Technische Universität Outline

History and Campus Profile Teaching Internationalization History and Campus Profile Teaching Internationalization History and Campus

19th century 21st century History and Campus | Origin

• Founding of the forerunner academies: Mining 1770 – Academy, Building Academy, Vocational Academy 1821

• Unification into Royal Technical College of Berlin 1879

• Closure of the Technische Hochschule 1945 – and re-establishment under the new name: Technische 1946 Universität Berlin

• Establishment of the School of Humanities 1950 History and Campus | Research History

Franz Reuleaux 1829 - 1905 Machine kinematics

Adolf Slaby 1849 - 1913 Radiotelegraphy

Alois Riedler 1850 - 1936 Motor vehicle construction Gustav Hertz* Franz Reuleaux Adolf Miethe 1862 - 1927 Three-color photography, the flashlight

Georg Schlesinger 1874 - 1949 Machine tool design and factory management

Hermann Föttinger 1877 - 1945 The fully automatic gear box

Laws governing the impact of an electron upon an Gustav Hertz* 1887 - 1975 atom Ernst Ruska*

Hans Geiger 1882 - 1925 The Geiger Counter

Dennis Gábor* 1900 - 1979 Holography

Eugene Wigner* 1902 - 1995 Quantum mechanics

Ernst Ruska* 1902 - 1988 The electron microscope Georg Schlesinger Hans Geiger

Konrad Zuse 1910 - 1996 The first freely programmable computing machine

Gerhard Ertl* 1936 - Chemical processes on solid surfaces

*Nobel prize laureate

Dennis Gábor* Gerhard Ertl* History and Campus Profile Teaching Internationalization Profile | Campus Map

• around 600 000 sq m base area distributed over several locations in Berlin • 122 buildings (19 000 rooms) Profile | TU Berlin in short

third largest university of in

research and teaching intensive cooperation ranging from between science and engineering and natural industry sciences to humanities and social sciences Technische Universität Berlin, a university with international reputation in Germany‘s capital and in the heart of Europe

alliance between joint research projects technology and with numerous non- humanities to meet the university research challenges of the future institutes

Technische Universität Berlin | International Scientific Cooperation Profile | TU Berlin in figures (2017)


345 370 Professors Visiting professors and associated lecturers

2711 2084 Scientific staff Other employees Financed by third-party funds: Financed by third-party 1706 (63%) funds: 253 (12%)

Technische Universität Berlin | International Scientific Cooperation Profile | TU Berlin in figures (2016)

FUNDING IN MILLION € st a t e f un d in g external funding

178,8 177,5 168,2 159,6 174 146,2 158,9 125,4 External funds split-up

private/industry 295,7 302,6 310 14% 251,1 264,8 268,6 284,4 287,6 ESB 2%

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 other public funds federal 6% government 32%

EU Ø In 2016: about 523,000 € of fundings acquired per professor 16% Ø In the past 10 years: a rise of 230% state government 1%

DFG 29%

Technische Universität Berlin | International Scientific Cooperation Profile | Faculties

Faculty I 7 institutes / centers Humanities

Faculty II Mathematics and Natural 6 institutes Central Institutes Sciences

Faculty III 6 institutes Central Institute Central Institute Process Sciences El Gouna School of Education

Faculty IV and 6 institutes Computer Science

Faculty V Mechanics Engineering and 7 institutes Computer Sciences

Faculty VI Planning - Building - 8 institutes Environment

Faculty VII 3 institutes Economics and Management

Technische Universität Berlin | International Scientific Cooperation Profile | Central Institute El Gouna (Egypt)

Main focus of the degree programs and research: Growth of population and climate change require new strategies to tap new living spaces, water and energy.

M.Sc. Energy Engineering M.Sc. M.Sc. Business Urban Engineering Development Energy Continuing Education Master‘s Programs at Campus El Gouna M.Sc. M.Sc. IT for Energy Water Engineering

Technische Universität Berlin | International Scientific Cooperation Profile | Core areas in research and education

Technische Universität Berlin | International Scientific Cooperation Profile | Collaborative Research (selection)

TU Berlin as coordinating university

Technische Universität Berlin | International Scientific Cooperation Profile | Collaborative Research (selection)


TU Berlin as with participation of the coordinator TU Berlin

Collaborative Research Research BeMobil Bernstein Center Research Units (FOR): Training for Computational Centers 10 Groups: 10 Neuroscience (SFB): 18 Berlin Big Data Berlin (BCCN)

BerlinHECOR The German Internet Institute Software Campus

and others (e. g. EU Research and Innovation Projects such as Horizon 2020 and FP7)

Technische Universität Berlin | International Scientific Cooperation Profile | Strategic Partnerships R&D

non-university research in stit utions, i.a.: industry and private inverstors, i.a.:

Technische Universität Berlin | International Scientific Cooperation Profile | Entrepreneurship – Start-ups and Spin-offs

• Currently 20 PhD projects

• 35 Tech startups per year

• 150+ Tech startups since 2007 Research & Master‘s Startup • More than 80% of startups are still in business Publications Programs Support

• Labeled as „The Entrepreneurial University - EXIST“ („Die Gründerhochschule“) by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy • Currently No. 2 in GER of EXIST- Universities Trainings Inspiration

Technische Universität Berlin | International Scientific Cooperation History and Campus Profile Teaching Internationalization Teaching | Facts and figures

Students: 35.009 : 504 Post doctoral lecture qualification: 6

Male: Female: 23.506 11.503 (67 %) (33 %)

International students: 7962 (23%)

