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NASA TECHNICAL NOTE NASA TN D-6013 cr) c- 0 liom COPY -? n Am KIR!I"D I I- 4 m 4 z THERMAL DECOMPOSITION AND EXPLOSION OF AMMONIUM PERCHLORATE AND AMMONIUM PERCHLORATE PROPELLANT UP TO 50 KILOBARS (5.0X10' N/m2) by Huns R. Voelkl Lewis Research Center Cleueland, Ohio 44135 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON, D. C. SEPTEMBER 1970 TECH LIBRARY KAFB, NM - ... __ - 0132bb4 1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog IVO. NASA TN D-6013 - -.. 4. Title and Subtitle THERMAL DECOMPOSITION AND EXPLOSION OF 5. Report Date September 1970 AMMONIUM PERCHLORATE AND AMMONIUM PERCHLORATE 6. Performing Organization Code PROPELLANT UP TO 50 KILOBARS (5. OXlO9 N/m2) 7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No. Hans R. Voelkl E-4568 10. Work Unit No. 9. Performing Organization Name- and Address 129-03 Lewis Research Center 11. Contract or Grant No. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Cleveland, Ohio 44135 13. Type of Report and Period Covered I12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Technical Note - National Aeronautics and Space Administration 14. Sponsoring Agency Code Washington, D. C. 20546 -. 15. Supplementary Notes L - - . - -. 16. Abstract The rates of thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate and an ammonium perchlorate 9 9 9 2 solid propellant at 15, 25, and 50 kilobars (1.5X10 , 2.5X10 , and 5.0XlO N/m ) pressure were studied in a cubic anvil press. The data were correlated by first order rate equations to obtain the temperature variation of the specific reaction rates and the apparent activation energies. Explosion limits of pure ammonium perchlorate are included to 30 kilobars (3. OXlO9 N/m2). Electrical resistance measurements of this salt at high pressure were also made. .- .~ 18. Distribution Statement Thermal decomposition Activation energy Unclassified - unlimited Ammonium perchlorate Explosion limits Kilobar Rate equation ~- -_ 19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) Unclassified Unclassified $3.00 -~ 'For sale by the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information Springfield, Virginia 22151 THERMAL DECOMPOSITION AND EXPLOSION OF AMMONIUM PERCHLORATE AND AMMONIUM PERCHLORATE PROPELLANT UP TO 50 KILOBARS (5. Ox109 N/m2) by Hans R. Voelkl Lewis Research Center SUMMARY Thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate (AP) and an AP based propellant was studied at high pressure in a cubic anvil press. Preexplosion kinetics of the ther- mal decomposition of AP and propellant were determined between 266' and 337' C at 15, 25, and 50 kilobars (1. 5x109, 2. 5x109, and 5.0XlO 9 N/m 2 ). First-order kinetics were observed in all cases. Arrhenius plots of reaction-rate constants at different decomposi- tion temperatures allowed the calculation of activation energies. For AI? the energies 5 9 2 ranged from 40.4 kilocalories per mole (1.69~10J/mole) at 15 kilobars (1.5~10N/m ) to 57.2 kilocalories per mole (2. 39x105 J/mole) at 50 kilobars (5.0~109 N/m 2 ). Activa- tion energies for propellant were calculated to be 30.3 kilocalories per mole (1.27X10 5 J/mole) at 15 kilobars (1.5~10' N/m2) and 48.5 kilocalories per mole (2.03~10~J/mole) at 50 kilobars (5.0X109 N/m2). Decompositions of AP were explosive at a heating rate of 10' C per minute. Explo- sion limit curves (T against P) showed explosion temperatures increasing with increas- 9 2 ing pressure up to 30 kilobars (3.0xlO N/m ). Addition of small amounts of aluminum and copper chromite powders to AP and propellant reduced explosion temperatures from 10' to 60' C depending upon the pressure. Electrical resistance of AP pellets at high pressure with temperature variation showed no discontinuities. This suggested that no phase transformations occurred. INTRODUCTION There is a great technological interest in ammonium perchlorate (AP)because of its extensive use in solid propellant rockets. In this work AP is subjected to pressures and temperatures where many materials undergo phase transformations. Perhaps the best known case of a phase transformation is the formation of diamond from graphite (ref. 1). A phase change in AI? would give a material with drastically different proper- ties, which, in turn, might change the flame characteristics and burning rate. The thermal decomposition of AP has been studied in great detail at atmospheric and reduced pressure. Studies of this material show several unique features. Bircumshaw and Newman (ref. 2) found that below 300' C the decomposition does not go to completion, but stops after about 30 percent of the salt has decomposed, leaving a residue with the same chemical composition. The kinetics and mechanism of decompo- sition are temperature dependent (ref. 3). Galwey and Jacobs (ref. 4) suggested that below 300' C an electron transfer mechanism involving radical formation is responsible for the decomposition. Galwey and Jacobs (ref. 5) also found that temperatures above 350' C cause the decomposition to go to completion. At these higher temperatures the reaction can be explained by either a proton transfer mechanism or rupture of chlorine- oxygen bonds. Above 440' C the decomposition is explosive (ref. 6). Deflagration char- acteristics of pure AP have been studied by means of a closed-bomb strand burning tech- 6 nique at pressures from 1000 to 23 000 psi (6.895XlO to 1. 