OLD PARLIAMENT HOUSE ANNUAL REPORT 2019–20 © Commonwealth of Australia 2020 This work is copyright. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior permission from Old Parliament House. ISSN: 1837-2309 Published by Old Parliament House Edited by WordsWorth Writing, Canberra Designed and typeset by Paper Monkey Printed by CanPrint This report is available online at www.moadoph.gov.au/about/annual-reports Contacts Physical address Old Parliament House 18 King George Terrace Parkes ACT 2600 Mailing address Old Parliament House PO Box 3934 Manuka ACT 2603 Enquiries Contact Governance Coordinator Phone (02) 6270 8269 Email
[email protected] Website www.moadoph.gov.au The Hon Ben Morton MP Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister and Cabinet Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Dear Assistant Minister On behalf of the Board of Old Parliament House, I am pleased to forward to you the annual report on the operations of Old Parliament House for the year ended 30 June 2020. In December 2019, the Board farewelled the Hon Dr David Kemp AC, who served as Chair from 2016 and notably oversaw the successful transition of Old Parliament House to the status of a corporate Commonwealth entity. I thank David for his inspiring and passionate leadership and ongoing advocacy for the Museum of Australian Democracy’s role in engaging Australians with the powerful stories of our democracy. I also acknowledge the contributions of Deputy Chair Mr Bernard Wright AO, particularly for his leadership as Acting Chair from 9 December 2019 until 28 May 2020, and our fellow Board members, the Hon Simon Crean, Prof Anne Tiernan, Ms Cheryl Cartwright, Mrs Maria Myers, Ms Gai Brodtmann and Ms Daryl Karp AM.