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MS 1568 DONALD A.SPRATT: ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS M S 1 5 6 8 / 1 GENERAL NOTES AND ARTICLES RELATING FROM THE MESOLITHIC TO THE ROMANO- BRITISE..P£RIQ££ MESQLUHIC. Notes on the Mesolithic period in the North Yorks Moors area Includes SEAMER CARR, MANLEY CROSS and VESTERDALE "The Late Veichselian Peopling of Britain and NV Europe" - Roger Jacobi Northern England in the 8th Millenium BC: An Essay by R. M.Jacobi ’ Includes relevant notes Folder marked 'Mesolithic Papers' Includes photo copies of returns for Council for British Archaeology Mesolithic Survey NEOLITHIC. Notes on the Neolithic period in the North Yorks Moors area Includes photocopies of survey of cairns and barrows BRONZE. AQR 2 letters relating to the Bronze Age 'Excavations at Fimber Yorkshire' - M.Ehrenberg and C.Caple (Interim re 1982,1983) Dartmoor Reave Project - A.Fleming (Interim report no 9. 1983 season) THVING Excavation 1981 Notes relating to HORN NAB cairnfield, FARNDALE Plans of Bronze Age settlements MS 1568/1 Sketch of GREAT AYTON MOOR cairns Sketch map of ALLAN TOFTS Excavation report of two round barrows in Blansby Park PICKERING - J .G.Rutter Notes on Crown End,VESTERDALE MOOR Swaledale Ancient Land Boundaries Project - Andrew Fleming (2nd,3rd interim reports 1985) 'Bronze Age Settlement on the Southwest Moors’ - Andrew Fleming 1985 Excavations at DANBY RIGG 1985,1986 Plan of VHEELDALE GILL cairnfield <2 copies) 'Survey of Two Cairn Groups on the North Yorks Moors' - R.H.Hayes & J .G.Rutter ’The Analysis of Neolithic & Bronze Age Ceramics from Thwing 8t Eastern Yorkshire' DOE Scheduled Ancient Monuments North Yorkshire - Application for Research Grant 'Fieldwork on the Dartmoor Reaves - Andrew Fleming Excavation of Two Bronze Age Barrows on Irton Moor - D.Coombs & T.Manby 1973 Connections between Britain & Ireland in the later Bronze Age - M.Ehrenberg Maps of the distribution of Bronze Age implements Notes of implement finds Bronze Age metalwork from North Yorkshire in Hull City Museum Deverel-Rimbury - Problems of Chronology & Interpretation - John Barrett Bronze Age Pottery from the Doncaster region - T.Manby 'The Decline of Ritual Authority and the Introduction of Beakers in Britain' - I.J.Thorpe & Colin Richards MS 1568/1 Aerial photograph and newspaper cutting relating to wooden henges (photocopies) IBQfl ..AGE Reports of excavations in IT. Yorkshire Includes ESTON NAB, FORCEGARTH PASTURE 'The ABC of the British Iron Age' - Christopher Hawkes 'Stanwick in the Northern Iron Age' - Percival Turnbull Plans of iron age sites Includes ROXBY LOW MOOR, EASINGTON HIGH MOOR, PROMONTARY FORT WHORLTON Letters and extracts relating to the Iron Age 2 newspaper cuttings (photocopies) Newspaper article and letter relating to the Quern Survey Map of LEVISHAM Sheet LXXV NE. (annotated) 'Fieldwalking in the South Tees Basin* - Roger Inman 2 photographs of the WETWANG SLACK chariot burial RQMANQ-BRITISH Articles relating to the Romano-British period Includes excavation notes for CRATHORNE ENCLOSURE and CATCOTE Rough notes relating to specimens taken from CLEVE DYKE Summary report of excavations at PIERCEBRIDGE 1973 Folder containing notes Includes ESTON HILLS, ROXBY LOW MOOR earthwork 'The Placenames of the Saltburn Area' - W. Hornsby Esq. BA Notes relating to leases pertaining to KILDALE MANOR MS 1563/2/1 CORRESPONDENCE. NOTES AND MAPS