(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Development Control Committee, 15/07/2019 13:30

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(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Development Control Committee, 15/07/2019 13:30 Public Document Pack High Peak Borough Council DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE AGENDA Date: Monday, 15 July 2019 Time: 1.30 pm Venue: Main Hall, Town Hall, Market Street, Chapel en le Frith 5 July 2019 PART 1 1. Apologies for Absence 2. To receive Disclosures of Interest on any matters before the Committee 1. Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 2. Other Interests 3. Minutes of the previous meeting (Pages 3 - 6) 4. Update Sheet 5. Planning Applications (Pages 7 - 8) 6. HPK/2019/0097 Rockhead Spring Pump Building, Bakewell Road, Buxton - Installation of a pipe from Rockhead Spring Pump House to Waterswallows Lane (Pages 9 - 52) 7. HPK/2017/0518 Woods Mill, Milltown, Glossop - Variation of conditions 21, 44 and 45 of HPK/2015/0571 (Pages 53 - 76) 8. HPK/2019/0213 Land adjacent to 105 Horse Fair Avenue, Chapel-En-Le-Frith - Outline Permission with details of access and layout (all other matters reserved) for a detached dwelling (Pages 77 - 88) 9. HPK/2019/0167 55 Berwick Road, Buxton - Demolition of rear conservatory & construction of new single storey rear extension & extended porch extension to front. (Pages 89 - 94) SIMON BAKER CHIEF EXECUTIVE Membership of Development Control Committee Councillor R McKeown (Chair) Councillor D Lomax (Vice-Chair) Councillor A Barrow Councillor L Dowson Councillor C Farrell Councillor I Huddlestone Councillor G Oakley Councillor J Perkins Councillor P N Roberts Councillor E Thrane Councillor J Todd Councillor S Young Agenda Item 3 High Peak Borough Council DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE Meeting: Monday, 20 May 2019 at 1.30 pm in Main Hall, Town Hall, Market Street, Chapel en le Frith Present: Councillor R McKeown (Chair) Councillors A Barrow, L Dowson, C Farrell, I Huddlestone, D Lomax, G Oakley, J Perkins, P N Roberts, E Thrane, J Todd and S Young Apologies for absence were received from Councillors 20/1 TO RECEIVE DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST ON ANY MATTERS BEFORE THE COMMITTEE (Agenda Item 2) Councillor R McKeown declared an ‘other’ interest in agenda item 7 (HPK/2018/0551 Howard Town Brewery, Hawkshead Mill, Hope Street, Glossop) (reason: member of the management committee of Glossop Labour Club who buy beer from the brewery) and vacated the Chair and withdrew from the meeting during the consideration and voting on the application 20/2 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING (Agenda Item 3) RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 8 April 2019 be approved as a correct record. 20/3 UPDATE SHEET (Agenda Item 4) RESOLVED: That the update sheet be noted. 20/4 PLANNING APPLICATIONS (Agenda Item 5) RESOLVED: That the report be noted. 20/5 HPK/2018/0426 TOM WOOD, START LANE, WHALEY BRIDGE - RETENTION OF ENGINEERING OPERATIONS AND PROPOSED BUILDING FOR WOODLAND MANAGEMENT (Agenda Item 6) Page 3 Development Control Committee Monday, 20 May 2019 Retention of engineering operations and proposed building for woodland management Applicant: Mr Tom Williams The Committee were addressed by David Lord and Colin Kirkwood in objection to the application and by Tom Williams (applicant). The Committee had undertaken a site visit. RESOLVED: 1. That planning permission be refused as set out in the report; 2. That in the event of any changes being needed to the wording of the Committee’s decision (such as to delete, vary or add conditions / informatives / planning obligations or reasons for approval / refusal) prior to the decision being issued, the Operations Manager – Development Services be delegated authority to do so in consultation with the Chair of the Development Control Committee, provided that the changes do not exceed the substantive nature of the committee’s decision. 20/6 HPK/2018/0551 HOWARD TOWN BREWERY, HAWKSHEAD MILL. HOPE STREET, GLOSSOP (Agenda Item 7) Proposed change of use of the existing B2 use class (general industrial) to a Sui Generis (Brew shop with ancillary tasting room and provision of bar snacks) Applicant: Howard Town Brewery The Committee were addressed by Kay Stowell in support of the application. The Committee had undertaken a site visit. RESOLVED: That consideration of the application be deferred, pending the receipt of additional information concerning: (i) parking – need for clarity around the level and location of parking to be provided at the site (ii) additional information around the company’s proposals to develop the business including numbers of employees (iii) further clarification from the highway authority around whether the proposal can be reconciled with the access for the Hawkshead Mill site. 20/7 UPDATE ON PLANNING APPEALS (Agenda Item 8) Page 4 Development Control Committee Monday, 20 May 2019 RESOLVED: That the report be noted. 