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The Group for Creative Meditation The Group for Creative Meditation – Another Roberto Assagioli Legacy When we meditate on these great themes we are joining on inner levels with others working for the same purpose. All know the added power of concerted group action, and realisation that we are part of a great meditating, subjectively building group counteracts the tendency of the isolated individual to feel ineffective, or become the victim of anxiety, negativity and even despair. The sense of isolation is, in fact, artifcial; we all participate consciously or unconsciously and willingly or unwillingly! – in the life of the whole of humanity, and even more so in the Life of the Universe. The more we recognise this and tune in to and work with the laws of the larger Life, the more serene and effective we become, and one of the most practical steps in this direction is creative meditation. Roberto Assagioli – The Group for Creative Meditation, Series © SDH Group ‘Meditation is a journey into inner space.’ Dr. Roberto Assagioli – the father of psychosynthesis “. the word ‘spiritual’ has nothing to do with the use of the word as the orthodox religions use it, except in so far as the religious expression is a part of the general spirituality of mankind. Everything is spiritual which tends towards understanding, towards kindness, towards that which is productive of beauty and which can lead man on to a fuller expression of his divine potentialities.” The Group for Creative Meditation Contents A letter to the Reader. 2 From the Past – The Group for Creative Meditation – Its History . 3 For The Present – The Nature and Practice of Meditation – Q & A’s with R.A. ......................... 7 The Important Role of Creative Meditation – R.A. .......................... 10 Into the Future – The International Association of Creative Meditation ........................ 14 An Invitation to fnd out more . 15 1 June 2012 Dear Reader We are delighted that you are taking the time to explore the contents of this booklet that has come into your possession today. Roberto Assagioli, as you may know, is recognised as the father of psychosynthesis and this soul infusing psychology has come to be a highly regarded experiential guide to self- realisation. Psychosynthesis facilitates personal development that enables the individual to harness their innate potential with purpose and vitality. This well known body of work is part of the Roberto Assagioli legacy. However, the contents of this booklet are designed to give you a glimpse of another legacy that Roberto has gifted to the present day seeker after truth. This body of work is known as The Group for Creative Meditation. It is still available today as a service activity for those it appeals to, as it serves not only the individual but also their environment locally and globally. This group for creative meditation enables the individual to introduce the sacred act of service into their daily lives. In this way, both individually and as part of a subjective group, each of us participates in and contributes to the building of a more positive now and a more constructive tomorrow where the core values of the soul guide and infuence society. We share the papers and articles in this booklet with you with no other intention than to bring you news of another line of work that was very dear to Roberto Assagioli’s heart. If the contents of this booklet do not resonate with you, do not feel compelled to make them your own truth. Just set them aside and note this as a curious sharing. If, however, the contents of the pages resonate and call you to explore further, then do so with a joyful and sceptical inquisitiveness. We wish you well in your forthcoming adventures of discovery wherever they may lead. Kind regards and all good wishes Michael Lindfeld Janet A. Derwent Marina Bernardi Meditation Groups Inc. Sundial House Group & The Community of Living Ethics Meditation Mount, US The International Group for Italy Creative Meditation, UK 2 ‘From the past, for the present, into the future and Eternity.’ ‘From the past, for the present, into the future and Eternity.’ TheThe foresight foresight of of Roberto Roberto Assagioli Assagioli can can be beseen seen within within the the aims aims and and objectives objectivesof psychosynthesis. of psychosynthesis. However, However, at the same at thetime same that thistime soul-infusing-psychology that this soul-infusing- was gifted psychologyto the world was another gifted to body the world of Roberto another Assagioli’sbody of Roberto work Assagioli’swas also takingwork was form. also The following takingsection form. of Thethis followingbooklet sectionseeks ofto thisgive booklet a favour seeks of to the give origins a flavour of ofthis the legacy origins ofknown as The thisGroup legacy for Creativeknown as Meditation, The Group which for Creativeis the spiritual Meditation, companion which tois psychosynthesis.the spiritual companion to psychosynthesis. TheThe Foundation Foundation of the of Groupthe Group for Creat for iveCreative Meditation Meditation on the Laws on the& Laws & PrinciplesPrinciples of Everydayof Everyday Living Living – A Call – A to Call Service to Service Dr Roberto Assagioli is one of the pioneers in the realm of psychology Drand Roberto consciousness Assagioli expansion. is one of the His pioneers most famous in the contribution realm of psychology to andhuman consciousness understanding expansion. is psychosynthesis, His most a comprehensivefamous contribution approach to human understandingto self-realization is psychosynthesis,which combines a a convincingcomprehensive theory approachof human to self- realizationpsychology which with acombines practical therapya convincing which theoryfacilitates of humanthe achieving psychology of with a one’spractical full potential. therapy which facilitates the achieving of one’s full potential. However, Roberto Assagioli was also a student of Theosophy and the However,Ageless WisdomRoberto Teachings. Assagioli was He alsobecame a student a member of Theosophyof a Group and the Agelessworking Wisdomand studying Teachings. with Alice He A. becameBailey and a arisingmember out ofof thisa Group group working andwork studying he became with inspiredAlice A. to Bailey respond and to arisinga request out made of this within group the work he became inspired to Baileyrespond writings, to a requestin DINA IImade (Part XIVwithin pp the231-239). Bailey This writings, called studentsin DINA II (Part to establish a “united world group given to unanimous and simultaneous meditation upon the work XIV pp 231-239). This called students to establish a “united world group given to unanimous of preparing the world for the new order and for the jurisdiction of the Christ* [and] to establish the knowledgeand simultaneous of and the functioning meditation of those upon laws the and work principles of preparing which willthe controlworld thefor thecoming new era, order and the newfor civilizationthe jurisdiction and the of future the Christworld culture1 [and] …” to establish the knowledge of and the functioning of those laws and principles which will control the coming era, the new civilization and the Dr Robertofuture Assagioliworld culture is shown …” here in the grounds of the Arcane School Headquarters in Broadwater Down, Tunbridge Wells, Kent in 1949. Both Nancy Magor and Michal J. Eastcott were co-workers in the Tunbridge Dr Roberto Assagioli is shownWells here HQ inof thethe groundsArcane School of the at Arcane School Headquarters in Broadwaterthis time. Down, Tunbridge Wells, Kent in 1949. Both Nancy Magor and Michal J. Eastcott were co-workers in the Tunbridge Wells HQ of the ArcaneIn May School during at thisthe time.early 1950’s Roberto Assagioli presented a paper at The Arcane School Conference in In MaySwitzerland during theby wayearly of making1950’s knownRoberto his intention to Assagiolirespond presented to this acall. paper He andat FosterThe Arcane Bailey worked very School closelyConference together in toSwitzerland anchor this by idea. way ofInitially Foster makingapproached known his selected intention co-workers to respond and toasked this if they would call. Hebe and willing Foster to work Bailey with workedRA to manifest very closely this project, together they allto anchor declined. However, when Foster asked Nancy Magor and this idea. Initially Foster approached selected co-workers and asked Michal Eastcott if they would be prepared to join RA in this if they wouldendeavour be willing they did to not work hesitate. with RA From to manifestthat request this grew project, a they all long However, friendship when and serviceFoster activityasked thatNancy has Magorresulted and in Michal MJE, RA and NM outside Royal Wells Inn in 1953 Eastcott the if Groupthey would for Creative be prepared Meditation to internationaljoin RA in this movement. endeavour they did not hesitate. From that request grew a life long friendship and * Within theMJE, Bailey RA andwritings NM ‘outsidethe jurisdiction service of the Christ’ activity is taken that to hasrefer toresulted the influencing in the Qualities Group of thefor higherCreative Self, also Meditation known asRoyal the SoulWells or Inn the in Christ1953 consciousnessinternational living within movement. the heart of each person that finds expression within the individuals thoughts , words and actions. 1 Within the Bailey writings ‘the jurisdiction of the Christ’ is taken to refer to the infuencing qualities of the higher Self, also known as the Soul or the Christ consciousness3 living within the heart of each person that fnds expression within the individual’s thoughts, words and actions. 3 Together, Roberto, Nancy and Michal, along with a growing team of others co-founded the Group for Creative Meditation. The preparation of the Group for Creative Meditation study papers2 was the frst project undertaken. The founding nucleus of international co-workers began working subjectively together on 21 December 1957. In a letter addressed to Foster Bailey in July of 1956 the emphasis to anchor the project now turned to recruiting co-workers to build the group magnetic feld and energise the work for then and into the future.
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