If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at -----= \\ ... .' . HISTORY OF ~~E j' IN8ANITYDEFENSE IN N~ YOR~ sTkrE New Yor)c State l,ibrary Legisl~tive and Governmental Service~ Cultural Education Center , Albany, New York 12230 tj \ \ I" Telephone; (518) 474-3940 -~-------~--------------------- ~--.~ --_.- --------- t .. ;1 HISTORY OF THE INSANITY DEFENSE '.\ IN NHf YORK STATE S-3 by Robert Allan Carter Senior Librarian : , U.S. Department of Justice 89955 August 1982 Nat/onallnstitute of Justice Research Completed February 1982 This document has been reproduced exactly as received fro th ine~~fn ~r organization originating it. Points of view or opinions ~ate~ s ocumen~ ~re those of the authors and do not necossaril ~~~~~~~nt the official position or policies of the National Institute J Permission to reproduce this copyrighted material has been granted by __ , History~ Of Tnsani ty Defense Carter to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). "·0(.; o 1'. ,. ~~~~~rt~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~e of the NCJRS system';equ/res perm/s- The state Education ,Department does not discrim2nate'on the basis of age, c910r, creed, -disabi.1ity, marital status, veteran statu~, nationa1qrigin, race Or sexl\ _If. This policy is incompliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of. 1972. , 'I Leg is 1at i ve arid Governmenta 1 Serv ices ;, ~ The New York State library "'~, = ~ p, -- - 1 - On January 20, 1843, Oaniel M1Naghten, while attempting to assassinate the English Prime Minister, Sir Robert P~el, instead shot and mortally wounded the Prime Minister's private sec.F-'c:tary, Edward Drummond. At his trial M'Naghten was found not guilty by reason of insanity.
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