intake screen facility, as well as the initial C1 season’s operational experiences. Design of Large Cylindrical Screens for the Darryl Hayes has been working as the USBR Lower Yellowstone Project Engineering Manager at Intake Screens, Inc. in Darryl Hayes, P.E., American Society of Civil Sacramento, CA, for the past 7 years. He has Engineers, American Society been working on fish protection and passage systems for the past 20 years. He was The Lower Yellowstone District diverts previously a Senior consultant at CH2M HILL up to 1400 cfs into its main canal system on the and the Fish Facility Chief at the California lower Yellowstone in Northeastern Department of Water Resources. Darryl is a Past Montana. In late 2010, as part of a pallid President of the American Fisheries Society's sturgeon recovery program, the USBR and Bioengineering Section. USACE began construction of a new state-of- the-art screened canal headworks structure. Screening Large Irrigation Diversions, Lessons After over 100 years of unscreened operations, Learned From Screens That Have Worked And the new fish screened facility was opened in Not Worked As Planned spring 2012. The headworks will be integrated Brent Mefford, P.E., US Bureau of Reeclamation into a major river gradient fish passage facility being proposed for construction soon. When Screening water diversions located on natural completed, the new passage and protection channels is and important link in sustaining a facilities will reduce fish entrainment and open native . Migratory species can be an additional 165 miles of river habitat for the especially vulnerable to unscreened diversions endangered and native . The new as they often move long distances yearly headwork facility’s fish protection system exposing them to multiple diversions. National consists of twelve, 6.5-foot diameter and 25 Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) fish screen feet long cylindrical fish protection screens. criteria has become the standard for screening Each screen is designed to seal over the intake’s both anadromous and non-anadromous fish in submerged sluice gates spaced along the 350- the western United States. Both designing and foot long riverbank facility. An integrated and maintaining a large fish screen to meet flush-mounted track system was built into the hydraulic criteria can be challenging. This paper vertical concrete walls to raise the screens in covers a number of case studies and research the non-irrigation season for protection from that highlight important lessons learned in the the significant ice and flood flows common on design, operation and maintenance of larger the river. When the 71-mile long irrigation canal fish screens. Case studies will be used to is operational, each screen is lowered into illustrate many important design issues on position and an automatic brush cleaning screen layout, orientation to channel flow, system is used to keep the 1.75 mm wedgewire achieving flow conditions that assist with debris slots from clogging. The new intake facility was management, dealing with biofouling and use physically modeled at the USBR Hydraulics Lab of isolation gates. Post-construction corrective along with several river fish passage options. measures that can be implemented when The on-river screen design keeps the fish and screen flow conditions don’t quite turn out as debris in the river as opposed to traditional off- planned are also presented. Screens located in river screen designs with fish bypass facilities. California, Nevada and Colorado are discussed. The cylindrical design also reduced the facility footprint and allows diversions to occur over Brent Mefford is a hydraulic/fish passage the river’s wide-ranging water surface engineer at the Bureau of Reclamation's fluctuations. This presentation will focus on the Technical Service Center in Denver, Colorado. design, construction, and hydraulics of the He has 30+ yeas experience designing and researching fish passage and screening. In the 2012 season, we added a second diversion representing a different design model, Predator Densities And Associated Salmonid allowing the comparison of predator-prey Smolt Mortality Around Water Diversions dynamics between different commonly-used Cyril J. Michel, Jeremy J. Notch, Sean A. Hayes, diversion designs. We will present data from Steven T. Lindley this more intensive second season along with a preliminary look at data from the 2013 season. Fisheries Ecology Division This project was conceived in response to the Southwest Center knowledge gap regarding how large water NOAA - NMFS - Santa Cruz Lab diversions influence predator-smolt dynamics; the majority of research on the impacts of State-of-the-art fish screens on large water diversions on salmonids concentrate on diversions effectively prevent juvenile dewatering and lethal entrainment into pumps. from being entrained by the diversion, but the Refugia for Juvenile Salmonids at Fish Screens physical structure and their prey-concentrating effect may attract predators and create a local Steven L. Thomas, NOAA / NMFS predation problem. We are assessing the Civil structures built on the banks of may impact of predation near two large diversions replace natural riparian habitat with vertical on juvenile Central Valley Chinook salmon concrete or steel walls. Examples include fish (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) using a screens which are designed to have smooth combination of acoustic telemetry, a DIDSON faces to allow fish and debris to move past the camera, and tethering. We expect to answer screen. Internal bypasses can limit the time these questions: exposure of fish to the screen, but only when (1) Is predator density higher near water there