The Delius Society Journal
Autmn 1993, Number 112 The Delius Society Journal The Delius Society Journal Autumn 1993, Number 112 The Delius Society Full Membership and Institutions £15 per year USA and Canada US$31 per year Africa, Australasia and Far East £18 President Eric Fenby OBE, Hon DMus, Hon DLitt, Hon RAM, FRCM, Hon FTCL Vice Presidents Felix Aprahamian Hon RCO Roland Gibson MSc, PhD (Founder Member) Meredith Davies CBE, MA, BMus, FRCM, Hon RAM Norman Del Mar CBE, Hon DMus Vernon Handley MA, FRCM, D Univ (Surrey) Sir Charles Mackerras CBE Chairman RB Meadows 5 Westbourne House, Mount Park Road, Harrow, Middlesex HAl 3JT Treasurer [to whom membership enquiries should be directed] Derek Cox Mercers, 6 Mount Pleasant, Blockley, Glos. GL56 9BU Tel: (0386) 700175 Secretary 10nathan Maddox 6 Town Farm, Wheathampstead, Herts AL4 8QL Tel: (0582) 833668 Editor Stephen Lloyd 85a Farley Hill, Luton, Bedfordshire LUI 5EG Tel: Luton (0582) 20075 2 CONTENTS Le Chant de la Nuit and Il pleure dans mon Coeur by David J Eccott 3 REVIEWS: DELIUS: Piano Concerto (1904 version) and Poem oJLifeandLove ....... 8 DELIUS: A Musical Notebook 9 A Source Guide to the Music oJ Percy Grainger (ed. Thomas Lewis) ..... 10 SORABJI: A Critical Celebration (ed. Paul Rapoport) 12 The Young Pianist's Delius, arranged by Ronald Stevenson 13 DELIUS: Over the hills andJar away. Nonh country sketches, Eventyr, Koanga closing scene (RPO, Beecham) 14 DELIUS: Sea Drift, SongsoJFarewell. SongsoJSunset(BSO, Hickox) ...... 15 DELIUS: Paris, In a summergarden. Brigg Fair, etc. (BBCSO, Davis) ....... 16 THE DELIUS COLLECTION: GeoffreyToye conducts BriggFair. In a summergarden, etc.; Evlyn Howard-Jones plays Delius; etc 17 PERCYGRAINGER: Piano music for four hands.
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