-25 is in- force except that a general reduction of three annas in a rupee is Revision Survey sanctioned by the Government from the year 1938-39 till 1943-44', Settlement the unexpired period of the settlement. The land revenue is :collected in two instalments which fall due from the lOth to 25th of February and March every year. · · ' 33. The annual ] amabandi of all the villages was done by the Collector at jamabandi Rajuri ( 8-2-43 ), Nimblak ( 10-2-43 ), Dudhebavi ( 13-2-43), Taradgaon ( 20-2-43 ), Phaltan ( 24-4-43 ) .. 34. The following statement shows the year's consolidated land, revenue Land Redvenude dem::J.nd, collections, remissions, suspensions and balance at the 0 eman :an · Collections end of the year under report as compared with the previous year. I •


Rs. Rs. 1 Past year's arrears • • . . ~·. 37.179 1,14,166 t )11.10 62.5 9,H6 ~ded or authorised arrears ..,. t .f·'J,~ ' .436 :s Cuirent year's demand •• .... 1,92,801 ( Total demand 3,16,713 ~· i~~~uo . ) 5 ~ons.. .. 1,57,804 1,20,625 6 ReitQssions . . . • 36,073 36,022 7 Net demand for Collection 1,62,363 1,60,066 8 Collections . . . . . • • • 87,250 1,22,8Si 9 Percentage of collection to the net demand 53•73 ';6·77 10 Arrears at the end of the year- (0,916 20.606 ( i) current year . -~ (ii) past year 34,197 16,573 ToUL 4p•ns 75,113 37,179 l, 35. The land revenue was collected during the year under report as Susp ri 11 shown below:-

Particulars of suspensions alld collections of la:od Reveaue No. of \'illages

(i) Full revenue of the current year plus half of the suspended a;rears .. 24:

(ij) Full revenue. of the current year only. 30 (ih') Full assessment of the Bagayat lands and the first instalment of the current year, due in respect of fliilyat lands 8

(Vl') The assessment of the Bagayat lands only 11

Total 73

36. No coercive measures were taken during the year under report Coerdft Hasures Yl. The following statement shows the details of areas of land cultivable, Culdftble and uncultivable, etc., during the year under report as compared UncultiYahle t:wJ1 with the previous year :-

S.No•. Item 194.2-43 l!~U-42

. Acres Acres 1 Unassessed cultivable land 18,560 18,560 2 Land not available for cultivation 21,883 21,883 3 Cultivable assessed land (unoccupied) 4,047 ( ·~j. . .3.8U Remaining occupied assessed land .. ~u 1,43,081 5 Alienated ~~-f72 66,402 Gross area 2.54.0(3 2.54,043

38. Durjng the year under report, waste land measuring 233 acres, and w Land assessed at Rs. 336 was given out for cultivation as against 272 lSCe acres, assessed at Rs. 362 during the previous year. 39. No alienations were made during lhe year under report. Aliealciclfts

40. There were two boundary disputes pending during the year under . report. Both of them related to boundaries between villages in ~Disputes the S!ate and in the adjoining British territory. The following table gives the necessary details :- 9

S.No. Villages s~~.ey Remarks \ 2 3 4 1 Jinti ( Phaltarf State) and 176 This is an island in the Nira River. · Korhale ( Taluka Bhimthadi) .. 2 Padegaon ( Phaltan State ) and 1 This is an alluvial land formed Padegaon ( Taluka Koregaon) against this survey number.

41. Although Co-operative Societies usually advance loans to the cultivators· the Durbar sanctioned a sum of Rs. 2,610 for giving·takavi lGans Taka vi at a low rate of interest under the- Land Improvement and the Agriculturists' Loans Act. The position of takavi advances, collections and. outstanding balance was as under :-

S.No. Item 1942-43 1941-42

1 I 2 3 4 Rs. Rs. 1 Past years' arrears ...... *26,428 . 13,342 2 Total demand ...... 30,438 27,072 3 Principal ...... •2,610 12,730. 4 i Interest ...... •1,400 1,000 5 I Collections ...... 3,28~ 644 I 6 I Remissions ...... 3,634 .. 7 Outstanding balance ...... 23,515 26,428 I , • The amount of total demand includes the amounts of past years' arrears, PrmClpal and Interest. 42. The irrigated area under canal during the year under report measured. 21,485 acres 4 gunthas as aga4:lst 24,~31 acres 37 gunthas of the Irrigated Area previous year. 43. The following table shows the details of irrigation revenue during the­ Irrigation Re~enue year under report as compared with the previous year :-

S.No. Item 1942-43 1941-42 1 2 3 4 . Rs. Rs. 1 Outstanding balance . . . . 1,29,003 1,63,64!)" 2 , Demand according to demand statements received 1 from the P. W. D. of the Go-vernment of Bombay .. 2,89,606 3,21,061 3 : Total demand for collection ...... 4,18,609 4,84,709 4 , Collections •• 3,59,505 3,55,028 I 5 ; Remissions . . . . ··I 98 678 I 6 : Outstanding balance .. "! 59,006 1,29,003 44. The number of Village Officers is as follows:­ Village Officers

Total number of Class of village .officers officia tors Suspended Remarks

Patils 86 1 Ku~karnis 50 0

The cadre of pafils and klJ.lkarnis belongs to the watandar families from which as far as possible efficient men are selected to officiate as village officers. 45. The following tal::;le gives the details of village inspection by tlJ.e Touring of Revenue Revenue Officers:- Office;s · ------Officer Days vmages Villages re-visited Remarks

Collector ...... 83 73 21 !Aamlatdar 132 63 27 IAal1alkari (E~tra-Hea'ci K r1r'k-n~ i 1')".. cJ 54 22 I i ' 10 B. Land Records 46. The Department of Land Records was under the control of the Law Member and continued to be in charge of the Collector. The Department of Land main function of the Department is to maintain all survey and . Records . classification records up-to-date and for this purpose to carry out field operations preliminary to the incorporation of changes in these records. The supervision of the preparation and the maiP.Jenance of the record of rights. the periodical inspection of boundary marks and the introduction of revision settlements are done by this Department. Special surveys for private individuals or bodies are also undertaken. 47. Mr. N. B. Kapileshwar, Survey Ma.tnlatdar, continued to be in charge of the Pot-Hissa Survey work. He is invested with the powers of the Pot·W;;urvey District Inspector of Land Records and is entrusted with the custody of the State Survey Records. The disposal of work in thri District Survey Office together with the correction of Survey records by K. J.P. is also done by him. During the year under report the work of Pot-Hissa Survey was suspended and the staff was entrusted with the work of procurement of food grains to meet the shortage of foodstuffs due to war conditions and transport difficulties. The field work viz. the demarcation work of 4 villages surveyed in the previous year was completed during the year under report. The disposal of mG~asurement cases continued throughout the year under report by the cad~stral surveyor. , The following table shows the work done during the year under report .as compared with the previous year :-

Measure- i . ment I . ' cases dis- Expend1ture Remarks posed of I


19 41-42 13 13 79 11,847

• (I) Sonavd.i Bk., (2) Sonavd.i Kd., (3) Tirakwadi, (4) Sangvi. 48. The Barsat-tapasani work done in 1942-43 was as follows:- Bal'$at Tapasanl Villages dealt with 13; Survey Nos. 982 and Hissas 7,409. Work The work of A kar fod a~d preparation of Kab}edars' Plans was .also finished during the year. ·


A. Legislation·

_49. The fourth session of· the Legtslative Council was held on the 29th Legislative Council March 1943. It was presided over by Mr. Shridhar Ganesh ' session Vaze, B.A., member of the Servants of India Society, Poona. Before the commencement of the business Shrimant Raja Saheb .addressed the Council. generally on the events which took place since Lie last session.' . As there were no interpel:ations Mr. B. L. Likhite, ~!.A., LL.B., Fbance r.1ember then mtroduced the budget estnnate for the year 1943-44. It ... nticipated a surplus dRs. 1,38.250 over the year's The estimates were framed en the ..


lines of the British model. The Budget· estimates were well received by the members and they expressed satisfaction for the sound financial position of the . State. During the session ten resolutions were moved by the elected members, out of which two were withdrawn on the assurances given by the Durbar and one congratuiatory resolution was unanimously passed. Seven other resolutions . expressing condolences at the sad demises of some distinguished persons and members of some Ruling families were also duly passed .. 50. During the course of the session three Government bills were moved by the Law Member. All of them were duly passed and after· Course of . having received the assent of the Raja Saheb, became laws, Legislation The list of the Laws, Orders and Ordinances in force in the State is given in Appendix II. · B. Military Force 51. There is no Military Force in the State and hence Statement showing the . strengt}f, costt and other particulars of the Force, (Appendix III) Military Force is not given. C. Police 52. The PDlice·Department was in charge of the,Dewan and Home 1v1ember. The whole force was under the control of Mr. N. M. Ghatwal, the 4 Police Department Chief Police Officer of the State, · · 53. The number' of the ( Phaltan State) Police, at the end of the year under Police Force report, was 126 (including 80 armed police with ·410 bore muskets) as against 53 in the previous year·. The armed police are allotted the duties of guarding the Treasury, the Palace and the Jail etc. · · · The statement showing the strength, cost, discipline and education ·or the police for the year 1942-43 is given in Appendix IV. · The total cost of maintaining the Police Force amounteq' to Rs. 29,543.' · This amount includes the Phaltan State's annual contribution of Rs. 732 paid towards the maintenance of the Joint Police Force stationed at the Kolhapur Residency. ~During the year under report Rao Saheb N. G. Joshi continued to be the Police Adviser to the Resident for the Deccan States. . . 54. The proportion of the police to the population is 1 : 567·25 and that to the Ratio of Police to area is 1 : 3·15; as against 1 : 687·24'>Clnd 1 : 3·82 respectively. · Population and Area 55~ The statements showing (i) the working of the police and (ii) the value of the property stolen ·and amount of recoveries, during 1942 are Working of Police given in Appendices V and VI respectively. The number of offences reported to the police was 70. The number of persons . arrested ( as well as sent for trial) by the police was 111. Out of the· accused, 60 ; were convicted,· 13 either acquitted or discharged, 3 died and 35 were awaiting trial at the close of the year (Vide Appendix V ). . The value of the property stolen was Rs. 3,214 as against Rs. 6,119 in'the preceding year, and that of property recovered by the Police was Rs. 1,376 as against Rs. 1,839 of the previous year ( Vide Appendix VI). The statement showing the number of, crimes committed, number of cases disposed of and cases awaiting trial during 1942, is given in Appendix VII.

D. Village Police 56. The number of village police consisting of the police patils and watchmen is 375. They are not stipendary, but are watandars in the villages. · Village Police In.each village, the village police -are under the charge of the police patH and they assist in preventing crime and public nuisances and >in detecting and arresting offenders within village limits. 57. The nurrtber of accidental deaths reported during the year 1942 was 29 as against 39 in the preceding year. : Accidental Deaths and Fires The ·loss due to fires amounted to Rs. 823 during the year as against Rs. 1,735 in the previous yea_r. lZ

. E. Administration of Justice 58. The High Court of Judicature at Phaltan is the highest Couri of Appeal in Higll Cou~ the State. It does not exercise original Jurisdiction. 59. The following table shows the number of C~~? an~ Crm:ina.l ~ourts Other couru (other than the High Court) for the adxmmstrat10n of JUstice .-

Civil Courts Crirrunal Courts No.

1 1. TheDistrictJudge's Court,,_,,.,.,,,.,"· 1. The Sessions Judge's Court 1 I I 2. The District Magistrate's Court . ·! ·l

2. The First Class Sub-ordinate ,· 3. The First Class Magistrate's Courts 1 2

Judge's Court, Phaltan ...1 4. The Second Class Magistrate's l Courts . ·i 2 , __ Total .. , 2 Total .. 6 I

60. The personnel of the Judiciary during th~ year 1942 was as under:­ Personnel of the judiciary

Rao Bahadur Keshav Vinayak Godbole, B.A., LL.B., Dewan, is the permanent High Court Judge. He primarily looks after L.1.e adxninistrative work and disposal of urgent judicial matters. The appellate wcrk of the High Court as well as the District Court is entrusted to independent judges appointed from the retired Sub- Judges or competent lawyers in British India. ' CRnu:-.AL JusTICE 61. The statement showing the number of o:fences reported and dealt with by t;.1e Criminal Courts during the year 1942 is given in Appendix· Work done by Criminal Courts VIli. The number of offences reported during the year together with the previous year's balance of 73 VIas 397. During the year un.der report 734 persons were put to trial. Of these 82 were discharged without trial, 275 acquitted, 203 convicted, one died during trial and 173 remained awaiting trial at the end of the year ( Vide also Appendix VII).

62. The statement showing the resu ts of appeals against lhe decisions Criminal Appellate passed by the Criminal Courts during the year 19.f2 is given h Work Appendix IX.

Crvrt ]l·sncE 63. The statement s!"JO':rbg the nature and value of original suits filed and . . '- disposed of during the y.::ar 1942 is gi·:en in Appendix X. T!;·:? 1 11 C( • _Y'!o rk year opened with a balance of 163 original suits to v:hich HA f;0'.V 0 riJ:Ina 1) . <"I _, :1 . h sur 1s •. ,e·o..~ c urmg L.e year were added, thus making a total of '327 fer disposal. Of these, 163 .s·c:.its ·,.·ere di::::posed of leavinJ a bc;.lance of 1.53 suits. 13

· 64. The statement ·showing-the results of applications' for execution of decrees during the year 1942 is given in Appendix XI. The total Execution of number of applications for execution ·of decrees including the Decrees . arrears of 218 was 529. Out of these, 310 applications were disposed of, leaving a balance of 219 at the erose of the year. 65. The statement showing the number' and results of appeals in civil suit~. · Civil Work during the year 1942js given in Appendix XII. · • (Appellate) · · -

66. The number of wards under the ·management of the Judicial Department at the beginning of the year was 2 and that of the estates was 2; Wards under Judi· No management of any new estate or any ward was undertaken; cial Management In no case management was handed over to any private guardian during the year under report. The total receipts from the estates came to Rs. 401 and the expenditure to Rs. 400. · · · 67. During the year under report there was one ward under the manage­ ment of the Court of Wards as the Management of the estate of Court of Wards Meherban Shripatrao Ramchandrarao Naik Nimbalk:ar lnamdar of· Wathar was entrusted to the Court of Wards since 15-7-42 as per Durbar Resolution No. 25 dated 26-5-42. The village Wathar is Jat Inam. Out of the total demand of Rs. 5,852 on account of assessment, Rs. 1,597 were recovered by the .end of March 1943 leaving a balance of Rs. 4,255. Out·of the rent of Rs. ~12 of the lands of the lnamdar Rs. 535 were recovered leaving a balance of Rs .. 277.

68. The total number of possessory ( Vahiwat) suits in the ~amlatdars' Court. Mamlatdar's Court during the year· 1942, including the last year's balance of 1~ was 12 of which 11 were disposed of, leaving a balance of only 1 at the end of the year. The total number of assistance (Madat) s:uits during the year under repor~· was.71, including the last year's balance of 1. of which 69 were disposed of, leaving a balance of only 2 at the end of the year. ·

F. Extradition 69. During the year 1942 one ·accused was surrendered by the Britisl:i. E~tradition Government to the State. ·

I • 70. There was no reciprocal arrangement agreed to by the Durbar during . Reciprocity the year under report, regarding the extradition of criminals or otherwise. ·

G. Prisons

. 71. Mr. B. L. Likihite, M.A., LL; B., .Finance Member, was 'in charge of the Jail. Department during the year under report. Mr. G. S. Phansalkar, Jail Department t. c. P.s., Chief Medical Officer, continued to be the Jail Superin..: tendent and Mr. V. R. Lele, t. c. P. s., Assistant Medical Officer, to be the Assistant Jail Superintendent. Mr. K. G. Halabe continued to be the Jailor. There is only one Jail in the State, at Phaltan located in the heart of the city. ' 72. (i) The statement showing the number of prisoners confined in the Jail Nu_mber of during the year is given in Appendix XIII. The following table AdmissionPrisoners, and s h ows th e numb er o f pnsoners· · d urmg· th e years 1942 -43 and Oaily Average etc. 1941-42.

1 ' !No of r at Number No. at the end of . the commence- New admissions Total discharged the year: Year ment of the year Males Females 1\Iales Females 1\Iales Females 1\Iales Females Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -9 10 11 1942-43 17 5 80 14 97 19 80 19 17 .. 1941-42 11 4· 99 15 110 19 93 14 17 5

4 14 (ii) Out of94 new admissions ( 80 males and 14 !er::::ales ), 33 were ccnvicts and 56 under-trial prisoners. The daily average number of prisoners includbg convicts and u11der trial prisoners, was 21·18 as against 23·58... in the previous year . One convict escaped while on extra-mural work. Information was given to the police and he \Tas later arrested and convicted. 73. During the year under report l1e Jail Police consisted of one Head- Expenditure constable and five constables. The total expenditure during the year amounted to Rs. 3,321 as against Rs. 1,653 in the previous year. The increase in expenditure is due to C:le Police guard transferrec1 from the Police to the Jail department. 74. Mr. Hiraman Balaram Tell, Pleader, Phaltan, Mr. Appasaheb Narayanrao Nail<: Nimbalkar, President Local Board Phaltan and Mr. r.fad::.av jail Visitors Balwant Bedke, elected member of the Phaltan State Legislative Council were appointed during the year as non-official members on the Jail Visitor's Committee under the Chairmanship of the District Magistrate, who is an ex-officio Chairman of the Committee. The Committee paid periodical visits to the Jail arid recorded l!J.eir remarks in the Visitor's Eook. H. Registration 75. The Registration Department continued to be u.TJ.der the control cf Mr. S. R. Bhonsale, B. A., LL.B., Law Member, durL."lg the year Registn.tlon Department under report. Mr. M. V. Joshi, B. A., Collector, continued to be the District Registrar and Mr. K. V. Joshi was the Sub-Registrar dill'ing the year under report. There is one Sub-Registrar's office in ~tate at Phaltan. ., 76. Work done by the Department during the year is given in Appendix XlV and the statement showing the receipts and expenditure is given Work done by Regi· . A . tration Department m ppendix XV. The number of documents presented for registration was 1904 and the value of documents registered l';as Rs. 6,30,079. Fees realised were Rs. 6,930 and the expenditure was Rs. 1.6C5 during the year under report. The increase in the number of documents was cJ:-.Jef:y in sale deeds by 3C4 in number for Rs. 2,39,421' which was mainly due to the investment of money in _purchasing l~nds.


A. The Phaltan Municipaliry

77. The Phaltan Municipality was establisheC. in 1868. It is one of the oldest <:onstltutlon and institutions in the State and is governed by the Bo4'..bay Di.strkt Personnel Municipal Act, 1901 as applied to the Ptaltan S:ate. The total number of municipal councillors is 16• of v.-tJrn 12 are elected and 4 (including 2 official members) are nominated .ty tl:e Phaltan Durbar. Both the • President and the Vice-President are elected by the members. r.!r. N. v. Eavadekar, B. A.,u. B., an elected counci!lor, conti"lued to be L1.e President or the Municipality till 2nd June 1942. !.1r. R. T. Gand."1i an elec!ed me::::lber,. continued to be the ;.ice-Pre~ident up to 2-6-!942 and after t1at Mr. J. K. Dos::ll was elected to be the \ 1ce-Pres1dent for the ne·u triennium and l.1r. K. B. F.s:ekar was the chairman of U:e M_anagin~ Committee of t.'le !.bnicipal:ty. During the year under report. The tnenrual elecllor,s were held in May 19~2 -rd ! ·~ r ~ ,.....,.,h· ,.,., a-~. •••• v •· .1.1.,/'\~;;.-~ B.~.,Lt.: ~··an el.ected Co~ncille_;. was electe· be t:,e Pre.;:ider.t for L':e new tnenruum ending 31-5--.5. !.J.r. G. s. •• -ar L c p s C'-'-r • '.:>j'~-I c= th ~· t h Ch . t )., - , ' • , . ., ••• t: ··•- .:.~a ••• ::er o f e ..,,a e, wast e auman c.:. t:...e Samtary Com:r:.i::ee d·.rri.::; tie year t.: ..:::!er 15

78. The gross receipts and expenditur~ during the year 1942-43 and 1941-42 Gro!s Receipts and are given in Appendix XVL The gross receipts and expenditure Expenditure in the yea:r amounted toRs. 39,978 and Rs. 39,565 respectively. The following tables show the gross receipts and expenditure under the principal heads during the years 1942-43 and 1941-42 :-


Serial Sources of Income 11942-43 11941-42 !Increase Decrease No. I I I 1 Municipal rates & taxeii!- Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. (a) Taxes on houses and lands ... l 2,064 2,290 .. 226 I (b) Octroi ··I 10,931 11,320 .. 389' · (c) Taxes on vehicles .. 969 3,342 .. 2,373 (d) Tolls .. 3,514 3,243 271 . . (e) Water rates .. 4,922 6,430 .. 1,508 (f) Conservancy .. 1,922 1,996 .. 74:. 2 Other sources of income .. 8,424 6,569 1,855 . . 3 Contribution for Primary Education .. . . 6,000 .. 6,000 4: Extraordinary, Advances, etc. . . 7,232 9,267 .. 2,035 ' Totals .. 39,978 50,457 2,126 12,608 Opening Balance .. 2,526 3,623 . . 1,097

GRAND TorAL .. 42,504 54,080 . . 11,576


Serial I Items of Expenditure No. , , 11942-43 11941-42 IIncr~se r Decrease Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. 1 Administration .. 6,239 Q,582 657 .. 2 Public Works - ' .. 5,223 • 7,284 .. 2,061 3 Water Works .. 439 .. 439 .. . ~ Lighting· .. 5,721 6,738 .. 11011 5 Medical Relief and Sanitation .. 9,258 7,546 1,712 . . 6 Public Instruction .. 2,230 3,277 .. 1,047 . 7 Miscellaneous including advances .. 10,455 21,127 . . 10,672 Totals .. 39,565 51,554 2,808 1{,797 Closing Balance .. 2,939 2,526 413 . . . ------GRAND ToTAL ... 42,504 54,080 .. 11.576, I

79. The following table shows the expenditure on Public Works during the Municipal P. W. D. year 1942-43 as compared with the previous year:- " and it! Expenditure

Serial No. Item 1942-43 1941--42 Increase Decrease- Rs: Rs. Rs. Rs. · 1 Communications . 814 1,216 . . 402 2 Buildings .. 1,458 115 1,343 . . 3 Water-supply .. 404 1,129 .. 725 4 Public Latrines .. 170 3,599 .. 3,429 5 Drainage an.d Other Works 1,762 1,225 537 .. 6 *Establishment . 615 .. 615 '" ' • Total· •. ' 5,223 7,284. 2,495 4,556

During the year under report the expenditure incurred by the Phaltan Municipality on its Public Works Department was Rs. 5,223, i11cluding the Establish­ ment charges.

• The expenditure on establishment is charged to" Administration." - 16 Besides the normal >vorks, public urinals and new gutters were constructed and special rep?lirs to some important roads were carried out. These Municipal Works have improved the public health and sanitation to a greater extent and have added to the convenience of the general public.

80. During the year under report, the General Body held 15 meetings and . . M . disposed of 81 items of business as against 22 meetings and 90 Mumc1p1 1 eetlngs . . . . 1tems of busmess m the precedmg year. The Managing Committee held 43 meetings and disposed of 580 items of basiness during the year under report as against 75 meetings and. 100 items of business in _the preceding year. The Sanitary Committee held 33 meetings and disposed of 267 items of business during the year under report as against 29 meetings and 304 items of business in the preceding year.

81. The activities of the Municipality regarding medical relief, sanitation · Other Activities and vaccination are given in Chapter VI~!.

B. The Phaltan State local Board 82. The Phaltan State Local Board was established on the lst June 1931 under the Phaltan Local Boards Act, (V of 1931), adapted from the Constitution and Bombay Act, VI of 1923. The Board consists of 20 members t of Personnel whom 15 'are elected, and 5 (including 2 officials) are nominated. The change in the number of elected and nominated members was made as per Durbar Resolution No. 106 dated 13~1-1942 (vide Act IV of 1941 ). Both the President and the Vice-President are elected by the msmbers. During the year u,nder report triennial elections of members were held and the new Board was formed. - During the year under report Mr. H. B. Teli, Pleader, continued to be the President and Mr. S. H. Talwalkar, A. c. R. A., the Vice-President of the Local Board, up to 11th july 1942, and thereafter Messrs A. N. Nimbalkar and V. S. Zirpe, B.. A., tt. B., Pleader, were elected as President and Vice-President. respectively. During the year under report Mr. D. B. Adkar, Retired overseer of the Bombay P. W. D .. continued as Chief Officer of the Local Board up to 8th November 1942 and thereafter Mr. V. V. Tasgaonkar, B. A., LL.B., was appointed as Chief Officer as Mr. Adkar resigned his services . . . 83. f'he gross receipts and expenditure during the years 1942-43 and 1941-42 are given in Appendix XVI. The gross receipts and Gross R•ce_ipts • expenditure in the present year amounted to Rs 1 00 459 and and Exp1nd1ture - , • • ' Rs. 73,286 respectively. The following tables show the gross receipts and expenditure under tha . principal heads during the years 1942-1943 and 1941-1942.


