Waldorf 100 Thailand
Pacifica Journal A bi-annual newsletter published by the Anthroposophical Society in Hawai'i 2019 No. 56, Vol.2 Waldorf 100 Thailand following registration and before the first evening introduc- Deepening the Understanding of the Foundations tory lecture by Claus-Peter Roh, we were given a wonderful of Waldorf Education: Developing Pedagogical Answers performance of Thai music and dance by the students from to the New Challenges in Childhood Today and Tomorrow Panyotai Waldorf School. John Chalmers, Bangkok, Thailand Two hundred and ten Waldorf teachers and administrators arrived from around the world to join in this one-hundredth Consciousness breathes. It breathes between the Past and year anniversary of the first Waldorf school. Over 100 from the Future, between the Memory and the Will, between the con- Thailand, 25 people from different parts of India, 38 from cept and the imagination of life, nature and the world around us. the Philippines, and others were from China, Japan, Vietnam, We began our 100 Years of Waldorf Education Celebration in Malaysia, Indonesia, Nepal, the Netherlands, Peru, Cambodia, Bangkok, Thailand, with these profound thoughts from Rudolf Myanmar, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Korea, Brazil, Canada, South Af- Steiner’s The Foundations of Human Experience (The Study of rica and Taiwan. Pedagogical experts from a variety of countries Man) presented by Claus-Peter Roh, current co-representative had also been invited from Germany, Thailand, Australia, the of the Pedagogical Section at the Goetheanum and then on Czech Republic, Japan, Brazil, the UK and USA to share their the following morning a lecture by Christof Wiechert, former experience and knowledge.
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