On the Formation of Aluminum Tungstate and Its Presence in Tungsten Oxide on Gamma-Alumina Catalysts
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On the formation of aluminum tungstate and its presence in tungsten oxide on gamma-alumina catalysts Citation for published version (APA): Thomas, R., Kerkhof, F. P. J. M., Moulijn, J. A., Medema, J., & Beer, de, V. H. J. (1980). On the formation of aluminum tungstate and its presence in tungsten oxide on gamma-alumina catalysts. Journal of Catalysis, 61(2), 559-561. https://doi.org/10.1016/0021-9517%2880%2990409-1, https://doi.org/10.1016/0021-9517(80)90409-1 DOI: 10.1016/0021-9517%2880%2990409-1 10.1016/0021-9517(80)90409-1 Document status and date: Published: 01/01/1980 Document Version: Publisher’s PDF, also known as Version of Record (includes final page, issue and volume numbers) Please check the document version of this publication: • A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between the submitted version and the official published version of record. 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This is in contrast to y-alumina- fided catalysts derived from these sys- supported molybdenum oxide in which tems have been studied by several authors aluminum molybdate has been found in because of their interest, as catalysts catalysts with a coverage of 4.5-7 Mo- in reactions such as metathesis and atoms/nm2 (16). hydrodesulfurization. Measurements on physical mixtures of The purpose of this note is to determine aluminum tungstate and y-alumina showed whether bulk aluminum tungstate is present that the detection limit of aluminum tung- as a major compound in tungsten oxide state in these mixtures is less than 1 wt%. on y-alumina catalysts of pract,ical interest. Consequently one must conclude that alu- Some authors have proposed its formation minum tungstate is not a major compound (1-S), while others present data suggesting in tungsten oxide on y-alumina catalysts. the absence of this compound (4, 5). The This conclusion was recently confirmed by same controversy exists for molybdenum temperature-programmed reduction mea- oxide on y-alumina. Since Raman spec- surements (18), which showed that, the troscopy has proven to be a valuable tool amount of aluminum tungstatc must be in studies on the structure of supported considerably less than 1 wt%. catalysts (1, 4-6, 15-17)) it is applied here The main arguments supporting the con- as the main technique. clusion that tungsten oxide on -y-alumina In Fig. 1 the Raman spectra of alumi- catalysts contain aluminum tungst ite are num tungstate and catalysts prepared by based on results obtained from Raman and wet and dry impregnation of y-alumina luminescence spectroscopy and from ac- (Ketjen 000-1.5E) with ammonium mcta- tivity measurements (1-S). In our opinion, tungstatc (Koch-Light, 99.9y0), calcined however, the purity of the refcrcncc com- at 823”K, arc shown. Experimental details pound used in thesr studic>s was question- on thr Raman spectra are reported else- able. Aluminum tungstat,e was prepared where (4). The spectrum of aluminum at S23”K (16 hr) from a coprecipitate of tungstate is characterized by a sharp band ammonium metatungstate and aluminum at 1046 cm-l. The spectra of the catalysts nitrate, while other literature data indicate show a broad band at about 970 cm-‘, that a higher temperature is to be preferred which has been attributed to a polymeric, (19, 20). We have checked the synthesis octahedrally coordinated, tungsten com- of aluminum tungstate by calcining a co- pound (4). The bands at 71j and 805 cm-’ precipitate of aluminum nitrate and am- are Raman bands of WO,. In these cata- monium metatungst.ate (Baker Chemicals) lysts no aluminum tungstate is present at three temperatures, 823, 1173, and in detectable amounts. Even the catalysts 1373°K. The Raman spectra are shown in with a rather high tungsten content (4-S Fig. 2. From comparison with the spec- 559 0021-9517/80/020559-03$02.00/O Copyright 0 1980 by Academic Press, Inc.. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 560 NOTES trum of tungsten oxide it is clear that the formation of aluminum tungstate is not yet completed at 823 and 1173°K. In the spectrum of the sample calcined at 823°K there is a small band due to aluminum tungstate, together with two broad bands (807 and 719 cm-l) of tungsten trioxide. In addition there is a broad band at 980 cm-‘, which is also present in the spectra of our catalysts. The sample cal- cined at 1173°K contains more aluminum tungstate, but still a considerable amount of tungsten trioxide. The system is now better defined, as can be seen from the sharpness of t,he bands of tungsten trioxide and from the disappearance of the poly- meric compound. This can also be con- cluded from the X-ray diffraction (XRD) d patterns. By XRD no crystalline tungsten J& trioxide is observed, implying that it is cm-l 1200 800 400 FIG. 2. Raman spectra of (a) tungsten trioxide and (b, c, d) coprecipitates of aluminum nitrate and ammonium metatungstate calcined at (b) 823”K, (c) 1173”K, and (d) 1373°K. amorphous, microcrystalline, or present in nondetectable amounts. All samples show the diffraction patterns of aluminum tung- state; the increasing sharpness of the pat- terns indicates a. drastic increase in crystal- linity when the calcination temperature is increased from 873 to 1123°K. Further increase of the temperature does not in- fluence the crystallinity significantly. From the XRD pattern alone it, might be con- cluded that the transition of aluminum nitrate and ammonium metatungstate into aluminum tungstate is already complete at low temperature. The Raman spectra show that this is not the case. Also the fact that catalytic activity for metathesis was observed for a coprecipitate of aluminum nitrate and ammonium metatungstate cal- cined at 823°K (S) is not a firm basis for the statement that aluminum tungstate is a cm4 1200 800 400 reasonable precursor for the active site in FIG. 1. Raman spectra of (a) aluminum tungstate metathesis, because, as shown here, the and (b-e) WOa/y-A1203 catalysts; (b) 25 wt% calcined coprecipitate used as a cata- WOt, wet (4 W-atom/rim*); (c) 29 wt% WOZ, dry (5 W-atom/nnP); (d) 8 wt% WO,, wet (1 W-atom/ lyst, contained more than one tungsten rime; (e) 7 wt% WO,, dry (0.9 W-atom/nma). compound. NOTES 561 The conclusion that aluminum tungst,ate 7. Ashley, J. H., and Mitchell, P. C. H., J. Chem. is not a major compound does not com- Sot. A (1969), 2730. Richardson, J. T., Ind. Eng. Chem. Fund. 3, ” pletely rule out the possibility that it is 154 (1964). the catalytically active phase. Especially 9, De Beer, V. H. J., Van der Aalst, M. J. M., in metathesis it has been proven that t,he Machiels, C. J., and Schuit, G. C. A., J. number of active sites is low (21, 22). Calal. 43, 78 (1976). Therefore, a priori, it is always possible 10. Lipsch, J. M. J. G., and Schuit, G. C. A., J. Catal. 15, 163, 174, 179 (1969). that the precursor of the active site is a II. Krylov, 0. V., and Margolis, L. Ya., K&t. compound present in amounts below the Katal. 11, 358 (1970). detection limit. 1.2. Asmolov, G. N., and Krylov, 0. V., Kinet. This not,e can be summarized by the Katal. 11, 847 (1970). following conclusions : IS. Sonnemans, J., and Mars, P., J. Catal. 31, 209 (1973). (1) The formation of significant amounts 14. Giordano, N., Padovan, N., Vaghi, A., Bart, of aluminum tungstate in tungsten oxide J. C. J., and Castellan, A., J. Catal. 38, 1 (1975). 15 on -y-alumina catalysts of practical interest Brown, F. R., Makovsky, L. E., and Rhee, is improbable. K. H., J. Catal. 50, 162 (1977). (2) The evidence reported in the litera- 16. Medema, J., Van Stam, C., De Beer, V. H.