No. Sources of Income Decrease

Rs. Rs. 1 Local Fund Cess . 18,800 5,063 2 Canal Area Development Cess. 48,.J!J2 7,20G 3 Tolls . 4,134 3,810 4 Cattle pounds 2,-102 21:)0 !)· Miscellaneous 4,130 ti68 6 Debt Heads 22,401 9,711

Totals 1,00,'45\.l 14,774 Opening Balance 1J2,8!J3


t The namas of the r.:em!Jers of tte Pta: tan Lccal Eoard are given in Annex IV li ExPENDITURE

No. Items of Eltpenrliture 1942-43 1941-42 Increase Decrease

Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. 1 Administration .. 3,965 3,131 834 .. 2 Public Works . . 21,952 13,765 8,187 .. 3 liducation .. 9,811 13,349 .. 3,53& 4 · Medical Relief and Sanitation . . 4,092 6,034 .. . 1,942 5. Vaccination .. 1,425 976 449 .. 6 Veterinary Department .. 3,247. 3,380 .. 133 7 Miscellaneous .. 7,668 . 10,596 .. 2,928 8 Debt Heads ... 21,126 29,813 •I• 8,687 ------Totals· .. 73,286 81,044 9,470 1'7,228. ------Closing Balance . . 80,066 52,893 27,173 .. ------~-- GRAND ToTAL . . 1,53,352 1,33,937 19,415 .. , 84. The following table shows the expenditure on Public Works during the Expenditure on year 1942-43 as compared with the previous year:- Local Board-P. W. D. ·

No. I Items I ~942--43 I 1941-42 I Increase I Decrease

. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. 1 Communications .. 4,7g6 2,299 2,497 .. 2 Buildings .. 5,573 4,308 1,265 .. 3 Water-Supply .. 4,994 4,685 . 309 .. 4 Other Works . . 418 . 812- .. 394 5 Establishment· .. 6,171 1,661 4,510 .. Total' .. 21,952 13,765 8,581 .394 / 85. During the year under report current repairs were made to the Phaltan­ Mograla road, the Phaltan-Sningnapur road, the Phaltan-Adarki Roads road and to the Factory Approach Road. The special repairs to the Phaltan-Mograla road were completed during the year. 86. A combined construction work of Dharmashala, temple and Chawadi at Munjavaai village was in progress during the year under report. Buildings Special repairs were made to the Phaltan Local Board Office and the Phaltan Chawadi. Cattle pounds at- Jinti and Munjavadi were constructed during ~e year. 87. During the year under report the construction work of the· well at Hingangaon and the repairs to the well at Barad, were Well~ completed. 88, During the year unde.r report, the General Body held 6 meetings and Local Board-Meetings disposed of 33 items of business as against 3 meetings and 33 ·Hems of business in the previous year. The Standing Committee held 9 meetings. and disposed of 157 items of business during the year under report as against 5 meetings and 42 items of business in the preceding year. · The Public Health Committee held 6 meetings and disposed of 15 items of business as against 6 meetings and 39 items of business .in the last year. · 89. The activities of the Local Board during t."le year under report regarding Local Board's med~cal relief, sanitation, and vaccination are given in Chapters Other Activl!ies VIII and IX.

90. Mr. A. N. Mehendale, c. B. v. c. continued to be in charge of the Veterinary Dispensary at Phaltan. The total number of animals Veterinary Dispensary treated in the veterinary dispensary at Phaltan and in the villages was 1567 as against 3005 in the previous year. The total number of castrations by the Burdizza method was 170 as against 270 ,in the previous year. 5 18

91. The epidemics amongst the cattle during the year under report ware Black-Quarter, Feet and Moul'tl and Rinderpest Tne epidemics f pid emlc 01 aeues . . were prevalent L'1 the followmg v1Uages :- (1) Black- Quarter:- Sa.YJlarwadi, Kalaj, Saswad, PLrnprad, Adarki ( Bk. ), Kolld, Tadavle, A..."U and Nimblak. (2) Foo~ & J!outh:- Phaltan. Nandal, Sangavi, Pimprad, Adarki, Kuravali, (Kd.), Bhadali, Sonawadi, and Vidni. (3) Rinderpest:-Phadtarwadi. The nu.rnber of preventive inoculations done against B.-Q. was 847 as agaim1t 69 in the previous year. The total number of preventive inoculations done against Rinderpest was 400 by .Fmti-Rinderpest serum, and 649 by Rinderpest Goat Virus during the year under report. The total nu..rnber of cases treated at Phaltan and in the Villages was 121. The total number of villages visited during the year under report was 15 as against 13 in the previous year.

C. Village Panchayats 92. The Tarac.'lgaon Village Panchayat, established in 1931 under the 'raradgaon Village Bombay Village Panchayat Act, 1920 (IX of 1920 ), as applied to Panchayat the Phaltan State, consists of 10 members wholly elected by the people. The Panchayat attended to the work of improving the village sanitation.


A. Weather and Crops

93. The statement of rain-fall during the calender year 1942 is given in Appendix XVII. Generally the heavyJalls are in June; September Rain.-fall and October, and are therefore seasonable bol'tl for Kharip and Rabl crops. The following table gives the figures of the total rain-fall during the -years 1942 and 1941 together with the average of five years:-

Place Present \'!'ar I Past year Average of Five vears ( 1942) ( 1941) (from 1938 to 1S42)

Inches Inches Inches Taradgaon 17•42 13•50 16•34 Phaltan 14·91 18•69 17•27 Bar ad 13"14 17•25 17· 15

94. The climate of the State is dry and healthy. DurL.'lg the year under report Climate and the ma_ximum temperature at Phaltan was 110' F. on April 21st. Temperature 1942 and the minimum temperature, 54 F. on 14 & 15 December 1942. 95. During the year under report the average out-turn of Bagayat crops was " fair and that of irrigated crops was good. The out-turn of Jira,·al Out-turn of Crop . . . .r crops (except m 11 villages ) was fa1r, and hence the land revenue for firayal lands in the villages was suspended, as per Collector's Notification dated 17-2-43.

B. Wages and Labour: Prices of Food-grains 96. The non-factory rates cf wages of skilled and unskilled labour during uJ.,age.s an d La bour L'le. yearf under . report were increased owinJ to scarcity and• hi,..,3,. . pnces o gra1::1s etc. The rate of wages was Rs. 1-4 per day in the -case of skilled labour an1. As. 8 per d::1y for u::l.Skilled la:.,our. Labour was in ~ood d~mand a.'1d its general condition was g:;,od. 19 97. The prices of staple food-grains during March 1942 and March 1943 are 'Prices of Food- given in Appendix XVIII. grains C. Forests 98. The Revenue Mamlatdar, Mr. S. V. Ambiye, continued to be the Forest Officer of the State till 31-1-43 and thereafter Mr. H. A. Shaikh the Forests Ag. mamlatdar was in charge of the Forest Department till the . end of the year. The area under forests atthe close of tpe year under report was 13,048 acres, the same as in the last year. The receipts from forest revenue, i.e. from trees and quarries, amounted to Rs. 2!:25 as against Rs. 474 in the previous year. No separate establishment was maintained and b,ence no expenditure was incurred on this account during the year tinder report.

D. Trade and Manufacture 99. The Phaltan Sugar Works, Ltd., was incorporated at Phaltan as a Private Limited Company on 8-3-1933 under the Indian Companies Phaltan Sugar Act (India Act VII of 1913) as applied to the Phaltan State. The Works, Ltd., initial authorised capital of the Company was Rs.lO,OO,OOO which was, in September 1942, increased to Rs. 1,00,00,000 (One Crore) by creation of 1,50,000 new shares of Rs. 50 each. The original capital also vras sub-divided . into 20,000 shares of Rs. 50 each. The issued capital of the Company is Rs. 40,00,000 divided into 80,000 shares of Rs. 50 each, fully paid up. The Company was also converted into a Public Limited Company. The Company is managed by the Managing Agents, Messrs. Mafatlal, Apte and Kantilal, Ltd., of which Mr. V.· S. Apte is the Managing Director. / During the year under report Mr. K. G. Apte, B. Sc., continued to be the General Manager; and Mr. W. Buchanan, the Chief 'Engineer and the Factory Manager. Mr. S. G. Deshpande, B. Ag., and Mr. P. N. Bhat, B. Ag.; B. Sc., continued to be the Estate Manager and the Chief Chemist respectively during the year. The Company's factory at Sakharwadi started manufacture of sugar on 9-2-1934 as a trial season. tt is located near Hal village ( Pimpalachi wadi), about 12 miles from Phaltan : and is one of the biggest sugar factories irt Maharashtra. The Company has its own sugarcane plantations and also purchases sugarcane. ·from owner-cultivators within the factory area (viz., Distributaries Nos. 7 to 17, 19 and 26 of the Nira Right Bank Canal passing through the State territory. ). ·

The Company being the pione~r major industry. in the state the Durbar rna de a few concessions t~ the Sugar Factory, the chief amongst which are :- (1) ten year's exemption from income-tax; (2) fifteen year's exemption from import d1:1ty; and (3) total exemption from export duty. The Sugar factory flourished very well during the yeEl;r. It manufactured 13,578·76, tons. ( 1,34,439 bags) of sugar during 1942-43 season (1st Apri11942 to the end of March 1943.) as against 14,646·88 tons ( 1,45,,001 bags) in the previous year: It bas also maintained a well equiped Work-Shop and a Laboratory. The daily average of operatives employed by the Company was 1160 during the season and 724 during off season, as against 1152 during the season and '139 during off season in the previous year. · \ . The Company owns 4 loco boilers and 4 Water Tube boilers which were inspected and certified for the Durbar by the Chief Inspector of Steam Boilers and fJmoke Nuisances, ~ombay Presidency.

100. There a're six crushing plants for making gul ( jaggery ) from sugar • d 'cane in the State at (l) Hol (2) Jinti (3) Phaltan (4) Takalwade P ower Crushers an G . . . Cotton Gins (5) Gunvare and (6) okhah m the canal tract. Out of these s1x cane-crushers four are maintained by the Durbar and the remaining two belong to the prominent agriculturists. · "Vardhhama,n Jinning Factory" is the only jinning factory, in the State 'situated at Phaltan and it continued its working well during the year under report. 20

101. Due to the industrial initiative and foresight of Shrimant Raja Sahe b, Adarki Khadl' the Phaltan Durbar have started the Khadi Centre at Adarki Kendra and other (Bdk.) in November 1940 under the direct supervision of the Industries Maharashtra Charkha Sangh. As per Durbar Resolution No. 51 of 20-9-1940 a sum of rupees ten thousand has been sanctioned for the period of 5 years out of which rupees two thousand are befug spent f?Very year.'

The Depd.rtment was under the control of Mr. S. R. Bhonsale, B.A., LL.B., Law Member from October, 1940. The City Buildings Engineer as well as the Rural Development Officer, of the State, looked after the working of this khadi centre. On behalf of C. P. & Maharashtra Charkha Sangn (a branch of All India Spinners. · Association) Mr. W. D. Kalgaonkar worked as its Manager under the supervision and guidance of Mr. A. W. Sahasrabudhe, tne ·Secretary of the Sangha. Shrimant Raja Saheb inaugurated the Centre on Wednesday, the 7th May 1941. The figures of the Receipts and the Payments of this industrial activity during the year under report are as shown below:-

Receipts Payments

Rs. Rs. By Purchases: .. 2,019 To Sales: .. 1,526 [Lint, Slivers (Pelu), Yarn, Charkhas [Slivers, Khadi, Charkh&s etc. ] and Miscellaneous articles) By Wages: 889 To Stock on hand .. 1, 701 ( Carding, Spinning, Weaving, [Difference between closing and Washing, etc.] opening balances of stock) By Establishment charges : 684 To Excess of Payments over [Salaries, Postage, Stationery, income 365 House-rent, Travelling, Pro- paganda, Experiments, etc.]

Total •• 3,592 Total •• 3,5£12

( ii) During the year under report there were in all 147 handlooms in the State mainly worked by the Koshti class people, 69 manufacturing silk and cotton fabrics, and 78 manufacturing rough wollen blankets (Kamblis) for local consumption. / , (iii) The other minor industries are: (a) dyeing of s;ilk and cotton yarn and (b) extraction of oil from kardi, linseed and groundnut. During the year the number of country oil presses was SO. There were 12 flour mills during the year under. report.

102. The principal exports consist of ( i) sugar, ( ii) gttl ( jaggery ), (iii) surplus agricultural produce 'such as jowar, bajri, wheat, gram Exports and Imports d k d' ( · ) f t d · 1 h an ar 1, 1v manu ac ure arhc es, sue as dhotees, sareez and rough woollen blan1:ets, (Xamblis), (v) cotton, oil extracted from kardi, linseed and groundnut and oil-cakes, manures and machinery. During the year under report the export of food grains was prohibited except under a special permit on account of the prevailing war conditions, The principal imports consist of rice, salt, copra o.nd •coconuts, groceries, bangles, hardware, copper and brass utensils, cloth, yarn, timber, matches, kerosene, petrol, oil-cakes, manures and machinery. ·

103. The Kishorsinh. Motor Service Company is the premier transport Motor Service Co. company m the State. The company's buses run daily from Phaltan to Poona, Lonand and Nataputa. The company carries p0stal mails between Lonand and Nataputa on the Mahad-Pandharpur Road and between Lonand to Nira Railway Station. The company's fnres are fixed and ita buses run to a fixed time table. The Company has been granted monopoly in the state limits l'J carry on passenger !raffle.

104. The Y.ishorsinh E!ectr~c Supply Company, estatli~hc:d in 1922, contumd Electric Supply Co. to supply Electnc energy to the Phaltan tow:1. 21

105. During the year under report Mr. B. L. Likhite, M.A., LL.B., continued to be the Registrar of Joint-Stock Companies. There were three joint-Stock joint-stock companies on the register during the year under Companies report, viz. (I) The Phaltan Bank, Ltd., established in 1918, a public company doing banking business (2) The Phaltan Sugar Works, Ltd., originally a private company, now converted into a public limited company­ established in 1933 and (3) The Phaltan Press, Ltd., a public company incorporated.. on 21st March 1941. 106. The number of boilers on the register at the end of tire year under . . report was 9. They were inspected and certified for the Durbar Inspection of Boilers by the Chief Inspector of Steam Boilers and Smoke Nuisances, Bombay Presidency. Eight of these boilerJ are with the Phaltan Sugar Works, Ltd., and one steam boiler of the Road-roller is with the Local Board, Phaltan. 107. Mr. R. S. Bapat, L. c. E., Sugar Factory Officer, continued to be the workmen's Commissioner for Workmen's C.ompensation during the year Compensation under report. During the year there were four minor injuries sustained by 4'employees of the Phaltan Sugar Works Ltd., and 2 cases of serious injuries were disposed of. There was no fatal accident during the year under report. During t.'le year Rs. 402-8-0were paid as compensations to the injured persons. 108. The Weights and Measures Department continued to be in charge Weights and of Mt B. L. Likhite, M. A., 'LL. B., Finance Member. Mr. G. R. Sane,. Measures B. sc., n. B.,· continued to be the Inspector of Weights and Department Measures during the year under report. The Bombay system of weights and measures was introduced in the State by the Phaltan Weights and Measures Act, 1935 (I of 1935 ). The unit of a 'seer is equivalent to 80 tolas, one tola being equal to 180 standard grains as in the Bombay Presidency. A maund is equal to 40 such seers. The. unit of a measure (dry or liquid) is fixed to contain 80 standard tolas of water by weight under standard t<;:mperature and pressure. The Standard Yard is !he measure of length. An inspecting unit comprising of standard weights, standard measures and Inspector's balances is maintained at-Phaltan. The working sta~dard weights and measures prepared by the Mint Master, Bombay and tested and certified by the Director of Industries, Bombay, are used as the Standard Weights and Measures of the State. The new weights and measures were introduced from the 8th April 1940 (Hindu ljew Year day). 109. The total cost qf weights, measures and balances purchased, for Receipts and supplying them to traders, during the year under report was Expenditure Rs. 892 as against Rs. 792 of the last year. The total sale proceeds of weights, measures and balances during the year under report was Rs. 831 as against Rs. 1,044 of the previous year. The total number 'of traders in the State on 31-3-1943 was 1,730 with an aggregate circulation of 4,974 weights, 5,336 measures and 951 balances, yielding a bi-annual income of Rs. 4,926 as verification fees., The total receipts of verification fees amounted to Rs. 1,610 as against Rs; 827 in the last year. The total.cost incurred by the Department during the year under report was Rs. 2,918 as against Rs. 2,819 in the last year. The Inspector attended the fairs and weekly bazars and visited nearly all the villages in the State. · " · E. Publi~ Works 110. The Public Works Department is under the control of Rao Bahadur Public Works K. V. Godbole, B. A., LL.B., Dewan and Home Member. Messrs Department R. S. Bapat, L.c.E., and K. B. Disle continued to be the P. W. D. Officer, and the Ch-ief Overseer respectively. Mr. V. J. Kunte, B. F. (Civil), continued to be the City Buildings Engineer during the first quarter of the year and resigned his services. Mr. A. G. Kanitkar, B. A., B. E. (Civil), took over· from l.1r. Kunte the charge of the City Buildings Engineer's Office and worked during the remaining three quarters of the year. The details of the expenditure incurred · on Public Works is given in Appendix XIX. ' 111. During the year under report repairs were made by the State P. W. D. Public Buildings to almost all the Government buildings in the town at a cost of and Water Works Rs. 9603. 6 22

The following works de~erve special mention :- The New Central Offius BuilJings :-The work of ll-Je building was in progres.s during the year. The structure for the second floor of both the blocks was -completed and the finishing of the Durbar Hall and other portions of the building was iu progress. The general progress of the work was much slowed down ·due to war conditions causing dL.I'f:iculty in obtaining necessary materials such as cement, steel, timber etc. Nirgudi Road :-The Phaltan tow·n is supplied by water from percolating galleries and a well with a pump at Nirgudi, a village about 5 miles south of Phaltan. A stone gutter and a pipe line for this supply was laid more than 50 years back a.11d ·Jast year the stone gutter was replaced by cement pipes. There was however no permanent road to the village and hence the construction of a murum surfaced road was started and partially completed during the year under report costing Rs. E5~2. 112. (i) Important roads in the State are:- [l] Mahad-Pa.11dharpur Road a Communications: distance of about 32 miles ; [2] Old Poona-Satara Road, a distance Roads. Landing- of about 7 miles; [3] The Phaltan-Adarki Road, a distance of 19 Ground, Railways miles; (4] Phaltan..Shingnapur Road, a distance of about 15 miles; and Trolley-Line [5] Phaltan..Sangvi Road, a distance of about 6 miles ; [6] The Sugar Factory Approach Road, a distance of about 3~ miles ; and [7] The Sugar Factory-sastewadi Road, a distance of about 5} miles. (a) The Mahad-Pandharpur Road :-It passes through tho;, State from west to east (from Lonand to Dharmpuri) and is the main arterial road in' the State. It is a provincial road and the Durbar pays an annual contribution of Rs. 4,607 plus half the toll proceeds to the Government of Bombay for its upkeep. During the year under report the State paid R.s. 8,625 as half-toll proceeds. (b) Tile Phaltan-Sangvi Road:- During the year under report, an allotment of "Rs. 22,480 was sanctioned for the expenditure on works for this road and the actual expenditure was incurred as under; ( i) Reconstruction of surface and collection of materials Rs. 14,475. (ii) Construction of 10 slab drains and 3 culverts Rs. 7,651. (c) Roads neal' the Phaltan To<1m :-Work of metalling the Health Road (about 4 furlongs) worth about R.s. 1,194 was done and R.s. 760 were spent on repairs of other Roads during the year under report. The cart tracks passing through the area of the landing ground, have been diverted along_two new roads one on the East and the other on the West side of the landing ground. An amount of R.s. 2,539 was spent for the 'slab drains for small nalla crossing the road on the east side of the landing ground during the year under report. (ii) The Landing Ground:-During the year under report a wire fe~cing 4J feet high all round the landing ground was comp~eted. The construction work of four sheds i~ in well advanced condition. An amount of R.s. 6,108 was spent during the year under report. (iii) The Madras and Southertz J!ahralla Railuay:-The Poona-Bangalore section of this railway passes through the Phaltan State for about 12 miles. Adarki and Salpa are the two railway stations within the State limits. (iv) The Phaltan Sugar Works Trolley Line:-A trolley line has bee:1laid by the Phaltan Sugar Works Ltd., to carry sugar-cane from the fields to the factory and the goods from Nira Railway Station of the Madras and Southern !.Iahratta Railway to the factory and vice versa. The length from \Vest to East i.e. fcom Nira Station to Rajala cane-estate is nearly 27 miles. Th·::!re is another line runni:r.g from the ~acto~ to Hoi cane-sec~on, So:rt.':l to Nor~, of one mile i:"llength. The tot;! length mcludmg the branches 1s 36 m1les. There 1s aL:;o a feeder li:1e about a mile in lengtll . near Rajala section. F. Post Offices 113. There is a Sub-Post and Telegra;::h Office <:t F::a:tan and Post Post Offices O::S.ces at Taradgaon, Sakharwadi,, Pimprad and Gunavre ur.d~.;;r the co:::trol cf the DepartmerJ cf .ros~s snd Tele:::rrar:hs

G. Mint 114. TI:.ere is no mi.!::.t in the State. TI:e Indian currency is used in Mint L'le State.

H. General Condition of the State and the People 115. The Departnen!s of Agricult:.!:e a:J.d Rural uplift continued to be under the control off&. S. R. Eho.::J.Sale, B. A., LL.B., Law !.1e~ber during Agriculture tbe year under report. !,1r. D. S. Unde, continued to be t.'le .z:;_gricultural Of.'icer of the State. As rer .D·1rbar Resolution 1:o. 133 dated 20-2-1942 the work· of collecting and tabulating !be detailed rr-~:crmation of economic condition of each family iri each village in the Fhaltan State was u:r:.dertaken under the s..:.pervision of the Agricultural Officer and curing the year under report the inform;tion regarding 32 villages was completed.

116. lJr. R., S. Ec.pat.,L. c. E., Rural Development O:fi.cer continued the vrork cf ?::.rr;J-uplift with two assistants, Messr,s. Y. K. Kondhvikar, A g .• Rural Uplift B: a:1d S. S. Sashittal, B. F. g., The latter hovrever resigned h:S job frcr:t 1st October 1942. The supply of new and i.'nproved varietie_s cf seed is cne of the major services which the Department is rendering to the agriculturists in tb.e State. In order to help the cultivators to grow more and better food crops, &.bout 1W tons of groundnut oil-cake v1as purchased and sold to them at ·cost pi-:::e duri::g the year. (a) The experimental collective cultivation scheme for the Pimprad viJage, vias carried en according to programme for crops made under the guidance end directions of this Department. 32 acres of sugar cane and 97~ acres of crops vrere grown c01lectively under canal irrigation by the Co-operative Ccl:i7ation Society. Further in order to increase the area under food crops 90 acres cf la.:.d telcnging to Sbrimant Raja Saheb at Rajale Village, was taken on lease and f 2 acres of seasonal crops of Kharif and Rabi, vrere cultivated. During the year t.:e. Durbar s1.:;;:::;,1ied an advance, of P.s 14,500 to ttris Co- operative Cultivation Scciet'J. IJ.l this amount a:r:d the previous years' dues were repaid by the Society to t::e Dcrbar from t:le income derived from sale proceeds of their crops. The . iLccme & e:q;;enditure on the crops grm·m d~g the year, v1as as follows:- (1) Income •. P.s. €4,350-0-0 . (2) Expenditure .. Es. 26,195-0-0 Profit .. Rs. 38,155-0-0 C:.;.t cf :::-.e prcfit Rs. 156 were spent on la:1d improvement, Rs. 665 on dead­ . ~~::1':: i. e. carts c:.::.d few petty i.mplemen~ e;:c. and P...s. 462 on live sto-:::k (bullocks) . c.:1d i:S m~i::~ez:a.r:ce. (t) Sugar ca::e belonging to cultivators was crw:bed at all the four Power Cn:.s::-;ers i::s~c.Ee1 at Go:t.hali, Takalwade, JiLti and Hcl. Total a:nom:.t spent by the Lur:tar frc:::t tl::e till 31st March 1943 on these crushers, for purchase of G11rhal appl:an.ces, con...

