"The Texas Shuffle": Lone Star Underpinnings of the Kansas City
Bailey: The Texas Shuffle Produced by The Berkeley Electronic Press, 2006 1 'k8 Texas Shume ': Lone Star Underpinnings of the Kansas Civ Jcm Sound Journal of Texas Music History, Vol. 6 [2006], Iss. 1, Art. 3 7he story of Amerlcan juz is often .d~minakdby discussions of New Weans and of juz music's migro- 1 Won up the Mississippi RRlver into the urban centers of New York, Chicago, 1 Philadelphia, Detroit, and St. Louis. I mis narrative, whlle accurate in mony respecis, belies the true I nature of the music and, as with b any broad hisforIca1 generaliizu- tion, contulns an ultimate presump tlve flaw The emergence of jan cannot be aftributed solely fo any single clfy or reglon of he country. Instead, jan music Grew out of he collective experiences of Amerl- k b- .r~& cans from VU~~Wof backgrounds , living ihroughout the ndon.1 The routinely owrlookd conmibutions of T- &m to the dcvclopment of jazz unhmthe ndfor a broader un- of how chis music drew from a wide range of regidinfluenm. As dyas the I920s, mwhg pups of jm musidans, or %tory bands,* whicb indudad a n& of Tarnns, were hdping spread dmughout &t Souktand Miwest in such wwns as Kana City, Daltas. Fort Wod, Mo,Hnumn, Galveston. Sm Antonio, Tulsa, Oklahoma City, and beyond. The w11cctive iducnaof dmc musihbought many things to /bear on the dmeIopment of American jazz, including a cemh smsc of frcwlom md impraviaation dm later would be rcseewd in the erne- of bebop ad in the impromp jam dm,or eonmrs," rhac mn until dawn and helped spdighr youagu arrists and Md, new musical hmuiom.' The Tmas and sourhwesrern jas~ http://ecommons.txstate.edu/jtmh/vol6/iss1/3 2 Bailey: The Texas Shuffle scenes, while not heralded on the same scale as those in New in competitive jam sessions, or cutting contests, which allowed Orleans, Chicago, and New York City, have not gone artists to hone their skills, display their talents, and establish completely unnoticed by scholars.
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