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AMPUS NEWS COMPLETELY COVERED BY DEPARTMENT OF JOURNALISM STUDENTS Senior Edition Next Friday to. Of The Skiff THE SIMS" Be Last Official Student Body Publication of Texas Christian University FORT WORTH, TEXAS, FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1932 NO. 32 loach Schmidt Is Mice Play While Ex-Student Reunion Will Be Held "Fond Aiints and \\Commencement Honored by Year Cats Are Away May 3fl--Commencement Exercises Bible Is Source Exercises to Be Book Dedication With Pre-juniors Will Be Highlight of Day's Program Of Middle Names Monday, May 30 "We're being kind to dumb "What's in a name?" someone Inside Cover Carries animals today," said Miss Eula Randle, Weatherly, Misses Smith, Largent to Be asked. "Nothing," has been the Rev. R. C. Snodgrass to Lee Carter to an amphitheater reply. Yet there must be some- picture of T. C. IL- filled with foreign language stu- Honored at Banquet—Seniors to Receive thing in a name judging from the Deliver Address S. M. U. Bonfire. dents awaiting a pre-junior. And Association Invitations. number of students who have to Seniors. sure enough they weren't The annual spring reunion of ex-students of Texas Christian perfectly good middle names but JfNUAL THEME SPORTS But there was entertainment. will be held Monday, May 30. Activities for the day include the never use them. 107 TO RECEIVE DEGREES At the persistent instigation of ex-students banquet in the University Cafeteria at 12:30 p. m., Among some of the middle tfltnAW T. C. U. Athletes R. L. Trimble. Miss Katherine the reunion in the University Auditorium at 5 p. m., and the names which are never used on Dr. Lockhart to Give Bacca- ,f Past Given Recognition Cannon came down off the top commencement exercises of the class of 1932 on the lawn the campus are those of Wren, laureate Sermon in row to play a piano, which fortu- which belongs to Miss Janet in Horned Frog. at 7:30 p. m. Auditorium. nately or otherwise happened to Largent, Beryl, which belongs to Seniors to Be Honored. be in the room. She was fol- Wilfred Harmon, Dingee which Gibson Randle, A. D. Weatherly, Notice, Seniors Dr. Clinton Lockhart, profes- By RUGELEY AMMERMAN is Jere Van Zandt's middle name, lowed by Miss "Pug" Elkins who Laurence Coulter. Miss Marian Smith sor of Bible and past president Samaniha which is the middle played dreamy selections with the and Miss Janet Largent', officers of Members of the graduating class of T. C. U., will deliver the bac- | The 1932 Horned Frog, issued name of MiBS Sarah Stroud and air of a martyr for a worthy the graduating class, and members of of 1932 are invited to attend the calaureate sermon of the May itJie students on Tuesday of cause (As if she were the mar- Calcutt which gives to Ernest i week, is dedicated to Coach the class of 1932 will be honored at ex-students' banquet which will be graduating class in the Univer- tyr). the ex-student banquet. The seniors held in the University Cafeteria Reed the initials E. C. sity Auditorium at 11 o'clock, Sun- r»ncis A. Schmidt and to the Miss Marian Tyson, Margot A number of the middle names day, May 29. On the following day, portsmanship of the major will be officially invited into the Ex- at 12:15 p. m.^Monday. The of- Shsw and Helen Clark relaxed Students' Association. ficers of the senior class will be were" of Biblical origin, among at 7:30 p. m., the Rev. R. C. Snod- The theme of the entire book them being Harris Joseph Brew- their facial muscles and warbled The banquet program will begin the guests of the Ex-Students As- grass, pastor of the First Christian [the important part th»t T. C. U. ster, Jim Hosea Bailey, William forth on "Harvest Moon." with the Alma Mater hymn, followed sociation, but class members will Church of Amarillo will make the Temple Anderson, Nathan Eli I taken in the sport field in the All the while Evelyn Boswell with the invocation by Dean Colby be charged 75c. commencement address for the class Frankel, Hubert Elijah Robison, t few years. was cramming enough of the D. Hall. Music will be furnished by Dr. Edwin Elliott, president of exercise which will be held on tho and many Daniels and Johns. Spanish vocabulary in her brain a quartet representing the Fort the association, will welcome the campus at Jarvis Hall honeysucklo |lhe binding of the book i» made of Other students apparently were to talk for 24 hours without Worth Woman's branch of the Ex- graduating class into the alumni arbor. d-tooled leather, with a carviture named for a fond aunt or uncle stopping. Somebody said she Students' Association. organization. Seniors who expect 107 Students to Get Degree*. or for some other relative desir- Ithe