20/8 EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC (Agenda Item 9) RESOLVED: That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business as there may be disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 20/9 EXEMPT MINUTES (Agenda Item 10) RESOLVED: That the exempt minutes of the meeting held on 8 April 2019 be approved as a correct record. The meeting concluded at Time Not Specified CHAIR Page 5 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 5 HIGH PEAK BOROUGH COUNCIL Report to Development Control Committee 15 July 2019 TITLE: PLANNING APPLICATIONS FOR DECISION BY COMMITTEE EXECUTIVE COUNCILLOR: Councillor Anthony McKeown CONTACT OFFICER: Ben Haywood – Head of Development Services WARDS INVOLVED: All Appendices Attached - None 1. Reason for the Report: To outline the Committee’s determination of planning applications 2. Recommendation 2.1 That the report be noted. 3. Executive Summary 3.1 Unless the Committee decide to waive their delegated power in respect of any application, the Committee’s determination of any application will operate as a final decision, unless:- a. it is a major departure from Council Policy; b. There are resource implications for the Borough Council which need to be considered by the Executive 3.2 The environmental, legal, financial and equal opportunities raised by each application are dealt with within each report. There are no known Community Safety issues unless specified in the report. Web Links and Location Contact details Background Papers Background papers for all planning Town Hall, Buxton applications Page 7 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 6 HIGH PEAK BOROUGH COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE Date 15th July 2019 Application HPK/2019/0097 No: Location Rockhead Spring Pump Building, Bakewell Road, Buxton Proposal Installation of a pipe from Rockhead Spring Pump House to Waterswallows Lane along a route that includes Bakewwell Road, Redgap Lane, Daiseymere Lane and Waterswallows Lane. Applicant Mr Craig Airey, Nestle Waters Agent Mr Graham Trewhella, Cass Associates Parish/ward King Sterndale / Cote Date registered 21st March Heath 2019 If you have a question about this report please contact: Ben Haywood email: [email protected] Tel: 01538 395400 Ext: 4924 REFERRAL The application has been referred to the Committee as it is a major development 1. SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATION Approve, subject to conditions 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL 2.1 Nestlé Waters UK bottles mineral and spring water at its bottling plant facility on Waterswallows Lane, Buxton. To supply growing customer demand, Nestlé Waters has acquired the Rockhead Spring along the A6 (Bakewell road) approx 2 miles to the SE of Buxton Town centre. The source is approximately 4km from the bottling plant and a new pipeline is required between the source and the plant to transport the water between the two locations. 2.2 The works effectively consist of a single trench, 600m wide and 1.2m deep for the entire 4km. It is anticipated that trench-work will be via 4-man gang using 6-13T excavator or trenching machine.. Once excavated pipework will be placed within the trench, with site welds applied every 18m. The apparatus to be installed within, is summarized as follows;- 2 Off DN65 316L stainless steel production pipes, wrapped spirally bin Densoclad. Page 9 2 Off 150mm Cable ducts. The apparatus will be laid at a cover of 900mm with a 100mm sand bed and surround. The backfill material above the sand and warning tape will vary dependent on whether the trench is within (a) highway or (b) farm land/verge. All trench re-instatement will be carried out in accordance with the Specification for the reinstatement of openings in highways (3rd Edition) 3. DESCRIPTION OF THE SITE AND ITS SURROUNDINGS 3.1 At present the Rockhead Source site comprises a small stone and slate building similar in size to a small detached garage, surrounded by a palisade fence which sits alongside the A6 road into Buxton. The site is well screened from the road by boundary trees and shrubs. 3.2 Separate applications are also under consideration by the Council for monitoring boreholes at the site and a new pump building. 3.3 The proposed pipeline would start from the Rockhead source and after leaving the Rockhead compound, the route will enter several different sections noted on the submitted plan with letters. In brief the sections involve;- A – B 400m section in the A6, under a Network Rail Viaduct, followed by a river crossing and a short run across a rough hardstanding area used by local plant yard and quarry wagons. B- C 125m section through a Site of Scientific Interest (SSSI) C-D 900m section across farmland, farmyard and tracks ending in a crossing of Redgap Lane. D-E 900m section in wide verge parallel to Redgap Lane.. E-F 750m section in the narrower verge of Daisymere Lane. F-G Crossing of Waterswallows Lane adjacent junction. G-H Section in Nestlé owned land. 3.4 The application and details attached to it - including the plans, supporting documents, representations and responses from consultees - can be found on the Council’s website at:- http://planning.highpeak.gov.uk/portal/servlets/ApplicationSearchServlet?PKID=2311 32 4.
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