2358 PETERSHAM. . [POST OFFlCE Midleton Viscount, Peper Harow Park BickerstafF William, gamekeeper Mills Charles, farmer, Glebe & So­ .Bothamley Rev. Hifton, :M.A. [rector] Davidson George, steward, to Viscount merset farms .Aylwyn Mrs. Elizbth. frmr.Royal comn Midleton

.PETERSHAM is a village and parish in the Mid note, as also some of the ancestors of the present family; division of the county, Kingston hundred and division, John, Duke of Arg-yll was born here; J ames II. was ordered Wandsworth county court district, Richmond union, rural to retire here before he abdicated. The principal land­ deanery of Kingston, archdeaconry of Southwark, and owners are the Earl of Dysart, who is lord of the manor, diocese of Rochester, on the banks of the Thames, adjoining and the Crown. The soil is gravel and sand; subsoil, sand, Richmond; it was so named from having belonged to the chiefly in grass cultivation. The area is 800 acres; rate­ Abbey of St. Peter, at Chertsey. Petersham is beautifully able value, £8,106; the population in 1871 was 683. secluded, and screened from the north and east winds by SUDBROOK was an ancient hamlet, mentioned in 1266. Richmond Hill. It has a small church (St. Peter';;), erected Parish Clerk, Hermon Herbert Figg. in 1505, which holds 362 persons: it has some ancient tombs, and the Duchess of Lauderdale is buried here. The register PosT & MoNEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH 0 FFICE, Savings dates from the year 1574. The living is annexed to the Bank & Annuity & Insurance Office.-Eliza Sophia Long, vicamge of Kew, joint yearly value £401, in the gift of receiver. Letters arrive from Richmond at 7 & 9 a.m. 2 the Crown, and held by the Rev. Percy Wemyss Phillips & 7 p.m.; dispatched at 8,30 & 11 35 a.m. & 4 & 8.20p.m Nott, :M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. Almshouses, for Burial Board, A. J. Wood, clerk six aged persons of the parish, were rebuilt in 1867, at the Surveyor of Highways, Caleb Mulley cost of an unknown benefactor. Ham House, the seat of Collector of Rates ~ Taxes, Hermon Herbert Figg the Earl of Dysart, has a library containing some rare and British ~ Parochial Schools, Ebenezer Wilkes Smith, valuable books, a number of valuable portraits and paint- master; Mrs. Albina Smith, mistress ings, in excellent preservation, representing characters of CARRIER TO LoNDON.-JohnLittle: see RICHMOND PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Tollemache Hon.Fredk.James, Ham ho French Louisa (Mrs.), Fox \t Duck Aldrich Mrs. Elizabeth, Glen cottage Tollernache Mrs. Arthur, Cecil house Godby Charles Vincent, M.A. gentle- Ashford Mrs. Elm cottage Toplis Charles H. 3 Michael's place men's school, Bute house Beach Charles, Woodbine cottage Unwin Mrs. Rutland lodge Holloway Wm.farmer,Petershamfarm Boxall Charles, 2 Michael's place Walker Samuel, Petersham house Hydropathic Sanatorium (Edward Blake Edward C. H. Crai~rnyle Williams Mrs. Spring cottage WickstedLane,M.A.,M.D.physician), Carnac Rev. Rivet, 2 Michael's place White Robert, Mayleigh Sudbrook .park Fowler Robert, Montrose house Long Eliza Sophia (Miss), fancy sta- Godby CharlesVincent,M.A.Butehouse COMMERCIAL. tioner, & post office Halford Mrs. The Cottage Aid rich Samuel,lodging house, I Park pi Long Mary (Mrs.), dairy Headley Rev.TanfieldGeo.Manor house Beard Harry, shoein~ smith McRobieAlexandet·, nurseryman, Mar- Home- Drummond- Moray Charles, Bosworth Edmund, Dysart Arm.~ travis cottage Dougla.c; house Brock John, head park keeper, 4 Marshall Jolm Henry, baker Lane Edward W. M.A., M.D. Sud- Michael's place Mulley Caleb, cowkeeper brook park Broxup John, lodging house, vine cot Ntttlefold Henry, shopkeeper Long Mrs. Ivy cottage Butler Wm. fly & omnibus proprietor Roberts Samuel, shopkeeper M etchim Mrs. Petersham lodge Butler William J ohu, beer retailer Toplis Charles H. artist, 3 Michael's pl Mogford Miss, 1 Miehael's place Clarke Samuel William & Son, plum- Watford Catherine (Mrs.), upholstress Rose Miss, ~ton lodge bers & carpenters W atford George Richard, builder Sheward George S. Lavington lodge DenmanWm.l\iarker,plumber,Park'cot Winch Henry, corn & coal merchant Stewart Capt. Francis, Church house Figg Hermon Herhert, parish clerk, Winch William, carman TollemacheHon.Algernn.Gray,Ham ho rate & tax collector Woodman John, tailor, Spring- cottage

