Brewing Beer in Hastings
Brewing Beer Vs. Temperance in Hastings by Dick Darsow The German love for beer probably stems from the agony of hundreds of years of constant warfare. The oppressiveness of life could be briefly forgotten after a eer is nearly as old as man. It associated with few tankards were downed. It was the German who Bthe development of agronomy and baking, developed the lager type yeast in 1840, which further which share the same ingredients, grain and yeast. In stimulated the brewing industry. Cooking with beer was the middle ages, brewing was concentrated in the popular, and bread was baked using beer instead of monasteries of the world, and was closely identified water in the recipe. When he emigrated to America, he with religious and social events. In fact the word brought with him his love for beer. Everywhere he "bridal" is derived from the English "bride - ale", a cus- went, he built breweries, from coast to coast, thousands tom in which the bride poured ale for her guests, who in of them. Reading the names of America's large brew- turn brought presents. eries is like reading a German telephone directory: During the early exploration of the American conti- Eberhard Anheuser, Adolphus Busch, Theodore nent, beer was an essential provision on ships. Water Hamm, John Hauenstein, Gottlieb Heileman, Jacob stagnated quickly, while beer remained quite stable. Linenkugel, Frederick Miller, Frederick Pabst, August The dwindling supply of beer on the Mayflower was a Schell, Joseph Schlitz. Unfortunately one problem factor in the pilgrims’ decision to seek harbor ahead of which developed in their homeland was brought with schedule in 1620.
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