L D F T ·R· T T K P· Include Students in Concert Guild to Brmg Apollo Ea Ra Ernt Tes 0 a E Trst ?:.S~.~~~, :~~:.~~.O
.. The Unbiased Voice Member of Associated of the Students t Collegiate Press Washington and Lee Semi-Weekly Newspaper Volume LIT LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, DECEMBER 4, 1951 Number 20 Rector Writes Satire About College Life Phi Kap, Lambda Chi, Sigma Chi Barrett's Musical to* . · L d F t ·r· t T k p· Include Students in Concert Guild to Brmg Apollo ea ra ernt tes 0 a e trst ?:.s~.~~~, :~~:.~~.o.:. ~cz~:m<::.~~.~!:~ Thursday Nigh~ Phase of 1951-1952 In tram urals members of the faculty and ad ministration as University Treas New York city, the Apollo Boy's urer Earl S. Mattingly, Almand Choir will make its first Lexing SAE, Delt, Beta Runners-Up; Coleman, Francis Drake, and Dr. ton appearance next Thursday at Shenandoah Editor Marshall Fishwick, and students 8 p.m. ln Doremus Gymnasium. including Troubadour lead Pete Tickets tor the concert, wiboh Promises Magazine 3 Houses Second in Football Doyle, Benno Forman, and Dave will include timely Christmas music, may be obtained !or one Collins are some of tbe ingredi dollar from Weinberg's, the Music Following vacation Phi Kappa Sigma, Lambda Chi Alpha, and Sigma Chi, in ents wblcb wlll go to make up All Box. the Book Store, and repre The first issue of Shenandoah that order, are leading a strong intramural field, Chuck Me the King's Horses, a musical com edy which wUI "come to town" in sentatives of the Washington and for the year will come out imme- Cain, manager, announced today at the dose of the fall season February. Lee Concert OuUd, which is spon diately following Christmas va- of campus athletic competition.
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