is sufficient head to drive the bypass. diversions relative to nearby areas? NOAA Fisheries Service and other agencies are (2) Do predators express site fidelity to the developing concepts for providing refugia areas diversions? along fish screens to allow smaller fish to (3) Is the relative smolt predation rate near escape the hydraulic influence of the diversion the diversions higher than nearby areas? What and predators that may take advantage of the about seasonal and diel predation rate lack of habitat at fish screens to prey on passing dynamics? fish. Steve Thomas will present some of the (4) What proportion of the predators’ diets refugia concepts being considered for larger fish consists of smolts near the diversions? screens on the Sacramento River in California. (5) All factors combined, does this result in higher than average smolt mortality rates near Steve Thomas has been a hydraulic engineer the diversions? with the National Marine Fisheries Service During a pilot season in 2011 on one diversion based in Santa Rosa, California since 1997. His on the Sacramento River, we gained limited has worked primarily on fish screen projects for insight into these questions. Predator densities the Central Valley Project’s Anadromous Fish were lowest near the diversion, and highest Screen Program which provides assistance to near the riverbank. Striped bass (Morone water users needing fish screens or fish screen saxatilis) did not seem to express site fidelity improvements on the Sacramento and San while Sacramento pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus Joaquin Rivers and their tributaries. He grandis) did. Finally, relative predation rates monitors fish screen performance by inspecting around the diversion were near average, with screens using SCUBA and conducting hydraulic the highest relative predation rates near the evaluations. riverbank. Red Bluff Fish Passage Project - Design & C2 Construction Challenges For 2,500 CFS Fish A Comparison Of The NMFS And Section 316(B) Screen Of The Of Fish Screen Criteria Jeffrey P. Sutton, Tehama Colusa Canal, Nathaniel Olken, Jon Black, Alden Research Authority General Manager, Robert Gatton, Laboratory, Inc. CH2M HILL, Peter Rude, CH2M HILL Both EPA and NMFS have authority to provide The Red Bluff Fish Passage Improvement Project regulations and design criteria to protect fish at was a joint design and construction managment water withdrawals. The NMFS criteria were effort by the U.S.Bureau of Reclamation and created to protect anadromous salmonids and CH2M HILL for the Tehama Colusa Canal apply to hydropower, irrigation, and other Authority to allow up to 2,500 cfs of fish water withdrawals. The NMFS criteria is friendly water to be diverted from the intended to expedite the permit renewal Sacramento River to irrigate 150,000 acres of process for fish screens and bypass designs that high value crops in three counties. Unique are required by various state or federal aspects of the fish screen structure included fish regulations. EPA is authorized under the Clean refuges and a sediment jetting sytem. The Water Act to require compliance with its fish project recieved $114 million of stimulus screening regulations. EPA’s 316(b) Rule, which funding and was operational by May 2012 to is expected to be finalized on June 27, 2013, will meet a Federal Court order. be applied on a national level and impact all Mr. Rude, P.E. has been with CH2M HILL for 23 existing facilities that withdraw 2 MGD or more years and has managed several fish screen water from Waters of the US and use at least design and construction efforts for irrigation 25% or more of that water exclusively for districts on the Sacramento River over the last cooling, regardless of the species present. This 15 years. B.S. in Agricultural Engineering from presentation will highlight the differences and Colorado State University and M.S. in similarities between the NMFS and EPA fish Agricultural Engineering from University of protection strategies with an emphasis on the Arizona. impact of 316(b) regulations in the northwest. Fish Passage And Screening On Whychus Creek Mr. Olken is a Project Engineer at Alden In Central Oregon Research Laboratory, Inc. where he has been involved a wide array of projects to reduce the Les Perkins, Farmers Conservation Alliance human impacts on aquatic organisms. His work A three year collaborative design process has focused primarily with Section 316(b) of the involving USFS, NOAA/NMFS, ODFW, DEQ, Clean Water Act. Mr. Olken has been the lead USFWS, Three Sisters Irrigation District, Upper engineer on over one-hundred 316(b) Deschutes Watershed Council, River Design evaluations for power companies across the Group, Anderson Perry and Associates, and country and is an expert in fish protection Farmers Conservation Alliance created a project technologies for use at large water withdrawals. on Whychus Creek in central Oregon that Mr. Olken currently works from Alden’s branch includes in-stream fish passage, floodplain office in Portland Oregon. reconnection, and a low maintenance Farmers Screen. The project was fully operational for the 2011 irrigation season. Three Sisters Irrigation District (TSID) diverts up to 160 CFS from Whychus Creek, a tributary to the Deschutes River. TSID has historically diverted water using a stream spanning low head and did not have a fish screen in place. The diversion is adherence to criteria such as transport velocity, located on US Forest Service land in the screen approach velocity, and acceleration. As National Forest where a re-introduction of part of the final stage of commissioning, summer Steelhead is occurring. The project hydraulic balancing and operational evaluation goals included