Like what you hear? Tweet it using: #Sec360 HADOOP SECURITY Like what you hear? Tweet it using: #Sec360 HADOOP SECURITY About Robert: School: UW Madison, U St. Thomas Programming: 15 years, C, C++, Java Security Work: § Surescripts, Minneapolis (present) § Big Retail Company, Minneapolis § Big Healthcare Company, Minnetonka OWASP Local Volunteer CISSP, CISM, CISA, CHPS Email:
[email protected] Twitter: @msp_sullivan HADOOP SECURITY History What is new? Common Applications Threats Security Architecture Secure Baseline and Testing Policy Impact HADOOP HISTORY • 2002 : Doug Cutting & Mike Cafarella: Nutch • Crawl and index hundreds of millions of pages • 2003: Google File System paper released • 2004: Google MapReduce paper released • 2006: Yahoo formed Hadoop 5 to 20 nodes • 2008: Yahoo, Hadoop “behind every click” • 2008: Google spun off Cloudera 2,000 Hadoop nodes • 2008: Facebook open sourced Hive for Hadoop • 2011: Yahoo spins out Hortonworks • Hortonworks Hadoop 42,000 nodes, hundreds of petabytes Derrick Harris “The History of Hadoop from 4 nodes to the future of data”, HADOOP IS The Apache Hadoop software library is a framework that allows for the distributed processing of large … - Software Framework - Distributed Processing - Large Data Sets - Clusters of Computers - High Availability - Scale to Thousands of Machines Link: MAPREDUCE IS NEW MAP REDUCE HADOOP COMMON APPLICATIONS 1. Web Search 2. Advertising & recommendations 3. Security Threat Identification 4. Fraud