I:: as:::li'ic::1 t-:> t!::s;::e crops 3 annas cf Ec.jri ar:d 7 a::.:::as cf Jo·uar were gro•:~n as cry crc:;::s c::1 ra:.."1 ·::at-:r in area not by the Ca11al. The der::and fro:::t c:~'i7a~crs fcr t:-"'3 seed produced c::. t:::.S fa::-!':1, has been The Pta::a.n Lc:E..l E:c.rd sr:;s:::t abo'Jt P..s. 2.~:J fer !2:.e .seed farm duri:J.g the year. 24 Scarcity of water for drinking and for crops, was keenly felt .in villages near hills on the western side of the Phaltan State. Esllmates for small Earthen Dams. percolation tanks with earthen embankments and a natural. waste weir on hard surface, for each of the villages, Bibi, Aljapur and Adarkl were . prepared, amounting to Rs. 24,831. and sanctioned. · These works were commenced in November 1942 and work costing Rs. 9,143 · was completed up to 31-3-1943 with the help of the locat labour and the remaining works are in progress. 117. The details regarding agricultural stock are given in Appendix XX as per q11inquennial s.tatement for the year 1939-40. During the Agricultural Stock year under report the ·black quarter foot and mouth and Rinderpest epidemics prevailed in 19 villages in all. 118. The Sugarcane Research Scheme, Bombay Deccan, financed by Sugar.cane Research the Imperial Council of Agricultural Research in India and the Scheme, Bombay Government of Bombay, was started in June 1931 at Padegaon, . Deccan, Padegaon just outside the State territory where its officoo and laboratories are located. The experimental farm, about lOS acres in area, is situated at Padegaon within State territory. There are three principal Sections in the Scheme each worked under an expert in the line, viz., the Soil Physics Section, the Crop Physiology Section and the Agricultural Management Section. The Principal Agricultural Officer is in charge of the Scheme. The research work carried on by the Scheme proved to be of immense use to the Phaltan Sugar Works Ltd. and agriculturists in the Nira Bank canal tract when the practical results, especially,, as regards the variety of cane suitable to. the types of soil in the Deccan tract, are available to the public. 119. Ther~ was neither immigration nor emigration of an abnormal nature during the year under report except the yearly exodus of agri- lmmigration and cultural labourers who every year emigrate to industrial centres Emmigration in British India in search of work on the termination of their harvesting season and return to their villages at the commencement of the monsoon. The inflow of labour to the sugar factory at Sakharwadi from the non-irrigated parts of the State as well as from the adjoining districts of British India during the sugar-cane crushing season continued as usual. 120. The statement s~owing the number of excise shops and excise revenue is given in Appendix XXI. The excise revenue amounted to Consumption of Rs. 60979 and the revenue from opium amounted to Rs. 49,545 liquor · during the year. : The 1ight to manufacture and sale of liquor of hemp drugs h'a; been leased to the Government of Bombay upto the 31st July 1944 for an annual provisional compensation of Rs. 7,366 for liquor and of Rs. 3,769 for hemp drugs. The consumption of opium, during the year under report, was 306 seers, the rate of consumption being 4·3 tolas per thousand of population. The Dangerous Drugs Act, 1930 (II of 1930) of the Government of India was applied mutatis muta11dis to the State from 14th September 1939. There was no illicit outward or inward traffic in opium, cocaine, etc. Cultivation of poppy has been prohibited in the State and hence no raw opium is produced .. Opium is purchased from the British Government. No cocaine or any other dangerous drug was imported during the year except the patent medicines containing cocaine, morphine, heroin or medicinal opium for _genuine medical requirements. 121. Rainfall during the year under report was below the average and the .. out-turn of crops was, on the. whole, fair., For wa'1t of suffi·c ·ent Genera I con d1t1on . •1... • • • ' 1 • of the People rams '.u.e [zrayat crops m a I9W VIllages failed although the out- turn of 1rngated crops was good. There was material increase in t~e prices of all food grains ~n account of the world war. The supply of food gr~m~ to the general popula!!on, ~~a.s found to be insufficient. The .supply of drmkmg water was on the who.le sufnc1ent except in some villages in the western part of the Stat~. Wages of agncultural labour increased and there was no marked improvemer.t m the general, and Economic condition of th~ a::Jriculturists. Th'-' health of the people was generally good. - 25 CHAPTER SEVEN


A. Finance Department

122. The Fi:cance Department deals wit.'l accounts, audit and flllance, and prepares the annual Budget. Mr. B. L. LL"

B. Receipts and Disbursements

123. The statement the REceipts and Disbursements during the year under report as corr:.pared v,ith the previous year, together Receipts and Disbunements vrit.'l causes of increase and decrease under different heads, is given i:u Appendix·XXII.

The following table shows the rece:ipts and disbursements under principal heads for the years 1942-43 a:ud 1941-42:-


Heads of Revenue 1942-43 19,41-42 Heads of Expenditure 19!2-43 19-U.,-42

Rs. li Rs. Rs. Rs. 1 L;;nd P.e~renue .. · 1,16,947 , 1,23,4!1 1 Lewd Revenue 80,573 1,14,019 2 Dt:ty on i 2 Excise (Sugar) 2,g5,131 3,24,296 S'Jgar 7,23,163 1 8,14,007 ~~. 3 ~"lcorne-tax . -~ 6,4:66 5,086_ 3 Ir~cowe-tax 1,4l,o:n · 71,906 . 4 xcise , 8,453 5,219 4 F.e'venue 5 Stamp .. i 1,612 18! (I) Opi'.L.-::,l*..bkari • It 6 Regi..S:ration •. 1 ,1,805 1,532 and Hemp 1 7 Interest 7,972 6,099 Drugs 60,979 ' 51,M•O 1 8 Tribu.te .. I 9,600 9,600 (2) I,1a~ches 5,687 I t3S 7 i 9 Privy Purse 1,27,291 1,00,000 (3) Petrol sales r 10 Political . .! 31,130 16,25:1 duty 96 : 235 ,11 Gen~ral A.drnini-j (-!) !IE.scella.:i.SOU.S 2,011 . 2,011 ~ stration . ., 41,975 39,283- 5 Star:.;:·s 43 039 I 1!,815 .12 Law and Justice. J 9,0H 7,44& 6 P.eg2.s':ratkm 6:931 ' 4,170 ,13 Jail .. I 3,351 1;653. 7 1:-~terest 27,6r3! I 27,314: H Police : .j 29,543 25-,021 8 Liotor Vehicles .. 15,179 ' 18,268 15 Education • ·i 91,551 50,971 9 La·;ra::d.J:.:.s:ice .. 1,78:1 i 9:10 16 VIedical . ·i . 9,622 9,615 10 Jail I 17 Agricultural •. 11,494 10,000 11 Police 1,10.5 : 789 18 Rilla! Uplift .. ! 41,251 83,486 12 Educa:ion 16,60:1 i 9,713 19 Co-operation· .. ; 3,482 3,393 I 13 !.1edic;;.l I 1,200 20 Coi:!.!.-nerce and H Ru.ral UpEft 39,62f3 5,833 Industries .. ', 8,686 5,6:19 15 Co-operatiJ:u 1&0 180 21 Public Works .. 1 4,55,295 95,325 1G Cor:::-ill1srce a."ld 22 Fri.r:.ting . .i 55,004 5,000 .. , 4,505 2,929 23 Pensions and 1 17 Pt:.blic: v:r or:r.s· .. 11,343 1,679 · Rewards .• 'I 12,881 11,082 IS Printi:lg 13,911 i 4,545 2! Guests ... 4,739 5,008 19 Pensi>J:::.s and · I 25 Donations .. i 9,86! 23,797 Cor:,tribu'don.s 170 I 14.5 2G Postal Stamps • ·! 1,900 1,508 20 Pc.stal Stanps 2,H3 · 1,723 27 !.1iscellaneous ··i 1!,632 5,1!6

21 I.1:.sceJa:::eoU3 It533 ; 15 1527 23 Irriaajon .. ; 3,56,H•2 . 3,50,4!7 22 Ir rigatio::1 3.59,i505 ' 3,54,965 29 Loca.J. Funds . ·! 69,795 67,359 23 Ls:al Ft..:..::t13 6::~,7~5 i 67,359 30 Vlar Efforts •• 1 25,6:1:7 23,000 21 Food Grai!:s 1,fJG,81J5 I 81 Foo:l.:Gra.ins ' 1,37,806 -·------\ :----:----

Total 17,76,817 ' 15 99 511 l Total .. ' 19,63,787 1· lf,06,513 ' ' I 1----''-----

•·. , 16,66,9;';.j , 10,77,626!, DebtHeads .. jll,48,745 11,90,128 ______,------·-- -1 •-1 I n j < ') "-? 2"' ,..- I G [C:~.J. T C,ii;. •• ,.:.~,~

124. T:1e folb·.ving table .shr:ms the net receipts and expenditure du.ring the r~e:t P.~ei?ts anj year l.L."lder report as compared v;i:!J. the previou..s year:- Ex p encilt u re 7 26

Item 1942-43 1941-42

I Net Receipts (exclusive of the balance in hand, aliena-: Rs. Rs. tions, debt and deposit receipts and advances) .. i 17,59,449 Hi,83,792 Net Expenditure .. ,_1_9,_46_,419 13,90,734 1 I -1,86,970 1,93,058

125. The following table shows the gross receipts and expenditure, and the Opening and opening and the closing balances during the year under report Closing Balances as compared with the previous year:-

Item I 19,!2-43 1941-42 Remarks Rs. Rs.

Opening Balance .. 1 17,21,190 16,40,634 Gross Receipts 34,43,772 26,77,197

Total 51,64,962 43,17,831 31,12,532 25,96,641 Gross Expenditure .. Closing Balance 20,52,430 17,21,190

· 126. The following is an analysis of th"e closing balances for the years Analysis of Closing 1942-43 and 1941-42 :- ~alances

1942--43 1941--42

Public Funds : Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. 1 State Servants Provident Fund .. 94,669 81,666 2 Co-operative Societies'Reserve Fund 89,690 85,545 ~ Silver Jubilee Fund .. 10,985 11,020 "' 4 Agricultural Improvement Fund I '' 1,30,510 1,25,877 5 Industrial Improvement Fund .. 12,698 10,498 6 Anti-tuberculosis Fund .. 5,221 5,069

' 3,43,773 3,43,773 3,19,675 Deposits: 3,19,675 1 Revenue .. 82,349 83,500 2 Civil and Criminal Court .. 7,936 6,316 3 Workmen's Compensation .. 1,500 3,500 4 Defence·saving .. 185 .. 5 Irrigation .. 8,£22 5,509 ·6 Local Funds .. 78,134 47,439 Miscellaneous 7 / .. 2,92,177 1,06,124.

4,71,103 4,71,103 2,52,388 2,52,388 Balance .. 12,37,554 11,49,127

Total .. 20,52,430 17,21,190 .. C. Income- tax Revenue I 127. Mr. B. L. Likhite, lll.A., LL.B., continued. to be in charge of the Income- Income-tax tax Department during the year under report. Department. Rao Bahadur K. V. Godbole, n. A., LL. P., Dewan, Phaltan State, continued to be the Commissioner of Income-tax and Mr. R. R. Kaulgud, M.A., u. n,, as the Appellate Assistant Commissioner of Income- tax. The duties of the Inspecting Assistant Commissioner were entrusted to Mr. B. L. Likhite. Mr, J. R. Karnik, deputed on lent service by th~ Commissioner of Income. tax Bombay Presidency, Sind and Baluchistan since September 1940, continued t; work as the Income· tax Officer, Phaltan. 128. The demand and collection of the Income· tax Revenue during the Demand a.d year under report as compared with the previous year were as Collection follows :- 27

1S42-43 1941-4Z

Dem:a.:l.d C:::llsc!i':ln Ea:ance Balance

j Rs. Rs. Rs. ! . Rs. Incc::::e-tax 1,07,~~8 19,~06 47,869: 3,~35 33,4% 9,307 2!,191: 12 Suf:er-tax I I I I ; Total 1,4.1 436 29,213 75,507.j 72,060 3,447 Deduct P.efu.::d 455 ii 15-1' 15! ~ I 1 ~~ .,.31 Total 1,70,2!4: 1,!1,031 29,213 ID,uO i 71,906 3,4!7 \ ,,~ •! The bcrease in the demand and collection duri:lg the year underreport was due rc&hly to the .ski:f"J.l and penetrating scrutiny of assessee's accounts. F.ssessE:es ta'itg their income be:vreen Rs. 1,5CO a!ld P..s. 2,000 had the option of pa:rt:g t.:.e income-tax at source or r:::ta."'<:e deposits b the Defence Saving F..ccour..t. Such deposits during the year amounted to Rs. 496. The total refJ.::.ds .paid during the year amounted to Rs. 455, out of which the ar:lO'.::lt cf P.s. 213 Vlas on account of red~.lctio::13 b. appeal and Rs. 242 on account cf excess payr:.e::.t of tax at source. - The tc~al exper:.dit.rre of the :iepa.rt::ner:.t dcring the year amounted to P.s. 5,SC2 and tl::.e r-ercer:.tage of the expe::.diture to the receipts came to only 4·17 :r:er cent. as ag:::i, P.s. 4,975 and 6·88 per ce::.t. during the previous year. 129. The assessees have shown con.,'iderable i::I:provemer.t in making their Technical help to returr:s. Every possible help vr~ given by the Income-tax officer the ,t..smsee.s to f:J.e assessees who attended the office for filling in their returns~ The salient features of the accounts produced by them were that 't.:.ere was ::::::t a s1~;:e book which was corr:plete and adjUsted showing the balance s::.eet a:-_d r-rc.:.t and loss accou::J.t. SeYeral of the accounts shoYred suppression of sales. There were a fe7l cases of vrrong totals pu..rposely being shown in the figures cf f:J.o::LSa_::ds r.laces. The assessees cor:.cerned have bee::J. duly wan::ed, D. Financial Position 130. T.c.e Go·;erru::nent did not raise anyloa:1 dih"ing the year under report. Lcar.s 131. Tl::s fc:Iowb.g table shows CJ.e E::ancial positio::J. of the Government at fir.ancial Position tl::.e close of the year under report

A-Cas:3. on hand Rs. 97,403 2 Co-o!Jsrc~i:~;e S·~=ie~es· I i:l Trea.sury •• 2,03,271 P.essr7e Fund ... ,, 83,6:!0 2 bEcl.s •• 18,49,153 3 Sil-rer }'.:.:.O:lee Fu:::.d 10,!:155 4 ;... ;ri":~.:.:.~..:ra.l I:npro·re:::snt Total •. 20,52,430 Fed

l S:-::.ares 21,600 Total 3,46,513 2 Lca!:S C4:Sta:::di!:g 1,6!,4.55 B -De=osi:s 1 F~e·1e::.:e E2,31~ Total 1,86,0ti5 2 C:7il a.::d Cri:-:.:..:.;:1 Court . . 7,831) C-F..rrears 3 ·:rcri::::l:::::1's C::;:::;;s:ls:i:i:>n... 1,5orJ L D"-f.:o...,,.,:::. Sa·r:-,.,., · 1~5 1 cf La.'1d P..ever:•.:.e 2,32,917 ; Trr-;;;;·~~:., ~;:,~;~~ ... o. ".: R ;;~:, -..~_ ·::::--..J,i,.J.J..- .__...... ,_ •• ~ _,,_._ .... 2 cf Pot-His :sa Sct.rvey Fees 21,830 Ta?.~:ri adv~ces 6 Ls:::;.l Ftl:l :i Ee7er:-.le •. t 11,13! 3 cf 20,606 1 l,~z:s!.:.a::e-:~..:3 . J 2,92rl77 ~ cf ~ ..::s:s:lar:eo'US 49,0H 5 cf F.d·ra.::ces 1,10,585 Tot:::.l • J 4,'il,lfJ3 ! 2,1;2.5 Tov~ I 4,3i,965 To !.a! •.. 8,2'J,2 u · •• ,18,5iJ,22) G?A~;::; ToTAL •• 26,7G,-111J GRA::i'D TOTAL .. 26,76,470 28 CHAPTER EIGHT MEDICAL RELIEF AND VITAL STATISTICS

132. Mr. B. L. Likhite, M.A., LL.B., Finance Member, continued to be in charge Medical Department of the Medical Department during the year under report. 133. The statement of Medical Relief afforded· during the year 1942-43 is Patients and given in Appendix XXIII. The number of patients (including two Expenditure. in-door patients) treated during the year was 18,139. The total expenditure amounted toRs. 13,214 during the year under report.

A. Dispensaries 134. The King George V and Queen Mary Silver Jubilee Charitable State . . Dispensary at Phaltan, started on 1-5-1883, is maintained by the ~ Dispensaries state Qovernment.. The present name was g1ven· to 1't on M ay 6, 1935, in commemoration of Their Majesties' Silver Jubilee. There is also a Local Board dispensary in the town to afford medical relief. 135. During the year under report the Phaltan State Local Board maintained ten dispensary centres at :-1 Taradgaon, 2 Adarki, 3 Sakharwadi, Medical Relief in the Villages 4 Wathar, 5 Phaltan (rural), 6 Pimprad, 7 Nimblak, 8 Barad, 9 Rajuri and 10 Dudhebavi and also extended free medical relief 'to a large number of Villages in the State. The total number of patients treated during the year under report was 6672 and the expenditure incurred was Rs. 4092. Mr. J. D. Kale, L. c. P. s., continued to be the Local Board Medical Officer. and Mr. N. V. Ranade, L. c. P. s., L. u. P., (c. P. ), as the Asstt. Medical Officer during the year. 136. The number of private dispensaries in the town of Phaltan during the Private Dispensaries year was 9 of which 4 were Ayurvedic. The Phaltan Sugar Works, Ltd., have maintained a dispensary at Sakharwadi to afford medical relief to the workmen ofthe factory. Mr. M. V. Hardikar, L c. P. s. continued to be in charge of the dispensary. They have also started a Hospital matarnity home at Sakharwadi during the year under report. There was one private Ay11rvedic dispensary at Taradgaon during the year under report. ·


137. Mr. G.·S. Phansalkar, L. c. P, s., Chief Medical Officer, continued to be Medic:al Officers in charge of the King George V and Queen Mary Silver Jubilee Charitable State Dispensary. Mr. V. R. Lele, L. c. P. s., continued to be the Assistant Medical Officer. 138. The following table shows the number of in-door and out-door patients In-door and Out- treated and the daily average attendance in the State Dispensary door Patients during the year 1942- 43 and 1941 - 42.

Out-door, patients Year In-door patients I Total Daily average at tenJanc e New I Old Total - I 2 3 4 I 0 t) ___ i

1942-43 2 54,0il! 65,;.)19 6il,521 1 j~· G

1941-42 1 11,365 52,600 63,965 63.~JIJG 1 ir.·z.j

139. The tota~ number of oper~tions performed at the State Dispensary Operations dunn~ the year ~naer re~ort w_as 843 including 18 major . operat10ns, as agamst 742, mcludmg 13 maj:n operations in the prevwus year. 29

140. The number of post- mortem examinations held at the State Dispensary- Post-Mortem during the year under report was 4 as against 16 in the previous- Examination year, ( SHRI SAGUNAMATA .SUT~KAGRI\IA 1 PHALTAN 141. Shri Sagunamata Sutikagriha was started as a charitable institution on the 17th September 1928, mainly through the p<;ltronage of Shriri:lant Maternity Home S. Lady Laxmidevi, Rani Saheb of Phaltan. The Maternity Home- admits all classes of women. An annual grant of Rs. 500 is donated to the Home by the Durbar. The interest from the Silver Jubilee Fund is also made available by the Durbar to the Home whenever required. During the year under report Rs. 500 were given to the Home from this fund. The Home received annual grants from the Phaltan Municipality ( Rs. 250 ), the Phaltan State Local Board ( Rs. 500 ), the Shri Laxmi Central Co-operative Bank, Ltd, Phaltan ( Rs. 75 ) and Rs. 301 miscelleneous donations from the patients. 142. The receipts and expenditure during the year amounted to Rs. 2126 Receipts and and Rs. 2115 as against Rs. 2198 and Rs. 217~ respectively in the Expenditure previous year._

143. The following table shows the -necessary details regarding the number Number of of admissions for the years 1942-43 and 1941-42. Admissions

In-patients Discharged

1942-43 *89 85 4 I ...... 89 ...... I' ' 1941-42 109 10 8 ...... 1' .. .. 1 ..

B. Sanitation 144. Shri Dnyaneshwar M aharaj Palkhi passed on its way t9 PandM:rpur through Sanitation the State territory from the 15 July to 19 July 1942 with a large number of pilgrims accompanying it. The Local Board Medical Officer accompanied the Palkhi to afford free mediCal relief to the pilgrims and to look after the sanitary arrangements during the course of their journey. No case of·' cholera was reported among the pilgrirr).s during their journey through the State. The Palkhi passed through the State territory on its return journey with a clean bill of health. The Public Health Commitee of the Phaltan State Local Board looks after· the village sanitation. Mr. V. R. Lele, L. c. P. s., Assistant Medical Officer of the State contLTJ.:ued to be the chairman of the committee and the med1cal officer of the Local Board, Mr. J. D. Kale, L. c. P. s., continued to be the Inspector of Sanitation and Vaccination during the year under report. 145, · The following principal annual fairs are held in the State:-

Fairs (I) The Ram-Navami fair at Phaltan on Chaitra S. 9 (usually in. the- month of April ) ; (2) Shri Bhiwai Devi fair at Kambleshwar village on Chaitra V. 1. (3) Sllri Dhul Deo fair near Phaltan on Chaitra V. 3 ( 4) Shri ] aval N ath fair at] avall village on Chaitra V. 8 and (5) The Rath fair at Phaltan on Margashirsha S. 1,

*This number includes 22 admissions from the adjoining British territory. 8 30

C. Vaccination 146. The vaccination work in the State is done by the Phaltan Local Board. Vaccination Glycerinated lymph from the Vaccine Institute, Belgaum, was used with satisfactory results. During the year 5 villages were affected with small-pox. The following table shows the number of persons vaccinated and re­ ·vaccinated during the years 1942-43 and 1941-42:-

Primary vaccination Re-vaccination

Number of persons Number of persons Results vaccinated Results Re-vaccinated Year

1942-43 883 399 828

1941-42 560 1 204 565 5 276

D. Vital Statistics 147, The number of births and deaths and their ratios per thousand of Vital Statistics population for the years 1942-43 and 1941-42 are given in ·Appendix XXIV. The tolal number of births registered during the year under report was 2,639 giving a ratio of 36·89 per mile of population and the total number of deaths, 1,863 giving ratio of 26·06 per thousand of population.

E. Epidemic Diseases 148. The following table shows the attacks and deaths from epidemic Epidemic Diseases diseases during the years 1942 and 1941:-

N . "'c e- ..... Year ::0 .g .5 ~ <::::" ....c u~ ~~ - 0 6 1942 I .Attacks .. .. 424 46 57 .. 1,5051·· 27 l3 19 53 Deaths .. .. 49 6 .. .. 191 .. 6 1 9 1941 Attacks .. 82 500 28 119 .. ,,1 :: 4 104 9 Deaths .. ~~ I :~ 40 1 21 31 CHAPTER NI!\TE EDUCATION

'A. ·General Progress

149. The Department of Education contirrued to be in charge of Rae Bahadur Departm~nt of K. V. Godbole, B.A., LL.B., Dewan and Home Member. Education 150. The particulars of schools maintained in the Phaltan State during the Number of Schools year are given in Appendix X:XV. ':fhe number of schools during and Students the year under report was 81 and the number of students was 5,566. 151. The total expenditure on education during the year amounted to Expenditure Rs. 91,551, the expenditure on schools being Rs. 62,611. 152. Two Maloji Scholarships of Rs. 15 and 12 per month are awarded Scholarships annualy for the First Year Course in a recognised College to students who have attended the Mudhoji High School, Phaltan for . at least three consecutive years and who stand first and second respectively amongst the successful candidates ·at the Matriculation Examination from the said ·High School.