in-stream fish passage at the are conducted using velocity and water level dam, reconnection of the flood plain, and meters to adjust baffles for the purpose of installation of a fish screen capable of distributing flow in accordance with their protecting fish while reliably supplying irrigation intended design flows, transport velocity, and water through a wide range of stream flows and screen approach velocity. This paper will discuss diverted flows in a system with high levels of the guidelines for design, balancing, and glacial silt. The 160 CFS maximum capacity fish evaluation of these facilities in the context of screen is the largest Farmers Screen installed to the practical field operations required to date. The screen is a dual bay design which conduct the balancing and evaluation. An allows for a very wide range of diverted flows account of historical field operations and an (30 to 160 CFS) while still meeting NMFS analysis of the measurement uncertainties for criteria. The TSID Farmers Screen has built in the instrumentation used and deployment sediment management which allows continuous techniques will be provided. A descriptive flushing of sediment from under the screen comparative analysis of the dewatering process during the high sediment times of the year. between these three projects and the The TSID Whychus Creek project is a great documentation obtained in verifying NMFS example of meeting the needs of both the criteria have been met will be provided. Lastly, agricultural community and the environment. discussion will be provided regarding the correlation between the criteria, how it is Les Perkins has been with FCA since its measured, and what the documentation inception in early 2006. Les has a Bachelors validates in terms of fish protection. degree in Biology from Lewis and Clark College and has been directly involved in 27 fish Peter Grant has 9 years experience as a screening and passage projects in Oregon, hydraulic / mechanical engineer and modeling Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. consultant. He has performed field start-up, including hydraulic evaluation and balancing of Practical Aspects Of The Hydraulic Evaluation fish screens for the Swift Reservoir Floating Of Fish Screens Surface Collector, White River Diversion Peter Grant, PE, Justin Arnold, PE, and Joe screens, Lower and Upper Baker ’ Floating Orlins, PE, PhD, D.WRE Surface Collectors. Senior Engineer, Principal Engineer, and Director, Hydraulic Modeling & Consulting – Alden Research Laboratory Significant improvements are being made in fish guidance systems used for downstream anadromous juvenile fish passage such as Floating Surface Collectors at Upper Baker Lake, Swift Reservoir, and Lower Baker Lake. These systems include converging vertical wedge-wire dewatering screens that pass flow pumped by submerged low-head axial pumps. The guidelines by which these systems are designed are set forth by the National Marine and Fisheries Service (NMFS), and require performance of different resting pool C3 alternatives, (3) development and application of Flood Channels: Developing Fish Resting Pools a population-based fish routing and energetics In A Concrete Channel Using Fish Energetics model to evaluate passage conditions and And Hydrodynamic Modeling determine preferred pool spacing, and (4) use of a 1-D HEC-RAS model to evaluate impacts of Michael Love, P.E., Michael Love & Associates, the preferred pool geometry and spacing on Inc. water levels during the capacity discharge of Corte Madera Creek in Marin County, California 153 cms. Project issues addressed include flows through an urbanized corridor before attempting to provide upstream passage at entering San Francisco Bay. It historically migration flows for an acceptable proportion of supported runs of coho salmon and continues the steelhead population, minimizing pool to maintain a run of ESA listed steelhead trout. sedimentation, minimizing flooding impacts, The lower 6.2 km of Corte Madera Creek is and ensuring proposed alternatives are contained within a flood control channel constructible. This presentation will outline the designed by the US Army Corps of Engineers. alternatives development process and focus on Most of the flood control channel is tidally how combining 2-D hydrodynamic modeling influence and provides no impediments to and population based fish passage modeling migrating adult steelhead. However, the upper can provide valuable insight during the design 730 m of channel is above mean lower-low tide, process. The full report is available at the consists of concrete vertical walls and V-shaped Friends of Corte Madera website: floor, and designed for supercritical flow. Prior to floodway construction in 1972, the potential The Utility Of Hydraulic Modeling In Reviewing of creating a steelhead depth and exhaustion Fish Passage Engineering Projects barrier was recognized. As mitigation, 28 rectangular pools spaced 19.5 m apart were David W. Crowder, National Marine Fisheries included in the channel. Each pool is 1.2 m long, Service, Southwest Region, Habitat 4.0 m wide, and have a flat bottom placed 2.5 Conservation Division cm below the channel invert. The outside edges The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) of the pools are 38 cm deep due to the V- and other resource agencies frequently review shaped bottom. Examination of the flow fish passage projects that may affect trust patterns within the pools combined with species. What type of hydraulic information is observations of steelhead swimming within the needed to evaluate a proposed project is an channel suggests the existing pools are important question that project proponents and undersized and provide minimal resting