Governme~t o( Phaltan REPORT \ on the GENERAL ADMINISTRATION of the PHALTAN STATE 1945 P~INT£0 AT THE l'tAJAMUORANALAYA, PHALTAN 01/hJtMI,/r jYOnt SuJ~erHIIcndmt, Government /'d~rting and Stationery, Pha/lan Price Rs. Three t?~n C.No. of 1945 -19 46 DEWAN OFFICE, PH: LTAN, Dated, 30th July From, THE DEWAN OF PH.ALTAN, PHALTAN. To, The Editor, Dnyanaprakash, :foona No. 4 Subject:-Report on the General Adm·in·£st.rat£on ot the Phaltw~ &ate Sir, · I hnve the honour to forwnrcl herewith a copy of the Report on the Genernl Administration of the Phalta.n State for the year 19-1~ -1943 and to rrquest the favour of an ncknowledgement. ' ' I hn.Ye the honour to. be, Sir, Your .1\Iost Obcllicnt Serrnnt, ~.{,;.,____ .._ (\.. t '-._ ( .• ( .:7r1Dewau, Phalb.u Stn.tc. ll. P. P. IIOQ.4.9S. ] Government of Phaltan REPORT , on the GENERAL ADMINISTRATION of the PHALTAN STATE 1945 PRINTED AT THE RA)AMUORANALAYA, PHALTAN O&taiw:~ble from _superintendent, Government Printing and Stationery, Phaltan Price Rs. Three No. ..3314 of 1944- 45 DE'RAN OFFICE Phaltan, the 29th March 1945 I From RAO BAHADUR K. V. GODBOLE, B.A., LL.B., DEWAN, PHALTAN STATE PHALTAN To MAJOR RAJA SHRIMANT SIR MALOJIRAO MUDHOJIRAO alias NANASAHEB l~AIK NIMBALKAR, K. C. I .E., RAJA SAHEB OF PHALTAN PHALTAN Subject :-Report on the General Administration of the Phaltan State for 1942..:43 Shrimant Raja Saheb, I have the honour to submit herewith the Report on the General Administration of the Phal tan State for the year 1942- 43 with Appendices ana. Annexes as usual. I have the honour to be Shrimant Raja Saheb Your Most Obedient Servant Dewan, Phal tan State CONTENTS CHAPTER 0::\E GE~ERAL INFOR::\IATIO~ PAGE A -Area, Population and Revenue .. 1 B -Brief History 2 C -Shrirnant Raja Saheb a.TJ.d his Farriily 2 D -Important Events 2 E -Donations ; . 4 F -Social and P_ersonal 5 / G-Obituary .. 5 CHAPTER TIVO THE ADMINISTRATION A -Constitution and Powers 6 B -Political Relations 6 C-The Administration 6 D -High Officials 1 CHAPTER THREE • AD~!INISTRATION OF THE LAND A -Land Revenue 7 B-Land Records 10 CHAPTER FOUR PROTECTIO~ A -Legislation ' .. 10 B -1/lilitary Force 11 C-Police 11 D-Village Police . , 11· E -Administration of Justice 12 F -Extradition 13 G-Prisons 13 H -Registration .. ' 14 CHAPTER FIVE LOCAL SELF-GOVERN:.IE~T A-The Phaltan Municipality 14 B -The Phaltan State Local Board .. 16 C-Village J?anchayats 18 CHAPTER SIX PRODC'CTION AND DISTRIBUTION A-VIeather and Crops .. 18 B -Vfar,J9S and Labour: Prices of Food-grains 18 C-Forests 19 D-Trade 2nd lAanufacture 19 E -Public Wcrks 21 F -Post Offices 22 G-IIlint 23 H -General Cor.dition of the State and the People 23 CHAPTER SEVEN REVENUE AND FINANCE PAGE A -Finance Department 25 · B :.._Receipts and Disbursements .. 25 C -Income-tax Revenue .. 26 D -Financial Position 27 CHAPTER EIGHT !IIEDICAL RELIEF AND VITAL STATISTICS A -Dispensaries 28 B -Sanitation .. 29 C-Vaccination 30 D -Vital Statistics 30 E -Epidemic Diseases 30 CHAPTER N!NE EDUCATION A -General Progress 31 B -Secondary and Primary Education 31 CHAPTER TEN CO-OPERATIVE l\lOVEMENT A -General Progress 34 B -Financial Position 34 C -The Central Bank 35 CHAPTER ELEVEN MISCELLANEOUS A-The State Records .. 36 B ~The Phaltan State Soldiers' Committee 36 C-Printing Presses and Periodicals 37 D -Libraries .. 37 E -Clubs .. 37 F -Women's Associations 38 G-The Revised Sugar Excise Arrangements of 1940 .. 39 H -Concluding Remarks .. 39 APPENDICES AND AN:\'EXES APPENDICEs (I to XXV) 1-39 A~~ExEs (I to IV) 40-42 INDEX TO PARAGRAPHS 1- 3 Report on the General Administration of the 'Government of Phahan State !942'"'43 CH.l':..PTER ONE GENERAL IN::-'ORMATION A. Area, Population and Revenue 1. Phaltan was fou...'1ded as an independent principality in 1284 A. D. It is ruled by t1e House of Naik-NimbiL"<ars from its beginning. After Origin ~ the dov;nfall of the Peshvras in 1818, its Ruler Janoji IT entered into an Agreement wit..'I the East India Company dated the 22nd April 1820, whereby t.1e Company guaranteed the cor..tinuance of the Jahag~ of Phaltan under tr:e Rajas of Satara. FJter ths annexation of the Satara kingdom in 1849, this State •:;as placed in the political charge of the Government of Bombay. It was placed 5.:1 direct political relations with the Government of India from April 1933 and is included i.'"l the Deccan States Agency in the charge of the Resident for ?.oL1apur and the Deccan State~. It is practically a full-powered State with powers of life and death. The title of R.