POST OFFICE LONDON BARRISTERS Benjamin Harold John, 5 Pump Court, Temple E C ; Oxford Circuit Bosanquet Sir Frederick Albert, K.C., J.P

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POST OFFICE LONDON BARRISTERS Benjamin Harold John, 5 Pump Court, Temple E C ; Oxford Circuit Bosanquet Sir Frederick Albert, K.C., J.P 2034 BARRISTERS POST OFFICE LONDON BARRISTERS Benjamin Harold John, 5 Pump court, Temple E C ; Oxford circuit Bosanquet Sir Frederick Albert, K.C., J.P. Common &1-jeant of the Brooke John Reeve, eq. dr. & conv.7 New square, Lincoln's 1rua JJenn James Edward Hamilton, eq. dr. & conv. 8 New square, City of London, Guildhall E C; nridence1, 3 Paper building~, WC ; W. circuit; Bath '!essions Lincoln's inn WC; re&idence, 7 Montpelier square SW Temple E C & 12 Grenville place, South Kensington SW Brooks Will1am James, sp. pl. & conv. 3 Dr. Johnson's buildiDgs, Bennett Charles Alan, eq. dr. & conv. 13 Old square, Linooln's inn Bosanquet Samuel Ronald Oourthope, 1 King's Bench walk, Temple Temple E C ; 1·esidence, l Bessborough gardens SW; .Midland WC; W. circuit E C ; relidence, 38 Kensington park rood W; Oxford circuit c;rcuit; Birmin~ham & Warwickshire sessions Bennett Henry Honywood Curtis-, 1ee Curtis-Bennett Bostock Victor Lloyd-, see Lloyd-Bostock Brougham James Rigg, 1enior 7"egi&tr-ar of the High Court of -:Bennett John, eq. dr. & conv. 18 Old sq. Lincoln's inn WC; N. circ Boughton-Leigh Cotterell Egerton Ward, 3 Dr. Johnson'a buildings, J!l&tice in Banb-uptry, Bankruptcy buildings, Carey st WC Benson Edward Lionel, 1 Dr. Johnson's buildings, Temple E C ; Temple E C ; Midland circuit Broughton Herbert Montagu, eq. dr. & conv. 1 New sqnare, Lin- S.E. circuit Boulton Alexander Olaude Forster, B.C.L., J.P. member of the Cana- coin's inn WC ; reridence, 12 Upper Gloucester place NW Bentinck Bernhard Waiter, 3 Essex court, Temple E C; W. circuit; dian Ba1·; coun~el to Post Office at C. C. C., 5 King's Bench walk, Browell Henry Herbert, M.A. eq. dr. & conv. 4 New square, !.in- Rants, Winches~r, Southampton, Portsmouth & Bournemouth Temple E C ; S.E. circuit coin's inn WC sessrons• • Bourchier-Chilcott Thomas, eq. dr. & conv. 4 Stone buildings, Lin- Brown Archibald, eq. & pari. dr. & conv. 3 Stone builtHngs, Lin- Bentwich Herbert, LL.B. eq. dr. & conv. 2 Garden court, Temple coln's inn WC ooln's inn WC E C ; residence, 21 Cavendish road west NW; S.E. circuit; Lortl Bousfield Edward Tenney, 2 Crown office row, Temple E C Brown Charles Herbert, eq. dr. & conv. S New sq. Linroln'sinn WC Mayor's court Bousfield William Eric, 2 Crown office row, Temple E C ; Midland Brown Egerton Stewart-, M.A. &ee Stewart-Brown Beresford Tristram De La. Poer, 1 Paper bniltlings, Temple E C : circuit; Bedford & Nottingham sessions Brown Henry Rowland, 17 Red Lion square WC re1. 