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6-14-1915 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 06-14-1915 Journal Publishing Company

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Tlllim-MT1- I YKU MEXICO, MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1915, Dully ly Carrier or Mull, Alio Oli. I XXX VI. No. 15. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW a Mouth. KIiirI topics, 5c.

today to OKI Point Comfort, Va., and Upon It for cannon. The position WASHINGTON IS there was lltili- - comment on his state- i omprlseit also two birxe barracks ment of yesterday (wbtalnnnble In eiffl-- i ATTACKS GERMAN PRESS CE NRA L ATTACK which are reported to have cost sm),-ibi- a HEAVY FIGHTING l:ir quarters. It was noted. howior, Dim's and which possessed the most lh;tt although Mr. Hryim referred to the modern equipment. , softening of thi note after hl resig- Vu Italian reconnaissance platoon, HOPEFUL nation, he did not consider tlmt the ON seeing that the fortification were un-- 0 f document had been i ufflclcnt ly PRESIDENT'S DUES OVER IS IS deplove, In several CONTINUES IN' changed to cause him to withdraw hie pretending to be a battal- resignation ion In.--t, .ot ol a cont in gent of less than I While tlio White Clotise and state 1U" mem The Austrian garrison d department are not making any com- and the mountain was oc- KEEP NG E ment on Bryan's utterances, persons FOREIGN POLICY AMERICAN NOTE NOW cupied without a siiu'.le Italian ens-uall- EASTERN ZONE close to the president who worn In a mm IDE Mont,. Zugna dominates tie position to know the details concern- town of Kovcieio and Is within Niwhl ing the shaping of the hint American of Trent, note to Germany pointed out that GERMANY not only was the note shown to Mr. MUCH CRITICIZED AND ITS DEMANDS ON GORZ FORTS .MM'ltl AIKMIIP IS WITHOUT CRANCE M Hrynn in Its finol form, but the presi- Wltl t Ki:i 1 KTOP.M dent himself 1ih.i1 expressed a hope at his farewell meeting with Hryun n tiincv.i. Julie HI iU.'i Palis. J. 10 H. hour before the note was cabled thut m.l An Austrian airship, while re- way un- rcconnoltcrlng Austro-Gcrma- Administration Officials Watch Home rould 'be found to make Purpose Is to Compel Change Some Influential Editors De- Invaders Have Possession ol turning: to Trent alter ns Are Attack- necessary the secretary's resignation, along the Valtelllna frontier, wan With Keenest Interest Com- especially because, of the possible in Dealing With Germany to clare Sinking of Lusitania Entire Country Within 22 caught In u Htorm and dashed Mgalnst ing on Long Front With Re- In (iermany of the the links on the mountains of the ments by Editors of Lead- change at thin time. in Harmony With His Entirely Justifiable and Say Miles of Austria's Principal Ad.imello (.roup, according to news ports of a received at BiicIim. Hwltxei land, toilnv Successes at ing Newspapers, S, P, EMPLOYES KILLED Own Peace Views, Torpedoing Will Go On, Seaport, from Innsbruck. The aircraft Is re Number of Points. ported to have been badly damaged. BY ATTACK OF YAQUIS Itl.IMDItt KM i:TK FOREIGNERS DO NOT PERSONAL BREAK WITH OTHERS BELIEVE WAR PLANS OF DEFENDERS BIKH (.II P I P IIY AVSTKI S ITALIANS LAY SIEGE tlV MORNINO JOURNAL RRBC.AL LIARIO WIRtl UNDERSTAND BRYAN Nogalcs, Ariz., June 13. tne la- WILSON EXPECTED SOON WILL BE UNNECESSARY OUTWITTED BY LATINS iieneva, June 13 (via PniK 2:1" p. TO STRONG POSITION borer was killed and three other m.l Th Anstrians are reported to Southern Pacific railway employe, ,,,.vu In. it. ,11 in. J', iota unit two of them Americans, wounded In sixty-fou- r lotteries along the Inoiiku Berlin Has More Faith in Good an attack on a work train by Yaiul Former Secretary Is Deter- All Recognize Friendliness of Communications Are Practi- river In the last tew days. Artillery Duels Characterize Indians last night, tit Mapoll, five Severe lighting is reported by the Intentions of President Wil- miles south of nuiiymS', according to mined to Arouse Public Sen- Tone and See Nothing in It cally Severed and General Anstrians on .Monteparalba, which Engagements in Western reports here tonight. rlsi m to , I eight of S.IIHII feet. Alpin- son Than Was Manifested A military escort of twenty-fiv- e, timent of Nation Against to Offend Dignity of Kais- Caclorna Is Moving Forward ists of both the Austrian and Italian Field, With French Offen- which accompanied the work train, forces struggled fiercely and some by Former Secretary, returned the fire of the Ynqilis and War on Any Account, er's Government. Most Successfully, fell over the pre. ipti e during the sive Claiming Gains, several of the Indian' raiders were killed. The name of the workman who was BY MORNINS JOURNAL RRrOAL LIAMO WINII tRRRCIAL CORRIIRONOf NCfl TO MORN' NO JOURNAL) aV MORNINO JOURNAL RPICIAL LIARRD WIRCl r MURNINfl JOURNAL RRtCUL LffAAKD WIRtl HMiop llowileii Preaches. ttv MORNIN JOURNAL RRCtl LIARRO WIRIl killed is not known. W. F.. llarh, wa- Washington, June 1J. Comment by WnshliiLlon, 13. Amazement B, July 13 i via London, Italy, IS Pails, 1.1. Bishop Hoodoo, (10 p. in.)--Bo- th ter superintendent of the road, was June rim, ln:l Tdine. .Inim (Hi 8anta IV, June Pl'cd June U the press of Kuropo on the recent some Indignation Is eNprrssed 111 p. m.) morning papers 3 : r. 0 p. in. I - Italian arllllery today .'. Hnwdeii, of Albuquerque, to In the Baltic provinces and along the shot through the arm, unci a brake-ma- n and The Berlin crick American note to Germany attracted e- - of Hail- - day St. s heavy fighting" contin- out of circles at Ho c.m-Ciiu- generally comment more or less bombarded the fol tlficatlons preached in Paul Protestant Dniester river in official dlplo- - named Smith and another named and official ues the- much attention and In Mall. I. San I'letrn.- Sail Marco. San Kplseopal church nt 1js cgas. between Busslann and (O.l-i- Mariiiuj!, were In back and of of on note aloni; in.ttir, .1ii.t'lei'U IilI-- Hint in ihcl shot the inn ilo.enls criticism the tendedly the American defend- - ins, without, however, any t,,ll wounds, it is said, are not - ' and the otlnr positions absence of Information concerning Their president's note by his former sec- the lines followed by the .salmd.iy ev ,..,, f ,,, ,.rv,. very material change In the nltuatlnn. dangerous. They were to the erltl-clr.e- probable of the Herman taken retary of Mr. Hrynn d elilng papers, tweiilv-tw- o The back- the attitude hospital at Empiilme. slate. Hand id Horn and Cradi.a, movement forward and government it was the chief subject the nolo in his letter of resigna- While there Is a general disposition miles northwest of Trieste and ten MEXICO CITY IS ward of the, battle lines In the Baltlo for speculation. tion. He rlllci'.ed It at greater length M rooogiiizo Hie friendly tone of thej miles east of the Italian frontier, provinces is almost continual smd each The editorials of the German press railway miming north side has various held the nd- - in a fctnteinent published the day fol- note nitel the fact that It makes fur-- ! The lines al timis were read with particular interest by been lu- - BLOODY BATTLES lowing. - lam- possible, p. ,jnniless ninth of the eitv have officials, who drew much encourage-men- t The next afternoon- be ther negotlatmns the .,.,., ., , ,, ,.,,.. I V Tfl PUlilllPr tfcilicl in enc of the flght- - basted the Jingo press for endorsing is divided, roughly Into two parties, x I lln 1 111 1 1 from the references to the r,,M,:lni,. tw. cn ioi and the llArl I III 1 li U 1 ehanged. The Hermans, friendly tone of the American note. tlii president's milder note after prac-tuill- y one "f which appears disposed to .( f the Austrian empire is by a LlllLLI IU UlinilUL. balked In their effort to reach lm- - High officials have felt that if a uplr-i- t the entire preptt of the nation ter into ner.oi i.itions looking to aooin-- j long and difficult mountain road along berg from the south, liavt-- commenced of friendliness could be maintained w an on on CONTINUOUS ON had expressed willingness to support promise on a n.-- basis, while (beltne i niapoviino vaney attack the ltussians the river throughout the negotiations the ef- ef- - San, of Przemysl, along th an ultimatum. The evening the by Implication or expressly, re- I'oeunienls found on Austrian north and forts of the Fnited States to convince mime other, tlcers taken prisoner Indicate lhat it RANDS UUiCKLY Dniester in southeastern tlnliclu, and Germany of the legality of the Ameri- former secretary of state issued an ad jects any departure, from the course was the plan of the Austrian general in their report tonight claim to have can position ultimately would be suc- dress to the German - Americans, heretofore followed. Among the rep- Muff to prevent the Italians crossing been Micc.'ssfiil In both sections. ' cessful. RUSSIAN T which met with general commenda- resentatives of the latter Idea the Tag-lieh- e the Isoimo river between Tolmino and Battle on ljniur I,Inc. The careful phrasing of the last tion, und yesterday he undid it all, i lttindschau, which declares that Clorz. The capture of Plavn by Italian Tho battle in the noutheast rcsem- - American note Is known to have had far as he could, by giving out a fifth while the note seeks a way to a com l troops, however, upsi t the Austrian General Gonzales Head of Ibles that which failed further up the the purpose of stating the demands statement, In four days, in which he promise, It seeks it along lines "which plans for maintaining an insurmoiint. at Dnlster, at Zurawana, but In on a of the I'nlted States very earnestly,, practically charges the administration must result to the disadvantage otiHl,,, imrrler In lhat part of the front - double-crossin- g i Is f but In such a fashion us would not' , . . . with him. Ucrmany." through ol' the Carranza Force Nearingi!:;;';'- . A t C the ..rrl'f 1. - t. 1...... U r, Ci w 11 I.AntnnI A4trrlr I'l I , jii.mi- nii.i?n,iiK im iimiij VJ C Iclll nUClUrO Hit; CJUOL,U lie purpose of Mr. Bryan in this ,ds Sinking of I.usltaula. j towns of Tolnimo and llradia. miles, from tho Rumanian frontlor, j Republic, Now lit meet in,' ;iiiininm pos.iiiiu in a. evidently goes beyond relieving his The Tag Hi he Kundschau continues: Capital of wing as an Re- whilif Its left reuches far way satisfactory to her own public According to Petrosrad feelings and settling himself right be "The note, therefore, is calculated! IT 1 .1 Ol I K OTM many have been (ier- - ll, Held by Zapata, Balie, where attacks opinion as well as the I'nited States. fore the friends who would naturally only to postpone a settlement of ii ii;h a it my s wop.k delivered against a 'bridge head. Thn Germany Wising IVnce. ports, Except in Engage- wish to know why he abandoned his man-Aiu- et li an relations. The friendly center of tho operations la Kolomna, The Important thing which off i high duties at :hls critical period in tone we acknowledge, but the declara- Home, June 12 (via Paris. June 1.1.) front which point th main ntiacka rials thought they gleaned from the ments Still in Progress, his country's history. tion that the sinking of the laibltanla An olfielal note which sums up the journal RciALLitowiRi i w hich have curried thv Teutonic al- - I " i" press comment and other utterances S'c il foi tHii, inicr Policy I haimc v as unparalleled In modern warfare, first offensive movement of the arml Vern t.'riu. Juno HI. The lieino - ns across the Dniester In. several gov-- up-ilg- ht as the fact that the German I The explanation may be found in stems opposed to the character of follows: era I a. the t'arratiy.H organ here, today places ur being launched. ernment was no more of the concluding paragraph of Mr. friendship." i desirous (Y MORNIN9 JOURNAL RRtXIAL LCARID WIRI1 "In the Trent inn zone, our forces published an extra edition cimtainln Simultaneously tho Hermans are pro Adding to list l'.rynn's first statement. In it he says defends the sink- - i Is the I'nited States its of l .Tiinci 13 Tho Bundscbau went resolutely forward correcting at a dispalch from Puebla. which in ceeding w'.th on the Hun- - Pel rot ad, Ola lmdoil, to urge propo- In coiielu-- j their uttack enemies than the Lmted States was If CUM t. ,11 Tlla (.ll,iwlllir that he feels treo his ing of the I.nsitaiiia and. b ant In part strategic im onvenlenoe substance ns follows: tslan center on tho river Unwku, west !.!.. I of participating In the sitions and in thr hope of securing slon, declares: j Paid,, (louwiles, ha 1'"",M"" official communication was issued this i of infavoiablo frontier siH'h Were "Uwi, who Wa.i sit v. whnre tiiey also have been such an expression of public senti- "And the watchword Is: The tor- - with th, army vf M'-o'- " imposed upon us alter th can'l'nU'ii Ibern sent Carranza t! successful, according to their report. that! will support president In will g em.' 1 With a growing understanding con- - ment as the perilling j S5,"i. MIIK JlexiCO I 11, IIIIS OCCIl VISIO'II OVj Saturday violent battles of I Artillery IMirl In WfM, i. peace, i emplovlng Die remedies HUiresl'd by Xe (iiaiigc fit IVotirntn. Vllla-Zapnt- a inp iiiicii Miui'H is anxious 101 (jnn,.( 011 of brave mounted troops have thro,, members of the the whole of the front 's "iur tht! western none, artillery duels i Mr. Biyuil, namely, arbitration and The Kreuz .eitung emphasizes i j In nut hoi insist on hit mois, aim f the Yindava, Venta and liuhysu occupied dcliles and HI' ill inits, the party from Misico city, with an offer sen to tho 1 i,,it of to trav- right to shipment i sug-- (are in prigress from tho comi'tinn that M'c Ccrutvn tpo.ern-- The were devoted to the warning Americans net ireent til" raines of which recall unlorgellable 'of nn armi,tlee. The delegates j Ainerl-- German efforts el on ships mni.ilioiiF. , t, any emmv by ev- Woevro und even beyond that district, inmit will not misconstrue ths ! , htf mi,-- h i.l' Vhnvll tarrying of t'lnmunltlon exploits bV brave combatants in gested that the fighting In that vleln-- 1 uaeti.i ery Is to see the with here and then Infantry fight- - can demands into any effort to Inter, ..." iruns-Vicm..- .. Inasmuch as the president has not means. It also unable ago. A powe- lly all p iplo were - ,H the en Trentino half a ccntuiy etHse, as the flht- ling. Tho French huvn attempted to i ere wun inn operations 01 Buoma line ,. ,.,,.,,,,., ,.ml...,rr,l to st asked for that kind of a public senti- what Kngluml can offer in retnrni; rful artillery crowns the summits and .lug with the same purpose. It wouid be more explainable if of subma- - ' if these can be made to con- - tB,.k ,. positions uast of Mariampol ment for the abandonment the plateaus from where operations more Con.T.ll rtolixab-- reolled Unit the " """". vary l plan to 0 ,,f 'roHKly po-i- n lorm to uceeptoci rules of internation- - :,rew Saturday nlghl one should the language of Mr. ine campaign, "sine,, the can I'e carried out later. It Is forces In Mexico Cllv had better throw th"v entrenched Ull front liryan a little of ('iermany finally failed." iHst ltlns, and the Hermans have been at law as tney aneet neutrals, vvtM.p be and insert, instead starve has battering effectively, forts of the cn-- I their lot with (Jeneral Carr.,n.,i or inalhfll. (,U(post skirmishes "support" president In employln: Iteventlou', In Tages U recover lost ground. A chances for a peaceful outcome of the ,Ween ormulew and Hozovh. North the Count von tin etny considered up to the present lime evaci.ale the city without bloodshed. ftideavoring these remedies, "compel" the presi- Zcituug, says: fortv-elg- "I Herman offenslvo was predicted present dllTIculty were liciieved ilijof i',zasnvs!!, the enemv at 3 o'clock almost Impregnable, and already has He gave the delci:at"s ,, to adopt In his days ago so It not well informed iiarters to be improv-jj- a lively dent these remedies. "If President Wilson persists some id them, hours to return and present bis prop-'r''ver- al but far has tno morning opened fin I dee- -' .demolished ex- - in Deadly ncbt. to recognize Herman j materialized, iilthuuKh it Is still Brian ai refusal the j upper ('adore, recollections (.sllton to tl ..mention. Jg nan. 'with heavv artillery and towarrt noon N'o we urn not "In tho t Hryun. i one who lias visited Mr. liryan Juration of a war one, ..f 1.'. .1.1 II Mi. 1., f'fllvi ufM ,1.',,L- ItW III,' headquarters believes I'ecteil, Cannot mlorstmul began a violent infantry attack. - Carrana here j in home his resignation- but conceive agreement "' - The Sunday morning newspapers 'Further east, on the Mlawu his since able to of an r(.pilU)1 ( (rtinii and other that the CUv forces nr.. pre- Italians Attack Ciorlln. must feel that he is in deadly earnest. even a real understanding. - Hi," With Monfalcone and Oradlsco in penerally inability v;uv , at- - portant points. Thuc, not only are pariii',- to flee and turn over city Ilerlin proles two of the enemy's battalions be- There is a glint, in his rye 1 OUIH I (Inn-ithe- ip hands, to understand the motives prompting t.'.cked the Pntnianvl farm, but hav- - that I'll HfVi'llUIIH i limed all routes for Invasion by the to Ccnei'.il CarraiiKa. Heneral tho Italians have berif aside s W'illiam J. to retire from the Ing enormous lusses, wen speaks determination. He declines to "President Wilson blushes enemy, but gradually there Is being nab-- is said to be preparing to feed n alla. k on Uorlxia, further up tin, Jr'un suffered through press, by n chief part of Aim-b- e post of secretary of The offen- - speak the except vith Hunt gesture, the way of an action ton, fino persons, should Mexico city Isonzo river, and one eif tho state. comjpclled to abandon their of to note, unimportant. opened the offensive Morgen Post says: means statements that will fo the Herman as as soon aft this is regarded opportune. taken within a few ibtys. The s' most strongly fortified frontier sive. all papers. Hut he in mind plana Wilson appeals for to in has jWhcn President the I'm rn la our Alpine pie of the former capital aro said to j positions. The Italians, already have "The former secretary seems "Near the Vistula, the Starouv purpose. lot "In tone enemy, having of effecting his He does not morality and human rights him troops are solidly on Im- be in great want. cut the communications to the north have less confidence than we in the 7.elu region, the suf they yet He to established gov- in offensive of know what are in detail. extend then,, noble motives first portant defiles, holding against and soutn or tno town, no that it now honest desire of the American frred severe losses his has begun by flooding the press with munitions, (iermany can- them to peaceful com- Saturday night to American repouted counter-attac- k by the en- depends entirely on tho difficult ernment arrive at a Friday, fell back of note. uso best Im- us. is con- position. criticism the not abandon the of her emy. In tho eastern i'rlull zone, our mountain road to the eastward. promise with Mr. liryan his former When asked !s not tam- of war merely In order that Summary War vinced that President Wilson and his "On the left bank of the Vistula, whether he plement ittivance forces are developing greater of - pering with precedent in discussing u Americans may sail the war zone on OFI''E.NMVE government will finally appeal to Saturday evening, the enemy coneen- foreign complication contact with the enemy, progressively News Yesterday Fit !:.' 'II very fire in Itzura through tho British ships." overcoming obstacles not to be de- of RAIN'S lorce. We are not now disposed to trilled a heavy the newspapers, Mr. Bryan to lliiou.nleH Friendliness. MAIUS I THTimr, I sector, of Plssu refers the spised." believe this, but wl! await events." from the mouth the generally very accurate of The Mnrgen Post says: The P.oorsen Zeitung- says: jtlver to the village of Soukha. lur- - forecasts The note ndds that from results ob- - In the three weeks that have Purls, Juno 13 (2:30 p. m.) The what the note contained in the news- "The note is tilled with (ones .1 ..II.,., IV... 'Jtryan's resignation has been in - Ing the night and today be attacked , I .i in , tl.I in e A . u in-- n 15 ill in.- .11 III elapsed since the declaration of war capture from the Germans of the papers before he spoke all, und friendliness, and seeks to open linil ... !,., 1., - our positions W forces numbering at' 111 ll PI ll'fV ,l!,,, 1,, 11 vt-nr. by Italy forces railway leading" the town terpreted, as Indicative that the note ith also to the newspaper predictions of over way for ne- I'rti uMilllinit. on Austria, the Italian station into - two divisions. The battle still smooth the further rcrs of appreciation concerning the steady Hotichcg, eight miles from Arras, is would' be' rather blunt, which, how- about effect of note. Mr. Bryan, be- have been making slow but of continues. the the the gotiations. The offer to mediate present war, which Is severe and dif progress. for announced in the French official ever, is nowise the case. The note private citizen, may go as far alter tween Germany and (ireal Britain The Italian efforts the shows, on contrarv. "In Galiela Saturday morning the ficult. Especially, the note says, It t being are are being main statement Issued here this Afternoon, the an outsuoken the note has been sent us the press will unquestionably be gladly accept- - 'n()t ,')() f)irK,;t',tll line directed tendencv to an understanding enemy commenced an attack on our )1UHt ,m, iUe K1und ly nt Tiie.-te-, with the peninsula of in- - Cannonading was continual during the reach went before it was sent. ed by the (jerman government, and pro with Germany on the issues Involved. positions on thu lower Ivoiihaczuwku To of operations is mountainous mid Ilia, in which His Pola, Austria's chief, night In tho district north' of Arras, Mos-cisk- a CoiKliiiic Bombardment. if mediation falls, it will be Oreat a If, therefore, liryan desires to be the with massed formations, in the Bryan, pared by the enemy lor delense for naval station, as their reat objective. the statement says, anil stubborn region the enemy, who suffered Mr. therefore, will continue Britain's fault. long time d, feuded by numerous fighting with hand grenades took representative of peaceful efforts in his bombardment and Its purpose, Morgen up- and The Italians already have occupied tendency heavy losses Friday and Saturday, has The Post praises tho troops hardened by ten months' fight- place in the region Milled "the laby- opposition to the jingoistic first, will be to create a sentiment in rightness of the l!nlled Stales and Important htrategic points along the of the American government, we real- not resumed his offensive. ing. In conclusion the note declares river which they have crossed, rinth." The text of the statement fol- success forced this country that will cause the presi- hopes that it will lie possible to dim army to over- - lsoiro ty on ground "Our ut Juravno th that the lias decided several days a of really j lows: do not know what he dent to give way on the German note. onstrate that Germany is acting W illi-- 1 and for latllo base his assertion." enemy to suspend his attacks on our (.llInf. uny prion all obstacles, resis lai'ip proportions has been in progress, "During the entire night the bom wl. positions Halicz, und on Friday the If ho fails in Gils, he will continue his In her rights. difficulties. tu Siispcrts Piiirtlciil Politics. at propaganda generally. He go into tance and in this section of Auslilan territory, bardment the region to tho north t bis to will Tho Tagehlatt says: The Mr. nemv there confined efforts general From the Italian side It is reported of Arras was continued. Wo have -n- with heavy the wider area of debate, and "it cannot be seen why the fler-- j XAB AT STATION lead- Vhe cen.rating the fire his it is quite AltSI AVI; now thai I'lava. has been occupied,' taken the station of tho railway Vide guns upon them. evident that the further he man government should not be able: DP.S'I U ing evennrSTSn.S.oharder to understand than is his goes the more estranged lie will be- IIOYPII AlltSIIII' bill this is denied by thn Austrian war Into Houcbez. v. "Friday evening our cavalry made to enler into a discussion with tlnv "Jn the region to the ftoiith of "the resignation. come from Woodrow Wilson. Is im- 1 of I'lc. Pola lias been visited by an a fierce charge against enemy de- It American government concerning an-- Home, June (via Paris, 4:110 p. bibyrlnch" flghtinir Is In The Tagehlatt suspects that prac- possible that they should di- n Italian airship and, according to stubborn crossed Dnles. travel kind and manner of naval war- m. ) A ro-- 1 re- political played a tachments who had the yet other iThe arsenal at the usl progress, tho combatfliitH having tical differences town of Zaln Szczyky. In verging paths and keep within fare. This possibility Is Increased by on the reports, the iirscrml has been gren- part i resignation of Mr. liryan, ter near the friendly, hailing naval station at pola, by bombs, sorted to the throwing of hand nthe charge we took about li 00 prison- distance. the American offer of mediation with been entirely almost destroyed saying: this May Lead Main Personally. Adriatic, has almost The Austrian are said to have ades. In spite of the desperate ef ers and sabered BOO of the enemy." The answer will not t" hi bv bombs dropped from an of enemy, we have main- "tt may he safely assumed that If Mr. itrjan loses the fight to mod- rivci brought 4 ri,()(iii tronps ami sixty-fou- r forts thn ready for several weeks, but II must airship, according Mck-b- e on pre- Hryun did not leave office in order ify the administration's attitude to- nulla,, to the aid guard- tained all our gains mndo the AXS SIIIJ-I- , GltKAT said thi't the Herman people now, saggero. were at In kill. 'ilea lo their defenses ceding days. ;kki Germany There the time Im- - to withdraw himself from political ward he will appeal to the -' ing (lotizia, Trieste and other. JU'KSIAN roHTKKSS public. ns before, lay great weight on iiiidis- n, arsenal ten warships, Im ludim? "On the rest of tho front tho night life." . In doing so. he will neces Ital- turbed relations with the I'niled imtticshlp, two xcv- - portanl towns, nsalnst which the was calm." ' The Reichtdiote, commenting on sarily ask it to condemn Air. Wilson's ,. cruisers and advancing. The utlotis PelrogTiul, .lime IS (via London, States. whose wars of they ,,r., Nome, ves-oni- 'e ians are fortifl. course us unwise. If he nd-- i liberation submarines. of these the American note, says: to beats the j ib fendim; have been heavily Juno II, 12:30 n. in.) According Joyfully greeted, and wit bin l(.H r supposed to have been darn-whos- e Hori'aa HKK.MAY GAIN'S t1,.MMl:i) "Kither tone was subdued fol- ministration he will be the biggest be- the an official statement Issued today, the borders millions of HernianHj nf.,,,. bombarded and ciniiiiinlcatlons IN EASTl'iKN WWII ZOXK lowing lirynn's sensational resigna- be- man America ever produced as a (b.i'lzla em- Germans during the last few days public have foiinn new Moines. tween and the rest of tho tion, or Hryun desired to take ad- for- molder of sentiment. cut, with exception gan a bombardment of Ossowetz In Nolliiog of ritiinaliini In ll. MUST TK.MX WOI NDI D pire have been the Berlin, June 13 (via London, S:10 vantage of on opportunity to escape If he fails this he will have to' (l a tress at 5 o'clock every evening, when "The earnest character of I I BS of mountain road. P. in.) artillery yesterday easily from situation which was no eventually lead the fight personally. tbeliolej ITALIANS BOUPH Ol' I.OYt Herman the light was favorable, and continued Mr. liryan may not bo overlooked, but ll con- It is expected that the Italian bombarded the military works of longer pleasant." never has been averse to now un- the bombardment until sunset. connecting It:) tains nothing which even Indirectly! Brescia. Italy, June 13 (via Paris, movement which i; getting l.uncville, a French town, fifteen The Deusche says: himself with n cause as ' Ttundsrhau "The fortress," the statement adds, can be looked upon as an ultimatum." 3: Mi p. in.) of mind- der full swing, will necessitate the miles southeast of Nancy, according "After seeing the note, it must be seriously damaged knight errant. lie has never been; The lirsl train "has never been noted for power to discuss a subject! Die Poslel is dissatisfied, saying: ed Italians from the Trentino front bringing of heavy Austrian or 'Jer- to the official statement given out to- Mid that Mr. liryan either was hasty despite tht. heavy guns employed by nolo man forces from the battle without having a terrible example be-- 1 "The sails the old course and: arrived here today. It had been trans- oihr day by the German army headquar- or else reasons yet unknown Auslro-ltabai- other the enemy." fore him. formed Into a bower of flowers, each fronls, fur the i frontier ters. decided his action." lar-.'- Will Soon f'eol Weight of licvcnt inrnt. rine campaign and again emphasizes berth being literally, covered with ii; of extent and the Italian Herman troops, the statement Submarine I'roblcm. KILLED AND THREE the remarkable special right of Amer- IroopH and artillery are. pressing tor-war- d ndds, An abatement of submarine warfare TWO Woodrow Wilson, it is predicted, them. The wounded soldiers said the stormed the town of Kuzle, will within a short time feel thej ican citizens to voyage through a war (lowers had been sent to them by their in reat numbers. eight miles west of Shavli In Kovno on passenger ships would contribute IN zone ns passengers on ships belong- The French continue their offen- settle- HURT COLLISION weight of Mr.' Bryan's resentment "t mothers and sweethearts. All the province; took more than 5,000 Rus- materially towards a peaceful - ing to belligerent powers." sive, particularly in the neighborhood ment some professed to having been down in the cabl- men said they Here imxloiis sian prisoners at gicrnluwa, in Gali- and officials net on a vital question. The newspaper says that negotia- back to the front. of Arras, without: cessation. They re- ela, und also captured the town of see already signs of of NO RPtCIAL AMD WIRI restrictions IRV MORN, JOURNAL Lf Mr. Bryan is receiving loads of mall tions will continue, but whether a port trie eapture of a rid;;c nt Soiichez, Mlynlaka. The text of statement the activity of German submarines to 13. Two persons the New York, June Hlnce he resigned. He refuses to give real result can be obtained is ques- AI'STKI AN PA I IT OF TICHKTH north of the sugar refinery, also held reads: craft of such Rlxe as to make it read- were injured in a col- killed and three out any letters or telegrams without tionable, since this demand of the l II WDS OF I'l I.l. ( . I lls by the French. This ridge was "in the western theater; Artillery ily, possible to save crews. The on Long Island Anglo-America- the lision in dense fog consent of n strongly organized !y the Hermans, Dtx-mu- the thj writers. He receiv that the submarine " duels took place at Nleuport and fact that the press is divided Hoston fifty-thre- German Sound tonitfht between the ed e such letters in ono mull warfare ho stopped, lies outside Italy, 13 ls, but was lakeii by assault. Hebu-tern- e. pur- 2 0 the l'dine. June (via Pai north of Arras, and at as to the policy ought to be Hill, with j that bound steamer Hunker est erday. scope of practical discussions. rt : 4 5 p. in.) - to- - Near no, a series of Her- sued is It is vs received hen- Attempts of the enemy to make regarded hopefully here. passengers on board, and the steam That Mr. Bryan Is pleased with The Kreuz Zeitung finds the argil-- j day suys man trenches were raptured by the night In re- pointed quartern '('. H. the from Trieste that the entire a attack the dunos was out in diplomatic yacht Vanadls, owned by K. tenor of this correspondence is evi meats contained in the American Austrian, town Is in nil French, according to their report, al- pulsed. friendly to cause the hands nt Southeast of Hobuterne lnfan. the Germanic that Hillings, widely known horseman, dent from his expression when speak- notp "qullo unconvincing." The note, $1 though Ih'J Herman war ofiice merely try fought. with in Anton Meyer city. lagers. Meat is selling for a pound. engagements are being' arrival lierlin of which was heading for this ing of them. it says, tries to meet (iermany's Well makes reference to the fa, t in- Lune-vill- o messenger of Count There Is no bread and the population that "The military works around Gerhard, personal One of the killed was George K. consideie.1 arguments with an appeal is living fantry engagements are being fought von Hernstorff, ambassa- president, of on vegeiables and fruit, from were bombarded. the German Hendrick of Hoston, the to humanitarian duties, whereas (Ier- 1st rla. here. at- dor, state of & TURKS STILL HOLD "In the eastern theater: Our a full statement of the Massachusetts Picking lielting Co. many's Mr: t humanitarian duty is to The silualion in the eastern war of Shavli (rood Americnn opinion sugges- ' tack northwest made public and The other was John J. Hrown, a protect her soldiers from American Ai zone is somen hat problematical, both progress. Kuzle was by storm. tions for a compromise will bring Hoston, a pas- GALLIPOLI POSITIONS sti:o; sTitiw hist taken traveling salesman of a in munition shipments. ( A IIMHll)l,l'.sM.V sides claiming advantage but ut dif- counter-attack- s fcight about a all quarters who was I'll HDD Fnemy failed, better feeling in senger on the Hunker Hill, ferent points. Both (icrmaiis and officers and S.S.le men and eight ma- in Berlin. picked up by the (RT MORNING JOURNAL knocked overboard, RMCIAL LlARIO WIRIl Want Tower (in SVhool. Verona, Italy, June 13 (via Paris, ltussians claim to have taken vast chine guns were captured. Former Secretary Bryan had gone from his injuries. a. Vanadis and died lA.ndon, June II (2:50 n. in.) The Pant Fe, June 13. The people of j f:Sn p. in.) Details of capture by numbers "f prisoners. ".Southeast of Marlanipol-Ko- v a great hole the the The Bunker Hill, with Pally Mail's Athens correspondent Boy, Mora county, so tho depart Italians of Monte JCugna, situated ap- The (jerman newspapers generally, nox road, battles against Russian re- torn in her side, where she was says that the allies Friday and Satur- ment of education Is Informed, want of commenting on the rejoind- got proximately four miles northeast American inforcements arriving from the south WEATIIKK FORECAST. struck by the Hillings yacht, day attacked the Turkish portions on a tower on their school house and Ala, reached today but- er to the Herman note respecting the have commenced. a (Jallipoli here from the Washington, June 13. New safely back to her pier at late hour. the peninsula. They were bidN have been asked therefore for tle front. I.usitanla and submarine warfare, fa-v- "North of Przasnysx. .another ISO Mexico: Mondav partly cloudy, The Vanadis, on board which were supported by warships, but the Turks the construction of campanile. The position was strongly the opinion that the note opens guest, 1u12 fortified prisoners Were taken. showers and cooler east portion; Mr. and Mrs. Billings and a still hold the heights of Achi Baba The lower Hour will he used for a pu- - and surrounded by strong wire en- the wav for further negotitlons and invasion into enemy lines bad- heights "our the Tuesday fair. put into Glen Cove, L. I., with a and thn commanding Kalld perinieniieni H omen. A bell will ne tanglements 'and three lines of that President Wilson's attitude has south of Itollmow was followed til bow, Bahr. In ly smashed hung the tower. trenches. A platform hud been built been friendly. the night by Kusslan counter-attack- s, TWO ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL1, MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1915.