RELATING TQ FIELD WALLS AND NAMES Correspondence Includes letters from Dry Stone Vailing Association 1990 H.G.Ramm relating to walls at VYCOLLER Raymond Hayes relating to orthostatic walling 1986 National Trust with a list of 'High Medieval Colonisation in the North Yorks Moors' Sheffield University relating to dry stone walls Other letters relating to Orthostatic walls, field walls, Lakeland walls, boulder walls and pollen analysis etc. Notes Includes Orthostatic Field walls and names of fields Stones at GRASSINGTON and LINTON - H.G.Ramm Boulder walls (photocopy) Orthostatic walls in FARNDALE and Field Vail Studies Intake fields bounded by orthostatic walls - with grid references Vails in BRANSDALE Study of Field Vails in BRANSDALE with maps (4 photocopies) Orthostatic walls in FARNDALE 1987 Orthostatic Field Vails in the North Yorks Moors Iron slag at BRANSDALE Field boundaries (7 sheets of notes and 5 diagrams) 'Proddales' A preliminary report - Bill Cowley Photographs of orthostats Proddales 1992 (photocopies) MS 1568/2/1 BRANSDALE - A historical appraisal Field layouts for FARNDALE and LIDMOOR Orthostatic Field Vails in the North Yorks Moors - D.A.Spratt 'Lakeland Vails' - Vm.Rollinson MA Title page showing construction of dry stone wall 'The Origins of our Village' - Glanville Jones Article 'Danby Mill Restored* 1986 Maps.,and Plans. Includes parts of O.S. Sheet 69 covering COMMONDALE MOOR, VESTERDALE, GISBOROUGH, KILDALE MOOR, RIVER ESK, DANBY, KEMPSVITHEN - all annotated (49 photocopies) Map of BRANSDALE 1818 (2 photocopies) Map of BRANSDALE n.d. (4 photocopies) Field map of BRANSDALE n.d. Survey relating to map of BRANSDALE 1782 (photocopy) Maps of ROYSTON GRANGE Derbyshire (3 photocopies) Map of GRASSINGTON n.d. (photocopy) Plans of FARNDALE ESTATE 1785 (2 photocopies), HIGH FARNDALE ESTATE 1782 (2 photocopies), HIGH FARNDALE DUNCOMBE ESTATE 1782 (2 photocopies) Lay Subsidy for HELMSLEY-cum-CARLTON 34 & 35 Henry VIII 1542-1543 Survey of KIRBYMOORSIDE August 8 James 1 1610 List of tenants and property from FARNDALE ESTATE and BRANSDALE maps 1828 Photographs of walling in HARV00D DALE (2 items) Photographic negatives showing field walls (3 items) MS 1568/2/2 CORRESPONDENCE. NOTES, ARTICLES AND MAPS RELATING TQ THE R E U S 1 H S AND REPRINTING OF BRITISH ARCHAEOLOGICAL REPORT LQ.4. Letters all relating to BAR104 revision 39 items 1987-1989 Includes Scarborough Council relating to Roman material acquired by their museum after 1981 SPAUNTON stone axe finds with diagram North Yorks Moors National Park site map reference SE 950 889 M and P Wyon Thirsk relating to archaeological object in THIRSK museum Cleveland County Leisure Services with a list of missing original drawings The excavation of a Bronze Age Burial Mound on the ESTON HILLS Cleveland Initital excavations at Ingleby Barwick Cleveland - D.H.Heslop Evidence for Mortuary Practices in the Neolithic Burial Mounds and Cairns of Northern Britain - B.E.Vyner The Hillfort of Eston Nab,Eston,Cleveland - B.E.Vyner Scarth Wood Moor - C.Batey Archaelogical Finds in the Ryedale Vindypits - R.Hayes Radio Carbon Dates - B.Vyner The Emergence of Forest Soils The Age of British chalk grassland - M.B.Bush & J.R.Henley Archaeological Surveys on Danby Rigg 1984-1986 - A.Harding Notes Includes Brewster Barrows Saddle Querns MS 1563/2/2 Cairnfields Ironworking slags on LEVISHAM MOOR Prehistoric & Roman Archaeology of IT. E. Yorks Final text of