B. Secondary Education

THE M'C'DHOJI HIGH ScHOOL, PHALTAN 153. The Mudhoji High School, Phaltan, established in the beginning of 1895, It Affiliation is conducted by the Durbar. is affiliated to the University of Bombay and is also a centre for Drawing Examinations held . a.TJllually by the Inspector of Drawing and Craftswork, Bombay ProVince. 154. The High School is housed in its gorgeous building consisting of the old 1 Building Central Building and two new specious and delightful blocks. Accommodation A new compound wall serves to enhance its beauty and makes it aJl object of attraction to every visitor to the town. 155. Mr. G. K. Deshmukh, !I. A., LL.B., B. T., continued to be the Hec.dmaste_r Teaching Staff during the year under report. The staff consisted of 26 teachers including 12 graduates. The number of trained teachers was 10 of whom 6 were B. T.'s and 4 were S. T. C.'s. During the year under report Mr. It. B. Pav1she, B.A., (lstClassHons.), s.r.c., was sent to the Tilak College of.. education, Poona, for traL.-llng. He creditably passed the B. T. examination (April 1943 ). Mr. A. L. Shaikh, B.A., B.T., the first assistant teacher, was transferred to the Primary Education Department to fill up the newly created post of " the Primary Education Officer." Another teacher Mr. V. S. Patki, B.A., having secured the Viceroy Commission in the Motor Transport Department of the army, resigned his post L"1 the high school. lill'. S. B. Adgaon..l

Bauskrit in the seventh standard. Sbrimant Kishorsinh Prize of Rs. 15 is awarded annually to a student standing first in the annual examination of the third standard. 159. The total number of pupils on the. 31st March, 1943 was 556 as against 440 in the last year. The number of girl students was 124 as Nug~ber of Pupils . • A:::a · tt d f and Daily Averaae against 92 m the preVIoUS year. The 'l:""'ily average a en ance o ~ttendan~ pupils was 441 as against 382 in the ••7'1: year. 160. During the year under report all the 50 r~dents were sent up Examination Results for the Matriculation Examination of the Bombay University of. wh?m 19-Q-43 · 28 were passed. Of the 8 Ex·students sent up for the exammation 4 were passed. The percentage of suc03ssful regular students was 56 as compared with the University percentage of 51. · 20 out of 24 students wer.e successful at the Eleme~tary Grad~ Drawing ~ation and 8 out of 9. at the Intermediate. Grade . .161 •. · Compulsary Physical training was glVelJ to all the students through-out compulsary Pbysical the year. The games department made steady progress under Tnining and Games the guidance of the games teacher. The school Cricket Teams practised through.out the season and played a number of matches with the local teams. The games of Foot-ball, Hockey and Volley-ball were played in right earnest · The girl students continued to take great interest in the game of Tenikoit. The games teacher who bad been specially sent to Miraj to study under an experienced Band Master 1 organised a flute band in the school. 162. , The annual medical examination of the students was taken in September Medical Examination 1942 and showed that the health of the students on an average, of Students was satisfactory. 163. During the year under report provision was made for teaching one General Progress more science group (Physiology and Hygiene) ro the matriculation and pre-matriculation standards. : During the year under report the high school became a centre. for the Hindi Examinations conducted by the Rashtra-Bbasba Prachar Samiti of ..Wardha. About 00 students appeared for 'the February examinations and most of them came out successful. ' Under the auspices of the ¥aratha Recruiting Committee for Emergency Commissions a special coaching class, called the Pre-Interview Class, was · conducted in the High School by the Head Master with the help of Messrs Shaikh, Sbrlkhande, J

167. The total number of ~nimary schools at the end of the year under report Number of Schools vras 80 ~s agamst 76 in the preceding year. The increase in number IS due to the opening of new schools at Kambaleshwar Takubaichivradi, Chaudharwadi ( Phaltan ), Koregaon, and Songaon. The primary school at Padegaon Farm was closed on 1-7~42. 168. The number of boys and girls attending the primary schools was Number of Pupils 3985- and 1025 respectively as against 393~ and 880 in the and Daily Average preceding year. The daily average attendance in the primary Attendance. schools was 3479·9 as against 3328·7 in the P,receding year. 169. The table showing the classification of 80 ,schools and the standards S~ndards u~ to. up to which instruction was imparted in ll-:tem is as follows :- which Instruction 1s . imparted

NuJ:lber of Description of schools Standards schools taught Remarks

7 Primary schools .. VII .' 5 II JJ VI 9 JJ II v 16 II JJ IV Including aided schools and 23 II II ... III adult class . 13 II .. II 4 II I " 3 II Infant class " 170. During the year 56 students from primary schools ( ·39 Phaltan, .. ·• • 7 Taradgaon, 4 Vathar, 1 Bibi, 2 Nimblak, and 3 Barad) were 1 £xammat1on· Resu ts sent up f or th e p nmary· Sc h oo 1 1 eavmg· C ert"fi 1 cat e E xamma· ti on. (Satara Centre) of whom 42 ( 28 Phaltan, 7 Taradgaon, 3 Vathar, 1 Bibi, 1 Nimblak and 2 Barad) passed. · - '· - 171. The total expenditure incurred on :grimary education during the year· · under report amounted to Rs. 67,265, as against Rs. 39,559 in the Expenditure · preceding year. Out of the above amount Rs. 23,080 were spent on the construction of new school buildings· and Rs. 772 on the current repairs of the s~hool buildings. 172. From this year the Phaltan Durbar have 51-dopted the policy of alloting· - Rs.40 ,000 to be utilised for the construction of new school buildings. Buildings and This year, villages Bibi and Kalaj were provided with new and Accommodation · descent buildings to accommodate the increasing number of the students. In some villages there are already separate buildings used as "Chawdies" and a part of such buildings with necessary repairs is utilised for the teaching' . purposes. Such villages include Sonawadi, Sangavi, Padegaon and Salpe. 173. Physical training occupies a predominant position in any scheme of . T . . in Ph ys1ca 1 ram1ng Education and hence addition to ,the• training. compulsory physical training that is imparted regularly m the pnmary schools, a separate Refresher's Course lasting for ten days was arranged at Taradgaon under the supervision of the Inspector and the Assistant Inspector in the winter yacation. Teachers from different schools took part in it and it is gratifying to note the - excellent help rendered by Messers. Halbe and Kame, the drill-teac~ers· in this respect. . ' 174. To enable the untrained teachers to grasp the exact practical method of teaching model lessons were arranged at different schools Efficiency of and trained and experienced teachers showed how model Teachers" lessons were to be conducted on methodical lines. In order to increase the quality, of the instruction imparted in schools, it is the settled policy' of the department to train teachers in theory and p:r:actice of Education and in. pursuance of trus policy, 9 teachers were sent up for training to the Silver J. Rural Training College, Satara, and one lady teacher was deputec::l to the Anath Balika ... shram at Hingane, Ek. These teachers were granted full pay, fees and dearness allov1ance while they vrere undergoing the training course. 34 CHAPTER TEN


175. The Co-operative Department continued to be under the control < Mr. S. R. Bhonsale, D. A., n. D., Law Member. He continued t Co-operative be the Registrar of Co-operative Societies during the ye;;: Department u1:4der report. Mr. N. G. Halabe , continued to be the Mamlatda for Co-operative Societies.

A. General Progress

176. The number of Go-operative Societies at the commencement of the yea . · under report was 71. No new Society was registered during th Number of Societies · · h year under report. The numb~r of soc1ehes at t e end of the y§=a was therefore the same. Of these 7 were under liquidation and one was woun• up during the year under report under the Bombay Co-operative Societies Ac ( Vll of 1925) as applied to the State: 177. The following table shows the different classes of Societies during th1 Different kinds years 1942-43 and 1941-42 :- \ of Societies '

Cetltral . "· Year ,.,,, I Grand Total Bank Credit I_ "'~ Total Credit Non-credit \ Total 1942-43 1 54 4 58 9 3 12 71 1941-42 1 54 4' 58 9 3 12 J I I '71 178. During the year under report, the members of Co-operative Societie! General Progress increased from 4,632 to 4,658. The working capital increasec from Rs.10,70,813 to 14,64,907 and deposits from Rs. 5,31,986 tc 10,01,564. The reserve and other funds increased from 1;87,644 to 1,98,251.

B. Financial Position

179. The following table gives full details about the financial and other Financial Position aspects of all the Co-operative Societies in the State :-

No. Item

( i ) SociETIES & MEMBERSHIP 1 Number of Societies 711 711 , 2 Number of Members .. 4,G58i 4, 632! 3 Average Membership per Society 65·GI 65·2 .

(ii) WoRKING CAPITAL Rs. I Rs. Rs. Rs. 1 1 Share Capital 87,012 87,364.1 5'9 tl'l

2 Deposits from Members •• , 7,Il,~?o: 3,29,661: 48·5 :Jl1'7

3 Reserve and other Funds .. .. 1 1,98,-ol 1,87,G44 13·5 17·5 4 Loans and Deposits from other Societies •• ! 1,89,196 2,79,285 12·9 : 2G·os 5 Loans and Deposits from non-members •. ·- 2,7Ci,078 1.86,8591 19·05 11·4 " I I ' 1 6 Total Working Capital , .. ;H.G4,907 ~,70,813, 100 -!-1-o_o____ -

(iii) TuRNOVER I , Outstanding loans at the beginning of the · i year . . 1 6,68,fJ76 6,8&.3.'i I 2 Fresh loans advanced ,during the year 83M3 1,12,9~14 3 Interest due · . . . . , 70,845 4!l,097. 4 Total Loans . . . . 8,22,!121 8,ii0,442 5 Repayment of loans from members 3,0U2t; I,Sl,SGG 6 Loans due at the end of the year . . . . ~ 5, 18.1 G.Gi3,5iG !'" ,I •· 7 I Over dues at the end of the year.. . ., 3,26,\Jl:.! 4,31l/J\i4

180. During the year under report, 61 societies Vlf:::re. audited of which Audit Classification 24 societies were class"!d as 'B', 25 as 'C', and 12 as 'D'. 3S

C. The Central Bank"'

SaRI LAxm CE!-:TRAL Co-oPERATIVE BA~K. un., PHALTA!-: 181. Shri Laxmi Central Co-operative Bank, Ltd., Phaltan, vras registered on 31st January 1926. The managment of the Bank is carried on by a Constitution and Board of six Directors of whom two are elected by af:fJiated Personnel socisties, two by individual share-holders and tvro are nominated by th9 Collector. The Chairman and the Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors are elscted at the d.Th.J.'lal general meeting. During the year under report Mr. B. L. Li.khite, :!.LA., tL.B., and M:r. S. V. A.m:biye, were elected as Chairman and Vice-Chairni::l.n of the Board of Directors. The other Direr:::tors were IAessrs. D. V. Barsaode, H. V. Kumthekar, A. A. Ghate, a..'1d D. D. Sonar. Hr. S. H. Talvalkar, A. c. R. A., ·continued to be the Manager of the Bank during L.'1e year under report. 182. The number of affiliated societies was €6 as tb.~i- same in the last year. Number of Affiliated The number cf societies in liquidation at the end of the year was Societies . 6, as it v·ras in the previous year. 183. The following table shows the financial position of the Bank at the end Financial Position of tl:J.e year under report b comparison with that of the previous year:- - !1o. Descripti·::m 194.2-4.3 194J-42

1 Share-holders:_:, (1) I.r:dividuals 1,825 1791 (2) Societies ::! 66 66 1------i------I Total .. 1,891 1,857 2 Share Capital Subscribed by:- H.s. H.s. (1) L;,dividuals · .. 28,870 28,530 (2) Societies .. 31,66Q 34,610 60,530 63,140 ' 3 Resene f't..:nd 41,8!5 4 Re.senes I 48,686 ---- Total 9Q,531 Depo.:;its by:­ (1) I:-1dividuals •• 9,43,870 .· 4:,71,979 1 (2) Sc,deties ,. •• 11,034 15,468 1----''---- Total .. )9,54,90-1 . 4,87,447

6 Lr:ans fro:-:1 other Ba.'1....1.:: .. f .. : .. 7 Tmal 'Uo:-kbg Capital •. ' 11,11,786 6,41,118

181. Tf.e E'Jard cf Directors held 28 meetings ar1d disposed of 267 items of business, during the year under report, as against 24 meetings Dire~tors' M'i:E:tings a::td di.:sposal of 281 items of business during the previous year. 185. The ann'lal general meetL.'1.g of the Bank was held on the 29th September 1~42 under t.!':te preside:J.C"f of Mr. B. 1. Likhite, M.A., LL.B., Finance Annual General V:err:ber, PhaUan Durbar and Chairman of the Board of Directors. Mee~ing Tt<:: an.::mal report cf t.'1e Board of Directors for the year 1941-42 V.'2.3 unani:n'Ylsly a.;~ro'red a::1.d the usual business was transacted. A dividend or C-l;';:, v:as de::lar~d


A. The State Records 190. During the year under report, the Department of State Records The State Records continued to be under the contr0l of Mr. S. R. Bhonsale, B.A., LL.B., Law member. Mr. D. L. Tisgaonkar continued to be he State · Record Keeper. · - · The sorting and indexing the old Taluka Village Records was in progress during the year under report.

, 191. Out of 46 applications for certified copies incl~ding 7 of the last year, 34 were disposed of during the year under report leaving a balance of 12 at the close of the year. ·

B. The Phaltan Stat~ Soldiers' Committee 192, The Soldier's Committee with the Revenue Mamlatdar as its Chairman, The Phaltan State looks after the interests of the Indian Soldiers· and their depen- Soldiers' dents, who are the resident'3 of the State ... The Committee i.o Committee assisted by pensioned and non-commissioned o~cers. It is controlled by the Indian Soldiers' Board, Delhi, through the Resd::nt for Kolhapur and the Deccan States . . • . Th~ Com~ittee does the work of miscellaneous character, such as enquirin] mto pens10n claims, parment of amounts received from L.'le military authorities for payment to the persons concerned for their deferred pay, gratuity, etc., deliverie:.:; of.~ocuments to sepoys and disposal of miscE:llaneous applic:;~ions recei".'ed from mihtary men, and assists the Rever.ue authc·rities in Recruiting wurk. 37 C. Printing Presses and Periodicals

193. Rajamudranalaya; the State Printing Press, was started by the D~rbar • d .. in April 1941: The Phaltan Government Gazette, a monthly Rajamu r .. na 1aya bli t' h' h . . . and Periodicals. pu ca 1_on, w lC was bemg pnnted m the Aryabhushan Press Poena, 1s printed from 15-6-1941 in the above press. The Vikas a six monthly magazine of the Mudhoji High School, Phaltan is also printed in the above press. Mr. Ganesh Mahadeo Virkar, continued to b~ the Manager of. the Press.

194. (a) Shree Maloji Vijaya Press, Phaltan,. was started in 1924, by Other Printing Mr. S. R. Dudhal. The Shetakari a fortnightly Marathi paper was 'Presses and printed in the above press. · . Periodicals (b) The Phaltan Press, Ltd., was started in 1941 as ~private limited concern. Mr. D. B. Unde, B. A., is the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Mr. C. M. Barve, the Managing Director of the Company. The· Sevak,·· a weekly Anglo-Marathi paper was printed in the above press during the year under report..

D. Libraries

195. The Vjctoria Diamond Jubilee Library, Phaltan, was established on the Victoria Diamond 9th August 1870. Its original name "The Native General Library," Jubilee Library was changed as above on the 20th January 1902 in commemo;;ation of the Diamond Jubilee of the Queen-Empress Victoria at the opening ceremony of the building into which it is at present ho1fsed. The Library has been registered in the Bombay presidency (G. R. G. D., No.- 4108/26-8-1910 ).

Rao Bahadur K. V. Godbole, B.A., LL.B., Dewan, is the ex-officio, President of the Library. During the year under report, Mr. B. L. Likhite, M.A., LL.B. was elected. as the Vice-President. The Managing Committee consists of seven members elected at the annual general meeting. Mr. R. R. Kaulgud, M.A., LL.B. was elected as the chairman, and Mr. M.S. Shrikhande, B.A., B.T. as the Hon. General secretary. The other members on the committee were Messers :-G. K. Deshmukh, M.A., LL.B., B:t. B. L. v'elankar, B.A., M.D. Patwarqhan, B.A. (Hons.), G. R. Sane, B.Sc., LL.B. and S. H. Talwalkar, A.c.R.A. Mr. S.M. Upalekar, M.A., LL.B. was co-opted as a member of the managing committee unanimously, in place of Mr. Sane, by th(J managing committee held on 6-6-1943. ' The Durbar granted an annual donation of Rs. 250 to the Library. The Library also received annual grants from the Phaltan State Local Board Rs. 50, the Phaltan Municipality Rs. 25 and Shri Laxami Central Co-operative Bank, Ltd. Phaltan Rs. 75. During the year ended on30-6-1943 the receipts and expenditure amounted to Rs. 1,416 and Rs. 1,389' respectively as against Rs~ 1,327 and Rs. 1,090 in the previous year. The Library had 4,713 books at the beginning of the year and 4,884 at the close of the year, the number of additions being 171. ,.,

196. There is a Law Library attached to the First Class Sub-Judge's Court. Phaltan. It is meant for the pleaders of the Phaltan Bar. The Other Libraries Mudhoji High School, Phaltan has two separate libraries of its own for the .use of students as well as teachers. The Mahila Mandai Phaltan, has also opened Libraries at Phaltan, Vidni, Pimprad and Gunavre to encourage reading amongst adult women.' The. Phaltan Sugar Works, Ltd., has opened a reading room at Sakharwadi. for the members of .the Recreation Club by the initiative and patronage of Mr. K. G. Apte, B. sc., the General Manager.

E. Clubs 197 The Mudhoji Club, Phaltan, established on the 1st August 1916 is housed to Mudhoji Club in a fine building just outside the town, and adds greatly its amenities. Shrimant Raja Saheb is the President of the Club. The Vice-President 1s elected at the annual general meeting. The Managing Committee consists of .seven_ members elected and nominated as follows:- 10 Jf m:~ers Elected by the Patrons a..TJ.d Life-members .. 2 Elected by the Donors, Permanent me:::;.bers a:.d Special Class and Ordinary members ...... 3 Nominated by the President 2 7 The Durbar makes an annual grant of Rs. 3J:J to e1e club incbdi:!g tJ.e gra.::t of Rs. lQCl to the Ladies Branch.

198. The" Sakhanvadi Recreation Club" was established on t1e 1st cf J~y 1936 at Sakharwadi on l'le Sugar Factory si~e. TI:e con:;:;a::y ta~ Sakharwadi provided a nice and decent building to the Club. The Ger:e::-a: Recreation Club Manager of the Sugar factory is the President of l'le cl:.:b a:1d Ll:ie Vice President and the other me:nbers of the ma:1aging co:n:r.i~tee are e:2::tej at the a..J.nual meeting. The club is mainly ru..J. on the subscriptio!l col:ec:;,:d f:o::J the members.

F. \Vomen's Associations

199. The Phaltan Sa..TJ.stian Mahila },fandal was inaug'-.1::-ated on Lie l7L1 ~.~arc3 f'haltan Sansthan 1937 under the auspices and initiative cf Shrir:la::.t S. Lady ' · Mahila Mandai Laxrr.cidevi, Rani.s::>heb of Fhaltan who is its :~=ermanent F::-e.s:ierJ v.ith the avowed objective of promoting all-sided development of v:cr.::en. There were 282 members on the rolls of the Mand3.l d;.!.rL!;r t::Oa ye:::.r 1z.:ier report belonging to all castes and creeds. The classes i:J. Marathi and English instituted b Phaltan for t.:"le e::lu:c.;isn of O:ctult women have been working satisfactorily. Two t~eracy cl:::..sses s:art~d in Phaltan are showing good progress. 60. adult women took advanta;Je of these classes. Literacy classes started in the villages of Vidni and Fi:nprad tave c;lso been working well.

Many members of the Mahila Manda! meet every fortnigJ.t a::d an ir..!'orw.~ discussion takes place about some useful subjects. Useful a:nd instn.!c:ive art::les from various magazines are. read for their informalion. Lectures on varicus subje:::ts of general LT?terest are also arranged from time to time. Libraries bve been opened at Phaltan, Vidr.i, PL."Tlprad a:1d Gunavre to encourage reai~:1g amongst adult women. · A lathi class >•tas conducted for ladies by Shahir Krnivadekar &:ld ab::r..:t ::,:) ladies took advantage of this class. A Hindi class was successfully conducted at Phal!a:1 for three rn:n::b.s and availed of by 25 ladies. 'A course of twelve "First Aid" lech.:res had been arra:1ged and 22 lad:es attended this course. During the year the Executive Co:n..rni:tee held eleven rneetb.;)'S. ·A store of articles useful to wome:-2. is co:;.ducted by t1e 1.:at1d;;.l en a co­ operative basis: The sales are managed by y;omen volu:r.~,:;ers.

A b:anch of the Red Cross Society was i:;,au:r1rated by I.~rs. Ed·:;::.rds, t!:e v;ife of the Resider.t for Kolhapur and t1e Deccan States. Tte ·,·;or!: ;:: :;.r:y cf t:=::e society is doing good work by sewbg, and sending to wcu:1 :ie.d htdian Soldiers. Hospital corrJorts su-::h as s:i..;,gs, ha:J.d~~e:c~ief~. tr::.y c:o::::es, pillo·w caseS, shorts, jug covers and su:geo::s· r::asY"..s are ser:t to t':'.~ F.·::i Cross. The Phaltan Durbar has encourage:i f::e work ofLlJe :.ra.rrdol t ·,· reservbJ c:1e seat for women in the nomi:1ated members of t:.1e Phalta.'1 S:ate Co'J.:1::J and by declaring literate women to be cualif:ad to vo:e at L':e e;e:t::::J:-.s c! t:::e members of the Legislaave CouncJ of tts s:ate. The Annual Session of tbe Pha:ta...J. State !.~ahila r.~3.ndai wa.s t.::::i at P:.a::2:.:1 c:J. the 15th November 1942. It was lar:;:rely a:tsnded by d::e;p:es fro:::1 F:::a::a:1 t::~wn .and villages b L.'le State. 39 . J..n ar..::ual grant of Rs. 500 was sanctioned by the Phaltan Durbar to the !!.a:1dal a:1d it recei·1ed annual grants of P,.s. 300 and Rs. 100 from the Phaltan'State­ Lo:::al Board and Shri Laxmi Central Co-operative Bank Ltd., Phaltan, respectively. It c.:So get3 help fro:n other institutions: , DurL.J.g the year ending 31-10-42 the receipts and expenditure amounted to P.s. 1,229 c.nd 1,039 respectively as against, Rs. 1,939 and 1,031 of the last year.

G. The Revised Sugar Excise Arrangements of 1940 200. The Government of Indiii imp_osed an extra Excise Duty of Rs. 1 per Cwt. The Revised sugar on sugar from the begin.11i::!g of .March 1940. The extra duty was Excise Arrange- part of the war emergency measures and the Central Government ments of 1940 co:ttemplated a new settlement with sugar producing States . .F.ccordi"'lg t::> t."le P.evised Sugar-Settlement t.1.e Phaltan State agreed; ( i) to ir.:'.pose the full British Indian duty of Rs. 3 per Gwt. (ii) to retain out of the proceeds of this duty of Rs. 3 per Cwt., a sum, :r.ct exceedL'I'lg the highest revenue of the Stale from the duty for any of the financial years 1926-37, 1937-38 and 1938-39 and to pay lhe excess over this sum annually to tte Ce::tre. TI:.e highest revenue during l'lese three years was realised in the year 1923-39 a:td it amounted to Rs. 5,21,262-11-ll.

(iii) that ~his Revised Sugar Excise Settlement vrould be applicable only to sugar produced in the State on or aftsrthe 1st day of March 1940.

