REMEMBER THE . HAMILTON DANCE TONIGHT. FAMILY PICNIC IT'S THE PICTURES AUTUMN WHIRL APPEAR ON AT PAGES 6 - 7 - 8 IN THIS ISSUE Published by and for the Employees of the Hamilton Watch Co;, Lancaster, Penna. Vol. 9 No.9 * Copyright, 1951, Hamilton Watch Co., Lancaster, Penna. * 3500 ATTEND HAMILTON FAMILY PICNIC AT HERSHEY PARK Recent Changes Made In Well Rounded Picnic Program Produces Entertain­ Company Management ment And Fun For Everyone. K,ids' Games, Bingo, A number of important changes Band Concert, Amusements And Eating Kept Young were made recently in th man­ And Old Active. Weatherman Cooperates 100% • agement organization of the Ham­ ilton Watch Company. Thirty-five hundred employees, Ira Fickes (Assem. Res.), Leo Mil­ One of the first changes made their families, relatives and guests ler (Flat Steel), Charles Habeck­ resulted from the purchase of attended the 1951 Hamilton Fam­ er (Flat Steel), a quartet of Ham­ Ralph W. Biggs and Company in ily Picnic held at Hershey Parl{ iltonians, played with the Shawnee August. The Biggs Company, ac­ on Saturday, September 8th. outfit. Arnold was on trumpet, quired by Hamilton on August All who attended were in ac­ Fickes and Habecker played clar­ 21st, manufactures fine diamond cord that it was the most friend­ inets, while Miller handled the and gold watch cases. It will be ly and well organized picnic ever drums'. operated by a wholly-owned sub­ sponsored by the Hamilton Recre­ The HRA handed out enough sidiary. ation Association and the Com­ free tickets to keep the kids busy Milton F. Manby was appointed pany. on the amusements throughout the vice-president and general man­ afternoon. ager of Biggs Company. Hershey Park furnished the The Binga Games in pavilion Arthur B. Sinkler was named by necessary space and amusements NO.7 drew steady c'rowds through­ President Charles C. Smith to re­ that gave those attending a busy out the two hours they were i.n place Manby as director of Ham­ day taking advantage of all the operation. Many worthwhile prizes ilton's research division in addi­ rides and the well paced program were won by Hamiltonians. tion to his present handling of a ll the HRA arranged. Another spot that drew a lot of development pertaining to defense The program was diversified interest was the zoo. The kids and orders. sufficiently that it covered all the their parents enjoyed the animals Ernest W. Drescher, formerly recreational a nd amusement phas­ and a popular amusement was the assistant director of engineering, es without over-lapping or grow­ pony ride with many of the young­ was appointed director of Hamil­ ing monotonous. sters putting on the Hopalong Cas­ ton's quality division, the position From the eating standpoint all sidy act as they rode once, around vacated by Sinkler. who brought along their picnic the circle, on their noble steeds. Additionally, two changes in the lunches had ample table space Four Conestoga buses carried sales department were announced throughout the park. those employees to the picnic who by Lowell Halligan, vice-president The weatherman supplied a per­ did not have cars. The buses left in charge of sales. fect day. the Company premises at 9 a.m. Paul Seibel became sales man­ and arrived one hour later at ager. A. C. Schacheman was The program started at 11 a.m. Hershey. named district sales manager for with the kids' games on the base­ B efore the cute little gal drew two numbers for the gate prize ball diamond. There were enough H ere are the lists of names of the Middle Atlantic States to suc­ from the stub box held, by Wally Bork, she shed tears because she the committees' who ran the pic­ ceed Seibel. games and prizes to make it in­ nic program. Without their fine was scared. Getting up on the stage of the band shell at Hersbey teresting for the youngsters. President Smith announced that in front of a lot of people isn't easy when you're unaccustomed to co-operation the picnic would not Frank Christoffel was named as­ the limelight. Frank Byorick, BRA prexy, is tbe fellow on the right. The winners in the various age have been the success it proved to sistant to the president. groups were: be. Frank Bitzer was appointed Of­ (3 to 4 Year Group): The Committee at Large was fice Manager, succeeding Christof­ Foot Race: Won by Bradford composed of F ran k Byorick fel, while Frank Stegner was ap­ Foger, (2), Jimmy Miller. (chairman ) along with Arlene pointed Tabulating supervisor, the Marshmallow Eating: Won by Jib­ Hoff, Ken Weeks, Mae Evans and position vacated by Bitzer. by Shenk, (2), Brenda Ann Ger­ Bob Wilson. Edward Hendrix was appointed lach. The Registration Committee was Material Sales manager, succeed­ Potato Throw: Won by Jibby composed of: Nancy Falk, Art ing Harry