nil of which were nnsiteea ssful. The inl'l r lit cvirnl iioinln. The text Sained pncilloh rc firmly In our of I he l otniinmii'iil Ion mvh: - CARRANZA STRONG E LDER MEN CALLED TWELVE KILLED lllllllV Our ImHiIV 111 thin Set lor hllK "To th ' p..nh of Sh.ivll, In Ihe d!- 80 FORTS 0 STRIKE been Increase,! tiv l,fio prisoners Irlct of 4xiiklmovo, we yeytrrdny at- - eight rnnnnn. two of whlah tire of tarkcrt anil ripulwd In u wCnterly di- heavy calibre, ami nine machine Huns. rection the enemy mil flnnk Ink col- "In the ut hi"!iii-r- theater: A umn. N'eir Hhnvli the enemy contln-fie- n VILLA SEEK B JAPAN C c eo SIEVERE STORM brldgi head it wn rirnp-lure- d blw frultleHU Htlni'kii In ihe eecilon ARE REDUCED POWERFUL ycntcritiy. Cur iipponciil lofl of the northern hultlefield. more than 'i.dOO prisoners In our "iinr offciiBive on Ihe front of hand. Countrr-nll- ks made by the fJmtlllfiny-llHiMiiRoh- i continued lo lie. enemy ilurlMisr the night fulled, Vlop with mircen. Vculerday we GGOO IVILLDFIJ FORCE S N COVERNMEN STREET CAR L ES IN MIDDLE WEST "V.uH of J.irntdnu pud cast (if carried by otoiin ceveral vilbine and .S. FRENCH I t'rftnynl, t h lluhtlng I hca uming a remeti ev near MourKiide Joquho murs noticeable. Troops under (hn-crn- l The day ik fori- on thin front our O'x-;- i f.incngeti Imve taken Mlynixkn. ki cb ired Ihe enemy on borne-buc- k The nltaik fn yabicnw coot Iiiim k." and nihreil nlnmt I On (Icriminn anil look more t hit n fifty priHoner. First Chiefs Claims of Recent Eye-witne- ss Tells of Havoc Was Their Influence That Fourteen Thousand Five Hun- Heavy Death Toll in Hurricane Ti iiKs vrr.Aini.v niiiiii) lit the dlreclion of Kovno, the en- in Tiir. u emy 1.x enl nvirlnn to wee tire the front Victory Not Borne Out by Wrought by Artillery in At Modified Demands Upon dred Employes of Surface Which Sweeps Wisconsin rst - mk of f ip.- ziska-lliKlel- On Tliiirfdnv iVtroarnd, June 13 viu London. nil-.h- l In tblH (llMlrlct f piidhcd bar k Facts; It Is Rumored That tack on Important Position China and Finally Averted and Elevated Systems Or- and Iowa; Eight-mi- le Strip J:S p. m.) o'fl' lul icports received the enemy for noine dielftnee on Ute here from the st'my hi'iiahiiiiirtcrs In lnrl :t in i'i toad and nlonif the railway ObreAon Died of Wound. Before Toutvcnt, War in the Orient. dered Out at Midnisht. Swept Clear of Houses, the Ciimasii v th:it th itniKiiiiiD from Kov t" Wirlijilleti (Knt-fui- n Po- urn pimlunir th Tutkti litick In the di- land. rection of ultl and arc occupying the bfink of the V lul u rt . 'nit the risht MndNiN joiiiNk letrtAi. LIAf ft widti MdHNINO lOUdNAfc. apfetAL 0iO Wldll ( Anwirli tl rre rorrenponilenet.) ( MOKNIN4 JOURNAL tPtCIAL Ltmtl Wldll fV MOMNIN iOIJNNAL dtCIAL lAStD WIMt pfipltloim A heavy euuntci-nftac- k Htnro-ely- , enemy iv tV tf If Turk In the ret'ion of the 13. (Jcneral 13. A of the. Wis., 13, Zuial-- ( W.iHbliiifton, June P;irl., June 13 (11:20 a. m.) Toklo, May 17. The matu of the Chicago, June strike la Cro'se, June Twelve hukIo ly the Turku til opined nit inlcme nililleiv file ot prorltimii-lio- n Callun.u bad now Indued H "Vh n the French troop captured Renro or elder talemen in modern 14.800 employe of the surface and persons reported dead In the was repulsed. rm tirehmlnary to n ire . hir dawn )i"ltibiy pitddton-nt- o u . cbilmiut that an he control a the iinpoitnnt position before the Japan ha been brought Into traciion sjsiemd ooc c , The dispatches sny that during n iierlcn of fittrt'k. 1'p to itiiibbiy (he rievntra wn,ch ' t W(.Rtpr w, laikte territory and ha Instituted farm of Toutvcnt," write the official discussion hy the activity of the at midnight. The men were directed ' jliere"fiil engagement In the valley - enemy ilid not eitcceed In itppronrhlnit eye-w- anl ports of Minnesota and civil Royermnent therein, he loftlcally it tied on Ihe French bullle cenro in recent crldi between to finish their run and- return their nln of Oltichnl, 200 Cossacks charged on 40rt from mtr the " nTght. nearer than hhch ion by Whll-4ieeou- nt dif- Iowa SutiitUi.V Seven are said liin k to lin y le entitled to reeoKnll the front, thy found nolhliiK reniainlnR Japan nnd China. car to the barn. hnrt' thi trenches where trenihiK. Our nlr miuadronR made - wa called, an all - dismounted and put ihe Turk to the WiiHhltiKion Koyernment, while den- of the formidable fortificnt ioiid In fer ii to Ihe wny In "which the genro The strike after to have lont their lives near Ferryvllle, reconniiln.inceR and dropped bombs etnl Villa ha dcni a note to the stalled there but mawse of ilclirid. Interfered at the moment In the (lev conference of the transportation wis., and five near Lansing, lown. word. with HinecHi, tlniK coiitribullliK lut I 'tilled Hlates noyertnnent favorlnH The aceuriite fire of our heavy artil- Chinese ltuatlon nil agree ttjion the officials, Inbor leaders and after The dead nenr Kerryvllle are Mr. In iepulii the enemy attacks i ( i Prenldi nt Wildon'd recent KiikxeKtlon lery wrenched tbe wire entanglement point It wa their conservative Mayor Thompson had heard the two Marl:) I'inb y, aged 70; John Finley, l iii vt ii (. ni nil I that on hid front. that the faction In Mexico unite fur from the Krotip. hiaveil the irenche Influence which Induced modlfientlon interests nt odd on tbe questions of her grandson, one year; Miss Pose hi c rs ovr.u i.ritM h "In )i lli-i- i : Yesterday In Ihe val- ' peace. Me hIko had made, overture in dome p'ace, filled them In other in the demands upon China nt a time Increased wages, which the men Kinley, d Uiiibt' r of Mr. Finley; Mr. ley Kklo, an em-to- mo- arbi- of the river illicitly lo ( 'it rm una. and obstructed tbe approaches. When many people Were looking for must he granted before John Haley, of Atlantic, Iowa, sister r'nrld. Juno U (lOiaO p. in.) The ballefy Hilvanceil toward our - tor Villa rl iiiii I hat he, loo, Id In pod- "The position wild held by Ihe Sev- would bp uecom-panle- d tration could be Considered. of l!oe V'lnleyj Charles McManus, an following official I tin ultimatum that communication' In nclicn nt wan forced lo beat tin n nil police at once began arrange-ment- s hy dcHslon of a InfHe nli a of Mexico enteenth linden regiment of 1,000 by harsher Insteud of more The Infant; and n farm laborer, name un- Idniiid die war tonight: itnmeillii'e retreat by onr atlllleryfirc. hid protecting workmen who Ar-ri- that law nnd older exist within men," the wiiter continue, "not one i lor known. The wire ure down to Lan- the sector to the north of - moderate demands. "In "In n lliree ilaya' hatlli- on the I were ready to lake cur out tomorrow there has been n Violent nrlllbry Jiiiiddteilon, No reiunl made for of whom i scaped death or capture. Wllh n tenacity, which I, perhaps, sing and particular of the easualtic OlllCHler liver, In the region of recognition of the convention govern Two coinpaiile 200 men each greatest Japanese trait, the genro n, oining. All police furloughs were (hire have not been received. engagement. In th we K other of Ihe afternoon to t men t wnich lameil from June ment repredetited by Villa, but n wlll- - In reserve were destroyed. plucklly held view-poin- Just recalled and all avalluble held the rldite to the north of the 3 S almost to their I'iiiiiibouscs Wrecked. June la, we raptured nltwteiher Id cxpi'CHeeil 7 police slat ions ready for emergency Iniittedd to reach an "The assault commenced on June a they did before the outbreak vif the eight-mil- e sugar refinery nt Hoiii Ih,, which win 'ind t'i,43 Moldletd. with duty. It wa announced that I.ieiit. An strip from n point very powerfully organised hy th en- oirii'ild awreement with the other Mexican nvir a front of 1,200 yards and on war between Japan and Oermnny and Heven-ee- n V. l.arkin, with a Rtiard of fif- two miles east, near the village of emy. Thi wm hy iniii'hlne uti faction. Jirhe 10 a double line of trenched over When they iiieslioned the wisdom of James rhlne taken assault, A detectives, would escort n five-ca- r Seneca,' was swept clear nnd every wo itiiiiion. lariie iiinnlily of Itepresi'iili'il In aliiii(;loii. a front af I, still yard and for a depth Betiding an ultimatum and of drag- teen und have ortinnlifd ami maintain- Ion, from .South Klde termi- farmhoune wa wrecked or damaged. armfi, tmmunit waitonx, field Manuel lloullla, minl.ster of 20d I,0a0 yard hud Into a world-wid- e war. In train the ed ourselvr there, notwithstanding nn of from lo been ging Japan - A of 500 The florin wa nt its worst homhHfdmi'nt, kitchen nnd iratipportii alo fell into In Ihe Madero cabinet captured, Ihe ense of the derman war they nal of the elevated. detail al the liilriiKi (lit n was Kent to guard the car barns. farm homo of Jame Finley, where his our nili. of fi over-ridde- n nif "V attacked this morning to th' nnd former novernor of the dtate "At o'clock on the morning of were but In the rase of an- Auntro-ileinia- n al Officials of steam roads mother, son and two sisters, one of "In older to support the Hlnaloa, an per-don- 7 the southeast of Hcbuieme the German ha tirrlved here the June In the faco of a heavy fire China their wisdom and careful coun. they would begin a suburban whom had Just come home on a visit, on nrmy which fell back on Ihe rcpredenlatiVe of (lenenil Villa enemy nehes the assault del day. Now, cry Is com- nounced trenches neighboring the road from Ihe tr carried the a once. were kill-.a- l. Mnllly-.faillo- rlt?bl linn of the the service at from Kerre to t. nur In- river lnleier, bearlnit illdtiatched and Ihe note In begun unoir a storm of thol and Mu ll. ing up among n Hection of the people enemy undertook tin offctiHlve on Leonard M. Pushy, president of Finley himself sustained two broken fantry enrrleit hy n ftnut'o I rpiedilon, nhiclt will be liatiHmitled Not it of the ami Vendeen to do ii way the genro on the fffort three tni'l llieton with the Chicago surface lines, announced leg and hi wife was seriously in- i f thi- - enemy Inpn find lioih Iiiiimh of the river T.f atnenlcii, to ute elate ia on in inroiiKii r.n-rlii- troop flinched Ihe whole line ground new Japan hna outgrown nttnlni'd thrlr - if and that to run jured. - hiin-ilfp- In " rcpre-dontatlv- e no attempt would be made olijert. look riiori- n d and on Jinn- la r.un ceiled enrrylnu C. I.lotcnte, idhliiKion a v i ii ii I over cabi- Thy thnn nihil in eil one the their ministration nnd thnt the Tuesday. Cndcr the 1!)07 Thirty pi rsons were injured, sev- brlonelfiK In dif- the villime of (iriierow, lint Immedi- of the cotiveulioii govern- lit.i (lermnn nnd em- car until prl(inrn four first two of the trenches. net, constitutionally created ordinance, surface lines are not of whom are in hnspitaU In reBimi'nm, ately wai'driven 'buck by our troopn ment, (liberal uldo ha n l Ii. given Autho- the eral l.a ferent liuludlni? the larraiia Ordered tu ilt rem powered, should be full to operate in a strike, Crosse In a serious lMth.. who cnpiurcil Ihii officers number of permuial repredentatlve to a against body genro who required condition. "The inbr were entrench rity a of up. ' "I'rlfonein derlnre during the and 4 'in men. here. In Joy vic- standing. At midnight, policemen took thnf there, but the men the of have no constitutional ele- - cnum or Inxt "On Ihe nlKht of Juiie 10 nnd on the faction I follow ft course their positions nt the car barns TA V 7FQ MFRPMAMT the finhtintr the few Kaeh Ihr tory pleaded to be allowed lo go on, I Iderly 1111111111. -- i louder of i - - w "- ii cjoy ; enemy deliv- It of-- , vated stations, power plants and oth i.i hi we huve Infill ted on the Oermnn inornltiK June II the which Imped will till im.ilely obtain and It w is with difficulty thai Ihe ,,'' troop, very ered ftuitlcBa Mttacka iikiiIiihI onr itself from the The men who curbed the cabinet, er properties. The majority of runs loxne. Certain for the Tinted Staled fici r Induced them to drop the rifle a Implies, SHIPS OF HER ENEMIES ) nrej their title nil elderly housed In uniti ftmiiKi-r- In a rnunter-utinr- k brhlxe h'"ad near llallc. "ncllye moral Biipport" protnlxed in ihovel. What remained of had ended and the cars ' day for the lenders. Only four In number, they A longer runs ver ii Hmn uh they "In Hie etiumo of the folloiitK Predldcnt Wilnon'd dlalemenl. the enemy' troop were, found hud- the barns. few of the iipproiichcd of I make up In influence what they luck not daylight, Y MOftMIN JOUdNAl CdtCIAI. tCACD Wldll formed. the eneniy the front t'nlll a new decreiary of stale dled la the wrecked trenches. A few would be ended until (la bewail In number. First, there la Marshal expected 5 o'clock 1.1 p. m.) "The fii'iny locliiy mtenipted n .Wzu isla IcmhIKI nnd lo appointed to Micaed Mr. liryan, it id continued to hut rest held but It was that nt Home, June (via Paris, f fire, the Yamatrntn, the great I routiter-nttno- k whh h We liiimedlately I'fouM tbo MniiKler tit nevcrnl poinld." not thotiKht will be uny deyel-opuie- nt Prince Aritomo all of the union men would have left The off ten Journal today published there j up their hand. srmy, old ur- Artillery rnimed nt of authority on the nnd hi their work. the deciee seizing merchant ships of rherked. the recently announced i ne lire or our arntu ry inuoe a Masnyoshl tulnleul (near Rliflin) very heavy friend, Marquis Matukata, Mdwt of them departed quietly for Italy' . enemie in the ports of that a pulley of Predhloht Wilson lo death cutfiiii, preventing reinforce, f- J the groat Napoleon of Japanese I kingdom of oolonlcs (he rxplonlon. hi wim followed liv a on H detileineni ,y the Mexican or menl coming up and as soon a the heir home. nnd the at d GASES SWEPT By inance. The others are Mawhnl Prince companies at once be- beginning hostilities. ,. fire nnd pnnlo, which we nrrenluiit-e- mime other mean would he employ- position win entirely lout the enemy' military The traction uf by I Inwo Oymnn, another great gan n campaign publicity, a pane The say recog- our fire.. ed. Meanwhile eight-Inc- h of decree that boat relief work belnti four and gun swept the holds place of nermann u latKe' dcalc by figure who also the advertisement appearing , In the nized a destined for service as auxil- "The (iltempled to retake conducted on the ground. Our men were overjoyed. privy senl, nnd I'nptured by im to American lied Cross and militnry lord keeper of the morning papers, in which Hie iary cruisers will be ruptured. Other th trenehen the They embraied each other, laughed at Mnrqulff Inouve, another pow- out h of Ihe a farm, eiin, movement are proecedintj In Mexico Maoru for the strike was placed ships may he requisitioned by the OF the neniv'a fire mid dug Ihemselvea I of Mr. of Trmy-le-Mon- t, hut they Were com- CHANCE with a much viRor a ever. er in finance who the father on the unions. "The companies have minister of murine for the duration in. K. lnouye, the Japanese ambassador to a,ny of war. pletely repulgod, nnd In following Military situation Important. "The position Is being solidly organ- repeatedly offered arbitrate the up to (ircat liritilin. all qui si Inns on a basis," Enemy on them we made proRrenH, The military mutation id likely to ized nnd steadily extended by the and fair merchandise board the bom-linrdc- II According to reliable accounts, the was ".SoIkkoihi at the oiinie time wan have an important Influence durltik eouragenui persistence of our men the main contention. seized ships will be sequestered ntfd 120 Nhell Renro, seeking the hiKher and la.stlns returned war in- beiiiK thrown Into the comlnt? week on the political ide who lire, making the enemy feel the after the without th town. oC BAGKONTEUTGNS interest of the empire, advocated the demnity or will he requisitioned On the reft the front of Mexico' problem. According to superiority yf (lie French Infantry." phould there. In nuthlnit to report. official reports of the dtate depart- broad Idea that Japan do against indemnity. Perishable goods "Captain of ment the dwecpim; of victory nothing to lose the friendship of the COLONEL ROUSE will be Bold. Giifmmnn, rommnndiT liainid friendly pnwTK.ftnd r'Kl-me- by Hi that .Merchandise belonging to the Tenth huttalion of the Umh made netal Cnrratiza are refuted Instead' ngKt'ession neutrals of Germun Infantry, who wuk and (leneral Villa still i preddllig Ihe E of unrestricted will be delivered to the consiKnee 'A'j.r-da- TEUTON RIV policy nifidn a primmer, ald to one of the of- limlon, .liino II (a a. iiu) A Cnrrnnxit force bard doulh of l,eon. should be the basic towards excepting when requisitioned against (llnpiitch to the TinieN, di m rllilntr China. They opposed the dendlng of indemnity. ficer: The most devere los diislulned by sugges- " 'You have without doubt nent the lute by the lermnnn of aMphJxIat-- I (leneral CurritnKu was woiindin; nil ultimatum nnd offered the DENIES TALKING The official Journal also published the Knto, foreign gnlnNt iir troop" of the hlfchrHt ipial-It- II K KHH, MIV: of (ieuel'al Obreuon, whose left urtn tion that Hnrnn the a decree prohibiting tne exportation minihtt-r- , should go to Peking and ne- I huve proceeded to tt trench of "Kvltlence exiKta IndlculInK tbnt wa shot ii way. ltumorn were current S LEMBERG of all foodstuffs not Included in pre- firm line held by my nt the (lermnn Holdlern iroleMtcd nualimt In quarter gotiate with President Yuan Hhi-k- ceding lists. the battalion lonlulil Mexican Hint out the commencement of the ultuck. the UKe of khh, but their olYleorM told Ohrcipu) had dtieciimbcd lo hi himself. The cabinet pointed the nrfipr im riiDnnr I In Never have I ol(iiern deliver on llein Ihe HUM Wild llllle llartnlcMM llllll Wound, but till wa not conf Irtneil. strength of public opinion behalf re- 1 GERMANS EXECUTE UHniult with u bravery and Hjilrlt.' " would only render the Itusplatid 111 of drastic action In China and ILnUL IN LUIIUrL rh Ilelietal ISetijnmin Hill, who was already U'illlnnt onitiilt Iciirnini command of the I'lirnui.i forced at IS ABANDONED ferred to the fart that It had STItO-GI.HMW- EIGHT ALLEGED .M limOHH.V ' them nnd that the tlerniatid coulii' Nino last year, a Mevicmi of forelun made big concession In the original SPIES walk oyer occupy Car-rnnc- it demands. In the discussion lasting KI.ITI-HI- 3 JH K.HI.VN AiTACKS then and their ileseenl, now Id in chtirgH of the nlm,'b several days genro opposed trenches without Ihe lot of h military operation nKainst Ihe the IBV MOSNINQ JOURNAL tdCCIAL LKABCD WldKl V MORNINII JOURNAL f(CIAL only there- LIAfin WlRI Vlennti (vlo. London, June 13, TO; 32 ma n. (lenerul Villa nnd Anuele In central ultimatum and consented New York, Juno 1.1. Admitting .Amsterdam,. June 13 (via London, p. Ihe kiih wenl (lermnn M to when the entire group of articles with leading gov- m.) The following official "Ilehlnd evlco. tV MOBNINfl JOURNAL PICItL LKAtIO WIMII that he had talked 9:20 p. m.) A dispatch received here dapper to cut Ihe Itllnslan barbed oonlained in section five of the orig- (ia rmany, watt lunueil today: The Villa troop have been handi- London, .lutic (1:1'.' 11. in.) The ernment officials of France from Berlin nv: fol- II inal demands were nhandoned. Their "In Koulhemiteiii (Jalicltt, thn troop wired. The iittiickltm colinnnN capped by a lack of with Austro-Germu- n and Kng.'and, but denying that his "Since beginning en- ammuntlini attempt on Lemberg owing to con- the of the war of (lenerul pflanr.ot'a army are lowed, ii ml men bearinir i nIhi'Ici h of which (leneral Hill is daid to be well belief was that those trip to Kurope was in any way con- emies of (lermany employed a had been abandoned, according to Ihe China would find no difficul- have proceeilliiK. After ntubboin oxyki'ti for Ihe relief of their own ditppllcd, (lenerul Pablo (loitxale, an- Petrognul correspondent of Ihe lially ditions nected with a possible mission look- number of spies for collecting Infor- Ty-ti- were equipped ty In nccepling. They are reported peace, flghtinK enterdny, they captured ii doliliciH. all of whom other Ca rru nzn column nder, is mov- - News. The correspond nt say that ing toward or that he was thiy mation. The German authorities re- Ilea. Tliiitiin and heltihlii net Mi with i i xplratotd. The IIuhkIiiiih w re IliK towiitil Mexico City. II id under- - n Insisting that excessive demands personal emissary of President Wil- - cently discovered a the with Ihe defe.1t of (leneral Mackcnwn, Eu- conspiracy which tl by the Japanese at a when l'Mwnral Macs-trich- t. of OIcnm. Kotith of I'xeriK'liKil the bitt-- instructed to imike no move or sounu, Hiooil thai the convention government Wednesday night, Maekenxen' army, time jnii, Col. M. House arrived has Its headquarter at and led be- - rope wa at war would be Interpret- tunny lit rontltiulnif. thus they the Oot nuin to ha ubnut lO.OOO troop in the cflpilnl moving along Ihe railway lo Mosciska, nere trom Liverpool. "Seventeen spies were arrested In neve nenn, or incnpnci- - . t ed hy the world a taking advanlaRe "I pence was ItUKHlKI) ii in k H Z.t- - tnem at least lint the nniirouchlmr farrumui didn't talk and that Helgium, and it wa proved that they "New IlK.llllht started an attack with three hour of - tated. met tne (lerman were so 111 of that- war. not my mission Colonel re- li'Hcryky have been bloodily repulM-ei- l. in force probably will be met the terrific artillery cannonade, to which abroad. had communicated information convinced of the diu cesd of their outsklrl of Ihe city to decide the They Averted War. House (lectured, '"thai report the garding the movement of troops on J'roceeiilnK from Hukowiitu and the ItiwsUns did not reply. 1 troopw drove plan "ii 1 the lust nltacKlng group oticdllon of possession. The Asahl quotes a genro as snyintf biggest piece of nonsense that have the Belgian railways. A court mar- rrondlUK the frontier, onr "Whin the enemy infantry was He ItuHHijum brought blanket and knapsack with Keil I if Japan was suspected of tyran-Izln- g heard." also said that he was not tial condemned to death eleven of the the front a xtromi ponltioii in. etl(. within two hundred yards of the that by them, believing that tiiey would re- (1. di-d- l- called home President Wilson. uloitff th frontier. the pur-Fu- lt J. O'Connor, Pacific coast (he over the weak she would never neenred and six were sentenced to a IhiiIiik main comfortably Ihe night in trenche,'' correspondent adds, Colonel Mouse said that since leav- we occupied Heveial ileHHariililiiii for rector of the lied Cm, ha been "The Russians opened a murderous be able to win the confidence of the total of seveniv seven years' penal the occupied tri m hos. eel to ing New York on January 30. of this placed. Yedterduy 1,560 piiminerd fell reft iioeeed from San, Francisco fire and charged. They took the en- -' people at home or of the nations servitude. Into ' When the (leiiiuin rem lied Ihe to Mexico City to personally direct the nl.f.l.,.1 W'hnla,.,.r ,,.,, Vlrten nr.tlA rtniy1'. he had met and talked with "On June 7, eight of the accused our hnnda. omy's front along both sides of the leading-- s government entanglement the Itusslans opened Hed Croc work there of rt llevlng Ihe in secret In the conference between oflic.a of the were executed. Tbe three others ask- "On the upper Ihilextpr, tbe allied (Ire, sweeping away railway and remained there. Th mentioned, but mhled that his v sit the llrsl rank. starving population. Austro-(lrma- n genro, harmony ed for a pardon and a derision in their troop mtcceNHf In to fortify the cabinet and the 11 ate ntiiii'klnn ully Not a single llusdlati soldier budged tried thel? personal one a private c it.- - case is pending. !!:- m: cr on Mr. O'Connor, who ha had (barge line, but llus-da- pressing was reached nt last and wur was'(ls of ylufow. from hi position, hut nil second the Al ii, iloai ii iitiu no (Miuiii i.i Mtt Hull. of remained, of relief vork on the Pacific coast of on in great douth, averted. null "lu middle in the attack filing until they collapsed In numbers north and niflcance. AUHtro-tleona- n the Mexico and lit F.I Paso, prohnbly i Advocate more the iroopH led to the will passed beyond 11 cross-fir- e from hoih of a constitutional GREEK ELECTIONS ARE occupation (trenches while Ihe operator of the sail from (laheston Tuesday for Vera. twenty regitno in Japan openly attack the tif Mcnl.iivn ntnj lifter the machine gun worked their piece lends and killed over thousand COLOXKIi M adi: I ItF.QIT.Vr rcpubie ii Cru. lie will he accompanied from before enemy hegnh ft genro. While admitting that their of elrnuK hostile ultuck, to 'with the Wet dawn, when the IIFPOKTS Tt) PHFSIDKN'T PASSING OFF QUIETLY II aid of soldiers holding Vent Crux to Mexico City hy Consul counsel may be wise they claim that the ftnrming of u vuutiiKl' poinlM I disorderly retreat. The Russian are blanket around their face until they General Arnold Hhnklln. their influence is a mumbling block tmrlh of th ton. We captured 3,500 died together. still In ,oloe contact with them nnd Washington, Jun" 13. All officials ItiiK-lan- A loud of Fugle to progress. min- rV MORNINQ JOURNAL RPRCIAL LlAf WO WIRB) Otherwise the aituatlon a provisions from continue, to fight." constitutional "The have ever admitted concerning Col. K. "The ltusdliiti reserve forces, wllh Ptcs for the relief of the population ister are above the genro," said the ' London, June 13 (11:42 p.. in.) A unchahKed. rae, carried tlm at luck forward, M. House's visit to Kurope ha i been "On th Ikoikii river Kerloua bat- of the Mondova district ha been pur- Asahl, "and- the genro should not was expected Iteuters dispatch from Athens say: tiding bayoneiH and guns. In that he while there to to- tle have been In prnKremt lust clubbed chased by the Kcd (i'unn and will be consider thnt they are sitting on the "Generar elections began early the the meantime a change of enr-rle- d look into the question of ex- Iwo days, eHpeclnlly near Plavu. wind Kent forwii'd early this week. SUBMARINES GET head of the ministry. We will go a day In all parts of the kingdom Ihe ga into the Clornmn com- the American relief work abroad. cept some In and "An attempt of a on step further and advocate a I districts Macedonia briuudi tbe trenched, whire many (lerman So- It known, however, that Colonel Crete, 11th to occupy eiiHti-r- end- CAHIl WZ Al ltOPI AM: plete abolition of the genro confer- where the electoral officials the bank ldier fell In agony from the effect House has made frequent confidential failed to ed In the retreat of the enemy, Kurly siii:i,i.h yaou ixniAxs ' ence." reports to arrive hi time. of the poison.." Opinion genro Is the prcsircnt on the senti- "The elections are passing off quiet- yiMterday the Kalian iitoiln croKeU as to the divided ment toward peace following his as Is opinion re- visit ly in Athens and. Pirasus, where the the river, Afte n flenvy battle our Ihiuglos, Ariz., June 13. (leneral BARKS NEAR Just relative to the to the capital of the various nations. troop mieeeeded In rcpulHltiK them. I Culled, the Carrana commander at TI sult of the crisis. The press Is happy fK'herent of Sletttherlos Venzelos seemed ,to be In lead. ' HeliiK reinforced, the enemy nucceed-- i LEARN CAUSE OF Agua Priota, sent a report here today at the avoidance of war but wishes tho il In miiintiilnlnir their piwlllon, he- -' that iin aeroplane utlinhed to his that fewer concession had been fore which over 40(f dead llullaitH are garrison sailed over the I'rbalejos made. They voice tho hope that the RED CROSS FOOD linn. camp of the Villa troops near Ana-yacai- COAST OF WALES remaining questions which were not "In the Carlnihlan nn, Tyrol Iron-til- e puss yesterday and dropped pressed for settlement may he taken up illKlrlct arlilbiy battled are con- - TI bonibd among a group of Yuipil In- at some othar time and Japan's I I llllUlllff " NT dian doldlers. The report slates that influence in China dteadily developed Hudson for Signs nevcrnl were killed and others until it becomes tho predomlnatinK MnTnllMTfl i'j'! itMrnr,T iiomii iii)Mi:T wounded. aiV MOdNlND JOURNAL BdlCIAL LA0 Wl' influence. However, this may be, it IIU I nLLUVULU III : Hundred of rifle shola were fired laondnn, June l i (2:36 p. m.) The Is very clear that the influence of or m i.t.iw posniovs British bark Crown of India, of 2,0.r6 the genro is as strong as ever before FEELING nt the mai ilino which Hew over the Wall Paper , .S. cump at an nllllude of 1,200 feet. tons gross, carrying n cargo of coal, and that whatever crisis may come in Havre, Jum II (:2a n. in.) The Norwegian is be None of the shots took effect. and the bark Hell Olade, the future, their voice certain to CROSS BORDER olfninl communlc,tii(,u Ixdued (ids tons gross, laden, were heard. Hiind.'iy iiy: ot timber sunk by the i S HUDSON Picture On Inter-ii.ltle- lerman submarine s II for the ll'th there was an TORPEDOING OF LUSITANIA today otf Milford