Intelligence Squared U.S. - 1 - 7/8/2014 Intelligence Squared U.S. Contact Publicist: Eileen Murphy 590 Madison Avenue, 30th Fl. T: 917-913-2233 New York, NY 10022
[email protected] October 6, 2010 Islam is a religion of peace For the motion: Zeba Khan and Maajid Nawaz Against the motion: Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Douglas Murray Moderator: John Donvan RESULTS Before the debate: After the debate: 41% FOR 36% FOR 25% AGAINST 55% AGAINST 34% UNDECIDED 9% UNDECIDED Start Time: (18:52:29) John Donvan: And now I would like to introduce the Chairman of Intelligence Squared U.S., who makes all of this possible, Mr. Robert Rosenkranz. [applause] Robert Rosenkranz: Welcome, and thank you all for coming. My task in these evenings is to frame the debate. And in this particular case I want to start by quoting George W. Bush often proclaimed that “Islam is a religion of peace” and it is one of the few things with which President Obama agrees. It is doubtless true that the vast majority of Muslims around the world live peacefully, and do not condone violent acts. Their secular concerns are dominant—making a living, raising families, educating their children. Their religion provides spiritual comfort, and a source of meaning, even transcendence, to their lives. On the other hand, just today the New York Times reported that Faisal Shahzad, the Times Square bomber, said in court prior to sentencing “Brace yourselves, because the war with Muslims has just begun.” Certainly in the past decades the vast majority of terrorist activity has been undertaken in the name of Islam.