Neo-Functionalism as a Theory of Disintegration Philippe C. Schmitter Professor Emeritus Dept. of Social and Political Sciences European University Institute and Zoe Lefkofridi Assistant Professor of Comparative Politics Dept. of Political Science, University of Salzburg1 and Joint Jean Monnet-Max Weber Fellow, Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies, European University Institute
[email protected] Paper prepared for “European Disintegration - A Blind Spot of Integration Theory?’ 22nd CES Conference, Paris july 8-10, 2015 **Version July 8, 2015, comments most welcome!** *** please do not circulate*** Neo-functionalism and Disintegration The European Union (EU)’s future has been put into question in practice as well as in theory (Lefkofridi and Schmitter 2015; Schmitter 2012; Vollard 2008). In a purely probablilistic sense, the fact that the EU shows signs of disintegration is hardly surprising since most of the many efforts at transnational regional integration since the Second World War have exhibited similar symptoms. Either they failed to fulfill their initial commitments, withdrew from tasks already assigned to them or simply collapsed altogether. That so many observers of the EU regarded it as exceptional and, hence, immune to disintegration perhaps explains the apparent surprise among observers. Of course, so far all that has been observed are “morbidity symptoms,” not some definitive diminution or demise. Nevertheless, the events and processes triggered by the dual crises of the Euro and the EU do require some re-thinking about the theories (and their presumptions) that have been used to explain the heretofore relative success 1 We are grateful to Lena Ramstetter for support. 1 of regional integration in Europe (for a critical discussion, see Vollard 2008).