Adenomatoid Tumor of the Pancreas
Adenomatoid Tumor of the Pancreas: A Case Report with Comparison of Histology and Aspiration Cytology Kerith Overstreet, M.D., Chris Wixom, M.D., Ahmed Shabaik, M.D., Michael Bouvet, M.D., Brian Herndier, M.D., Ph.D. Departments of Pathology (KO, CW, AS, BH) and Surgery (MB), University of California, San Diego Medical Center, San Diego, California ovarian hilum (2). Sporadic case reports have also We present a 58-year-old woman who presented noted adenomatoid tumors in such varied ex- with a 1.5-cm, hypodense lesion in the head of the tragenital locations as the adrenal gland (4, 5), small pancreas. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine- intestines, omentum, retroperitoneum, bladder, needle aspiration yielded bland, monotonous cells and pleura (3–5). To date, both ultrastructural and with wispy cytoplasm, slightly granular chromatin, immunohistochemical evidence have demon- and small nucleoli. A presumptive diagnosis of a strated this tumor’s mesothelial origin (2, 3, 5). In neuroendocrine lesion was rendered. Whipple pro- this context, we present an adenomatoid tumor of cedure yielded a well-circumscribed, encapsulated the pancreas. To our knowledge, this is the first lesion with dense, hyalinized stroma and a periph- reported case in this location. Herein we report eral rim of lymphocytes. Spindled and epithelioid both cytological and histochemical results docu- cells formed short tubules, cords, and nests. The menting this benign neoplasm in an unusual neoplasm stained for CK 5/6, calretinin, vimentin, location. CD 99, pancytokeratin, and EMA, consistent with mesothelial origin. This characteristic histology and immunohistochemistry is consistent with an ad- CASE REPORT enomatoid tumor. We believe we are the first to A 58-year-old woman with a history of hyperten- report this benign neoplasm in such an unusual sion, cholecystitis, and arthritis presented with a location.
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