Degree Programs: more than. 150 Double Degrees: 38 (with universities in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, France, Republic of Korea, Poland, Russia, Serbia)

Programs in English: 26

Technische Universität Berlin | International Scientific Cooperation Teaching | Courses in English

Architecture - Typology, M.Sc. Industrial and Network Economics, M.Sc. Building Sustainability - Management Methods for Information Systems Management, M.Sc. Energy Efficiency, M.B.A. Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Business Engineering Energy, M.Sc. Sustainability (IMES), M.Sc. Computational Neuroscience, M.Sc. IT for Energy, M.Sc. Computer Science, M.Sc. Polymer Science, M.Sc. Energy Engineering, M.Sc. Process Energy and Environmental Systems Energy Management, M.B.A. Scientific Computing, M.Sc. Environmental Planning, M.Sc. Space Engineering, M.Sc. European Studies Sustainable Mobility Management, M.B.A. European and International Energy Law, M.B.L. Urban Development, M.Sc. Geodesy and Geoinformation Science, M.Sc. Urban Management, M.Sc. Global Production Engineering, M.Sc. Water Engineering, M.Sc. ICT Innovation, M.Sc.

Technische Universität Berlin | International Scientific Cooperation Teaching | Study Structure

Professional Life

Doctorate Doctorate

Master Master 2-4 semesters 2-4 semesters

Assessment Test for Professional Life PhD

Bachelor 6-8 semesters

Technische Universität Berlin | International Scientific Cooperation Teaching | Students by subject (Summer 2017)

Natural Sciences & Social and Mathematics economic 6,215 sciences 1,863 Engineering Others Sciences 3,757 23,062 Humanities 1,894

Technische Universität Berlin | International Scientific Cooperation History and Campus Profile Teaching Internationalization Internationalization | Fields of action

Administration external human resource internal development strategic partnerships exchange

research Studying & Teaching cooperation Research & junior international studies Internationalization academics liaison offices @ home international students exchange summer schools int. recruiting Campus El Gouna Structure student exchange international website double/ dual English forms / calls degrees

Technische Universität Berlin | International Scientific Cooperation Internationalization | International cooperation

Institutions with an existing student exchanges, dual degree programs or Memorandi of Understanding

Technische Universität Berlin | International Scientific Cooperation Internationalization | Facts and figures

Student body • 23 % international students

Professorships • 6 % international professors • more than 16 % international research associates

Alumni § award winning alumni network maintains contacts with TU alumni from over 130 countries

Technische Universität Berlin | International Scientific Cooperation Internationalization | Students by country of origin

1. 000

800 1.030

624 600 449

321 400 315 312 301 266 254 201 193 191 188 180 168 155 138 135 130 125 200 118 118 98 88 81 81 67 66 63 63 60 57 57 56 52 51 48 46 45 45 44


Iran India Italy Sy ri a Eg ypt Sp ain Brazi l Nepal I sra el Tu rke y Po lan d G re eceTu nisia Fr ancM e exi coAu stri a Al ban ia Ye meTa n iw an Jor dan Croatia Vi et nam Bu lga ri a U kra ine Hungary Ec uador PR Chi na Pa kistanColombia Leb anon Romania I ndone sia Cameroon NetherlandsBa ngl adesh Sw itzer l and Afgha nistan Ko re a ( S out h) United States United Kingdom R ussia n F eder at io n

42 41 40 38 38 35 35 40 33 32 32 31 29 29 28 27 26 25 25 30 21 20 20 19 18 17 16 15 15 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 13 13 20 12 12 12 11 10 0

Iraq Pe ru Chile Li bya Se rb ia Lat vi a Japa n Ke nya Bo livia C zech… Su dan Be lar us Nigeria Fi nla ndIreland Norway Au stral ia Georgia Th ail andPo rt uga l M or occo Sw ede n Sl oven ia CanadaAr m eni a Be lgi um Mongolia M ala ysia Denmark Ar ge nti na Li thu ani a Ve nezue la Az erb aij an St aat enl os Bo snia an d…Pa lest in ian … Ka zakhst an M acedo nia Ky rgy zstan Luxe mb our g Sa udi A rab ia (Winter 17/18, more than 10 students per country)

Technische Universität Berlin | International Scientific Cooperation Internationalization | Reasons to study at TUB

Importance in percent: 0 % = not important, 100 % = very important

Good reputationof teaching s taff To study in German Go od ran ki n gsof theun iv ers ity Low fees and cost of living Good repuation of the study program Attrac tiveness of Berlin Good reputationof theuniv ers ity Go od rep u tat io nof ac ad em ic st u di es in Germ an y Pofessional/scientificfocus ofstudy program Profile of the study program 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Importance in percent

Survey among 300 international students in december 2015

Technische Universität Berlin | International Scientific Cooperation Internationalization | Alumni Network

Worldwide approx. 5000 contacts outside of Germany in 138 countries

Technische Universität Berlin | International Scientific Cooperation Internationalization | TU Berlin Summer University

• Total of 204 students (2017) • 42 different countries(2017)

• 3 four-week-terms in summer, one in winter • A total of 18 different courses with innovative topics (e.g. „blue engineering“ 32 other • Cultural activities countries with less than 4 China; 63 • Participants can achieve up to 13 ECTS participant; 50 Mexico; 4 Russia; 4 Turkey; 5 Iran; 5 USA; 32 Brazil; 5 India; 7 Egypt; 7 Germany; 22

Technische Universität Berlin | International Scientific Cooperation Thank you for your attention!