Haven, Seaport of MOdNINa JOUNNAl 1 a CAROTHERS EXPECTED bonibardinetit of our front, ItT tHtCIAL Lf AiO llNf Wale. The crews of the barks were Frames notably at the furniM Itue-c!eto- k Chicago, June ;. Two beliefs, i; of Nolvcnsl, SACRED GERMAN RIGHT rescued and landed at Milford Haven. and llerkeloff, mh which arc declared to have TO REACH EL PASO TODAY 1ST MORNtNaf JOURNAL SPECIAL LtAtf D WIRC in well at aroused The sailors of tlm Crown of India liHinmniieiic, I'ervyde, MuyyekeiiH- - plcjudice iigain-- l Catholics nnd the San Antonio, Tex., June 13. When ft Fatulti St and Copper At, i V JCIUHNAL say that the fired several kerke and the treiuhc ot chimb, it was announced MON(H !1CIAL LI All ft WIRt) submarine u car of corn and a car of brans north lo. t,n",s the bark's bows nnd when (V MORNINQ JOURNAL SPECIAL LtARIO WiRKJ mode mi l east of Hitlnt Juc(UeH Ca- - night, been by inves- Cologne. Herniany (via London, '"''s 'bedecked w ith emblems of the Amc.rl-len- n bae illscoverrd the vessel Klowa d down men were Kl Paso, Tex., June 13. George C 1 .file." tigator fi I the special comiiusslou June 13, DCi p m.) The Koelulsoht the Ked Cross were made ready In to 1 i sub-lie- d Carothers, .special representative of appointed u year ago by supt'enie Ziitung thinks that Mi'. Hrvan's with- ordered take the bouts. The Kai.le Pass for shipment to Mondova, the murine then slit and sank thei the Cn'ted State in Villa territory, M'SSlAX lOKPI HO 1MIAT council of the Knights of Columbus. drawal from the American state de- Miguel Mexico, 'Ten. Ilosalio Hernandez re- partment, whatever adse It may mean, bark. and llaz Lombardo, foreign STIIOY Tl Itlilsll HUtT These beliefs will be discussed by Norwegian (Hade, minister in the Villa cabinet, w'lll fused to permit the cars to cross the DUKE CITY ll it to- also shows that the Koclnischo 's The bark Hell the commission whin meets here was by, ranch 1.1 Paso Monday, nceording to border. , ,,, verdict concerning the Cutiard Which close later met a simi- Cleaners-Hatte- i .nil,,- i,i i.ii oon. i morrow for its final Considciatlon of Ilernnndcx Informed J. C. Weller. rs iui lar fate. advices received here tonight. They , 6:35 p. rn.) IIiimmiih torpedo bn.,i! tt. report which will be made nt Ihe liner Lnsilania finds comprehension come from Agua Cnlientes, where special ag nt of the Hed Cro-s- that in the night f June in destroyed the forthcoming session at Scuttle, among American and that they are "not only were relief supplies not 120 Went Gold Pbone not disposed to destroy bridge The Crown of India was built nt General Villa and his cabinet framed bnlldintr of the Turkish seaport of The Im i stigatot reported that an- the In the answer to President Wilson's needed, but would not be allowed to on tagonism connecting Ihe two nations. Loith lssf and wa owned by the Samson the Pluck im, according had been found because of Crown of India Shipping company, note. enter." to hii official dlutcmeut given out In the attitude, which many persons be- The pence which Prvun preaches be- On request from Mr. .Welier THE COMPANY possible Ltd., of Liverpool. Reports of renewed fighting and WM. FARR I'etroRrsd "Under date of June 12 lieved the Catholic maintained to- dlso along tha ways tween Villa In I'nited States Consul' W. H. Hlocker, by The Hell Olade was built nt Glasgow and obregon forces the in y&ny Turkidh boats, th,. niiuouner-rncn- t ward the public i bonis. Another Presiibiil Wilson, the news- state of Guanajuato Hernandez agreed to refer the mat- Wholesale and Retail Dealer paper says, in 1X77. Her port of registry was were unconfirmed KRESH AND 8ALT MEATS ay, were sunk. The tevi of cause found was Ihe general belief and then adds: Tonsbcrg, Norway. nnd were given little credence In offi- ter to General Villa. the Htntement reudf thai Catholic owed civil allegiance to "For this, indeed is cial quarters. This wa the second shipment of Sausage a specialty. "On the night of June to, our tor- pupal uuMiorlty. "Fair this, however, It Indeed ts relief supplies refused permission to For Cattle anil Hog thei HlM boat on nganemeut Germany's saa ieal lights." t GERMAN FOOD SUPPLY Wnrket Irire Ar Paid. pedo had with A statement made bv the commis- GERMANS ACCUSED OF enter Mexico from Texas. the cruiser Hteslau nnd sion tonight, through P. ,' I. Callahan, "If they stop us, we shall do noth-thin- g omc damage. NOW BELIEVED AMPLE caused her of Louisville, ili nli il uny foundation More Canadian 4 usual) Ic. SEIZING RELIEF FUNDS but make a detailed report to "At Ramun our torpedo lioat for these belief Ottawa. Jntia' 1.1. In an official the state department," said Hrigadier the buildins of the port und C. A. Devol, manag- BALDRIDGE statement issued by the militia (V MOMNINS JOURNAL 1'tClAL LtAStO WIRVl General general many of the enemy' beats" 111 MORNIN fank MUNICIPAL MARKET tainlght, thirty name were Ijimloii. .linn' II (3 a. m.) The JOURNAL IRICIAL LIAHD WISH er of the Hed Cross, tonight. LUMBER COMPANY added lai the " list of the Can-Ha'.i- Washington, June 13. -- A. A. llave-nit- Time says it learns from a German 15-ye- Dtsl'KItATi: rif.IITI.V4i Is OF JUAREZ DESTROYED contingent. . Fifteen of this that the (ieiman government llelgiun minister, has protested No matter what you want 'It wilt PAROID ROOFING with ar Fcurce to d( save you money you coNTixroi'H in i:st number were killed In iictlon and four I about to antioum e an increase of the state partment in the name time and if use died of wound. the dally bread ration for people en- of his government and the Interna- the Journal' want columns. auarantee 13 (via London, MOMfomi Petrottrad, June ra'teiti- bhaicm to junai.1 gaged In hard manual workt and also tional Jled Cross, against the seiture fr.ij p. m.) In battle on the lmie. Juarez, Mex., June IS. The muni- Crew of Taii-pcil- Trawler I and. to make concession with regard to the by Germany of Pclgian lied Cross ter river In the region of Ziirawnu. cipal market, building and contents fitimshy, Liiglnnil, June u (8.35 compulsory use of bread tickets in money and equipment within the Ger- H to wa destroyed by man nalkia. which luMed from June eatly today lire of p. m. I The crew of the Hrltlsh t raw-It- -r tourist resorts. lines. Glass-Pai- nt 3 10, the HudKian captured i fflcer unknown origin. The market covered Plymouth, which was sunk by It I staled, the Time say, that The protest says this was done nd IS, 431 Boldier. With event eight an entile blot u and wa erected gun fire from n submarine the existing Germm. flour reerva are when the HeUian p,ed Cro-- s refused LUMBER - twenty $20,-00- 0. ha-r- . Cement- maehln kuiiii and aeventeen cannoti, jear ago at a cost of bimlcd today. When the captain about twice as large mm when the first to give mi its proper work and devote Plaster lnte-me- I'Hfc,, was fcecordin to a ltusdiah official 'J'he tire department of the Plymouth sighted the submii-riti- a' censu of supplies was taken and that its attention to "aid and protection of Albuquerque ifmu"S under date of June 12. called to assist the local lire fighter, he iit away his gear and at it I estimated it w iU not be necessary women by employment," under orders Lumber Company on Jtin.? 11, the wtatemenl add. th but the flame had gotten beyond tempted tu escape, hut the submarine to begin the consumption of the 1916 from the German governor general of 423 North First Street utro-(Jerma- n force crt"wd th was too fast for his vessel. liurveBt befjiv) the end of September. Hclgium. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1915. THREE

full meaning of tho l(ryan resignation atlacks on either Mr. Wilson or Mr. MAHARAJAH VISITOR SPECIAL WOMEll Leading In Will not be disclosed, Iliynn. The wisest thing Is t await TO American Newspapers Indulge For the present, we think It can be further development that will set AT STATE BUILDING The most economical, cleansing said that the people of the country forth the whole Incident as It really tad will aide with the president and will happened. WITH FAVORITE WIFE germicidal ot all anttsoptlc. li ,4 continue the. .confidence they Imvo tine thing Is already certain, The placed In him uring ttl.i dlli'b nil days two men have acted and are acting of Kuropean cumpllcatl.Mii. They will in perfect good faith and honesty of tSCCIL COSnCPONRINCI TO HOUNINS IOUSNAI.1 Sharp Criticism, of Course Taken by Bryan look to him. Indeed, with even more purpose. Whatever their viewpoint S unn Ke. June 13. His Highness hope than before to bring tho nation may be, they e, both of them, ani- Maharajah of Kapurthala existing the and his through the troubles with mated by the highest patriotic pur- favorite, wife, who Is of Spanish birth, caused hia resignation. Republic P.rynn's ulgnity and honor. poses. And the, American public A soluble Antiseptic Powder to striking similarity of opinion in The resignation is calculated to recognize were irin'stB at the New Mexico build- A sincerely .hopes that this itt not true. confirm it in this opinion. In fact, should the fact that both discernible in the editorial exprea-.hi- IVltVAX SlT.IS ot T. Mr. Wilson mid Mr. Hryan acted ac- ing on Friday. The princess spoke be dissolved in water at needed. newspapers of It ought not to bo. Mr. .Hryan has, eerywhere through Kurope, except freely leading the - (Hoston Atti'itiscr. cording to they thought and quite of the other numerous of the H P IU lilt- - Hlll-ll- what Asa medicinal antiseptic fordoucuei In regard ' "Tl l.irt'l.l perhaps in Great Britain, tint tendency announcement of with- still is wives of the Maharajah, declaring Vnlied WhU'J (lr;)f11":Jtionul crtal.. a single duty. That is to will be Judge by analogy and The the think best for the liilicd State la treating catarrh, Inflammation or resignation the of to it drawal of William Jennings' Hryan no matter whether the methods they that American women simply do not kepp compare it in importance, with the vy ulceration of nose, throat, and that ur or Slain mi" iwn'w The plain from the cabinet will, feel sure, advocate. In one case or the other, understand (he beauty of the harem laying down ma omce. duly of speech ho has resignation of Hlr Kdward Grey or of profound system else they would not con- caused by feminine ills It ha no equal. l.v him since discharged iilreudy. was in he received with satisfac- meet with general favor or not. or reproduced below are He right iHerr von Jagow at a serious national liryan was demn It (hey do. She deemed it years Lydla E. The editorial feeling lie It both him- tion by most Americans. Wo often hear of a "gentlemen's as Fur ten the Piukiatn as well a republi- that owed to crisis. The fact that Mr. Hryan has In master of politics, much more objectionable fur men to from democratic fellow-countrym- the cabinet as a agreement." In this case, Judging from Medicine Co. has recommended Paxtln v self and tn his to of papers, may be taken an fair-l- lon been only the nominal head not secretary state. marry women In succession or to di- can and state the churacter of his objections presi- as an actual of the earnest and courteous letters ex tn their private correspondence .with reflecting the opinion of the coun- the atato department, that the He had been absent from his office soj changed between ilic two In vorce a wife than It is for him to to the policy of the government. dent himself has long directed our leaders women, which proven superiority, try on subject. irtuch. he evidently had so little to public lire today, Ind-d- o spend several weeks at a time with a Its the Without such statement grounds foreign Ignored re- American the the policy, will be or with the real work of American becomes a "gentlemen's disayiee- - different wife each year but to be loy- Women who have been cured of his action might have been grave- garded as incredible. dent Itf Mil. UK VAX'S ly Ulplomacy, that the public has had.ment." and the American public al to all of them. The visitors from It la "worth Its weight In gold." At l misapprehended. Mr. liryan has It will r.ot be surprising, therefore, (New York World no confidence In him, tind for some should accord both the same treat-tim- e Knst India showed great curiosity and druggists. COo. large box, by mall, - stated hia views with clearness and If to note or Mr. Bryan's conduct defies descrip- the answer from lierlln the it has been plain that he was nient ns they give each other In their Interest in (he Indians of the western completeness. is man, wo- ! The Boston, Mail. Thero not with Mr. Lansing's signature takes lis His going pol- - spent Paxtou Toilet Co, man In really a misfit. from the differences on mutters of public world and mveral bonis at the weeks ago today he voluntari- nor child the nation who cares color from this nils, onocpllon of the no may Icy. Hesert. they bought Four anything public a cabinet call do harm, and Painted where ly affixed hia signature as secretary about affairs who situation. Had Mr. liryan been help much. many boolis of Indian lore and many to a declaration that does not understand the essentials of man of larger political conceptions, Now that he Is out. we hope that trinkets. 0f unite his position. There can lie one had lie able to disentangle theory SANTA FE PERSONALS. of (Herman government will not but hen the president will uppoint, as Ins suc- Tile following New Mexicans renls-I're- d Attacks Indigestion government of the United object In further utterance propa Ifroni practice, he would have foreseen Wednesday; expect the ganda, cessor, an American who can com- at the building on any word or any not lie has fully explained him- tho logical consequences of Ills act. strong, 13.- - Wliils mates to omit mand general confidence as a Santa l'e, June John G. Worth Mrs. C'hacles ill. Jackson, Mrs. WHeve to the performance of its self. He can now only try to convert Ho would have realized that in the virile statesman, worthy to hold a .for several years a resident of Santa' Hiker, It lymond Heart, Albuquerque; "I Chamberlain's Tablets hate other people. Has Mr. liryan a right temper govern- saved my life, Mrs. Maggie Coll. lured of maintaining the right present of the German post In men ns V, and lately of Albuquerque, has re- -i Louise M. inhering, Logan; writes dutv to op- which such Thomas Kebecea Vnited States and Its citizens, do this under the circumstances? ment It would pay little heed to an Jefferson, Marshall, James Mad-Iso- turned to New York (Mtv nod opened: Hprrodall1, A Pusan H. Uolden City, Mo. I had pains in my of the This is a ought gravely wound, John Ibuquenjue; of safeguarding their free exercise question ho ponent who seemed 'willing to Henry tiny, Ihinlel Webster, j offices In ltoom 1416, at OH liroadway.i Mersfeldcr, liovls; Mr, and Mrs. J. G. stomach so bad 1 to consider. The way to and enlovmeiu. and yet afraid to strike." ISdward Everett, and. In recent times, He la interested hi mining and timber wen, Santa lllta; , K. Harron, thought I could not vesterdav as a private citizen he at We believe lie has not. seek peace and ensure it in this Sherman, Hay, Olney and Root have enterprises. Miss Leona. Parker, Albu- live. Our doctor said fiv.i signature to a statement de The foreign relations of the t'nlted conflict of irreconcilable served. In this time, of all times, tiie Jthlgp Kruiik W. I'arker returned! querque. was congestion of States are in petty it claring l) effect that in time of war the hands of President Ideals cannot be found through president should ignore every other this evening from Kl Paso and There .vas keen rivalry between the stomach. I would Woodrow Wilson. T'p till Tuesday Mr; compromise. In his let- the American citizens nave no rignis mm and paltering consideration but the desire to secure OrueeK. The state suprem court Pcming and l.aa Cruces lecturers, as do bud perfectly well 10 Hryan was bis chief adviser. He was resignation Mr. Hryan admits waited Ills handing p auvbody la liotina respeci. ter of the best possible man for the post; a return before one man in the audience said he was (It .fit1 and wake up in the waiting until the presi- and is still his familiar friend. He that the president is as desirous of down Its opinion In traveling au-- i Without man of great ability, of cool temper, the going to New Mexico to live and had night as bad a I rontd dent' note la received in Berlin or un- has thus had every opportunity, both avoiding1 war as he. Hut thero are of lofty patriotism, of high couruee (lltor caws. One of tho opinions has; not made up his mind before whether public Mr, official personal, to pres- sacri- w i may be and live, Our dot-to- r til u la made at home, and win the worse things than war, and the and of broad know edge of Interna-- 1 occn men um me coin t iiecme to go to iiemlng or Imh t'ruces nud it jiryan undertakes to arouse public ident over to his view. Yet thut view fice of the national honor is one of tlomil law the nresldent need, to consolidate the two cases, in which ' all depended upon how the facts were said it would do policy of the pres appeared to the president so unten- Germany think that rh-'h- event it may be a week or Pen days': no good to give medi- ..i.ininn aaainst the them. To make ed such a manlfrat his t hand, that presented to li ill by the lecturers. secre- opinion ident and array It on the aide of his able that he chose to lose hia thei t'nitsd States la ready to make time is here, toduy before the will be handed There w as ul ' u special request for lee. cine internally, He own policy a policy tnai eouiu noi tary of state in uii hour when a unit- such a sacrifice, that It will consent to down. Governor McHouald has held lures on the Klephant llutte dam, ''V-- ... had tolnjoctniedicinrf ,..m-- r mu II the present purposes of ed front to the world was of the debate or arbitrate the 'violation of off the appointment of the state bank (ioudcroft, Tnlarosa ami inmysrin. Hincetak Mil. lilt VAX'S ItKSIGXATIOX. opinions deci- the Herman government If It had been gravest importance to the administra- many sacred prlwlulta of Justice and (S. examiner for the as tln Otero county. In fact, the Klephant Inir Uln'n only (Sioux Falls I.) sion lviav some bearing to Chamber formulated by Ilerr von Jagow tion rather than adopt it. The humanity," Is to bring to tho counsels have as his HuHm lecture was called fer three can any- possible way, Mr. sword. The resignation of William Jen- for the place. Tablets I eat therefore, in which of the nations not peace, but a choice J times. Hryan's his nings liryan as secretary of state in thing I want without There are two parts to Mr. liryan can make converts for Wilson comes against course tne views is by turning men against the the cabinet of President ( berry Shipment Itcghm. hurtimj me." This protest the mat IMPJLICM'IOXS ()!' Till: J1HYAX as a surprise In a way. Yet, when one ' president has adopted. The first is president, by undermining the admin- Santa Ke. June 13. The Kspauolu MAXWELL GOES WET; form of indigestion PKAl'K IDKA. recalls the various rumors that have - extremely that the differences between the fnit- istration in the confidence of the valley begins shipping early Itieh- painful and Germany should be (Tcpeka Capital.) been afloat concerning: certain differ- iiioini sour cherries from Kspauola to- - i FOURTH IN ONE WEEK often dangerous. By ed Slates and country. the president Investigation by In- It is true, that Mr. Hryan is 'standing ences of opinion between morrow. The crop Is reported a boun- - j taking suliniUtod to an Has he a right to do that? inci- Chamberlain j mo- in Issue with the administration and Mr. Hryan, the senmiikmal tif nl one and the cherries' are retail- - ternational commission, a year's time Looking at the matter for a his iSriCIAL eoRHWONMNCI TO MOHMIMS JOUSNALl Tablets after eatin. is so all. :i tweiity-foiir-qua- rt re- for superficially appivais to. be dent not surprising utter lug a M ho allowed for inquiry and report. ment from the standpoint of mere what at for Ke. 13. Maxwell Pity, and especially when you have fnhw temporary interest What gives It, of course, more inter- being of, fin- fan til June TJils Is a highly excellent procedure sults, what could be more futile than the Immediate and crate, the cherries the town slid weight in the stomach after eating, reality, looked at a little est la the occasion of II. that Is, the quality. I'oll'ax county, Was the fourth application to many question of If Mr. Hryan of place. In est be-In- jr la lis success in this effort dispatch of second American note to ko wet the past week, the vote the disease may la warded off and dispute. Hut by what deeuer. Mr. Hrvan is standing funda tho ' International could win it? Does anyone who knows j 47 wet and "9 dry. The Maxwell avoided. Chamberlain's Tablets not only mentally the l ights of war and of to the German government with re- A m hy maxv. process of human reasoning does Mr. Woodrow Wilson believe that he in for siistaki: .in company opposed aid digestion, but strengthen invlg" apply a continuing offense belligerents in a time of war and gard to the sinking of the Iaisllniiia Don't wait for rheumatism to Initialed Lands and Bryan it to such an hour, could be swerved from 101) prohibition. Maxwell City haa only orate the stomach. ' .' ug.ilnst of peace and of and the loss of over American diseased kidneys. When you or murder and destruction the straight lino of his duty as he the lights one saloon. The reason Riven by the killing peace-keepin- g nations. lives. suffer paina and aches by day and German submarines are conceives it by a popular campaign neutral and here as else- citizens destroying What Mr. liryan is actually lighting The announcement had barely hoen sleep disturbing Madder weakness by dns for their defeat American and carried on by a former member of newspapers were beginning where In local option electiens in a bullet from a rifle, crash- American ships. The German govern-niet- it resigned in for at this time Is a. reversion of war tnude that nlht, feel tired, nervous and run his cabinet who order that - controversy, some New Mexico Is the business ed through a window of the residence refuses to abandon or to modify policies of his to lawless savagery, the rights of by- tn take sides in the down, tho kidneys and bladder should that, he might light the rex-- opposed them and thut many of Dr. 8. Locke near where Mrs. lawless method Of warfare. Mr. Uemg surreimereu ami aoro- - blaming Mr. Hryan, others blmnlng be restored to healthy, stronir and j tliis chlef? If Mr. lirvan could win the slander Is early just now people ill every community, thnuKhj l.ocko was sewing. The bullet knock- liryan. thereupon, calmly suggests views, what! gated, by their consent. The attitude the president. It too ular action. It Is a mistake to post assent of millions to hia to get the right perspective as tn the pom. treatment. Foley Kidney pills ihey may favor state-wid- e or nation ed otT her splintering one that we refer the issue to an internat- would he accomplish bv lcuving the j Mr. JiryaT has taken is reactionary of two parties, put kidneys in found, healthy coa-t- o wide prohibition do not want theiriulass, Ktrtklng tho north aide of the commission, to report In a year. course ac-;a- offers a surrender of nil that has merits or demerits the the ional oresi.lent to iro on in a of controversy. And certainly, at ditlon and keep them active und town to be dry while all tho other room and tioniuiing to tne noor German submarines, in th meantime, tion to which he was impelled by the been gained in the progressive limit' the to kill American citizens of war. this critical time In the history of strong. Itegln taklnir today, (iood nearby towns are wet. from the wall. will continue strongest sense; of duly, with pres- lions placed about tho conduct As an of the local op- mid sink American ships. Only at President Wil- the United States, the incident should results follow the first dose, .Sold aftermath tige weakened and popular support On the other hand. everywhere. tion election at Hpriimcr, last week, Hcsulf from Joiiriinl Want Ad, the end of twelve nionlha will the Impaired? son will be sustained by history In not be made an occasion for partisan I iiited States be free to take measures Mr. Bryan standing courteously but unyieldingly dti-ioi- As a man of conscience, to protect the lives of such of its is ought to be able to settle this ques- - for liumunencKS in the conduct or war, such war-powe- as survive and to safeguard tion right without reference to hisifor tho obedience of to of its ships as have managed to policy tho established, principles and laws of sub- own opinion of the president's "A Rubber Chain Tread built on a Powerful ModernJTire" the vigilance of the German He knows that when the fulled States war. and for the vindication of the marine commanders. rights to continue about pro- elects a mun to the position of chief of neutrals The second part of Mr. llryan's It Its to him their business without being murdered preposterous than executive commits fate ' test is even more within the term and the limits of by those- nations that happen to be the first. He would try to prevent Wilson is traveling upon his official authority for better, or at war. In other words, Mr. American citizens from worse. If Mr. Hryan had been the standing for all that has been gained or upon ships car- a belligerent ships nominee uf the Haltimoie convention by advani iug civilization over barbar-ou- rying ammunition.' In order to spare any in 1 y I a and were today president the conditions under which when the government the trouble of pro- people oth- use Air. fate of the nation, in thu momentous two or more went ut each tecting their rights. To would depend other peoples had to stand llryan's own language: questions to be decided, er's throats on Mr. Hryan'a foresight, Mr. Iiryan's asi.lf nr lake the conscuucnccs. all "Why should an American citizen statesmanship. It relationships being suspended. le permitted to involve his govern- wisdom, Mr. Iiryan's normal upon bel- would be too Jate for the wiseacres to When all the hearings and far ment In war by traveling a some ligerent the discuss t lie possibility that reaching implications of the stand ship when he knows that upon which Hryan country to ship will through a danger zone? course other than tho one thut Mr. asks the pass In to case The question is not whether the Mr. Hryan had set the keel of the tuke relation the Lusitonia a right in- ship might have afforded a better are recog'ii.ed,. It la nut surprising American citizen has under now, a. to on a belliger- channel through the rapids; as that the president,, as firm believer ternational law travel na- of ent question Is whether he the way would be chosen and the. in and practicer of the doctrine ship; the Jlryan peace is, to with iiuffhi not, out of consideration for tion committed to It. If Mr. as he refused ko country, not for hia own safety, were president in this hour pregnant him. Nor will the country do any dif- his if way Hryan challenge is to avoid danger when avoidance is with dangers there would be no ferently now tho possible." to help htm or save the nation by thrown out to force tho president to by Hy the same process of reasoning, criticising him, by righting him, "buck up." lSf.v-a- n Jir AWf American citizens ought to avoid ev- turning men against him. If Mr. ' ery exercise of their legal rights if a were president today true patriots )()(;KATt l.ATI().S At. ft AKOl'NI. KEEP A TIRE RECORD WA belligerent foreign government seeks everywhere would forget past doubts, (Detroit Free Press) W mf past tu abridge those rights. Americans if they had entertained them The president and the secretary of neu-ir- criticisms, It they formulated should not try to carry on lawful had slate are both to be congratulated on - trade If Germany or Great llritain thein. They would unite in quiet loy- : leadership support the result ot the cubinet crisis. m vi wishes to Interfere with that trade. alty to his and Mr. liryan, to take, the less impor- pifi, Mm high voices their pray Americana ought to keep off the him with their and tant first, is to b congratulated be- - & Mas if it suits the purposes of a bel- ers. And the man nouuiu not , ,. even 1 mi rni Mkm ligerent high port Mr. Hryan, whatever hia opinion ru-fr- "a 'he to keep them off the '"r om phu-- 7or whb h was be seas. of the w isdom of his policy, would ypr fR un(, ,n whu.h he n0Vpr m W Tn Mr. liryan there is no legal dif- recreant to his trust us an American ted. Jte has for two years been merely 8f ference llWliF1 between warning Americans citizen in hia office; he was lately i ridiculous 'ut of Mexico, which is foreign soil, I'un he yield less to tne pi esiueni ,. ,.i,i,.t U1.,,r un,l snil high feus, who so signally honored him warning them off the has .ont,,lnpt- - Affixing his signature and l,;. . , they! , l which belongs to us as much as than that support that all men owe' ,,,m,lr,,n, aunt-ova- to com- - belong 1o Germany. He is willing to the president, from the humblest to municatlons that were downright con- - abandon tUe ancient rights of all neu- the highest? Car. he hope to retaiii i lrutUclloU8 of ),is proclaimed piinct- - trals upon the tea rather than enforce the high regard in which millions of pies, his actions might be excused b' ; hose rights against the edicts of a his fellow-citixe- have held his opin- infatuated apologists with too pica ss. WV'-'K'.',-,-- . . i LMtti -.