18A, Trebovir rood SW: S.E. circuit: Middsx. Se88.; C.C.O Bomfield William Robert, K.C. 2 Crown office row, Temple E C ; Brown Henry Row land, jun. 3 Pump court, Temple E C; S.B. clre :Berkeley Rowland Thomas Mortimer, pari. dr. & committees, 9 W. circuit · Brown Ken worthy, 3 Temple gardens E C; residnu:e, li Campden Bridge street, Westminster SW & 1 Temple gardens E C ; 1"<1. Bovill Cecil Er~ine, eq. dr. & conv.ll Stone bldgs. Lincoln's Inn WC hill court, Kensington W 8 Hyde park chambers, 159 Knightsbridge SW; S.E. circuit Bowen Ivor, K.C. 3 Essex court, Temple E C:; South Wales & Ches- Brown Percy Houghton, LL.D. eq. dr. & conv. li New square, Lln- :Bernard Wm Oecil, M.A., LL.B. eq. dr. & conv. 6 Crown office row, ter circuit; reco1"rie7' of Me1·thyr Tydjil coin's inn WC Temple E C ; residence, 102 Elm park gardens SW: S.E. circuit Bowen-Rowlands Ernest, 3 Pump court, Temple E C ; South Wales Brown Richard Cuthbert, eq. dr. & conv. 4 Stone buildings, Lin· Bethell James Francis Hole, M.A. eq. dr. & conv. 2 New sq. Lincoln's & Chester circuit: Glamorganshire sessions coin's inn WC ; 1·esidenre, 14 Devonport street, Hyde park W inn WC; residence, 31 Lansdowne crescent, Notting hill W Bower George Spencer, K.O. 2 HaJ"e court, Temple E C ; 1•esidenre, 45 Brown Wilfred Gordon, eq. dr. & conv. 13 Old square, Lincoln's :Bethell Sir Thomas Robert, J .P. 2 Garden court, Temple E C ; re&i· Finchley road NW: Midland circuit inn WC ; 1·esidence, 7 Tite street, Chelsea SW dence, 6 Pump court, Temple E C ; S.E. circuit Bowles George Frederic Stewa.rt, 11 King's Bench walk, Temple Browne Edmond, 2 Pump court, Temple E C Bethune Arthur Anderson, New court, Temple E C ; 1"eridence, 1 E C ; usidence, 36 Conffaught square, Hyde park W Browne Eric Gore-, see Gore-Browne St. James' street SW: N.E. circuit Bowman Guy Eddowes Paget, eq. dr. & conv. 2 Bloomsbury pi WC Browne Frank Gore-, M.A., K.C. 1ee Gore-Browne :Bethune-Baker Alfred Armitage, eq. dr. & conv. 23 Old square, Lin­ Bowstearl William, 3 Dr. Johnson's buildings, Temple E C ; S.E. circ Browne J ohnHuttonBa.lfour-,K.C.,J,J,.D.,D.L.,J. P .~eeBalfour-Browne coln's inn WC : Midland circuit Bowyer George Edward Wentworth, 3 Pump court, Temple E C; Browne Vincent Robert Stewart Ram say Balfour-,~eeBalfonr-Browne 13etterton Henry Bucknall, eq.dr. & conv. 5 New sq. Lincoln'~· Midland circuit Broxholm Frederick Alleyn, sp. pl. 2 Pump court, Temple EC; Bevan Stuart James, Farrnr's building, Temple E C ; 1·e· Boxall William Percival Gratwicke, K.C. 1 Hare court, Temple E C ; S.E. circuit ; Oambs. & Hunts. sess; Lord Mayor's court; 0.0.0 Drayton gardens SW; W. circuit; Bristol, Exeter, S.E. ciPeuit; 1·ecm•der of B7'ir;hton Bruce Hon. Clarence Napier, 6 Pump court, Temple E C ; relidefu:t, Devonport· & Devon sessions Royd Edward Charles Percy, 5 Paper buildings, Temple E C ; S.E. 67 Victoria road, Kensington W; S. Wales circuit Beveridge Harold Willia.m, parly. dr. & oomm. 9 Bridge street, circuit; North London, Middlesex & Brighton st>ssions; C.C.O., Bruce Thomas Boston, 4 Temple gardens E C: residence, Fox Hill Westminster SW & 1 Brick court, Temple E C; N.E. circuit j!lni07" cow1sel to T1•easury at the Cent1"Ul Criminal Court lodge, Fox hill, Upper Norwood SE ; auot:iate of N. E. circuit Bevir Ra.ymond, 1 Mitre court buildings, Temple E C Boyle Sir Edward, bart. 1 King's Benrh walk, Temple E C : rni- Brudenell-Bruce James