[email protected] (508) 238-5654 www.rightarmresource.com www.facebook.com/rightarmresource 4/16/2014 The Wind & The Wave “With Your Two Hands” Passenger “Scare Away The Dark” The first single from The Wreckage, coming this summer On PlayMPE Mediabase 46*! First week: KPND, WEZZ, KRML, WCBE, KFMU, KSPN... Added Early: WRLT, WNCS, KUTX, WCOO, WWNU, KBAC, KRML, Already on board: KINK, CIDR, WXRV, WRLT, WMMM, KRSH, KCSN, KROK, KSMT, WEZZ, WFIV, WOCM, KCLC, WJCU, KUNC and KSLU Music Choice, KTAO, KROK, KSMT, KTAO, WFIV, WOCM, WVMP... Featured in the New York Times - “SXSW - Eyes on Local Bands” Premiered it with a performance on The Tonight Show - see our site Great licensing with Grey’s Anatomy, Hart of Dixie and more New cd Whispers in stores 6/10 See the Aug/Sept tour on page 3 See them in Boulder! Played SXSW, Sundance & Sunset Sessions “Let Her Go” has gone triple-platinum following #1 spots at Just finished dates with The Colourists and Night Terrors of 1927 multiple formats, great licensing and many TV appearances Ziggy Marley “I Don’t Wanna Live On Mars” Augustana “Ash and Ember” The first single from Fly Rasta, in stores now Full cd on your desk The first single from Life Imitating Life, in stores Tuesday FMQB #1 Most Added! New: SiriusXM Loft, WNKU, WCBE, KSUT, KTAO, New: KPRI, WRLT, WTMD, KCLC, KMTN Already on: KINK, WXRV, KRSH, KFMU, KSPN, KRCC, KYSL, KXCI... Early: KRML, WFIV, WKZE, KRVB, WNCS, KCSN, WEZZ, WCOO, KPND, WTYD, WCNR, KFMU, WMWV, WTYD, WYCE, KSNO, WHRV, WUKY..