317-234-8926 Mclift@Gov.In.Gov
Scott.A.Milkey From: Clift, Mckenzie C Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2015 6:04 PM To: Lloyd, Matthew;Hodgin, Stephanie Subject: RE: transcrip Attachments: Governor, Rafael Interview Transcription.docx Yes - see attached. McKenzie Clift Communications Specialist Office of Governor Michael R. Pence Office: 317-234-8926 mclift@gov.in.gov From: Lloyd, Matthew Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2015 6:00 PM To: Hodgin, Stephanie <SHodgin@gov.in.gov>; Clift, Mckenzie C <MClift@gov.IN.gov> Subject: transcrip Can you send me script from Rafael interview? Transcription This Week Interview with Governor Mike Pence – Airing 10/18 Rafael Sanchez, RTV 6: Governor Mike Pence: Governor, thank you for joining us. Rafael Sanchez, RTV 6:You bet. You announced a major road program which you say will not, in any way, raiGovernorse taxes. Mike How Pence:is that possible? Well, it’s a real testament to the strong, fiscal responsibility that Indiana’s demonstrated in recent years. Look, we have one of the strongest balance sheets in the country. We have a growing economy. We have record employment in the state of Indiana and the lowest unemployment rate in the Midwest. That’s all created an environment where, in the end of the last fiscal year, we actually ended up with near record reserves in the bank. So, as we were looking at the priorities of the coming session and the General Assembly, I knew it would be possible for us to invest in the kind of preservation of our infrastructure, of roads and bridges, across the state of Indiana. By leveraging our fiscal strength without having to raise taxes on Hoosier motorists and taxpayers.Rafael Sanchez, RTV 6: We’re talking about $1 billion.
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