(iv) th~t fue new arrangements would remain in force only for the p~riod cf t:le Yrar c...1d c::e year thereafter and would be without prejudice to any sst:ls::ns::2t to be cade c.s ·part of the pla.Tls for the accesstion of the State to t'f:te' Fedsrat:o:t U:tder f::.e 1935 Government of India F.ct, or any modification thereof._

H. Concluding Remarks £201. The foregoL~g chapters contaL.'l an accou.Tlt of the various Departments Concluding Remarks of the State Government durL>lg the year under report. Peace vras mabtained throughm1t the State and the relations between the

Fha:t&-~. Tr.e 2~::.:.:;:;rc211S45



I Names of Officers in the Phaltan State, during the year 1942-43 .. 5 II List of Laws in force in the Phaltan State 6 ..... III Statement regarding the Military Force (Nil) 21 IV Statement sh.owing the strength, cost, discipline, and edu­ cation of the. Police in the Phaltan State, f-or the year 1942-43 .. 22 V Statement showing the working of the Police in the Phaltan State, during the year 1942 23 VI Statement showing the value of property stolen and amount of recoveries in the Phaltan State, during the year 1942 23 VII Statement showing· the number of crimes committed, number of cases disposed of, and cases awaiting trial in the Phaltan State, during the year 1942 24 VIII Statement showing the number of offences reported and dealt with by the various (Criminal) .Courts in. the Phaltan State, during the year 1942 · 26 IX Statement showing the results of appeals against decisions passed by the Criminal Courts in the Phaltan State, during the year 1942 26 X Civil Work :-Nature and vcrlue of original suits filed and disposed of during the year 1942 27

XI Civil Work :-Results of applications for execution of I decrees during the year 1942 27 XII Civil Work :-Number and results of appeals in civil suits during the year 1942 28 XIII Statement showing the·number of persons confined in the Jails ·· and Lock-ups in the Phaltan State, during the year 1942-43 28 XIV Registration of .documents in the Phaltan State, during the year 1942-43 29 XV Statement showing the receipts and expenditure on account of Registration (in the Phaltan State) duriD.g the-year 1942-43 .. 29 XVI Rece1pts and expenditure of the Local Self-Government Institutions in the Phaltan.State, during the year 1942-43 30 XVII Statement of the Phaltan State, for the year 1942 30 ' . XVIII Statement as to prices of staple food.:.grains in the Phaltan State, during March 1942 and 1943 30 XIX Expenditure on Public Works in the Phaltan State, during the year 1942-43 31 XX Agricultural stock in the PhaltanState, during the year 1942-43.. 31 XXI . Statement showing the excise shops and excise revenue of \ the Phal~an State, during the year 1942-43 31 XXII Statement showing Receipts and Disbursements of the Phaltan State, during the year 1942-43 32 XXIII Statement of Medical Relief afforded in the Phaltan State, during the year 1942-43 38 XXIV Vital Statistics of the Phaltan State for the year 1942-43 38 XXV as to the schools maintained by the Phaltan State, for the year 1942-43 39 4

I Names of the Rulers of the Phaltan State 40 n Names of the Members of the Phaltan State Le:Jis!ative Council ( 1942--43 ) 41 m Names of the Members of the Pballan~;4J,\942-42} . • 41 IV. Names of the Members of the Pb.altan State I.Oal1 Board (1942-43).. 42 APPENDIX I Names of Officers in the Phaltan State, during the year 1942-43

Name of Officer Designation

RaoBahadur K.V.Godbole, Dewan and B.A., LL.B. Home Member Mr. B. L. Likhite, Finance Member 1\I.A., LL.B. Mr. S. R. Bhonsale, Law Member B.A., LL.B. Mr. R. S. Bapat, t. c. E. Sugar Factory, Canal and P. W. D. Officer I Mr. V. J. Kunte, B. E. City Buildings Engineer Mr. A. G. Kanitkar, B.A., B.E. City Buildings Engineer Mr. S.M. Upalekar, Private Secretary to the liLA., LL.B. Raja Saheb of Phaltan Mr. A. R. Chavan A. D. C. to the Raja Saheb of Phaltan Mr. R. R. Kaulgud, I F. C. Sub-Judge l>I.A., LL.B. Mr. M. V. Joshi, B. A. Collector Mr. G. K. Deshmukh, Headmaster, Mudhoji :)LA., LL.B., B.T. High School, Phaltan Mr. G: S. Phansalkar, Chief Medical Officer J., C. P. S, ~.irr. N. M. Ghatwal Chief Police Officer Mr. S. V. Ambiye Mamlatdar (Revenue), Personal Assistant to the Dewan Mr. H. A. Shaikh Mamlatdar (Revenue) Mr. J. R. Karnik Income-tax Officer Mr. N. G. Halabe Mamlatdar ( Co-opera- tive Societies) Mr. IT. B. Kapileshwar Mamlatdar (Survey) 14-10-38 Purchasing Officer 15- 2-43 Mr. G. R. Sane, B. sc., LL.B. Inspector of Weights 16-5.:_39 l6- 5-39 and Measures, Director of Civil 10- 8-42 Supplies and the I Controller of Prices I Mr. V. R. Lele, 1. c. P. s. Asstt. Medical Officer 5- 4-34 5- 4-34 Mr. V. R. Tathvadkar Khasgi K~rbhari 13- 1-18 4- 1-35 lv!r. K. S. KE)skar Business Manager, · 1- 9-29 (State and Khasgi) 6- 5-M I

Mr. D. S. Unde I Agricultural Officer 23- 1-32 6- 5-35 Guest Officer 14- 4-37 Mr. K. B. Disale Chief Overseer HI- 9-21 14- 2-40 Mr. G. M. Virkar Manager, Rajamudran­ 1- 4-41 1- 4-41 alaya, Phaltan Mr. A. L. Shaikh, B. A., B. T. Primary Education 1- 6-22 1- 3-43 Officer

*On duty from 3-7·42 to 30-!H2 in connection with handing over the charge etc. and thereafter relieved on 1-10-4~. · 6 APPENDIX II

(Corrected 11 p to the 31st December 19:13) List of Laws in force in the Phaltan State 1. Acts adapted from the Acts passed by the Government of India

-- --~---~------:---····---·--- --~------~------,------·- -··--· -- - --·- Date of I " No. ActNo. Description Commencement "emarks

I 1839 '-\ 1 ' XXXII The Interest Act, 1839 1- 8-1936 1850 ::l XVIII The Judicial Officers' Protection Act, 1850 1- 8-1!)36 3 l XXI The Caste Disabilities Removal Act, 1850 1- 8-1938 1855 4 XIII The Indian Fatal Accidents Act, 1855 14- !)-1939 1856 .''j XV The Hindu Widows' Re-marriage Act, 1856 1- 8-1936 1860 6 XIV The Indian Penal Code 1860 1889-90 13!) 7 XXI The Societies Registration Act, 1860 10- 8-1926 1863 \_\ 8 XX The Religious Endowments Act, 1863 10- 8-1926 1864 9 III The Foreigners Act, 1864 31- 8-1939

- 1867 · 1 10 XXV The Press and Registration of Books Act,l867; 1- 6-1930 187o I 11 VII The Court-fees Act, 1870 1889-90 1871 \ 12 The Cattle-trespass Act, 1871 1- 2-1883

··:13 XXIII The Pensions Act, 1871 .J 1- 6-1930 1872 14 The Indian Evidence Act, 1872 1889- 90 15 III The Special Marriage Act, 1872 1- 8-1!l38 72 16 IX The Indian Contract Act, 1872 1889- 90 17 XV The Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872 r· 1-u-1 D33 1873 I 18 X The Indian Oaths Act, 1873 1889 90 120 1875 19 IX The Indian Majority Act, 1875 3- 6-1805 1876 20 XIX The Dramatic Performances Act, 1876 14- !J-1939 1877 I The Specific Relief Act, 1877 1889- !30 21 I 1878 22 I The Opium Act, 1878 1889- !)0 VI The Treasure-trove Act, 1878 1893-!!4

:: i XI The Indian Arms Act, 1878 24- 1-1883

Xot•:-The figure noted in the Re~~-;k-;-column against the of any pertir:•1lnr Act represents the senal number in this Jist showing the a.'nendment to that figLOrcs in lt .. d;cs ure the numbers of the Bombay Act. 7 APPENDIX II-(Contd.)

No. Act No. l)es,cription Date of I Commencement Remarks 1881

25 XX VI The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 1- ~-1930 1882 26 II , The Indian Trusts Act, 1.£82 I 10- 8-1926

~7 IV The Transfer of Property Act, 18S2 1 1:- 6-1905

I • ~ 28 v The Indian Easements Act, 1882 - 1- 6-1930 2\J XII The Indian Salt Act, 1882 24- 1-1906 1883 I . '• \ . 30 X IX The Land Improvement Loans Act, 1883 3- 6-1895 1884 31 IV The Indian Explosives Act, 1884 4- 2-1918 02 XII The Agriculturists' Loans Act, 1884 1898-99 1885 33 XIII The Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 25- 5-1918

/ 1886

34 VI The Births, Deaths & Marriages Registration I 10-11-1926 ' Act, 1886 · '1887 35 VII The Suits Valuation Act, 1887 1- 6-1930 1890 (

I 36 I The Revenue Recovery Act, 1890 14- 9-1939 \ 37 VI The Charitable Endowments Act, 1890 J 10- 8-1926 38 VIII The Guardians and Wards Act, 1890 3- 6:--1895

,., 39 XI The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act,l890 5- 2-1919 110 I 1894 I 40 I The Land Acquisition Act, 1894 1913-14 40 41 IX The Prisons Act, 1894 1- 8-1936 1897 42 III The Epidemic Disease~ Act, 1897 14- 9-1939 43 X The General Claus'es Act, 1897 10- 6-1931 92 1898 I H v The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 15- 9-1898 133, 46 45 VI The Indian Post Office Act, 1898 6- 6-1900 1899 46 I II The Indian Stamp Act, 1899 (As amended 1922- 23 by the Bombay Act No. II of 1922) f 47 XIII The Glanders and Farcy Act, 1899 1905-06 .. 1900 48 III The Prisoners Act, 1900 1910 -11 1.903 49 XV The Indian Extradition Act. 1903 13...., 2-1908 '1904 !JO VII The Ancient Monuments Preservation 1- 8-1936 Act, 1904 8 APPENDIX II-(ContJ.)


1906 51 III The Indian Coinage Act, 1906 14- 9-1939 12j 1908 52 V The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 29- 5-190\.1 93, 97, ns, 100, 117,13::!, 1-13 53 V1 The Explosive Substances Act, 1908 5- 9-1908

IX The Indian Limitation Act, 1908 29- 5-190!) 140, ;J(j 55 XVI · The Registration Act, 1908 1921-1922 131, .J.9 1909 56 IV The Whipping Act, 1909 9- 2-1918 1910

57 ! IX The Indian Electricity Act, 1910 1- 6-1933 I 1911

58 : II The Indian Patents and Designs Act, 1911 1 14- 9-193fl 1912 59 IV The Indian Lunacy Act, 1912 10- 6-1931 31, 39 1913 60 III The Administrator General's Act, 191~ 10- 6-1931 i ·:1 61 VII The Indian Companies Act, 1913 25- 6-1918 i 94, 105, 134,138, 1916 141 62 XV The Hindu Disposition of Property Act, 1916 1- 8-1936

1918 I 63 II The Cinematograph Act, 1918 14- 9-1939 . \ 64: X The Usurious Loans Act, 1918 31- 1-1919 1920 65 v The Provincial Insolvency Act, 1920 10- 6-1931 I 66 ! XIV The Charitable and Religious Trurts Act,192d 1- 8-1936 . I 1922 . I \ 67 XI The Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 1- ii-HJ32 95, 1!27 1923 68 III The Cotton Transport Act, 1923 16- 4-1 !J.12 I 69 v The Indian Boilers Act, 1923 I 1- 6·-l!.l33

70 VIII The Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923 / 1- 6-1!)33 !)(), 10i, 113 71 XIX The Indian Official Secrets Act, 19Z3 I 14- 9-l!J39 I 72 XXX The Special Marriage (Amendment) Act,l923

II 1924 I 1 73 : V1 . The Criminal Tribes Act, 1924 · 10- G-1 (131 !jlj 1925

74 IV The Indian Soldiers (Litigation) Act, 1925 j ·1- 2-1 G11 1

75 Xll The Cotton Ginning and Pressing Factories! 11-- ~l-1830 Act, 1925 (As amended by Bombay Acti No.4 of 1936 and Bombay Act No. 20 of 1938 ). · 1 ·---·-----~--~ 9 APPENDIX. II-(Contd.)

No. Act No. Date of Des'cription Commencement Remarks

76 XXXIX The Indian Succession Act, 1925 1- 6-1930 1926 I 77 XII The Contempt of Courts Act, 19261 1- 8-1936 99 1927 78 XVI The Indian Forest Act, 1927 • 10- 6-1931 1928 79 XII The Hindu Inheritance (Removal ofDisabili- 1- 8-1936 ties) Act, 1928 1929 so II The Hindu Law of Inheri!ance (Amendment) 1- 8-1936 Act, 1929 I 81 VII The Trade Disputes Act, 1929 1- 8-1938 108 82 XIX The Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929 1- 8-1936 106, 109 I 1930 83 III The Indian Sale of Goods Act, 1930 1- 6-1933 135 84 XXX The Hindu Gains of Learning Act, 1930 1- 8-1936

1931 ' \ 85 XXIII The Indian Press (Emergency Powers) 14- 9-l939 Act, 1931 Sec. 69 of 1932 the Act came into 86 IX The Indian Partnership, Act, i932 1-11-1933 force on 1933 1-11-1934 87 XVII The Indian Wireiess Telegraphy Act, 1933 14- 9-1939 1934 · 88 XXII The Indian Aircraft Act, 1934 14- 9...:1939

89 XXV I The Indian Factories Act, 1934 1- 6-1935 128,137

!)0 XXX I The Petroleum Act, 1934 1- 8-1938 129,136 1936 91 IV The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 1- 8-1938 102 .

92 XIX The General Clauses (Am~ndment) Act, 1936 1- 8-1938 !:l3 XXI The Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) 1- 8-1938 Act, 1936 !:l4 XXII The Indian Companies(Amendment)Act, 1936 1- 8-1938 1 1937 I ' 95 IV Thelndianlncome-tax(Amendment)Act.l937 1- 6-1937

96 VII 1 The Workmen's Compensation (Amend- 1- 8-1938 ment) Act, 1937 ., 07 VIII The Code of Civ1l Procedure (Amendment) 1- 8-1938 Act, 1937 bs IX The ·Code of Civil Procedure (Second 1- 8-1938 Amendment) Act, 1937 !)9 ll XII The .Contempt of Courts (Amendment) 1- 8-1938 Act, 1937

.100 1 XVI The Code of Civil Procedure (Third 1- 8-1938 I Amendment) Act, 1937 J 10 APPENDIX II-(ContJ.)

·--·--·~·~----· ·-:;· . ~ Date of : p ~marks i Commencement : '"

101 . XX I The Repealing and Amending Act, 1937 1- 8-Hl38 I 102 XXII 1 The Payment of Wages (Amendment) 1- 8-1938 Act, 1937 \

103 XXVI The Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Appli­ 1- 8-1938 cation Act, 1937 1938 10! The Repealing Act, 1938 1- 8-H13S

105 II The Indian Companies (Amendment) I 1- 8-1933 Act, 1938

106 VII The Child Marriage Restraint (Amendment)i 1- 8-1938 Act, 1938

107 IX The Workmen's Compensation (Amend­ 1- 8-1933 ment) Act, 1938

108 XVII The Trade. Disputes (Amendment) Act 1- s-193S

109 XIX The Child Marriage Restraint (Second ' 1- 8-1938 Amendment) Act, 1938

... 110 XXV The Prevention, of Cruelty to Animals 14- 9-1939 . "· (Amendment) Act, 1938 1939 111 IV 14- 9-Hi39 121, 130 142 112 VIII The Dissolution of Muslim Marriages 14- 9-1939 Act, 1939

113 XIII I The Workmen's Compensation (Bombay 14- 9-1939 Amendment) Act, 1939

114 XVI The Registration of Foreigners Act, 1939 31- 8-1939

115 ~XII I The Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 1939 1-11-1940 116 XXIV The Census Act, 1939 1-11-19!0

117 XXVI The Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) 1-11-1940 I Act, 1939

118 XXXIV Th,e Repealing and Amending Act, 1939 l-11-19·10 119 XXXV The Defence of India Act, 1939 1!- 2-19-10

120 XXXIX. The Indian Oaths (Amendment) Act, 19391 1-11-1940

121 XL The Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act,l939 l-11-1941) 1940 122 II The Foreigners Act, 1940 15-10-1940

123 IV The Offences on Ships and Aircraft Act, 19401· 1-11-1010

124 v The Trade Marks Act, 1940 1-11-1 !JlO

125 VI The Indian~oinage (Amendment) Act, 1940f 1-11-l!HO

126 X The Arbitration Act, 1940 / l-11-1040 127 I XII The Income-tax Law (Amendment) Act, 1940' 1-11-1 ~·10 128 XVII The Factories (Amendment) Act, 1940 1-11-l!J~O 11 APPENDIX II-(Contd.)

No. Act No. Description Date of commencement Remarks·· 129 XXV The Petroleum (Amendment) Act, 19.40 1-11-1940 130 XXVI The Motor Vehicles (Amendment) -!\Ct, 1940 1-11-1940 131 XXXIII The Indian Registration (Amendment) Act, 1940 . . . 1- 4-1941

132 XXXIV The Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) 1- •1:-1941 Act, 1940 . · . ... 133 XXXV The Code of Criminal Procedure (Amend- ment) Act, 1940. * \ •' 131 XXXVI The Indian Companies (Amendment)Act,' 1940 1- 4-1941 I • 135 XLI The Indian Sale of good_? .(Amendment) 1- 4-1941 ' t Act, 1940 1941 136 Ill ~The Petroleum (Amendment)· Act, 1941 1- 4-1942 . 137 XVI The Factories (Amendment) Act,.1941 1- 4-1942 138 XXVI The Indian Companies .( Amendment) Act, 1- 4-1942 1941 1942 139 VIII The Indian Penal Code ( Ame.ndment) 1-,4-1943 Act, 1942

140 XVI The IndianLimitation(Amendment)Act,1942 1- 4-1943 t 141 XVI The Indian Gompanies(Amendment)Act,l942 1- 4-1943 142 XX . The Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 1942 1- f-1943 143 XXIV The Code of Civil Procedure (Second 1- 4-1943 Amendment) Act, . 1943

144 1 X The Tobacco (Excise Duty) Act, 1943 14-12-1943

• This Act shall come into force on such date as .the G>overnment of Phaltan may by notification in the Phaltan Government Gazette appoint in this behalf. t Only Sec. 2 of the Act made applicable. l The whole Act with the following proviso:- "Provided that an acknowledgment of the payment as is mentioned in the above sub·sectio.n appears in the hand-writing of or in a writing signed by the person making the payment".

II. Regulations and Acts adapted from the Regulations and Acts of the Government of Bombay

Regulation Date' of No. ·No. Des..--ription Remarks 1827 1 II Caste Questions 1889-90 2. IV Civil Courts (Law to be observed) 1889-90 I , 3 1889- 90 \ v Acknowledgment of Debts, Interest and Mortgages ' \I 4 VIII Administration of Estates 1889-90 \ 5 XII Police (Duties and Powers of Magistrates) 1889-90

6 XIII Crimfnal Courts (Substitution of letters fo~ 1889-90 . summons) 12 APPENDIX II-(Contd.)

_,__ ,_~ ------~~--- Description Date of I Remarks No. i Act No. I commencement

-···------,-----~------I--- .. ----~---- 1862 IV The Bombay-Markets and Fairs Act, J862 I 14- 2-1919 1866 2 VII The Bombay Hindu Heir's Relief Act, 1866 1896 97 1867 3 Vll The Bombay District Police Act, 1867 (so 1883- 8! far as not repealed by District Police Act IV of J890)

4 VIII The Bombay Village Police Act, 1867 1896- 97 1868 6 II The Bombay Ferries Act, 1868 20- 6-1918 1869 6 i I XIV The Bombay Civil Courts Act, 1869 1894- 95 1874 : 7 II The Civil Jails Act, 1$74 1- 8-1933

\ 8 III The Bombay Hereditary Offices Act, 1874 1896- 97 \ 1875 9 IlL Tolls on Roads and Bridges Act, 1875 1896-18 97 1876 : 10 ·X The Bombay Revenue Jurisdiction Act, 18761 10- 6-Hl31 1878 11 v The Bombay Abkari Act, 1878 12- 7-1883 43 1879 -\ 12 \ v The Bombay Land Revenue Code, 1879 15- 1-1883 13 VII The Bombay Irrigation Act, 1879 15-11-1924 ', ' ; 14 XVII The Dekkhan Agriculturists' Relief Acl,l8791 1- 4-1883 1887

. 15 IV The Bombay Pre;.rention of Gambling 1- 1-18~8 Act, 1887 I 1890 16 IV The ~ombay District Police Act, 1590 I 1913- 14 1892 I I 17 The Bombay District Vaccination Act, 1892 I 19-12-1910 " . 1901 I 18 III The Bom'bay,District Municipal Act, 1901 6- 6-190

23 XVII The Bombay Pleaders Act, 1920 2;j- :l-1!.122 1923 24 IV The Bombay Primary Education Act, 1923 l 0- G-Et:Jl

-- ~--·- ---"-~---~~,------13 APPE!\DIX II-{ ConU.)

::o. J!.ct :: o. Descripti;:;n , Date oi : Remarks Commencement ..,or .;..; VI Tte Bs.:::.bay Lccc.l Boards Act, 1S23 1- 6-1931 33 1925 ~G VII The E:n:::bay Co-operative Sccietes 9- 1-1926 32,51 1930

·)- -· XXV Tte E:nbay Local Fw--:1d Audit Act, 1930 1-11-1940 I 1932 ~3 XV Tl:e Bo::::bay V.r eights a:1d l11easures Act, 1- 6-1935 3!,35,41 1936 :;:i }] The B:n:rJ:ay District Mt:nicipal ( Jl...mend­ 1- 8-1938 r::ent) F..ct, 1936

30 YJV TI:.e Ec::-.bay District Municip2l, Local 1- 8-1938 Beards and Mu:;:.icipal Boroughs ( l-. ,..,.,end::r..ent) Act, 1936 31 XV T.::e .I.::dia.."l Lur.acy, Bombay District Muni- : 1- 8-1938 C:pal and Bcr::.bay !.!unicipal Eoroughs ~ ( Ar::end:r..ent) .F.ct, 1936 I 32 X\'11 T::e Bombay Co-operative Societies (Second, 1- S-Hl3S A:::::.end.:.....:::ent) Act, 1936 · 33 ?.:vr::I The Bo:::ubay Local Beards (Amendment)· ' 1- 8-1938

J.ct, 1936 j

31 XXII Tee Borr:bay \Yeights and li1easures: 1- 8-1938 , (F..rnend:r:::.ent) Act, ,1936 1937 33 V TI:e Bo:r.J:ay Yieights and Measures 1- 8-1938 (F. Act, 1937 3t3 \'1 Tr:e l::dian 1~-:.i!ation (E,cr:-~ay F_mendment) l 1- S-193S Ast, 1837 i I

3~ ·vTI 1- 8-1938

..J :- VI'J Tr:.e Ecr::bay Sr::.all Holders Relief Act, ~38 12- 4-19!3

')c •.,J XV The I::dian Lu:::acy (Bombay Amendment) H- 9-Ul39 Act, 1~:::a

{IJ X""~r:I Tr:e Lc.:ld .F.ccr1isi:ion (Bombay F..mendment) H- 9-H139 . .F.ct, 1s:::a 1939 41 I The B-:;::::bay y,reig!:.ts a."ld · Measures j 14- 9-1939 (F.:::.endne:::t) Act, 1933 1 J 4:! YTI Tr..e B-:::1bay District· l.h::ticipal andi 1-11-19-!0 B:Jro·1g:::.s (F..rnen::L-::er.t) Act, 1839 j 43 XXII T::Ce Ec-.::::::2.7 .F.gri-=ultural Produce },1=.rkets lG- 6-H•-!3 1 ()': .f... rt..., , i~.o·v 3 ._,• l 1 4! xx~~1 'L:·.e E::::'Cay Fodder a::d Grain Control 7- 3-1942, 1929 19~0 {.j '/I Tr.9 ;_t!:ari (F_....::eJJdr.:-.e:::t) Act, 19~') 1-11-1910 1941 46 Tl".e F::s·:s:-.t::.::: cf GE::::t!:::g (h.n:e::d:ne:::t) · 1- 4-1£•42 I 14 APPENDIX II-( Cotz!J.)

I N ~---~-Description "----"---~ Date of I iamar~s No. I Act o. Commencement I ------~------Tn/ XI I TheBombay(EmergencyPowers)Whipping \ 25- 3-l\H2

I ! Act, 1941 J

43 I XII l The Code of Criminal Procedure (Bombay! 1- 4-19·12 !

1 Amendment) Act, 1941 [ 1942 49 X The Indian Registration (Bombay Amend- l- 4-19·13 ment) Act, 1942

.oo XIV The Criminal Tribes (Bombay Amendment} 1- 4-1943 Act. 1942

51 XXIX The Bombay Co-operative-Societies 1- 4-1913 (Amendment) Act, 1942 j 52 XXVI The Bombay Small Holders Relief (Second 12- 4-1943 Amendment) Act, 1942 J

III, Acts passed by the Government of Phaltan

Date of No. ActNo. Description Commencement Rsmarks

. 1923 . 1 1 I The Opium and Intoxicating Drugs Act, 1923 15- 8-1923 1 1929 0,10,11, 2 The Government of Phaltan State Act, 1929 7- 9-1929 12, 27, 36, 41, 50 a II The Phaltan State Elections Inquiries Act,l929t 7- !J-1929

4 Ill An Act to provide for the Attendance and I 7- 9-1929 Examination of Witnesses before the Phaltan State Legislative Council, 1929 1930 II An Act to introduce certain Laws and 1- 6-1930 Amendments of certain Laws, 1930

1931 1 6 The Government of Phaltan State Amend-/ 20- 3-1931 ment Act, 1931 ' I I 7 III An Act to repeal and adapt some Laws,l931' 20- 5-1931 8 IV The Phaltan Village Sanitation Act, 1931 I 20- O-t93! 9 v The Phaltan Local Boards Amendment 1- 6-1931 Act, 1931 10 VI The Governm12nt of Phaltan State (Second) 25- 5-1!!31 Amendment Act, 1931 11 VII The Government of Phaltan State (Third) J 2S- 9-1 !131 Amendment Act, 1931 1932 12 The Government of Phaltan State Amend- 8- 3-1 C1.'.;'2 ment Act, 1932 •

13 II The Phaltan Pleaders Amendment Act, 1932 1- 4-1 f1:J2 H IV The ,r~altan r, Act, 1932 {India 1- G-1~32 ------'----___:1'\~ct~"...::N o. XI of 1922 ) ······-----·"·- ---- 15 . APPENDIX IT-. ( Cantd.)

