© Norwegian Journal of Entomology. 25 June 2015 Towards a new era for the knowledge of ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in Norway? Nine species new to the country FRODE ØDEGAARD, KJELL MAGNE OLSEN, ARNSTEIN STAVERLØKK & JAN OVE GJERSHAUG Ødegaard, F., Olsen, K.M., Staverløkk, A. & Gjershaug, J.O. 2015. Towards a new era for the knowledge of ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in Norway? Nine species new to the country. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 62, 80–99. A total of nine species of ants are reported new to the Norwegian fauna. The first verified Norwegian records of Myrmica rugulosa Nylander, 1846, and Temnothorax interruptus (Schenck, 1852) are reported. In addition, Leptothorax goesswaldi Kutter, 1967, Leptothorax kutteri Buschinger, 1965, Anergates atratulus (Schenck, 1852), Lasius sabularum (Bondroit, 1918), Lasius bicornis (Forster, 1850), Lasius citrinus Emery, 1922, and Formica foreli Emery, 1909 are reported for the first time from Norway. In addition, notes and new records of the rarely collected species Temnothorax nylanderi (Förster, 1850), Dolichoderus quadripunctatus (Linnaeus, 1771), Formica pressilabris Nylander, 1846, and Polyergus rufescens (Latreille 1798) are given. With this report, a total of 65 species of outdoor living ants are recorded from Norway. Key words: Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Anergates, Coptoformica, Chthonolasius, Dolichoderus, Formica, Lasius, Leptothorax, Myrmica, Polyergus, Temnothorax, parasitic ants, Norway. Frode Ødegaard, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA). P.O. Box 5685 Sluppen, NO-7485 Trondheim, Norway. E-mail:
[email protected] Kjell Magne Olsen, BioFokus, Gaustadalléen 21, NO-0349 Oslo, Norway. E-mail:
[email protected] Arnstein Staverløkk, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA). P.O. Box 5685 Sluppen, NO- 7485 Trondheim, Norway.