- ii'r.iilV.';'' lwbreaking belligerent. ions and his motives if he fail in a that the country's emergency required 'SiaiH This Is the very negation of inler-intion- al duty of good citizenship so element- them, but the muss of the people were law. Were such a, policy ary that the pluin man in the street beginning to regurd him us callous to adopted by the government, the Unit- fulfills it instinctively, without re- everything but money and patronage. ed States would be reduced to the flection? Mr. Hryan, in hia present Nothing that Mr. Bryan has done "talus of a hermit nation. Its trade frame of mind, has one imperative since he entered office has reflected would mercy every bellig- be at the of duty. That is to remain silent. as much credit 011 him as Ills leaving erent that sought to stifle it. Its citi- office. zens C could leave the soil of their own M HAT W ILL KIl MA XV TlliXK. The president Is even more to be rountrv onlv nt theli- - iicrsonal neril. (Philadelphia Public Ledger.) congratulated, for at last lie can be hs rights would be scraps of paper What will be the effect of Mr. Bry- In tho presidency. He has In every himself corner of the world. Its honor an's resignation upon the foreign rela heretofore been In a, difficult situa- You can have the Proof in black and white, actual proof would be flouted in every capital. Its tions of the United States'.' That the tion. Two conflicting forces have citizenship would be a badge of nation u a whole stands solidly be- been present in his cubinet and on al shame. Kven China makes r pretense hind the president there is every reas- most every issue thut has arisen he t upholding the rights of its people, on to believe. ISut will this view be has been subjected to the influence of Anti-Ski- h tier-man- d yields to superior force, but it does held in Kurope, especially in both. Tlie consequence hus been va that the Famous "Chain Tread" Tires have no ot voluntarily submit to the wrongs Will It be recognized that this dilation, uncertainty, alternate re unit are imposed uoon it act has put an end to divided coun- sponsiveness in turn to liryanlatlc rad If there is any who was pres- American sels in the cubinet, has freed the icalism and Ideals big-milea- ge ''it reconciled yesterday morning to ident from influences antagonistic to and to the conservative and firmer equals at their popular price '"i. i.ryaus resignation from the of a firm defense of the national honor, policies of the element represented In ute of secretary of state, lie must be has made it plain that there will be part by men like Garrison and in part "onciied today, In light of Mr. pur- bryiiin. the no wavering or faltering in the by Mr. Wilson's own character. The own justification of his pose to hold (ierinany to a strict ac- Mexican muddie was one, but only Don't take hearsay evidence about tires. Don't trust to your memory for a record of the We eun conceive of nobody less civili- one, consequences. Tho '"led countability for crimes against of the recenl for that great office than a man lf, It history of the administration la a con- "o puts sation Its or will be assumed that miles you get from a tire. Keep one of our Tire Records. forth such objections to the Mr. Hryan represents a large body of tinuous exhibition of reversing on a policy Mr. avows W'll-ho- president's as J'.ryan public opinion, capable of paralyzing series of issues that earlier in the ii name of peace and internat- any determination to follow to the term had been decided In ways Your own figures in black and white will "Chain Tires the greatest ional comity. Idealism carried to such directly contrary to declara- prove that Tread" are "tlruvugant end the purpose to obtain full redress the late extremes is a national Had Mr. tions of Intention about them. big-mileag- e, popular-price- menace in a a for intolerable injuries? d tires. secretary ot state. In Bryan resigned before the fiist note With the Hryan force removed, Mr. '"vale citizen, as Mr. r.ryan now is. Wilson can now own 11 Is to Which he, reluctantly attached his formulate his only what the American people assump- policies and carry them out, If his a""w it to be. signature was sent euch an tion, as it is. might have desire is to conduct his administra- 't is unfortunate should unwarranted may com- that there seemed plausible, at least In Petiin: tion so that posterity puss ,.iive been a division in the ea Bluet many mendatory Judgment on him and it is unfortunate Mr but it would not have had so that Unin potentialities for mischief us it now Is a proper deslrp for any president "ild have abandoned the president to cherish he can write the record s 'Considering the inflamed state "Ch the has. Tread" time am when every r consideration o'f on of he wishes to leave for history and not ire loyalty de- - the (ieimun mind both sides and national welfare moment was singu- One misreprefentatlve of himself be- landed his unswerving support of the the Atlantic, the cause be to larly ill chosen. It must framed according .h"",'"1' Jt ' unfortunate that he shifting exi- "iiould Mr. Hryan has taken the right conditions of political Reek to prejudice the popular That gencies. If he wants to appeal to more Safety acknowledge this powerful H against to course in withdrawing from a position experts our rubber chain tread, built on modern tire, the president's note ma untena- Immediate judges and his thoughts '"many hefore that note has been which he himself had con- anti-ski- b'e may frankly ia are fixed on the applause of tils to be an absolutely marvelous d device. public, n Is unfortunate that ble h admitted. It temporaries, he can nt least realize iClp with Germany against better that he should not be secretary th state, blameworthy his that now thu nation will begin to have .V Inlted States on a question In of however a clear-cu- t, an inevitable slep slable vision of him uh "Chain Treads" not simply fancy 'design stamped tire they anti-ski- d lh" Interests not onlv of the postponement of he Is. Thus far the Wilson outlines are a on a are real State bu -' mav be. But that circumstance does trai arp ot "H otner n"u- responsibil lave been blurred to the general view vital. It itt unfortunate that not relieve htm from the by waverings. tires. Send your name and address, for a set of Free Tire Record Blanks, to United States h.a Impression which his his constant Wiu!(1 rather allow the whole fab-a- - ity for the action Perhaps the country is to be con- tie convey. The German government Company, jJew . rna,nnul hiw to be swept will gratulated On tills cabinet charlge even Tire York City. n Mpl well served by agents . to defend it against has not bren its more than either of the individuals di- 1 -- T'nited States. whole atti rtini.l V unfortunate that he in the Its rectly concerned, but as to that it will ui(l have seen tude toward the American protest has land fit to strenethen th bo well to reserve opinions for a short "Chain Tread' Tires are sold by Leading Reliable Dealers, Do not accept substitutes n ' t h fp'.ii.miimi an (vicitirtvrntiiTitiiiiniu m'.'.i,been strangely contemptuous. Either time. The change may mean a chutige "'nt President Wilson. But these It does not know what the slate of Ir the whole foreign policy of the ad- '. alters which we must leave to public feeling here is or It does not ministration or it may prove to have li,.! conscience ver- - care. I of and the feme from nothing more Important history. But the simplest and most convinc- than irreconcilable definitions of ing explanation of Its policy is that It I divergence MU. s hrnaes, from over the HUYAX-- IT.A1X IHTV. thinks that tho demands of the method of expressing theoretical as- St- - Louis Republic.) jo are mere brutuin fulmeu, At this pirations. When the text of the Ger- writing it is reported that that the peace party is strong enough man note is published and it is pos- tatesTirss ltr j, MtedS further T Preparing a statement to prevent even a breach in diplomatic sibly to study the mutter which by Largest in ""Kita V. "1B ,u position tn op- - rolations, that if serious difficulties brought about the cabinet crisis a Made the Rubber Company the World tf ,hrtt German-America- n Hhirh h "f thr president, finally arfese the clearer judgment will be possible than las Wl" i8su Immediately upon element would not shrink at treason now on this point. Until that momen- (Operating 46 Factories) wwitation of the .auis w&icli In defease ot lbs fatherland, Mr. tous paper. Jug sivea tu the prcit tU ALBUQUERQUE MORNING1 JOURNAL; MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1915. FOUR STANDING OF TEAMS. Old Guard in Big Leag ues CUBS TAKE FIR SI LYNN PROVES Wagner and Lajoie Are Last of 1UO GKAXDK ASSOCIATIOX. II oooooooooo W. I.. Tet. i:i I'uhii ii s .r,7 Alhiuiucriiue 1(1 u ..'r-'-fl t'liucnix f II) .474 FROM CHAMPIONS I yf o o .421 DOESN'T PA! TO Tucson a ' o o I U ( o o NATIONAIj I.KAGIK. V ' o o W. Pet. l'hiladclililt US .:. VAUGHNHIT HAR ChlciiMO .2t! 2 PLAY BABY ACT 2 SI. . . . .2D a .r,io Huston .nun .4X11 l;rooklyn ... . 2:1 Jt . .4X9 ritl.shurnh ! West" Siders Come From Be- -, ' I'inciiinutl .. iil 114 .442 Rid of :T . .18 24 .42!) Phoenix Catcher Gets p-- (( New Vork hind and Win Prettily Play. Some Emotion, but It Costs ed Game From W. I.. rot. Beaneatcrs; His Team Something;' Dukes chicuKo , ., ::i i .020 Cardinals Defeat Dodgers,' lietroll 31 21 .r.H Win 11 to 6, HoKton 24 IX .571 WiiKhinUton 22 21 .r.12 New York .22 2 .4H9 ty MORNINS JOUMNAt SPECIAL LIAUO Wtff 20 26 ,4:u. ChicaR.i, June 12. ChicuKu defeat, AkI.Ip fm t thMl tlic I'mke", 'Cleveland from the SI. I.nuiK 19 211 ..IK 3 ed Hoaton, 6 to 4. In the first mmm iii-- ball behind Tp kell l.lfivtllif in . . 30 .375 of the arrlea today. The out-Pla- 1'hiladelphiu ..iS world, II I'V of 11 l Hi'' V.. 'I Willi' champions hit Vtiuuhn hard in the (if game - Hug tcalurp yesterday's W: f'F.DEUAIi I.EAGl'R. opening- innliiK, acorlnK four run ..I I I, II lli l.t WHS ih,. IM'lllxr il V. U Pet The locals tied It Up In their half when .. ii, ,,i tiven liv Cuti her 1 .yttii. of . . Tk . 2 s - v,.':'vrt5,ry City ., .21 21 ,fiiithey bunched hita, wnich inelmi,..) I'Ikmiiix. team, of a rule iif phil- Kunsaa ill.. , f.60 by Knlxely and KiiDinprinan, liy many lirooklyn . . .2H 22 jiloublea osonhv laid down savants ill 2u 20 a Home run by illiams. having been first I'lltHliiirnh .556 and Kiiiw. vcara ago. Hie same 20 23 .531 ly'g double and two sacrifices put by In the fol Newark chi. i.iinoimicd Pulvcralca 21 .523 In the lead In Hit lowing words, to wit: "It don't Mil SI. Louis 23 cuko third. a, 2.1 ' .490 Score: II. H Chicago you to I'liiV li spunked Imliy k nothin' . . 29 .:i96 Boston 400 000 8 iiml usually II costg somctnin Itiiltimure 0004 )ou 2U 33 .377 Chicago 401 100 00x 6 12 j Nobody A hick hull player will liuffalo hut lint t. Ties'. Hess, ltudolph i;lW. It " and ill. TODAY. dy; Vaughn, Ijivender and Archer. It inning. Mini wan .WHERE THEY I'LAY nii hi the fourth Kummury: Two-bus- e lllg wna hits Schmidt, like this; Trunk lluclsniuii Knlsely (2), Zimmerman. .Hump nn iul Charlie French wim on Rio Grande Aasortatlon. nut third j Double plays Hist mill there win oiih down. There So Kamea achPduleU. William. Marn. , vlllp to was no thought of a double at'-al- of to Kilzpatrlck Schmidt; Oil. for Muclsman on the paths re- National League. hert to Schmidt, liases on bulla Off roiirse, VuiikIui, 1; off 4; Ileus, minds one of Ty Cobb bpenuse ha Ih Huston at CIiIchro. Lavender. off 1. Hits-Of- f Vaughn, 5 in 1 . dlffcrr nt, Tli" solemn truth In thiit New York Ht Cincinnati. Innltyr, Hull snapped thi. hull to first Philadelphia at Piltaburrfli. off Lavender, 3 in 8 Innings; off 8 3 2 innings; 4 he caught Kri-ni- flut foot eel off the' in off lie, 4 3 innings. bug. Amoni-a- Iatrue. in . Struck out l!y nit Imih Huclsmiin and French re- Lavender, 7; by ltudolph, 2, CmpireB way all ChiciiKo ut WashlnRton. Quigley and Kason. mind you of Cobb In another 8t. I.oul at New York. thrfi" of thprn have brains In their Howton. Cleveland at St. 1nils 9; HriMiUlyn 2. In Jul. When Frpmh wiw that lis wis Detroit at Philadelphia.. caught hn didn't ttitrmpi I" K"t buck St. Iouis, June 13. St. Louin d- to first hut mud a dlvp for second, efeated Hr.ioklyn, 9 to 2, In the nicmnr hi Federal game of their series here today. The and nt the BUiiie tlmi" lluclsniiin Bull aclipduled. to edge up toward liniiii'. After h No R.imes visitor were wived from a shut-ou- t lltlln of the usual Inn Bluff X'f 1't' t o by a aerp'S of bunched singles in the 1 UflMrtiiitt Mi w thiit. lie. was close seventh, . Ida and Cadore scoring. liuuup. With the return of Shuuks ioug to take a limine nl getting Score: . JS.H.K. and Chick tlandil to Hie line-u- they .OOOM10O and took II. He and the hall '': S Hrooklvrt ..'.'. 2002 t t g havp notably Improved form. j200-03- nrrlvid nl flip plate Khout the mmc ahown St. I.ouia Oiix 9 7 ! ' a S They p.maed New York wont into time. It vthm ft rlone Phiy, hut Stcrl- -' g and Hatteri. : Pfeffer, Cadore ami calling ZJ&$ first division. eontlnmnR inerp 10 Inn wiik thori.iiKlily Justified In , 000000000 ithe W. Wheat, Uubinaon and Sn- 2 j pace the lluplsmiin safe. ii du better than kepi with yder. V .ioin. ' I.ynn lui.l n brain-- II S .XI II. ,. Hostona. i Three-bus- e Immediately ' thp .Summary: hits H h yet playing with .Moat obaervers of Rami' have Itnbin- - wan boiiip kind of ' 111 ul.iy very deep ut abort and aelf. Wallace waa then Hayalt, ltoublp plays storm that I. aap by Hip Hie I'll . ten of the him lo to Tha uiiPomlltlonHl reh fioin Franklin. also St, loiiiK, hla blj? ca.- - counted out the Yankeea as fartora on storm, nml Hint its good ii mime ! yeaia, Ret Ilia man at flrat base. He UurlnR leuue aon lo lliller to Hayalt. liases balls mariiiKPiiiPtil of Hip St. I.oula Hrowna Iron and "il luixne. Alter - VVallaep - m race, ...... " It hn any othrr. Sterling and Hull wua 11 wonder on knocking- down hlw reer made 2,284 hita, incllld me piemeuo Uoblnson. 3; off Pfeffer, S; o(f tall I. - i in box he i tiff - pitch-4r'- n of in. by Uallii.e biiVeH .Ninx.leim Lji of Indiff'TPtit aervl. the Iiib- 1, .,,1 Rip pctitiutrt would lie among were walking back toward tin- aecond lump, and 11 waa one of sua rioiii.lM '"t ti ir.l tuien - for the Cadore, 3. Utte Off Pfeffer, 7 In i iMoniia WuRtier iddcat wua I ra in formed Into an luflelder. over On re I.ynn JiihI Rut so Jole and tho - Cleveland out of ty-s- ix runa. He 21 x baaea. Detroit. Chlcacn and llosloii. in ! mo iiml, whim - to, tlieai- lilava th:;t heat home atol.i ittrilnKw; off'Ciulore, none con- nbivera M'll in the biii clrcuita. Wnl Never a butter lie orovid daah-o- cent However, the Washington provoked that hp couldn't Wttllacf, f Hla beat hattinR waa In 1899 tolin. i-- 'i H.v Pfeffer. liu-- I'.vcn 1 iy " averaRe Innijura. Struek out - haviiiK In X94 to phiy be a initrveloaa ricldpf. r" in list of thi- hall either, nml It rolled on marled "" aecond, Rrabbeil when Iip batted .302 for St. Louis will have to be included the 1; 2. Im- trol 1..1., .,1 ivm. i. 1.1 u i,,. ,,u uir..inr ivcr. und inc over ihick the 1; by Cad ire, by Kobinson, out to the field. French couldn't see lllmiimii'i's rollPr and looped It to Nationala. All told the took part ill pissii.le candidates. and Hyron. haa been a 'iil leiiKtier He HlHll.'d j he wim nlvfitya famed for hia phenom Thp In the licuKUe plies Orth any use sticking around second base firat without atoppltiR to t him- - 2,411 Kamea, acoriiiR 1,0x7 runs. remalnliiK clubs hp Willi Cleveland, u pitch, r, ciunl enal throwlnx witlK. RtiU'li enuuieo seem already out of the running, even under the circumstances, so made :.i Cincinnall-.Ve- w Y'ork, called in - for division honors. u (IiihIi and got hi, in.- while I.ynn wua first third inning- - rain. telling how- - provoked h" Fortuiii-- of National leattue teams still himself 1 1 2b 3 I 3 week, j wan. Npt results; I.ynn nut ri.l of HowlliiK Batting and Fielding ran remarkably even durinir the it a V . :i aonip pmiitlon, und' tho uiki arorPd Healer, Ii SENATORS Onlv the Philadelphia did better than American League. Hull, p I 11 0 11 .", GUI only New Yorksi ailditluiml run. . Averages of the Dukes the'averaBe and the an 4 ' a fl 1 a Lynn' wn (llna,iointiucnt Tuner, if did worse. The advantage milned by ni'tlon a i No games sceduled. to Hip funa. with whom hp hna the UuaUers. however, was kintely lost Tolala . .' , . 36 6 13 la not onlj it tirluia favorltp alni'e h haa Ihph 1124 (lie IdifH lliieiainau tcday. when they remained Idle while! In Thi. fm't .lbiipicriin' lciiditiM the lmkea In biittiu-!- . mil nt HIRHFR THAN ANY the Cuba played the I'.ostons, beatj Pacific Coast League. (iliiylntt Alhu((iiTfin. that 0 I a 0 Hip Muridiy, (1 ..... t Ih IphiIiiik Hum a lillb' further thun ! a day's trollltiK. out of W them and after Kti'tllntr rtldn't tint him I " 1 Hi lluiulihrlea. t.a . . . 4 2 ' last wrltinti. He baa the lead with rump laupi'd rpitrct hut nut aurprlap., he did ul tho hounded back to tie for the 3 i t 5 1 ;! !! b a Oakland 2 ; San Francisco HlprllnR la litpvoi'iihly nunnilttoil Hiiclrniun, ..... tinmen .414 nppnslle hla monicker, I'nt Moran'a men. for t a 0 0 thpae Los Angeles Venice 10 (hp vn li h till walling, uti.l Hcrrlotl, lb .5 in which la KoIiim aoiue In hard The continued notable closeness of iiotli')' of h 2 ;t 3 1 4; y French, 2b , Howard Suit Uike Portland I'oi'an't ovi'ii to hold tiny-hoil- i times. (Charlie Kreiuh and OTHER OF TEAMS thi Nulloital letiRiip race had a K"od iittioui't 2 , Jtavla, 3b 3 " ' 11 and a BtrU t Bi'iuuntahlllly. A fpw ' .Muiphv are little dlMunco buck Illustration on Saturday when, aa tu 6 S :i 4 ' 0 0 . , .. lib...... H Carman, If . ml.11 pluyed every foul tip k i are ItavliiR u 01 " of the Barnes; club American Association. rotnutra lutiT, whrn u alrin 1 1 u nine result iluy on thp tliho. n fun liuedcl, c 4 I h for aecond place, the former," THRICE TOLD TALES. of the eight shifted poaltiona. tin. JuiIhp of f, Il a a 1 0 other fcl-lo- Trekell, .356. I rxprpaai'U Hi nt liiu nt of all hla with .sr.a and the latter With Outsldp of tne coniesiatna ior me 2. the tleld-Ijik- Old Maltu't arm it yett'tiiy on 4; Minneapolis by Ih iiIho b ailing In '. Icuitei-H- p, weeK a play Rave ni. Columbus fana ytlllnu, "You gutta null 1 lliielHinun the 5; City , . . ,, 42 11 Hi 27 I wiHl-tm- . ; nt Kansas f Tolala 4.1 chuncpa l blink , Griffith's More enrourtiKe-me- Cleveland ktrkln'ttml-tJuwi- 'run'." having iicceilcil Team Makes Louis more reasons for 1. Car-olna- 2; Paul Score by in iiIiikh, any la Louisvill,. St. loiitrlliiiti'il u tuivi'lty an error. Ilia ncareHl eomietitor The an ient whig U ffi otcimj ii(f than other team. The 1. ll"lr alo 1 hocnlV .210 IM2 mo ' Indianapolis 4; Milwaukee, ),y iiimoxt pluylnu tin-- muno Uii'iuikIi the riRiilni'a In tleldiiiR la lied Rapid scent, Than Other overwhelmed the New Yorks ' 211 10 2 ::ul amoiiR itf stew, : " ' f with lila moutli ahut. iniii' or IwIpp - llirrlotl, who baa arccpt"d 2ti out rid kept them atrugRliiiK vainly to . iij.'I ::nii 12x 11 a 1 Tennis Tourney for Junior. lip any, Albuiicriiii 404 chitncoB, und haa un if is vtust authentic tah; think, American League Clubs for keep of collar position: s hud fiw worda to hut tlu'y 2X- -- I 0 of n total of out the Ke , 212 112 2 Santa Fe, .June 13. Sania iii)kon without iiniluo tl'ii-- of . H N :S . UvvaUnv m The bunn. r performance on the win. Suininaiy .Twn- - ,.l!i' lili i-- ' Hiicia- - (iccraiie I hmrd it oot ymrt uffo. plavera have received an Invit- mid Din only way (Iip fana inulil R t Walk-- r .Ionian weura the clown Week' diamond during the week wua that of Kl Pa tnan. Thrci biiHe till ' All AtilK' ll.lH- - Yan- ation to'join in the contest at ut 111 uan by kl.lilliiK hint iinnii-tii-full- or I In- luikes' tuciuii r pliclier. H" Jup too, nan a rtlialilrd Hay Culdweii, pitcher lor the clianiiiiii.liip IdlK. Scaiilllll. Tivkell I II H; bit - Jnekaon. for the Junior tennis wlum ho h't hull m l hy hiin. l,ioiilit lioine the biicnn till! kees, lOucIt day of thp wcek a Inst S K- HowliI'M. I l arm. It Ik bmIi1 tip niimliieU Slat. a Lawn Tennis vial-tor- a DuvlH. u rillce fllP- - Ihut it a 'Ih I'niled Hall was on Hip mound for Urn tiinea, and loat RUln I'll" a l"'r- ISV MOSNINS VSASKD WlS three the elongated twlrlcr made for vid, Heater. Stolen bapc - 11 111 Imiian, lo, In an allrin.t tu mrlle hia name. JDUSNAU SrCCIAk succession ua a has nanctioneii the cntist tor thp aciond tiiup In tin ro duyw. cl i'lay.e of .'(Till. Hit ml Trekell tire New York, June 13. The jori hie home run, twice in 111.., slatps. nil youths under 1'reiKh. Left on I'liNea .Mliiiiuer.iu' Fl'-hait- y lw.rder lip wiim hit fri'i ly, hut with aui-Vi.- rt place with .6.17. pinch hitter and once in the course clone hi'ltir JO; I'hiicniV 0. Iioill.le ,aK M II in tied for a.cond O.'.ii'c.'B I'arpBiitirr Is now a'n avia- duel for the lead in the two niaJvr 17 years being eligible. Entries would hasp mad.' a iiiuuh l.i'lipr won and loat two. of a Kume in which he occupied the starU leu H.'iiiotl; I'lciuH, ban three tor in 4 he Freud) army, ahowlnR that on Tuesday evening and play In Hip Trekoll lo 'an .600, while I.eftV league with continued durinir the box. will rhimuiR final arori'. to .McAnlle tor nvi lane .if he In b Rlutton for iiunlxliitipiit. It Wedncsduv nioniliig. Tiojihica thii InikpH. iiii.l for u whilp lleiriott, tinac. luck In his two week, with varyiiiK fortunes for the Numerous doublc-header- a among tn evenl. twlrli'd for Firm bai.e on erioiH lbu-fuciill,( ItusM'U ban bad bad 1nko It Kunie liuy to atay alive after be given the winners in each H luokril hm If Iip wiTp KoltiR to huvp flaleill. Ih to allow. quartet of competitors, the week-en- d the closely bunched Federal leaifue 4: I'ltoeulx 2. lliiHca on bulla alalia and yd Hie w.fcr correaiiondeiita liuvc killed The invitation comes through Ir. 11 hard tiiup itPtiliiK l'j with It. Aftpr finding Philadelphia In top position clubs occaaioned many changes in the ol Olf Trel ell 2; off Hill K Struck IliltlinK. linn t( leaat four Iiiiub. g. Cornell, of Las Cruces. Hip aprond ItinliiK, Imwi'ViT, Iip ati I, 1 11 SH Ave In the National circuit and Chicago rankim? In that circuit. Kansna City IW by Hull 2. Hit by All SH Ktiitcs utsociuiion. diinKi-- onl Trekell I; r,x 1 14 In American. into thp lead during the week the border and waa nwvrr In Hfiloiia Hy Wild IlielMlliin . 40 :I2 8.4 Alatt Well hna come nil the way lleadiiiR the list the worked tiialp-rlull- y pitcher Ttekcli tllall). r. position to- nftilwurilH. hlttliiK allied . . :i7 49 6 ,3.18 a Of the two ChieaKo teams In the and still held that ufter Ilia pilch Hall. Time of me 1 : 46. French a JiU from KiiRland to look for flaht, h.v a 2 5 leadership Sox had day's two-pl- y contests. In the victory that wuh won I'mplre Sierllim Murphy 174 62 .356 MiiRlialt l.uxcrs, us a rule, nro Rood cenibat, the White lil. team, . 52 .1 x .;i to Mltleatpppcra. slitfhtly the better of it, holding their Hernolt . I.i:t ALLEYS Hip Hip 2 DRUMMER I'hopiiU Hut Jilllili In fil'Nt, 7; I. Trekell .. a 4 2 14 0 .33:1 lead, ulthoimh Belting nothtntr better Western League. il M I'hmi 'I'laHoii V lien Ni'unloii and n un ou lill-IIii- . 14X 4 fi 5 .301 la Europe are thun an even break, whereas! the Cul.ti walked i ;l I'naii, I :!.- -- 'pporlunp k I'm 111:111 , aldlrr klcklna FOR EXERCISE MeAr.Ilp June 4 7 won JI. Ardlc'a thrcp hiiKKcr. . 110 42 .3110 limit an but It lost more KUinea tlian they and Hip hlxlli and haul i:aiiie of Itaeil.l .. bomb, tirhoove 1. ponriiii! on rinnlc uflpr (ave 1.1.1 2:1 4.1 16 5 .277 had to relinquish their premiership. Wichita 4; Dcs Moines OcmaMKioa Hie I'A Vnau lub 111 la af- Ilmoplii'ic.' . them tu alt at a porttna; ilmk and fry Game of Ten Pin the n.ilc;' to 4 Washington Topeka 5; St. Josepli 7. Null had filed out to left. Another , 1 )a . 1U1 40 9 4 .27 made the record for ternoon TiK'.-ioii- by the Hi ore of via to a buttery of fight managers. w over 1 llalrn in won Lincoln' 6; Omaha 5. tOt West Gold run waa ad, led In tho aei oml hen . , 2x 4 0 .143 the week names and mounted V to 4. Jordan C; I'owllim hit for three Imspa and cored 2 0 further than any other team In any Denver Sioux City 2. Score: K. U. IS. M. harly . . 14 0.143 JterniiBlruetlnR the AthlntieB will ort llt'Hler'a amilfup foul fly to left I 4 0 0 0110 0 20 1 10 0 rion , .1 . . 32 .125 b . Tiiciuii 200 a touitli job, but reconatructlng the In Hie Hlxlh u puaa; to Mo Ar- X 0 0 0 .000 000 2 x - 7 x 3 Itusia'll .. attendance tltat'a sometliliiR tilaa il lc, aiucllliM hy lleiniiKWlo ami I.ynn 1'ano ion Hatlei'lea: Fulwider and I'nllan, auaiu. ii naerilirp fly hy Ix.wIihk and an er- 13 17 4X61 .31: Knight and l!lis. Totals 263 415 ror hv Kieiich hii.tmht In two more I K'ldiiiR ThoenlK TIip visitor made thcii TOO MUCH! run. liKM-KV- !X.(;s. . I'll A i: TC Ave hint In ppventh. when, I.O1II1 (A Complete Novelet le.) tally the wuh . i f. . . 45 3 0 4S Preaher, cleaner, Kvery on 'I tip oiip down, Reunion tililcil to deep bttr. p 0 I 0 4 1.000 iihllanihrnptal. hnvlna dined candled, Mumped ar.d Riiarauteed. liuascll. iw.-ll-, tnii-l.- lt K Hi. r und M nil d nil McArdU'a Infield nm Riii.iklnK a rlanr, Bold hv In fTn. Malov Hawklna lleiriott, I'' 3X0 7 7 404 .949 1 for nn f iiuleludp. out 3 3.1 1 4 .97 prriiarril rvrnina Trekell, Hp had ulipn frprly of hi tu The lmkea got their atart III tin' X nralik Uaedel, c, , . . . . 109 49 2.16 .Hli'.t Kct'uml. up. aiiiKled, luil I'harity, l.olh north? anil innvorHij., Iiula, firat i I 22 I 24 on to Matty Sees End of It loll. ,5 Hp had rvpn contrlbntpd to a rnin-nla- u wtia forced CtH'nian'a urounder 21 101 1 3 14 22S .939 Maiil.'l n Texan leaguer French, fund. ' Jliiiter. imt Vjf Sjf VJ? Mttrpliv, ef. .. 91 10 7 10X .9.15 n ' ver hikI went t.i sec- Kj Xi.d.lei.l y tl.erp una violent rtR aeiond I'nrnmn Jordan', p...... 0 12 13 .923 Ina of thp bell. Outstrip the door. ond Trekell an infield lilt und 1 1 htiyia, 3b. 43 X0 134 .91 8 trpMihllna In thp nil 11. stood .l .... drUallna . poi-i.e- Ihinc wetp idekled. Muihy His Pitching 1 the Career Ii' 6 4 3 7 7 .9ur a porttnllo. I a in a a eorrjliiu; He mm- Carman, joiina wmM ' out to S.i.nlun, but lumtihiieji l-i-. aa. . 6 13X22 223 .901 thp ralnipnt of pup who dad apea , Itae.lel Humphi le, norr ip;'i!' litff.V.-r.."- :.?- tintf t'ftimnn and FIc'Hirty, p 2 10 1 14 .X57 priiaprrona liuira, but had Intlrn lute M'or.-d- r Three more were added In the third. ' ; Tut lis loni 496 Xl 1 57 .949 I !.havp hprp," anld thp slranicrr, " ;'f ?i.."'' 5 wan Mife errov U.nlolt on IiowIIuk'h Pill lllllR. oiipiiIuk hia portfolio, "a fine aaaort-mr- n rreneh hit to I tint an, I on Heater's prror V. I'd. Loth Were toife. IiiIh advanced Ik .7(1(1 "Mv!"of"anld thp philnnthropliit li both rumiern with u )ierl.-c- t hmciIIIcc. Jordan kindly, hohllna 00 hla hand, "t onip MeArdlp'a J r mil . . 6 .607 Carman hit t, abort, and on In out of thp prnpl night and trll nie - 4 .667 1 error Heirlott W;i a:ile and ( ariniiri Trekell and (orj.M vr iT 'ax 1'lellallV 3 .60(1 sum , IMS Win aufp ut firm. Ufiedel hit to pee-m- d r thp amnehrd hla llpa aa ' y f7 F. ., II slranarr KllHHlll . .000 hp of ' V PaP' am! a madeira and 1 when liowliiiii bohhlcd the downed alnaa . V'. .'.'Sl X . M w AX. ball for the msooiid time pcored warnird hla hand at W.P flrpplapp, "A ' J S I tit' Vti mMu? and KiL'd.'l W'hh a. ite. t'aiinuii li.kini: had nlaht oa the Inhe!" he anld. ' . , '-- , w - ae ynd. Tl 'kll laced out a neat nlu . RANCHOS DE ATRISCO The pbtlanthroptat, unheeding- tha le (o center and t'urnian Heme. I trnaaer'a rruiark, aaed at htm ll, Mart hy thou lined out to MeAr.lle BEATS BARELAS TEAM isri.duolly coneentratiua; hia power who eaiiKht Uaed.'l off aecond. ei.m-li- l. of deduetloa. EXTRA-INNIN- snddenlx, lliiK a dguhle play unuimiHl 'd. IN G GAME "lou," he aald polnttna hla gueM, "you U was the Mime way in the fourth. aa flnarr at 1 ii di x, kIvpii are a book aurnt!" in ii. first mi, wan Irani wparllj- - ahook Huel"-n'lin'- a r That the Kaiu hoa de Atrtco team The slra Direr his J.ortatfon and went to third on s Fiii-clo- "W orae," be aaid bitterly. e rlt-ht- . walloped tho baaebull brad, hlnv-l- to Jlerrlott hit n yon i;iotindcr piny, ra yesterday afternoon and "'Ihea "ell newlna niachlnea!" i.. firt. ami .n Hoitei's low 4 aaln a wpnry ahake of the hpiid. throw to . hp h Hiiclniiiuii at kccoihI that the game went extra However, I an It be that you are spiling Jliiinl'liries pcor. , i. u.l )lui.!.in,ti are certain. the Vent ti third v reach hit to Hull reports of the acoie and duration vrlnrr" H Unrp than that." v apt-on- ! In to ,n favor of Alrl'co nfttr an ho t.rv Helmut out at . ' iV i "Or alliums" beiuM told on third and 1 lev. ballle ;ind I lie other was 13 w a "atlll ore.' i iencn iuhKiiu iu;t In K.uety. It waK that the n'wie stood to alter r mining stock ';.. e at tliU iumtnie Hint reach wa name The (fame was "a." f Kllltllt I'll flll nil.l Keenlld played at Atrlsvo. "Or Insuraaeei" HnelMiiuull,waled, l.vnn l, fretted! "o.M W' .'v;.p Hm Dip - end the hall at i.iii,tp and j JACK TORRES WILL "Or llahtnlng rods?' I'leii. h euioi- l.uiiie fl om l:- "No, It ta worse than all that." In thi' seventh, Trekill, firat U, FIGHT SALVATOR AT ThP philanthropist arose with fire these trlphd to d.-c- rlelit Murphy wua la bis eye, Reaehlna Into the apper they're fine team mates,. . - from Hull lo ilati-r- drawer of hla escritoire, he grasped al- II 'out Humi'I'iles ST. JOSEPH SUNDAY buagstartpr two universally popular, Rroundpit to WeArdlp. who threw Trp-k- e the handle of the faithful kfrm n X out ptule, which hnd nerved him so well In the reliable, tested by time at the Huelsnian youth atrppf n double t,i the far comer Jack l'oiT.H. of old Alliiuiupi'uue. old lns on lark and WmiS X took plx on the flald will iii , alranrrr. of left and llmnphriea a.ore.l. fUht at'ooml baltlo with lo you mna," be thundered, -- thst ThP lukea' laMt luiw were made In Jahnny S.ilvatr at the KurIpb' outinR yon dnred to venture lata my mik. r- rt'i-n- h J.weph, Mo., Sunday, 'i'hey hnte thp einhth, aiiiKled to left, nl St. next house to aell are baseball clubf IZlObC went to a.uoncj on IuvIm' aucrifice and will r fifteen rounda. In their previ- t.ulltily the ntrana-e- r nodded. fW0lM aeorcd oil ll'nian'a drive to center. ous bout a diaw waa the decision. waa a noand of heavy blows, There " COCA-COL- A CO. Itued. l waa oul from Hall to Heuter, Torres' frlenda ijupntioned th eorrect-nep- B a shriek aa of one In paia. a ICiod THE but Trekell tnunaxi'd to (tet one Clui.slv Mulhewon, the veteran star of this decision, believing that oa the pavement outside aud the atrniRht between MoArdl'a lej,a and of the New York liianta' pilchiiiK Jack had beiite-- S.ilvator. aonnd ttt a cloning- - door. t'armiiii, who hi1 roup t sPtond on atHff, In a t.PMtly but firmly the phllanthrnplat llaedel'a out, atuled aniioiini cd tliitt he feared bis Southern Association. put the bungstarter bark ta lta old AH II (Bi'ptr of uarfulnepa aa ft btR Dlnee in the top drawer of the earn, ITmenU h'tiullif tMo-li- 1 holre and resnmeU his it 1 af ,1 sw 1 rw. 1 Scanlori, 3 1 .4 lriiRue w..k nipldly druwinr to eiaar. ff a lirler -- They eaa go ar nilh mr," McArUle, . .4 a dose. M.iihewHon linn bcpn unable Mobile ,1; Hn niiniibam 0. to he 1 t 1. aald. .; Null, pf .... .5 r.'Raln hi old form thua far this Nashville 5: Chattanooga i DpMhkkIo, If .5 1 icusoii und i at prepem laid up with Little ruin. 4 pvprp Atlnnta-Ne- Jmi ran) want ads brlog unltk results. Lynn, a . . i paina in hia I.J't arm. trlena: ram. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, MONDAY, JUNE 14. 1915. FIVE