habitat resource agencies often need to answer. during typical migration flows. As part of a Frequently, the hydraulic information used to project lead by the Friends of Corte Madera, design and evaluate a project is obtained steelhead passage conditions within the present through hydraulic modeling. However, selecting channel were assessed and conceptual designs an appropriate model (e.g. a 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D were developed for providing fish passage over numerical model or a physical model) is not a wide range of stream flow through improved always a straightforward decision, as each resting pools. The project team used several model has its own pros and cons. Currently, innovative approaches to address the problem, NMFS does not have formal guidelines for including (1) using volunteers to record determining when a specific type of model is observations of flow conditions and fish preferable. Experience suggests that every movement, (2) development of a 2-D project has its own unique constraints and hydrodynamic model to analyze existing specific biological goals associated with it. The hydraulic conditions and evaluate hydraulic type of information needed to review the fish passage improvements has been effects and/or suitability of a proposed project constructed. In the course of detailed design should reflect the project’s specific constraints development computational fluid dynamic and biological goals. Examples of where NMFS modeling and other hydraulic analyses were has found certain types of hydraulic models to used to optimize fish passage performance, be particularly useful to address both common neutralize impacts to flood control and balance and unexpected fish passage situations are sediment transport and associated provided. Factors NMFS considers when maintenance requirements. The steps to evaluating fish passage projects and how this evaluate and refine the detailed design are might help guide the selection of an presented along with some preliminary appropriate hydraulic model is also discussed. monitoring results. This is part of longer term effort to evaluate project effectiveness and David Crowder obtained his B.S. M.S., and Ph.D. performance with the potential to apply similar in Civil Enginering at Virgia Tech. He designs for other flood control channels. subsequently worked at the Illinois State Water Survey before joining the National Marine Jonathon Mann is a California Registered Fisheries Service 4.5 years ago. His areas of Professional Civil Engineer with extensive interest include hydraulic modeling, sediment experience in hydraulic engineering and a sampling, and fish passage engineering. He has special focus on fish passage and stream published/coauthored journal articles in the channel restoration. During the course of his Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic career, Jon worked 9 years with the National Science, the Journal of Hydrology, Marine Fisheries Service on many fisheries Geomorphology, River Research and projects throughout California. Jon's more Applications, and the Journal of Hydraulic recent experience in private practice includes 8 Engineering. years of managing many diverse fisheries- related projects all over North America, Multi-Dimensional Hydraulic Modeling And including preparing conceptual and detailed Preliminary Monitoring Results For The project designs of complex fish passage Mission Creek Flood Control Channel systems. Jonathon Mann, Mike Garello, HDR Engineering, Use Of Measured Data And Hydraulic Models Inc., Fisheries Design Center For Evaluation Of Constructed Fish Passage A project to provide fish passage in the Mission Structures Creek flood control channel of Santa Barbara, Joey Howard, P.E., Brian Wardman, P.E., Brady California, has been underway for many years. McDaniel, Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Flood flows are conveyed through two trapezoidal concrete–lined channel reaches Channel wide fish passage structures have been with a combined length of over one mile and installed throughout the Pacific Coast to allow present passage barriers to migrating adult movement of aquatic organisms, facilitate steelhead. These passage barriers may lead to sediment transport, and provide debris complete extirpation of the steelhead conveyance. These structures are often populations in the watershed. Therefore, it is designed using stream simulation or hydraulic necessary to minimize the impact of the design techniques. Very few of these projects barriers on steelhead migration and provide the are monitored to assess the post construction most favorable hydraulic conditions as practical. hydraulic characteristics and evaluate their The City of Santa Barbara with support from performance relative to adjacent stream others is planning to modify the two concrete- conditions or hydraulic design criteria. lined reaches and restore fish passage. Final Monitoring is often difficult due to short flow designs have been completed and one reach of durations and logistical constraints associated with personnel and equipment access. have demonstrated considerable variation in Comprehensive monitoring of hydraulic attraction or guidance efficiency, as well as conditions requires multiple measurements passage efficiency. Not surprisingly, biological throughout the range of fish passage design factors, such as migratory, morphological or flows. These efforts are often costly and difficult ecological characteristics of different species, to implement. This study investigates the use of species abilities, salmonids vs non-salmonids, as episodic flow measurements combined with 2- well as passage system design features, such as dimensional modeling over a range