-~,JA as a hereditary distinction was conferred on the Ruler on January 1, 1936. · 2. The Phaltan State territory lies between 17° 49' and 18° 6' north latitudes and 74? 9' and 74° 43' east longitudes, to the north-east of the Satara Sit.uation, Area District in the Bombay Presidency. The State covers an area of 397 and Boundaries square miles. It~ bounded on the north by the Nira river which .separates it from the Poona District; on t.1e east, it is bounded by the Sholapur District; on the south, by t.~e Satara District; and on the west, by the sarhad (boundary) nal<i which separates it from the Satara District. The State territory li<Ss. v:holly in the 1\ira valley and forms a compact rectangular block with an extreme length, E:ast to west, of about 32 miles and a breadth of about 14 miles. 3. A chain of hills trends along the southern boundary of the State, and on L~e south-west the country is hilly and high-lying, gradually Physical Features sloping tov:rards the east for a few miles, after which it becomes a fairly level plaL"l up to the eastern boundary. In the vicinity of the hills the soil is poor and stony, but gradually Lrnproves until the plain is reached where it is of a ric~ black clay, of variable depth, highly retentive of moisture and fertile. 4. The State h2s a total popu!atio1t of 71,473 ( 1941) comprising 36,114 males , 2.Ild 35,359 females. The d~nsity of the population is 180 ~ouls per Population , sq'lare mile. Of the total population, 9,928 live in the town of Phalta.'Yl. (the capital of the State) and L19 rest in 72 villages. 5. Phaltcm, ti-le capital to'lm of L~e State, lies in latitude 17° 59' N. and Capital Town longitude 74° 26' E. and i3 situated at the centre of the State on the Uahad-Pandharpur road which connects it with the M. & S.M. P.ail'rray s:ation of Lonand, a distance of 17 miles. It lies 66 miles south-east from Poona and 46 miles sout~-vrest from Satara. This ·capital town was founded in 133') A. D, by l1-Je Euler !ri!:lbraj n ( 1327 to 1349 ). It is well kn6wn for its dfy and r-~ealLhy cli::::.~te. It has good vrater-supply, electric lighting and other amenities of a n:sdere1 to-.·m and the cost of living is comparatively very cheap. Besides f:1e nu:nerous s!:o::·s in the to·trn, a weekly ba.zar, for grain, vegetables and cattle is h~ld on S·.:r~days. 6. The gro.ss revenue excl·c1ding the debt heads for t.1e year under report Gron Revenue arr"ounted to Rs. 17,53,449. The arerage reven11e (exclusive of the balance in hand, alienations of land revenue, debt and deposit receipt:> and advances) based on the past fire years is Rs.15,99,571, 2 7. An annual tributa of Rs. 9,600 in lieu of a contingent of horses is t:aid to Tribute the Government of India. B. Brief History 8. The History of the • Naik·N~ family • is given in the administratic:. lrief Hi$tory ·report for the lear 1939-40. 7~·~ C. Shrimant Raja Saheb and his ,&miJv 9. Major Raja Shrimant Sir Malojirao oli4S Nana Saheb Naik-Nimbalkar is the 25th Ruler• of the State. He was born on the 11th September Ra:ss:!:~Jy~d 1896 ( Bh;d,apad S. 4, 1818} at Nimbhore, a village in the Phaltan State and was adopted by the late Ruler on 28-12-1899. He was educated at the Sardar's School, Kolhapur. and the Rajkumar College. Rajkot He obtained the Diploma of the Rajkumar College in 1916. He was invested with ruling powers on November 15, 1917. The title of RAJA as a hereditary distinction was conferred on him on January 1, 1936. He was also awarded cH:. c. 1. E. L-1 His ~jesty's Brith day Honours list in 1942. Shrimant S. Lady Laxtnidevi, Rani Saheb (Born: 17·11-1901. Ka~tik S. 6, H2J at Mcilegaon Bdk., Dist. Poona} is the daughter of the late Shrimant Raje Shambhusinhrao Amarsinhrao Jadhavrao, First Class Sardar and Sat1111j~md~r or Mategaon Bd.lc: .• in the Baramati Taluka of the Poona District, a descendant of Dhanaji Jadhav. the famous Maratha General under Chhattapati Shri Rajaram Maharaj of Satara. She was m~ed to Shrimant Raja Saheb on 18-12-1913 at Phaltan. Shrimant Raja Saheb and Shrimant S. Rani Saheb have one daughter and four sons. Their names, birth­ dates and birth-places are given be1ow:- Name ' Birth-date Birth·-place Sbrimant Sarojinidevi •.
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