Ruthhart, who retired Shenk, (2), Joyce Keiper. Schneider, Red Shannabrook, Ma­ in August from that position after (5 to 8 Year Group): rie Caldwell, Janet DiGolia, Dick 54 years with tM Oompany. Wheelbarrow Race: Won by Ken­ Young, J ackie Hoehn, Elmer Manby has been with Hamilton ny and Ronnie Lutz. Leese, Muriel Turton, Ed Long, for 33 years. He started here while Bubble Gum: Won by Nelson Weit. Roland Bitzer, Arlene Hoff, Mae still in Lancaster High School and Potato Race: Won by Elaine Muel­ Evans and Frank Byorick. continued after attending F & M ler and Tom Brower. The Kids' Games Committee was and Drexel Institute. He worked Shoe Scramble: Won by Charles made up of: Joe Butson (chair­ in various capacities in the com­ Wichenheiser and. Barbara Ann man), Sammy Gast, Blake Du­ pany and became chief engineer Wenzel. laney, Dotty Martin, Dick Vaugh­ in 1935, and director of engineer­ (9 to 12 Year Group): an, George Atkinson, Marvin Hess ing and research in 1946. Watermelon Eating: Won by Tom and Ed Hendrix. Sinkler is a graduate of the Uni­ Wenzel and Lynda Lee Thomp­ The Bingo Committee was com­ versity of Pennsylvania. He start­ son. posed of: Fred Hauer, Frank ed at Hamilton as a position ad­ Three-legged Race: Wayne and Kozicki, Bob Wenzel, Les Kachel, juster in the Timing & Casing Lynda Kleiner. Wilbur Oollins, Wally Bork, Ken Dept. in 193t3. In 1940 he was Cracker Eating: Florence Gibson McMillen and Clair Shenk. transferred to the research engi­ and Bobby Rieker. The Milk Committee was made neering division as a supervisor. Other winners were, Joe Muel­ up of Ralph Mozian, Hal Cather­ He became director of quality in ler, Jean Thompson, and Harriet man and George Atkinson. 1946. In 1950 he was appointed Warfel. Chairman Frank Byorick wish­ general manager of the defense Mary Ellen Sumpman (Order es to thank all the members of orders division. Billing) won the Hamilton watch the various committees for their Drescher received his Mechan­ given as the gate prize. Mary El­ fine cooperation and also those ical E'ngineering degree from Car­ len selected a white gold Peggy folks who willingly helped on sev­ negie Tech in 1931. He started model. eral of the committees whose working at Hamilton in the Fin­ One of the highlights of the pic­ names may have been omitted ishing Dept. immediately follow­ nic was the music furnished by from the lists above. ing his graduation from college. the Shawnee Band of Columbia He became product engineering who played a two-hour concert in AUTUMN WHIRL superintendent in 1946. On May the band shell. Dance to the music of 14, 1951, he became assistant di­ The Columbia group introduced L en Matroni and his or­ rector of engineering. One of the events on the morning progrBrnJ at the Family Picnic a varied program of selections, all chestra tonight at the HRA Seibel has been connected with was selecting the youngest and the oldest persons present. Petite pleasing to the listeners who ap­ sponsored "Autumn Whirl" the jewelry trade since 1900. He 13"11lonths old Alice Marie Kleiner, daughter of Train foreman AI plauded them loudly throughout at the Brunswick from 9 joined the Hamiltolll sale~ staff in Kleiner, strollered off with a watermelon as the youngest, while Mrs. the progrom. p.m. until 1 a.m. (Continued on Page 5) Brooks at 67 years won a melon as the oldest person on the scene. Wayne Arnold (Spec. Assem.), 2 Timely Topics Volume 9 Timely Topics Number 9 Local ASTE Group After New Members EDITORIAL BOARD It is now possible for toolmak­ WALLACE BORK, Chair., Proc. Engineering ers, tool designers, diemakers, J. ED MILLER, Product Stocks machine designers, process engi­ JUST A FEW NOTES HAZEL KELLER, (Sec. to F. Huehnergarth) neers and anyone else connected with mechanical engineering at Johnny Marion (Sales) hates TV's "Tag the Gag" show ... EDITORIAL STAFF Hamilton to join an organization Says it's strictly eight row corn ... Glad to see Kitty Banta (Re­ General News and Production, CHARLES H. FREY which provides information on ceptionist) back again at her desk in the Research Lab. .... Personnel Consultant, R. A. PRESTON Cartoonist, CHARLES SHINDELL, Jr. the latest advancements and de­ They're callin' Round Rowland Bitzer and Charley Scheid of velopments in the field. Copyright, 1951, Hamilton Watch Co., Lancaster, Penna. Friction Jeweling, "Frogmen" since they dumped a speed boat The organization that can give in the Elk River and came up croak in' ... Dan "The Man" Den­ Quotation or reproduction forbidden unless permission has been granted. you this help is the Greater Lan­ linger (Print Shop) takes his new car out for a ride on Sun­ caster Chapter No. 89 of the Amer­ days only ..
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