Ernest John, 4 Stone bldgs. Lincoln's iDn WC Bewes Wyndham Anstis, 2 Harcourt buildings, Temple E C ; 1•esi• dence, 63 Queen's gate SW; S.E. circult Bryan Arthur, 2 Dr. Johnson's buildings, Temple EC; B.E. cir- dence, 74 Courtfield gardens SW Brabant George Whitmore, eq. dr. & conv. 1 New square, Lin- cuit; Middlesex & North London sessions; O.O.C Beyfus Gilbert Hugh, 3 Brick court, Temple E C ; residence, 75 coin's ;nn WC ; 1·esidence, 6 Addison gardens, Kensington W Brydges Edward Egerton Hanson, eq. dr. & conv. 1 Stone build- Hamilton terrace, St. John'g wood NW; S.E. circuit Brabrook Sir Edward William, C. B. 1 Gar<len court, Temple E C ings, Lincoln's inn WC; Oxford circuit Bickmore Harry Christopher, 2 Plowden buildings, Temple E C ; Bracken bury Charles ErnPst, 4 Elm court, Temple E C; N.E. circ Buchan John, 3 Temple gardens E C; N. circuit residence, 44 Edwardes square, Kensington W ; S.E. circuit Bradbury William Laurence, 9 King's Bench walk, Temple EC; Buchanaa John Nevile, LL.B. Farrar's building, Temple EC; :Bidder Harold Francis, parl. dr. & comm. 9 Bridge street, West- ,·esidence, 72 Bedford gardens, Kensington W res. 6A, Maddox st W ; S.E. circ.; Kent South London session& minster SW & 1 Temple gardens E C < · Braddock Ernest, 3.Essex court, Temple E C; relidence, 1 Elm court, Buckley Edmund Frazer, eq. dr. & conv. 6 Stone buildings, Lln- :Biggs Russell Hugh Worthlngton, 1 Pump court, Temple E C; Mid­ Temple E C coin's inn WC ; 1•esidence, 11 Cheyne row, Chelsea SW land circuit Bradford Job, B.A., LL.B. eq. dr. & conv. 1 New square, Lincoln's Buckley Francis, eq. dr. & conv. 6 New square, Lincoln's inn WC l!ilton Edward Barnard, 1 Temple gardens E C ; S.E. circuit; South inn WC; 1•esidence, 13 St. James' terrace, Regent's park NW Buckmaster Owen Stanley, 4 Paper buildings, Temple E c. & North London, Surrey & Kingston sessions Hmdshaw Bartle, 1 Pump court, Temple E C; N. circuit; Carlisle, Buckmaster Sir Stanley Owen, K.C., M.P. 9 Old square, Linooln'l Bingley Henry Oampbell Alchorne, B.A., LL.M:. sp. pi. 2 Hare court, Kendal & Lancaster se~sions inn WC; residence, 1 Porchester terrace, Bayswater W; Temple E C ; residence, 16 Thurloe square SW; S.E. circuit; Brain Ernest, 3 Plowden buildings, Temple E C Solicito7·-General Norfolk & Suffolk sessions Bmmbeer Frederick William, 3 Dr. Johnson's bldgs. Temple E C Bucknill Alfred Townsend, 2 Paper buildings, Temple E C; B.R. Bircham Bertram Okeden, 1 Paper buildings, Temple E C ; S.E. Brand .A.dam, eq. dr. & conv. 7 New square, Lincoln's inn WC ; 1·eri- circuit; Surrey & South London sessions circuit ; Surrey & South London sessions dence, 30 Linden gardens W Buckn ill Thomas Drake, 13 King's Bench walk, Temple E C; Birley Willjam Hornby, eq. dr. & conv. 13 Old square, Lincoln's Bmndon Olarence, 5 Essex court, Temple E C re1. 35 Kensington park gardens W; Probate & Divorce courts inn WC; N. circuit Brandon Harold, 1 Harcourt buildings, Temple E C ; residenc~, 54 Bulloch Alexander Miller (& of the Irish bar), 1 King'1 Bench Bischoff Hugh Orompton, eq.dr.
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