Transcript of This Episode Here
Eric Coffie: 00:00:00 Episode 35 Speaker 2: 00:00:09 Welcome to the Govcon Giants podcast, federal contracting for people on the outside looking in. If you are here to learn how to win a piece of the pie without getting your face smashed in, then you've tuned into the right place. Now the giant that not only walks the walk, but talks the talk, your host Eric Coffie Eric Coffie: 00:00:29 In today's episode, the table's a turn. You're going to hear me being interviewed as a guest on another show with Jay Jones from the BEB podcast. Listen, as he asked me all the tough questions, including how did I get started? How did I make millions of dollars in contracts? Where did I learn all this stuff from? And the most important question, what led me to teaching it on YouTube. Stay tuned for today's show, an episode with Jay Jones and myself on the Govcon Giants podcast. Jay Jones: 00:01:11 Hello. Jay Jones: 00:01:11 Welcome to the Black Entrepreneur Blueprint show. I am your host Jay Jones. Black Entrepreneur Blueprint was created specifically to educate and inspire black entrepreneurs to launch, build, and grow successful businesses. Join us as we help build an economic power base in the black community by promoting business ownership. If you are currently an entrepreneur or want to be an entrepreneur, we invite you to join us every week here at Black Entrepreneur Blueprint. Jay Jones: 00:01:52 Welcome to the Black Entrepreneur Blueprint, episode number 281 I'm your host Jay Jones, and today we have a dynamic and outstanding show in stored for you.
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