MATH 679: INTRODUCTION TO p-ADIC HODGE THEORY LECTURES BY SERIN HONG; NOTES BY ALEKSANDER HORAWA These are notes from Math 679 taught by Serin Hong in Winter 2020, LATEX'ed by Aleksander Horawa (who is the only person responsible for any mistakes that may be found in them). Official notes for the class are available here: http: // They contain many more details than these lecture notes. This version is from July 28, 2020. Check for the latest version of these notes at If you find any typos or mistakes, please let me know at
[email protected]. The class will consist of 4 chapters: (1) Introduction, Section1, (2) Finite group schemes and p-divisible groups, Section2, (3) Fontaine's formalism, (4) The Fargues{Fontaine curve. Contents 1. Introduction2 1.1. A first glimpse of p-adic Hodge theory2 1.2. A first glimpse of the Fargues{Fontaine curve8 1.3. Geometrization of p-adic representations 10 2. Foundations of p-adic Hodge theory 11 2.1. Finite flat group schemes 11 2.2. Finite ´etalegroup schemes 18 2.3. The connected ´etalesequence 20 2.4. The Frobenius morphism 22 2.5. p-divisible groups 25 Date: July 28, 2020. 1 2 SERIN HONG 2.6. Serre{Tate equivalence for connected p-divisible groups 29 2.7. Dieudonn´e{Maninclassification 37 2.8. Hodge{Tate decomposition 40 2.9. Generic fibers of p-divisible groups 57 3. Period rings and functors 60 3.1.