PIRBRIGHT is a parish and village 5! miles north­ Henry W. R. W. Halsey, esq. is chieflandowner. The ex­ west from , 6 west from , 1 mile south-west tensive common lands with all manorial rights attached, from Brookwood station, in the Western division of the have been purchased by the War Department. The soil is county, Woking hundred, union of Guildford, county court chiefly sand; subsoil, partly loam and partly sand. The district of Guildford and God aiming, Woking rural deanery, chief crops are wheat, oats, barley, r.ve and beans. The area Surrey archdeaconry, and Winchesterdiocese. The chur~h is 4,711 acres; rateable value, £5,257; and the population of St. .&lichael was erected on the site of the ancient build­ iR 1871 was 768. ing, which was burnt down nearly a century ago : it has CowsHOTT, DEEPCUT, GuEEN, and chancel, nave, north aisle and tower, with small spire and UPPER and LOWER MILL, are in this pariih. 6 bells: the east window is stained. The register dates from Parish Clerk, Frederick Searle. the year 1574. The living- is a vicamge, yearly value .£74, in the gift of H. W. R. W. Halsey, esq. and held by the PosT 0FFICE.-Frederick Searle, receiver. Letters re­ Rev. Francis Owston, :M.A. of St. Catherine's College, Cam­ ceived from Guildford at 8.30 a.m.: dispatched at 4.45 bridge, who is chaplain to the London Necropolis Company p.m.; sun days received at 8.30 a.m. ; dispatched at 9.45 (Woking cemetery). H. Smith's charity of £6 is for bread. a.m. The nearest money order office is at Knapp Hill PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Avenell John, farmer Mason Mrs. farmer Bailey Richard, blacksmith MitchellJames, farmer, Cowshott Armstrong Major, Manor house Boy lett Robert, farmer Sayers J ames, farmer Dacres Admiral Sir Sydney Colpoys, CherrymanJ obn,farmer,Causeway brdg Searle Frdk. bakr. & grocer,&post office G.c.B. The Lodge Collier James, fiumer, White's farm Sherman John Frost, miller,Lower mill Faggetter lHrs Collier William, rate collector Slaug"hter Thomas,farmer, Baker's gate Fifield Rev. Joseph (Congregational] Ewe\t Herman, grocer . Smith Mary Frances(l\Iiss),shopkeeper Greenfield Henry Fagg'Mter J ames, builder & contractor Stevens Thomas, farmer Halsev Edward J oseph, The Cottage Fry George, beer retailer ThompsonAlbert,farmer, Wickham farm Owston Rev. Francis, .M.A. Vicarage Hawkins James, farmer, Cowshott Thompson Charles, wheelwright Pollard Thomas Leftwich William, miller Thompson Richard, farmer Poulton Miss Lilley Thomas William, beer retailer Tyler William, carpenter & builder Roots William Lovelock John Oliver, White Hart Wade Samuel, Fox Rumsey Henry W. Alpine lodge Luff Charles, farmer White James, farmer

PIRFORD (or PYRFORD) is a parish and village bounded bells; it was thorougl1ly restored in 1869. 'The register on the east by the river Wey, 7 miles north-east from Guild- dates from the year 1666. The living is a vicarage, annexed ford, 3 south-east from Woking station, 6 south from to the rectory of Wis1ey, joint yearly value .£360, with 12 Chertsey, in the Western division of the county, Chertsey acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Earl of union and county court district, Godley hundred, Woking Onslow, and held by the Rev. Thomas Marshall Rid~dale, rural deanery, Surrey arch deaconry, and Winchester diocese. M .A. Jesus College, Cam bridge. H. Smith's charit.v of .£21 The church of St. Nicholas is a small building, consisting of yearly is for clothing. Cold Harbour farm adjoining he a chancel and nave, with a low wooden spire containing 2 parish of Byfleet, is occupied by the Surrey Industrial school.