TQ5BQE2 So "Who Is that woman?" she asked, Vson had arrived at the little tumble toward him, he waited, cold sweat for the ladder lending farther up mto still wondering about the identity of down station nnd hud taken the only breaking out on his face, (he steeple. ni the nlobe outside. vehicle In sight, a very ancient 'car- "Say." he whined, "you let me be!" Kennedy followed. At first he said nothing. But finally, riage. , It was ineffectual. Kennedy, smil- Elniiio had recovered roiiHclousneso SUBSCRIBE The Exploits of Elaine seeing that she had noticed it, he It atlihled along until, at last, It ing confidently, came closer, stilt hold- almost Immediately,' ami, hearing the handed Elaine the card, reluctantly. pulled um before the vestry room door ing the deadly little box, butnccd be- commotion, stirred untl started to rise A Detective Novel and a Motion Picture Drama Klalne read It with a Kitsp. The look of the church, just as the hoRim min- tween two tinners. and look about. a of surprise that crossed her face was ister was finishing his transformation He took the crook's gun and dropped From tho church she could hear FOR THE terrlblu. from a frank crook. OutehliiK I land it Into his pocket. sounds of the strugglu. She paused By ARTHUR B. REEVE IS Before she could say anything, how- plvlng hltn bin tinal j just long whs Instructions. , "Sit down!" ordered Craig. enough to seize the crook's TrieWell-KnownNovel- and tlieGeatorof the"CraigKennedyMStoriei ever. Milton had returned with the Elaine and (he alighted and lying on floor. others j Outside, t ho. other six parleyed lu revolver the sheet of paper on which "Weepy approachrd the church, whllu tlui an- hoarse whispers. One raised a gun, She hurried Into the church und up in Collaboration With Players and Mary" mvd It away, Presented tha Paths had written banded to cient vehicle rattled j but the woman and the others re into tho belfry, thence up tho ladder, whispered tha Eclectic Film Company Bennett. "They're coming!" the strained him and Med. whence the sounds ciinie. Bennett read It with uncontrolled crook, peering cautiously out of the "Take me to your master!" de- The crook by this time Imil gained Cavrritht. W14, bv the Mar CmiiKTit All Fornm HifliU Rm rml astonishment. window. manded Kennedy. the outside of the steeple through an "What is It?" demanded Klulne. Clutching Hnnd moved silently nnd The crook remained silent opening. Kennedy was in close pur- He handed It to her, and she read: ennkelike into the closet and shut the suit. 8YN0P8I8. "Where is ho?" repeated Craig. Just done. Then his second thought As the lawful wife and widow tloor. On the top of the steeple was a to approve "Tell me!" seemed it. of Taylor Dodge I demand my "How do you do, Doctor Carton ?" great gilded cross, considerably larger The New York pollr am mystified hy "This is a trap of the Clutching Still the inau remained silent. JOURNAL otlx-- r ton's rights and my own. creeled "Weepy Mary." I guess you than a num. As tho crook clambered errles of murders ami rrtmra. Tha Hand, Walter," he whispered, adding Craig looked the fellow over again. iirlnclpnl clur to the criminal Is the MRS. TAYLOR DODGE. don't remember me." Then, confident smile, outside, he scaled tho steeple, uing wlileli In pent the victim, tensely, "and w e're going to walk right still with that lut-e- Klalne gasped It. The clerical gentleman looked at a lightnluK rod and some projecting signed with a "clutchln hand." The it at he reached into his inside pocket and Is into it." ex- fixedly a moment. M. victim of the mysterious anati.ilii "She my father's wife!" she her drew forth the tube I had seen him points to pull himself up, desperately. Albuquerque, N. Taylor IJoilgo, tln limurance prcalilent. "Dut, Craig," I demurred, "that's Wlmt "Remember you?" he repeated. "Of Ttla daughter, Klulne, employa Crnlir claimed. "What effrontery! place there. Kennedy followed unhesitatingly. foolhardy. Have her trailed anyth- course, my I every- Kennedy, the fiimoua scientific does she mean?" dear. remember "No matter how much you accuse There they were, struggling in dead- to try to unravel the mystery. Wlint ing-but " one I marry." '. ly In Bennett hesitated. me," added casunlly, combat, clinging to tho gilded cross. Kennedy accomplishes told by Ms He shook and with mere Craig "no one friend Juiinaun. a newspaper mini. his head, a "Tell me," Elaine cried. "Is there-c-an "And you remember to whom you The first I knew of It was a horrified my will ever take tlio word of a crook at the determined effort which motion of his' hand brushed aside In It? No no-t-here married me?" gasp my 1 Kennedy there be anything that a reputable scientist like me from own crook. looked up Klalne and Crai are niflklnR to objections as be went to a cabinet "Perfectly. To an older man' a Tay- an end to Ills crimes, the. Clutching isn't." would do what I am about to do." ?ut as tills stranae criminal Is known, across the room. lor Dodge." Bennett spoke In a low tone. "I He had taken out his penknife and resort to all anrts of th most diabolical From one shelf he took out a small scan- Elaine was overcome. schemes to put ther out of the wny. have heard a whisper of some opened It. Then he beckoned to me. Kach chapter of th. sto.., tells of a new metal box and from another a test dal qr other connected with your fat- "Won't you step In?" ho said 60 Cents "Bare his arm and hold his wrist, plot avulnst their live., and of the way tube, placing the tent tube in his paused. suavely. "Your friend herr , doesn't the great detective uses all Ills skill to herbut" He Walter," he said. pretty waistcoat pocket and the small box in indig- seem well." aave this cirl and himself from Elaine was first shocked, then Craig bent down with the knife and death, his coat pocket with excessive care. nant. They all entered. the tube, then paused a moment and Then he turned and motioned to me "Why such a thing Is absurd. Show "And you you Bay you married turned to tube so that we could see it. SEVENTH EPISODE to follow him out into the other room, the woman this Ihls woman to Taylor Dodge?" Per Month in!" On. the label were the ominous I did so, stuffing my "gatt" into my "No please Dodge. Let me queried Elaine, tensely. ' Miss words: , Tha Doubla Trap. pocket,' deal with her." The bogus minister seemed to be Germ Culture 6248A Mindful of the sane advice that ft "Let me introduce my friend, By this time Elaine was furious. very fatherly. "Yes," he asserted, "I Bacillus Leprae (Leprosy) Li 4m time of peace is best employed In pre- said Craig, presenting me "Yes I will see her." certainly did so." Ml 131 Calmly he took the knife, and d paring for war, I was busily engaged to the pretty crook. She pressed the button on Bennett's "Have you the record?" askod to make an incision In the in cleaning my automatic gun one The introduction quickly over, we desk, and .Milton responded. Elaine, fighting to the last. e man's arm. The crook's feelings un- moraine; as Kennedy and I we.-- seat- three went out got Craig's car, "Milton, show the woman In," "Why. yes. I can show you the ' to the derwent a terrific struggle. ed In our living room. which he kept a nearby garage. she ordered, "and boy, too." record." Our Leased at that "No no no don't," he implored. Our door buzzer sounded, and Ken As Milton turned to crook his finder He moved over to the closet. "Como "I will take you to the Clutching " " " " nedy, always alert, jumped up, push- That forenoon Perry Bennett was at ''Weepy Mary," she nodded y over here," he asked. Hand even If he kills me!" C!ZT ing aside a great pile of paper which reading up a case. In the outer of- and dug her fingers sharply He opened the door. Elaine sereamed Kennedy stepped back, replacing bad accumulated in the Dodge case. fice Milton Schofield, his office boy, into "son's" ribs. and drew back. There stood her arch the tube In his pocket. steps hail, was industriously chewing gum and Tell you little fool yell." she enemy, the Clutching Hand himself. Two took him to the "Very well, go ahead!" he agreed. where the day before be had installed admiring bis feet, cocked up on the Whispered. . As he stepped forth, she turned wild- Wire Service A' We followed th crook, Craig still a peculiar box about four by six Inches, desk before him. Obedient to his "mother's" com- ly, to run anywhere. But strong holding the deadly box of fulminate of connected In some way with a lens-lik- e The door to the waiting room mands, and much to Milton's disgust, arms seized her and forced her into mercury carefully balanced so that 13 box of similar size above our bell opened and an attractive woman of the boy started to cry In close imita- a chair. ; 3 c if anyone shot him from a hiding place and speaking tube In the hallway be- perhaps thirty, dressed In extreme tion of his elder. She looked at the woman and tbo it would drop. low it. He opened it, disclosing an ob- mourning, entered with a boy. Elaine was still holding the paper In minister. It was a plot! complete- - in all No sooner bad we gone than Is most long plate of ground glass. Milton cast a glance of scorn at the her hands when they entered. "A moment Clutching Hand looked Gertie hurried to the nearest telephone to thought seismograph ar- "little dude." He was in reality about "What does all this mean?" she de- Elaine over. "Put the others out," be "I the inform the duelling Hand of our details and all the im- rangement was not quite enough after fourteen years old, but was dressed to manded. ordered the other crook. "Weepy Mury," man- escape. spring-gn- affair," he remarked, look much younger. between sobs, "Now, my pretty dear," bedsit the that Elaine had sunk back Into the chair portant happenings, for- "so l have put In a sort of teleview "Did you wish to see Mr. Bennett?" aged to blurt out. "You are Mitts Clutching Hand as the lock turned In Dodge, as the telephone rang. Clutching my own Invention so I can se. asked the precocious Milton, politely, Elaine aren't you? Well, It the vestry door, "we shall be Joined of that Hand answered it. J down into the vestibule downntalrs. on one hand, while on the other be iJIli eign and domestic, are A moment later, In uncontrollable Well look who's here!" made a wry grimace. Just fury he hurled the Instrument to the d "Yes here is my card," replied ' "Some periscope ar- the r'"f received direct from the woman. mi) : floor. rangement, I suppose?" I queried, Mot-in- g k got It was deeply bordered In black. r "Here we've to act quickly slowly over toward it. corres-ponden- ts that devil has escaped again," he M j " i.iiei in..,....1'. Associated Press However, one look was enough to Even Milton was startled at reading Dodge." hissed. "We must get her away. You interest me. I can xpress only it: "Mrs. Taylor it tart , J keep her here. I'll be back right stationed in all He looked at the woman in open-mouth- In slang. There, framed In the little away with car," astonishment. Even he knew a thing, was a vision of as swell a He madly that Elaine's mother had been dead dashed from the church, quarters of the globe; "chicken" as I have ever seen. pulling off his mask as be gained for years. the i my breath. I whistled under The woman, however, street. r true to her therefore, complete and I exclaimed shamelessly, "A Kennedy forced I ( "Um!" name in the artistic coterie in which had the crook ahead Just Then Saw a Woman' Face peach! Who's your friend?" of us into the car which was waiting, she was leader, bad sunk Into a chair Tenia With Horror; It Was Elaine. reliable. I had never said a truer word than and was sobbing convulsively, as only and I followed, taking the wheel this my did carefully, fearing it was a stall to got in description of her, though I "Weepy Mary" could. time. not know it at the time. She was in- "Which way, now quick!" demand- me off my gunrd. . It was so effective that even Milton - 1 .1 deed known as "Gertie the Peach" in - f , , - I'll ed Craig. if you get In There were Kenuedy nnd the other was visibly moved. He took the card i "And me 1 belonged. i ih , . 3 wrong crook, struggling, swaying back and the select circle where she in, excitedly, to Bennett. J i A I've got that tube yet you Kenuedy had opened the lower forth, between life and death. "There's a woman outside says ehe was, coming crook off There was nothing I could do. door and our fair visitor is Mrs. Taylor Dodge!" he cried. Our started with a whole upstairs. of Kennedy was clinging to a light-nin- g If Milton had had an eye be hurst directions that rivaled the State "Go in Walter," said, seiz- motor guide fol- rod on tho cross. lews there, he could have seen her take a cigarette "through the town, ing me quickly and pushing me Into lowing trolley tracks, Jog Jog It broke. from her handbag and light It non- right, my room. "I want you to wait there I gasped as Craig reeled back. But chalantly the moment he was gone. loft under the railroad bridge, leaving and watch her carefully." trolley tracks; at the cemetery he mnnaged to calch hold of the rod As for Bennett, Milton, who was turn Kennedy opened the door, disclos- left, slopping at the old stone church." farther down and cling to It. The Morning Journal has watching him closely, thought be was began to dluboli-cully- . ing a very excited young woman. "Is this it?" asked Craig incredu- The crook exult about to discharge him on the spot Holding "Oh, Professor Kennedy," she cried, lously. with both hands to the for bothering him. He took the card, cross he let himself out to his lull correspondents on its all in one breath, with much emotion, ex- "Yes as I live," swore the crook and his face expressed the most length aud stamped on Kennedy's fin- "I'm so glad I found you In. I can't in a cowed voice. treme surprise, then auger. He gers, trying every way to dlalodge payroll in tell you. Oh my Jewels! They have He had gone to pieces. Kennedy him. the principal thought a moment. It was Kennedy could do to been stolen and my husband must Jumped from the machine. all keep "Tell that woman to state her busi bis hold. not know of It. Help me to recover "Here, take this gun, Walter." he cities and towns of New ness In writing," he thundered curtly . t I cried out In agony at the sight, for them please!" said to mo. "Don't take your eyes off at Milton. he had dislodged one of Craig's hands. "Just a moment, my dear young the fellow keep him covered." Mexico, in- As the boy turned to go back to The other could not hold much lunger. and have lady," interrupted Craig, finding at Craig walked around th church, out the waiting room, Weepy Mary, hear- There Stood Her Arch Enemy, the Clutching Hand. He was about to tall. last a chance to get a word in edge-- ' r sight, until he came to a small ing him coming, hastily shoved the Just then I saw a face the little structions to "get the ways. "Do you see that table and all vestry window and looked in. at cigarette Into her "son's" hand. means that your father married me shortly by your friend, Craig Kar.Ktsdy. window opening out from tho ladder those papers? Really, I can't take your I There was Elaine, sitting In a chair, "Mr.. Bennett says for you to write when was only seventeen and this and," he added with a leer, "I think to the outside of the steeple a wom- news" on the wire or by case. 1 am too busy, as It is, even elderly-lookin- g out what it is you want to see him boy is our son your " your rather Insistent Bearch for a and near her stood an many my own an's face, tense with horror. to take the cases of of , man in garb, which about," reported Milton, Indicating the "No never," cried Elaine venom-ently- certain person will cease."- clerical to Craig's It was Elaine,! clients." trained eye was quite evidently dis- letter to this paper as table before which she was sitting. unable to restrain her disgust. Elaine drew hack in the chair, horri- a Quickly a hnnd followed, and iu It "But please, Professor Kennedy-pleas- e!" up guise. Mary had automatically laken "Weepy Mary" smiled cynically. fied at the implied threat. was a revolver. j she begged. "Help me. It Elaine happened soon sobbing with the release of the ciga- "Come with me and I will show you Clutching Hand laughed diabolically. Just then to glance - as possible. The you how much Just us tho ciyok was about to dla- means oh, I can't tell on at the window and her eyes grew ' rette. She looked at the table the church records and the minister While these astounding events were lodge Kennedy's other hand I saw a . it moans to me!" wide with which were letter paper, pens and ink. who married us." transpiring In the little church, Ken- astonishment at the sight flush and puff of smoke, und socond state is, therefore, thor- She had come close to him and had of Craig. a "I may write here?" she asked. "You will?" repeated Elaine defiant- nedy and I had been tearing acroan luter heard a report aud another laid her warm, little soft hand on his, IIo inado ' "Surely, ma'am," replied Milton, ly. "Well, I'll Just do as you ask. the country in his big car, following a hasty motion to her to entreaty. Mr. and another. oughly covered by the in ardent still very much overwhelmed by her Bennett shall go with me." the directions of our fair friend. make a dash for the door. She nodded place in my room, Horrors! From my hiding sorrow. We stopped at last before a pros- quietly. was "No, no, Miss Dodge don't go. The crook who bad taken refuge I could not help seeing that she attractive-lookin- g With a glance Journal's correspondents "Weepy Mary" sat there, writing Leave the matter to me," urged Ben- perous, houHe and at her guardian she seemed lo stagger buck, wildly, taking using every charm of her sex and per-- suddenly a rush. and sobbing. nett. "I will take care of her. Be- entered a very prettily furnished, but made a couple of steps in the thin air. sonallty to lure him on, as she clung how- He was a In the midst of his sympathy, sides, I must be in court In twenty small parlor. Heavy portlorea hung at her lu moment, pounc- Kennedy regained his hold. i confidingly to him. an ing on her, ever, Milton sniffed. There was minutes." over the doorway Into the hall, over catlike. With a sickening thud the body of t Gertie bad Yurown her arms about of tobacco smoke Kennedy unmistakable odor Elaine paused, but she was thor- another into a back room and over had seized an Iron bar that the crook lauded on the ground around Kenuedy, as if in wildest devotion. I sharply at lay beside the-- about the room. He looked oughly aroused. the bay windows. window where some the corner of the church from me. IF YOU WANT TO GET wondered what Elaine would have discovered still you workmen bad the "son," and the "Then I will go with her myself," "Won't sit down a moment?" been repairing the stone "Come you!" i ground out, cover- - , thought if she a picture of that! pavement, had smoking cigarette. she cried defiantly. coaxed Gertie. "I'm quite blown to and with a blow shattered lug my own crook with the pistol, "please-ple- ase out-rape- "and "Oh," she begged him, Milton's d glass It was too much for In spite of every objection that Ben- pieces after that ride. My, how you the and the sash. If you attempt a getaway I'll kill you, THE NEWS AND KEEP help mei" dignity. Bennett did not allow nett made, "Weepy Mary." her son drive!" At the sound of the smaahlng glass too!" Kennedy utterly unaf- - up- Still seemed him that coveted privilege. This and Elaine went out to call a taxlcab As she pulled aside tbo hall por- the crook turned and with a mighty He followed, trembling, unnerved. by passionate embrace. IN TOUCH WITH THE fected her start could not usurp it. to take them to the railroad station tieres, three men with guns thrust effort threw Elaine aside, drawing his Wo bent over the man. It seemed Carefully he loosened her fingers from seized boy He reached over and the where they could catch a train to the their "hands out. I turned. Two oth- revolver. As he raised it, Eluine that every bone in his body must be about and J removed the swung him around his neck by the arm. and little town where the woman asserted ers had stepped from the back room sprang at him and frantically seized broken. and before I ' plump, on 'IMPORTANT EVENTS OF enticing armav till he faced a sign In the corner she had been married. and two more from the bay window. his wrist. could even attempt cbaity weeping, anything for him, Gertie sank liito a the wall. Meanwhile, before a little country We were surrounded. Seven guns Utterly merciless the man brought was dead. her a nio-- ! while Kennedy stood before "See?" he demanded. church in the town, a closed automo- were aimed as us with deadly preci- the butt of the gun down with full As Kenuedy let himself slowly and THE WORLD. ment deep courteously: ' in abstraction. S The sign read, bile had drawn up. sion. force on Elaine's head. Only her hat painfully down the lightning rod, Finally to make up bit Smoking In Thl Office Please. be seemed "No As the door opened a figure, humped "Gentlemen." he said quietly. "I and hair saved her, but she sauk un- Klulne seized him and, with ull her mind to something. His manner BENNETT. "PERRY up and masked, alighted. suspected some such thing. "1 have conscious. strength, pulled him through win- i3 step the "rnlnci toward her changed. He took a Leeeo my arm," snarled the "son," It was the Clutching Hand. here a small box of fulminate of mer- Then ho turned at Craig and fired dow. V to side, cigarette def- I her putting the offensive The car had scarcely pulled away cury. If drop it. this building and twice. He was quilo weak now from loss of his "I will help you," he said, laying iantly into his mouth. when he gave a long rap, followed by the entire vicinity will be blown to One shot grazed Craig's hat, but the blood. pos- every of gaudy - hand on her shoulder. "If it is There was element a two- short taps, at the door of the atoms. Go ahead shoot!" by added, other struck him in tho shoulder and "Are you all right?" she gasped, as your Where door of the of- - SUBSCRIBE sible I will recover Jewels. raixup.'when the outer vestry, a secret code, evidently. nonchalantly. " Kennedy reeled. they reached tho foot of the you open and Elaine ladder do live?" fice suddenly swung Inside the vestry room a man well The seven of thera drew back rath- With a desperate effort he pulled In tho belfry. grate- ' "At Hazlehurst," she replied, Dodge entered. dressed, but with a very sinister face, er hurriedly. ntmself toward her and leaped forward Craig looked down at his torn and fully. I Milton's middle name, "Oh, Mr. Kennedy, how can Gallantry was heard the knock and a second later Kennedy was a dangerous prisoner. again, closing with tho fellow and soiled clothes. Then, iu spite of FOR THE to hold the the ever thank your and he sprang forward opened the door. He calmly sat down in an arm wrenching the gun from him before smarting pain of bis wounds, he grati- door, She seemed overcome with door, and then opened Bennett's "What not ready yet?" growled the chair, leaning back as he carefully he could Are again. smiled, "Yes all right!" tude, pressed it, uBbered in Elaine. and took his band as he Clutching Hand. "Quick now get on balanced the deadly little box of ful- J,ust then the man broke away and "Thank Heaven!" she murmured fer- As she passed J.'Weepy Mary," who en kissed it those clothes. I heard the train whis-ti- e minate of mercury on his knee. inHde a dash for the door leading back vently, trylns to stanch the flow of ' cry- "Just a minute," he added, carefully was still writing at the table and as I came in the car. In which Gertie ran from the room. Into the church itself, with Kennedy "Vaitated and blood. extricating his hand. "I'll be ready in ing bitterly, Elaine closet doeB the minister keep them?" For a moment they looked at each after him. "This time was you curiously." Even after, it saved me!" MORNING Just a minute," looked at her The crook, without a word, went to other, undecided. Then, one by one, Up be went Into the choir loft and door, ehe be cried, "Elaine!" Kennedy entered the room where 1 Milton had opened Bennett's a closet and took out a suit of clothes they stepped away from Kenuedy to- then into the belfry Itself. they In- There Involuntarily his arms sought hers not another glance. hand-to-han- as listening. could resist of ministerial cut. Then he hastily ward the door. came to sheer struggle. and he a moment, looking seemed to scent heldjlier "What's it all about, Craig?" 1 whis- stinctively, Elaine put them on, adding some The leader was the last to to, He Kennedy (ripped on a loose board, and deep into her wonderful eyes. pered, mystified. trouble. . which he brought scarcely , had with him. had taken a step. would liave fallen backwards If he had Then their faces came slowly to-- ap- Bennett was still studying the black-- " For a moment he stood thinking, x At about the same time Elaine, ac- "Stop!" ordered Kennedy, not been able to recover himself just getlier In their first kiss. when she greeted him. parently reconsidering what be had bordered card companied by "Weepy Mary" and her The crook did so. As Craig moved in time. 'The crook, desperate, leaped ITU UK CONTINUED.)

Albuquerque, N. M. This Story in .loving Pictures Will Be Shown at the "B" Theater Today six ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1915.

