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L28 59Iiini T O Ld of K Ille R •."V ■'-L '^■-c' '-. y i \ li^ J- ' ' \- ,-^c FRIDAT, JANUARY 14,195S ' "V ft i*-*|:^H 4'«4. JHStti^IjifHfpr E ttftiittg' l| fra lb ^ ’nng9 Dailr Ntt Prtis Rim ' Tho^WMithgr Fer tlis Week Ended Fardeaat ’ af U. y. WMtbn also aettv* in th* PrelvidaBc*, IL lU 'j dan.-8, 1883 n '' The FolUh Women'* AlUanoe, Joins Force, Distriirt. ■ '-^Oleariag early avcnIag.' W| l^ , I About Towii Oroun JM, wiU hold it* annual Lincoln Day Dinner Co-Oiuiinnen A- candlelight aervioe sofKaa.ta- 11,496 wieetftil; Sunday afternoon at 3:30 formal reception in laeebipiia* of eonhbned «eld teidgbt. Rapiny, :i^;'vV'- V • ■' at ^ PoUah American Club on Trains at Sampson all ’memhers n e* to-the. w i t MenRpr *C the Andit windy, eold-Saaday. - ___ >4k» No. *• iton Street Installation of of* dnee last JanUsry will also po. Bureaa af OlrenlaRtin -/ ^^liA' noet Ifandoy ovcnbif at 8 win be heM. All memhera HALE'S MtuteheMter-^A^CUy of Village Charm Raymond L. Dlubac, son of Mr. hold. Aa thts meeting promises to JfClock te Odd FtHowi HkU. ^th urgedT to attend. • r ' ' and Mrs. Andrew J. Dlubac, 40 be unusually interesting, it Is — ""•“T':!----------— — — -2— • ■ 'W M io GiiuMl Wtta BorlMrm Andetv hoped that there will be a good fleer* flllMi: Pfc. Morgan M. Grant, *on of .Oakwood Rd., who recently enlist­ attendance. L X X I V , n o ; 8 9 <TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JAn OARY 15, 1955 (CtasMflsd AdvartMag an Pag* It) PRICE FIVE CENTO Uair rospoctivo *utidML to r / tlM Mr. and Mrs. H. OUn Orant 408 ed in the Air Force, la with the tthrt tin*. Mr*. Ann L aniW vico Keeney St. recently bras graduat­ training squadron at Sampson Air (rand, and her committee w tU ed from^the XU Corp* Non-Com' Force Base, Geneva, N. Y. aerre refraahmenta.' / * sUsaiooed Officer Academy at Fort Air Basic Dlubac la a graduate Hood. Tbx. A mechanic in Oomp* of the Howell- Cheney *mhnical Engagement dy B of the 4th Armored Divieton’* School, since which time he has SlOth Infantry Battalion, he at­ been employed by Frank Obrem- Ski, Jr„ of KhaM’s Mnrket at Msn- tended the tracked vehicle repair C k if-H a U course. Prior to entering the Anny chestsr CrMn. On leaving, his fel­ lait January, he attended' the Uni­ low ewplbyes presented him with Mr. and Mrs. H airy Clegg, 45 versity of New Hampshire, DuT' and relatives of Village S t. announce the engager ham.' ““ thel^ughter.^ E.^- ith ueeful* - gifts,- - abeth Anp Clegg, to Walter R. lat.lA. Alfred P. Wefbner, l8 snd Mrs. Dlubac Jutv* two Hall, Jr., son of Mrs. Walter R. Oliver Rdx, is enrolled in the ad­ children. Marion who is in Hall, 42 Strmig S t, and th* late ministrative officers course being school, and David who is Mr. Hall. offered at the Air Force Reserve nine. Raymond's parents plan to During World War D HaU Center in Hartford. Ho Is assigned visit him late in February.' served overseas with th* U-S. to the 312th Air Reserve Squadron Coast Guard as a. petty officer. Commanded by Major Marshall No date has been ast for th* Banever, 378 Porter St. He is em­ wsdding. ployed locally-by the Jarvis Realty Atty. 'Rldmrd ,W. law At^. Hetbert A. Pkeli “ Is My Face Red” COb as a salesman and an *n>raiS' Attys. Richard W. Law and Herbert A. Phelon, Jr., will as Wolfe-Fraher The Duke Calls at the White House or. ' . ' co-chairmen of the local Lincoln Day dinner, it was annou today OAS Chides Title of Address Mr. and Mrs. William Wolfe, 115 %rec erf, Fiv^ Injured by WilHiim S. Davis, chairman of the Mancheotsr Republl Town A large and enthusiasUc group Committee. Charter Oak SL, announce th* en­ gagement o f their daughter, Doris T o l d of DeWolf Art Guild member* Attys. Law and Phelort reported that It would be an infom al dinner “Is My Fac* Red?” is the UUe ua turned out for the work meeting and dance ‘and would be held the evening of Feb. 13 at/tlt* Masonic of talk which Mr*. Chsries Anns, to Daniel Fraher, eon of at the Community T yesterday at Temple on E. Center Street. Special entertainment, /n ad<tition to Johnson, wif* of th* mlnleter of Mrs. Agnes Fraher of Oelcheeter, Two Cr shes at Union 10 a. m. Mrs. Jisy Rand, the presi- dancing, will be provided and tickets will soon go on ^ le . the Hockanum. Methodist Church, formerly of Manchester d ^ t. conducted a brief business The co-chairmen are partners tn the practice o f l aw and will give St th* rsgtilar mssttng of Tift rtosnit.