new stadium of T. C. U. The could anyhow—in English. Dr. Elliott to Preside. to attend are requested to sign Approximately 107 students will re- ing a name sake. Perhaps this ■de of the cover, along with the When Owen Lipscomb left to Dr. Edwin A. Elliott will serve as cards which may be obtained from ceive degrees at the commencement accounts for such middle names r leaf, carries forth the theme by take (or to be taken by) the toastmaster. He will introduce the Miss Bita May Hall in the ex- exercises. Those who will receive de- Latin test, some brilliant sym- other officers of the association and as Harry Frizzell Burns, Louise grees are Mrs. Ola W. Adams, Lillian taring the bonfirt that was staked students' office, next to Butler pathizer shouted, "Et tu. Brute?" the past presidents. Other officers (lough Burgess, Ernest Arle Anderson, Mrs. Mary F. Barrett, Ina (ore the T.C.U.-S.M.U. game. The Smiser's office. And that threw such a lot of for this year are Roy Tomlinson, Fort Brooks, Mary Ledyard Carter, Mae Bramlett, Thelma Breithaupt, word ii a colored sketch of the cold water on the situation that Worth, first vice-president; Edgar Leona Leti McGill, Robert Beau- Virginia Bryson, Brenda Carter, Ir- i itadium as aean from the air ingenuity took a downward Bush, McKinney, second vice-presi- 29 Bandmen Will champ Miller, Charles Grinnell ma Cooke, Dorothy Conkling, Anna Jthe dedication pages are pictures plunge until it was practically dent, and Miss Ilene Timmerman, Dal- Donnelley and Doroth} I.utlcia M. Dedmon, Dorothy Davies, MyrtU ' Ithe trophies presented to T. C. U. nil. las, secretary-treasurer. Receive Medals Henderson. Davits, Dorethy Dillard, Rowena Jirinning the conference champion-,, Past presidents of the'organization o - Doss, i in football in 1929, and in bas-f* are: Dan Rogers, Dallas, 1927-28; Maybeth Ellis, Lillian Eylers, Mary Milton Daniel. Breckenridge, 1928-29; Twenty-nine Horned Frog band- Frierson, Nancy Gateley, Vinita all (n 1931. men selected b a William Massfe, Dallas, 1929-30, and I - y committee repre Casper Sets New Green, Lois Marie Gray, Harriet Campus Scenes Shown. Installation of senting the four classes of students, Raymond Matthews, Fort Worth, Griffin, Frances Griggs, Marie Hara- Ike University ia presented in the Director Claude Sammis, and Dean 1930-31. Hurdle Record lett, Zilpha 11 as kins, Vernola Henry, t section of the annual. Pictures Officers Is Held Hall, will receive medals for their This will b* followed by the recog- Evelyn Bell Hinckley, Janette Holmea various buildings and ef im- services in the band this year at the nition of the senior class of 1932. Clotilda Houle, Marian Howrey, Jan* ant spots on the campus are rehearsal period in the band house Permanent Executives Glass officers will be guests of the Timed at 23.2 in Lows Jarvis, Siddie Jo Johnson, Dorothy ! with a sepia blue. This aec- next Tuesday. <t association at the banquet.' And Is Frogs' High Keller, Mary Jean Knight, Janet Lar- i it dedicated ttf Hike Brumbelow. Are Selected by The band officers, Roy Bacus, Vocal Numbers on Program. gent, Lamoyne Laurence, Louise Les- the graduate section of the book is Charles Caldwell, Cody Sandifer; the Point Man. Senior Class. The Schola Cantorum group from ter, Jennie Lloyd, Alva Lockhead. ided and dedicated to John Mc- band sweetheart, Miss Rowena Doss; the volte department will sing. It Dot McLean, Elizabeth Male, Jess* mid, captain of the tennis team includes Misses Evelyn Franklyn, La the band mascot, Billy Tom Stewart, Led by Charlie Casper, who scored 11930. Marion Hicks, president; Carl Hawkins, Mary Lee Poindexter, Eli- Verda Sessions, Hortense Baker, and Director Sammis will receive 10^4 points and set a new conference Sain, vice-president; Miss Doris Sel- zabeth Ruff, Martha Bell Shepherd, [he senior section is dedicated to Dorothy East, Helen Clark, Bita Mae medals naming their rank record in the low hurdles with the Mary Emma Simmons, Marian Smith, kle Atkins, captain of the 1930 lers, secretary-treasurer; Ben Bax- Hall, Eva Keeling and Margot Shaw. Members who will receive medals Sylvia Smith, Velma Smith, Wilma itll team. The juniors dedicate Howard Vaughn, president of the remarkable time of 23.2 , seconds, ter, head yell-leader, and Miss Ernes- are: Seniors, Tom Hanks, Murry Spratt, Mary Louise Spinks, Sarah r section to Jimmie Wilson, who T. C. U. Ex-Lettermen of Fort Worth, Coach Mack Clark's thinly clads took tine Scott, Skiff editor, are the stu- Livingston, James Watkins, Frank Steels, Pansy Teagarden and Lula ■ golf champion in 1927 and holds will speak for the new organization. fifth place in the conference meet dent body officers for 1932-33 who McMordie.