Ihe "cetiery by pluullug nmre tree when tho warm, humid air get Into an iMnrrNntcNT kewupaiih Is a etlcky Vciiutlfyln )n oat the puek'ige the result and and the hiwna. in THE THREE S1EXICANEERS NONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR NONE itnuttrsetlve mesa that no one la like- MRS. LYON'S cltle audi thltiKa nre looked to by ly to try n aeeond time. The fault civic aocletlea utul "heiiuty cluba." with the celluloid I thnt It la easily I'lifortiitintt'ly no aiich movemeiit lm torn or punctured In ahipplng. The morning journal fact tlmt year after year the Kngllah ACHES AND PAINS l.ern Malted In Alhuituerijiie, or If po- TublliliM by lh chocolafa have maintained their kin h orRiittlrutloti Ima been hiiinchcd, rtion, la aplte of Inherent Inferiority JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. It only uorked fur enough t" Slve tn the American product, I due en- ha care Have All Gone Since Taking Itaelf a nnine and then atopped. tirely to the palnstuking with PrMlflonl which th ' ure packed. Pinkham' Veg- P. A. MAfTlir.nnOtf Aleo It Mhoulri be borne In tnlrn) very Lydia L W T. Ilu.lIl'M atanaacr The people here nre fond of R. 1, ! M, AI.USTKU. N Mm thnt I it estnieiiH In beutity, both pub- Wert, and ut the same time those etable Compound. K.1H.T A K. WOIIUAS tit lic und prhiile, add muterlully tu the which attract the eye by artistic pack- M. KOX ..K.lstnt ing by deaign In wrap- I. an In of property. A rctddence and tasteful Terra Hill, Pa. " Kindly permit me value ping or In the form of the aweetmeut Hr.lrrn ftrrratlT la well In well to give you my testimonial in favor of lot thnt ahlided und a given I V. i. AMm'M. Itaelf are preference. ! 'I Mamurlla Uull.lln, Uloaia, HI kept neighborhood la irtu''h more What la aald about cundy I large- Lyaia t ingnam ly In regard to the biscuit, or 1 V-- Vegetable Com- Krurau-ajtallra- , to any onu lnoklii(f for a true raatera cuke a we call them In the I'nited pound. When I first KM I II K. Ml I.I home than la the barren lot on a poor- How, New Id,Vnrk. HI ii les. The Knglish again wore In began taking M I'ara ly kept at reel. There la value In Hood it lt thl regard, putting tip their biscuits waa Buffering from Krifcrad ond-cia ntattar at ha look. in good airtight boxes, with label .at"ffii-- nf Altt'utrqiia, K. M., uailr Act pnted over many part where elr female troubles for of uf March 1, lit. would likely enter, mid these are giv- some time and liad oiira It l now reported that A1 Jcniitnga, THN alOUN'INll jnt'HNAI. IS TIIW en the preference. The American almost all kinds of fJTAMVa Itl.l't'ltl.ti AN PAI-KI- l OfNKW Urn former Oklahoma trnln roWior, method of packing the cuke In u tin - aches pains in low- MKXICO. at I'I'Oll TINT TIIK PHINCI- ovnngellat I ox glu 1 not entirely In to cuter the lift tie n of with front of back ci,m cc tub hki'ihimcan pnr all successful, hs humid oil' soon pluys er part and TIIK MM AND Til W WKVIIOKH llfTMH Ihe Hilly Sundiiy order. Hut It l" II havoc wllh u. cuke or crucker which in sides, and press- wuun tiikt ahk doubtful If Al enn net down to the KKIIIT. dcpcnila largely upon it ctiapnes for ing down pains. I vulfc-u- r level that hfia made Hilly an upl'rcclu'.l.jn. could not sleep and Larurr pircuimi n than in if othaf papof In Nvw Mli;o. Tha onlr papar In Na populur. had no appetite.' Since I have taken yaar. Mleo iM.ifil ararr lr In tin POLITICAL PROPHETS i Lydia E. rinkham's Vegetable Com-- ! TKIIM HI HHtJIIII'TION. Tin; Tiioriu.r, iiiivan, and pains are all gone Of with LOOKING FAR AHEAD pound the aches DUr. by earrlar or mall, on month... .100 and I feel like a new woman. I cannot MJTIi.'H 111 t'MCIUIU.I(. Eluewhere the Jmirnul ptibllnhea an praise your medicine too highly. "Mrs. ubarrlbars Hi Journal, whaa rltlnf eorra-ispondct- MaiAL coaaaaaoaof nc to Moaam jouaaAU iirtli ln from lt WuHhliiKtnn it Lyon, Terre Hill, Pa. la hav pr tlianrnl lo ft nw fanta Fe, June 13. With the paus- Augustus b ur iv lh old rtilrta. oil the by William muii la uttiicka ing, of tho basket by the democratic is nature and a woman's a It true that m JennlnKa llryati on ariminlMtril-tlon'- reorganlzer levying con- 'TI Journal haa hliiliar the and the of j work has produced the grandest remedy raiuif Una la aticertled to f oth.r forelKti policy. tribution, the 1 ft 1 ti campaign may be tmpar lit Nrw Mcilio." Tha Aoitrlcan ftiirly It to for woman a Ills that the workl has It should bo the alnccre pruyer of atarled. aeetna be taken Kawapaurr luractury. for granted that Thomas I!. Catron ever known. From the roots and every well-wlidi- of Mr. llryan thiit will be a candidate for to herb? of, the, field, Lydia E. Pinkham, he refrain at thla tlmn from carrylnK the I'nlted Stutes aenute and will forty years ago, gave to womankind out Ida lull nlloiiH of further tiirltig huve the Inside track a far ti a remedy for their peculiar ills which "Ol'tlJULtakeaeadprlati delegate to the nominating; hla oppoaltlon to tho iolcy of the oppon- has proved mora efficacious than any Till lioura a ait thirty mla-t-aa convention Is concerned. Ilia of lelualvt Awm I'm government. hua auld far too much ent, howewr, are grooming judge other combination of drugs ever I jrd wire arvlea atollIiI .Mk. alreudy, not that hla titteruncea will Herbert 1 llnynolds for the senator-ship- , and today Lydia E. Pinkhnm's No oilier awMatapr la huve tiny puilieulur iffect upon the and H. it. Hiirsuin and Herbert Vegetable Compound is recognized haw Mallro tab mr I haft ft. Holt may nlsn be formidable can- Itaratjr-IMi- r lioara, t AaavrUtml i to coast as the standard litiinent of thla country hut becutiHe governor, progre-iv- e from coast aortic alurlluj ill waak. didate, l'or the rmi n wronn ImpretiiHioii will be created wlinf of the parly favor Kalp ... remedy for woman's ills. In the cliuncellorb of Kurope. Kly, while the other wing will have In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, to take tl. C. Waa It not Mr. llryan who voiced Pccundino Ilotnero. files containing hundreds of Hernune quite certain of being re- Mass., are to seek- with other the plea "support the lice, doc not uiiiletetaiid I nominated for congress. thousands of letters from women MONDAY .JCNK 14, t 1 5 lie what preeldenl," mill declared that, no mat- dun from one nation to unother or (Mi Ihe deinocratli; side, (Invrrnor ing health many of them openly state u ( pcraonul McPnmild, Felix Martinez und A. A. they have ter what might be lti?en'a what I duo lo the cilisti.iiH of one over their own signatures that a.MiipHthlea or Incllnatlona, It waa hi lone are most frequently mentioned regained their health by tsiking Lydia country reMldlng In another country. Lu-oe- Day prccl-dent?- for the aenutorshlp und Antonio Flag duty to "uphold the " Vegetable Compound ; bounden Tlu'ie ! no hope for Mexico un- fur governor. K. '. Wade, Jr., E. I'hikham's Yet the moment Mr. llryun and in some cases that has saved them let eoiiio man ahull be found who la to be the candidate- for attorney it I'luise thr Power that luiili mailt- - uiii! more become ii private cltUen, general. The prohibition question U from surgical operations." ' oliie at-- so u ha a of Juatice and light and Fw-it- preervcd u nation! he aammic the right to (tieatlon ptil'-llcl- y to cut a w ide in the election, ti ability to eatahlixh it government the the dry ure now a well organized a the prealdent'g policy lit dealing Save People "SONGS THAT NEVER GROW Then ctiniiii r 'we must when our cause. founded upon ueh principle and the the wet and each aide will make it a H Jllst, ' with the exceedingly delicate ticrmitn point to light any cundidate thut haa OLD" can be obtulned at thi? Journal 1 power to maintain It. An, this hp our ninth', "In (11 our relation. Hardly waa he out of the pronounced for the opposition. now without coupon. Don't miss thla n i iu;m:.h; jku.iott. Unci!" door of the Hate department when opportunity to secure a copy. Only 79 Ami IIih d banner In tri- The whlakey ahlppcd Into North Itcatilis from Journal Want Ails'. nd 49 cents each, respectively. umph xnitll uir he felt himaelf tit liberty to denounce wilt Tliuu save the people? - Carolina under the cluaalflcution of O'er Hip land of the free ft it d Hit- home a policy to which t lie Kovernmctit wu.t WHKX "cement" could hardly be regarded God of ineucy, wlicn? of the brave, committed. FruitfU H. Key, a one of the "aoft drink.'.' kiiiLjs All of which recall Mr, liryHn'a Xot and lords, but nations! W in n from ln r mountain iictlon tit the I'.ulllniore convention. ;)i.i Xot thrones and crowns, but men? height o other mini In the not Inn hud made tiik mot:mi:t. Flowers of Thy heart, O Gtxl, are they; her standard lo tltt ulr, t'nftirhd m ninny apeei Ilea iidvocutlnn the Nile I nit. tile axilie robe (if night, , 'I'll ixliaoidliiary i;old movement Let them not pass, like yyeeds, away, Htiii'M people." The direct prl-t- i Ami mt tin' uf xlnry there. "ruin of the of the laat twelve month llluatrutc Their heritage, a sunless day. Hhi mingled Willi III gorgeou (lye ury waa hla choaen Instruincnt for lull, perfectly the ebb und flow of gold ! NOTICE TO 'III,, tpllky hie uf !hi r ktcn. necutltig the cxprenaloii of iiopulur God, save the people THE PUBLIC Ami htiliMil Ha iui'i ccli'Mlliil whlto, (immig the nation, Juat a circulating will. Vel, without or reiiHoti, ex Mltli HlniiklnuH uf I lie tiKit'iilMK IlKlit. ctttiae medium flow among' domestic cen- KIuk of llii' I rip hi'iUI hcpu u lid cept pemoiial he d'aregurded briiifj crime otic, ter, in atilit obedience to the vary- Shall crime forever, Imiiic! Ihe liiHtrttctlon of Iuh ),i Iiii t, hi I We have added a. Musical Ily uiixrl hunt" In a lor itlvtn: ing ilemamlH of trade here and there. Strength aidino; still the strong? cotinly, hi coilgiexHtonal district, hi Thy hiiiik in f lit th wclKlii iloiiii1, The export and import of gold have Js it Thy will, () Father, Merchandise and Sheet Music Ami expreaaed by than three nil thy hiuH vi in Ihiiii In atale, inore no other Impulse; " tu one of the ilemocnitlu voter at That man shall toil for wrung? Department to our piano store tdii-rt- ! The Kulopemi nation have been I'nfiVrr fluiH Ihttl tttunilliKl the prcHlrictitlal primurle. I.Ike Xitr-rlma- n Xo, say Thy mountains; Xo, Thy skies; Vh'l IiU'hIIiih Ihf Inn hut'n hf- - iicciiinutating gold reserve for year and to fill a long-fe- lt want we UN, in llnaniea, Mr. Hi.van regard shall fl ll lit four of war and It extraordinary Man's clouded sun brightly rise, Willi I'rt'i iIiiiii'h "mil lifiirHlh our f ("ft , himaelf a above the ordinary rule all lat- demand upon their piirchaHliig pow- And Mings ascend, instead of sighs. shall sell hereafter the Ami Fini'ilnniK lillllil'l Htli'iillilliK of human notion, lie I in favor of 11'.' er, Thl Impulse became acute In the God, save o'er the rule of the people long n the the ieople! est popular music for 15 cents JiiHnjiii I ! pi, inn ii Diiilic. last half of li'lt, when f :'iin,u(i!,(iio people rule to milt him, lie I In fa- re- 111 gold were sent from tlio I'liited which heretofore has been vor of atainlliiM by Ihe prealricnt mo wilt Thou save the people? Ill TV s I.W i:sim;t, Stale lo Kuropc. When InliK a the pollcle of the preNldelit tailed in this city at 25 cents. Half of thl ha como back already () God of mercy, when? Alhtuin-tiui- ' ln-i- li hiirmoiil,p with hi particular view. The i(iiili uf lire In Import alnce the litst of January, The people, Lord, the people. On more expensive publica- tu Mr. I m r ('. Willi hi power of orutory und htiil Ait Itiiniluml. though payment for purchase Inci- Xot thrones and crowns, but men! t rhetoric, Mr. III.von cun take ltd vant- tions we shall make reduc- distil, funnii r, mill Mr. W, 11. l.imK. to only begun, a uy thing dent war have Ilcfore God save Thine fuii'Ht ti t IioIok Int. tlirmly mimtcn-tUit- age of hi poeltlon and to the people; they are, for tho druln of war I done, the reaerve tion in proportion. The same t tout mo tit which It will be lmpiiaxible for the Thy children, as Thine angels fair, icKiiitlliiK tin' uf the piled up tu MiiHtaln it will have done tllMM thin city. prealricnt to muke a newer, reduction in prices will apply tllttOI.hcitlill of their work by flowing to neutral w ho From vice, oppression, ami despair, 11)111(1 Miirh of the dignity of the prcldeni'a posi- The ciitliiit liux ln'coinc have for sub) the thing belligerents God, save the people ! tion find the gravity of the alluallon. on all musical merchandise. a it uIhii tut tliirlliH the punt few ycnlH need. Unit the illy tnitrki'it lit Mt ycur the Mr. liryan (11 uc hi peculiar Place your order for music Wnlht IPllcllililK tt lid uiivp the unlllueK for Ihe poKlllon of accrn-Im- y ilicl 1'eralu ha no aalooii and no brew- we will guaran- i n or lulo has, II rat been with us and the linli lii'ttvit'ii tiinillllliK thi'lll of from the eries. Things have changed aince the Hi iiiiiii-Iu- r fell, yet hi en les Und it hard liax ltii; thi'tn i (n ii. A lal'Ki' een day of Omar. tee you prompt and efficient of tli tt'pi'H were trllllliiml unil to believe that In the hour of oriel Kintii! ha vp lipcii felled, Willi tlio Mr. llryan would o fur forget him- service.' Outside orders so- startling resurrection of Mr. Roose- permitted hub oua poverty und ab- pcoiile ii aelf a practlcully to take the Hltunp thnt tlio nip huvlitK With Scissors and Paste velt woiilil he l!n( Unit ill Ihe nto- - surd rlchctf to live side by ide; we licited. upon laetto cuused him to iiiulu conifiiiHlii "cotton cumuli" the that j itient bis ainr Is surferlnn front serious have indulged In a scramble for limit for ninny jcui'N, hut pvctl How realgti. Till': nut:. ccllpMo, I think, iieyond iiuestlon. wealth which ha yielded much ugli- (Henry Wad.Mworlh Longfellow.). American people be ness, I large BALDWIN PIANO CO. hy liu itipurta mi comfol ttililo iih tlic.v Mr. Itrjan ha no prerogallvn to If the should much tirrenncsfl und The lido risen, the lido rail. peiHtmded thut Air. lloo.-H'VeJ-t Ik xtretchou ot mediocrity. We have had linvp, tliptp u violate Ihe reatrictiotia placed upon fhould for ure iiiillo The twilight darkens, the curlew call; seeking to break the Washingto- little provision our soil, our forcHts, Phone 98 7 2nd and Gold niiinlipr of ticca Hliiiiiliitif thnt me ua ull by the delicacy of the hIIuiiUdii. Along the sca-saiu- damp and brown n-Jefferson tradition, it may our mine and our human stock have Tho hasten, iietivtly Imli ii Willi cotton from which lie entirely mitook the nttitudu of traveler toward the snl'ily be prophesied that, atrong and hp"n nil lib ssly exploited.' low n. popular a he may he, he will fail, und Hut we organized a peace In tlip ulr Ih IipIiiji pointed In till tllrcc-tlmi- the newspaper of Ihe country, He have 'And tho tide rises, the tide fulls. that all America, from Maine to Ihe which hi Iter thing can be made to 11 I coinpliiiicnlinS' hy Hie ii u lint, denounced them lor llio tifuude, will respond to hihukos-pettrc- grow; w huve federated states und Mr. I.ouk cxpliiliiH Unit the cotton the prchliiont poatlon, when the OaiknesH hell ha on roof and wall, mugniflccni anaehronisin: nationalities on n, scale never before y aca I tin the lilooui limy ho dehlroMd hy lorocuKi were inai tni letter 10 ier-inan- Kill the lit the darkness calls uud And you and have hoard our father's KitccrMifully attempted; we have es- v ; op- 1 call; sa liberty more .KprttyillK, Millluul Injury to wimld be pruntli ally tin ulliimt-- tablished more and llio tree, The little waves, with their aoft, white There w.i ti 1'rutti once who would portunity than ever cxiNted on so Unit It ii i ti . hImi cumptlmetillub and he done with Utile and then hands, huV! seen great ik. section of the curth'i Btirface. (Mii'fiup to llu city or the owner, Bucli Jhe prcKldent'a letter when It really Efface tho footprint in tho aanris. Tho eternal dovil keep his utale In tf there Is Ann i lea n tradition, thut 1 Rome It - r 1'flnis Hip iiikp It in licit r ttl I n that tlio appeared much uilldor in tono than what i. The morning- breaks; the steeds In More luslly tlmn u king. tree hp anvPil, htiiiUHP tllpy waa expected. Mr. liryuii did not - . Wedding Bre lie ii- alalia CMV I Oil CKNTKAL A.M1JUCA. Dainty Gowns I'piuitilul u i that the newaptipcra were Slump nelgli, M ( nd iilnfoitilhlc. and as the hostler cull; TAIT W tMi: BACK. (Special Agent tlarrard llarrl, San - - day Metropolitan.') AND Mr. HlnHlfitlil vnluuhln ii flJttainir by the aditilnlatrallun. If the The return, but nevermore (Victor Mttrdock in Salvador.) ont Return ;he traveler to the shore, Then the possibility of for- rPHurditiic pluntliitt of note to (iPrmitny whm un ultlmatuitt, there The market for candy and fancy the And the tide rise, the tide falls. mer l'resident Tuft. Hi friend aense biscuit, or cakes, ha not received H'tPK they Mood by the, ultimatum; If It wn Frocks for other for the hmity of a revival. It. Is a dioani w ith the any grtut amount of attention In Cen- the Girl Graduates It ahoultt he done by fur ahot t of tin ull hunt um, they atood UMMTMM'THi: that lie liopt will come tral America from the manufacturers 1 the All-Importa- cily on the dtrcci. kik! hy owner of by the milder policy Juat a loyally. (Christian Herald.) true. He left the White Houe be- of the I'nited State, but it hua pro. Suggest the nt Day And 1 his a lieving that time would bring him, pensltle being developed to n con- cx ery lot, occupied or uiioi cupled. The then heard the of of rocket. J watched It arc of yellow more or Its tardily, vindication. U siderable extent If certuln fundamen- greatest m bttHi tn I I uwet thin tlly lum ltd If bitll want Itaelf auatulned spark. I bed it nit Kt . uud In It a way 'line has. it may do it again. tal ure 'omplied with. At present wall NEW Wg me inukltiK u aliung t.d thl city It nitiat rut out the "rough light 1 saw- that which 1 pray my eye Stranger thing have happened not English i'n tidy is in the lead, olely be- THE tor people to come here utul make aluff," AlbiHiuerutie puaaed out of the may never behold ngulu. 1 saw in o much stranger, but stranger withal. cause the English huve realized that eerie glistening, And If it should happen, the eight there is only one way to preserve can their Ikiiiipk- - people ho huve money, "rough neck" claa long ugo. that radiance the puddled tield; and across, it oil the electoral vote of l iuh and Vermont dy In these climate, and have j people ho tioed thfi cllmute for upward sloping ground, what you would prove n background, for mag- adopted that way. ' English candy is putpojieH, people who CAKIUXZA V)I,K. might hne thought were Innumerable nificent contrast. usually packed in tin cnn. with a bit McCall tirecck. Al possibility loir fiutie pluee in which to while brave, but which you knew lo be the liver the of the Taft of fine excelslon on the bottom and bodies of men, tu hud and over all other can- at top. piece of 18 tlieir fallen they these the Each candy ituy iiiciiiilnu vchih In comfort lioth C'arranu und VIII huve re- come at the charge; In twos. In threes; didate, those of large promise and of wrapped carefully in tin foil, and the! Mllliil ideuHHIlt Kill tOUIulillKK. plied to the Warning by I'reeldent I counted ti n In a perfect row; and small, brood the spirit of chance. whole i fchaken down well and the j Patterns ( Jitioh aspirant, following placed top. An unadorned city my oiin-tlinet- WJIauu that peace inuat be realoled behind them were more of these whether his tliuttre of excelsior on luinp. which scorned to be of the be large or amull und subject to allied The can are hermetically sealed, und he it nei cfslty, uml it he 111 limy commcr. Mexico. Villa, repudiate the light earth, for they were of the color of atUek. know a national conven- have a top that can be conveniently ( Moti-tani- tht NOW ON SALE ill Ily piofilnMe. t if IIiih Untie, i, of any loielun nation to Interfere In that blackish field; und thrre the tion can lo anything And usually does. removed, tienerally these candles nre! mm I'itiHiiurgh, reniinyl-nnlti- the Internal affair of hi country, mound seemed higher, ua though a In round tin cun with an attractive) Ai'i'o- - label,- n be- - ur txiiinpli Hut who boik to IHitte anarchy muat pile of Hum lay there; and you heard Tin: ANMvritKutv or and, confections, nre far but concede that teaee the hissing rockets, their ttreenlsh MATTOX. low the product of American factorle or to J'itlBtmiKli i i pt and v those who and ha written a letter to fan anna fires seemed to be now of that green (The New Itepublie. ) which no pretension toward 1)11 mike ' (hope to their tioclv! (h tin, I ieitd a of mili which MotiKtinie on tin We celebrate this your something producing; n 'fine In suggesting conference the burn altar's article.. Salvador ' hc renminder of their Kvci noint-wlter- e bring- rail. An I then the rocket atopped, more algnilicaiu than the sum tidcr of A pound f English chooolute cost at tary chieftain with a view lo client-- e!ie? l'linmlenn und and the field of the dead wn ishut Lee army at Appomattox. We retail f I pold, und they are not nearly j THE JUNE Kn ing the war to n enl. ate wiping pos- so good on fioni your ryes. the out of a terrible it the cheap chocolate madei the oilier hand, built on Carratixa. replica to the president sibility national In one-- , tn Ihe erection of a the t'nited States and aold for MAGAZINE good looks. The avPt'uKe mutt might by menu of a proclamation to the THIim Tf.ltMs. frontier through the heart, of thi fourl'.i and one-thir- d the price by the T. IV Weekly.) country. It is of an department h uble to muke fur more money In people of Mexico In which he u' (Cfcll CheHorton in the anniversary More and tbi? I tlo not think many people tn thi pMcape. ,'lad the north failed, we now ent HtolVM. : HAS MANY llutte or I'lttrilniiKh tlmn in I'liaiulpiia I now- neeeaaary I ull that that the country realize how heavily, as an might well be living on a continent di- Dealer In Ilrltish Honduras, Guate-- ) or Jk 11 1'it'KO. hut the uiuti looKluv mited Hiate and other foreign pow- American put It to me. "Rooltpvelt vided into armed camps, separated by mula und Salvador have expressed the SUGGESTIONS for u home w hli h to nptul hl er aliall lecogiilt: him a provlalonal took has sliimpid" since the last bristling boundaries, across which opinion that If an American factory j 1 l.cauil-(ut- r pt eaiilciitial i lection. When wa In angry cultures and petty nationalisms will get out a tin box. square, one- - tit. "Snat Sir) money hfadx for aotne "illy prculdent. for rr FOR SUMMER trlaal 1 w (ill pa pound two-poun- d firaauatt" Mmwt America, talked ith m( n of could hurl defium nt each other. nnd package, wrap ' . The trouble of it all 1 that both shade of political opinion, including We have neaped that. On n territory cm h piece of candy, either in gold or IfeCaM r.twm 5I1. 04 HoC.n Pattarnt Jimm It tin II Juna daiKH. GOWNS Wa ara ahowlni ST at"" No city In the union eo aol-til- ly m - inanv Callaniu and Villa have ahown that many of Mr. Roowvelt's late suppor- Vaster than thai of Kuropc, with silver foil or waxed paper, pack and atoactiaa Juna dMlm- lidlural altiactioim All'iuiuernue. both me utterly unfit to have control ter. I (!!J not meet one who thought ,n varied und with people of an that In shipping the pieces will that he hud the smallest chance the same flocks, we have organised an not be broken up or abraded, solder Get the Summer-McCal- i We have evefMhlntt the ocean, (f the (IcHtltiie of a Uioil. VIIU I Book of Fashions Today either of si curing Ihe republican nom- Internal pence. e hove quurrelnl. over the top a very thin sheet of lead, clntiule hii, Ii Hn no n tiger . ot tuKt'ther uith h untamed who kill for the ination foi next year election or. If we shall i,uan-el- Hut we'aholl thin a Paper, to exclude nlr. moisturt j ocean bench Cult equal for moment, very luat of tdood. He i a robber, he decld il to run again a mi Inde- j fight. . nnd ants, ihen place the top on, ami .winter or mittitiior. Tree mke the a tnurdeier und a rapist of the moat pendent, of obtaining so much as H We hn-.'- solved tbeae queilon oi have an nttraotivo wrapping, such a j quarter In ai-c- atrategic fron- k- - unco - i grcateat beauty for arty city. We hm'e brutal tspc of the vole cast for him to the ea, t.f itti wit- iasieooai-f- ioxe. aucn J'.u:. tier, of i hurdiea mid of races. No a package would meet with an imme- h thcin until AH'iiuuerqiie look like Carranra Is a pompon old man, I any that thi I the general tmprcs-aion- : doubt fo"time has been uncommonly diate cordial reception. Pomp-dealer- forent set betwein the l!l Grande all the time ftUndiug- - on hi dignity, I (to not say that It is well good to in, ami by the atunrimd of have shipped candy In pasteboard founded. American politic I full of What was powolde we have no boxc. wrapped on the outside with the mountains. Hut a hundred und having not the atighteu idea of Phone 283 313-31- and aorpriues, nnd many thine have hap- I round Abntevi r for omp!a''ency the transparent, thin celluloid, but the 5 West Central ocutity ol - told could be drilled to Hie tlio leal meaning of liberty and Jur- pened lesM probable tlmn the sudden Amlilst overflowing; plenty we .have contents have rapidly deteriorated, and ALBUQUERQUE MORNING VoURNAL, MONDAY, JUNE 14.'1915. 73 SEVEM

Cov.yrlRtit.lJI4 Bringing Up Father Internal ldl Notts Service. By George McManus

-- -' 11 - ' - . i i n. i, it- rrt . T ' 11 """ """ '"'""- ""r

fcVY-- M ' 'ITL . i STRIKING I J ' T hSS,,, 7 HAT HAVE MX r Ew cowN - , . r-- fOU

1 " "" "-- iTnuirpr m riip imiTnynnn iptp li - T Fn