__plana—have been Onhivasion meeting and Mrs. H- B. DeWolf ordinate the work of the various committee members from their oi th* Women’s Society of Christian mad* fer th* tsredding. Jnlon, Jfin. i~6 o f K i l l e r gave a demonstration of enantel at 829 Main St. Servic* at th* South Methodlet sns, include two Ms- .Church Monday'* evening at 3 P ltc u s s S rrf P o in t Washington, Jam 15 (/P)— type painting, asMsted by the kes, were killed find five Without blaming the govern­ teachers. Mrs.-.Chester and her ;.clock. Psnamit. Jan. 15 (A>)— ^The National Asiembly today im­ committee served delicious Iu>me The Men's Fellowship of the her talk, which will be in YYINDSHIELD FLAT SHEETS tiers, were injured In two ment of Nicaragua; the'-Or- made pies and coffee. Community Baptist Church will hunibrous vein and should be of irate but related acci- ganization of American States peached President Jose Ramon Guizado and. ordered his ar­ enjoy a supper-meeting tonight at MdncheBter fnterset to all church women, Mrs. COVERS $1.90 |U on the Wilbur Croat (OAS) has put its finger on rest and trial oii a charge of plotting the assassinatioa of ;30 at the church. The speaker JohnaoinmU recall many of her ex­ his predecessor, Jose Antonio Remon. Theodor* Carlson, brother, of will be John Abom of the Engi­ MANCHESTER Grid CASES • here early today. that Central American nation Bandmaster C. Peter Carlson of D ate Book periences ntthe many parishes the [RUU^-^oUc* U . Harry Taylor neering Division of (he State Bu­ and her Jiusbud have served. AWNING CO. as the source of an invasion Then, after almost four hours of a special session which the local Salvation Army Band, reau of Motor Vehicles, who will th# started at 3:30 a.m., the lawmakers swore in second 'Vice will be the speaker at a meeting She Is a fonner president of th* 195 West Cmter Street of neighboring Costa Rica. talk on “ Driver Instruction and Norwich DistriH^ WSCS' and was It, of Green- President Ricardo Arias Espinosa as the third chief executive at 8 o’clock Monday evening at F I 3 ^ . Saturday, Jan. 31 sad 88 TYPE 180 N.R. who'> tn the' origl- WhUe the Oa S did not pla-e RehablUtation of Disabled Drtv- Canter Thespians’ production of responsibility for th* invasion on of this strategic Central Amfirican Republic in two weeks. the Hartford Citadel. The band Another feature of the meet accident: and T. Du- and chorus will supply music. It m is GIs m Msnageri*.’’ Bowsra - LADY PEPPERELL COMIED PERCME 23, of 303 ■r* Av*., the Nicaraguan government, it The Assembly was summoned to hear the sensational con­ ing will be a Christmas necktie urged declsiv* action by Nicaragua is hoped many of the local mem­ exchange. School, 8:30 p. m. REG. $3.09—72x108 ......... ....... NOW $2.49 videncO, R. L, Walter fession of Rubin Miro, a prominent lawyer, that he carried bers will plan to be present. Saturday, Jaa. St ky, Jr„ If, ef 24 Edgeworth to prevent war goods trom moving Polio Bali, State Armory. 3 39-^8 108 ............ 2.09 across its bonier into Costa Rica. out the machine-inning of Remon at a race track here on MysUc Review WBA members REG. $ [. l x NOW $ Worceatar, 'Mass., who Feb. 4 a«d 5 dr Uvea la the second aed< Meanwhile, Ceeta Rican forces Jan. 2 with Guizado’s full knoi^ledge. Guizado, as first are urged to mak* their reserva­ Community Flayers p r a a * n t REG. $3.89—90x108 ...................- NOW $3.29 were reported closing in rapidly on vice president, became president immediately after the tions tomorrow at the latest for “Tim* Out for Ginger,** Bowers 79 42 38 ..... ml 49 iTsylor told this story: La Crux, L. the northwest' tip 'of LET US PILL YOUR the dinner TueiMlay, Jan. 18 at 8:30 REG. c— x '/2 CASES NOW e pMcKay wss a paaseager killing. 7 -------------------------------- ----------- School, 8’AO p. m. the beleagueied country, where an. Under House erreet since yes- { in Miller’s Restaurant, 'preceding ' operatad by Rlkhard H. ' enemy band has grabbed a ■mall the meeting of the review and , 21, also ef Oreenlaad/in th* terday, he ausiled MIro's story ss| area. ’ “senseless.” 11 Im p cR ch e d seating of the 1955 officen in Odd stbimnd Ian* of th* mur-lsa* A8e>pto Beselutiea Fellows Hall. Mrs. Muriel Auden. 9 Organ Co. Honors January Salt Prietd ghway, twb mtie*/south of Deny L«nve of Absence Durkin 8L. or Mr*.. Belle Schors, — Massachusetts staW line. Meeting late into.the night, the Guitado ^ had asked the As­ 51 Green Rd., may b4 contacted. WONDESFUl, HEAVY WneHT Swsetser was passing an east- OAb Council adopted a resolution sembly for s leave of abrnnee Manager of Firm in which it said its on-the-scen^ pending.
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