586X108 N/m2) (ref. 7). This investigation deals with the influence of pressure on the thermal decomposition of AP and an AP propellant in a multianvil high pressure apparatus. Preexplosion ki- netics of AP and propellant are determined between 266' and 337' C at 15, 25, and 9 9 2 50 kilobars (1. 5x1O9, 2.5xlO , and 5.0xlO N/m ). Specific reaction-rate constants are calculated from first-order equations. These data permit calculation of the energy of activation for the decompositions. Explosion limits of AP are determined by heating compressed pellets of the salt at a slow, constant rate at fixed pressure. Data are given for the effect of finely divided aluminum powder and copper chromite additives on explosion limits. In addition, some data on the electrical resistance of AP at high pres- sure were obtained. EXPERIMENTAL MATERIALS AND PROCEDURE Materia I s Ordnance grade AP (99.5 percent minimum purity), twice recrystallized from water, finely ground was used in this study. Bismuth, barium, and thallium, in wire form for calibration experiments, were high purity elements (>99.999 percent). Pyrophyllite (A123 0 .4Si02. H20) is a naturally occurring substance and was used as received. The propellant used in this work contained 80 percent by weight polybutadiene-acrylic acid and 20 percent by weight AP. The AP was a mixture of 20 percent fine material (ll-ym average particle diameter) and 80 percent coarse (88-y m average particle diameter). 2 Apparatus All high pressure experiments performed in this study were carried out with a multianvil pressure apparatus of cubic configuration. The apparatus consists essentially of six hydraulically operated pistons to which are attached square-faced tungsten carbide anvils that form a cubic volume. Each piston is pushed inward along its axis against the material to be pressurized. The sample to be compressed is put into a pyrophyllite cube which is 10 to 15 percent larger in edge dimension than the 0.89-inch (2.26-cm) square anvil face. When the anvils touch the pyrophyllite cube, there are gaps between the anvils which allow forward movement of the anvils to compress the sample. As the anvils advance, some of the pyrophyllite extrudes into the gaps to form the gasket struc- ture which gives support to the anvils and also absorbs some of the thrust load. Details of the apparatus have already been described (ref. 8). P ressu re Ca I ib ratio n A pressure calibration of the apparatus must be determined before any pressure runs are made. Calibration is necessary because friction and pressure in the gasket areas absorb an unknown amount of the thrust force on the anvil faces. Therefore, the overall force-area ratio is not the true pressure in the center of the pressure chamber. The actual pressure calibration is accomplished by placing a material in the pressure chamber which is known to undergo an abrupt shift in electrical resistance or in volume at a definite pressure and determine the force at which the "known" transitions occur. The known transition pressures have been determined previously in a free-piston ap- paratus in which the pressure can be calculated accurately from the force-area ratio. The pressure calibration of the apparatus in this work was determined by measuring the load required to convert BiI to BiII, BiII to BiIII, TlII to TlIII, BaII to BaIII, and BiV to BiVI. The bismuth, thallium, and barium were in wire form enclosed in cast silver chloride as shown in figure 1. The silver chloride acts as a nearly hydrostatic pressure transmitting medium. The accepted values of transition pressures for bis- muth, thallium, and barium are those of Kennedy and La Mori (ref. 9). A typical tran- sition curve of bismuth is given in figure 2 which shows sharp changes at the transition point when relative resistance is plotted against load. The electrical resistance of the calibration wire is followed by observing the potential drop across two opposed anvils at constant current. The resistance due to the anvils and copper leads is negligible. At 9 6 the point where BiI BiII, the pressure required is 25 410k95 bars (2.541XlO zt9.5X10 2 - N/m ). Figure 3 shows a calibration curve giving the transition values for bismuth, thallium, and barium plotted against press load. Load-resistance characteristics for 3 rCalibration wire power supply decade box Figure 1. - Schematic diagram for pressure calibration.