------,-----.,...-.------·--·---·-- ...... ------,------.,.---- No. Act No. Description Date of Commencement Remarks ------·---:------'-----';------15 v The Phaltan Local Boards (Amendment) 1- 6-1932 Act, 1932

lfj VI The Phaltan Co-operative Societies(Amend- 1- 8-1932 ment) Act, 1932 . . . 17 VII The Phaltan Public Funds' Control Act, 1932 1- 8-1932 1933 18 The Phaltan Sale of Goods Act,' 1933 (India t- 6-1933 Act, No. ill of •1930, Sections 2 to 66 I )nclusive)

19 II The Phaltan Electricity Act, 1933 ( India Act 1- 6-1933 No. IX of 1910)

. 20 III The Phaltan Workmen's Compensation Act, 1- 6-1933 1933 (India Act, No. VIII of 1923) 21 IV The Phaltan Boilers Act, 1933 (India Act 1- 6-1933 No. V of 1923) 22 V The Phaltan Partnership Act, 1933 (India 1-11-1933 Act, No. IX of 1932, Sections 2 to 74 A. with Schedules 1 and 2) 23 VI The Phaltan Christian Marriage Act, 1.933 1-11-1933 (India Act, No. XV of 1872, Sections 3 to 80 inclusive of Schedules 1 to 4) 24 VII An Act to introduce the Amendments of certain Acts of the Government of India and the Government of Bombay up to the end of May 1933 1935 .. 25 I The Phaltan Weights and Measures Act, 1935 18-\:3-1935 (Bombay Act, No. XV of 1932, Sections 3 to 47 inclusive and Schedules 1 and 2) II The Phaltan Factories Act, 1935 ( India Act, 1- 6-1935 No. XXV of 1934, Sections 3 to· 82 inclusive and Schedule I) 1936 I The Government of Phaltan State (Amend­ 1- 2-1936 ment ) Act, 1936

28 II ' The Phaltan Court Fees Act and Stamp Act, 1 1- 8-1936 (Amendment) Act, 1936- · 29 III An Act to introduce certain Laws passed 1- 8-1936 by the Government of India, 1936 SO IV An Act to introduce the Amendments of 1- 8-1936 certain Acts of the Government of India an~ the Government of Bombay up to the end of May 1936 ::n V The· Phaltan Local Boards (Amendment) 1- 8-1936 Act, 1936 32 VI The Phaltan Primary Education (Amend- 1- 8-1936 ment J Act, 1936

~3 Vli The Phaltan District Municipal (Amendment) 1- 8-1936 Act, 1936 ------''------'--- 16 APPENDIX II-( CcntJ.}

I I Date of Act Description No. 1 b!o. f Commencement Remarks

1937 34: Tne Phaltan Income-tax ( Amendment) 1- 6-1937 Act, 1937

35 II I The Phaltan Court Fees Act and Stamp Act, 5- 9-1937 (Amendment ).Act, 1937 1938 36 The Government of Phaltan State ( Anlend­ 21- 1-1£138 ment) Act, 1938 I 37 II The Hindu Women's Rights to Property· 1- 8-1938 Act, 1938

38 Ill An Act to introduce the Amendments of 1- 8-l£138 certain Acts of the Government of India and the Government of Bombay given . in the Schedule !

1 39 IV An Act to introduce certain Acts of the 1- 8-1938 Government of India and the Govern- • ment of Bombay given in the Schedule •

40 v The Phaltan Court Fees Act and Stamp Act,. 31-12-1938 (Amendment) Act, 1938

· 1939 1 41 The Government of Phaltan State (Amend- · 11- 2·-1930 ment) Act, 1939 I 42 II An Act to introduce certain Enactments,! 31- 8-1939 Rules and Orders of the Government of India in the Phaltan State, 1939

43 III The Phaltan Income-tax (Amendment); 14- 9-UJ3\l

Act, 1939 1 I 44 IV The Phaltan Sales Tax Act, 1939 (Bombay~ 14- 9-1939 Act No. V of 1939) 1

v The Phaltan Court Fees Act and Stamp Act, I 31-12-1939 ( Amendment) Act, 1939 0

VI An Act to introduce certain Acts and Amend- 14- 9-1939 ments of certain Acts of tha Govern-' ment cif India and the Government of Bombay in the Phaltan State, given in the Schedule.

47 VII The Phaltan Primary Education (Amend- I- 7-1941 ment) Act, 1939

48 VIII The Phaltan Dangerous Drugs Act, 1939 I · 14- !l-UJ.30 I 49 IX The Indian Aircraft (Phaltan Amendment) 30- 9-HJ3:J Act, 1939 I I 50 I I X The Government of Phaltan State (Second 14-12-In:J Amendment) Act, 1939 1940 The Defence of India ( Phaltan State): J.t- 2-Ul·10 Act, 1940 I I II An Actto introduce Amendme:r:.ts of certain 1-11-ID 10 Acts of the Government of India and ' the Government of Eombay to the Phaltan State given in the Schedule . 17 APPENDIX II-(Contd.)

No. Act No. Description Date of I R Commencemer:t ! emarks

53 III An Act to introduce certain Acts of the 1-11-1940 Government of India and the Govern­ ment of Bombay to the Phaltan State given in the Schedule '

54 IV ·The Phaltan Court Fees Act and Stamp Act, 31-12-1940 (Amendment) Act, 1940 .

/\55 V The Bombay Co-operative Societies(Phaltan , 1-11-19±0 Amendment l Act, 1940 ·

56 VI The Foreigners (Phaltan State) Act, 1940 15-10-1940

57 VII The Currency (Phaltan State) Act, 1940 24- 7-1940

58 VIII The Civic Guards ( Phaltan State) A~t. 1940 15-10-1940 59 IX The National SE?rvice (Technical Personnel) 4- 2-1941 Act, 1940 1941 60 I The Indian Soldiers (Litigation) Phaltan 4- 2-1941 . State Act, 1941

61 II The Indian Coinage ( Phaltan State) Amend- 4- 2-1941 ment Act, 1941

62 ill The Phaltan Income-tax Act, 19;1-1 1- 4-1941 63 IV The Phaltan Local Board (Amendment) l 17- 1-1942 Act, 1941 ' I / 64 V An Act to introduce certain Amendments 1- 4-1941 in the Acts of the Government of India in the Phaltan State, given in the Schedule

65 VI The Joint Police force Act, 1941 15- 9-1941

66 i VII The National Service (European _British! 26- 9-1941 Subjects Act, 1941 1942 1- 67 I The Indian Coinage (Phaltan State) Amend-'\ 16- 2-1942 ment Act, 1942 68 II The Fodder and Act, 1942 \' 7- 3-1942 Grain~Cont~ol I C9 III I The Cotton Transport Act, 1942 ·1 16- 4-1942 70 IV : An. Act to introduce Amendments of certain 1- 4-1942 Acts of the Government of India and 1 the Government of Bombay to the Phaltan State, given in the Schedule 71 V The Emergency Powers Whipping Act, 1942 26- 3-1942

72 VI The Animal Contagious Diseases Act, 1942 26- 3-194::! 73 VII The Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) 26- 3-1942 Act; 1942 · 74: VIII The Phaltan Income-tax (Amendment) 26- 3-1942 Act, 1942 75 IX The Phaltan Holders Relief Act, 1942 * / 16- 6-1942 76 X The Government of Phaltan Act, 1942 t

"'It shall n;main into upto the end April l!lH. tIt shall come into force on such date as the Ruler may appoint in this behalf by Notification ir. the Gazette. 18 APPENDIX II-( Contd.)

I Date of . Description Remsrks No.: Act No. I Commencement I

1943 I 1 i7 The Phaltan Local Board Election Rules :22- 3-l!H3 Validating Act, 1943

7d II The Phaltan State Agricultural Produce 16- ·1-HH3 Markets Act, ( Bombay Act ,XXII of 1939) ...

79 ' III An Act, to introduce Amendments of 1- 4-1943 : certain Acts of the Government of India and the Government of Bombay to , the Phaltan State given in the Schedule IV The Phaltan State Small Holders, Relief Act 12- 4-1943 • 1943 (Bombay Acts VII 1938, X+ VI 1942) -1 81 V The Tobacco (Excise Duty) Act, 1943 H- ·1-1843 l (India Act X of 1943) I It shall remain into force upto the end of March 1945. IV. Orders and Ordinances promulgated by the Government of Phaltan

Date of : e arks No.I Order No. Description Commencement 1 r m

Orders 1934 1 The Sugar (Excise Duty) Order, 1934 19- 8-193! .:J, IJ 2 II The Matches (Excise Duty) Order, 1934 25- 9-lfl34 3 III The Sugar (Excise duty) Interim Order, 14 13-12-HJ3! 1938 4 The Matches (Excise Duty) Phaltan State 1- 7-1£138 · (Amendment) Order; 1938 1939 5 The Registration of Foreigners (Exemption) 31- 8-1939 Order, 1939 ·

6 II The Phaltan Foreigners Order, 1939 7- 9-1D39 I 7 III The Phaltan Enemy Foreigners Order, 1939 i 30- 9-1D30 I 8 IV The Phaltan Regulation and Control of Prices 30- 9-H139 Order, 1939

1940 i 9 The Sugar ( Excise Duty) Amendment I 1- 3-1040 Order, 1940 ' 1941 I 10 The Aluminium Control Order, 1941 !

11 II Machine Tool Control Order, 1941 Iu- u-1 !lH 12 III The Newsprint Control Order, 1941 l!:i- 7-I:!Jl i 13 IV · Motor Spirit Rationing Order, 1941 1- \J-HJ.Jl 14 V The Sugar Production Order, 1941 JG-10-l!JH 15 VI The Ess<;:ntial Drugs (Censu.:) Order, 1941 18-10-l~'n

16 i VII TheCtromeCompoundsContro!Order,l941 10-11-1:•41 19 .APPENDIX II-( Co11td.)

-,--·-----·--·-·--- -····--···· ·------······--.,.--··--····--- ;------No. Order No. Date of Description Commencement Remarks

17 VIII The Iron and Steel (Control of Distribution) 16-11-1941 Phaltan State Order, 1941 ·

18 IX TheElectricApparatus(Dealings)Order,l941 9-12-194:1 1I .

lD I X · The Wireless Telegraphy Apparatus (Posse- 9-12-1941 ssion) Order 1941 · j 20 i XI The Specified Apparatus Information Order, 9-12-1941 1941 1942 '21 I , The Cotton Card Clothing and ~11 Card 14- 2-1942 , Clothing Sundries Control Order, 1942 I

22 : II , The Newspaper Control Order, 1942 15- 3-1942 J

23 III • The High Frequency Apparatus (Possession) 23- 4-1942 i Order, 1942

! IV ' The Sugar Control Order, 1942 12- 6-1942 "' 25 V The Tyre Rationing Phaltan State Order, 1- 7-1942 1942 2G VI : The Foodgrains Control Order, 1942 15- 8-1942

I 1942

27 VII i The Cotton Yarn (Control of Distribution) 12-12-1942 ! Order, 1942

28 VIII The Coloured Motor Spirit Control Order, 12-12-1942 1942 1943 I The Rubber Manufacture· Control Order 11- 1-1943 1943 I 30 II The Sulphuric' Acid Control Order 1943 11- 1-1943 31 III The Agar Control Order 1943 11- 1-1943 32 IV The European British Evacuees Order, 1943 11- 1-1943 33 V The Paper Control Order, 1943 16- 1-1943 34 VI The Cotton Textile Sizing and Filling­ 29- 1-1944 Control Order, 1943 VII The Sugar Control Otder, 1943 15- 5-Hl4.3 I VIII The Shuttles Control Order, 1943 15- 6-19-13 37 IX The Cotton (Forward Contracts and Options 8- 6-1943 Prohibition) Order, 1943 38 X The Oilseeds (Forward .Contract Prohibi­ 18- 6-194.3 tion) Order, l943

3!) XI The Bleaching Powder and Chlorine Control 19- 6-1943 Order, 1943 10 XII The Cotton (Forward Contracts in Current 15- 6-1943 Crops Prohibition) Order, 1943 41 XIII· The Food grains (Movement Control) 21- 6-1943 Orqer, 1943 ------~ • Superceded by Notification No. 4 of 8-5-43. ( See No. 35 ). 20 APPENDIX II-( Co:ntJ.)

~o.1~fie~~N: Description

···-·,---~------····· 42 XIV • The Phaltan State Cotton Cloth and Yarn · 8- 7-H!43 (Control) Order, 1943

43 XV The Ring Traveller Control Order, 1943 20- 7-1943

44 XVI The Starch Control Order, 1943 ·20- 7-Hl43

45 XVI The Cotton Cloth and Yarn (Forward 10- 8-1!'l4:1 Contract Prohibition) Order, 1943

46 XVII The Paper (Packing of Cotton Textiles) 10- S-1913 Control Order, 1943 . , . I 4Z XVIII The Phaltan State Cotton Cloth Dealers 26- 8-1943 ·Licensing Order, 1943 I i 48 XIX The Asiatic British· Evacuees (Census) i 10-11-1g43 Order·, 1943

Ordinance I Ordinances No. 1939 4!l I An Ordinance t6 apply to the Phaltan State 1- 9-1939 the Defence of India Ordinance, 1939 * (No. V of 1939) an Ordinance to provide for special measures to ensure the : public safety and interest and the r defence of the Phaltan State and for the , trial of certian offences : 50 III The Defence of India (Phaltan Amendment) 30- 9-HJ39 • Ordinance, 1939 !

1941 1 51 The Air Raid Precautions Services Ordi-' 11- 7-194.1 ' I nance, 1941 I 1942 The Ess~ntial Services (Maintenance)' 26- 2-1942 I Ordinance, 1942 I I IT TheMotorVehicles(Drivers)Ordinance,1942 14- 3-1942

Ill The qvic Guards. Ordinance, 19.12 / 30- 3-1942

! 55 IV The • Registration of Foreigners Act,! 30- 5-1942 ·(Extending) Ordinance, 1942 1 56 v The Collective Fines Ordinance, 1942 23- G-19·12 i

57 VI The Police (Resignation of office) Ordinance, ,· 21- ~-1942 1942 . 1 58 VII The Vital Articles Declarltion Ordinance,! 9421 1()- 7-1942 • 59 VIII The Legal Tender (Inscribed Notes) Phaltan; 7-12-1942 State Ordinance, 1942 / 1943 ! 60 The Collective Fines (Amendrnent) Ordi-' 18- 1-10!3 61, c:: nance, 1943

61 II The Collective Fines (Second Amendment) 18- 1-l!J.J.'3 Ordinance, 1943

62 III The Collective Fines (Third Amendment) IS- 1-10-13 Ordinance, 1943

• Repealed by Act No. I of 1940. (Defence of India Act). 21 APPENDIX IF--(Contd.)

Ordinance Date of No. No. Description Commencement Remarks

63 The Foodgrains Procurement Ordinance, 117- 2-1943 * 1943 64 II The Foodgrains Procurement Ordinance, . 20- 9-1943 1943 ;:,

65 III The Sugar (Temporary Excise Duty) Ordi~ 1.0-11-1943 I nance, 1943

*Ordinance No. I is superseded by'Foodgrains Procurement Ordinance No; II dated 20-9-1943.

APPENDIX III Statement regarding the Military Force

Appendix I,II is not given as there is no Military Force in the Phaltan State. APPENDIX· IV I Statement showing the strength, cost, discipline, and education of the Police in the Phaltan State, for the year 1942-43


Pay of Fined, de­ Description of office Number grade Total cost graded, or Punished By Number r Number Remarks Dismissed suspended judicially promotion able to read I "Under depart­ and write instruction mentally I ------I------I--~'~---I------I------J------I·------I------I---~---I------I------I------1 ' 2 3 1- 5 6 7 8 9 10 i 11 12 ------:,------'---R-....s.--'-J_R:_s.---' II --:-----~t---',.------'------\ 1 Police ( Rt·gular Foot)

Chief Police Officer . ~I 150+ 25 1 Asstt. Police Officer .. / .. Post Vacant Head Constable Grade I .. 5 5 II " " II .. " " I' III .. 2 18 2 " " ,, IV .. 4 1() 3 Constable Grade I -1) *The Police Cons II --4 ~ 42 * 8 2 41 1. tables have been III -37) given a scale o 12-:}-W by Huzur 2 Police (A rtllfd) Order No. 42/6-9-40, Head Constable Grade I .. 1 35 1 " " " II .. 3 38, 30, 18 3 2 18 " , " III .. 1 I .. " , IV .. 7 15 2 5 Constable Grade I -fi} 2 ,. , II --·fi I * I , " III -·17 I TOTAL 12fi 2fl,li43 i . - _:_ j - •• -- I ~- __!-___-_-:~--- .-____- ______··~---1-~-::-1--,:-1 "·-···----~------· ~---.------APPENDIX V

Statement showing the working of the Police in the Phaltan State, during the year 1942

-·------~-k---·-·- Percentage of convic- Number of offcmces 'Number of accused Numher of accused Number of accused Number of accused ! Percentage of convic- lions to accused sent arrested sent for trial convicted acquitted or discharged lions to accused for trial Remarks ------.--~-- ---···--· - !-- Present 1 Present Present Present Present Present i Past year Past year Past year Past year year Past year ~ pr;::rnt Past year year Past year i year year year year ! I -----~ -~- -~- -~ ~~------~ -- ~ ---'-----' I !) 15 1 2 :l 0 4 5 6 7 8 10 ll 12 1:~ 14 :· I i

I ()8 70 13! 111 13! *111 53 t 60 45 13 53"10 54"05 53'10 5!•05 ' • 3 Persons died and 35 Persops awaiting trial at the end of the year. t !l Persons were released under S. 562 Cri. Pro. code.


Statement showing the value of property stolen and amount of recoveries in the Phaltan State, during the year 1942

Percentage of recoveries to Amount stolen Amount recovered property stolen Remarks Past year Present year ' Past year , Present year Past year Present year .. l 2 3 4 5 6 7

6119 ' 321! 1839 1376 30"05 42'8 '

\ 24 APPENDIX Statement showing the number of crimes committed, number of cases . N~~~~~~'.,of i li~ • ~ h.;;~ i ;~ 8 DESCRIPTIO!'/ OF OFFENCES "Sot. j !~ u:. ~ ' l~l 0 .. "- ~ !!~ ~~ 't~ ~ ~ c~ 0 ii~ " 0.,. " 0~ 0 Cl II· ~ z z l!l z 1 • 3 4 s 6 7 8 I Offences under the Indian Penal Code 1 Abetment l Ss. 109-120) ...... 2 Criminal Conspiracy ( S. 120 B) ...... 3 Offences against the·State ( Ss. 121-130) ...... 4 Offences against the Public Tranquility ( Ss. 143'-160) .. ... 1 2' 3 1 2 16 3 5 Offences by, or relating to Public Servants ( Ss. 161-1.71) ...... 6 Offences relating to Elections ( Ss. 171 E-171 I) ...... 7 Contempts of the Lawful Authority of Public Servants ( Ss. 172-190) .. 2 1 3 3 3 5 .. 8 False Evidence 'and Offences agai;st Public Justice ( Ss. 193-229) ·:- .. 1 1 .. 1 1 I 9 Offences relating to Coin and Government Sta~ps ( Ss. 231-263 A) .. .. 1 I .. I 6 6 10 Offences relating to Weights i}Od Measures ( Ss. 264-267) ...... 11 . Offences affecting the Public Health: Safety, Convenience, Decency and Morals ( Ss. 269-294 A ) ...... - I 12 Offences relating to Religion ( Ss. 295-298) ...... 13 Offences affecting the Human J;3ody :- I ( i ) Offences affecting Life ( Ss; 302-311 ) ...... 1 2 3 3 ] 3 2 ( ii ) Causing of Miscarriage, etc. ( Ss. 312-318) ...... 2 .. ( iii) Hurt ( Ss. 323-338) ...... 18 ~~ I ;~ 52 ~~ 12;~ 14 . ( iv) Wrongful Restraint and Wrongful Confinement ( Ss. 341-348) .. , .. 2 2 1 2 3 .. ( v ) Criminal Force and Assault ( Ss: 352-358) ...... 2 '4 6 (j 3 14 .. (vi) Kidnapping, 1\b~uction, Slavery an~ Forced Labour (Ss. 363-374) • ·1 1 .. 1 ...... ( viii) Rape ( S. 376 ) ...... (viii) Unnatural Offences ( S. 377) ...... 14 Offences against Property :- ( i ) Theft ( Ss. 379-382 ) ...... 10 33 29 29 50 24 ( ii ) Extortion ( Ss. 384-389) •• ...... I ~~ ...... (iii) Robbery and Dacoity ( Ss~392-402) ...... 1 1 .. .. 4 .. ( iv) Criminal Misappropriation of Property ( Ss. 4d3-404) ...... ( v ) Criminal Breach of Trust ( Ss. 406-414 ) ...... 4 10 14 3 8 16 8 (vi) Cheating ( Ss. 417-420) ...... 2 3 .. 5 2 3 14 10 (vii) Fraudulent Deeds and Disposition of Property ( Ss. 421-424) ...... (viii) Mischief ( Ss. 426--440 ) ...... 1 13 14 5 8 29 .. ( ix ) Criminal Trespass ( Ss. 447-462) ...... 10 10 29 13 22 GO '6 15 Offences relating to Documents and to Trade or Property :\larks ( Ss. 465-489 D) ...... ' ...... 1 1 ...... 16 Criminal B~each of Contracts of Service ( Ss. 490-492) ...... 17 Offences.. relating to Marriage ( Ss. 493-498) ...... I 1 I .. 3 .. 18 Defamation ( Ss. 500-502) ...... I .. I .. 1 2 .. 19 Criminal Intimidation, Insult and Annoyance ( Ss. 504-510) .. .. li 31 36 IS 22 U5 4 20 Attempt to commit offences ( S. 511 ) ...... II Offences against other laws ...... 6 ilr,7 ,II HR jl40 :178 ,_1~5 Total .. 73 ::!24 ,312 7:!1 20:J• -' ------' - ~-~~---·····-. •19 Persons were released nuder S. 562 (Cri. Pro. Code). 25 VII

disposed of, and cases awaiting trial in the Phaltan State, during the year 1942

il I., ~~ , Awaiting , Number of persons sentenced - .., - 1 Term of Imprisonment trial , ~ --ri---,\~-h-np-rl-son--7~--,--~1 ----c:------·l. i 1 ~ i -"--:-~-~-, -~·1-~-:~· -..c:_"-l'r -s""':-,~~-~ -~-~-~--.. ---:--~---c--c- j Jmp Mln- ment. and ·~ """ I 1 ...... - - ... r:: ~ ~ ":· . _:::J ::. .... ment Fine ~ il ~ ., ~ '?. ' '§ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ !!. ~ ;:, ::; ~ ~ -g 1 --~-,--1 -- 1~ f~~~~f~\~,; ~l.;\~~~~~ "'"- = ~ g ~ " ~ II " I ~ 1 !I ~ ~ !:~ lHI ~ I ~ I ~ 'I ~ .1 ~ I ~ 'I ~ ;.I ~ i I i ~ I ! ~ g. ~ 1 ?n ~ :E ~ c 5 d] I ci 0 c c I 0 0 I 2 I 2 £ 2 .& ~ ·g. cl I 0 .;l ;;;> It I It , It t.. __ iii [ iZ \ iii iZ i:: ;:: i .~ ~ ~ z ! 1 J~'-~- _t.._l__<_,_~___,_ u_,_1 _z---'--z-'-_Ji~

1 0 2 9 I~~T:~r~:T~- ~~ l~r:-1., i .s 19 1 • 1., ! .. ! •3 1 .4 J ·s 1 ·61 7 1 .s 1.9 1

---- I I' I ! I j I I I

•• .. •• I ··\··! .. '\ .... 1 .. \ .. ! .... "I'''" ...... • • • • • • • • • • i'I •• I .. : ...... I .. I!· ...... \ ...... 2

":I "i" I .. ll .. j ...... ,1 •• ' ...... 3

.. , ...... ! .. lu!.. ..: .. j·· .. , .. 2 4,

•• I ...... !.. I ...... j ...... 5 I f I .. 1.. ..: ...... · .. ,6 I i 5 l .. 7 !' •• I I .'I 8 I .. I ... 6 6 •• ! •• 3 3 .. 9 i •• I ...... , .. .. :: I:: :: 10 i I ,·, .. I" •• ... i ... .. 1 ...... 11

I i •• ! •• •• •• I •• •• -• 12 I i 13:­ l 1 •• .. \ .. (1) .. .. ( ii ) ...... 1 .. .. 10 172 .14 49 ( iii) ...... 10 .. I ...... ( iv) 3 "I" ..\ .. .. 5 ...... 3 9 (.v) "!I ... •• i' •• .. .. 1 t (vi) I "I'' ...... (vii) ...... (viii) I 14:­ I 4 6 7 18 22 2 3 5 1 .. ! .. .. 4 4 ( i ) ...... ! ...... ( ii) / 4 ( iii) ...... ( iv) 6 8 ( v) 1 ' 3 6 ...... 2 (vi) 9 10 2 . t 9 (vii) 6 11 (viii) 18 . . • . . • ::I:: :: .... 7 12 ' (i:) 5 6 42 • • • • • • ......