pages 1-73 and figs. 1-15 plus other notes,typescripts & figures all relating to BAR104 Charts of finds on North Yorks Moors (8 pages) Archaeological Survey of VYKEHAM ESTATE HUTTON BUSCEL parish with map Map of Barrow Survey in CLEVELAND Geology & Topography of N.E. Yorks - J.E.Hemingway (2 maps) Map of LEVISHAM MOOR SE8291 Aerial photographs relating to RUDLAND RIGG Pits (photocopies) 3 items Photograph ? bracelet M S 1 5 6 3 / 3 / 1 PAPERS RELATING TO DYKES & BOUNDARIES Notes and letters relating to the Yorkshire boundary project (1 bn.) Includes sketches, maps etc. M S 1 5 6 3 / 3 / 2 PAPEBS RELATING TQ THE QUERN SURVEY, Notes and letters relating to the quern survey (1 bn.) Includes sketches Photograph of a beehive quern MS 1563/3/5 ARTICLES. LETTERS, MAPS AND DRAWINGS ’Celtic Field Project' an interim report by Berkshire Field Research Group Articles on Territoriality published in American Anthropology <2 items) 'The Territory of Ritual Cross-ridge boundaries - B.Vyner 'Prehistoric & Medieval boundaries on the North Yorks Moors - D.A.Spratt Dartmoor Reave Project - A.Fleming Sokes in Lindsay 'The Early Development of Newton Heath - J.E.Lloyd WHARRAM PERCY interim report 1984 Maps of dykes & barrows on the North Yorks Moors <11 items) Photographs of dykes & walling (6 items) Photograph SEAMER MOOR Aerial photographs (no location) (2 items) Aerial photographs of crop marks (no location) photocopies (6 items) Field notes & maps for WHORLTON Field notes of earthworks SCAVTON & DALETOVN Multiple Estates of the North Riding MS 1568/4/1 ARTICLES.NOTES AND PLANS RELATING TO EARTHVOEKS Field notes recording earthworks etc. <22 items) Includes sites at ROXBY, BILSDALE, EAST AYTON, MARSKE, OSMOTHERLEY, VHORLTON, HUTTON RUDBY, BOLTBY & CARLTON IN CLEVELAND Elans. Includes ITFORD HILL - site after excavation 1953 ROXBY - House site no 3 - section through wall-stake lines Site plan - annotated (no location) 7R0XBY Pottery from CRAGBANK 'A* & LOUNDSDALE 'B' - drawing Analytical report ROXBY House site 3 Trees recorded in Middle Vood ASKHAM BOG Flandrian Environmental change North of the Tees - published and unpublished material Prehistoric evidence between Tees & Humber Report on the Stratigraphy & Pollen Analysis of Peats from Yondhead Rigg & Dargate Dykes North Yorkshire - A.Greatrex, I.G. Simmons Vest Hartlepool Foreshore - M.J.Tooley The Cultural Background - Chapter 3 - Ph.D. Thesis - Margaret Atherden Durham University 1972 The Vegetational History of Teesdale - Chapters 3 & 6 - Ph.D Thesis - C.Chambers Durham University 1974 Indigenous Settlement Patterns in the Tyne-Tees Lowlands - Colin Haselgrove Changes in Land Use MS 1568/4/2 LINEAR EARTHWORKS General notes,letters & articles all relating to linear earthworks <1 bn.) Includes aerial photograph of EBBERSTON Survey of Linear Earthworks & associated Enclosures in N.E. Yorkshire - J.G.Rutter (Interim reports 1-8) Account of all charters, deeds and public records belonging to STAINTONDALE 1776 (photocopy) M S 1 5 6 8 / 4 / 3 CORRESPONDENCE & PAPERS RELATING TO AN UPDATE OF A PUBLICATION FOR PRAEHISTQRISCHE ZBITgCHBIEI Letters relating to boundaries 1989-1991 Includes field systems - R.Bradley Multiple ditch systems - J.Dyer Linear earthworks - Thames Valley Archaeological Services Earthwork patterns - Royal Commision for Historical Monuments Other letters relating to pit alignments, triple ditches, update of articles in World Prehistory etc.