flows to dimensions, velocities, turbulence and evaluate post project passage conditions. appropriate flows, are important. Although available field assessments are based on limited Joey Howard is a river engineer that specializes and often non-standardized data, they provide in fish passage and screen projects in Southern evidence that attraction or guidance efficiency Oregon and Northern California. may depend more (but not exclusively) on Some Aspects Of Fish Behaviour And biological factors. Field and laboratory studies Hydraulics Which May Affect Passage indicate that passage efficiency may depend Effectiveness more (but not exclusively) on passage system Christos Katopodis, Katopodis Ecohydraulics Ltd. design features, particularly when biological requirements and hydraulic conditions are well Fish behaviour over space, time, life cycle needs matched. Although frequently not well and ecohydraulic conditions may affect the understood or quantified, species motivation effectiveness of upstream and downstream and use of habitat below or above barriers may passage systems. The spacial extent of also affect attraction, guidance and passage migratory movements may depend on whether efficiency, as fish may utilize fish passage available and suitable habitat which meets the systems for tentative rather than required life cycle needs of specific species exists only movements. Innovative fish tracking below or only above a barrier, or in both techniques in field and laboratory studies are locations. Highly effective passage systems providing ways to quantify motivation, have the following characteristics: a) their use is attraction/guidance, and passage factors. compelled by the migratory needs of specific Ecohydraulic approaches, which integrate species; b) are easy to locate by the migratory improved biological assessments with advanced fish community as they offer topographical and hydraulics, enhance understanding of fish flow conditions that species seek rather than behaviour and the factors affecting passage avoid; and c) combine morphological features effectiveness. Responses of downstream and hydrodynamic conditions which match their moving fish associated with spillway re-design, biomechanical capabilities and are suitable for bypasses, and bar racks or upstream moving efficient transport. These factors relate to fish associated with habitat use, attraction species motivation (required versus tentative efficiency to fishway entrances and passage movements), attraction or guidance efficiency efficiency through submerged orifices or (probability that fish will locate the upstream surface weirs or different turbulence fishway entrance or be actively guided characteristics in pools are highlighted. Results downstream), and passage efficiency of such ecohydraulic studies are invaluable in (probability fish will move through passage calibrating numerical simulations and enhancing system), respectively. Any one of these factors biological ground-truthing of CFD modeling for or any combination of the three may limit 1, 2 or 3 dimensions. Such modeling may overall system passage effectiveness. Field provide additional insights about turbulent flow assessments for several species and many and fish behaviour. Much more effort on passage systems around the globe, ecohydraulic studies is needed in the field and supplemented by controlled laboratory studies, in the laboratory to quantify responses of species with different migratory needs and Engineering Department (Water Resources) at biomechanical capabilities. This effort is Montana State University. Her research work needed to further improve knowledge, validate combines three-dimensional computational fish behaviour assumptions, ground-truth fluid dynamics modeling and fish passage. She is models and assist the development of more currently funded by a Hydro Research robust and effective fish passage systems. Foundation fellowship which was designed to help outstanding early-career researchers Modeling Fish Passage for American Shad in a facilitate research related to hydropower. Steeppass Fishway using a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Model Katey Plymesser, Joel Cahoon, Montana State University The Alaska Steeppass is a type of chute fishway used extensively on coastal streams in the east and in remote locations of the U.S. Typically prefabricated out of ¼ aluminum plate into 27- inch-high, 18-inch-wide, 10-foot sections, these chutes are highly portable and relatively inexpensive. The Model A Steeppass, a derivative of the modified Denil No. 6 developed by McLeod and Nemenyi, is the most widely used variant because it reduces flow velocities to magnitudes negotiable by many salmonid and alosa species. The results of the CFD model will be briefly described and the focus of the presentation will be to demonstrate how the CFD model was used to estimate the probability of passage for American Shad in a steeppass fishway for a selection of swim paths. Passage efficiency can be estimated using optimal swim speeds for the target species (Castro-Santos 2005) allowing for variation in water velocity (Castro-Santos, 2006). The results will be compared to experimental results for passage efficiency published by researchers at the S.O. Conte Anadromous Fish Research Center (Haro, et al, 1999) to demonstrate that water velocity alone does not limit ascent of the fishway by American Shad. Katey Plymesser received her undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering in 2001 from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. After working as a consulting engineer in land development for six years, she decided to return to graduate school full-time. She is currently a PhD Candidate in the Civil