\ 1 15 .... , ...... 16 •• I •• i I 3 17

18 2 •• ...... I" .. .. "\" 14 50 19 : ...... 2 ...... 1.. .. 20

23 19 II . ~ I :: ,124 34 ·; ·; I .. :: i :·.I :: .. -.-~--·-:~-·-- .--,--5·3- " " " 85 I Total 1 .184*,357 _:·.~·_/_~~0~.!!_~1~5_'_'_~o_l_~~~.. :_L_.:..:_j_,_:_:__L~--.:___r_ __.c___,______

tTwo persons absconded. APPENDIX VIII Statement showing the number of offences reported and de.alt with by the various (Criminal) Courts in the Phaltan State, during the year 1942 Number of , Number of Persons dealt with Persons disposed of, I offences repor- I ted during 1 ----,---B_r--,o_ug::_h_t_to-,-tr-'ia_l_in_·-.19_4_2_--. __-':- __T_o t_al__ ~~ 1- 7 1 ~~ ----~ Arrest- Disch· Com- Died, remaining Name of Court Rema- . ed in arged Acquit- Con- mitted escap-~at1 the end Remarke P t :ging ~ flJ~- Upon On Volun- prese- Past Present without ted victed or re- ed, or of the Past resen I e en e . y Warr- Sum- tary nee of year year trial ferred fterarnresd-~ year year year of last Pollee ant mons the Ma- year gistrate __. ------;1:------~~2 ---a- -4- ~6- -6- _7_1_8_ -9- lO- -'if--1-2- -13-il4 --:lc::6-·l--:-IG:-:----l----:1'""7--l------,l-c!l.·---

Sessions Judge's Court .. .. 1 .. 1 ...... 3 1 ...... 1 Magistrates, First Class Court . : 40 23 27 16 28 9 .. .. 107 80 14 23 28 .. .. 1 14 Magistrates, Second Class Court 208 300 134 5ti 102 362 .. .. 4ti7 653 68 252 175 .. .. HiS ------Total ... 248 324 161 72 130 --371 .. .. 567 734 82 275 203 .. 1 173

/ APPENDIX IX ~nm>~LC! Statement ..:.:.,_, ..... ':::' the results of ...... -;;;J decisions. passed by the Criminal Courts in the Phaltan State, during the year 194 2 Numbur of Persons anci Cases Sentences Applications Proceedings Referred -UIU!e~;d~~~d, Pending Number rejected Confirmed Modified quashed etc., Tribunals of Appli- Reversed Remarks

cations I Per- Per- Per- Per- Cases Per- Per- Per- Per- l sons sons Cases sons Cases sons Cases Cases sons Cases Cases sons Cases I sons sons

--~--~~--~ ~~- - 7 - ~8- ---~ I 2 4 5 -"-~1- ___ 9 __ I() II 12 13 14 -15 - - -- Iii-- -i7- -- -- •lfl~- - -- Hi9h Court .. 3 I 3 2 ...... 1 1 .. . . s,2Sc:ions Judge's Court .. 5 3 .. . . 3 ...... 9 *2 • Since been dis· District 11-Iagistrate's Court. 10 .. . 10 G 1 1 5 2 1 1 ! ...... posed of ------··~--~-~--- .' ------·--- - APPENDIX X Civil Wo.rk-Nature and value of original suits filed and disposed .of during the year 1942


1 : I I f I I I I i I Rs. I !I First Class Subordi'" 1 . · 1 1 ,. nate Judge's Court, I 1 1 : Phaltan .. \ 1561' 163 [ f74116'1[330 327 167116811631159 43,129i I ' ! I I APPENDIX XI Civil Work -Results of applications for 'execution of decrees during the year 1942·

I Opening Nature of applications :I?r;mght Total Disposed of Closing balance pending disposal at balance fo the Value of ""'!::!""'"'" the close of the year ' - .. opening .. ctl .. .. ctl .. ~-octl 1-- for <]) ~ .2~ - .8>- ...... 8 >. >. >- ! ~ !1: >- ~ .. ::';!~ 1-o :>~ p..· p.. p.. p.. 0.. "' p.. -< 0.. 0.. / 0.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 .15 16 17 18 19 20 First Class Subordi- Rs. Rs. ..,.Rs. Rs. Rs . - nate Judge's Court, Phaltan .. 224: 218 2,28,828 427 311 73,872 651 529 ,700 433 310 68,779 218' 219 2,3.3,921 72 40 107 APPENDIX XII \ ·Civil Work-Number and results of appeals in·civil suits during t)J.e year 1942

How disposed of I Value of Opening Filed Disposed Ci6sing appeals filed Cases Cases compromis- Average duration balance during- Total of during- balance Decisions Decisions Decisions during- confirmed reversed amended remanded ed and otherwise for retrial disposed of Tribunal Remarks ...... - ~::: .... 'E ... ~ 1::: .... 'E ... Ill 'E.., Ill 'E.., 'E ... Ill .... Ill 'E ... (jJ 'E ... "'(jJ 'Ehl Ill"' (jJ'" "'

APPENDIX XIII -· Statement showing the number of.persons confined in the Jails and -Lock-ups in the Phaltan State, during the year 1942-43

--~ ~~--- I ~UMBER OF FR!SONE.RS I I ------.---1 DAILY AVERAGE I Number of Average I prisoners Total cost St;-nion No. of I TOTAL i period of Remarks showing mortality among pnsons i remaining of jail and Remaining I Admitted at the end prisoners accused convicts in jail I under trial from last during the I of the year year I year I Past year ~Present year; year I I I i ! I p.,·:·" ~- ~ --~ :l___ - -' _____±______:~ /j I (\ i 8- !l )I) II 12

i Rs. Days There is one death of a Fhaltan (State Jail) .. ' 22 i fi·1 129 I 116 23'58 21'18 17 "'3,3;)1 2()•02 female convict.

-~---~- ~ -~-~---~--- • This figure includes a leo U1e allowance of the Jailor and the salarie:s of the jail guards etc. APPENDIX XIV Registration of documents in the Phaltan State, during the year 1942-43

Documents Nature of documents presented Do:~~~ents of -~~~?cume~~s .remain- presented for Value of documents waich registration mg unreglStE;red registration I registered has been refused pendmg enqmry at Money-bonds 'the close of the year Remarks I ~- ~"' til


APPENDIX XV Statement showing the receipts and expenditure on account of Registration during the year 1942-43

Past year Present year -- -. Description 'Remarks Number of deeds Value of Property Fees realised Number o( deeds Value of Prop~rty Fees realised

- ~~---- -·- --· ------···-··- --~- ---~----. 2 -. ------~------~ ------· ------!)------·- -·-- --- l 3 4 5 u 7 Rs. Rs. ·- Mortgages .. 375 o~~c>1 714 4!33 1,21,224 l,OG~ Sale-deeds .. G4G 1,9.•1,961 2,496 uuo 4,34,388 4,512 Wills (j . . 20 7 .. 24 Money-Bonds .. 2 500 r:· 3 ...... Miscellaneous .. 3GG 3!),3ti5 937 494 74,467 1,331 Total .. 1,3!)5 3,27,023 4,170 1,004 6,30,079 6,930 Deduct ~xpenditure ...... 1,532 .. .. 1,805 Net Profit ...... 2,638 .. .. 5,125 ' 30 APPENDIX XVI Receipts and expenditure of the Local Self~Government Institutions in the Pha~tan State, during the year 1942~43 - GliN u .... Receipts during I !:0>... Expenditure ., • the year during the year "@:":: ...,., .Qa Total in I Balance ... Name bG< current 1- I on 31st .9 .... year March .,8"' " l'l., Past Present Present ., .... year year . I P,lst year 1943 >::: P..!: year '- Oo ~--3- --4-~~~ --- -- 1 I 2 I ·5 I 6 7 ~---- 8 9 Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. I Rs. ~ Phaltan Municipality 2,526 50,457 . 39,978 42,504 51,5lH 39,565 2,939 .. Phaltan State Local Board ... 52,893 1,03,039 1,00,459 1,53,352 81,044 73,281) 80,066

APPENDIX XVII Statement of Rainfall in the Phaltan State for the year 1942

.. . I .. ~~~ ~ ~ : " I ~ ~ .,.. >"l ~~ ";: Place .c: ':t "i,Jl'E: ~ c~ "' ~ ~ ~ :: ~ 0 I c,) Q) c; (;...,. r: s .g ~ ~ § ~ §f g.' t • 5 g ~ ~~~ ~~ ., ;;!l .... "' ...... I ..... < {{l I 0 z A ......

1 f 2 a 4 5 s 1 1 .s 9 i 10 : u . 12 1a· 14 15 16 11 I I I i ! ~·-~-~-~---~ . I ; In.s In.s In.s In.s In.s In.s In.s. In.s In.s. In.s. In.s In.s j In.s In.s I 1 1 1 Tarad· --- -~-- J-1--1-1-1-· --.- gaon} .. ' .. .. 0·05 0·44 3"84 4·04)·01 0·30 2'66: .. 5·08: 17'42 13'50 16·34 1

1 Phaltan ...... 0·25 6'09 3·58! 1·20 0·52: o·sol .. ·2·d 14·91 18·69 17"27 i I I I I Bafad .. o·o~ .. •• o·3o 4·5s 1·9o·o·85 o·3o 2'48~ .. 2·70 13'14 11·25 17·15

I I i i I _j ___~--- .. ~-

APPENDIX XVIII Statement as to prices of staple food-grains in the Phaltan State, during March 1942 and 1943

Past year Present vear Remarks Artic1e (during March 1942) (during March 1943)

~ -~ ---·~---- 1 2 3 4

Seers per Rupee Seers per Rupee 51 Jwari '13 :l

Bajari \ .. .11 5 Wheat 6 3! Rice .. 5 2

\ 7 3} Gram ' Tur , .. . 6 3 -~·-- ~- ··~ 31 APPENDIX XIX

Expenditure on Public Works in, the Phaltan State, during the year 1942-43 ·

State Funds Local Funds Description of Work .:4..."' Totals ~ Original 8 Repairs Total if!ina RP.n:th~ Total Q) ~ ' !~- ·--· 1- 1 2 3 .- 4 5 8 9

Rs. Rs. Rs. ·Rs. Rs. 1. Public Works: Offices Rs. Rs. and Buildings etc. . . 3, 75,649 9,509 ~85,158 2,401 3,172 5,573 3,90,731

2. Roads and Road side I trees .. .. 49,400 49,4001 .. ~ 4,796 4,796 54,196 3. Water-supply ...... 3,913 1,081 4,994 4,994 4. Establishment ( inclu~ ') ding travelling allow- ance and contin- gencies etc.) .. } 20,7371 .. 20.737 6.2331 • • I 1)6,589 27,326 5. Miscellaneous , . +356 .• 1 Total .. 3,96,3861 58,909 4,55,295,12,90~ 9,049121,952,4,77,247


Agricultural stock in the Phaltan State, during the year 1942-43

Cattle and Horses Ploughs

0 "'k , ......

1 15 16


Stateme~t showing the excise shops and exdse revenue of the Phaltan State, during the year 1942-43

Country Spirit Opium Ganja Toddy Total ReiJ?.arks No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue shops shops shops shops - shops 10 11 4 .s 6 7 8 Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. 60,1:179 1 7,665 8 49,545 1 3,769 .. .. 10 32 APPENDIX XXII Statement showing Receipts and Disbursements of the Phaltan State, during the year 1942-43


Demand [Collection i Coli:Ction :Remission,. ., . during the during the.during the ~ Nature of Demand . I current I previous I current Balance ~ Arrears Current I Total .1. year yrar year .., I H!42-t3 1941-42 1942-43 iJ:< -----=-----_1 :-:._~-_"2==----~-1------:r-·· ~--·_s -~~---6-~~-r-- -s- ·-g- 1

the year l" ,l17.21,19016,40,634 . 4-Land Revenue I I 1 1 Fixed · · } I I I . '2 Fluctuating · . . 1,1>7 804!1,98,436\ 3,56,2401 87,250i 1,22,887! 36,073' 2,32,917:

I .3 Miscellaneous . . 10,8371 10,837. 10,8371 2,679 . . 1 . . j 1,57,804 -2J)9,273: 3,67,077[ 98,087: 1,25,566! . . i •• Deduct Refunds.. I 3,661! 3,6611 3,661i 8,4471 . • • . 2,05,612• 3,63,416:-il(4261T,r7-;Ti9! • . . . Deduct Local · [ I I funds revenue . . . . • 18,800! 18,800:~·800 ~862 1 • • . . Total .. 1,57,804 1 1,86,812 1~4,616 1_7~ ~3,257i-36,073t2,32,9i7 4 Collection charges · 1 on Irrigation I revenue . . 24,934 1 ·24,934 24,934 24,531 .5 Collection charges on Local funds . . 5,318 5,318 5,318 5,095 ~ Forest revenue . . 255 255 255 474 1 Pot-Hissa Survey _fee 35,674 35,674 1 10,814 84 30 24,830 Total .. 1,93,478 2,17,319 ~0,797 _2!6,947 ~3,441/~.103 2,57,747 B-Excise Revenue 1 Excise duty on sugar .. 7,28,163 7,28,163 7,28,163 8,14,007 .. .. :2 Opium · . ·1 49,545 49,545 49,545 35,124 .. .3 Compensation for country liquor and . hemp drugs . . 11,434l' 11,434 11,434 16,366 .. .. 4 Salt Compensation 2,011 2,011 2,011 2,0ll .. .. .

:5 Excise duty on 1 I matches 5,6871 5,6871 5,687 4,387 ., ..

.£ Petrol-sales tax .. __· ·---~~-~~----9-6 ___2_3_5 ___.. ___.. 1 1 11 1 Total . . j 7,96,936 7,96,9361 7,96,936 8,72,130; .. 1 1 . C- Stamp Revenue ~------~----~ 1 1 Sale proceeds of I general stamps .. 1 9,154! 9,1541 9,154. 4,439 •• :2 Sale-proceeds of 1 I I court fee stamps I 11,317 11,317i 1q17 9,iss 1 '3 Sale-proceeds of 1 !

1 .' .revenue stamps .. 1,431!· 1,43.1 1 1,431[ 1,150 .. 4 Share transfer I 1 stamps . . 1 2l,OU 21,024· 21,024 •. .5 Stamp P,uty. andi j I penalty on un-! I stamped or insuffi-i I ciently stamped' I

documents , .. J 121: 121 121; Ml .. 1 1 Total .. ~---.- 43,0171 43,047j-43,047f p,83IJ.--.-.--,--••-- •

Deduct Refunds .. 1 .. • 8) 8i 81 IG/ .. .. .--..- 43,03~J-43,03li!---:t3',o39 14)ii;:.:---·------~--- I I ' I __;_: ----'- ' 33 APPENDIX XXII. Statement showing Receipts and Di~bursements of the Phaltan State · during the Year 1942-43 · '


Budget Estimates Adual Expenditure ~"' Nature of Expenditure k ~evious Increase Decrease Current Current j Previous a year year year vear "' 1942-43 1941-42 1942-43 1941-42 ~

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Q ------l--~--~--~--~--~--~!~---1---~-1------·+-v- Rs, Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. A-Tribute 9,600 ,600 ,600 1,600 i B-A dministration I -

1 Political 35,000 ,000 .130 16,259 .. I 2 General Administration .. 43,425 42,707 '5 39,283 2,692 .. I 3 Revenue ( i) Land Revenue 41,250 62,700 27,784 51,135 23,3J (ii) Watandars and H akkadars 59,000 68,2501 51,285 54:,507 • • 3,222 ---1-----~------i--·--1-----1· 1,0~,~50 1,30,9501 79,069 1,05,642 • • 26,573 4 Sugar Excise • • 2,09,808 3,25,1781 2,95,131 3,24,296 • • 29,165 I ~Opium 8,000 5,600 8,453 5,219 3,234

6 Registration 2,000 1,700 1,805 1,532 273

7 Law and Justice 10,~50 7,992 9,044 7,446 1,598 I . 8 Jail 3,550 1,865 3,3511 1,653 1,698 9 Police 42,000 26,550 29,5431 25,021 4,522

10 Agriculture 11,5001 10,000 11,4941 10,000 1,494 11 Rural Uplift 62,802,1,11,8081 41,25lj . 83,486 42,235

12 Co-cperative 3, 700' 3,484 3,482 a,39a 89

13 Commerce & Industries .. 9,350 7,450 8,686 5,649 3,037

14 PrL."lti..'lg . . 56,8861 4Q,700I 55,004 5,0_00 50,004l .•

15 Postage {S~rvice Stamps) 2,000!' 1,600 1,900: 1,508 3921 ••

16 Miscellaneous unforeseen , 1 Administrative charges.. 5,000 1,400 4 884. I 280 4,6041 ••

17 Irrigation revenue .. 3,25,000 2,50,000 3,56,192: 3,50,447 5,745: .. 1 18 Local funds revenue •• 65,6251 60,000~ 69,7951-· _67,359j-· 2,4361_._. ·-1

9,96,14610,46,984i10,52,189 ,10,53,473 .. . Total .. 1 1,2841 ----~--1------

C-Public Instmction .. 1,01,825 60,0251 91,55J 50,971 40,580 .. II I I D-Dispensary charges • • 12.000 ll,~Do 1 ~ 9,622: 9,615! 7 • • 1 E-Domestic charges .. 1,21,0001 1,02,0001 1,.;7,20111,00,0001 27,291 .. ! -

~-- ···················------34

RECEIPTs-( Confd. )

- Collection Collection Demand -;:Rerni-s--;so~-~---­., dnring the during the,ciuri1ng the """... Nature of Demand 1----.-----,-----l current previous current Balance .,sol .---- ~.~~~~~ Current I Total 1§:;_r43 1 §:~4 ::l 1 §':~~ 3 ~ ----, 2 3 I 4 5 6- ---- i -- 8 -9 ---~-~--~-·-~~c---~--~-c~~~- I D-Law a11d Justice· Rs. Rs. I Rs. Rs .. Rs. Rs. Rs. 1 Fee for sanads to lawyers . . • • I 245l 245 245 90 .. 2 Sale-proceeds of[ .. unclaimed and in- I 1 1 , · testate property. ; I • • • • • • • , 21'! .• 3 Court-fee on pau- .. 1 per suits and: I other sums realis-i I \ ed in cash . ·1 I 10 4 ~~~~e~~~~ o~nt~~ , • , • f· . . . . . 1 ,I .. I ..

amount ofsalesetc.l . . ~'61 66 661 6 ,. 5 qrimi~al (Magiste-i " I I J ~j .. · " nal) fines .. , 1,205 1.68\i 2,886 1,286 4-lo' 434 1,166 6 Comparing fees . . 1171 1171 117 102: '!1

7 Subsistence allow- 1 j 1 ance .. 1 63, 63 63 44 . . 1 .. 8 Miscellaneous ··~----~-~~--1671 __ 167~ 2571--··_I_,__··_

Total . . 1,205 2,3391 3,544 , 1,944 1,03·3·· i 43·····4·· 1 1,166 Deduct Refunds .. · 160 160 160 93j . . 1 .. 2,179 3,384 1,784 -94o ___434i--I,f66 1 E-Receipts under other heads 1 Income-tax 3,44 7 1,67,252 1, 70,699 1,41,486 72,060 29,213 3 1 DeductRefunds.. 4551 4551 __4_55_. __~1-=-54=[-_:_:--:-~~ 1 1 3,447 1,66,7971 1,70,244: 1,41,031 71,906, _ __;_ __1----'-1 2 Registration • . I . 6,9311' 6,931 , 6,93~ 4,170 1 3 ·Motor Communi- I cation 15,17~ 15,179 15,17~ 18,2681 4 Police 1,10a,1 1,105 1,10o 789i 5 Education · 2,204 20,65Si 22,862: 16,604! 9,7131 6,258 6 Medical 800 2,ooo 1 2,8oot . . 1.200 2,800; 7 Rural Uplift 9,614 35,852!1 45,466! 39,6261 5,833 u,8·10 i 8 Co-operative 180 1. 80 . 180 1801 9 Commerce and 1 1 Industries 4,505 4,505 . 905 2,929.

Public Works · 1 I (1) Rent of State . I buildings . . 217, 217 217' 2771

(2~Sale-proceedsl 1' I of stores . . 4? / 42; 42 1,364i (3) Miscellaneous! 1,94II · 1,941: 1.941 38! (4) Receipts for I I Dams from i Agricultural I : Improvement i Fund • . ._. 9,1431 9,1431 9,l_!~j-·. __ ·.~-- _._._ 1--··____ !_!,34~: 11,3-13/_!!2431 __1,67(1! .. 1_·.:..- 10 Printing ·: 4,488 13,024: 17,5121 13,971/' 4,5451 . . . ~ 3,541/· 11 Pension Contn- 1 I ' I 1 bution .. f 110: 170: 170 141:1 I 12 Postal Service I I ' Stamps . ·J . . 2,156[1 2,156 2,156 1,723 13 Irrigation reve-1 1 I nue .. 11,29,003[ 2,89,606i 4,18,609 3.u9,50r. 3,55,028: 9':l; u9,006

Deduct Refunds .. .. • . . • .. G3' • • 1 .. ~9,003l 2,8!l,f,(_~ ~~!~~O!J --3~f"~9.505 J,iiiJitiiJ -·!JK u!J,fJ{l(j 1 = =- 14 Loe:al funds .. 33,603;~3\ 90,H9·1i- G9,79ii ll7,35!1 1 _:_:__j~~ Total .. 1,83,lu9j6,26,8071 8,10,056/_ 6,82,101 5,45-~~041 ___~\-~~~857/ ___ . 35 DISBURSEMENTS-( Contd.) . Budget Estimates Actual Expen9-iture .., Nature of Expenditure "'... Current Previous Current Previous Increase Decrease S year year year year ~ 1942-43 1941-42 1942-43 1941-42 ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~~ Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

F-Religiot1s charges 5,400 1,504 8,407 6,903

G-Public Works I 1 Establishment, (travell~ I ing allowance and con- tingencies ) • ·1 23,840 32,208 i 20,737 28,343 .. 7, 606

1 2 Original works • ·~4,35,830 3,24,500 3,75,649 31,464 3,44,185 ..

1 3 Repair-works · ·\ 62,280 44:875 1 58,909 35,518 23,391 1 •• ·1--,----.----'--1 1 Total · ·i 5,21,950 4,01,583! 4,55,2951_95,325/~9,970/ __• ._ s

H-Oth~r Taxes I

Income-tax 6,555 5,767 6,466 5,086 1,380

!-Stamps 1,675 1,200 1,612 184 1,428

/-Pension and Gratuities 13,530 12,000 12,881 11,082 1,799

K-M iscellaneous charges

1 Interest charges .. I 7,500 6,300 7,972 6,0991 1,873

I 269 2 Guests . ·J 7,3031 5,9251 4,739 5,0081

3 Government Vehicles .. 12,350 15,1001 9,7481 4,8661 4,882 i 4 Donations :·[10,000 23,797\ 9,8641 23,7971 13,933

2,64i !:i War Efforts •• 1 2!,615, 2a,oool 25,6471 23,000·

I A I . : 6 Ci·til Supplies .'I 2,25,0001 __· ·_\ 1,37,,8061 •• 1,37,806 __··_ 1 33 006 Total • ·12,86,768\_~1221~5,7761 62,770! • • .. _ Total of lleads A to K 1 20 79 29917 29,581 19,63,78714,06,513•1 5,57,274 •• .. 1 ' ' I ' I I 36


Demand Collection: Collection :Remission during the during the during the ...."' Nature of Demand .. 1----,------.,------1 current previous current Balance 8..,"' Arrears Current Total year vear year p:; 1942-43 1 1941-42 1942--43 ~----.-~------l-~zc---l--~3-l-~4~-!---s~---6 7 8 9 · F-Extraorditlary Mis­ Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. I Rs. Rs. Rs. cellaneous Receipts 1 Interest (1) On Defence I Bonds .. . . 9,ooo 9,ooo! 9,ooo. 9,ooo! .. (2) On Deposits .. • • 15,898 15,89Si 15,898: 16,538 • • :: (3} Dividend on shares .. . • 732 7321 732\ 375! . • • • (4) Miscellaneous • • 2,0541 2 0541 2,054: 1,4011 • • . • Total •. .. 27,6841 27,6841 27,684:~4! .. -.-.- ·2 Miscellaneous Deduct Refunds .. :: .1:"ol .1:520 .1:"'0: 1'·';:: :: 1 :: 1 1 . . 1,5201 1,5201 1,520 15,527 • • ~--••- 3 Civil Supplies .. 17i6,806, 1,06,806: 1,06,806, . • • i . . . . . Total .. . • 1,36,0101-1,36,0101 1,36,010,_42,841: __··_1 __ ••_ Total of Heads A to F.. 3, 77,842'18,22,380'22,00,22217, 76,817,15,99,571! 36,635i 3,86, 770 G-Debt Heads ----~~--(-:----~ I 1 Deposits · ' 1 1 (1) Revenue . . . . 5,35,969 5,35,9691 5,35,969 5,83,0971 ••

• (2) Civil . . . . 9,410 9,4101 9,410' 6,111' •• (3) Criminal Court . • 158 158. 158[ • 3t •• (4)Workmen's • ., • I j

402 402 402i 1,767 .. Compensation .. 1 (5) Defence I' j Savings .. .. 185 185 185 ...... (6) Miscellaneous .. __. '-+-2::::'-:::'7:-:C8,~23=3i 2.78,233 2,78,2331 __ ~_!!.455; __.•_ __._. _ 1 1 Total • . . . 8,24,3571 8,,24,357!' 8,24,357ll 7,32,4671 .• 2 Public Funds (1) State Servants' . I • I Provident Fund 3,016 -23,320 26,3361 21,819' 21,654 •• 4,517 (2) Co-operative :· I Societies' Re- · I 1 serve Fund . . . . , 4,145 4,145 4,145/. 6,123' •• (3) Silver Jubilee . . 465 465 - 465 505 •• · ( 4) Agricultural Improvement .. _ 13,776 13,776 13,776/ 13,376 · (5) Industrial 1 improvement • • 2,314 2,314/ 2,314, 2,369 .. • . (6) Anti-Tuber- 1 15" 148 culosis Fund.. " ~~~ 1~"<>·, 1""D~---1 .. •• Total • . 3,0161 44,1721 47,188 42,671 .44,175 __.._j_4c~II 1 1 3.016 8,68.529 8. 71,545, 8,67,028, 7.76.642, • • I 4,1)17 · '3 Advances reco- 1 1 1 1 vered ,. 3,79,055 5,07,850 8,86,905• 7,76,320' 2,85,639' .. 1,10.5851 4 Loans recovered .. 1,93,688 10,6rl2,1 2.04,3801 23,607' 15,345: • • : 1,80,773 1 Total of Debt Heads 5, 75,759 I3,87,07li19,62,830J6,66,D55 iO, 77,62Gj __·_·_!_?:~t5]-75l 1 1 Total Receipts •• _::.• 53,601132,09,451 :41,63,052/34,43, 772,26,77,197/ 36,63/i 6,82,64.'i!