UlllllllfcaWtalbllllW IWIWKIWWIlalWIW I Sj'oifc-litff- Tel U Tkai lib JOURNAL CLASSHFIE C0MI1 AGAINST PEKING ARE OVER -- IAXING SALE ' A AIL J. M. INI OO It fC, rre.ldenf. R. T. MOOUK, Keerelnry $000 21 acres of tine land, nearly J. M. MUOItF., Itt,, Vice rrelclrlll and Munugpf. 1AERE ALL READY CAPITAL GARAGES nil cultivated, 1 miles from town, Rood house, orchard, outbuildings. Owln In rlicumptnni'pi. a offer a ft n. M. COMPANY $2,"r.o brick, modern, ! large prnctlcally new, citneiit biork hmiu mm M001IS EEAOT Highlands, close easy basement; ij Wilt. liAIl-Hii- flnein Anil hut writer heat- . I ing plant nn r.O-- f 'nt I, it, rlim In nn Our plnrnn--"- A PQUAUK DEAL" r re t h . $2,200 Fnnr lienlthseeker'i sad I4.S0.I. One 'I'liu bemi-onici- ai newspapers in Albuquerque Party Stuck for cottages on two lots, com- f..r 'half enh. pave Your Money ami liny Lots nn Monthly Payments. Two ftooil pletely furnished, gross income, $58 bullillnit eni't thin urn. .nut tn erect It nit Propositions. Mikado's Kingdom Tell Whole Week Because of per month; it fino investment. Hi ..t, et'.. In ftnily w.irth fl.tioo. tf FirtsT r.W RMTnnN AnoiTInt-S- i) foot IoK. nnr P.imn F ilnitx, milemlld $3,000 frame dwelling, mod-- , If.inil plsre, loeaili.ii nn.t pn..e nsl.t.. Why not antlelpnle home of jr.inr mm' t llALF-ACIti- ; TllAi"r.--Thrr- e Idoeka from ear. adjolntm What Would Have Happen- Woik Ahead Before Their em, fine shade, good outbuildings! Four-roo- WoulHItO mie.l modern brick, half-mr- Srd ward, close in. lllui'lirr itnnli m. Iiiihet land In ail.y. I'nrii In I." aoM en two large porches, lot Mix Si CO. and lih fruit trrea alioul ready to hear. We kill cull Ivat.i lnnd for ed if ClMjia Had Stood Pat. . Car' Could Be Reached. $1,600 brick, hnlh, wash raflOTCH ' 142, purilmner en alitirea limit house, on North Fonrlli street. 211 Weit Gold - chicken yard, North Fourth Avenu. KTttlt'Tl.y;llV. IK.Mi: If yun wnnl a airletly moilem aeven-roo- horna, street Ilest bargain In the city everylhln eoinpleln In Idenl lorailim, wlinuut lha worry of liulldlnii, let Ul 4,000 allow you una 15, Mn. Coal (Aoelatetl rresa Correspondence.) taPtC.M. CORHtKNOINCI TO MONIN JOUMNAU f modern brick, hot for $1,600. p'"lpry- Prlet oonalderahly more. Oi; V e.f 29. Fe, 13. water heat, lot 75x142; 4th ward. Bt'MMKU i'l(l hava tha rental tha Lot Onhln Lodire of Jamei Toklo. May If China had Santa June There ore few Wlllard Sehultii, Author, until loin, i.oenied to enterprises In Fe are not $2,000 frame, modern, com- E. CO. la mllea from HnrltiKeriilla. meet the demands of the' Santa that E PUH1A1 S Aria., t mllea off th lllhay, auto road tn :erent l.y Japan, Japa- overcrowded, but Is excellent pletely furnished; large chicken rlsht the door iillimtilum the there un 8. Edith Altitude l.tatl. Btreoma allva with trout. Osar, wild turkey and irouaa yrr nese program would been to optnlng in city garage yard, rood outbuildings; I'lrc Iruoirnncc Money lo lxm plentiful and not a few (Millie and Hen have this for another In. roaming th f, real a. I'ui nliliad .apt ure Peking, which would have nnd repair shop for automobiles. treet; close Porierfield C. nnd will eaully ateeummodnt a diXen Imnple. ,( REAL ESTATE-FIR- E INSURANCE-LOAN- km "a mailer before breakfast," and Tiicre nro a lot of machines here and A. S. in have effected n military occupat- a far larger number of automobilisl a HXISCID FOIt BALE ion of of political pow- i op. here, either from points of Loans Fire Insurance other centers other ' An modern brick resi- er nnd to seml-of-tloi- New Mexico on the. 111 Booth Fourth Street. 212 . GoM wealth, according or route from dence Oil one of the best streets In newspapers. east to the I'ucific ecust, than any one, town Will give special price for ACME CMAMNO CO. j2222 The Japan Times, a Journal printed not acquainted with Ihe facts, would quick gale, in IIEI.P WANTED. FOH KKNT Dwelllnr Knlish, by repres- Imagine, (('.' U" Ack,M'm'", but controlled Man', .tilt, 40. ph entative and influential Japanese, How the work piles up on the re- MM. North. A modern brick, good M.n'i auin cl.aned nd pr.aied ,...M ' 3' 1 '"r-Harnett Bld(. which is usually believed to have pair men here, far beyond their location; owner tq ael and l.e'llea' atitt praaanfl 7B WANTKl.) Man will. horse and rig In take I' oil HUNT Fnui loun. iimaein Out, fur-- anxious III' Nils Is' emii authority for its utterances, may he judged by the fact that ordois unci deliver goods. Ill) Smith Wal- nlnhiil. 4 0 Nnrlh Third. Inquire 813 will sell very cheap. IahII' lulta cleaned and preaaed II. 0t n( to outline the course Japan a party that went fj'om Albiuiueniue nut. SmiiiIi Klrt. J'lreal Pnat Ordar Handlad Prnmptly. OK. J, K, K It AIT Vegas MM-MMnaBM- Ba iNiilul HnrgeoB, would lake, even before the diplo- to Las a week ago nnd came H'A.Nl'EU l')xw It'iict-- KiutitM, cc.ttk. I'OU for Theso ore two good Investments. und fhu uiiiiii.t . ,. ., . . rtnnm matic crisis China been from Ijis Vegas Monday night with a KmplovmiMi' Agency, nionlliM. plHnn and Harnett huIk. Phnn f 44 with had no Kuutli Third all onvenieneea; cheap Appotiitinania Mnda hy Hail, Hissed. machine slightly out of 'repair,1 are inii. I'licne ",4. to h.n It Ii y parly. HI7 North Fourth plleet, I In publication stopping yet, hoping get out i I'IIVWI(IAM4 most quarters its here to Fcmale. South. srniNOS AXIS HIHt.FONg. it these details, customarily lorbid-K- n tomorrow. hot before The was not V.V."l'i:ii l.uJ.v , leiokkei-pr- mid . JII'.NT Modern furnlahrd fom mm SOLOMON Ill HT4IN, M. the outbreak of war, wh trouble serious. No - niv'r.s4. city. house fur tho atunmer; no ilek. 411) Kouih For Ment- Cotlnnei furnlahd for Physician and Burgeon. nrtftrded as officially Inspired, very paru had to be sent away for, ibut ' Modern T room In. hnuaekeeptna'. tn 117 VVAN'i'bll) rjinun who lliumuHtily Heeenth. flat, closo Jleat reaort Near fhi.n Harnett Bldf. likely with thiT object of convincing there was so much work ahead that it Modern cottages, 4 Mexlen, .I'M; Albiiuuer-qu- r, how i.i cln family wnnhlng. Apply to rooms. Imiulre VAlo, t'hina that Japan was determined and was impossible, try as hard as the lllflilnnila. 3, 4, 5 rooms, or J. II, lll.OI K, Jemel Nprlnga. 'dr. t. f. tanmm fiL'.l Went Murtjle H.'enue. furnished. hperlullat In would, brook no delay. garage owners might, to get to the A- Foil HK. T i lo.ona iiml bulh. parlly, Far, Noa aad ThrMt, Military Occupation. lbuquerque ear before last night. Then Al'l'KENTH'rJ. OIKI..S We do necnrdlen 4no South Arno. I'lnme M.'IJ. W. McMELOOI! Hanta Fe, N. M. pleating " The at (Irensmakinff pjirlor. Alisi E article made It clear that the extra men had to lie sent for in order I'lfi Foil Itli.NT Three and houae DKH. T I I, a IIAKKH Pane, North. Sevenih. Phon" Il'II. t 1 1 West "independent" action which Japan in that ma diines that 'had priority of clou ' In. JUS Hnd S"7 t'oiih lirondway. Oold. I'ruetl.a Mtiillrd lo Ear, Noaa WANTliO MiiJuBliiity for mai (.oodi de- J'Olt I HASi:. Ke, aad her uliimultini said she would take right might not be slighted. Full K.;.T Well furnished" "eottiiue. ahaily, Throat. partment nnixL lie thorounh imiMielyn and W)u n KNT rttM.ius. The Bint it China . eloae In; no alek. 3:') National Dank Bldg. was obdurate, would not Meanwhile two of the Albuquerque eome Wt'll I'eeiinmi-m1ed- ItlildAlll Piano South Kdlth street. biillillng bett- brick rci'cnllv iicciiplcd necessarily be war. It Would be party went home on the train and enmpnny. i l llliNT o OK. ull ol mulled, .!..!, l.y Iirclil-Sill- 4 ( C. A. IHANK 2, .1 the Mf. o at er styled perhaps, a military and na- three remained here and are here aeverttl and houaea. 1; r- - FOH UKNT Modem ruoaia; no alek, tVa HPKCIAUST, val ac- - in landann. liiil South Kdllh. ' Third and tJolil. Dimensions, occupation of China pending now the hope that the repair work WANTFH Position. Weat fentral. tl(i."i(l, TltnOAT AND l.UNCia steam heat, vault ami Phona 107J ia-2- eptance may lie completed on Monday. Foil ItH.NT Nicely furnlnlled two. room ItKNT--ibiuse- ke, . of the Japanese demands. It is W.IMKIi )iy eMini,.tem w.miiiiii Full i k i lis, cool and clcvulor. llarnatt Bid. Nevertheless, effectively not null lo lent ruttnge, aleepln( poteh; and it would be carelessness or lack of skill on the elllldivn. p.iHllioti nn llouKi'kei-per- will neat comfortable. I'll. North Fourlh. v, A. 4). SIIOItTI.F, M. II, n rleiin. im Hotlth atreet. r. Mv:rc,v, by part garage s Walter V execution of the demands force of 'ho .Smta Fe men K" out of town. HferenePH exehu iiki-iI- Ii DAY' or wek, moilern futnialud rooms, Proetles Mrnlted to if llll West (odd Arc. Tuberculoma. arms. just the fact that they have more A. Z.. cure Journal FOH llK.NT Nifty tliree-- i nom modern fur-- $2.2 nnd week. building, Hour 10 to ii ..,, The general work they can do. nlalied bunKalow. IU.00. Mht ami water 70:o W.-k- Central. lift staff had estimated the than KXl'ICIUH.N'i'KD KIIOR KAI.KHMA.V 25 r.'L'l m west central Avenue, military forty-seve- paid. Koiuh Kdlth. Phona 145VW. force of China at n yours of Hue. desires position III exrluHlvc FOIt HUNT Two unrurnlahed ruoma or, Albuiiuenpia Katiltnrliim. Phon 141, Five-roo- "visions, shoe KpeakM Kpanluli lnit-llh- . FOK HKNT modern houau, Including 300,000 troops of TO ABANDON Blnre. both and aeeond floor, New York avenue, cloa In. TIIK HEALTH V. porehea, laun- ,1. MlltllllV sAVAHIKII'M-Tuberetil- osla modern training and lf.0,000 nun of AridreMR unnwer to (.tunlunio, Jil three bitaement, Adilress I.., Journal. Pilno, MonHe dry, tuhi, eto. Nearly new. 4ut HA l.tC 111 of Ihe Tlirnut ami l.nnga. 'he old Tex Home. South llluh Foil atodcru buck Tty school. However, as these STATION AT YOKOHAMA treet. Hoiith. lllKblands by owner; liartl wood floors, Oltlee, tl:t West Cential Avenue. troops were Office Hours: a 1 a. 1 scuttered all over the Three-roo- two sleeping porches, basement; on car to in.; to 4 p, m. ''hints WAIVTKIV Mlsccllaneoail. Foil ItHN'l' huniculow with .'l'ltNI.SIII,l Hoot room, tooibin; no alek; Phone 6.'5; empire, their mobilization aleeplnif porch, completely no clilldrrii, 414 WVst line; close In. Address P. 11. ItoK till. Sanatorium Phon 481. nil furnlahad, In Silver, W. T. Murphey, M. concentration would be difficult. t ANneeliilril Prrs rnrrenonilenee.) WANTKO t 'arpenler woik; price reaaoii- - the n Medical Director. llltrhlanda. Tall rii SoutH Bucnnd i'olt lt.;N'l- '- l. uinlalied rooms for Usjht Ft Ul HA 4'1'oom frame bouse, Japan's military 'est- Yokoh.ima, Japan, May 14. ('.rent aide. Phone t!,iir,.l. at reet or phona 422. base would be hounekeeplng. 7:'4 Hotuh Hccond. In Illtthlanda, nn street ear line, close to W, M, ablished at Tien Tsln. A fundamental interest and some surprise has been CAHPBT I'LRANINO, furniture) and atov KI.'NT Three, Sanla Fe shops; Ideal location. Ncwlj SHERIDAN, M, D, Foil rooiua, nicely furnialled; Foil ill;;;'!' l'tiroiebnd ..nia, wpessity being the control of the en used by the announcement that the repairing. W. A. Ooff. 1'lione 6tH. two 8erened porehea; vlnea; waier paid. tiunneeil llirotiu hoot. 'Iwn n.riiii,il ri'kri.hvs Praetle i'finiiipul leeplnii porch, l'boiie 1H1. till Weatjinf,,, enough Limited means of communication, United Stales public health service WANTKl i horse for Ida keep. I.IkIu U'.Sfl per month. Apply lilo Soulh ICdllh Coal. for lied. Term reaaonab!. lie Imoilra South Kdlth street Tientsin-Puko- 1'ekinK-Muk-!-- n Vokohamn work, boat df cure. Horaenuin, Jour- alreet I'liotie hit Genito Urinary Diseases and and station at will he clnsod. rare -- nal. Full llliNT II. , porch and JiiaOcluHs railroads cap-uf- Dr. J. S. lloggess, surgeon In j !) would have lo be the 0nerJ, (able board. .'S. per month. 412 Final 14)11 SAI Iv I'oultry anil I gir. Their occupation would firm- - charge, has received instructions to WANTKl) Ounny anraa. (an uae srain Silver. Diseases of the Skin, - nuoka, Foil :.T Four-roo- niod'Tn lunk - establish ; discontinue office. aaeka, coffee auKar auoka, any kind Foil HAI.K liiiif leghorn tin. ks. Krlnnd Wasaermann anrt Noanr-h- l h Japanese foothold in the This means (Iwellliur, well furnlRhed; no children no Mill lili.N T - Itoi.niB, tboiouahly nitnlerii, iTh T..t., .t. nlna. of Kunny We pay 3 eenla eneli for son, I'Qi Woiiin K.liih. PhoiiH I ?i..I. j The troops stationed fit Tsiim-- " that the former rigid medical exami- Ihvallds. Inquire No. v.iilt or without bourd. aOt) Weat Iron. varsnn "tins" Adtnlnlstered. aaak holes or tears, tiaeka Ill South Fuurth s would be made port without with at Phone Full HA l.l.i Kiulil ...cell. Ill l.iullll linn" .11 Hank llldg. able 4o "occupy Tsinan-- " nation at the of Yokolvtimai amall hnlc.s cIThnot ho accetited at price reel. fin. ' A)bnnuen;ie In a which is guteway to this 'Otplnglon pulleis, dill nt 4u."i North New Vevtee minute." The northern part the nnd from the aa the; will not hold grain. We will buy FOH IIKNT Model n bl b'k, tlueu room Foil HUNT it oust keeping rooms and d 'i ami Tblrieetiih atreet. or phone ;; the Ticntsln-Puko- railway, that I'nited States on tho Pacific, is to he any amount, one sack or a thousand. 13. w. kitcbeiiette, sleepitia; porch, ranne, lire- - eottagea, sleeping porehea, 111 K- DR. W, W, the line abandoned. Hills of health will here- Pea. place, sood neighborhood, IIS; water paid West Coal. Fllll H. I.- V'olllll,' s Slllllll H. W. - DILL between Tientsin and tiorn its, dellvety 14 ''nan, easily occupied, after I e issued at. the I'nited States Phone IV.'I.r. IIKNT- Nice till. June and 20; Tcntoitcpi.ofiis. could be and Foil col well furnlrhed rooms, 1:1 hitmlred. Hhelley s I'min. Ohy. I'th Tientsin the base of operation, consulate without the former medical BFSTXKSS CIIAVf TO. running water, hot nnd cold In each 810 W. Tl.lerna Ave. Phnn apuncse room: Till'iV LAV, they win, ibcy pay, III soldiers' would soon be: seen examination. rales reasonable, lil.t Weal Hold. tbal's FOIt HALF llooinlug bouae. 4111 West enough to sa. Navajo II. I. Iteila. hi. irk ( '"arching on l'eklng. According to American law every SANK one automobile, nt. l'tlll ItKNT Three ileal hoiiaelteeilnn IllltOI'lt ( Kills. In l'eking there (lold, for J2.'.o. Less than half price, fjeav-In- n Foil Font call egga and babv .hb lis. I,. K. Tliomaa Poul- "its stationed vessel, regardless of flag may OnilKon a ilHnure: rooms, furnished complete; with or nnn cnmnnnv of infmi. the she for lower nlliiml... try Vnrds, 717 liast Huaidillno till. AMI M. II 1 I I , 'fy, sleeping porch; ground floor; uveniin, tilts. IMKIttl I while - carry, departing without K, M. 411 West iii Tientsin were two Com- from the I'nited WII.N eell my bualncH 00 Foil KAI.F. Ableka leu box; also . fiobl. Phone ii:)H. tl liantt.j -- .. that ia idourlng children. Of. Weal Load. ". won ... guns, 'inp soi- - Slates must take out Ihe bill of health per month and buyer trade. hlcyeie. iiiL'O South Kdith. HA I.K Fancy bled Ho, k niaciiine tenih the Foil liylooulli 18 Highlands. V N . m l'eking would act as escort nt all the various pons o departure. Tbla la nn ipporliinily for aome one Foil 8AI.K hKcr I't.rd egga, 70 eenla per setting. F'ancy bred h I F II I A It V Ii I I .t (I I M. "r that lourins Minister Tho department which is now discon- Is able to work light left:, Ft ftutt Orplnglou eras, per Mlack iliokl to Tientsin where at trade and want Imiulre Soulh Fourlh. FOIt KNT KlK'it houseke .plug- tooiua. tl setting; 8. V. to slay country. OueineKS (food Mlnorces, 1 per selling, 401 VKTKIONAHV COI.I.IJOta beglna Sept, '! '"ulil embark in warship and tinued at Yokohama has been in exist- in this lias Foil HAI.K Adobe tu build bounea. Billion 218 (South Walter. Phone ;a; call at North a fnlure. Man or man and lady can handle. Thirteenth or phone 1J. No profession oners eipial opportu- to Japan ence over a score of years under dif- Panda, 12ns North Arno atreet. FOIl ItKNT Modern furnished rooma, wllk nity. Catalog free, Keane, """aThe tlaft to handle. Investigate this If you ore HIOlll.ANO yAllOH. a President, 1111 account declared in ferent forms. i.''ult SAI.4-- Stmlcbaker car, a'eeriing porches. KliiH lOast Ceniral. POUIniY 710 Houlh Market atreet, Pan Frnnnleoo. that the Interested. Olve phont number or alreet Hroadway. S. C, H. C. rnnvcs The Japanese press considers that cheap, by owner, am Mouth Tlrnwn Leghorne, would have to be made addross. change, ear Mornltiir Journal, Arno. Ill Houlli Waller Hlrect Two iarue mod- Buff Orplngtnm. Prlie winners at Albu. .'illy ,y an(, an(1 tllpn the change indicates Increased confi- HA 1.13 ern sleeping rooms and porch. nuvyi olt Two good motors, ' Hoard if querqu and Ftoewelt shows. F.ggs and ball better part dence by the United Stntes in the Jap- power eaen. dealred. Phone IT..'. W, of China would bo MO TO LOAN. In'mlre Journal office. chick (or aal. A. F. Plank, Alhuiiuertiu. Foil ItKN- T- lllb k hillldlllg, rocTltXold Japanese BWnv anese people In Japanese metn- - SAl.K-Ne- - fuinleh-e- d N. M. sl,oelnl and Foil Font touring cai ; has run l'Oll ItKNT Four newly papered with concrete; stillnble for garage or ""Id he j IV t rooms for llitht housekeeping; or two taken to protect Ju pa uese "ds. TCIAmeioTfTale miles. Address llox inr,. cue. Foil HAl,lv-.- 4. C. While l,eah..rn, ilay-ul- sloenire. Hee owner 4111 West Hllver. property. 1200.00 and up. Addresa P. O. In suite, f, 7 Hoiith Mionilway, ,,"""r roreign residents. llor City. FOK HA 1, 15 Underwood typewriter, good elilcka, 112.1(1 per inn; IV. no per HI, nnd iild You mta many oppi.rtunttle dally If itT. N y furiila fled !t. 7.1 Rgga Have l)islundl Troops. ro order. Mo. llli second aireet. phon 7711. Foil NT Icel modern per ?5. for hni.hlng. fiend for TIMM OAIIDS. in not reed Journal want ada MONKif TO LOAN on aalnrlea, household Iiousekeeplug rooms, with sleeing porch. circular and eug recoil table, W. J, Yott, ,"r. J""rniil continued: FOIl ha 1,10 -(- .:oiniiiiliig B'tilcs and two (nod and livestock, without removal. 14 Hoinh Arno. Phone If.tsw. P. ). Hut 107, Albii'iiiriue, ,, M, Phnne "hen the centers of China fire Union Loan Co., room 11, over Na- meat grinders, cheap. Highland Meat itaiil him WANTKl) Hoarder. Flrat tO'iN'i' Two cool aleepinu; ir,!i(iM. ,',rUol ly a irarrlson. tional bank. Phone 12N8. Market. I'olt nice rooms, TinMy passenger leaving It. .swell the soldiers IS niolilb, Wlil Kive even- arvlc he dihlmnilrwl ..n N'lTOO lireukrast and 677 KliHH ONI'i AV and CnrrlsoBo at l;on p.. m, '' WA lloanlera, day. week ormonlh: Foil HAI.K Almoat new Sinner aewliiK 'II Tln .i,.a ing meal, cents dry 1:04 N'orlb Arno. nr.t) Tbronuh he Put tinder the control of our meala. cents; $5 week. 1007 South machine; nlao Heo auto, $il). 222 North from hens, la Ihn record of (leniry'a fare, onn way 1 fid ' pence Peeond utreet. Walter, Phone 7'.'4. FOIt ItKNT Nice rooms with or without While I,e glioma. Haby chlcka, tli'.nu per Intermediate polntn, per mile ja and order are to be aleeping porch; also, two rooma house- 100, booklet, our place 60 lbs. haei;in free K'xcess - STUA VKO pony, vrUh for F'ree describes and carried :aino'n,''J l,y our military- adminis-- , Illnik while anddle HAbl-- Saxon car, run leas than I'.ooO keeping; KONIAI I.I, AUTO mark. Call ur.lW. inllos; good as new, nt half price. no children. 013 Knsi Central. stock. Uentrya i'oullry lunch, Albuquer-- t CO., If the Chinese army offers Addrea ue. N. M, Owners and oneratnra .T. It. I'1., care Phona I.O.ST bull dot, aliiiblly hrlndie Journal. n lit "xistunee, things will be carried fiVf-- Mvemock. i peace; but when with while niarklnsa en ne.k and face, FOfT KA I.I-- ; Two eieamer Hunks, good QHAMTV rOHNTH. they show t.b'enae No. Please, phone K'!iri. Orplnglons. The kind la. eondlllou, one riuart new Ice cream freea. Foil HAI.K A Ihoroiiiibbred Jersey cow, I ."Sunshine" llufr "ilsed ,StUm'f' our soldiers will be er. that lay, win and pay. The finest table 1 WANTED: A K..uih llih. Phone isnr. years old. freeh. Inquire 6111 Kust OolU fire upon them. And it is fowl and Ihe best winter layers. Haby DAIHT AUTOMOBri.B TAQ1 k FOH HAbli Model T Ford touring cur, avenue, or K. .1. Alter. Six-ho- ' chicks, 1111,00 per I'm or 20 cents each. Possanser 8ervlc. ke engagements Will 1300; model llulck, Leave Hllver 1:80 p. r tl F Foit HAbK oiie HeiKian bare de. nine tti.oo, 19 00, for fifteen. At City tn, "ciween ttie Chinese LOOKHAllT llANC'H Th moat harsrnln. 1 00. compan y. Kbk. tl.H0 tim,. and attractive Medoskey Auto ones. u Leav Mogollon 1:00 a. m. ' " j Bright Young health reaort. On strtall t:l. Auillon sale at tilJ West the three big 1914 poultry ehows. he trops here and there, as mil north of town. (tlale Wednesdavy il, p, m. Cars meet all traiiia. Largest h7 All milk, cream and egsja prr.riuc.ed on place. Foil HAI.K Baby crib, high chair, waablng Julie 2:0 Htate Fair, Hoswell Hlute Meet und and mI We, rhina 's so extensive that M long etlaUislied and machine, boiler, bucketa. folding ha Hi tub, ulptid auto livery In th i cannot . . TiM A t3 Free carriage for Electrlo lights, I'l'Hl HA citea p. aecount, moving away El Paso Poultry Hhow wo won the Ameri- iuthL mo- - (uesta. e BKNNKTT AOTO CO., lent'. "c niBuiisneu at a small Victor phonograph, etc. Cull 81 llrst-fiiis- s borse, weight can Poultry astnelation medal; four specials, . JLVldll .epulable hou 40 1 city mall aervlee. Room or cuttagea. rhone farm about s:0 mtw V W notice." jj W. H. South Heventh wlreet. pounds Kb. yd Honsaker. phone Pleven flrat and thirty prize ribbons, t II. .lee ' Miineh,,.in .v. yean in burinew tt.l9.;Mre, Reed. lliil.f. J niic. "' ,Me program con- -' g hu g '''Ti HA I.B - Hiudebak.-- ii"! mode TuTl Morgan A H.'in. 4)12 Houlh Arno atreet, Al- .v MPS. VIRGINIA BIUTSCH, formerly of Sil- Foil HAI.K One Jersey cow .lust fresh, 0 div'sons pen:ng in this city for rendent foredoor, tn good condition. A bargal buquerque, N, M. Phono 1679. ill nantf. under 3 is g ver City, announce that ah has located gives four gallons per day. Phono toll: time largely for cash. Apply Xngln Auto Oarage, or tijii. Hunso and Ando M repreientetive. Hii will be g a hlgh-claa- a boardlnv and rooming estab- writ Hox W. inn der Hluis, south of Norm l.leventlt alreet. town. "arsh-- i L ntf'nt''ated in Mukden and hit own; the work it pleasant tad lishment at HO Houtlt Walter atreet, and It VOfl Apwrtmpntti. if m.-te- ra, "Ralnst the seventeenth, prepared to offer th finest table Lard in ll.iioo.on rtKWAItO lleii. r lamp, motor FOIt eALt.-- al otel otlei', iny SIMU ebare cl ;chtee,i, agreeable ; hit profit average more than lighting aystema. handy lights, Foil It KNT JTThree-roo- furnished flat, le anrt twentieth divisions of f h eltr at II oar itsr Telephone IlinzW auto- In the Herman conch stallion named matic abears, rnop, Howling y with aleeping porches; modern. 2 la Smith army. M on ,he busmea done, and novelties. Amoor, No. r.OIi.; nlao coll, TCni80N, TOTK.K A t BANTA III WA'i tt Maniifncturlng Co., 221 South Hco- - by Pltth Inquire Havov hotel IAIte previous experience it not essential, FOR RAT,B Heal Amour and standard bred mar. A. WAT t'O. g p Ftat. Nmrl. Cbauvin, 401 West. Central. Foil HUN- T- tin. 00, furnished Westbound. m OXI.V.' ideal opportunity lof young light paid. Tele- V,i'n H This it an g Ftdi HALE Two corner lots surrounded, by apartment, and water C1", Arrives Depart l.ll istentt;aihartic Tablets are not as ftKNT)fflci Uin,m. phone ami hath. 1011 North First. 1. u M man ol good appearance, wide circle ol p shade trees, two blocks from car line. tllt IIHH4)NAr,. California. Ttxpresa 7:10p l:10p t ,n beCa m"nded by women as by See H. N. Paekert. office. I. Callfornl Limited ,.ll:Ooa acquaintance and a genuine desire to Journal FOH KENT Offleea. Apply D. A. Macp her- KIHTKN Consult Madame I). Wind- Villi HUNT Nicely furnished two or three. lliloa not n ,, ' particular catnartic p . eon l.llla glassed sleeping t. Faat Exprea ;4f, jo iBa field Foil H.LK Stm acres farm land, aouth-- Journal office sor, world famous Phrenologist and Au- room apartment, porches. v""en known women. make good in a profitable ol wort No sick taken, Apply HU I. Fast Mall , ll;tnp 13:20a anion? 3 eastern Jvansas; center of gas and ol! Foil ItKNT Office suite ill Woodmen build- thor. 613 Fast Coal avenue, until 2nd, South Waller. U ""l fff us men uo ' The eaulieat reply will receive first Twfi sets Improvements;, It. Lux (Thursday),,. 7:tua t.Oii I lndi ".ucn p belt. of no trade. ing, after Jun Imiulre U. A. only. Koutllhoutld. fn,i , on constipation,. Call on or addresa F'red W. Cakea, City. thev anl T consideration, l Journal office. 1N' KHTlUATlDNH by 101 TA Paao Kxpresa , require this scientific I'hone ms.'vr: piivala detective, lt:S4p 'Nt 1.1 partlia shallowed: rellnblo evidence ob- AUTO LIVERY 111. El Paao lixnre.s ...... :61a liver o, ,,p the stomach sweet, tained. Mouth western Detective Herliea, KastbounsL r- Vp an,J thp Foir bowels 7 FOSTER GILROY Look Hot I".'". Albuiieroue. Clve a We Will Trent 10. Atlantte Kxpreaa .. T:5a I tta Ca,harl'c to fninsciunrcits rati. I. fTaatern Fx press ,,, Tabfets are " FoK liKN'T Piano. Will rent to reeponallde '. .. PUP t:40( f 301 Larayetle If vou. fall to get your Morning inn night 4. California LI ., erinan1 thoroughly cleansing: Street pany with privilege of buying later and Journal, mi led t'40p T:60p rail MAciuxn, At TO A COXSTni'C. I. K. C. At Chicago Exn. T:60p Rav ,i.or taui,e nausea. Stout applying rent, or will now ape. :la t:Up M New York sell at 'WKNTKP..N HN'IOtf TELK'inAPtl CO. A LI, KINDS, both new and second-hand- , 1 1 on easy Tl) t"4). It. Lux (Wedneedava),. I:0l.p t:lt( take, ,he one cathartic 3. price terma. For particulars ad- rhon bought, a..ld, rented and repaired. Albu- raw,ay Knight-Campbe- rrora raiutn. '58e4-ur- ! ,nnt over-fu- ll dresa the Muslo Co., querque MiiKtlalcna, N. M. reel'ng. and Typewriter Kiebang. phon 174, IK. tTanaaa City ft Chicago.. T'0 Sold everywhere.! Denver, Colo. Hi ioulh Beoood atreet Kit. Isasu City and Chicago. EIGHT. 'ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, MONDAY, JUNE H, 1915.

