Nayarit, México Common Birds of the Marismas Nacionales Biosphere
NAYARIT, MÉXICO 1 COMMON BIRDS OF THE MARISMAS NACIONALES BIOSPHERE RESERVE Jesús Alberto Loc-Barragán1, José Antonio Robles-Martínez2, Jonathan Vargas-Vega3 and David Molina4 1Fotógrafos de Naturaleza A.C., 2Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit,UAT, 3Terra Peninsular A.C. and 4Estación Ornitológica “Sierra de San Juan-La Noria”, Nayarit Photos by: Jesús Loc, Antonio Robles, Jonathan Vargas, David Molina. Acknowledgments. To Emmanuel Miramontes, Carlos Villar, Stefanny Villagómez and Héctor Franz for the support of several photos indicated in the main text and to Tatzyana Wachter for the improvements to the document. © Jesús Alberto Loc-Barragán [], José Antonio Robles-Martinez [], Jonathan Vargas-Vega [] and David Molina [] [] [921] version 1 8/2017 Signs: (R) = residente/resident, ( MI) = winter migratory, (SR) = summer resident; (♂) = Macho/Male, (♀) = Hembra/Female, (J) = Juvenil/Juvenile. Status of concern (Mexico) based on NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010: PR: special protection; A: threatened; P: extinction risk; IUCN, LC: least concern; NT: near threatened; Endemism, E: endemic, CE: nearly endemic, SE: semiendemic, I; exotic, invasive. The numeric values are the Vulnerability index, which takes into account parameters like population size, geographic distribution, seasonal threats and population trend; index values vary from 4 until 20 and a higher value implies greater species vulnerability (Panjabi et al., 2005; Berlanga et al. 2015). Marismas Nacionales Biosphere Reserve and Birds In northwest Mexico, Marismas Nacionales, an extensive estuarine system, it has been historically recognized for its importance for birds, especially waterfowl, shorebirds, herons and coastal birds like gulls and terns (Leopold, 1959; Morrison et al., 1994; Ortega-Solís, 2011).
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