SUBPERSONALITIES by James Vargiu the Following Article Is Taken from Synthesis Volume I: the Realization of the Self the Synthesis Press, Redwood City, CA 1974
SUBPERSONALITIES By James Vargiu The following article is taken from Synthesis Volume I: The Realization of the Self The Synthesis Press, Redwood City, CA 1974. The Psychosynthesis Workbook exercises that have been included in this monograph was prepared with the collaboration of the Psychosynthesis Institute, San Francisco and with the assistance of the Canadian Institute of Psychosynthesis, Montreal and the Institute of Psychosynthesis, London and authors have been credited when noted. Transcribed by The Synthesis Center, Amherst, MA, 2003 Who am I? I am George. I am Peter. I am Martha. I am Judy. Whatever my name, I know that I am some one person – I sense that “I am me,” though it is hard to express what this means. When you ask me to describe it, when you press me to answer the question, “Who am I?” I waiver. I will write, “I am George.” But that doesn’t say it. I will write, “I am a teacher” because that’s my profession, but that doesn’t say it either. I will write, “I am kind,” then, “I am mean (sometimes),” “I am bold,” “I am timid,” “I am a father,” “I am faithful.” The list can extend for pages: qualities, social roles, attitudes, peculiar habits, typical foibles. The list is endless. And yet as I give more and more answers, adding complexity upon bewildering complexity (so that it might seem that the very thread of “me” would break in shreds), my sense of identity, the awareness that “I Am Me,” also gets stronger. (G.C. Taylor: The “Who Am I?” Techniques in Psychotherapy, Psychosynthesis Institute, 3352 Sacramento St., San Francisco, CA, 1968.) I see that I am one person – the same person – and that I am made up of many aspects, also and at the same time.
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