GRAND ToTAL • • 1 1 ,51,64)!62 43,17,831: I / EXPLANATORY NOTES-( RECEIPTS) 1 The decrease under • A-Land Revenue ' is due tc less receiots during the year under report owing to remissions. • 1 The increase under 'C-Stamps Revenue' is mainly due to realisation on account of share transfer stamps for the first time during the year due to the conversion into a public !united Company · of the Phaltan Sugar Works, Ltd., a private limited Company. , 8 The increase under 'E-llncome-tax' is mainly due to large receipts during the year under report. t The increase under 'E-7 Rural Uplift Revenue • is mainly due to receipts on account of crushing charges collected from power cane crushers. 5 The increase under • E-ll Printing • is mainly due to large receipts during the year. The increases and decreases under the other-heads are due to their fluctuating nature. 37 DISBURSEMENTS-( Contd.)

Budget Estimates I Actual Expenditure Ill : ,loj Nature of Expendi~ure· Current Previous. . Current Previous Decrease a~ year year year year <:J 1942-43 1941-42 1942-43 1941-42 ;:::j 1 --~----~~------1---~2-!_~3~- 4 5 6 7 i ' L-Debt Heads Rs. Rs. Rs. 1 Rs. Rs. Rs. I 1 Repayment of Deposits- i

( 1) Revenue .. I 10,000 10,000~ 5,06,425 5,54:,468 .. 48,043 ( 2) Civil "I 5,00011 5,000i 7,863 6,546 1,317 ..• ( 3 ) Criminal Court .. 1 250, 250~ ~ 87 6231 .. 536 ( 4) Workmen's Campen-:1 j I i I . sation . ·I .5.,5001· .•G.,50ol· 2,4031! 2,890! .. 487 ( 5) Defence savings .. i . • • • • [ .. ..

( 6) Miscellanepus .. ,J ___2,_I5_ol __1_,6_~8~ 92,179/ 41,146/. 51,033 .. 22,900: 23,428i 6,08,957\ 6,05,6731---·l----l3,254 .. 2 Public Funds- I I ~---1----'--l ( 1) State Servants' Provi-! dent Fund :.1 7,000 6,0J 8,81t' 6,478 2,339 I ( 2) Silver Jubilee Fund. ·I 4601 500 500 600 100 ( 3 )Agricultural Improve-!' I · ment Fund .. 24,8301 9,143 ( 4) Industrial Improve- ! . 1 ment Fund ··! 3,150 1 4,5001 113 4,327 4,214 ( 5 ) Anti - Tuberculosi~ I Fund •. j •• 72 ( 6 ) Co-operative Socie-! ties Reserve Fund . ·1---·. _ __2,000 _·_·_ .. • . .. 3.5,4:401 _13,072 18,573' 11,405 l68 .•

Total . . 58,340: 36,5001 6,27,530 6,17,078 ,452 .. 3 Advances recovered .. 1,16,500~ 1,15,000! 5,07,85Q I _5,35,559 .. 27,709

4 Loans recovered .. 48,550 52,762! 13,365 i 37,491 .. 24,126 1 I ~---, . .-- Total of Debt Heads .. 2,23,390! 2,04,262.11,48,745 .11,90,128 .. I 41,383 ,___ ---1-~ 1---'----!---- 1

Total Expenditure .• 23,02,68910,33,843.31,12,532 25,96,6411 5,15,891 •• I · • I · Surplus at the end of the year •. ----~---:20,52,430 :17,21,190~----~--- ___ , ____ , .---·----'--- Grand Total . . I :51,64,962 43,17,831; I I I I .


1 The incrsase under • B-I 4 Printing' is mainly due to initial expenditure on machinery etc. · te;ing deti:ed d'.uing l"le year under report. 'Tr:e b.crease under • G-Public Instruction' is mainly due to expansion of Primary schools and e;xpendit'.lre on school buildings during the year under report. · a The increase on ' G-Public Vlorks-Original and repairs ' is mainly due to much of the expsnditure en the Ce!').\ral Offices buildings being debited during the year and extensive repairs to c ther Go·/etrL'iler:t Buildings. ·The increases and decreases under the o\t,er heads are d'ue to their fluctuating nature. 38 APPENDIX XXlli Statement of Medical Relief afforded in the Phaltan State, during the year 1942-43

Number of patients Result of in-door treated · patients Dispensaries ...... 0 o· c'" 0 0 '0 OJ ·c;; -g '9 4,) "' .... 1c 8 :::0 :::0 ..... A "'to 0 - ll:l.!:: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Rs. King George V and Queen Mary• Silver Jubilee Charitable State Dispen- sary, Phaltan .. 11,465 2 2 9,122 179·5 Local Board- . (Medical Relief) _ l (a) Ce11tral Division­ Phaltan Centre (with 16 1 I surrounding villages) 4,418 .• ...... , 37 (b) Western Division- !. Taradgaon Centre .. 174 .. • 2. Adarki II •• 196 •. ::l4,092 i :: 3. Sakharwadi ., .. 56 .. 4. Wathar ., .. 229 .• :: j 14 (c) Eastern Division- I i 1. Pimprad Centre .. 120 •. 2. Nimblak 11 405 ••

3. Barad II 540 .. 4. Rajuri 246 •• II II ~:,~~ :~ J !l 5. Dudhebavi , 288 .. • • • • • • • .) 19 Total • . 18, 1.371_2_ 2,-.-. -.-.1-·.- 13,2141

APPENDIX XXN Vital Statistics of the Phaltan State, for the year 1942-43

]:; _c""•... _ Births Deaths oOO'> Oil rn Ill g ... be .... "'d Place .S~o ..., ...OJ ...a1 ...~ ::o· (.) 0 .... (.) P....,;!J c .. c OJ c .. c OJ d ...... ~8~ .... A .... ~ ~ Ill ~"' ~"' e ;., ~(.)""' p:: p::"' Po<

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Urban Area. 9,928 429 41H 22 318 294,

· Rural Areas. 61,545 2,211 2,186 25 1,412 1,569 - -- Total .. 71,473 22 25 --1,730 1,863 39 · APPENDIX XXV

Particulars as to the sc~ools maintained by the Phaltan State, for the year 1942-43

I Number of pupils on roll on the last r· . I Number : day of the ~~~demica_!_y.~_a_r _ Daily average [ of Schools Past year I Present year attendance .f.l

! .., Description of Schools I ,- 1 I ... 1 • Expen· :ii 1 c ,_, Ul U> ..... 1 U> : "' _ 2 1 ~ diture S .. ~~~ s ~ .s:si:E .s·l ,:-15:5 ~ rnlQ"', p::) (3,~~,·.~,o ~ ·~ .t"'.' ~ :rt I r I . " ..., ,..

-~~~~2~----3 ___ ,1 4 s 1_6_J_7_f_s_ --e-f10!_11_1_12-,~

1 I I I I ' I 1 : 1 Mudhoji High I · ~ I I i Rs. , School, Phaltan.. 348 92 . 440: 432: 124: 556! 382·3 441 ·o '21,068 4 . 4 Primary Boys' 886 ' Schools,Phaltan .. ·· 51 1 9371·879! 61 9401835•0 1747•9 !10,548 : 1 .Primary Girls' .. , School, Phaltan. ·1 .. 2671 267 .. : 1 304 304i 262·61207·7 1 1,923 69 . 72 village Primary - 1 1 : 1 Schools .. 2,997 562'3,559 3,0401·. 65613,6.96 2189'6 :2488·2 28,892 ' 1 · 2 Village Aided I I ' ., I I i Schools 3o • • so: 57i 4 61 22·o I 28·1! 1o8 1 : 1 Village Adult 1 : School 20 • • 20! 9: . 9119·6 1 . '72 i i s·o --1 ------)-~~-- --~,--~--~-- 77 ' 81 i Total .. 4,2811 972!5,253;4,417 1,149l5,566l3,71l·o s,920·9I62,611 I I 1 1 '40 ANNEX I

Names of the Rulers of the Phaltan State

A. D. 1. Nimbraj I (the Founder) 1284-1291 2. Podkha1a Jagdevrao aliaiDharapatrao .• 1291-1327 3. Nimbraj II 1327-1349 4. v'anang Bhupal 1349-1374 '*5. Vanangpal 1390-1394 I . 6. Vangoji I I '' 1394-1409 7. Maloji I 1409-1420 8. Baji I 1420-1445 9. Pawarrao 1445-1470 10. Baji II 1470-1512 11. Mudhoji I 1512-1527 12. Baji Dharrao 1527-1560

13. Maloji II f •• 1560-1570 14. Vangoji II alias Jagpa1rao 1570-1630 15. ,Mudhoji II 1630-1644 16. Bajaji I 1644-1676 17. Vangoji III 1676-1693 18. Janoji I 1693-1748 19. Mudhoji III 1748-1765 Rani Sagunabai alias Aisaheb 1765-1767 V'ffO MudhGji III (Regent) 20. Soyaraji 1761-1774 . ,21. Maloji ITI 1774-1777 22. Janoji II 1777-1825 Rani Sagunabai alias Aisaheb (1777 -li91) wjo Mudhoji III (Regent) 'f 23. Bajaji II 1827-1828 t 24. Mudhoji IV alias Bapu Saheb 1841-1916 Rani Sahebjibai alias Baya Saheb (1841-1.%3) wjo Janoji II (Regent) • 25. Ma1ojirao IV alias Nana Saheb Asce11ded tlze Cadi on 17-10-1916 & Invested wltlz rull11g power's o" 15-11-1917


• (I) The Jahagir was usurped by a banditti from 1374 to 13~0. t (2) The Jahagir was attached by the Maharaja of Satara from 1825 to 1827. ! (3) The Jahagir was attached by Ll-Je Maharaja of Sa tara !rom 1828 to 1841 and admini:.tercd by the British Government from 1~53 to 18GO. 41 ANNEX ll

Names of the l\lembers of the Phaltan State Legislative Council ( 1942-43) :-

1. !Ar. Sh:id~ar Ga~esh Vaze, B. A., Servants of India Society, Poona, President, ( l\ ommated "\'on-Official).

2. Rao Bahadur Keshav Vinayak Godbole, B. A.", Lt. B., Dewan and Home l.1ember, (Ex-Officio}. · 3. Ivlr. Ehalchandra Laxman Likhite, :i.I. A., LL.B., Finance Member, (Ex~Officlo). 4. Mr. Sakharam Rajaram Bhonsale, B. A., LL.B., Law ' Member, Elected Member ( Plzaltan Urban), and the Vice-President elected by the Legislative Council.


5. Mr. Ramchandra Rangrao Kaulgud, :M.A., LL.B., F. C. Sub-Judge, Phaltan. ( Oj'icial ). 6. 1/Ir. Daduba Ahivale, Phaltan, (Non-Official).

ELECTED JIEJIBERS · 7. Dr. P..amkrishna Hari Bhadkamkar, :i.I. A., ~r. D., ( Educatio1t ). 8. !Jr. Hiraman Balaram Teli, Pleader,. (Local Self-Government). 9. Dr. Dattatraya Manohar Barve, L. c. P. s., ( Phaltan Urban). 10. 1.1r. IAadhav Balvant Eedke, (Northern Rttral ). 11. Mr. Appajirao Anandrao Nimbalkar, (Northern Rural). 12. 1.1r. If.a:-Jkchand Nanchand Gujar, ( Northem Rural). 13. liJ:r. Maruti Chopadi Gaikwad, ( Sottthern Rural). 14. l.1r. Tat)raba Nanasaheb Chavan, (Southern Rural). 15. Itr. Hirachand Khemchand Shah, (Southern Rural).


~ames of the Members of the Phaltan Municipality. ( 1942·43) :­ ELECTED .i'I!E,UBERS 1. 1/.r., Vishvanath Bavadekar, B. A., LL.B., Pleader, President, ( ~.7ard 2) upto 1-6-1942. 2. :1!r. '!:s::-L!i.U Narayan Agashe, B. A., n. B., Pleader, President, (Ward 2) fro:n 2-S-1942 to the end of 31-3-43. C.:r. P.a::-:J.c:.1and Talakchand Gandhi, Vice-President, upto 1-6-1942. ~ ) - ..;, liAr. Ji·nc.j Kuber Doshi, Vice-President, (Ward 4) from 2-6-1942 to the end of 31-3-43. 4. l;!r. Y.:ri::hna Bala Asalekar, (Ward 1) Clzairm;m. Managing Comynittee. 5. !.1r. Keru Kakade, (Ward 1 ). 6. l!Ir.. Shankar Rama Koshti, (Ward 1 ). 7. L1r. Eajirao Anandrao Powar, (Ward 2 ). 8. Mr. Shar:karrc.o Bala Patharwc.t, (Ward 2 ). 8. l.1r. Rc.rr:.chc:n-:J.ra Genba Chaudhari, (Ward 3 ). 10. 1.1r. Tukarar.::t Swalaram Disale, ( Vvard 3 ),' 11. Dr. Jinda.s GanE:sh Paise, (Ward 4 ). 12. IIJ:r. Gulabchand Khemchand Shah, (Ward 4 ). NOMINATED .1!EJIBERS 13. Dr. Ganr:radh::tr Sa?Jlara<·n Phansalkar, L.c.P.s., Cltief Medical Officer (Official) • (Clwirman, Sanitary Committee). 14. Uir. Go·;i:Jd F.a::nchandra Sane, n. sc., LL.B., Inspector, Weights and :ik::;a::··1res, ( OJJicial ). 15. 1;1r. Hir:::..:-::::.:::1 B::1laram Teli, Pleadsr, Phaltan, (Non-Official).

1s. 1.1r. v::~'-j ';'!::iE:bh;,;.r Sha:-Lkar Zirape I B.A., LL.B., Pleader, Phaltan, (Non-Official). 42 ANNEX IV

Names of the Members of the Phalta.n State Local Board ( 1942 43) :-

1. Mr. Hiraman Balaram Teli, Pleader, President, ( Nominat,·d Non-O.!ficial ), upto 11-7-1942. Mr. Appasaheb Narayanrao Nimba1kar, President, ( Elr:cted-Barad ), from 12-7-1942 to the end of 31-3-43. 2. Mr. Shrikrishna Hari Talvalkar, A. c. R. A., Manager, Shri-Laxmi Central Co-operative Bank, Ltd., Phaltan, Vice-Presid

ELECTED MEMBERS 3. Mr. Vithalrao Jijaba Gaikwad, ( Taradgaon). 4. Mr. Sarjerao Ragunathrao Bhoite, (Jaradgaotl ). 6. Mr. Raoji Krishnaji Bobade, ( Taradgaon ). 6. Mr. Ramchandra Yeshwantrao Bhoite, ( Taradgaon ). 7. Mr. Bapusaheb Balasaheb Ranaware, ( Kalaj). 8. Mr. Vishwanath Balkrishna Phanse, ( I<.alaj ). 9. Mr. Sahebu Savlaram ~eoka~, ( Kalaj). 10. Mr. Bala Babaji Shinde, ( Phaltan ). 11. Mr. Dinkarrao Ganapatrao Dhavale, -{ Nimblak ). 12. Mr. Dwarkanath Vithoba Gaund, ( Nimblak ). 13. Mr. B~jirao Balasaheb. Kadam, ( Nimblak ). 14. Mr. Bhiku Tukaram Gavade, ( Barad ). 16. Mr. Anandrao Abajirao Ghate, ( Barad).

NOMINATED MEMBERS 16. Mr. Shivram Vithal Ambiye, Personal Asstt. to Dewan'Phaltan, (Official). 17. Mr. Ramchandra Shambhurao Bapat, L. c. E., Sugar Factory, Canal and P. W. D. Officer, Phaltan State (Official). 18. Mr. Hiraman Balaram T~li, Phaltan, (Non-Official). 19. Mr. Abdul Samad Haidar Mujawar Daruwale, (Non-Official). 20. Mr. Dadu Laxman Kakade, (Non-Official).

21. Dr. Vasudeo Raghunath Lele, L. c;:. P. s., Asstt. Medical Officer, Phaltan State, (Co-opt.), Chairman Public Health Committee. INDEX TO PARAGRAPHS

(Figures refer to Paragraph Numbers) \ A Cotton Gins and Power Crushers .. 10\J Accession Day 18 Council, Executive 26

Accidental Deaths and Fires 57 II Legislative 28 Agriculture '115 Court, High 58 Agricultural stock 117 Court, Mamlatdar's 68 Alienated Villages 31 Courts, 9ther 59 Alienations 39 Court of Wards 67. Analysis of closing Balance 126 Criminal Appellate Work 62 .F.rea (of the State) 2 Criminal Courts, Work done by .. 61 Area, Irrigated 42 Crops, Out-turn of 95 Armistice Day 19 Cultivable and Uncultivable Land .. 3T B D Balance, Opening and Closing •• 125 Dearness Allowance 15 Bank, Shri-Laxmi Central Death of Shrimant Shambhusinh Co-operative, Phaltan Amarsinh Jadhavrao, Jahagirdar l~":'i:iated Societies, Number of 182 of Malegaon Bdk. and of others 22 A:mual General Meeting 185 Deaths, Accidental 57 hudit 189 Deccan States, Problems of Constitution and personnel 1Bl Common Concern to 2T 1B3 Financial Position Decrees, Execution of 64 Loans a.r!d Recoveries 187 Dispensaries 134 Lo:1r_s Outstanding 188 l!, Directors' 184 Dispensaries Private 136 ProEts 186 Dispensary, King George V and Queen Mary Silver Jubilee • Bank Limited, Phaltan 105 Charitable State Barsat Tapasani Work 48 In-door and Out -door Patients 13B Birth-day, King-Emperor's 16 Medical Officers 137' Birth-day, Raja Saheb's 17 Operations 139 Boilers, Inspection of­ 106 Post-m?rlem Examination , 140 Boundaries of t'le State 2 Disputes, Boundary 10 B01.L'1dary Disputes 40 Donations 20 c E 149 Capital Tovm 5 Education, Department of Expenditure 151 Civil ?upplies 14 Number of Schools and Students 150 65 Civil Vl ork, Appellate Education, Primary -Civil Work, Original 63 I BuildL'1gs and Accommodation 172 ClL-r:nate and Temperature 94 Controlling Authority .. 166 Clubs , Examination Results .. 170 ?.~ud:lcji 197 Expenditure 171 F.ecreo,tion, Sakharwadi 198 Physical Training 173 Ccercive Measures 36 Pupils, Number of and Daily Average Attendance .. 16B Co::nmunications 112 S:::hools, Number of and students 167 Concluding Remarks 201 Standards up to which Instruction is Constitution and PoVlers of imparted 169 IH tr~e Ruler 23 Teacl:ers, Efficiency of Co-operative Department 175 Education, Rajkumars' 10 Electric Supply Co., Kishorsinh 104 Co-opsrc:.ti're Societies 119 ISO Emigration, Immigration and l.lidit Clc.3::;i.fication 148 Di!'iers:.t h:-1d3 of li7 Epidemic Diseases Executive Council. Durbar 26 fi:l?.r.-:i~l Po31tion 17() Exports and Imports 102 17~ 69 176 Extradi:ion 2

F Jamabandi 33 Fairs 145 Joint-Stock Companies 105 Finance Department 122 Judiciary, Personnel of GO Financial Position ( of the State) 131 K Analysis of closing Balance 126 I Khadi-kendra, Adarki Loans 130 101 'Net Receipts and Expenditure 12-1: L Opening and Closing Balances - .. 125 Laboil.r, Wages and 96 Receipts and Disbursements 123 Land, Cultiva}?le and Uncultivable 37 Fires~ Accidental 57 Landing Ground 112 Food-grains, Prices _of 97 Land Records, Department of ·16 Forests 98 Land Revenue, Demand and Force, Military 51 Collection 3-l ., Police 53 'Land Revenue Suspensions 35 G Land, Waste 38 Legislation, Cpurse of ·General Condition of the People .. 121 !iO Legislative Council Government and Alienated Villages 31 28 II II Sessions of ... 49 Government of India, political relations with the · 24 Libraries Victoria Diamond Jubilee Gross Revenue ( of the State ) 6 1% Other 196 ~ Liquor, Consumption of 120 :High Court 58 Loans 130 High Officials 29 Local Board, the Phaltan State High School, Mudhoji Buildings 8() Affiliation 153 Constitution and Personnel 82 B~ilding Accommodation 154 Epidemic Diseases 91 Compulsory Physical Training and Gross Receipts and Expenditure S:l Games 161 Meetings ss Daily Average Attendance 159 Other Activities 89 Examination Results 1942.:..43 160 Public Works, Expenditure on 8~ Expenditure • • 157 1 Roads 85 Fees 156 Veterinary Dispensary 90 'General Progress 163 Wells 87 Medical Examination of Students 162 M Pupils, Number of 159 Scholarships and Prizes 158 Mahila Mandai, Phaltan Sansthan .. lfl!l Social Functions and Festivals 164 Mamlatdar's Court ()3 Teaching Staff 155 Maternity Home • ;, 141 165 , Visitors Ad~issions, number of 143 :History, Brief 8 Receipts and Expenditure 142 Medical Department 132 Patients and Expenditure on 133 .Immigration and' Emigration 119 ·Medical Relief in the Villages 135 lmports, Exports a~d 102 Military Forcl!':l !i1 .Income-tax-Department 127 Mint 114 Assessees, Technical'help to lhe 129 Motor Service Co., Kishorsinh 103 Demand and Collection 128 Municipality, the Phaltan .Industries, other 101 • Constitution and Personnel 77 Inspection of boilers 106 Gross Ret::eipts and Expenditure It!

Irrigated Area 42 Meetings ~0 Irriga.tion Revenue 43 Other Activities 81 J Public Works, Expenditure on 79 Jail Department 71 N ,. Expenditure on 73 Net Receipts and Expenditure ,. Vi~itors 47 (of the State) 12! 3 0 Revenue,. Gross · Officials, High, 29 Revenue, Irrigation 43 Officials, Residency 25 Revenue, (Land) Demand and Officers, Revenue 30 Collection of 3! ,, Touring of 45 P..evenue Officers 30 .. Officers Touring of 45 II Village 44 Origin 1 Revision Survey Settlement 32 p Roads 112 Ruler's Powers 23 Panchaynt, Taradgaon Village 92 Rural Uplift 116 Patients and Expenditure. 133 Personal, Social and 21 s Phaltan Sugar Works, Ltd. 99 Sanitation 14.4 Physical Features 3 Scholarships 152 Police Department 52 Schools, Number of 150 Police Force 53 . Situation Area and Boundaries 2 Police : Ratios of-to Population and • Social and Personal 21 Ji.rea 54 Soldiers' Committee, Phaltan St?-te 192 Poli:::e, Village 56 Sugar Excise Arrangements, Police, Working of. 55 Revised, 1940 200 . Politisal Eelations 21 Sugar Works, Ltd. Phaltan, ~J9 Population (of the State) 4 Sugarcane Research Scheme, Post Offices 113 ·Bombay-Deccan, Padegaon . 118 Pot-Hissa Survey Work 47 Survey Settlement, Revision 32 Power Crushers and Cotton Gins 100 Survey Work, Pot-Hissa 47 Powers of the Ruler 23 Suspensions, Land Revenue · 35 PrE;sses and Periodicals T. · Rajamudranalaya (Government Press) • • 193 Other Printing Presses 194 Takavi 41 Prisoners Temperature, Climate and 94 Humber of Admission and Daily Tribute 7 Average of 72 Trolley Line 112 Private Dispensaries · 136 v Public Buildings and Water Works Ill Public Works Department 110 Vaccination 146 R . Villages, Government and Alienated 31 Villages, Medical Relief in the 135 P.ail7rays 112 Village Officers 4 4 Eainfall 93 Village Panchayat, Taradgaon S2 P.ajamudranalaya and Periodicals .. 193 Village Police 56 Saheb and his Family 9 Visit of the Resident .. · 13 P.ajc. Saheb's Accession day 18 Vital Statistics •• 1 ~7 P.ajkumars' Education 10