THREE DOUBLEHEADERS Co. F TO Crescent Hardware OiER Mil G0T1ITES PLAYED IN FEDERAL; lUmrrm lingua Fa rr.hilling flood. Cutlery, Tool, Iron IMpe, Valww TWO ARE EVEN BREAKS (, nl Fitting, I'lnnihlnc. Heating, Tin and Oopix Work. Blue Ribbon W. CENTRAL AVE. TELEPHONE III. OF THE BAPTIST STAY AT HOME IN 1ST POMHINa JOUHHM. BPVCtAL LIAaift Wllltl IH kansiia City. Juno IS. Kanmia City and Chloi'go divided a. double-head- today, loenln taking ihe firm, i n it lure the CRYSTAL THEATER mm tiiw motiii mui il to 4, nnJ Chicago the second. H to CHURCH IS DEAD LAG:e NUMBERS 2. The second wa a g but- tle bctw." n MfConiie'.l Htid Hennina. DEL MONTE PRESERVES Score First game: II. '.1. K. Chicago 101 HO" OdO4 14 2 TUEZNZr..JUNE15and 16 KansHM City ...00n uOO 24x 1 U 0 AT Al l, (.ooD f.HOCI IIS End Comes to the Rev, Perry Force of Circumstances Will Hntterl": Hlnek, M. lirnwn nnd Fisher; Main, Johnson, Cullnp, Pack- First Release of W. Longfellow After Long New to See ard nnd 1. Hrown. The the Cause Yorkers Score Second game: It. It. K. Illness; Funeral to Be Held New York First This Year, Chicago".. ..001 010 ono 1 a m 2 B0NO-C0NNE- SHEEP AND WOOL COMPANY Kansas City oon Oil 1100 n 5 1 Big V-L-S--F. ' Estimates, liatieri': McConnoll and Wilson; Four Tomorrow, According to Hoiiulng (ind Masterly. fill I HP AND W OOL, niDES AND TUVTS Ituffalo 0-- t; Newark t. WarrliouMS TIJt-r- and Railroad Track Office anil Atroue Ilov, Perry Wilnot, KonKf'llow. Hhcial coMaapoNolxca to homin joukhal) ( ( The fully Newark. June 13. An oyeiv break 11 jetire old, lornior paHior of the New York, Juno 13. That wa the best Newark could do today ItapllMt ihiinh hole, illi'd at H'.uD half 11 million more people than over against o'rlork viiili'ida)' morning l hi" inhabited Onthain In the mimmer m Score First Mine: H. H' homo, nil South Wnlter atrert. Me will thin year lie found here from aoo noo OOOo 5 J wan iiHHertod lluffalo had boon III for more than a year. now until the tlret front, Nowaik 1"0 01 11 03x .". 1" I 'TIE JUGGERNAUT today hy local iiuthorltlen, as the May We Assist You With Hardening of the nrierlen was the tlm Hntteri': Ford, liodl' iu and Hlair; riiilfe of death. li'Milt of reii'iil iiili tilationH ImHeil on and ttiirldon. Mr. Iiiigfellow hail lUed here tho roportM of (ruffle, trade and en- game: H. K. UGGERNAU Score Second It. YOUR BAKING? expeitn. Aim out of thrie yonrn nnrt had boi n pHHtor of tertainment half f.urfalo ., ono 20n 0024 X 2 V ItnptiNt two yonm. o thlH Hummer urpliiK population l 000 3 4 GREATEST OF ALL tho rhiirih many Newark 000 003 WE HAVE 11 on now known to be muile up of , Kais-rrlin- it llttto lend than )eur hKo ll.itterl": Schulr, and Allen-- JULIA oi'toiiiit of III health, lie wim Htuto thoiiHutids of laaillns that have thin Hraddon and llarlden. With ANITA STEWART, SWAYNE. GORDON, diiporlnliliili'iit of HaptiNt iiiIxhIoiim. ypMr hen furred to give up an ' all-st- ar while I'lilnui'o If S-- 6-- EARL WILLIAMS Iiiiring thin time he made hi home hohhoii, tho rillKliiirgli li S(. 1 ,011 Is and supporting cast, in the largely neeouiiled for 111 a reduced 1 BEST MOVING lit ICoHwell. SI. June IS. Ht. Ioui nosed PICTURES I.oiiKfel-lo- 1 to the embargo on Loiii. Motion Jiuiina bin piiHtorntp Mr. tourist raffie duo out a tloiihle victory Pittsburgh most Sensational Picture Drama of the day View. foreign travel. from hold ihargeM nt f'loiiMiini hero today, by scoi't of ti to ,'i and 11.; Sidney, .; WoIhIi Mill, .: M Although a hind of New Yorkcm are envying the lew 2 to 1. ONE SCENE COST QQ (Irango, III.: I'llnretoii. III.; linind First gaino Score; R. II. V,. $72,000 N. I'.iill Win.; who ntlll ufl'old to take their FLOUR ' KoikH, I.; rliilre, en I'lttshtirgh ..010 O0J 002 2 I famlllen uway, It Ik genenilly' believed 05 Albuquerque Theatergoers to nnd "t'l'si mi. o . 1J!0 000 1 6 !t 2 AND H St. Uuils ....020 MATINEES AT 2:15 3:30. The widow nnd four ihildien mir-vlv- Hint thin big boom In xummer O- IuikI-iii'k- h HnttcrieH: Knelxer, Allen and in r- - miiMt help liven up both Have Rare Opportunity They Kaith, liulh, Harold 'Connor, Horry; Hroom, llnvenport, NIGHTS AT 7, 8:15 AND 9:30. Arnold's Crystal, Moses' Two brolrieiH bihI four unit Hoiiiil ipiiiiKH right through and fiiioo. ye, Crandall and Hartley. . Offering of Crystal Theater iiciern hIho mm lvo. None of them the dog da Score; K. H. H. Best Rye Flour, I ( Second (fame ADULTS, 15 CENTS; CHILDREN, 10 CENTS Patent, liven hero. To vanillic Car Owners. Pittsburgh 000 000 0 Heady n of 0101 Tuesday and Wednesday, Tho body w ill lie In Mute nt ( T. to demitM rigid tout (St. 001 100 OOx 2 C 1 Graham tin? everyone I.uis Flour, Prepared Freiuh'i ihapel thl afternoon nnd Hkill nnd nerve of who liattcrlos; Hoarne. ltogge and he hold j IioIiIh the wheel of n motor car hero, Note This Service Shows Everywhere for 25c Prices Flour, Pre- - evening. Funi rnl tu rvieen will Kerry; Crandall and Hartley. Swans Down at 10 o lioek tomorrow morning, tno the police, health nnd court official HiiriincdiiB: nil thut litm rvor )on In gun I llov. V. K. Atwood romliieiiuif them, have Just to coiiHlder wriotiHly At. ri... proHonii'd to (iHtroriH of tho hnuw In by BACK jdiuu uuKu HnpiiiKt i The body the examination ntrictent Htanil.iidn TROOPS ORDERED riuui. tho tiHHt, thn iniiniixoMiont of tho t'rya--I nt the Kind hnreh. Hlilpped I'V No. of all privnle owner and driver os tal Ihoiitor iiiiiioiinroH lor Titosday mid will he on Santil train 2 will ho ul Will n chiinff''iirf. TO COLUMBUS FOR FEAR VVidnosihiv whnt Im oolifldi ntly ilo-d- ii this iiftirnoon. Ihiiial Mo. Neurotic, liysiorlc or unskilled mo- ti'd in im Hii i.roiiii'Ht moving plc-- I'h Hiiininit. I Tho pnlllieiirerx will he: Ai'llve tor pllolti have been proved by official TROUBLE IS NOT OVER WARD'S foon hy looiil thoiitornoorH. diingcr-ou- STORE tin" vit ,1. A. Hammond, W. nccident records to he Jimt an h l.'vi lylliiiiM wo wiiuld iniy ulioitt tho Holaro Strong, n HuWkiiiH, I., And-ereo- n In iiieiropolitun trnlTic n ilrunk-e- n tory of JiikwrnHUt In no unit U S. Hurt. in, h. o. (PCCIAL COflRlflSONOINCt TO MOIININ JOURNAL! THEATER TODAY ti imlo and II i to Ave. tM-t- M nnd '. iliiHtulVon; honorary drivels, proposed make I IIIMarM Phone poor iind thin oompurod to the tro-li- i' Santa Kr, Juno 13. Hurprle H) I 11 I the law meet all thene oIukhoh. with flOWKIt H. WARD, Ugt ndoim ilitnnx of thin, cnlowoiH pMllheiirerii the lev. H. A. rooier, paused by order from tho war de I tho Hey. ). llVv. H. prohlhitKw penalty for exposing the of riillwuy lira mil we Khali givo tho V. Heikninn, the partment at Washington, U. C, directi- thut TiKilh-flke- r, public to their tricky temperniiie;it. a Memii mwmkw only un out lino of tho plot. I', Hi hueler, tho Itev. Arrhle ng' the Thirtotnth ravnlry to return BEST SHOW IN THE STATE tho llev. T. h. r.nllance and the t'ntll dangerous driver nro et down Coluitibus, L,una county, the Two young nion oiih tho hrllliunt from nil iiutoH only pilot test- to from poor HeV. I'hnrli'H I.. lJoiiti. and of Texaa border. Troops K, II and K Hon of piironta Iho oihor tho ed qualities allowed t (ouch the . iIIkkiiIiiu nolr of u uront railway king, throttle, "i" authorities have come had reached Fort It linn and tomorrow "EXPLOITS ELAINE" horoinn frlondx nt ooIIcko, start to nlke hack to New Mcx'oo f. OF VUUOK PUKUH SHAUES to helievo no mifetv for the street Sunday. However, iiiio Ihinks ho him ai'i Idi nlally ON crowd he tor resting over nr.r.p WILL LECTURE ciin maintained. Mar-f- a iiik pouch cool. kllloil a driinkoii rowdy In hmvIhk the the first s'niadron will remain at Seventh Episode--"TH- E DOUBLE TRAP" ( million's (linncc. being. oihiT'H llfo liny two only know thin From fiti.tmo weak nnd wasted chil- for tho time HOITl'l. Recurring rebel are said ROSENWAWS it activities P shuns dren of the applications for bo responsible (ho move. Colli full In love Willi Iho hi mo Klrl week or two in tho country during to for latest who iTuiirii'H Iho rirh hoy only nfior OF tho coming lint spell have itlreudy Four American arrived at Columbus READ THE STORY IN THIS ISSUE OF THE JOURNAL THE HANDLING $5,000 in gold to hlH elm in him withdrawn from tho. been received filed by vari- yesterday with make and the a to raoo heriiiiHo of hi povoity. ous organization that attempt to fur- dash acres tho border ransom YuirN Inter ono hcrmnoM pronldont Cecil Hoyd, who graduat- nish Biich fresh air breaths to the grammar "VENGEANCE" "ALMOST A HERO" of hi fitl In r' old rnllroud tho other youngsters of tho tenement. ed from the Ki Paso school Strong Brothers IrMH your a I'li.htooiiH, frnl illHtl li t ntlortioy,' HIGH EXPLOSIVES Though hard time are rutting this urd wont ucros the border, A SMiial Ma.s('i'lev Kdna Until hkiiIii wornhip tho Hiinio Kill down to all philanthro- accompanying his brother, Mayo and Itryanl Washburn. Comedy with .Margaret Gilwin Undertakers contributions who Is in bust-- ! dmikhtor ol the old itwert heart of pic fundi, the worker who IIKht for (iordy l'ovd. the cattle nffor-tim- i; In both olio with it fnthor'H dop g ness Chihuuhun. The two youths rnoMPT kfrvicti these outing from the by! 1H. KTItONU NLk., CXJITEU Iho (.ther horuiiHn Hhe In her fetid gutter playgrounds are hoping' wire captured near Ciisa (frantic mot hor' t'ountrrpiirt. some of Snlitiar'u men. (Iordy wa AND 8UOMI, V. tt. rilood. of Vnlteil states to raise tlie tLflii.mio that will ltnuiej The; illHlrli t attorney hittorly Ht-- the set free fifty mile south of the New! loo-tu- them to most of the child applicants. PHONE Inok rililriiHil In bureau of explosives, will givo a Mexico border anil ordered to hurrv 23 ihn the ooiiiIh. night ut high Since the dentil and disease that sum-- ; throitioim xptiMO tomorrow the ,, n.. i....,u back to KI 1'uho nnd procure $5,000 TAXI ANI AITO. former rhum tn him m'liool will he of u,.tu .....i .iu ..ri i iih nii lltorliim. Hi talk as hi brother would be given Day and Night. a niurdoror. who the tenemenls are largely fought oft,! FOR HIRE And Rlrt on a oKiie. lal liiteioKt to rnllroHd men no 'i'"food until thC' gold reai hed the A. It. IIACA. PASTIME iiowliriiiklno the bundle high exploHlvoN, but nil other by such opt n nlr preventatives, Vow TBilf KIT l ruin nppronchitia brlilue whhh Vi.fiApu i.ii.,i-.- . iv,it tiiu ..!,. t,.,.. ir bandit. To savn hi brother from I'AIfiR AND MXON CAR8 Who In aunjeci are J 213 W. Ave. ni mini powulhly Ktmid IIh welMht. Moth ale intereMteil the .. ..ii ..hi i.. ... ' starvation nnd torture (Jordy mnde a Am leaving rily In short time. Any. Central $2.00 PER HOUR men know this. Hotta iimhlnit a.iketl In Mltend. dash to Ilnchita and from thero tele- one to whom I am In debt will pIciiM" lire begin hl.H Actors In Hail Hi, iiiinliy hy iiutoniolillf ami motor bout Mr. Illood will leitiiro nt graphed to his parents, who raised the mall (heir hill lo ni can- - 1 O. Itox 25 fl'lH Cltjr TllllH 1 in ho illiiHtriited Three, thousands thciitrleul work- to Intorof pt Ii. i n'cl.ii'k. talk will mon'Oy anl are endlng It with four 105, CKy. .f. It. VV HIT K.' TILLMAN TAVHHt TAXI bv Hti'ieoptii'iin view, nhovvlng itieth- - ers ft rv now titling starvation for lack TODAY You Mii nil thin. 8oa tho Rlrl' of Job on the Rlalto, friend in ut) automobile across the PHONE 788 nil of Htifi ly hiindllng pmvdeiM thut desert accord- ' , TAXI HWUt fmo nt tho window of Iho fly-l- n ing to estimates of agents who have border. Al AITO HAY AVI NIGHT. -- are ounlly net off. " train fool the wwnylnK of the hud refuse' applica- rilOXKS t AND 1030. A POWERFUL, DRAM- tii hundred of 2,"C 10 iih It Hkidft di'Spi'iately tion day since the show Ktsruli for Penitentiary. FA It 2."C. I eii'h road ANC.FI) h run nil Hhitrn tulrlH and the ottnd- - ITALY GRATIFIED AT season closed. With movie monopo- Santa Fe, June 13. Muny recruits PAIti:.TI. ATIC, FULL BLOODED InK of Hie motor bout tdimhlnK lizing most of the park shown, that for (he penitentiary were sent to thr rotiKh penitentiary hist week KVVKl'T PI'.AS LOCAL ITEMS thrmiKli wnlors. . ZEAL OF HER PEOPLE in tho nbl days almost any actor I from Raton Hoth and tho ihe following sentences were im- For Sale Sweet peas. OTders taken SERMON ineii train 'ome could turn to in emergency, and f ew j ...... In Or MfTETtEST iruNhiiiK iiiio the ilciiii ut iho Mime regular theater remaining open for. posed: Annstaclo Sandoval, murder, advance. liiHtiiut (no (Aiaiielnlnl 1'reu Correnpfindrnre.) five to ten years; Calvin Otis, larceny RIO (JRANDK INDUSTRIAL. late; Ntraitfoii, , ,' 1 Rome, May 31. Tho author- the tile player are forced to , , , , , ,,,;t WEATHER IJIcrOHT. Knr ti moment that nriniH un eterni- Italian I... ,, l..l fin... t..m t ,.. 1 i.,.":, l ui'iiium,h. yj w u SCHOOL. ities are expressing gratification over years; U. , ty, you fell yourself hM ti hk nlnniHt Of Fred Ilennett, grand larceny Phone l."i42J. the Hen! with men of all classes other line. all the example of as- Tor the twenly-fnii- r hours ending iiiulor tho totliirlnif treMtlo im tho which six to nlnu months; Ira iirown, bav to Hince tho unemployment hardship, tliisstrunil Willi wespon, - "Traffic hastened volunteer sault deadly two to Livery Trim- St 6 o'clock yesterday evening. eiiiirmoiiK etiKine h iiiiihm of whlrlltiK ing of (he iiclors seems most severe. u and saddle hcraes. -l- ileclatatlo i of war. Tho number of yearn; Rellslo, seven hie' s7 nlei'l eiiph n three Thoma J. R,J Barn ,ln muni 'temperature, thiiiiilerini, mid iillvrring Nice, new pusli-hutto- for tho pub-li- e those vi h j have responded, oven be to ten years; Juan do Roibal, mliilmuni, 45 degrees, range, 42 into Iho I'tiiply nlr and fullH Hhrloklna lo call the policeman this llos (lo-g- being to have thirty-fiv- e lit fi i. m,, NK li to tho Hw lrliim fore called the colors nnd to forty years, for murder; temporal tire river. lie- - week been Installed along tho streets oni'd-honi- having no obligation to servo, is manslaughter, cs; winds; i lour. Tho IiIk eoiiehi H i rumplo like William Henderson, southwest of a swell residence district uptown yuin-tan- a, Souls" large. hi'f'jie Ihem-moIvo- h lured to be remarkably In nine to ten years; Antonio J. in jour eeH iind plln Hie Joy Iho aristocracy volunteering I to great of the resident youth. one a, to two years, for up on the wreck their pim-Hon- the and half (jsWillfftfel) Ilrrlioth, palntlnjr, papering. I'll. 1495J. unite a general uniting the house still Hy clever footwork an uleit combi- forgery; Chris Orftuilkls, murder, r flmiiuli'i inn mid KiniKKlini! in nation any If you get that Ion cr'Hin nt Fee' faithful to the pontiff u among those of boys can now make thirty-fiv- e to forty years; Alyino fcu.... 'I' o the dehrlH. p TIME OF SHOWS: canily It will please you. Savoy. cop look like a bewildered bell-ho- Abeyta one BATTER NKKVICK slot, Agiiin vou nee the u trl Amiin her adhering to the. house of and Severlno .Romero, STATION. Retter outo livery service with now due particularly Interesting fenturu on almost any clear night. Just why year to fifteen months, for burglary; Batteriea rhnr(l, rrpalrrd mat ei. lianf I. 2:30, I. 5:30. 7, 8:30 anil fathi'i these cop tall were installed to ills- - UeCMJMKUY AITO 4U W. OppM car Phone liutlor Auto Cv Alfa In 'R' IK MAN noted In tho list of noblemen who Jose Vlllaroul, nine months to one (O, 10 o'clock. 1 Vrael tlic perspiring patrolmen, no It. C. Massrng'ile went to Santa Ft Tho our of JiiKRornuiil roll on. Imvo thus far volunteered. the fact year, for larceny; George Ortega, Ho many one has figured out yet; although eighteen two years to the I t Nterdtty on business. will be that so have American wives. mouths to Hut wh nre tho vtrtimt!? I gone two or three Thnre the Maniul Silnola, who their use sure to encourage con- reform school, for being Incorrigible; Special Admission, 10c week. Com Hint nee Hun tronmendo'.os exerclwe among A Jon iM irtlHim, Santa. Fe railway Hpl'l'tlll'lll, some year ago marrird Mis Pages stant athletic the Austin Kinney, to be hanged for mur- LET US SEND MAN net brako-thui- i. youngsters of the neighborhood. der, July 2, 10 a. 4 conductor, n Oniric Sutton. Thai It wiin V'ltiiKriiphetl hy Itulph cousin of Thomas Nelson l'ago, tho between ni, and To Replace That Broken Window HI I'Tln-('ch- .h p. m. Klght years ago Sheriff Ma- loft last night for l'iisn. V. I nee, piTKoiuil miprrvl-hIh- ii present "inrbassador hero. Tho under Ihe OH be- Glass A regular meeting if Mineral Lodge dl I'oggio Sauna, who was a Mis Seize Standard Ship. rion Llttrell hung two men, these of Albert K. Smith mid J. Stuart 13 p. ; AJjBTJQtTERQUE LtTMCEK 1 lie Is, Iondon, Juno (2.43 in.) Tho ing last In Colfux coun- No. 4, Knight of thins, will held Mlai'lttoii, ti IIh Iho ntoiy of itw iiiialliy Ctnt of New Y'ork, hus opened her the executions COaU'ANY H Standard Oil company tank steamer ty July 2 In on Friday. lit o'clock tonight, officers will l.o 11 beautiful palace In Rome a a hospi- since then. an fenturo film. Sweden, again In Phone 421 428 N. First t'leOled. tal for the, wounded, and i Bending Pskarshamn, is the Is In i SALE 1 I". II. Oskarshamn, Sweden, again tho . Xo ApiHdlllllMMlt MimIo. Mr. un Mr. Nchwentker, who, three son, who were nil born In New , FOR band hav- -- COMMERCIAL CLUB TO Tor-loti- la of tho Hritlsli admiralty, Fe, 13. W. C. have hecii touring the east ami south, York, to the front. Don Marino ing Santa June Governor on been seized and taken to Kirkwall, McDonald left hlH Carri-ibl- o returned (o tho ci)y Inst will also help, encouraged by his cargo for ranch at No, Mfi, HOLD ITS POSTPONED York; Scotland. The tanker enrrie a without appointing a bank ex- Haiitu Fe Until wife, Klsle Moore of Now oi! ports. Iji'. a party of lor Scandinavian aminer, although It had been expected Some More William Wills mill ff ANNUAL Prince del luag'o, another volunteer, y, tiftcr-noui- i, MEET TONIGHT Hunt-in-la- that the appointment would be an- friend were here sleidiiy ha a Prince tliovnnnl lOarlh Shock In (iciiiinny. on Sim- ago, Josephine.! nounced yesterday at the latest, as th Thi'y lunl n ptlwiie car del lh who was Mrs. IjiihIoii, .lime H (2:2H a, m.) A Fe -. y on to Y'ork; Is new law went Into effect on Friday. "TELMO" la tntl.i N". Tin mi' route tonight will Schmid of Now another Tlic Commercial club Renter dispnt' h from Amsterdam says The governor is carefully looking into DIRT I'hiiimo. , I old Its itnniiiil meeting, which was Prince dl San Fnustlno, who married thut severe eiirthiitiaUe shocks were H, .1. Fugle, assistant to President Juno Campbell of New Y'ork. Four of the qualification of three men from BUT poHiponoil on act mint of tho death of reported Sunday afternoon in Wurt- - among those who applicants for THIS BRAND OF Ripley of tliv Sunt, i I'V railway, was fi Fergu.iso.i. the princes RospigltiKsl are on the list, are rmer Congressman The temburg, especially In the town of position. Traveling Audi- CANNED GOODS AND XOV IuhI night on tho v:iy to l,os An-Ki'- li two of whom have American wives, the Former lorn same program arranged for the meet- j Khingen and Ralingon. The corre- Hi- I .T tor Howell KarneHt, who is chief clerk HAVE CHEAP h. vxiu rii i'Iiiik In Ills pi Kthel ii in Rronson, und Mildred THE BEST. ing last Week will be followed tonight, spondent say as far a Is known, a tax who still un Nttilii l'o iinin No. a, ficers reports, Hasw Itlno, Marquis Teodoll. who has of the commission, and dir in will make their four , considerable damage wa done. to travel- Tniin No. H. rtoo nt enlisted, Lily Conrad holds on the empty title of Iti'.ti ). in., war director will he elected, h trade trip had us mother ing supreme court two hoitm hitc I.iki nli'lit. No. ilin? lo tlie Hliiewater district will be of New i h leans, at ono time the most auditor until the passes on question, 1 not a can- ji'Htonl.iy miirniiiK, mm un hour hioI and refreshments will be heautiCul woman In Rome; while the DIRT didate for bank examiner, but would 006 CO IMIC-Il.l- illlO. I'lllOllM ill K'HIHHK Count Sennl leave behind an Ameri- 0000000 000000 09O0000O 't' served. 0 FAVORITES not refuse, tho place if it were ten- OH CIHIHI' of ilrloyn. can Mary Lay ley New Y'ork. l'lp KiV.'tl thi' tlo wife. of dered him. Under the law, the bank .Si:XD IT TO "WRIGHT'S," 'oiiininy 1. of tho n.illiouil mukIiI TARGET SEASON OPENED The Italian officers with American must expe TIIF.Y KNOW SPRINGER nt to list. examiner have hud actual HOW. will ilrill the nrinorv .Monihiv ami wives tire too iiutnerou rience us a banker. 'I'll niln y of iiu'li wi'ik. Ciiii. licorKo BY NATIONAL GUARDSMEN Wright's Hat Company 1. Vil.'k!!im Hlinollllrril yi 'Mti-- clay, ANXl'Ali frrXMIillOLDintS' 1 TRANSFERCO. EVERYBODY Watson Hold hl-- kly ilrlllH ho up MKKTINti. Record. 215 South Second Tho mo to kot W, Wat- Street. tho O, guard, Notice. Is hereby given that the an- Santa Fe, June 13. Dr. T. until nfl'T hnttnlinn i'ni'iiniiioiiil. Company of the national son cham- Wo make anil sell new lints, Thp Itiinti'l K. o lied target yesterday nt nual meeting of "the stockholders of of Lincoln again holds the loo. filillilH of Mr. Silt' lis season pionship thorough tax Ask (he leading milliner ililff will ho Kind to Itiiiii that ."ho the range south of the highland tho Northwestern Colonization and for collections and company as treasurer of Lincoln county, having iiicrchants of Albiiipieriiic lid HUfl ulont ly ii'i'iiycicd tnnn tho Nineteen men were there nnd stayed Improvement of Chihuahua, As previously announced, the Jour- alaint our GRIMSHAVV'S iimli-rwcn- t day collected already $107,421.08 of the work. Mall orders t.'i'r.iiiiiii tliat cho lori tilh all day. Lunch was furnished by i will bo held on tho li'th of June, nal ia offering a complete collection .. .. . - 1 year, percent- proniplly H hi- IDOVl lI 15, 10 a. m., office taxes duo this a higher handled. Wi make SF.CUMI III loc.'ll ll"0lll:ll III ri to Hunt Toulouse. nt o'clock at the of all tho old favorite songs brought deliveries " 8tf',.i,ri 'I I... 111(1. :i.l(l. company, being office of age than any other tax collector in the in two to four days. Creum I hir looiio on Nuitli Sixth strort. I,...., h,, nl Ihn nnd of the tho together in one beaut'ful big volume "r ritmb" 600-yar- Al- - This Is more Send for our illustrated folder. Win d roi i oil Un oily d range fairly good M. V Vigil, In the Stern building, state. the remarkuule, uud Sherbet. in Satur- and made called "Songs That Never Grow old." nnlllu Fruit -- it v day t a i liild buqucniuo, New Mexiro, tho pur- sinco the bulk of taxes in Lincoln J.unchn to ih tdf.i that wits horn scores. Company ll will go to the for All of these song have been corn-pile- d uOOO cUeon Mitliluy J.igl't county not paid lump 00 000 00 0OO0OO 000 00 00 OO in to Sir. ii ml Mm. J.wk l!a iihIiIh. nt range again throe week from ester-da- pose of electing directors of said com- is in a sum as and selected with the utmost it is in such I'ortliind, iir-Ku- Mi. CnyriiddH Is a leaving the armory Saturday pany nnd for the transaction of such counties as Luna, whero care by the most competent authori- three-quarte- rs - liaiik-M- , may properly como three railroads practically pay wirt of Jtishuu . l!a iiulds, tin- night and blvouni king on the range other business as ties and are printed and bound all to- Kay-iioIiJ- i'f all taxes. mid Imiln r of Jinlci' H. f. so shooting may be started early Sun- before such company at such meeting gether, making seven song books in of the Mis liavnuliU wan Minn Van day morning. or any adjournment thereof. ne volume. There are two styles of liMtun of thin rity. Many tr,iihieB have been offered 1). J. CAliLk. Secretary. binding, one in paper covers and the Visitors to Museum. Dated 8. 1915. PHONE i. annual guardsmen for shooting and June other In heavy Knglish cloth. The Santa Fe. June 13. Among those ai. this ha created i.tinslderiibie Interest contents are the same, but, of course, who registered at the Museum of COAt-- DEATHS AND FUNERALS umong tho members of Company (1. B, M. V1!.IAM9 New Mexico today were: Fred Lang, ANTHRACITE. ALL SIZES. STEAM the cloth binding is more durable and Kindllnf. U Dentist with ordinary caro should last a life- Hermann, Mo.: E. Myer, Carthage,! Coke. MUI Wood, Factory Wood. Cord Wood. Native A KI'AV 1 3, Whltinir Building, Mi,. I tin 4 hivlcy. ONLY t AY tiO. Room and time. Tenn.; Misses Myers, Carthage, Tcnn.; r o ex- Second Oold. Mis Kiln A. I "hcslcy. 6 1 j old, Those who formnati that Corner and In are tho W. E. Harris, A. Z. Finley, Carrizozo: cars pense An Innovation this edition died at ti o'clock morning does not have to be considered Phone No. magnificent Illustrations. These con- A. D. Rrownlleld, Brownfleld. Tex.; now going sixty-nin- al Hpiirtnient on Vi"- - ave- are to health resorts to sist rare galaxy of e won- H. S. Quaintance, Kansas City; E. I.. I her In system of a nue, fr'he cum.' here Seiteint'r set rid of the impuritlis the Henry hauls baggage and derful portraits of the world's greatest Davis and family, Hoise, Idaho: Dr. Mlnnoiii oli. who that cause rheumatism, backache, many in favorite co- S. W. Bailey and family, Dickson, X. from T.. sister, swollen, pain- vocal artists, Ihe ran. bodv aching Joint and stiff, 939. Include Caruso. l. D. in fnnni'. The you other things. Phone stume. Tho list Ws taken to C. T. French' umiertak-In- g ful muscles. If are one of those Melha, Slexak, Farrar, Bonct, go. yet you nee.1 Sale room, wlo u is to he held un- who cannot fool thut almost TO KLEKP WKI.L MMER, ie Room. 25x50. faring Corltz, Scotll, Fremstad and IX SI Auction try ltKXT at rue. relief from uch pain and misery, ron None, of these portraits Slight bron-- 1 til relative Foley Kidney They alley In liusliiera Suitable for fifty others. inflammation of the Ave Pills. restore the section. have ever been shown in a work of chlal tubes causes a distressing cough Wednesday, June 16, 812 West Slate Kyo, kidney to healthful activity and make plumbing or tin simp, or storage: repro- - Dr. provlne ear, nose and Apply thl this character, and they are all and makes refreshing sleep impoad- K. T. Armljo Wdg. phnn 127 you feel well und strong. 8old heat and water Included. copyrighted photograhs ble. Foley's Honey Compound throat. nITIr duced from and Tar 4 rooms of furniture, consisting- In part as follows w hlch have been approved by the art- covers raw, inflamed, irritated stir-- Rcfnpc'' Kvery reader will faces with a soothing, healing coat-- ! Springs, Mattresses. Rockers, Ranges, Stove, ground floor of- ists themselves. Tor Itcnt Jool rare and unique ing stops tickling, j require Ap- want to possess this and that annoying Cabinet, Round everything fice room, next to Journal offlets. house- relieving racking, cough. Dining Table, in fact ply Journal. WANTF.b Cirl for general collection. the tiring at work; family; must st:tl' book can now be secured at Take this splendid cough medicine furnish a house. Sale will start promptly small coupons, nrNNirrr thadixg co. nights. Apply son North Klghth St. the Joirnal office without at with you on summer trips. It Is good SBRIjNGER ixtmx il coiiU for heavy tugusn cioin ttyie for cougha, colds, croup, bronchial af- ant! Iioinli anil (itMd,,. IV O, boUnd ln J. L. GOBER, Auctioneer 11.-s- t ,U ? fections and la srlppe coughs. Sold The i'Imc to liny (.FATINE for:room7;n: m everywhere. NAVAJO 1MLA.N 1111.8 Manjuvtiu. Inuulre 313 South Flrt paper.'